The Good Wife

  • 평점: 8.30
  • 발행 연도: 2009
  • 장르: Crime, , Drama
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 43 분
  • 복잡성: 9

정치적 섹스 스캔들과 부패 혐의를 받은 변호사 피터는 감옥살이를 한다. 그의 아내는 자녀 양육을 위해 소송자로 일하게 됩니다. 그녀는 커리어 전체를 쇄신하기 위해 노력합니다.

  • 1. Pilot
    Alicia Florrick returns to her job as a lawyer after her husband, a prominent state's attorney, is imprisoned. Her first case involves a mother who is facing trial for killing her ex-husband.
  • 2. Stripped
    Alicia takes on the second chair of a rape case: a civil suit involving the abuse of a prostitute who may have been hired by her husband.
  • 3. Home
    Alicia defends the son of former friends, who have ostracized her since the scandal, on a charge of felony murder.
  • 4. Fixed
    Alicia is asked to find evidence that could help her husband get a new trial. Meanwhile, during a class action trial, she suspects that she has found evidence that the defense is paying off a juror.
  • 5. Crash
    Alicia and Will represent three widows who are suing the freight train company their husbands worked for after a fatal accident, while Diane asks Kalinda to gather information on a lawyer who may be considered as a new partner.
  • 6. Conjugal
    The firm gets a retrial in a case involving a convicted death row inmate, and Alicia is forced to turn to her husband to get information that will help them win the case.
  • 7. Unorthodox
    While representing the daughter of one of the partner's at the law firm, Alicia finds herself attracted to her co-counsel and his unorthodox approach to defending their client.
  • 8. Unprepared
    As Alicia prepares to defend a scientist accused of starting a fire in a university lab, she is asked to testify in her husband's appeal, which could send him home sooner than expected.
  • 9. Threesome
    Peter's prostitute goes public with accusations that are very embarrassing to Alicia and her family. Meanwhile, name partner Jonah Stern asks Alicia to help defend him after he is accused of DUI and assaulting a police officer.
  • 10. Lifeguard
    When a judge overturns a simple plea deal that Alicia arranged, she looks into his motivation, and Diane is made an offer she can't refuse…to Will's delight.
  • 11. Infamy
    Alicia is taken off a high-profile First Amendment case involving an obnoxious talk show host who may be responsible for a woman's suicide when the wife of one of her husband's rivals requests her as her divorce lawyer.
  • 12. Painkiller
    Alicia defends a doctor accused of prescribing oxycodone to a star high school quarterback who overdosed, provides information to Peter about his rival, Glenn Childs, and deals with Peter's mother, who has suffered a stroke.
  • 13. Bad
    As Peter's trial begins, Alicia is busy with a civil trial defending a contemptible husband who was found not guilty of killing his wife. Meanwhile, Diane considers buying a gun for protection against an ex-con.
  • 14. Hi
    As Alicia defends a husband accused of murdering the babysitter, she and her family prepare for the outcome of Peter's appeal and his possible homecoming.
  • 15. Bang
    Peter returns home and discovers the secret photos that his children have been keeping from Alicia. At Alicia's firm, Will removes her from a case involving a bodyguard accused of killing his boss, a dishonest financial planner.
  • 16. Fleas
    The firm is having financial problems, so Will takes on a questionable case and considers taking on an unsavory client. Meanwhile, Alicia tries to find out who's been Tweeting gossip about her relationship with her husband.
  • 17. Heart
    Will makes a move on Alicia as the firm takes on an insurance company denying coverage for a risky, expensive surgery to an expectant mother. Meanwhile, Peter seeks public reconciliation with the African American community.
  • 18. Doubt
    While a jury deliberates a case involving a co-ed accused of murder, ballistics expert Kurt McVeigh reenters Diane's life, while the awkwardness between Will and Alicia intensifies.
  • 19. Boom
    Stern launches his plan to take down Lockhart and Gardner and steal all their best lawyers, while a potential surprise witness emerges with dirt against Peter.
  • 20. Mock
    Alicia tries to help an Indian family in her building after the mom faces deportation unless the son helps the feds bring down a group of smugglers, while Will presides as the judge in a law school mock trial.
  • 21. Unplugged
    While the firm takes on a case involving a divorce settlement for the wife of a musician who is in a coma, Alicia reluctantly considers a bold move to make sure that Lockhart and Gardner choose her over Cary.
  • 22. Hybristophilia
    Will sends Alicia to disgraced CEO Colin Sweeney's home to handle merger details, but finds him with a dead body instead. Meanwhile, Glen Childs tries to save his case against Peter, and Cary searches for a way to get back at Alicia.
