True Blood

  • 평점: 7.90
  • 발행 연도: 2008
  • 장르: Romance, , Thriller, Drama, Fantasy
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 55 분

In a world where vampires have “come out of the coffin”, Sookie Stackhouse, a telepathic waitress, discovers a new world of different creatures when she meets Bill Compton, a vampire.

  • 1. Strange Love
    In a society where humans and vampires co-exist, set in the small town of Bon Temps, Louisiana, Sookie Stackhouse is a young woman who may have found a perfect boyfriend. Sookie is clairvoyant and constantly hears people's thoughts so it makes dating a bit difficult since she tries to keep her ability a secret. When 173-year-old vampire Bill Compton walks into the Merlotte's Bar & Grill where she works as a waitress, she realizes that she can't “hear” what he's thinking, thus giving away his origins since she can't hear the thoughts of those whom are technically dead….
  • 2. The First Taste
    Mack and Denise Rattray get their revenge on Sookie but Bill steps in to save her. Subsequently, Sookie's senses begin to undergo a transformation. She later learns that the Rattrays are dead and the police immediately suspect Bill. She also begins to wonder just how far vampires will go when a leading opponent of the Vampire Rights Act is killed in an accident. Bill agrees to visit Sookie and her grandmother and Tara and Jason invite themselves for the evening. Jason Stackhouse gets to see the video of his evening with Maudette Pickens. The police release him but his…
  • 3. Mine
    Bill Compton's allure is diminished somewhat when Sookie visits him in his home and finds that several other rather nasty vampires has also dropped in for a visit. Bill protects her from his one-time friends but she sees a nasty side of vampire life. Dawn Green spends the night with Sookie's brother Jason but she kicks him out after an argument. She is found strangled later that day. Tara walks out on her alcoholic mother and spends the night with her employer, bar owner Sam Merlotte.
  • 4. Escape from Dragon House
    With the town's second murder in a week, Jason is again the number one suspect, but Tara provides him with an alibi. Knowing that both Maudette and Dawn had frequented the Fangtasia vampire club, Sookie asks Bill to take her there as she tries to find evidence that will clear her brother. Both of the dead girls were well known at the club and Sookie meets Eric, the vampire elder. Sam Merlotte seems to have a few eccentricities of his own. Jason buys vampire blood - an aphrodisiac - from Tara's cousin Lafayette and despite clear instructions to never take more than one…
  • 5. Sparks Fly Out
    After their encounter with the racist policeman, Sookie tells Bill that she won't be seeing him anymore. The next day, Bill keeps his promise to Sookie's grandmother, Adele ‘Gran’ Stackhouse, to speak at the monthly meeting of the Descendents of the Glorious Dead. Bill becomes very popular when he reminiscences about the Civil War and the Mayor gives him an old photo he found in the archives. Bill also recalls the circumstances of how he became a vampire. Meanwhile, Sam asks Sookie out on a date, but things don't go as he planned for she tells him that she is not …
  • 6. Cold Ground
    With her grandmother as the latest victim of the mysterious serial killer, Sookie has to deal with her emotions. She can't block out the thoughts of others and she knows many of the townspeople blame her association with a vampire as the main reason her grandmother is now dead. She has a very clear message for them at the woman's funeral. Despite Sam and Bill's pleading, Sookie insists on staying in the house. She does however decide to spend the night with Bill to lose her virginity once and for all. Meanwhile, Jason wrestles with withdrawal symptoms from his 'V …
  • 7. Burning House of Love
    After spending the night with Bill, Sookie is convinced that she has found the man of her dreams as the person who took her virginity. But Sookie's fellow workers and the customers at the bar don't quite agree as rumors spread of her relationship with a vampire. Sookie's painful childhood revelation about her Uncle Bartlett spurs Bill into action. Meanwhile, Tara's alcoholic mother, Lettie Mae, is convinced that she needs an exorcism and when Tara refuses to pay, she tries to get a loan from the bank. Jason is desperate to get more vampire blood and visits Fangtasia …
  • 8. The Fourth Man in the Fire
    Sookie is thrilled to learn that Bill wasn't in the fire that killed four people, which included his three vamp friends. Her enthusiasm doesn't sit well with either the customers or her co-workers at Merlotte's Bar. Meanwhile, Jason and his new girlfriend, Amy Burley, are desperate to get more vampire blood for the rush of it. They decide to follow Lafayette to his source, but Amy's actions reveal that she has clearly done this before. Following her exorcism, Lettie Mae is a new person - sober and hard working, she has also become an active member of her church. Tara …
