The Middle

  • 평점: 7.50
  • 발행 연도: 2009
  • 장르: Comedy
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 22 분
  • 복잡성: 10

헥스 가족은 평범한 중산층 가족으로 엄마, 아빠 그리고 3명의 자녀가 있습니다. 매일 일 문제와 가족 문제로 골치 아프지만 아이들을 행복한 환경에서 잘 자라게 하기 위해 노력하는데요.

  • 1. Pilot
    Sue tries out for show choir with disastrous results. Frankie desperately tries to close a sale with disastrous results. Brick has trouble relating to his teacher with odd results.
  • 2. The Cheerleader
    Payments delayed until 2009 come due just as the dryer breaks, Sue needs glasses and Frankie comes within a jelly bean of losing her job. Sue tries out for the swim team with disastrous consequences but a tornado brings good fortune.
  • 3. The Floating Anniversary
    Mike gives daughter Sue questionable advice on handling a crush. Mirroring Newton's laws, growing Independence by Axl and Brick are balanced by codependency by Frankie's aunts. Assured the world won't stop without her, Frankie takes a fifteen minute break, and the world falls apart.
  • 4. The Trip
    Socially indifferent Brick didn't bother to protest when classmate Olivia declared him her boyfriend, but soon tires of her ‘romantic’ demands to the point of despair. Alas, Axl's advise doesn't cut it and Mike is no match for the possessive, selectively deaf mini-bitch either, but Brick's brain ultimately finds a way out. Eager to Sue Sue succeed at something, both parents invest ludicrous effort in helping her win a place on a cheap bus trip to nearby Indiana by selling $3,000 food for the school. When her name is absent from the winners list, teacher in charge …
  • 5. The Block Party
    Brick's teachers tell Frankie and Mike that Brick tested as “socially challenged,” so Mike thinks basketball is the answer to help Brick interact with others. When that fails, Mike enters the neighborhood block-party lawnmower contest and discovers that Brick has a talent for souping up machines. Meanwhile Frankie joins the booster club to raise money for new football jerseys for Axl's team, but Axl refuses to give his old one to her.
  • 6. The Front Door
    Frankie is caught in the middle when Axl accidentally breaks down the front door, and Mike insists that he fix it - which could leave the Heck house wide open for days. Meanwhile, Frankie must sell a car within a week or be forced to wear a dog suit outside the lot, and it's school picture time for Sue, who has never had a flattering photo taken of her.
  • 7. The Scratch
    When the Heck family goes into a cleaning frenzy in order to get the trash out to a passing garbage truck, Frankie accidentally hits Brick with a beer bottle as she attempts to toss it into a bag - causing a small scratch. But when Brick innocently informs his school that his scratch was caused by his mother throwing a beer bottle at him, a social worker is called to look into the matter - sending Frankie into a panic to give off the image that the Hecks are a picture-perfect family. Meanwhile, Bob must help an uncooperative Mr. Ehlert shoot a new commercial …
  • 8. Thanksgiving
    The Hecks' Thanksgiving plans are thrown into a loop when Mr. Ehlert makes her work a shift at the car dealership on Thanksgiving Day.
  • 9. Siblings
    Frankie observes what she thinks are the perfect siblings, and it becomes her mission in life to make her kids stop fighting with one another and interact as a loving family. Meanwhile, Mike contemplates firing Aunt Edie after she makes a costly mistake at the quarry.
  • 10. Christmas
    Frankie writes a Christmas letter and comes up with interesting interpretations of the family activities. She gets the lead in the Christmas choir's solo and has to attend more practice sessions. Mike takes over home duties.
  • 11. The Jeans
    Frankie buys Sue an expensive pair of jeans to help build her confidence, Mike buys Axl a car to help him impress a girl, and Brick tries to take care of the Aunts' pet dog.
  • 12. The Neighbor
    Frankie summons up the courage to confront the scary mother of the neighborhood bullies after they get in a fight with Sue, while Axl agrees to teach Brick how to play kickball.
  • 13. The Interview
    Mike is forced to look for a job when the quarry temporarily shuts down, and Frankie is forced to do all the work as Brick runs for class historian.
  • 14. The Yelling
    Frankie vows to stop yelling at and nagging her kids if they agree to follow through on their school work and chores without her intervention. Meanwhile, Mike reluctantly takes a night job as a driver delivering snack cakes with Bob.
  • 15. Valentine's Day
    Axl has a date, Sue has her first boy-girl party, and Brick is at a sleepover. So will Mike and Frankie have an opportunity to have a romantic Valentine's Day?
  • 16. The Bee
    The family takes a weekend trip to Chicago so that Brick can take part in a spelling bee, but Sue gets to call the shots because Mike and Frankie forgot her birthday.
  • 17. The Break-Up
    Mike and Frankie are shocked to find out that Axl is dating the head cheerleader, but what will happen when she breaks up with him? Meanwhile, Sue and Brick become freaked out after they watch a horror movie about zombies.
  • 18. The Fun House
    Mike gets a pool table so that their house can be the “fun house” in the neighborhood, and Frankie's job could be in jeopardy when a motivational consultant visits Ehlert Motors.
  • 19. The Final Four
    Mike's once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go to the Final Four is put into jeopardy when Frankie's uncle's funeral is scheduled for the same day.
  • 20. TV or Not TV
    Mike and Frankie struggle to find an alternative form of entertainment over cable TV after a visit to a financial adviser, but the kids quickly pick up new hobbies and don't miss it at all.
  • 21. Worry Duty
    Frankie becomes distressed when Axl gets back together with Morgan one more time and she begins telling him what to do again, while Brick struggles to take care of a baby chick.
  • 22. Mother's Day
    After another disappointing Mother's Day, Frankie and Sue leave for the rest of the day to visit Frankie's mom.
  • 23. Signals
    As the Hecks prepare for their annual spring barbecue, Mike and Brick work on their social skills together and Sue becomes infatuated with the pastor in charge of her youth group.
  • 24. Average Rules
    The Hecks parents must react to school assessments of their kids. Axl scored high on aptitude, so his slacking and poor grades are no longer acceptable, but cramming all night with Mike still doesn't do the trick. Brick may a librarian's dream, the only school kid who truly enjoys reading, mean old Mrs. Nethercott, who luckily can't prove vandalism, still threatens to prevent him passing to the next grade unless he returns all missing books, now found all over the Heck home. Sue is the only school kid without a yearbook picture, so Frankie steps up the search for some…
  • 1. Back to School
    Frankie plans to get ahead of the game with her children's school needs, but winds up failing miserably.
  • 2. Homecoming
    Frankie's dream of being Axl's escort for the homecoming football game is shattered when Sue's cross-country meet is scheduled for the same day. Meanwhile, Brick attempts to rake the leaves in the backyard.