  • 23. Running
    The firm goes head-to-head with Cary and other familiar faces in a police corruption case. Meanwhile, Eli Gold seeks to put pressure on Peter to run for reelection, but will Alicia go along for the ride?
  • 1. Taking Control
    While Alicia rejects Will's advance and stays with Peter, a judge appoints her as counsel for a man accused of killing his business partner. Meanwhile, Lockhart and Gardner find a new, young and ambitious name partner.
  • 2. Double Jeopardy
    While a viral video damages Peter's campaign, Cary exploits a legal loophole and force, Alicia and Will to defend a murder suspect in military court, and Will and Diane weigh the pros and cons of taking on Lou Dobbs as a client.
  • 3. Breaking Fast
    The firm takes on a case involving a son whose father died as a result of a sniper trial in which he was acquitted. Meanwhile, Alicia's gay brother comes to town and makes trouble for Peter's campaign.
  • 4. Cleaning House
    While Alicia defends a security company being sued after a fatal rave stampede, she is accused of leaking her deposition of Glenn Childs to help Peter's campaign. But could it really be the work of an unnamed third candidate?
  • 5. VIP Treatment
    The firm does some makeshift, last-minute investigating in order to decide whether to defend a masseuse accusing a beloved Nobel Prize winner of sexual assault, but the accused tries to use Peter to sway the firm's decision.
  • 6. Poisoned Pill
    The firm takes on a test case which could lead to a class-action suit against a pharmaceutical company, a dirty trick against Wendy Scott-Carr backfires for Florrick and Childs' campaigns, and Blake and Kalinda step up their rivalry.
  • 7. Bad Girls
    Alicia defends a former teen star against charges of attempted murder. Wendy Scott-Carr launches an all-out assault against Peter's vulnerable campaign, while Peter considers a sweetheart deal to drop out of the race.
  • 8. On Tap
    Alicia discovers new information about Eli Gold and Will's feelings while listening to wiretap recordings for a case about a corrupt alderman, and Zach hurts his dad's campaign by producing a viral video.
  • 9. Nine Hours
    While Peter prepares for his debate, Alicia and the rest of the firm work overtime amending a last-minute appeal for a death row inmate after Alicia receives a cryptic call from an appeals court clerk.
  • 10. Breaking Up
    The firm tries to get a client's son to turn on his girlfriend when they both face murder charges, Alicia's brother comes for a surprise visit, and Will finds out that Diane is planning to break away from the firm.
  • 11. Two Courts
    A basketball grudge between Will and a judge could cost Will's client a shot at a fair trial, a new consultant threatens Eli Gold's control over Peter's campaign, and the power plays within the firm become complex and nasty.
  • 12. Silly Season
    As Cary and Alicia go head to head again in a prison murder case, Cary uncovers an unlikely connection between the accused and one of Bond's clients. Meanwhile, a dirty campaign trick could backfire on Peter's campaign.
  • 13. Real Deal
    While battling an old rival to gain control of a class-action lawsuit, Alicia, Will and Diane discover that a traitor is in their midst. Meanwhile, the Florrick campaign tries to find a way to win the youth vote.
  • 14. Net Worth
    Will and Diane take on a movie studio and screenwriter accused of defamation against a famous computer programmer. Meanwhile, Diane contemplates her relationship with Will on a cross-country trip, and Blake and Kalinda come to blows.
  • 15. Silver Bullet
    Diane defends her erstwhile love interest, Kurt McVeigh, when he faces a law suit from a convicted criminal who has now been released when his lawyer shows the police and the crime lab manufactured evidence. They go after McVeigh in the belief that he too was part of the conspiracy. To get the case thrown out, Diane will have to show that he made an honest mistake. Meanwhile, Eli Gold thinks he's found the silver bullet in Peter's campaign against Wendy Scott-Carr: it appears that the she hired an illegal alien, Natalie Flores, as a nanny. She's been living in the U.S…
  • 16. Great Firewall
    As the vote to determine the fate of the firm arrives, Lockhart, Gardner, and Bond make final maneuvers. Meanwhile, the firm takes a case involving the Internet and human rights, and Peter's campaign tries to take out Glenn Childs.
  • 17. Ham Sandwich
    Alicia helps Bishop with his divorce and custody settlement, and helps Kalinda after she is subpoenaed to appear in front of a grand jury. Meanwhile, Eli changes Peter's campaign strategy to appeal to white, middle-class voters.
  • 18. Killer Song
    The firm takes a case involving a killer who allegedly wrote a song about his crime, Eli tries to help the family of Wendy Scott-Carr's illegal nanny, and Peter takes steps to keep his and Kalinda's secret from going public.