  • 9. Plaisir d'amour
    After Sookie identifies the vampire bartender Longshadow responsible for stealing from Fangtasia, Bill steps in to protect her. In doing so however, he breaks a vampire taboo and must now face the consequences from Eric and his clan for killing one of their own. Knowing he will be away, he asks Sam Merlotte to keep an eye on Sookie. Meanwhile, Jason and Amy take their vampire captive, Eddie, to Jason's house and confine him to the basement. They draw his blood and Jason undergoes an odd transformation. With Amy now working at Merlotte's, Jason spends his spare time …
  • 10. I Don't Wanna Know
    When Sookie finds Sam asleep without clothes at her bed, he reveals his own secret to her that he happens to be a shape shifter, plus his pet dog seen around the bar is really him in disguise. Sam also recalls important events in his life. Arlene and Rene have their engagement party at Sam's bar and Sookie, already freaked out by Sam's revelation, is attacked by an unseen person in the darkened kitchen. Meanwhile, Tara decides to undergo the exorcism, but later discovers something about the exorcist Miss Jeanette. Jason decides it's time to do something about the …
  • 11. To Love Is to Bury
    Jason and Amy have to clean up after Eddie's demise but it pushes Jason to the edge and he isn't sure if he wants to continue his relationship with her. Meanwhile, Sookie caught a glimpse of something during her encounter with the serial killer and she and Sam travel to a diner in an adjoining county to see if they can get more information. What they learn is that the killer may once have struck there as well. Elsewhere, Bill completes the tribune's sentence by turning Jessica into a vampire, but when he tells her what has happened, he doesn't quite get the reaction …
  • 12. You'll Be the Death of Me
    With Jason in jail for Amy's murder, he tries to prove his innocence, while Sookie thinks that the killer is someone that they are close with. Meanwhile, Maryann bails Tara out of jail and lets her stay at her posh mansion. Tara is wary about trusting Maryann, but enjoys living in her luxurious home. Tara likes it even more when she meets a temporary resident, Benedict Talley, who is nicknamed Eggs. But it is secretly revealed that Maryann and Sam Merlotte have a connection. The identity of the serial killer is finally revealed as Arlene's fiancé Rene, who now sets …
  • 1. Nothing But the Blood
    Two weeks later. Sookie and the staff at Merlotte's Bar & Grill are on edge when they find the dead body of a woman, who turns out to be Tara's fake exorcist Miss Jeanette (not Lafayette), in a parked car with her heart torn out. Detective Andy and the sheriff investigate and apparently the town of Bon Temps has a new serial killer in their mists. Now that Bill has turned the not-so-innocent Jessica Hamby into a vampire, she is living with him at his mansion and he is trying to teach her their own unique code of ethics. Sookie isn't too sure she likes the fact that …
  • 2. Keep This Party Going
    Having kissed and made up, Sookie and Bill's relationship seems stronger than ever. Bill still has the problem of Jessica, who is proving to be just a bit of a wild child. Clan leader Eric Northman again wants to use Sookie's services. Feeling guilty about her role in having Jessica made into a vampire, Sookie agrees to take her to her home where she promises she just want to see her parents and sister one more time. Things get out of hand when she jumps out of the car and she and Sookie are soon paying a visit. It's left to an outraged Bill to resolve everything. …
  • 3. Scratches
    During the drive back to Bon Temps, an outraged Bill tells Sookie, in no uncertain terms, that she committed a grave error in letting Jessica visit her family which nearly resulted in Jessica killing her stern and brutal father. Hurt and upset, Sookie decides to walk the 20 miles home but doesn't get very far when she is attacked by a half-bull, half-man beast leaving huge gashes on her back. When his blood is unable to revive her, Bill turns to Eric for assistance and it's determined she has somehow been poisoned. Both of them are puzzled however by the beast that …
  • 4. Shake and Fingerpop
    As per her deal with Eric, Sookie and Bill travel to Dallas to help find the missing head of the local vampire community. They take Jessica along but on arrival, the driver meeting them attempts to abduct Sookie. Maryann throws a party for Tara who has now moved into Sookie's house. A lot of people show up and once again she weaves her magic, revealing something interesting about herself in the process. Sam Merlotte isn't sure starting a relationship with Daphne is a good idea but she tells him she knows his secret. Lafayette is still recovering from his wounds when …