  • 3. The Diaper Incident
    Frankie is worried that she is getting old after she throws out her back, Sue has a crush on Axl's friend who is working on a school “project” at the house, and Brick becomes wise to Frankie's lies.
  • 4. The Quarry
    When Axl is suspended for skipping school, Mike decides it's time to teach his son a lesson about life and makes him go to work with him at the quarry. But Mike's master plan backfires when Axl likes the job so much that he wants to quit school and lead the life of a quarryman. Meanwhile, Frankie is devastated when she fears that she accidentally prayed away Sue's cross-country team after it's cut by the school; and while practicing a magic trick, Brick makes the main TV remote disappear - and can't figure out how to make it reappear.
  • 5. Foreign Exchange
    Frustrated with being forced to bribe the kids to get along, Frankie convinces the family to host a foreign exchange student to improve the situation. However, the student shows no interest in anything either.
  • 6. Halloween
    Mike reluctantly agrees to go to a Halloween party with Frankie, but won't dress up. Meanwhile, Axl has a plan to pick up some girls, Sue parties with Reverend TimTom and the youth group, and Brick has an unusual costume.
  • 7. A Birthday Story
    Brick finally learns the embarrassing story about how the day he was born, and Axl picks up the slack for his incompetent but beautiful new boss at the movie theater.
  • 8. Errand Boy
    Brick asks to stay home instead of running errands with mom on Saturday, Mike gets upset when one of Sue's so-called “friends” doesn't invite her to a sleepover, and Axl tries in vain to grow a beard with the football team.
  • 9. Thanksgiving II
    When Frankie finds out her mother isn't coming for Thanksgiving, she encourages Mike to invite his emotionally distant father and brother. At dinner, Bob's new librarian girlfriend shows more interest in Brick's book collection than Bob.
  • 10. A Simple Christmas
    Mike and Frankie's plan for a simple Christmas are dashed when Frankie's parents show up and stay for 12 days, spoiling the children and never giving Mike a minute of freedom.
  • 11. Taking Back the House
    After they discover that they are treated like second-class citizens in their own home, Mike and Frankie decide to take control of the house away from the kids.
  • 12. The Big Chill
    Mike stops talking to Frankie and Frankie takes a second job after she makes an accidental $200 purchase. Meanwhile, Axl tries to take care of a “baby” for a class project, and Brick and Sue try to fix a hole in the wall.
  • 13. Super Sunday
    Mike encourages Brick to take an interest in football right before the Super Bowl, Sue and Brad enter a square dancing competition, and Mr. Ehlert invites Frankie to a “management seminar,” which turns out to be his colonoscopy.
  • 14. Valentines Day II
    Mike helps Brick with his Valentine's crush at school, Frankie is flattered when Axl asks for help getting a gift for his new scary girlfriend, and Sue tries to find the boy who kissed him on Halloween night.
  • 15. Friends, Lies, and Videotape
    Fearing that a friendless Brick could be missing out on his childhood, Frankie makes it her mission to find a suitable friend for him. Meanwhile, after Mike forbids Sue from seeing an R-rated film, she goes against her father's wishes and sneaks into a movie theater with her friend, Carly; and Axl and his band need a hot chick to appear in their online music video and try to shoot footage of their sexy biology teacher, Ms. Devereaux - without her knowledge or consent.
  • 16. Hecks on a Plane
    After Sue wins a family trip to New York, Murphy's Law goes into full effect and it's anything but a smooth flight, when the Hecks board a plane and fly to the Big Apple.
  • 17. The Math Class
    Frankie wages war on Ms. Rinsky after Brick receives a D in math, and Axl and Sue help Aunt Edie search for her lost time capsule.
  • 18. Spring Cleaning
    The Hecks try to clean out their house during Spring Break, but uncover a lot more than junk. Meanwhile, Brick takes advantage of the situation to make some money.
  • 19. The Legacy
    After receiving multiple warnings about leaving his dirty, smelly socks lying around the house, Mike has finally had enough and punishes Axl by forbidding him to play in the final school basketball game of the season. But everyone assumes that Mike is being petty when they discover that Axl could end up beating his father's record for most free throws landed in a season if he does play in the game. Meanwhile, Sue is ecstatic - but Frankie and Mike are suspicious – when she wins an MVP trophy for cross-country, and Brick is humiliated when he's forced to wear …
  • 20. Royal Wedding
    Frankie buys a plasma screen TV to watch the Royal Wedding but plans to return it the next day, Sue tries out to be a lunchtime news anchor, and Mike's employees at the quarry try to revolt after he stops buying pretzels.
  • 21. Mother's Day II
    Mike decides to give Frankie the gift of having the day to herself without any family for Mother's Day, but they day is disastrous. However, the “do-over” the following week turns out to be even worse.
  • 22. The Prom
    The Hecks bring in reverend TimTom to convince Axl to take his accidental date to prom, Brick begins writing plays with his new friend, and Sue and her friend try to get a seat at the “B Table” at lunch at their middle school.
  • 23. The Bridge
    Mike and Frankie try to help Brick overcome his fear of a covered bridge, Frankie tries to help Sue find a two-piece swimsuit, and Axl tries to get a lifeguard job.
  • 24. Back to Summer
    With only three days left until summer vacation, Frankie is ecstatic that she's made it through another school year with the family. But her happiness turns to panic when she and Mike learn that Brick needs to write a daily journal and turn it in to Ms. Rinsky or risk not moving up to the fourth grade; that Axl hasn't fulfilled his required 30 days of community service; and that, because of an error, Sue must prove that she never took a sick day from school in order to receive a perfect attendance award at her middle school graduation ceremony.
  • 1. Forced Family Fun
    When Mike proposes a camping trip for a family summer vacation, all Frankie can think about is the disastrous camping trip they had for their honeymoon.
  • 3. Hecking Order
    After Axl plays a trick on Sue at school and doesn't come to her defense, a debate ensues over who's really in charge in the family, causing Mike to attend a parent-teacher conference with Brick's new teacher.
  • 4. Major Changes
    Frankie gets fed up with the kids and leaves to spend some time with her mom, leaving the kids with Mike to figure out what they did wrong and how they can change.
  • 5. The Test
    Frankie helps Axl prepare at the last minute for the PSAT, Sue tries out for the cheerleading team, and Mike tries to get Brick to stand up to bullying.
  • 6. Bad Choices
    The Hecks consider moving into an apartment, Axl plots to miss a test at school but still go to a party, Sue and Brad prepare a skit for school, and Brick begins quoting Shakespeare.
  • 7. Halloween II
    Mike convinces Sue to update her wardrobe, but he is scared by what he sees. Meanwhile, Frankie takes Brick's social group to trick or treat, and Axl takes his friends are not sure if they want to let go of trick or treating.