  • 19. Wrongful Termination
    To Lockhart/Gardner's disbelief, Louis Canning returns to face off against Alicia once again when the firm represents families of workers who committed suicide due to miserable working conditions. Meanwhile, Cary finds out shocking information about Kalinda.
  • 20. Foreign Affairs
    On the eve of the election, Eli tries to persuade Alicia to conduct an interview on behalf of her husband. Meanwhile, Lockhart Gardner is forced to work with Fred Thompson and the Venezuelan government on an oil case.
  • 21. In Sickness
    After Peter wins the election, Alicia kicks Peter out of the house because of his affair with Kalinda. Meanwhile, opposing counsel in an organ transplant case suddenly asks Will to represent her when her firm fires her.
  • 22. Getting Off
    Alicia is assigned to defend a woman who is being sued by a widow whose husband was murdered by someone he met on the defendant's website. Once again, Alicia and Will are up against the somewhat ditsy Nancy Crozier. When her case turns to accusing the defendant of murder - and Carey Agos takes an all too obvious interest in the civil proceedings - Alicia and Will realize they have to change their strategy. At the office, Alicia lays it on the line with Kalinda, who decides to get a job elsewhere.
  • 23. Closing Arguments
    Lockhart Gardner is in a race against time after new evidence in a murder trial is discovered during jury deliberations, Eli Gold offers his consulting services to the firm, and Alicia and Will reevaluate their working relationship.
  • 1. A New Day
    Alica goes head-to-head with her separated husband's office in a case involving a Palestinian college student accused of killing a Jew, while also pursuing a new relationship with Will.
  • 2. The Death Zone
    Alicia and Will are forced to try a libel case in an English court and Eli hires Kalinda to investigate a potential political scandal. Meanwhile, a request from Peter leads Diane to question Alicia's personal life.
  • 3. Get a Room
    Alicia and Will are forced into court-ordered mediation, and one of Will's ex girlfriends is opposing counsel. Meanwhile, the Wisconsin Dairy Guild hires Eli for damage control, and Owen becomes curious about Alicia's personal life.
  • 4. Feeding the Rat
    Alicia takes on what may be the firm's final pro-bono case. Meanwhile, Diane and Will's attempts to foil Eli's power play take an unexpected turn when Will gets a job offer he may not be able to refuse.
  • 5. Marthas and Caitlins
    The firm has to almost literally make a deal with the Devil to win a case, Will appoints Alicia to make the next first-year associate hire, and Eli tries to secure the keynote address at the Democratic Convention for Peter.
  • 6. Affairs of State
    Lockhart Gardner tries to secure diplomatic immunity for a Taiwanese man accused of rape and murder, while Eli asks Kalinda to investigate his ex-wife, who is contemplating a run for state senate.
  • 7. Executive Order 13224
    Alicia gets put in a delicate situation after the firm defends an American citizen accused of being a terrorist, while the DA's office begins a RICO investigation against Will Gardner.
  • 8. Death Row Tip
    Alicia needs the cooperation of a reluctant death row inmate to help one of the firm's clients accused of murder, Kalinda warms up to Cary's new partner, and Eli helps a young politician after some potentially damaging photos emerge.
  • 9. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
    The firm defends a soldier accused of murder for firing a drone that killed Afghan civilians, Eli meets his match while lobbying for the dairy industry, and Peter hires a surprise special prosecutor to investigate Will.
  • 10. Parenting Made Easy
    Alicia goes head-to-head with Louis Canning in an arbitration case, but a personal crisis at home interferes with the case. Meanwhile, Diane confronts Will on his relationship with Alicia as the DA's office continues its investigation.
  • 11. What Went Wrong
    While the firm tries to get a mistrial after a fishy verdict in a client's murder trial, Peter uses his influence to get Grace into a prestigious prep school.
  • 12. Alienation of Affection
    A lawsuit against Lockhart Gardner sparks a power play by Eli Gold against David Lee. Meanwhile, Will finds a defense attorney to prepare against the DA's office, and Diane takes an interest in a process server.
  • 13. Bitcoin for Dummies
    Alicia defends a man who claims to represent the person who created a new online currency against the Treasury Department, while Dana tries to play Kalinda against Will to help the DA's case against him.
  • 14. Another Ham Sandwich
    The DA's office begins its grand jury hearing against Will, and Alicia unfairly finds herself in the crosshairs. Meanwhile, Eli and Stacie Hall's rivalry intensifies as the gay and lesbian alliance looks for a strategist.
  • 15. Live from Damascus
    While Will prosecutes a class action lawsuit against a software manufacturer accused of helping the Syrian government spy on protesters, he considers a settlement that will keep him from being disbarred.
  • 16. After the Fall
    While Alicia takes a case involving a suicide captured on video, three Lockhart Gardner employees try to capitalize on Will's absence. Meanwhile, Peter may have to compromise his ethics to get an important keynote address.
