That '70s Show

  • 평점: 8.10
  • 발행 연도: 1998
  • 장르: Comedy
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 22 분

A comedy revolving around a group of teenage friends, their mishaps, and their coming of age, set in 1970s Wisconsin.

  • 1. That '70s Pilot
    Point Place, Wisconsin, May 17, 1976. Nerdy teenager Eric, who smokes weed with some classmates in the basement, is in heaven when his dad Red decides to hand him the keys of his flashy Vista Cruiser, at the price of extra chores and forbidding him to take it out of town, knowing that won't be obeyed anyway. The gang, which just adopted foreign exchange student Fez, is excited about a Todd Rundgren concert- Jackie uses her female charms to make sure skirt-chaser Michael Kelso would take her too.
  • 2. Eric's Birthday
    Eric is turning 17 and made very clear he wants no more childish ‘surprise’ party and a cassette player, not an outdated 8-rack player, but ma Kitty is as subtle as a herd of elephants preparing exactly what he dreaded. To make it worse, Eric's nasty sister Laurie, in college, is home and makes the gang boys' heads spin, Kelso even imagines her to be madly in love with him. Pa Red cheerfully gives Laurie the keys to his new car plus $30, Eric nothing except that damned 8-track and his usual chores, while barring the only escape route from Kitty's eternal baby-party; …
  • 3. Streaking
    Point Place is buzzing when it's announced that President Ford is coming to town. Meanwhile, the guys want to do something to show their opposition and decide to go streaking.
  • 4. Battle of the Sexists
    Donna keeps beating Eric at games, which isn't very good for their relationship.
  • 5. Eric's Burger Job
    Eric gets a job at Fatso Burger and can't spend time with Donna, who's planning a party at the end of the week.
  • 6. The Keg
    The gang finds a keg and decides to throw a party in the pool of an abandoned house.
  • 7. That Disco Episode
    The gang decide to go to a disco. Hyde can't dance and secretly gets lessons from Kitty.
  • 8. Drive in
    Fez's host parents think the group has a bad influence on him and Eric and Donna are going to a drive-in movie.
  • 9. Thanksgiving
    While ordinary people look forward to enjoy Thanksgiving and later Christmas, the Formans suffer, even in anticipation, worse then usual, especially when Red's mother, hence Kitty's -in-law, from hell announces a ‘festive’ family visit, yet a cancellation can be bad too… For Eric it's sister Laurie's hot friend Kate, a seductress whose siren-tongue goes deep enough to feel guilty towards Donna, whom he tells despite the hornily sympathizing basement boys' warning: dumped and a lecture from Red… Midge makes Bob offer part-time (un)employed Red a job in the hardware…
  • 10. Sunday, Bloody Sunday
    Red's overcritical mother goes to church with the Foremans, torturing Kitty, who has just quit smoking.
  • 11. Eric's Buddy
    Eric starts hanging out with his rich chem lab partner, Buddy, and they become best friends, to the chagrin of Fez and Hyde.
  • 12. The Best Christmas Ever
    It's Christmas and Eric wants to give a party in the basement, with beer.
  • 13. Ski Trip
    The gang goes on a ski trip, without Kelso.
  • 14. Stolen Car
    When Eric scratches the Vista Cruiser Red takes it away. Luckily Kelso is able to borrow his cousin's car, or so they think… Meanwhile Donna and Jackie are starting to think more about sex and Midge begins to take feminist-classes.
  • 15. That Wrestling Show
    Kitty makes Red go to a wrestling show with the gang. Jackie becomes a door mat for Kelso. Midge convinces Kitty and Laurie to join her at “therapy.”
  • 16. First Date
    This episode is Valentine's Day. Eric wants to give Donna his class ring, but Hyde wants to tell her how he feels. Eric takes Donna to a restaurant and she gets drunk. Hyde and Eric have words and come to an understanding.
  • 17. The Pill
    Jackie tells about her pregnancy to Eric, who tells Donna, who gives the foolish girl heaps for having unsafe sex; Kelso faints overhearing them, but intends to do his duty as father. The Formans suspect correctly Laura is home because she failed at Fort Lauderdale college, hoping to fake her F's in an official letter. When Donna asks advice for her friend, Midge fears her daughter was as dumb as she at sixteen. Bob is shocked Donna ordered the pill at the pharmacy; Eric just runs out but has to face the home-front. Jackie has good and nasty news, Red handles horny …
  • 18. The Career Day
    It's career day and the gang spends a working day with their parents.