  • 8. Heck's Best Thing
    In the aftermath of a visit to Axl from a college football recruiter, Frankie decides to try harder for her family. Meanwhile, Sue and Brick find Aunt Edie's ancient cell phone and decide to keep it for themselves.
  • 9. The Play
    Frankie and Sue decide to act together in a play, but Frankie refuses to quit after Sue is removed. Meanwhile, Uncle Rusty tries to make up to Brick for missing the special school lunch he was invited to.
  • 10. Thanksgiving III
    Frankie's parents, Pat and Tag, invite the Hecks to spend a few days at their house to celebrate Thanksgiving together. But the festivities begin to fall apart quickly when Frankie's sister, Janet, and her family also join in, and soon the siblings are at each other's throats over their widely differing parenting techniques. Meanwhile, Mike tries to offer some advice to Axl on how to pick up girls when he witnesses his son trying to impress a pretty mini-mart cashier - and fails miserably; Brick attempts to prove his innocence when he is accused by Janet of damaging …
  • 11. A Christmas Gift
    Mike tries to surprise Frankie with a dishwasher on Christmas Day, Sue tries to get Reverend TimTom to help Brick, who is struggling with believing the Bible, and Bob tries to befriend Axl after Axl gets a job for Christmas.
  • 12. Year of the Hecks
    Frankie randomly assigns New Year's resolutions to each family member, but chaos ensues when everyone tries to live up to her expectations.
  • 13. The Map
    After attending Aunt Ginny's funeral, Frankie begins to fear that the family is missing out on important life milestones and vows to begin celebrating all of them. Meanwhile, Axl accidentally eats Brick's Indiana dough school map project and is tasked with creating a new one, and Sue discovers that one of the boys on the wrestling team has a crush on her.
  • 14. Hecking It Up
    The Hecks help themselves to the Donahues' new car while they are away at the Super Bowl, and Sue decides to tell her new boyfriend that she loves him.
  • 15. Valentine's Day III
    Frankie and Mike decide to celebrate Valentine's Day by going to dinner with two other couples. Sue gets upset when Matt kisses her differently. And, Axl has to write a paper on a life-changing event while Brick has to write a paper about love.
  • 16. The Concert
    Frankie helps Sue get tickets to a Justin Bieber concert, Brick is too embarrassed to go to school after losing a spelling bee, and Axl tries to break the speed limit on foot.
  • 17. The Sit Down
    Frankie and Mike decide to stop nagging and punishing the kids and let them begin taking responsibility for themselves.
  • 18. Leap Year
    Sue anxiously awaits a Leap Day surprise birthday party that isn't coming, Brick tries to save the social skills group after a girl joins it, and Mike is saddened after a cat he took care of at the quarry dies.
  • 19. The Paper Route
    Sue tries to keep a long-distance relationship with her boyfriend when he moves away, Brick decides to take a paper route to make money for night vision goggles, and Frankie discovers that Mike is keeping an odd secret.
  • 20. Get Your Business Done
    A new church convinces the Hecks to “get their business done,” but the results that stem from their new-found inspiration are mixed.
  • 21. The Guidance Counselor
    Sue bonds with her high school guidance counselor, Mike and Frankie fight when it comes time to buy a new bed, and Brick struggles with the president's physical fitness test.
  • 22. The Clover
    Axl is going to the prom with Weird Ashley and is horrified when his friend Darrin asks Sue. Brick finds a 4-leaf clover and it brings him anything but good luck. One of Frankie's aunt accidentally starts a fire. Mike is too soft on Brick.
  • 23. The Telling
    Mike gets the unwelcome task of signing up to volunteer at Brick's school because Frankie is stuck at work, while Sue blackmails Axl to get free rides around town for her and her friends.
  • 24. The Wedding
    The Hecks discover at the last minute that they are hosting Mike's brother Rusty's wedding, and Axl and his friends decide to start their own summer business.
  • 1. Last Whiff of Summer
    The Heck family summer gets off to a bad start after Mike tells Sue that Axl is his favorite child.
  • 3. The Second Act
    Frankie contemplates a new career after Mr Ehlert lets her go, Sue mentors a popular freshman girl, and Mike considers punishing Brick for his rudeness.
  • 4. Bunny Therapy
    The Hecks get Brick a pet rabbit to help his social skills, Sue tries out for school mascot, and Axl doesn't know which cheerleader he's dating.
  • 5. The Hose
    Frankie once again gets on the bad side of an old neighborhood nemesis, Sue discovers that her family is poor when she sees her dad's paycheck, and Brick learns about sex education.
  • 6. Halloween III: The Driving
    Sue gets her learner's permit, Axl registers to vote, and Brick's personality changes after eating all his Halloween candy in one night.
  • 7. The Safe
    Frankie begins dental hygienist school, Axl becomes attracted to his new tutor, and Sue and Brick find a new way to make money for the family.
  • 8. Thanksgiving IV
    Frankie's bickering parents come for Thanksgiving, along with two special guests. Axl's football comeback may be postponed by a broken heart, Sue's mascot head is stolen, and Brick is fascinated by a new book.
  • 9. Christmas Help
    Frankie gets a retail job to get Christmas gifts at a discount, Mike has another falling-out with his brother, and Bricks gets a part in reverend Tim-Tom's Christmas production.
  • 10. Twenty Years
    Sue tries to set up a 20th anniversary for Frankie and Mike, but Frankie is mad at Mike for not answering his phone call. Meanwhile, Axl gets revenge on Brick by spoiling the ending to his favorite book series.
  • 11. Life Skills
    Axl and Sue wind up in the same life skills class, a school therapist tries to help Brick make friends, and Frankie and Mike fight the insurance company for a new windshield.
  • 12. One Kid at a Time
    Frankie and Mike give each child a day alone with them so each child can get their undivided attention for one day, but the plan meets with mixed results.
  • 13. The Friend
    Frankie intervenes behind Mike's back to make him a new friend, Brick helps Axl pretend to be smart to impress Cassidy, and Sue's Wrestler-ettes have a showdown with the real cheerleaders.
  • 14. The Smile
    Axl waits to find out if he's been accepted into college and tries to come up with a senior prank, Sue tries to prove that smiling is contagious, and Brick tries to get his parents to buy him an iPad.
  • 15. Valentine's Day IV
    Axl and his friends find a way to make money from Valentine's Day breakups, Sue gets a surprise date for the dance, an accidental text gets Mike in trouble at work, and Frankie gets in trouble for throwing away Brick's art projects.
  • 16. Winners and Losers
    Frankie has reservations about letting Brick go on a field trip to Chicago, and things become awkward with Sue and Darrin after their first kiss.