  • 17. Long Way Home
    The firm's efforts to get Colin Sweeney back as CEO of his old company are sidetracked by a paternity claim, Cary faces an ethical dilemma during an internal investigation, and Alicia considers repurchasing her old home.
  • 18. Gloves Come Off
    Alicia gets a new job offer from Louis Canning as they go head-to-head again in a lawsuit against a professional hockey league, while Diane falls back into the arms of an old flame after being stood up on a date with another man.
  • 19. Blue Ribbon Panel
    Alicia clashes with her fellow members of a blue ribbon panel investigating a police shooting, while also trying to put the winning offer on her old house. Meanwhile, Eli, David, and Julius continue to make a play for Will's seat.
  • 20. Pants on Fire
    While Alicia defends a teen wrongly imprisoned for a summer camp murder, her actions get Peter an unlikely opponent for the governor's race, and she is forced to confront her mother-in-law, who has bought her old home.
  • 21. The Penalty Box
    Diane defends a judge accused of prosecutorial wrongdoing, the firm considers bringing back Cary Agos, and one of Kalinda's old acquaintances may have put her in life-threatening situation.
  • 22. The Dream Team
    Louis Canning and Patti Nyholm launch a plan to bankrupt Lockhart Gardner, Alicia's discovery of an uncashed check puts Kalinda in more danger, and Eli urges Jackie to apologize to Alicia over the old house.
  • 1. I Fought the Law
    Zach gets in trouble with the law during a drug search, a trustee prepares to make budget cuts for the firm, and the firm's new client turns out to be part of Kalinda's past.
  • 2. And the Law Won
    Will faces troubles in his first case back from suspension, Alicia seeks relief for the firm from their new landlord, and Kalinda's husband continues to create problems for her.
  • 3. Two Girls, One Code
    The firm tries to get a search engine its clients are suing to reveal its proprietary algorithms, a journalist may have evidence that Peter had another affair, and Kalinda's husband discovers that she has a girlfriend.
  • 4. Don't Haze Me, Bro
    While Diane prosecutes a case involving the parents of a hazing death victim seeing a university, Eli has to put out a couple of fires before Peter's straw poll. Meanwhile, the firm's trustee tries to find an office for Cary.
  • 5. Waiting for the Knock
    Alicia tries to help Lemond Bishop get out of trouble with the Feds, Eli has to do damage control when a blog article hurts Peter during the straw poll, and Kalinda's husband finds interesting information about her girlfriend.
  • 6. The Art of War
    While Alicia helps a military rape case involving a private contractor, a surprise candidate enters the governor's race. Meanwhile, Alicia and Cary find a loophole that could guarantee Nick Saverese the city contract.
  • 7. Anatomy of a Joke
    While Alicia and Cary take a client to Washington to speak to the FCC, a potential buyer for Lockhart Gardner emerges. Meanwhile, Peter faces new allegations and Alicia helps a former JAG lawyer find a job.
  • 8. Here Comes the Judge
    Will and Alicia fight to get a biased judge removed from a case, Alicia discovers that Peter's opponents are tracking Grace, and Eli gets a new surprise volunteer on the campaign.
  • 9. A Defense of Marriage
    An opportunistic lawyer hopes to turn Alicia's case into a test case to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, and Alicia's mom comes to town needing help to challenge her late husband's pre-nup.
  • 10. Battle of the Proxies
    Will and Alicia deal with simultaneous murder trials involving the same victim, Peter's campaign comes under federal scrutiny, Kalinda's husband Nick threatens Alicia, and a web search on her home computer draws Alicia's attention.
  • 11. Boom De Yah Da
    The firm is pursuing a $15 million lawsuit against a company whose chairman, Wilkes, is proving to be particularly difficult to depose. Alicia travels to a remote rural location to depose him and despite a judge's order that he make himself available for 3 hours, she barely seen him for 3 minutes. Wilkes' lawyer is none other that Alicia's nemesis, Louis Canning and her patience is growing thin. Will and Diane square off against Clarke Hayden who seeks to have them removed as head of the firm after foiling his attempt at a merger. Eli Gold is in trouble with Federal …
  • 12. Je Ne Sais What?
    When their friend Elsbeth Tascioni finds herself under arrest Alicia, Will and Diane pull out all the stops to represent her client, Anna, an athlete whose sponsor has now reneged on a $5 million sponsorship contract. The company is doing what it can to get out of the deal arguing that a recent drug ban releases them from their obligations. Anna denies doping but she did terminate a pregnancy and took medication but she refuses to make that public. On the campaign trail meanwhile, Peter is facing accusations of racial bias in the way he manages his office. Eli and …
  • 13. The Seven Day Rule
    Diane and Will offer Alicia a chance to become an equity partner, but do they have ulterior motives? Meanwhile, the firm battles an old enemy as they negotiate a valuable pre-nup, and religion becomes an issue in the gubernatorial campaign.