  • 5. Never Let Me Go
    Still in Dallas with Bill and Jessica, Sookie is intent on keeping her part of the bargain and try to find the missing Godric despite the strange behavior of his cohorts. Eric tells Bill his true reason for wanting to find Godric. Sookie tries to learn more from the bellhop who has telepathic powers. Back in Bon Temps, most are still recovering from the effects of Tara's birthday party. Sam learns that he and Daphne have more in common that he could ever have imagined. Maryann announces that she is moving into Sookie's house and when told that she can't, casts a spell…
  • 6. Hard-Hearted Hannah
    Tara and Eggs are driving down the highway when he suddenly realizes he has memories of having been there before. As he explores the nearby woods, he realizes it is an evil place. Sam and Daphne are having a good time and go frolicking in the woods. She has a surprise for him that is not welcome. Eric is out to take possession of Sookie and has Bill's old girlfriend, who has not seen him for 70 years, come to town. We learn that Bill was not always the gentle, mild-mannered vampire he is today. In Dallas, Sookie is partnered with Hugo - another human who is dating a …
  • 7. Release Me
    Still being held in the basement at the Church, it becomes obvious to Sookie that Steve knew they were coming, but is not sure why. That tells her there is a spy among them. She tries to get a message to Bill, but he is being held prisoner by his maker, who refuses to let him go after the woman he loves. In flashbacks, Bill's conversion to a less violent lifestyle is revealed. When Steve learns Sookie's true identity, he makes the connection with Jason and assumes he's a spy. As they begin to wreak their vengeance, Sookie is saved by someone she has yet to meet. Back …
  • 8. Timebomb
    Having saved Sookie, Godric orders Eric to leave the premises with her - and to do so peacefully. Unfortunately, Steve Newlin and his followers are waiting for them in the Church and he isn't too choosy as to which vampire they use for their sunrise ceremony. Godric tries a different approach and hopes to make peace with Steve, who adamantly opposes any such possibility. Safely returned to their lair, Godric's peaceful approach and lack of desire for revenge doesn't sit well with some of his followers. Steve also has a surprise for him. In Bon Temps, Eggs tells Tara …
  • 9. I Will Rise Up
    Vampires and humans clean up in the aftermath of the explosion. Eric tricks Sookie into drinking some of his blood, much to Bill's dismay. As a result of the lapse in security, Godric's leadership falls under review but his response surprises everyone, especially Eric, who begs him not to go through with his plan. In Bon Temps, Maryann is out to find Sam Merlotte and complete the ritual sacrifice. She casts a spell on everyone in Sam's bar to get them to look for him. Lafayette and Tara's mother forcibly remove her from Sookie's house. Hoyt and Jessica get used to …
  • 10. New World in My View
    Sookie, Jason and Bill return to Bon Temps only to find the town looking like a disaster area. Everyone is under Maryann's spell and looking for Sam Merlotte who has been shape shifting to avoid capture. At Bill's house, they find that Hoyt Fortenberry's mother Maxine is in residence, also under the spell and driving Jessica to the breaking point. At Sookie's house they find Maryann in firm control. Bill has a nasty experience with her but Sookie seems to have a strange power that hasn't been seen before. At Lafayette's house, they find Tara who is in a deep trance. …
  • 11. Frenzy
    Bill visits the vampire Queen of Louisiana to see what he can learn about Maryann and how they might be able to defeat her. The Queen isn't too preoccupied with Bill's requirements but does eventually tell him what has to be done. Back in Bon Temps, those who are not under Maryann's control plan their next moves. Sam Merlotte decides they need help and visits Eric who reluctantly agrees to see what he can do. Sookie and Lafayette have to try and rescue Tara yet again after she escapes and returns to Sookie's house in an attempt to save Eggs. Hoyt storms out of Bill's …
  • 12. Beyond Here Lies Nothin'
    The mayhem in Bon Temps reaches a fever pitch as Maryann prepares for her ultimate bestial sacrifice, conscripting Sookie to be Maid of Honor at the bloody nuptials. Meanwhile, Sophie-Anne warns Eric to keep the lid on Bill's inquisitiveness; Jason leads Andy into the heroic abyss; and Hoyt has a hard time swallowing Maxine's endless stream of insults. Deliberating on what may be his final move to save Sookie and the town, Sam is forced to put his trust, and his life, in a most unlikely ally.