  • 17. Wheel of Pain
    While Frankie and Mike are out, Axl, Sue, and Brick are all involved in breaking a window. They decide to lie that someone else die it. Frankie and Mike do not believe them and find ways to get them to tell the truth.
  • 18. The Name
    Frankie's sister Janet comes to help around the house while Frankie studies, Sue decides to change her middle name, and Axl gets competition for Cassidy from her ex-boyfriend.
  • 19. The Bachelor
    Axl tries to win Cassidy back, Mike reluctantly tries to teach Sue how to play tennis, and Frankie becomes depressed over the results of the TV show “The Bachelor.”
  • 20. Dollar Days
    Frankie gets discouraged while looking for a new job as a dental assistant, Axl reaches his breaking point with Sue and Darrin, and Mike has a campout with Brick's new scout group.
  • 21. From Orson with Love
    Frankie turns to Facebook to help make Sue more popular, Axl and Brick try to make a viral video with bunnies and kittens, and Frankie's dad tries to share his “wisdom” with Mike.
  • 22. Hallelujah Hoedown
    Sue is upset when everyone gets their driver's license but she still can't pass her driving test, Frankie tells each kid exactly what she wants for Mother's Day, and Axl and Cassidy's prom does not go well.
  • 23. The Ditch
    Sue decides to play hooky for the first time, Frankie pretends to be a doctor to skip a line, Mike has a careless accident on the highway with Axl, and Brick refuses to take a middle school placement test.
  • 24. The Graduation
    Will Frankie and Axl make it to Axl's graduation without killing each other? Meanwhile, Sue gets one more crack at the driving test, and Brick neglects his duties as class historian.
  • 1. The Drop Off
    Frankie becomes emotional as the Hecks send Axl off to college, Sue waits for an important call from school, and Brick gets a new cell phone.
  • 2. Change in the Air
    Mike tries to help after Frankie doesn't get a response to her texts to Axl, Sue gets an unexpected visit from Darrin, and Brick and his fellow classmates are afraid to use the school bathroom.
  • 3. The Potato
    Axl is fed up with his college roommate, Sue gets a job so that she can get a car, and Frankie and Mike get bad news about Brick from his middle school principal.
  • 4. The 100th
    During the Orson Centennial parade, Mike and Frankie volunteer to drive a float, Sue tries to make Darrin jealous, Axl tries to make some money, and Brick is upset over his town slogan not being chosen.
  • 5. Halloween IV: The Ghost Story
    Sue has a Halloween sleepover, and during a game, she thinks she sees the ghost ship of Christopher Columbus. Axl finds he is low-man on the totem pole as a freshman in college. Brick is interested in a girl at school.
  • 6. The Jump
    Frankie finds comfort from a lost dog after feeling like her family doesn't appreciate her, Axl discovers that he is hopelessly failing 3 classes, and Sue makes the volleyball team so the school can avoid a lawsuit.
  • 7. Thanksgiving V
    It's Thanksgiving, and Axl looks for the right time to say he dropped three classes, Frankie's dad looks for the right time to say he gambled away their vacation money, and many surprise visitors arrive at the last minute.
  • 8. The Kiss
    Sue and Brick deal with a group of young house intruders while Frankie and Mike are away house-sitting for Frankie's sister, and Axl and his friends go on a road trip to surprise Cassidy.
  • 9. The Christmas Tree
    Mike is ecstatic knowing his in-laws are not visiting for Christmas. Frankie looks forward to Axl being home, but he has plans to spend all the time with friends. Brick has to sell fund-raiser items. Sue is allergic to the Christmas tree.
  • 10. Sleepless in Orson
    A terrified Brick begins sleeping in the kitchen, Derrick Glossner kisses Sue again, and Axl reunites with Boss Co. for a new job.
  • 11. War of the Hecks
    Sue goes to war with Axl after she discovers he stole her mascot head, Frankie spends time after work with her boss, Mike tries to bond with the dog, and Brick reads an autobiography by Debbie Reynolds for his book club.
  • 12. The Carpool
    Frankie joins a carpool for Brick when the bus drivers are on strike, Axl pretends to be in an astronomy class to impress a girl, and Mike gets in trouble after blowing off Sue's offer to spend time with him.
  • 13. Hungry Games
    The Hecks' plans to eat at an all-you-can-eat buffet are delayed when the new reverend calls them in after church for some impromptu counseling.
  • 14. The Award
    Mike is reluctant to accept an award from the quarry, Sue has a plan to meet new people at her school, Axl tries to uncover the identity of a mystery girl who left a phone message, and Brick gets a new hand-me-down suit.
  • 15. Vacation Days
    Brick ruins Mike's “staycation,” Frankie is upset when Axl stays with the neighbors instead of coming home, and Sue becomes obsessed at work with a negative online customer review.
  • 16. Stormy Moon
    Frankie is arrested over an overdue library book, Sue is upset over reverend TimTom's new female singing partner, and Axl wants to talk to Cassidy about their future.
  • 17. The Walk
    Sue goes from zero dates to five prom dates, Axl helps Brick put together an interesting book report, and Frankie and Mike discover that they have nothing to talk about with each other.
  • 18. The Smell
    Mike is suckered into coaching a girl's soccer team, Frankie introduces Brick to deodorant and cologne, and Axl tries to figure out the meaning of Cassidy's painting.
  • 19. The Wind Chimes
    Frankie gets into a fight over Rita Glossner's wind chimes, Axl and Hutch claim a discarded couch, Frankie and Mike are concerned about Sue and Darrin's relationship, and Brick tries to come up with a new idea for a pretzel.
  • 20. The Optimist
    Sue frantically tries to earn a college scholarship for when she graduates in two years; Frankie hopes to correct a mistake at work without her boss finding out; Brick demands a formal apology from Mike after a misunderstanding.
  • 21. Office Hours
    Frankie decides to hold “office hours” for the kids to discuss their needs in order to unclutter her brain, and Mike becomes worried when Darrin starts spending all his time at their house with Sue.
  • 22. Hecks on a Hard Body
    Rusty joins Mike and Brick on a road trip to Brick's spelling bee, Frankie helps Axl find his missing dorm desk so she can get her deposit back, and Sue enters a contest at Ehlert Motors to win a car.
  • 23. Orlando
    The Hecks have an eventful road trip to Disneyworld when Axl wins a bet with his parents, Sue demands to take a driving shift, and Brick asks to take a detour to North Carolina to visit his online girlfriend.
  • 24. The Wonderful World of Hecks
    A series of unfortunate events threaten to spoil the trip to Walt Disney World.
  • 1. Unbraceable You
    Sue's senior year, the “Summer of Sue,” begins with the premature removal of her braces. Meanwhile, Axl finally beats Mike in basketball and Brick tries to find the perfect backpack for school.