  • 19. Prom Night
    Eric is hoping the prom will allow him to take a next step with Donna, Hyde convinces him to take a motel-room; when they get there, it's grubby. Jackie has dumped Michael, yet wines he didn't ask her; in fact Kelso takes easy Pam Macy; Jackie now cries till Hyde takes her; on the night he notices his friends still only want each-other and makes Michael act accordingly. Fez doesn't take a girl but convinced himself his English teacher is enamored in him; the music teacher makes him star on the disco floor instead. Midge has decided she wants a job, or even better: her…
  • 20. A New Hope
    Eric, Hyde, Fez and Kelso go see Star Wars and become obsessed with it. Red's boss Milbank returns to town. Eric fights his son David, whose butt he once kicked in elementary school, for moving in on Donna.
  • 21. Water Tower
    The gang vandalizes the town water tower by painting a giant marijuana leaf on it, but it is confused for a hand giving the finger. While painting it, Kelso falls off the water tower and Jackie convinces him it's Hyde's fault. Eric decides to ask his mother for advice but walks in on his parents having sex, which he tells Laurie, who tells their parents who give him an embarrassing talk.
  • 22. Punk Chick
    Hyde meets a girl who asks him to go to New York with her.
  • 23. Grandma's Dead
    When Grandma Forman dies unexpectedly the Formans have to deal with the loss. Eric goes to a bar, Kitty cooks, Laurie thinks of her inheritance, and Red has to deal with his over-emotional brother.
  • 24. Hyde Moves In
    Kelso has the brilliant idea to go skinny-dipping, but all their clothes get stolen, so the basement gang goes to the Hyde home to put something on. Thus they learn his mother Edna has left, and Eric soon finds out she's not coming back, ever. Spoiled Jackie manages to catch something which gives her a rash, scary when Michael sweetly brings her a teddy-bear. Midge's Feminist Warriors -which no other husband puts up with- keep making her crazy, yet member Sharon actually proves an old-fashioned caring housewife at heart when she finds good provider Bob culinarily …
  • 25. The Good Son
    Goodfornothing Hyde surprises everyone, even himself, responding to Kitty's maternal influence by making some efforts at study and chores, no longer ‘admired’ by the other boys as the perfect bad example. Eric's initial happiness with the brother he never had soon turns in frustration as Hyde constantly gets hight praise and is even set as an example for doing less and half as good, while Eric is now kid no. 3, and listens to one of Kelso's worst-advised ideas… Red's fellow Korea veteran Bull is in Point Place, showing off to him him and Bob as a success in business…
  • 1. Garage Sale
    The Formans have a garage sale to earn some extra cash. Hyde doesn't have anything to sell, so he bakes “special brownies” to sell; Red, Kitty, Midge and Bob eat some of Hyde's brownies unsuspectingly. Fez kisses Jackie who tells Donna it's the best kiss she's ever had.
  • 2. Red's Last Day
    Michael is delighted his uncle gave him a van for free, even though it's a stinking rust-bucket, the basement boys see cruising (both senses) possibilities. The spoiled girls look down on it at first, except temptress Laurie, who tests Kelso's loyalty to Jackie till they ‘christen’ the date-mobile, Hyde notices it shaking as they groan from the outside and makes sure Eric learns the ‘disgusting’ news, and is big brotherly gullible enough to believe the slut didn't abuse their naive mate. On their last day at the plant, without any goodbye treat, Red joins his …
  • 3. The Velvet Rope
    Eric, Donna, Hyde and Fez go to a hip new club. But only Donna gets in.
  • 4. Laurie and the Professor
    After Laura eagerly points out at the family breakfast table that Eric has a hickey, Fez wants one too, from anyone. Hyde is sick of bunking and decides to move out of Eric's room, but to which other room? In another feminist flare, Midge takes Donna for a ride, bagging on Bob and shopping; at their return, pa insists to retaliate. Kelso decides to steal lingerie from Kitty's hamper to commemorate his humping with Laurie, who gets a surprising visit from her former University of Wisconsin psychology professor Stark, who inexplicably offers to help the lazy cow get …
  • 5. Halloween
    It's Halloween and the gang goes to their old abandoned, burnt down grammar school.