  • 1. Bad Blood
    Having decided to accept Bill's marriage proposal, Sookie finds the restaurant deserted and sets off to find him. She tries to enlist Eric's help but he has his own problems when the Queen and the Magister show up at the club, concerned about the increasing sale of vampire blood to humans. Bill's captors are unknown to him and he manages to escape only to face another enemy. Tara meanwhile is having trouble coming to grips with the death of Eggs and decides to do something about her life. Jason is having to deal with what he's done and wants to confess all. Hoyt …
  • 2. Beautifully Broken
    Russell Edgington, the Vampire King of Mississippi, concocts a plan to consolidate his power; Eric remembers his past; Sam tests the strength of his family bonds; Tara finds an ally in shady vampire Franklin Mott.
  • 3. It Hurts Me Too
    Searching for Bill, Sookie heads to Jackson, Miss. in the company of Alcide, a werewolf bodyguard assigned by Eric to protect her. Jason is distracted from his police exams; Bud reaches the end of his rope; Arlene copes with unexpected news; Franklin charms Tara, and gets Jessica out of a jam; Eric bequeaths a gift to Lafayette. Haunted by visions from his past, Bill makes a surprising pledge of allegiance.
  • 4. 9 Crimes
    Sookie joins Alcide at a raucous engagement party for Debbie Pelt, his former fiancée; Eric is given a deadline to locate Bill; Andy gets a promotion and draws Jasonʼs attention; Franklin takes Tara on a road trip; Arlene is irked by Jessicaʼs arrival at Merlotteʼs; Sam brokers a deal with Tommy and his parents, Melinda and Joe Lee; Bill “procures” dinner for Russell and Lorena.
  • 5. Trouble
    Alcide and Sookie turn to an alpha-wolf “packmaster” for advice on dealing with Russellʼs minions; Tara considers a proposal from Franklin, whoʼs completed his mission for Russell; Joe Lee breaks his promise to Sam and Tommy; Lafayette learns the meaning of patience from Jesus, his motherʼs orderly; Jason meets his match in the mysterious girl Crystal; an heirloom reminds Eric of his past and his ongoing thirst for vengeance.
  • 6. I Got a Right to Sing the Blues
    With Sookie now held prisoner by the King of Mississippi, Russell has no further need for Bill Compton. He orders Lorena to kill him. He then pays a call on the Queen of Louisiana with an interesting proposal. Sookie learns that Bill had been keeping a file on her and Russell suggests Bill had ulterior motives in starting a relationship with her. Tara is desperate to escape and has a plan to get away from Franklin. In Bon Temps, Sam Merlotte is trying to help his younger brother Tommy, but the young man just can't seem to stay away from his parents. Sam learns just …
  • 7. Hitting the Ground
    Sookie manages to save Bill but he feeds on her putting her in the hospital. In a dream-like state, she imagines herself living in a a beautiful garden with others. The King of Mississippi calls on the Magister with Eric and the Queen of Louisiana in tow and has some interesting news for him. In Bon Temps, Sam goes looking for the dog fight but has to use a bit of imagination to get inside. Jason wants to learn more about Crystal and thinks he may have a way to get information from a prisoner. Hoyt's date with Summer went well but he's not sure what to do when she …
  • 8. Night on the Sun
    Sookie is home from the hospital and is convinced that her relationship with Bill is over. She receives a message from Eric, who is still in Mississippi, that Russell is still out to get her and so prepares for his arrival. Eric has his own plans to get revenge on Russell. With Bill now home, Jessica begs him to teach her how to be a vampire. Tara is still suffering from her ordeal but refuses to talk to anyone about it. Jason is pleased when Crystal shows up on his doorstep, though with a black eye, saying she will not return to her home. Jason promises to defend her…