  • 2. The Loneliest Locker
    Mike and Frankie search for second jobs in order to send Sue to a good college, Sue and Brad produce a play for school, Brick finds some of his old “lost” toys, and Axl raids the house to furnish his new home.
  • 3. Major Anxiety
    Frankie and Mike are shocked when Brick announces that he wants to go to his school's fall dance. Axl has a week to declare his major but has no idea what it should be. Sue attempts to show she's more mature by drinking loads of coffee.
  • 4. The Table
    When Frankie finds a dining room set online for $50, she gives the family's old table to Axl.
  • 5. Halloween V
    Frankie and Mike are surprised when Brick invites a girl over to the house to hang out.
  • 6. The Sinkhole
    The Heck house once again throws a curve ball to the family when the kitchen sink caves in and drops out of sight, causing Frankie to have to wash the dishes with the outside hose. Meanwhile, Sue is informed that - since Wrestlerettes does not qualify for P.E. credit - she needs to master tinikling (a difficult dance routine for a clumsy Sue) to get the credit she needs to graduate; and after Brick accidentally breaks Mike's lawn mower, he takes Axl's advice to try and play the hero card by taking his dad's wallet then returning it later, thinking this will divert …
  • 7. Thanksgiving VI
    Thanksgiving for the Hecks at a local restaurant buffet doesn't go well when Sue feels that Mike doesn't like her boyfriend, Darrin, and Brick invites his quirky girlfriend, Cindy.
  • 8. The College Tour
    Mike accompanies Sue on a college tour weekend. Frankie leaves Brick with babysitters and a school project while she goes to watch Axl play in his first college football game.
  • 9. The Christmas Wall
    Frankie has had enough of schlepping out the Christmas decorations and trying to make the perfect holiday for her family - who she feels doesn't appreciate all that she does for them - and decides to kick back on the couch and have a minimalist Christmas this year. Meanwhile, due to Sue's allergy to real Christmas trees, Mike attempts to purchase an artificial one and ends up not getting what he paid for; Axl puts Boss Co. back into business for the holidays as “Tree Wise Men” but gets into such a heated argument with Sean (recurring guest star BEAU WIRICK) over a …
  • 10. Pam Freakin' Staggs
    Frankie socializes with a high school classmate who won $1million On Wheel of Fortune.
  • 11. A Quarry Story
    Frankie discovers an old, uncashed paycheck from Ehlert Motors. But in order for her to collect her pay, Mr. Ehlert (recurring guest star BRIAN DOYLE-MURRAY) forces her to work on the lot for one day. Meanwhile, after her hours at Spudsy's are cut down, Sue takes a part-time job from Mike as the quarry cleaning lady; Mike's dad, Big Mike (recurring guest star JOHN CULLUM), attempts to persuade a lazy Axl to help replace the Heck family's damaged kitchen sink; and Brick discovers the joy of watching '70s game shows and begins his own annoying classic contest with the …
  • 12. Hecks on a Train
    Aunt Edie has passed away so the Hecks take a train to South Dakota to take her body to its final resting place.
  • 13. Valentine's Day VI
    Brick learns that his quirky girlfriend wants him to kiss her on Valentine's Day. Axl struggles with the fact that his girlfriend doesn't want to do anything romantic.
  • 14. The Answer
    Sue wants to back out of her engagement to Darrin, but she doesn't know how to do it. Meanwhile, Axl uses what he has learned in his psychology class to try and “cure” Brick.
  • 15. Steaming Pile of Guilt
    Frankie is overwhelmed with guilt upon realising that she and the family forgot to celebrate Brick's 13th birthday; Sue wants to be included in the yearbook; Devin breaks up with Axl.
  • 16. Flirting with Disaster
    Frankie fears that her bad remark about Axl's hot friend may have been overheard. Sue takes Brick to a Planet Nowhere convention. Tag asks Mike for help on his driver's test.
  • 17. The Waiting Game
    Frankie nervously waits to see if Sue got into any of the colleges she applied to.
  • 18. Operation Infiltration
    Frankie accompanies Brick on a school field trip and attempts to help her socially inept son make friends with a couple of boys. Meanwhile, when Devin scolds Axl for being mean to his sister, he tries to make it look like they are the best of friends when Sue spends the weekend at his house; and while trying to thin out some of their hoarding father's massive stockpile of junk, Mike gets a sinking feeling that he may have bullied his brother Rusty a bit too much as kids and turned him into the hapless man that he is today.
  • 19. Siblings and Sombreros
    After Axl forgets to bring home a sombrero that Sue needs for a special high school senior photo she's setting up with Brad, she becomes super angry and won't let up on arguing with him. In an attempt to remedy the situation, Frankie takes Mike's advice to individually tell Sue and Axl the truth about how she thinks each of them is handling the situation, which causes even more friction amongst the bickering siblings. Meanwhile, Mike is shocked to learn that Brick has been awarded with the middle school's Athlete of the Month award.
  • 20. Food Courting
    Brick gets in trouble for disrespecting his mother, Axl refuses to come to town to help Mike after his 21st birthday, and Sue gets a job offer from a competitor at the food court.
  • 21. Two of a Kind
    Frankie and Mike find themselves caught in the middle of a long standing family feud when Frankie's Uncle Dutch contacts her dad, Tag in an attempt to reunite and bury the hatchet with his estranged brother. Meanwhile, a fearful Sue receives her first detention ever for being caught going off campus for lunch and seeks advice from Axl on how to survive the ordeal unscathed.
  • 22. While You Were Sleeping
    Frankie and Mike's date night is ruined when both fall asleep; Axl and Brick try to invent the next big thing; Sue is invited to the prom by a handsome store greeter but has to figure out a way to leave work early in order to go.
  • 23. Mother's Day Reservations
    Mike's incompetence threatens to ruin Frankie's Mother's Day. Mike tells Axl, Sue, and Brick to put some effort into a gift for Frankie. Frankie asks the kids how they would differ from her as parents.
  • 24. The Graduate
    Sue prepares for her graduation and worries the day won't go perfectly. Meanwhile, Brick gets the opportunity to skip a year in school and Axl grows concerned about Devin's fun summer pictures she posted on social media.
  • 1. Not Your Brother's Drop Off
    Sue's is excited about moving into her dorm; Axl avoids helping Sue move in; Frankie feels at ease about Sue leaving. Brick's new girlfriend wants to take their relationship to the next level.
  • 2. Episode #7.2
    Anxiously awaiting the arrival of her dorm roommate, Sue drives Frankie and Mike crazy with multiple calls and texts. When the roommate shows up Sue thinks she'll make a life- long friend and all her worries will be gone. Axl and Hutch find their house overrun by ants. Brick gets his own personal bodyguard at school.