  • 14. Red Team, Blue Team
    Alicia and Cary get bad news about their partnerships just as they are set to take on Diane and Will in a mock trial. Meanwhile, Elsbeth discovers that the Feds are playing dirty in their Eli Gold investigation.
  • 15. Going for the Gold
    Elsbeth takes the fight to A-USA Josh Perotti as she defends Eli Gold, Peter needs advice as he debates Maddie Hayward, and Alicia faces hard choices in her first role as equity partner.
  • 16. Runnin' with the Devil
    Alicia suspects that another lawyer brought in by Lemond Bishop to help his case may be intimidating witnesses, Lockhart and Gardner argue over the firm's future, and the firm hires a new investigator–much to Kalinda's chagrin.
  • 17. Invitation to an Inquest
    Will and Alicia clash with an insurance company lawyer at a coroner's inquest after a judge's death, Zack's new Muslim girlfriend could cause problems with Peter's campaign, and Cary brings in a big client with his father's help.
  • 18. Death of a Client
    Peter has an important black-tie dinner, but Alicia is called away when a client is murdered, and the investigation suggests that her family may also be in danger. Meanwhile, Diane gets a job offer from Peter if he wins the election.
  • 19. The Wheels of Justice
    Alicia and Will try to get an extra “speedy” trial for Colin Sweeney to beat a Supreme Court ruling on third strikes. Meanwhile, Diane appears ready to take her on-again/off-again romance with Kurt McVeigh to a new level.
  • 20. Rape: A Modern Perspective
    Will and Alicia represent Rainey Selwin who is suing her rapist in civil court after the authorities failed to prosecute her attacker. She is particularly upset that he's just going on with his life, which includes going to college in the fall. The judge has issued a strict gag order on the court proceedings but when he learns Rainey tweeted about the case, he puts her in jail. Alicia is soon receiving anonymous information via the Internet and believes that a former client, Dylan Stack - and his friends in Anonymous - is responsible. Meanwhile, Diane's vetting for a …
  • 21. A More Perfect Union
    Alicia's case involving at-will employees trying to unionize sparks a possible mutiny at Lockhart Gardner. Meanwhile, Mike gives Alicia an opportunity to renew their wedding vows, but he also needs her help on the campaign.
  • 22. What's in the Box?
    On Election Day Eve, both gubernatorial campaigns fight in court over absentee vote tampering. Meanwhile, Cary runs into staff and client issues before starting up his new firm.
  • 1. Everything Is Ending
    Alicia works on a Death Row appeal with Will and Diane before going off to start her own firm with Cary, but people begin to suspect something is afoot. Meanwhile, Peter searches for a Chief of Staff.
  • 2. The Bit Bucket
    One of Lockhart Gardner's Internet clients takes on the NSA, Diane's nomination to the Supreme Court hits a snag, and Alicia's mom's “investment” could expose Alicia's imminent departure from the firm.
  • 3. A Precious Commodity
    While Alicia defends a surrogate mother being forced to abort a baby, she also unwittingly gets thrust into the middle of a struggle by Will to get Diane removed from the firm.
  • 4. Outside the Bubble
    Alicia attempts to obtain Lockhart/Gardner files as she prepares to leave the firm. Carrie Preston returns as Elsbeth Tascioni, Gary Cole returns as Kurt McVeigh and Rita Wilson returns as Viola Walsh.
  • 5. Hitting the Fan
    When Will find out that Alicia and Cary are leaving the firm, he fires them and sets out to destroy them before they can get their new firm off the ground.
  • 6. The Next Day
    Lockhart Gardner and Florrick Agos fight over clients and expert witnesses in a gun case, Diane loses her Illinois Supreme Court nomination, and Alicia faces ethics questions over her husband's actions.
  • 7. The Next Week
    Alicia and Cary suspect the old firm may be spying on them, and they turn to an old face for financial advice. Meanwhile, Alicia may be liable in a multi-million dollar lawsuit against Lockhart Gardner.
  • 8. The Next Month
  • 9. Whack-a-Mole
    Alicia and Cary go head-to-head with Will and Diane representing a client identified as a terrorist on a social website, Will hires a shady mob lawyer for his firm, and Jackie tries to block a Supreme Court nominee.