  • 9. Everything Is Broken
    Eric finds himself under investigation and house arrest by the American Vampire League over the disappearance of the Magister. He tells them his entire story and of the danger Russell represents. Tara attends a group therapy session but is surprised by an unexpected late-night visitor. Jason comes to her rescue. Jason is having his own problems as he tries to protect Crystal from her family. The biggest problem is Crystal herself who can't seem to decide what it is exactly she wants to do. At the restaurant, Jessica has a heart to heart with Hoyt, who reveals his true…
  • 10. I Smell a Rat
    Sookie learns what she is but doesn't seem impressed when she finally learns the truth. She also learns why first the vampire Queen of Louisana and now the vampire King of Mississippi are so keen on finding her. Her main preoccupation continues to be the impending attack by Russell, now labeled a vampire terrorist after his attack on live television. She proves to be as stubborn as ever, however. Sam Merlotte tries to set everyone at ease after his outburst at the bar the previous evening but he recalls an event from his past that still haunts him. Hoyt tries to …
  • 11. Fresh Blood
    Bill tries to earn back Sookie's trust, but ends up bringing her face-to-face with fresh dangers. Knowing he's no physical match for the King, Eric tempts Russell with the “ultimate vampire dream.” Jason tries to wrap his head around Crystal's revelation. Sam embraces his dark side, alienating everyone except Tara. Hoyt and Jessica take their romance to the next level; with Holly's help, Arlene puts her future in the hands of a goddess; post V-trip, Lafayette struggles with new demons.
  • 12. Evil Is Going On
    Eric's plan to get rid of Russell seems to be working but when when Sookie recovers from the feeding frenzy, she decides to take matters into her own hands. She also decides to ban all vampires from her house. For his part, Bill tries desperately to convince her that everything he did was to protect her but a new revelation from Eric about about the first time she and Bill met throws yet another wrench into the relationship. Sam Merlotte meanwhile tells Tara about his true nature but also has to deal with his brother who has absconded with the bar's cash. Tara also …
  • 1. She's Not There
    Sookie's trip to the land of the faeries is a short one though when she returns to Bon Temps, she learns that she has been missing for nearly 13 months. She hasn't brought herself to forgive Bill as yet and Eric is still quite interested in her. She also learns that in her absence, Jason has sold her house. Sam Merlotte has found new shape-shifter friends. Jessica and Hoyt are learning to live together and to get along, particularly when it comes to matters in the kitchen. Arlene is worried that her new baby is evil though Terry Bellefleur doesn't seem to get it. Tara…
  • 2. You Smell Like Dinner
    Sookie stays in her house even though Jason sold it while she was away. After learning who has bought it however, she feels decidedly unsafe and asks Bill for his help. He is now the vampire king of Louisiana and in flashbacks, some of Bill's past is revealed, including how he became king. Jason wakes up tied to a bed; Crystal and her husband have a surprise for him. Sam Merlotte is attracted to Luna, who reveals she is part Navajo and once shifted into her own mother who died giving birth to her. Arlene is convinced that her new baby is rotten to the core and is …
  • 3. If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin'?