  • 3. The Shirt
    Frankie is stunned when Mike wears a Hawaiian shirt to dinner with some friends. Sue inadvertently tells Devin how much Axl loves her and Brick becomes overly ambitious while cleaning the bathroom.
  • 4. Risky Business
    Frankie is stunned when Mike wants in on one of his brother's crazy business ideas. Axl desperately tries to prove that he is capable of riding his dad's motorcycle. Sue plucks up the courage to confess something to Brad.
  • 5. Land of the Lost
    Axl and Hutch complain to the city about the recent ant problem they have. Meanwhile, Sue invites Brick to visited her at collage and realizes she lost Brick after running into the handsome Abercrombie greeter she went to “prom” with; Frankie asks Reverend TimTom to find out why Mike is being distant.
  • 6. Halloween VI: Tic Toc Death
    Each member of the Heck family finds themselves in situations reminiscent of “The Twilight Zone.”
  • 7. Homecoming II: The Tailgate
    Frankie worries that her mother will ruin the annual homecoming tailgate. Mike asks Brick to help him win the cornhole tournament.
  • 8. Thanksgiving VII
    Frankie gets a new job and has to work on Thanksgiving.
  • 9. The Convention
    Dr. Goodwin (recurring guest star JACK McBRAYER) informs Frankie that she must attend a convention on an all-expense paid trip to Des Moines as part of the dentist office's transition to being part of the Smile Superstars International team, headlined by the company's inspiring founder, Dr. Samuelson (guest star CHERYL HINES). Thinking that her husband could use a break, Frankie entices Mike to join her on the trip to experience the luxuries of a free mini vacation. Meanwhile, Axl informs a disapproving Sue that he's going to move into her dorm room until he finds a …
  • 10. No Silent Night
    Dreading the fact that they are always late to church and end up in the overflow room, Frankie makes the decision to have the family watch a Christmas Eve service on TV from the comfort of the Heck house. But a string of events make their evening anything but a peaceful, silent night.
  • 11. The Rush
    The ever optimistic Sue decides that she wants to become part of a social circle and thrusts herself head first into the college's sorority rush in the hopes of being accepted into a house. Meanwhile, Axl tries to connect Mike into social media in an attempt to help generate awareness of Mike and Rusty's baby diaper business; and Frankie begins to feel like she's not needed as much in her son's life when Brick goes shopping for a pair of pants by himself for the first time.
  • 12. Birds of a Feather
    Axl hates his internship, and Frankie hates her job now that the new ownership has taken over. Sue is challenged to engage in critical thinking by a professor. Cindy asks Mike to tell Brick that she kissed another boy.
  • 13. Floating 50
    Feeling guilty over floating Frankie's 50th birthday for too long, Mike enlists Axl and Brick to help him set up a surprise party for her. Meanwhile, Sue finds herself being mocked after posting a sign in the dorm laundry room to help find one of her lost socks, and after Brick turns in an “I Can't” project at school and indicates that he can't do sports, Coach Babbitt (guest star BROOKE DILLMAN) makes it her mission to turn him into an athlete.
  • 14. Film, Friends and Fruit Pies
    Sue discovers that she's too poor to keep up with her new roommate's spending habits, Axl discovers that befriending the boss isn't what it's cracked up to be, and Brick could lose his only two friends when he becomes a director.
  • 15. Hecks at a Movie
    After discovering that Brick has never seen a movie in a theater, Frankie and Mike take him to see a film with a small scene that was partially shot in Orson. But when Brick sees a trailer for an upcoming Planet Nowhere film that he completely disapproves of, he makes it his mission to ensure that it won't ever play in that theater - or anywhere else. Meanwhile, Frankie and Mike get into a major disagreement over how events really unfolded when Mike shushes Frankie after he perceives that she was constantly interrupting Bill Norwood (guest star PAT FINN) while he was …
  • 16. The Man Hunt
    After Axl and Hutch buy an RV to live in, things get complicated after Kenny moves back in. Meanwhile, Frankie tries teaching Sue how to flirt and Brick begs Mike to teach him to become a man.
  • 17. The Wisdom Teeth
    An excited Frankie looks forward to re-bonding and taking care of Sue and Axl, who both have to stay home during Spring Break to recuperate from having their wisdom teeth removed. And since he's the only Heck child still living at home full-time, Brick tries to lay down some new house rules with his siblings during their stay. Meanwhile, Mike becomes furious with his brother, Rusty, after discovering that his ex-wife Marlene (guest star MARY BIRDSONG) came up with the diaper business idea and may be entitled to all profits made from the endeavor.
  • 18. A Very Donahue Vacation
    After making some extra money from the diaper business, Mike surprises a rather unenthusiastic Heck family with a Spring Break vacation at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. In the hopes of livening up what is perceived to be a lame vacation, Frankie suggests that the Donahues join them. While Mike visits all of the attractions on his own, Nancy asks a not-so-thrilled Frankie to speak with Sean to try and talk him into taking his MCATs; Axl enlists Brick to help him pick up women by playing “Jerk/No Jerk” - with Brick in the role of the Jerk; and Mike is anything but excited …
  • 19. Crushed
    Sue has crush on her professor and goes a little overboard. Frankie and Mike has dinner with Brick's girlfriend's parents, which ends in some temporary heartbreak. Meanwhile Axl offers his brotherly advice.
  • 20. Survey Says…
  • 21. The Lanai
    Frankie is excited to lay out and relax on her new backyard lanai - aka patio - that Mike and his workmates built for her. But peace and serenity become hard to come by when new neighbors, with three screaming kids, move in next door and make it next to impossible for Frankie to find some quiet time. Meanwhile, Brick questions Mike as to whether his workmates helped build the lanai because they are his friends, or because he's their boss; Sue and Lexie draw a winning number in the dorm lottery and score the perfect room but find it difficult to kick out its current occupants; and Axl and Hutch open up a grilled cheese food truck out of their Winnebago, with a reluctant Kenny as their chef.
  • 22. Not Mother's Day
    After enduring year after year of botched Mother's Days, Frankie declares that the family gets to take a pass on doing anything at all for her this year. But after a man offers to buy Frankie's groceries at the market when she discovers that she forgot her wallet - and tells her to pay the kindly gesture forward - she decides to have the family pull each other's names out of a hat and do something nice for that person, which doesn't go as smoothly as planned.
  • 23. Find My Hecks
    Frankie figures out a way to secretly track Sue and Axl after they refuse to abide by their curfew while they're home for the summer. Meanwhile, Brick's determined to discover who else could be class valedictorian as middle-school graduation approaches.