  • 10. The Decision Tree
    Alicia is shocked to learn that a former client, the deceased Matthew Ashbaugh, has left her $12 million in his will. The widow, Lila Ashbaugh, contests it and hires LD to represent her. Will argues that Alicia used undue influence in getting Ashbaugh to change his will. Kalinda continues vetting Damian Boyle but runs up against a detective who owes Boyle a favor and seems intent on keeping her in jail, at least overnight. Alicia agrees to invite Peter to the new firm's Christmas party and has to invite mother-in-law Jackie as well - but forgets to invite her own …
  • 11. Goliath and David
    Alicia and Will try to throw each other off their games as they go head-to-head again in a copyright infringement case, and Eli hires Kalinda to find the identity of Marilyn's baby's father.
  • 12. We, the Juries
    Lockhart Gardner and Florrick Agos must work together–sort of–as they represent a couple accused of drug trafficking, Marilyn tries to get to the bottom of a potential scandal, and Cary gets revenge on Kalinda.
  • 13. Parallel Construction, Bitches
    While defending Lemond Bishop on drug trafficking charges, Florick- Agos discover the NSA wire tap. Meanwhile the election fraud investigation targets both law firms.
  • 14. A Few Words
    Alicia recalls her tough road back into the workplace as she prepares an important speech. Meanwhile, Florrick Agos tries to court a lawyer into joining the firm, and Will looks for help to get out of the voter fraud investigation.
  • 15. Dramatics, Your Honor
    Alicia agrees to a deposition with Nelson Dubeck, Will struggles to find a winning theory as he defends an accused killer, and Kalinda has new doubts about her future with Lockhart Gardner.
  • 16. The Last Call
    Alicia searches for answers as she tries to make sense of Will's death in the aftermath of the courthouse shooting. Meanwhile, Diane delivers the somber news to the partners at Lockhart/Gardner who must decide how to move forward.
  • 17. A Material World
    Diane discusses a merger with Alicia, who is still reeling badly. Meanwhile, after David Lee gets wind of the news, he begins plotting to have Diane removed as managing partner.
  • 18. All Tapped Out
    Alicia learns that she has been wire-tapped when an NSA employee comes to Florrick Agos for legal representation, and Louis Canning is hired to become the “New Will” at Lockhart Gardner.
  • 19. Tying the Knot
    Alicia finds herself in the middle of another suspicious death involving Colin Sweeney, offers some political advice to Finn Polmar, and has to confront Zach over a embarrassing photo.
  • 20. The Deep Web
    Alicia is called for jury duty and meets an attractive man, Daniel Irwin. She's still confused about Will's death and is emotional but accepts his invitation to lunch. She turns to her mother for advice. Diane Lockhart meanwhile represents Robbie Pollard, the grandson of one of their major clients Lyle Pollard. Lyle admits to writing fake reviews for a web site, Silk Road, that sells contraband goods including drugs. He says he was paid anonymously and didn't buy or sell any of the goods but his works abetted the crime. Finn Polmar is responsible for the case and …
  • 21. The One Percent
    Canning goes after Alicia in a discrimination case after her CEO client puts his foot in his mouth, Diane is undercut by her own partners in a class action suit, and Peter becomes suspicious of Alicia's relationship with Finn Polmar.
  • 22. A Weird Year
    A teleconferencing system that accidentally stays on at Lockhart/Gardner has a ripple effect on both LG and Florrick/Agos. Diane and Alicia have to make decisions about the future of their companies.
  • 1. The Line
    Alicia is adamant in her refusal to run for State's Attorney despite Eli's attempts to persuade her to launch a campaign. Meanwhile, as Diane considers joining Florrick/Agos as partner, an internal crisis threatens to destroy the firm.
  • 2. Trust Issues
    Alicia scrambles to hold onto Florrick/Agos' biggest client as the firm continues to struggle with an internal legal crisis. Meanwhile, Diane continues to plot her move from Lockhart/Gardner and looks for partners to bring with her to the new firm.
  • 3. Dear God
    Cary is in danger of losing his bail, and one of Alicia's clients opts to take his case to Christian arbitration. Meanwhile, a feminist icon encourages Alicia to run for office, but she still refuses to take the bait.
  • 4. Oppo Research
    Alicia decides to run for state's attorney, but she is not prepared to hear all the dirt that her campaign manager has gathered about her own family and career.
  • 5. Shiny Objects
    Alicia faces a dilemma as she kicks off her campaign, the firm's computers are held for ransom by a con artist, and Alicia tries to throw Elsbeth Tascioni off her game as they go head-to-head in a trial.
  • 6. Old Spice
    Cary violates his bail agreement on a technicality, Alicia addresses her religious beliefs for her campaign, Diane plots to evict her old firm, and Elsbeth has feelings for her opposing A.U.S.A. counsel.
  • 7. Message Discipline
    Finn Polmar devises a new strategy to go after Cary, which could have a negative affect on governor Florrick. Meanwhile, a potential new candidate in the state's attorney race could challenge Alicia's front-runner status.