    After his encounter with Marnie and the coven, Eric seems to have lost his memory. He knows he's a vampire but does not recall who he is. Sookie takes him home - he doesn't realize that he owns the house - and contacts Pam for help. Tara is concerned when Lafayette disappears. Jason is still being held prisoner by Crystal and her backwoods clan and learns exactly what they have in store for him. Sam Merlotte takes his brother Tommy to task for wanting to cheat Mrs. Fortenberry out of a possible fortune. Jessica seeks Bill's advice after feeding on a pick-up at …
  • 4. I'm Alive and on Fire
    Eric has disappeared again and Sookie enlists Alcide help in finding him. Bill wants to find him as well. Pam meanwhile wants Marnie to reverse her spell on Eric. She gets more than she bargained for. Bill gets to meet Portia Bellefleur's mother but learns something about her that brings their relationship to an abrupt end. Jason manages to escape from Crystal and her clan and is eventually rescued by familiar faces. Terry and Arlene's baby has a message for him. After his falling out with Sam, Tommy finds his mother but isn't quite expecting the kind of welcome he …
  • 5. Me and the Devil
    With Pam's body now rotting as the result of the witch's spell, Bill decides to take action and imprisons Marnie, who continues to have visions of an ancient spirit. He wants her to reverse the spell she's placed on Pam but she says she simply doesn't know how. Bill is none too pleased when he learns that Sookie is hiding Eric. Neither is Tara who refuses to believe that Eric has changed. Meanwhile, Jason is recovering and has an erotic dream involving Jessica. He also learns that a full moon is in the offing. Arlene and Terry decide they need an exorcism and seek …
  • 6. I Wish I Was the Moon
    Bill is livid when he hears that Sookie has been hiding Eric in her house. He arrests him and puts him in the same cell with Pam, who is still rotting away. He also asks the Authority to put Eric to the true death. Marnie is also in Bill's prison but connects with the spirit of the witch from the past who had a deadly spell for dealing with vampires. It's also a full moon and Jason fully expects to turn into a were-panther. Sookie sits up with him but when he runs off into the woods, it's Jessica who comforts him. With Sam away taking care of Arlene's burnt out house,…
  • 7. Cold Grey Light of Dawn
    With Marnie empowered by spirits of the dead, Bill issues an unpopular order to save vampires from the light. Eric embraces his amnesia; Luna discovers Sam is not the man she thought he was; Lafayette expands his consciousness; Pam gets a body peel; Andy's date with Holly doesn't go as planned; Jessica has doubts about her future with Hoyt; Alcide and Debbie join a new pack.
  • 8. Spellbound
    As Bill and Marnie brace for a dangerous midnight faceoff, Sookie and Eric pledge their allegiance to the King. Jason is torn between friendship and passion, and Jessica is spurned from two homes; Lafayette becomes the pawn of a tormented spirit; Tommy takes a walk in someone else's shoes; Sam contends with yet another adversary in Marcus, Luna's ex and the leader of Alcide's new pack.
  • 9. Let's Get Out of Here
    Convalescing after her latest near-death trauma, Sookie envisions a world where there's room for both Bill and Eric. Jesus tries to purge the restless spirit out of Lafayette; Marcus enlists Alcide to help him deal with the Sam situation; Bill and Nan Flanagan clash over their agendas; Hoyt asks Jason to make a delivery to Jessica; despite Tara and Holly's misgivings, Marnie plots her next move against the vampires, during a “Festival of Tolerance” event at Shreveport.
  • 10. Burning Down the House
    As all hell breaks loose in Shreveport, Sookie summons her most potent powers yet to save Bill, in the process breaking a spell and leading Marnie/Antonia to re-evaluate her mission. Jason urges Jessica to glamour him for Hoyt's sake; Terry drags Andy to “Fort Bellefleur” for an intervention; Alcide reconsiders his allegiances after Marcus fight with Tommy; Jesus, accompanied by Sookie, Lafayette and Jason, tries to breach the Moongoddess Emporium's defenses to liberate Tara and Holly, while Bill leads a brigade of vampires committed to blowing the place to kingdom …
  • 11. Soul of Fire
    Bill, Eric, Pam and Jessica descend on the witch's coven, intent on killing Marnie and anyone else who poses a threat to them. They're not quite prepared for the barrier Marnie has set up around the emporium and realize they may have a bigger fight on their hands than they had anticipated. Inside the emporium, Marnie is having her own problems with Antonia, who is no longer as keen as her host to destroy the vampires. Even after the vampires find a way in, it appears that Marnie will not be easily disposed of. Sam and Alcide track down Marcus who has kidnapped his own…
  • 12. And When I Die
    Now free, Sookie must decide between Eric and Bill. It's not an easy decision and she soon realizes that her turmoils are not yet over when someone comes gunning for her. Having taken over Lafayette's body, Marnie is intent on seeking revenge. She also wants additional powers however and knows exactly where to get them. Sookie has to save Bill and Eric from her but gets help from an unexpected source. Jason meanwhile decides it's time to tell Hoyt about sleeping with Jessica. Hoyt doesn't take it too well. Jason and Jessica however come to an understanding about their…
  • 1. Turn! Turn! Turn!
    Sookie and Lafayette fight to save Tara.
  • 2. Authority Always Wins
    Bill and Eric face the Vampire Authority.