  • 24. The Show Must Go On
    In the seventh-season finale, Frankie's determined to ensure Brick can sing at his middle-school graduation after his performance is cut; and Sue feels conflicted after learning she needs to be at Dollywood on the same day as Brick's ceremony. Meanwhile, Axl starts a new job as a country-club counselor and gets mocked by a 10-year-old version of himself.
  • 1. The Core Group
    Frankie and Mike are excited to be introduced to the love of Axl's life, April and the family is surprised when she reveals an unusual personality trait. Sue decides to change her major while Brick begins high school and wants to change his image.
  • 2. A Tough Pill to Swallow
    Mike tries to help a devastated Sue get back into college after discovering she has been kicked out for not renewing her financial aid, and Frankie attempst to teach Brick how to swallow a pill when he gets sick.
  • 3. Halloween VIII: The Heckoning
  • 4. Episode
  • 5. Roadkill
  • 6. Thanksgiving VIII
    Frankie decides that April is not good enough to be with Axl and does anything she can to keep her out of the annual family Christmas photo; Frankie must fight for Axl's attention when he announces that he will be spending Thanksgiving with April.
  • 7. Look Who's Not Talking
    Frankie is upset that Axl refuses to answer her calls or texts after she unintentionally admits her true feelings about his girlfriend April; Brick forms a tick in the form of a phrase that causes him trouble; Brad surprises Sue.
  • 8. Trip and Fall
    Trashy neighbor Rita Glossner talks an apprehensive Frankie into taking a road trip to an unknown destination; Mike takes an embarrassing fall at the quarry and has to deal with even more embarrassment when OSHA is called in to investigate; and Sue attempts to convince Axl to end his estrangement with the family after learning their true feelings about April
  • 9. A Very Marry Christmas
    As Christmas approaches, Sue keeps a holiday secret from the family; after agreeing to watch the neighbor's three kids, Brick finds himself trying to hide from them as they had such a good time that they keep wanting to come over and play; and Mike doesn't know how to react when Bill Norwood gives him a Christmas gift for the first time ever.
  • 10. Escape Orson
    The Hecks find themselves spending New Year's Day attempting to stave off a zombie apocalypse in the Orson Escape Room, desperately trying to beat the Donahue's record of getting out with more than one minute, eight seconds to spare. Meanwhile, Brick is convinced that the mild-mannered man assigned to the family's Escape Room group is really the famous author of the “Planet Nowhere” books; Sue divulges a secret about herself to Axl that's she's been keeping since childhood; and Mike is stunned when Frankie reveals that she had a romantic dream involving Frank Sinatra.
  • 11. Hoosier Maid
    Frankie wins a free maid service for a month and is excited for the break, but the Heck household might pose a bigger challenge than she expected. Mike and Rusty's dad, Big Mike, begins to have trouble taking care of himself.
  • 12. Pitch Imperfect
    Axl begins to panic when he realizes that he only has four months of college left before he graduates, and he hasn't sent out any job resumes - something he should have started when he was a junior. Meanwhile, Brad agrees to lead Sue's no-cut a cappella group as they enter a music competition, and Brick desperately asks for Frankie and Mike's advice when girlfriend Cindy tells him that he reads too much, and if he doesn't stop, she'll break up with him.
  • 13. Ovary And Out
    Frankie becomes sad when her doctor informs her that her ovaries are shriveled up, which means her days of having kids are over. In an attempt to cheer her up, Mike offers to have him and Frankie babysit the neighbor's baby overnight, which puts some perspective on being an older parent. Meanwhile, Sue and Axl are a bit shocked when romantic sparks fly between Sean Donahue and Sue's roommate Lexie; and Brick tries his best to hone up on his font knowledge when he meets Gibson, a worthy font opponent.
  • 14. Sorry Not Sorry
    Frankie and Mike frantically attempt to shut off the water and save some treasured items when the pipes burst in the basement. But after freaking out and bickering amongst each other, Axl, Sue and Brick call a family intervention meeting to let their parents know that their constant fighting and bickering is negatively affecting them. But while the kids feel like they can benefit from their parents’ newfound realization, Frankie and Mike start to think that the kids’ lack of support makes them the ones who should be sorry,
  • 15. Dental Hijinks
    Frankie gets Mike to go see the dentist about his toothache, and the two collude to convince her that there's nothing wrong with his teeth; Axl, Hutch and Kenny decide to sell the Winnebago; Brick works on writing a historical musical.
  • 16. Swing and a Miss
    Lexie joins the Hecks for their spring break plans where she confesses to Sue that she has a crush on Axl; Mike hires Coach Babbitt as a ringer to help the quarry softball team; Frankie tries to figure out the root of an underhanded comment.
  • 17. Exes and Ohhhs
    Axl is startled to run into nearly all of his former flames at a St. Patrick's Day party leaving him to wonder if it is a sign about his love life; Brick buys an old microfiche machine at a library sale, leaving Frankie and Mike less than thrilled.
  • 18. The Par-tay
    Mike's friendship with Bill Norwood is in jeopardy after Bill gets angry when Mike poaches his plumber at a reduced rate; Frankie is disappointed when Sue refuses to tell…..
  • 19. The Confirmation
    Frankie and Mike send Brick to Reverend TimTom's Wilderness Jesus Jam weekend camp to brush up on his religious knowledge in preparation for his confirmation, but Brick discovers his bunkmate is the boy who he was switched at birth with that was raised by his parents for the first month of his life.
  • 20. Adult Swim
    After discovering that he doesn't have a decent suit to wear for upcoming business interviews, Frankie is thrilled when Axl agrees to let her take him shopping to help him pick out a suit; and when Mike threatens to do away with the family summer pool if Sue and Brick don't start using it, they begin to worry that he and Frankie may take even more things away from around the house from their childhood that they don't use anymore as they edge towards adulthood.
  • 21. Clear And Present Danger
  • 22. The Final Final
    Frankie, Mike and Brick begin to notice that their luck has changed dramatically for the better after the Prairie Scouts accidentally paint the Donahue's address on their curb; and after missing his final college test before he graduates, Axl pleads with his teacher to let him take it, otherwise he won't be able to graduate. Meanwhile, Sue confides to Brad that her sophomore year in college was kind of a letdown. But a chance to speak to students at her former high school about college life leads her to a realization about her status as a student while at Orson High. A talk with Brad leads into an impromptu musical number about Sue's many accomplishments over the years.
  • 23. Fight or Flight
    Having finally graduated college, Axl tells Frankie and Mike that he's planning on going to Europe over the summer with Kenny. Although Frankie thinks this is a great once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Mike is less than pleased and thinks his slacker son should be putting all of his summer efforts into finding a job. Meanwhile, Sue begins to panic after she barely scrapes a parked SUV and doesn't hear back from the owner after leaving several notes on the windshield, and Brick discovers that his sudden onset of backaches is due to not sitting in his lawn chair, which was replaced by a normal kitchen-table chair.