  • 6. Vanstock
    The gang goes to van-stock, a mini-Woodstock for vans, like Kelso's. Michael has a hard time two-timing Jackie with Laurie, especially because Hyde tries everything to get him caught, and ends up in the cold even literally. After Donna shuns Eric for not telling her he knew about Michael's infidelity, Hyde points out even he doesn't rat on a mate. Meanwhile frustrated unemployed Red gets intrigued by Midge's soap but remains his cranky self at Kitty's annual hospital dinner.
  • 7. I Love Cake
    Eric doesn't know how to respond when Donna uses the “L” word. A fight with Midge leaves Bob sleeping at the Forman's house. And Kelso is the butt of Fonzie jokes when he shows up in a new leather jacket.
  • 8. Sleepover
    Donna sleeps with Eric for the first time and Hyde gets a job.
  • 9. Eric Gets Suspended
    Hyde and Fez go on a double date while Eric is suspended for smoking.
  • 10. Red's Birthday
    It's Red's birthday, Bob and Midge are both dating other people and Eric is upset Donna talked to Hyde about her parent's problems instead of talking to him.
  • 11. Laurie Moves Out
    Laurie moves out whilst Jackie becomes suspicious of Micheal when Laurie gives him back a sweater left in her room.
  • 12. Eric's Stash
    While Jackie wants to enter a beauty contest, Eric suspects Hyde of stealing his money.
  • 13. Hunting
    The guys go hunting, and Red bags a deer while Eric wishes he could be somewhere else. Fez goes into the woods with a stick and a whistle, and comes back with dinner.
  • 14. Red's New Job
    Bob is livid and worried sick to read Price Mart is opening a branch in Point Place, but Red cares only for the next paragraph: they're hiring. However his candidature for supervisor is very uncertain, director Ted offers an instant job as cashier- should he accept? Eric wants to help, taking a hamburger job, but Red is against, feeling diminished in his breadwinner pride, Kitty tries to sooth both. Kelso finds dating both Jackie and Laurie disappointing: he mainly gets double nagging and expectations, little physical fun. Then Price Mart calls about both Forman …
  • 15. Burning Down the House
    Jackie invites Eric, Donna and Michael to a formal-yet-casual dinner party, but Michael gets it wrong and invites a “few” other people to the party. For a while Hyde has been sneaking around with the most popular girl at school, but when he meets her at the party she completely ignores him. Meanwhile Red catches Bob without his fro…
  • 16. The First Time
    Bob and Midge are getting ready to renew their vows. Kitty is upset because her close friend Midge didn't ask her as a bridesmaid while Red is Bob's best man. Eric and Donna have sex for the first time.
  • 17. After Glow
    Eric is humiliated when Kelso blabs to the guys that Donna told Jackie that Eric was lame in the sack. Kitty is astonished when Red celebrates his first paycheck by buying a motorcycle.
  • 18. Kitty and Eric's Night Out
    Eric is forced to go on a date with his mom. He is embarrassed seeing sex and drugs with his mom. But he warms up to it. Fez gets a cute new girlfriend. Jackie has to admit that she is jealous and has feelings for Fez.
  • 19. Parents Find Out
    A policeman catches Donna and Eric in the act, and they now have to explain to their parents why the police brought them home. Meanwhile Kelso, Hyde and Fez use Kelso's CB radio to pick up girls.
  • 20. Kiss of Death
    Eric is afraid he'll be in big trouble with Donna after he runs over her cat, Mr. Bonkers. And Kelso is sure he's in bigger trouble when Jackie catches him giving Laurie a kiss.
