
  • 평점: 7.80
  • 발행 연도: 2015
  • 장르: History, Biography, Romance, Drama
  • 국가: Canada
  • 기간: 52 분
  • 복잡성: 9

Versailles는 17세기 프랑스를 배경으로 전개된다. 루이스는 어머니의 죽음 뒤 프랑스의 통치자가 된다. 그는 왕실을 파리에서 베르사유로 옮겨 적으로부터 왕권을 지키기 위해 혈투를 펼친다.

  • 1. Episode 1
  • 2. Episode 2
  • 3. Episode 3
  • 4. Episode 4
  • 5. Episode 5
  • 6. Episode 6
  • 7. Episode 7
  • 8. Episode 8
  • 9. Episode 9
  • 10. Episode 10
  • 1. The Labyrinth
  • 2. A Still Small Voice
  • 3. Quis custodiet ipsos cusotdes
  • 4. Miasma
  • 5. War and Peace
  • 6. The Sands of Time
  • 7. A Night
  • 8. Le nouveau régime
  • 9. Seven Shadows
  • 10. Of Blood and Stone
  • 1. Mirrors and Smoke
    After the Franco-Dutch War of 1672-78, Louis celebrates France's victory over the Protestant Dutch and their allies by welcoming Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I of Hungary and his niece Eleanor to Versailles, but the defeated emperor's own ambitions could have personal consequences for the French king. Madame de Montespan finds a way to hurt a former friend in the king's prim companion Francois de Maintenon, while Philippe, the king's brother, returns a war hero, accompanied by his brother-in-arms Guillaume, who is rewarded by the King for his bravery in battle.
  • 2. Question of Trust
  • 3. The Truth Will Burst
  • 4. Crime and Punishment
  • 5. The Beyond
  • 6. The Wheel of Fortune
  • 7. The Book of Revelations
  • 8. Men and Gods
  • 9. The Powder Keg
  • 10. The Legacy
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