  • 8. Red Zone
    Alicia gives legal advice to a rape victim and winds up dealing with a trial against Louis Canning, while also trying to improve her image for the the election. Meanwhile, Lemond Bishop is suspicious of Kalinda's lover, Lana.
  • 9. Sticky Content
    After Prady goes to Alicia with an intriguing proposal involving their campaigns, Alicia discovers that Peter may be seeing another woman. Meanwhile, Cary learns that Lemond Bishop may be trying to kill him.
  • 10. The Trial
    When Cary's case goes to trial, a plea deal offer has him seriously considering jail time. Also, a joke between mother and daughter lands Alicia in trouble as her campaign for State's Attorney is in full stride.
  • 11. Hail Mary
    While the Florrick camp tries to prepare Alicia for her debate with Prady, the firm launches a last-ditch effort to save Cary before he is scheduled to go to prison.
  • 12. The Debate
    A new rumor of Peter's infidelity is leaked to Alicia moments before her debate, but social unrest over a courtroom verdict puts the debate on hold. Meanwhile, a messy divorce settlement cause Cary and Diane to make a deal with the Devil.
  • 13. Dark Money
    The firm takes on a TV producer who made an episode based on the Colin Sweeney murder case, Alicia and Prady compete for a wealthy donor's campaign money, and Lemond Bishop makes Kalinda drive his son home from school.
  • 14. Mind's Eye
    As Alicia prepares for an important interview, rumors of her campaign partnership with Lemond Bishop swirl. But Alicia is distracted thinking about a lawsuit from Canning, troubles with her kids, and her ongoing love for Will Gardner.
  • 15. Open Source
    A case involving a gun made from a 3D printer causes tension between Diane and Kurt McVeigh, Alicia must decide whether to make a political attack against her husband, and Canning has an odd request for Alicia after his transplant.
  • 16. Red Meat
    Alicia's political future is on the line when Peter gives an interview that could influence voter turnout on Election Day. Meanwhile, a weekend getaway with Kurt (Gary Cole) and his affluent hunting buddies could lead Diane to a prosperous new client for the firm. Oliver Platt and David Hyde guest star.
  • 17. Undisclosed Recipients
    The partners of Florrick/Agos/Lockhart find themselves at odds when they voice different opinions regarding the company's future. Also, the firm falls victim to a cyber-hack after it takes on the case of a movie producer whose work is pirated on a peer-to-peer sharing site. Ed Asner guest stars.
  • 18. Loser Edit
    Still reeling from the cyber-hack at her law firm, Alicia is ambushed with questions about her leaked emails during a television interview. Meanwhile, Diane takes on a case that pits her sympathies towards gay marriage against the rights of religious freedom. Also, an investigator starts looking into the evidence Diane used to get Cary out of prison.
  • 19. Winning Ugly
    When potential voter fraud is discovered in the State's Attorney election, Eli and Alicia take steps to stop a recount by enlisting the help of a well-respected civil rights lawyer, Spencer Randolph (guest star Ron Rifkin). Also, Diane learns she unwittingly submitted false evidence in Cary's case.
  • 20. The Deconstruction
    Alicia faces the aftermath of her withdrawal as Kalinda must find a way to save Cary from testifying against Bishop.
  • 21. Don't Fail
    Now unemployed and having a crisis of confidence, Alicia finds little of interest to fill her time until she comes in contact with Bret Tetro, a former client who she successfully defended against a charge of attempted murder 6 years ago. He's now facing a first degree murder charge in the same case after the man he supposedly tried to kill has now died. She tries to get Finn Polmar to take the case but he's overloaded so she plunges in. The judge has already ruled that double jeopardy doesn't apply and the ASA Matan Brody tells her she has a big hole in her case. She…
  • 22. Wanna Partner?
    When Alicia gets a suspicious call from a client, she discovers that he's being held in a secret police facility where people are detained without being officially booked.
  • 1. Bond
    Alicia attempts to revive her struggling law career by representing arrestees seeking release on bail in bond court, where she meets attorney Lucca Quinn (Cush Jumbo), who competes for her clients. Also, Peter brings in national strategist Ruth Eastman (Margo Martindale) to help with his presidential campaign, and creates an interesting dynamic with Eli in the process. Jane Curtin guest stars as Judge Farley and journalist Mo Rocca returns as news anchor Ted Willoughby.
  • 2. Innocents
    Alicia hires a new investigator, and a new friend from bond court helps her with a case. Eli uses Alicia to maneuver his way back into Peter's campaign. Cary looks for a way to get Howard out of the firm.