  • 21. Kelso's Serenade
    As Red predicted, Kitty only baked Swedish pancakes to bring bad news: everybody must visit aunt Pearl, in a rest home, who is even less welcoming then the family likes to go and hides… Kelso is a mess now Jackie has dumped him, and sets his hope on composing a make up-song, like his pain beastly ignored or abused by the other basement boys, but Eric soon learns his arrogant confidence it can't happen to him is highly misplaced when firm feminist Dona promises to kick his Archie Bunker-arse to the moon after Jackie convinced her to make a big deal of supposed double…
  • 22. Jackie Moves On
    Dumped Kelso's only relieve is to hear Jackie is miserable too, but Fez is determined to seize the opportunity to ask her out; she accepts dining at an expensive French restaurant without even asking first who with, then stuffs herself full with both plates and keeps nagging about Michael, but even after that shameless abuse the puppy is happy to be openly kept on a string, Kelso to hear his ‘rival’ gets nowhere. Eric believes to overhear Laurie telling Hyde an embarrassing secret about him which nobody will specify, so he carelessly ‘admits as insignificant’ to the …
  • 23. Holy Crap
    Kitty can't go to church because of an extra hospital shift, but orders her kids to go, alone. Eric would, but Laurie's bad example is irresistible; alas, Bob reports their absence. Kitty now says they're old enough to make the right choice on their own, and expects them to go next Sunday, but neither seriously considers that. As if sitting alone in the pew weren't bad enough for Kitty, Bob nags about horny Eric needing prayer most and as ever spaced-out Leo asks to sit next to her. Back home Kitty blames Red's bad example and plays her last trump card: youth minister…
  • 24. Red Fired Up
    Eric does well working at Price Mart, even gets sincere praise from Red, who actually sets him as example for a former plant colleague, eternal malingerer Earl, who becomes the primary butt of their jokes, but ends up going too far… Kelso realizes Jackie is too short to be worth missing, there are many girls still to see naked, but makes a bad start: Laurie, who gets a lecture from Kitty, Michael simultaneously a simplified version from Hyde, against their mismatched affair. The boys' basement becomes a bit of a battleground…
  • 25. Cat Fight Club
    Jackie tries to win a ‘burn’ duel with Laurie, but Hyde convinces her it's better to ‘be Zen.’ Despite everybody's warnings, Michael accepts Laurie's invitation for dinner, which Kitty actually forbade her to extend. Although lover-boy sweetly brought gifts, inhospitable host Red scares Kelso out of the door in seconds; later the Korean vet locks the intimidated boy in the garage for operation “Scare the pants off daughter's new lover.” When Laurie returns to the basement, Jackie's Zen for beginners soon gives way to a cat-fight. As Hyde puts it, "Where the Zen ends, …
  • 26. Moon Over Point Place
    The Vikings yearbook contains a surprising picture: Donna smiling with her ‘lower cheeks’. Just when Eric was resigning to it going generally unnoticed, Timmy happily makes it as public in the diner as he drops trou at parties. Red was happy Bob canceled the couples' cards night, frustrated by Eric's carnal communion with Donna, but Kitty insists to bring them together to talk it trough; just then Eric decides to follow the mooner's example. Hyde made clear not to reciprocate Jackie's sudden crush for him, but still takes the blame for the weed she bought to impress …
  • 1. Reefer Madness
    The other basement boys were making fun imagining jailbird Hyde as some hard con's sex-toy, when Steven returns on parole, despite Red's refusal to post bail and intention to kick the corrupting criminal out of his house as advocated by Laurie. Kitty pleads the youngster needs guidance more then ever, Eric actually wants to remain boy second class in his own home to keep his ‘friend’ in, and hatches the crazy plan to confess he uses too, so Red can't hypocritically kick Hyde out, who intends to move in with Leo. Donna is furious when she finds out Jackie's dirty part….
  • 2. Red Sees Red
    Red sets a new curfew for the kids, but none pays attention to it, which pushes him off the edge to becomes extremely over-protective. Kitty disagrees; when the kids are caught breaking Red's rules, Kitty tells all.
  • 3. Hyde's Father
    After eight years, Hyde meets his father again.