  • 3. Whatever I Am, You Made Me
    Tara goes hunting for food and Sookie and Lafayette can't catch up to her. Tara seeks out Sam's help but nothing it seems will prevent her from harming herself. The Authority decides to accept Bill's proposal to exchange Russell Edgington for their lives. Salome is clearly interested in getting to know both Bill and Eric a lot better. Rev. Newlin gets a new job - becoming Nan Flanigan's replacement as the public face of the vampire of equality movement. Andy Bellefleur finds that someone has posted a picture of him on Facebook - naked. Jason runs into one of his old …
  • 4. We'll Meet Again
    Pam decides to do what she's supposed to and steps in to teach Tara a few things about being a vampire. Bill and Eric are released by the Authority and set out to locate Russell Edgington. They return to Fangtasia where Eric presses Pam for Russell's location but she knows nothing. She begs Eric to release her. Sookie meanwhile is feeling guilty about killing Debbie and tells Jason she wants to turn herself in to the police. Terry Bellefleur and his friend Patrick locate their former buddy, Eller, and Terry recalls what happened in Iraq. Jason and Andy Bellefleur set …
  • 5. Let's Boot and Rally
    Lafayette continues to fight his inner demons. Eric and Bill interrupt Sookie and Alcide and enlists them in their search Russell Edgington. Alcide's employee Doug is the only person who can lead them to him and when Sookie reads his mind, they know who may have dug him up. They also learn they only have until dawn to find him. Terry and Richard are taken prisoner by their former army buddy who tells then they are cursed as he saw a fire demon after the village massacre in Iraq. Terry realizes he saw it as well. Jason has a strange dream involving his parents. Andy …
  • 6. Hopeless
    Having found Russell Edgington, the former King of Mississippi is taken prisoner and is put in a cell at the Authority. Not quite knowing what might be in store for them on their return, Bill and Eric are happy to see that Roman welcomes them back with open arms. Roman decides that he's going to execute Russell immediately. Russell has his own plans of course. Jason tells Sookie what he heard about their parents death and they head off to the faerie nightclub. There they're told their parents picked up a vampire who killed them. Terry tells Arlene that everyone's life…
  • 7. In the Beginning
    In the aftermath of Roman's death, Russell and the other followers of Lilith celebrate their victory. Bill and Eric don't quite know what it all means for them but a taste of Lilith's blood sends them on a rampaging lust for blood. Eric gets advice from someone from his past. Sookie learns from her new friends in the faerie bar that her powers may be finite. Hoyt's new friends are the vampire-haters who shot Sam and Luna. Hoyt decides to join them and they set their sights on their next target: Jessica. Alcide prepares to fight for the leadership of the pack. …
  • 8. Somebody That I Used to Know
    After their blood-filled feast Bill, Eric and the others return to the Authority headquarters. It's clear that Russell Edgington plans on taking the group in a different direction. While Bill seems to remain neutral, Eric isn't buying any of it and tries to convey Godric's message to his sister. Sookie meanwhile works with her friends from the faerie club to see through her mother's eyes and identify the vampire who killed her parents. She gets more than she bargained for. Luna is upset about the effort going into finding the men who shot them. Sam tries to get her to…
  • 9. Everybody Wants to Rule the World
    The Authority begins to carry out its plan to destroy the seven True Blood factories in the world, as per Bill's suggestion. Eric can't quite believe Bill's take on the situation and plans to leave, taking his sister with him. Jessica tells Andy Bellefleur and Sam Merlotte about her kidnapping and what may have happened to Hoyt. They get a lead on the group's leader and get there just in time. Alcide, now an outcast from his pack, visits his father. Russell Edgington visits the pack and takes one of them. With Lafayette's help, Sookie gets a lead on who killed her …
  • 10. Gone, Gone, Gone
    As the supply of True Blood dries up, the number of vampire attacks on humans increases dramatically, something Sookie experiences first hand. She and Jason find something important however under her bed. Hoyt decides to go work in Alaska, much to his mother's regret. He also wants one last thing from Jessica. Revenues are down at Fangtasia and the new Sheriff of Area 5 is not pleased. He also tells Pam and Tara that they've received orders to increase the vampire population. At the Authority, Eric faces the choice of accepting Lilith or facing the true death. Russell…
  • 11. Sunset
    Jessica wants to get away from the Authority's headquarters and proposes to Bill that she will turn Jason into a vampire. Bill thinks that's a splendid idea - but sends along two Authority security officers to made sure she does the deed. Bill has been seeing apparitions of Lilith, who tells him he is the chosen one - only it seems she has been saying the same to others as well. Sookie meanwhile is trying to get over the fact that an ancestor has promised his first-born faerie female descendant - Sookie - to a vampire. Her friends at the faerie nightclub call on one …
  • 12. Save Yourself
    Russell Edgington may have found his ideal place when he discovers the faerie nightclub but the faeries, Sookie included, have no intention of letting him have his way. They get a bit of help from Eric and his sister Nora. Once Russell is dealt with, Eric, Nora, Tara, Sookie and Jason decides to attack the Authority to free Pam and Jessica and hopefully save Bill as well. At the Authority, Bill is playing out his ruse of accepting Salome as the chosen one. He has his own plans however to create his empire. Meanwhile, Sheriff Andy Bellefleur's pregnant faerie …
  • 1. Who Are You, Really?