  • 3. Cooked
    Alicia and Lucca work together on a complicated court case involving a designer drug dealer. Also, Eli encourages Alicia and Veronica (Stockard Channing) to participate in a mother/daughter cooking show to help Peter's campaign, with disastrous results.
  • 4. Taxed
    Alicia clashes with the bond court judge when she agrees to support a client's plea of innocence in a shoplifting case. Diane is coerced by her client's counsel to argue against her own beliefs in a case about physician assisted suicide.
  • 5. Payback
    Jason uses aggressive investigative tactics when he assists Alicia and Lucca with a student loan case. Meanwhile, Howard Lyman alleges ageism at his firm and accuses Cary as the primary offender; Eli stirs up Florrick family drama on Peter's presidential campaign.
  • 6. Lies
    Alicia and Lucca defend a client who was fired from a technology firm for failing a polygraph test. Also, Eli plots to leak something that would damage Peter's presidential campaign but could inadvertently hurt Alicia.
  • 7. Driven
    Alicia and Lucca join a case involving an automotive executive represented by Lockhart, Agos and Lee, and an employee represented by Louis Canning, who was involved in a crippling accident while test-driving a car operating in “driverless” mode. Also, when Ruth and Eli pursue Courtney Paige (Vanessa Williams), a potential campaign contributor, Peter moves back in with Alicia to present a united family image.
  • 8. Restraint
    Diane is personally conflicted when she is forced to argue a heated case between pro-choice and pro-life advocates in order to retain an important client, represented by attorney Ethan Carver (Peter Gallagher). Also, Alicia and Lucca are desperate for new business and attempt to poach clients from Louis Canning (Michael J. Fox).
  • 9. Discovery
    Alicia and Lucca join forces with Louis Canning (Michael J. Fox) to defend a website against an accusation of racial profiling. Also, Eli and Ruth worry about the nature of Alicia's relationship with Jason and how it could impact Peter's presidential campaign.
  • 10. KSR
    Alicia and Lucca defend a well-respected surgeon accused of plotting to commit a crime. Also, Ruth schemes to remove Jason from Alicia's life by trying to persuade Courtney Paige (Vanessa Williams) to hire him for business in another state.
  • 11. Iowa
    Peter tries to make a strong showing in the Iowa Caucus, but Alicia is still giving the cold shoulder to Eli. Lucca makes a discovery while setting up Jackie and Howard's prenup. Diane and Cary have to answer to a discrimination accusation.
  • 12. Tracks
    A client is infatuated with Lucca, Alicia discovers that Lockhart Agos Lee is trying to poach their new clients, Alicia's homeowner's association tries to evict her, and Eli enlists help to win Alicia's forgiveness.
  • 13. Judged
    After an unsuccessful lawsuit against Judge Schakowsky, Jason's return to Chicago, and a looming malpractice suit, Alicia reaches her breaking point. Meanwhile Diane takes on a private college defunding and shutting down its newspaper.
  • 14. Monday
    Alicia has trouble adjusting when she goes back to work at the firm.
  • 15. Targets
    Alicia joins a secret panel of lawyers advising the government on a controversial case.
  • 16. Hearing
    Eli is desperate to find out what the grand jury hearing involving Peter is specifically about, Alicia's mother Veronica needs help after she is scammed, and Diane comes to Alicia with a business proposition.
  • 17. Shoot
    Diane, Cary and Lucca defend the grieving father of a shooting victim (Blair Underwood) in a defamation suit over a billboard he put up describing a gun store owner as a murderer. Also, a romantic rendezvous between Alicia and Jason is interrupted when Alicia learns that Grace is being accused of plagiarizing her college entrance essay.
  • 18. Unmanned
    Alicia and Diane defend the Privacy rights of a therapist after his neighbor flies a drone over the man's home office. The Assistant US Attorney tries to use Eli's daughter as leverage and a case against Peter.
  • 19. Landing
    Alicia and Lucca travel to Toronto to represent NSA agent Jeff Delinger (Zach Woods) who was detained by customs officers while attempting to re-enter the United States. Also, Diane grows concerned when her husband, Kurt McVeigh (Gary Cole), decides to retire and sell his business to Holly Westfall (Megan Hilty), a rival business owner. Peter contemplates an uncertain future when faced with a possible arrest.
  • 20. Party
    Alicia’s night goes from bad to worse when she throws a party to celebrate Howard and Jackie’s upcoming wedding. Also, Eli asks Jason to investigate Peter in preparation for his trial,
  • 21. Verdict
    As Peter's trial begins, Alicia works desperately to keep her husband from returning to jail. Also, Diane and Lucca move aggressively to expand the law firm, but face serious opposition from David Lee.
  • 22. End
    The series reaches its dramatic conclusion.
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