  • 4. Too Old to Trick or Treat, Too Young to Die
    Eric chases Fez, who came in black lingerie as Halloween costume, onto the roof for a ball and nearly falls off- trying to help him, Fez loses balance and lands in a wheelchair, spying on the Pinciotti home, hoping to see Midge naked, soon joined by Hyde and Eric and believing Bob killed her… A literalism makes Donna fear Eric already lost interest in her, Jackie convinces her she's boring. Red won't open the door because he didn't pay the paperboy in weeks, so Kelso opens but is mistaken for the cheap bastard and viciously haunted and robbed in his place. Feeding …
  • 5. Roller Disco
    When the Rollerdisco comes to Kenosha, Jackie insists Hyde must be her partner, he won't, she scorns Kelso, that leaves Fez, actually the best choice. Donna makes Michael so jealous he tries to sabotage his friend but swallows his marble; they win anyway, she gets drunk and frisky, Fez resists temptation, then regrets it. Donna's consolation attempt is mistaken by Kelso for making out… Red is sued by Earl for irregular termination using many ass-words; the panel insists Eric tells them about working with his pa's temper at work; Earl is however hopelessly late…
  • 6. Eric's Panties
    While the whole basement bunch meanly joins in with the school-wide ridiculing of poor Kelso, who made a painful fall in the canteen hurting the inside of his soiled trousers, constantly calling him ‘Tater Nuts’, Eric worries only about Donna's expected jealousy when he is seen in the diner with his lab partner, school slut Shelly, and when Donna is confidently cool about it feels offended, yet Jackie's assurance Eric is too girlish to cheat on her no longer holds when panties are found in Eric's car… Meanwhile Kitty has found out about Red's heart condition and …
  • 7. Baby Fever
    Jackie smashed Kelso's van and Laurie babysits for a friend of Kitty.
  • 8. Jackie Bags Hyde
    On Veteran's Day, proud Vietnam vet Red looks down even more on his guardsman neighbor Bob also holding his own reunion, but Kitty insists to be neighborly. So Red and his for once enthusiastic dogsbody Eric try to out-stage Bob, just when he is desperate to be the star host a last time before his shop Bobs Bargains has to close down because of Pricemart competition and everybody will know he's a professional failure. Donna only tells the Formans after they have won the battle for the guests, which they now try to send over… However clearly Hyde states to have …
  • 9. Hyde's Christmas Rager
    Now Hyde has moved from the over-protective Forman home to his carefree dad, barman Bud, the basement boys look forward to a keg party there, too frat-type for the girls' taste. Kitty nearly saw trough their ‘Christmas’ preparations aren't innocent, so the unsupervised drinking games deliver Eric so drunk he pours unprecedented disrespect and vomit all over Red's shoes. Kitty isn't interested in punishment, she cares for the utter lack of educational guidance ‘her boy’ Steven gets from his dad, so Red is made against his convictions to go read Bud the parental …
  • 10. Ice Shack
    Kelso has a master plan to win back Jackie while Hyde drives Leo and his bag with illegal drugs.
  • 11. Who Wants It More
    After an argument, Eric and Donna decide to withhold sex to see who'll cave in first. Red is nearly killed by a falling tree and it changes his whole outlook on life. He starts being nice to people, even Fez, but he soon realizes that that's not who he is. Kelso claims to have seen a UFO.
  • 12. Fez Gets the Girl
    Donna has two tickets for a Led Zeppelin concert but Eric, who has just been made Employee of the Month, has to work the evening of the concert.
  • 13. Dine & Dash
    When his flattered grandma gives Kelso $100, he invites the kids to a lobster dinner at the restaurant where Fez's girlfriend Caroline works, but expects them all to run without paying; when the others refuse, he goes ‘get his money’ and runs alone; next is Fez, grudging at Caroline's ingratitude; then Jackie, last parolee Hyde, who makes it even worse for remaining Eric and Donna by calling to bring them an anniversary cake; the couple's payback is sweet and dirty… Meanwhile the parents have a cards night, which explodes when Bob learns that Red hired someone at …
  • 14. Radio Daze
    Kelso can buy Hippie Leo's El Camino, but doesn't have the $500; Jackie lends him the money if he becomes her slave for a week. Donna gets a job at the local radio, where she is presented as ‘hot Dona without a boyfriend’, which Eric finds hard to swallow, till he meets the unsightly DJ Jerry Thunder. Red and Kitty are confronted with the bitterness of Earl since Red fired the no-good employee. At the last moment, Leo says he can't sell the car as he promised it to his son for his 16th birthday, but then gives it to…
  • 15. Donna's Panties
    Eric is a soar loser at basketball on the driveway, so he cheats by pantsing Donna, but tries to make up before Valentine's day, naively believing her claim it's no problem was just that- even Red understands women better. When Kelso reads in Boys' Life magazine how easily astronauts get girls, he decides to become one, but finds Laurie has another boyfriend; his evil ex Jackie laughs at his heartbreak, yet after finding another in tramp Laurie's room he apologizes sweetly for having done the same to haughty Jackie. Gentleman Fez does a great job at being Caroline's …
  • 16. Romantic Weekend
    Eric and Donna want to go to a hotel for a romantic weekend. Kelso has problems ‘performing’ when he's with Pam Macy.