  • 2. The Sun
  • 3. You're No Good
  • 4. At Last
  • 5. F**K the Pain Away
  • 6. Don't You Feel Me
  • 7. In the Evening
  • 8. Dead Meat
  • 9. Life Matters
    A desperate Bill tries to ferry Warlow away from the faerie plain, but Sookie is having none of it. Meanwhile, Eric arrives at vamp camp, looking to inflict serious human damage. In Bon Temps, friends and family take emotional turns remembering a fallen neighbor. Bill feels the pull of Lilith's sirens.
  • 10. Radioactive
    Jason feels a vampire attraction firsthand; and Bill finds that salvation isn't free. Meanwhile, Sookie considers her future with Warlow as a new crisis poses a threat to humans and vampires alike.
  • 0. Episode
  • 1. Jesus Gonna Be Here
    A band of rogue H-vamps crashes the vampire-human mixer at Bellefleur's, with shocking results. As Sookie seeks refuge from accusations that she's somehow to blame for the chaos in Bon Temps, the “one vampire for every human” plan moves forward. In the face of a vigilante insurrection led by redneck Vince, Bill receives aid from an unexpected source.
  • 2. I Found You
    A trio of hostages taken in the Bellefleur's attack looks to a familiar face as a possible liberator from the H-vamps. Sookie and Jason visit the neighboring town of Saint Alice, where a young woman's diary offers clues to the potential fate of Bon Temps. Spurned by Lafayette, a desperate Lettie Mae turns to Willa to channel her family past. Vince whips his fellow vigilantes into a dangerous frenzy. Pam's search for her maker leads her to a very familiar place.
  • 3. Fire in the Hole
    Sookie hatches a dangerous plan; Pam looks to motivate Eric.
  • 4. Death Is Not the End
    In the aftermath of yet another bloodbath, Sam, Sookie and Jason find themselves the bearers of bad news in Bon Temps. Pam recalls the events that led her and Eric to Shreveport and Fangtasia.
  • 5. Return to Oz
    Exhausted from her recent travails, Sookie finds herself the unwilling host of a festive mainstreaming party in Bon Temps. In search of an elusive adversary, Eric and Pam head to Dallas and attend a gala fundraiser. Andy makes a life-changing decision; Jessica and James reach a crossroads; Bill loses himself in remembrance of human days.
  • 6. Karma
    Sookie makes a shocking discovery; Eric and Pam forge an unlikely alliance.
  • 7. May Be the Last Time
    As Bill's condition worsens, Sookie desperately turns to her ancestor for a solution. Andy's worry for his missing daughter leads him to enlist Jessica's help. Eric and Pam close in on Sarah. Jason deals with Hoyt's return.
  • 8. Almost Home
    Sarah is captured and kept prisoner at Fangtasia. Jason and Jessica feel Violet's wrath. Lettie Mae bids farewell to Tara, witnessing what Tara wanted her to. Through Sookie, Bill is made aware of the cure, but will he accept it?
  • 9. Love Is to Die
    Bill's refusal to the cure angers Sookie. Sparks fly yet again between Hoyt and Jessica, much to Bridget's dismay who then turns to Jason.
  • 10. Thank You
    Sookie weighs a future with and without Bill. Eric and Pam struggle with their uncomfortable partnership with Mr. Gus. Sam makes a choice, while Andy comes upon an unexpected inheritance.
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