  • 1. Vive La Hecks
    Axl returns home from his summer trip to Europe, sporting a man-bun and embracing a new, chill European outlook on life. Mike just wants him to clean up and look for a job, but Frankie thinks Axl will do this on his own and asks Mike to give him a little breathing room. Meanwhile, because Sue worked the entire summer at Spudsy’s and missed out on having any fun, she decides to cram in a whole summer of fun in two days before going back to college; Brick makes the decision to break up with Cindy because he doesn’t want to be tied down in a relationship when he’s about to embark on the revelry of his “big sophomore year”; and Frankie desperately tries to come up with an item for a time capsule that’s being buried under the Orson cow that will make the town remember the Hecks when it’s opened in 100 years.
  • 2. Please Don’t Feed the Hecks
    After Frankie gives neighbor Nancy Donahue an old scarf that is just sitting around gathering dust, Nancy returns the favor by baking her a delicious apple pie. Believing she’s stumbled upon a way to get free and tasty meals, Frankie makes it her mission to find miscellaneous items around the house to give to her in exchange for some culinary delights. Meanwhile, Sue and Lexie prepare to move back into their college apartment but find that it’s been sublet to a man who refuses to leave; and Axl’s new job as the school bus driver gives him a chance to see how Brick’s high school sophomore year is treating him, and he discovers that Mike has refused to speak to Brick’s class on Career Exploration Day.
  • 3. Meet the Parents
    Frankie is worried about meeting Lexie's rich parents. Brick discovers that he can't get arrested when he participates in the school's Sophomore Slammer fundraiser.
  • 4. Halloween VIII: Orson Murder Mystery
    Frankie discovers that a woman had died in the bathtub of the Heck house close to 50 years ago.
  • 5. Role of a Lifetime
    Brick joins the school orchestra to find himself a new girlfriend.
  • 6. The Setup
    Frankie's mom stays with her after becoming ill; Sue suggests to Sean that they should set each other up on dates; Axl and Brick ponder what Mike actually does at the quarry.
  • 7. Thanksgiving IX
    The Hecks take a hectic road trip to Frankie's sister's house for Thanksgiving; the kids must decide which one of them will lose their job at Spudsy's.
  • 8. Eyes Wide Open
    When Axl visits Hutch, he discovers his friend has turned into a responsible adult; Sue is unable to sleep after watching a horror movie by herself; Brick enlists Frankie and Mike's help to help convince a girl to give him a chance.
  • 9. The 200th
    Frankie remembers she has to come up with something to place in the time capsule; Bill Norwood informs Mike that he and Paula are separating; Brick tries to win Cindy back; Axl volunteers Sue to be his personal assistant.
  • 10. The Christmas Miracle
    Frankie and Sue are devastated when Axl informs them that he's not going to church; Mike goes to war with the Glossner kids after they keep defacing his giant inflatable snowman; Brick attempts to wrap his first present.
  • 11. New Year’s Revelations
    Sue admits to Frankie that she kissed Sean Donahue at the Christmas party; Mike forces Axl and Brick to take a drive with him and Mike's dad.
  • 12. The Other Man
    Axl starts to bond more with Mike now that he has a real job; Frankie feels ignored; Brad pleads with Sue to introduce him to Aidan's handsome friend.
  • 13. Mommapalooza
  • 14. Guess Who's Coming to Frozen Dinner
    Mike's wayward brother, Rusty, comes to town and presents Sue with an extravagant gift, which Mike thinks is stolen goods. Meanwhile, with Sue now older and living the college life, Mike feels like he's not as close to her as he used to be and tries to figure out a way to reconnect; Axl blows the money from his first paycheck on a big screen TV and blames his spending spree on years of learning from Frankie's lack of financial wisdom; and Brick is stumped, but delighted to discover mysterious, unmarked gifts being left at the front door of the house.
  • 15. Toasted
    Things don't go as smoothly as planned for the Hecks when Frankie helps Sue celebrate her 21st birthday by taking her to a bar close to the college, Mike begrudgingly accompanies Brick to a “Planet Nowhere” convention, and Axl and Hutch head to Ohio in the Winnebago to attend and make a toast at ex-college roomie Kenny's wedding.
  • 16. The Crying Game
    While Frankie feels the need to have a good cry after having a bad week, Mike shares the good news that, after 25 years as manager at the local quarry, he is being offered the job of regional manager but feels uncomfortable saying goodbye to his co-workers. Meanwhile, Brick suspects that he's being treated unfairly by his health teacher because of how horribly Axl treated her back when he was a student.
  • 17. Hecks vs. Glossners: The Final Battle
    It's the Orson showdown of the century when the Hecks - along with the Donahues and Bill Norwood - wage a war against the Glossners after they steal Sue's car.
  • 18. Thank You For Not Kissing
    Dr. Fulton tells Frankie and Mike that Brick and Cindy have been making out all over the school. Mike tries to teach Brick proper dating etiquette; Sue attempts to give Sean the snow globe, and tell him how much she likes him; Frankie finds a box of unfinished thank you letters, she orders Axl to finish them, and mail them all out.
  • 19. Bat Out Of Heck
    Frankie is surprised but relieved when Dr. Goodwin agrees to buy all of the peanut brittle that Brick needs to sell for school. But the good doctor displays a bit of Mr. Hyde behavior when Frankie doesn't deliver the product in an expeditious manner. Meanwhile, Axl is getting sick and tired of having Mike tell him how to run his life; and things go off the rails when Axl attempts to trade in the Winnebago and buy a car. Sue is more determined than ever to win a very prestigious and competitive hotel scholarship; and Frankie swears that she's seeing something mysterious flying through the house.
  • 20. Great Heckspectations
    Frankie has to force Brick into asking Cindy to the high school prom but worries that his quirkiness could spoil the happy event; Lexie talks a clueless Axl into giving Sue a belated 21st birthday present; and Mike becomes frustrated over how to get used to a new TV remote.
  • 21. The Royal Flush
    In an attempt to get Frankie the best Mother's Day gift ever, Sue and Brick enter a trivia contest where they could win a trip for two to London for the upcoming royal wedding; and Axl is offered a job interview that could change his life.
  • 22. Split Decision
    Frankie makes it her mission to sway Axl from taking the job in Denver; Sue is depressed over Sean leaving for Ghana; Brick buys a huge amount of lawn chairs to replace the one he's been using for nine years.
  • 23. A Heck of a Ride: Part One
    After nine hilarious and heartfelt seasons, a Heck leaves the nest as the family takes a road trip to Denver, where Axl will start his new job – and new life away from home.
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