  • 17. Kitty's Birthday (That's Today?!)
    Eric and Red forgot Kitty's birthday. Kelso has a plan to win Jackie back.
  • 18. The Trials of M. Kelso
    Fez is addressed after a school team pep rally by kids from rivaling Fort Anderson, who sprayed his butt; at a revenge raid spraying their locker-room, Fez, Eric and Hyde get locked in by the janitor. Jackie and Kelso are obsessed with each-other again, but at Donna's insistence, recalling how he cheated, she decides to test his maturity and suitability; when Donna tells him, he tries hard and inventively. Finding out the Pinciottis have a party but did'n invite them suits Red but infuriates Kitty, till they learn why…
  • 19. Eric's Naughty No-no
    Kitty's no-good sister comes over and the guys have seen an X-rated film.
  • 20. Holy Craps
    Kitty volunteers at the church fund raiser and obliges Red, Eric, Kelso and Hyde to help her. Jackie and Donna find out how loony Caroline is.
  • 21. Fez Dates Donna
    Fez and Donna feign to date so Caroline will leave Fez alone.
  • 22. Eric's Drunken Tattoo
    After sneakily reading Donna's diary, Eric thinks he's not cool enough for her and, after drinking sake, decides to get a tattoo.
  • 23. Canadian Road Trip
    Eric, Kelso, Hyde, Fez and Leo are going to Canada to buy beer.
  • 24. Backstage Pass
    When Jackie says she doesn't want to do it in the car, Kelso offers to have a romantic day, she stretches it to a week. Donna got concert tickets as a bonus at the radio station where she reads the farm report, so the whole gang goes. Hyde ‘borrowed’ $50 from Eric to make and sell fake fan T-shirts for the rock band's star Ted Nugent, but left the spelling to Fez, who got ‘Tad’ printed, and there's worse. Red and even Kitty can't remember how they met… Now he's into it, Michael loves being romantic even more then Jackie, to the point of resisting her wanting to do …
  • 25. The Promise Ring
    Eric gives Donna a promise ring. Donna doesn't respond the way Eric thought.
  • 1. It's a Wonderful Life
    Eric is absolutely devastated over his and Donna's break-up, and spends all day in bed wishing they never had kissed. But asleep an angel comes to show Eric, how his and the gang's lives had turned if he and Donna had never been together.
  • 2. Eric's Depression
    Eric is depressed about Donna and Kitty orders Red to talk to him. Hyde, Fez, Kelso and Jackie go to Funland.
  • 3. Pinciotti vs. Forman
    Now Donna is his ex, Eric doesn't want her in the basement any longer; Jackie leaves as an act of solidarity. In order to steal his friends, Donna offers them cable TV and corn dogs- it works; just for saying it's not right on Eric, Jackie gives Michael the silent treatment. Pastor Dave calls by, just to invite Red, to Kitty's delighted surprise; she's disappointed the men don't really talk, which neither wants to do. Eric convinces Bob the gang likes his lame humor which amuses only Fez, so he drives them all back, even Jackie. After some more bids, an alternating …
  • 4. Hyde Gets the Girl
    Fez and Eric organize a party with lots of girls, so eternal bachelor Hyde can finally find the woman of his dreams.
  • 5. Bye Bye Basement
    Hyde moves back with the Formans. Without telling why, Kitty decides to redo the basement, and hires Leo and his cousin Theo as contractors. Meanwhile, Eric and Donna break into an argument about redoing the basement, and the promise ring.
  • 6. The Relapse
    When Midge Pinciotti finally leaves her worthless husband Bob, he goes in denial and starts doing put-off jobs in house and garden ‘for when she comes back’. Kitty is determined to help Bob and Donna, the Forman-men prefer to avoid the house of tears. The boys reminisce how well Midge filled sweaters; Kelso and Fez set out chasing for older housewives ‘who are so experienced, willing and grateful’, for lack of a tennis court at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store, but are surprised when Kelso pinches a pair of buttocks. As Bob proves too tactile, Kitty sends over still …
  • 7. Uncomfortable Ball Stuff
    Eric and Donna go to the annual Pricemart Ball together while Fez gets a job at Leo's Photohut.
  • 8. Donna's Story
    Donna writes a nasty story in the school paper, obviously taking the mickey out of Eric albeit under fake names and playing in the Victorian age, so when schoolgirls see trough the pseudonyms and scold him as cat-killer, he tries to write his own version… Red is startled that Bob has found a new lady friend -bossy Joanne, who picked him up shopping- and furious as she insists on doing the grilling, in Red's view at the very core of manhood. Kelso hasn't bought a dress for Jackie but half of the pinball machine in the diner, hoping for a 50% profit even each time he …
  • 9. The Forgotten Son
    Eric feels rejected by both parents. Kitty goes lunching out with Donna, and they become friends, baking cookies together, according to Jackie ample reason for jealousy. When Red gets to make a training video for Pricemart, he chooses to star photogenic Michael Kelso as stock-boy, although that's Eric's real job; he intends to play the ‘character’ in John Travolta style… Leo the hippie says he inherited $1,000,000 from his Uncle Eddy, and generously takes Fez and Hyde shopping.
  • 10. Red and Stacey
    Fez is dating Big Rhonda, who just returned from Mississippi and gets Donna and Jackie to give her feminine advice to become more desirable, but he still prefers her as she was. Red is charmed by assertive new Pricemart cash register clerk Stacey, so he tries to set her up with Eric, but she is more interested in- Forman Senior, who was already wrestling with intimacy with Kitty on the clock .
  • 11. The Third Wheel
    Eric convinces the guys to spend a girls-free night bowling, but Hyde scores an instant-kissing chick on the alley, Jill, which kills the plan. Red and pastor Dave have such fun as basketball supporters that it takes Kitty some insisting to remind the clergyman that mass is his Sunday priority, only to hear Red inspired him to resign! Donna is shocked Bob already sleeps with his new girlfriend Joanne, so her ma Midge is completely out of the picture. Jackie is jealous to find Rhonda is already more in the loop and even has a key to the basement and gets challenged to …
  • 12. An Eric Forman Christmas
    The gang grumbles Christmas isn't real fun any more, like when they were little kids, except Kelso who looks forward to the traditional X-mas children's specials, but Jackie won't let him watch. Kitty gets them to volunteer for pastor Dave's church pageant, with Eric as director, who has an all too hard time stopping everyone for modernizing their parts most un-biblically. When Dave tries to take over directing and the lead, he is irreverently tied up, enough for Leo to give the sacrilegers heaps. Meanwhile Red is so angry at Bob's seasonal ‘noise’ that he hides his …
  • 13. Jackie Says Cheese
    Kitty brings Eric a lollipop, sex pamphlets and condoms to the men's disgust; yet when Kitty is home only one night and Red is out, he tries to steal some back; Eric thinks he thus found the basement stash with Hyde's dope, so the two desperately avoid each-other. To Fez' despair, the new exchange student Thomas, although not much brighter, is instantly popular because of his good looks; so Fez dumps him at the Michigan border. Jackie is broke, expects Kelso to get a job to keep her in cosmetics, but the only one available, at the Cheese Palace, is girls only- as her …
  • 14. Eric's Hot Cousin
    Eric's cousin Penny, who he used to tease a lot when they were kids, comes over for a visit. All the guys think she's very hot.
  • 15. Tornado Prom
    It's the the day of the Snow King election ball. Jackie expected to compensate her lost wealth by excelling popularity, so she was friendly -to some- for two whole weeks. Michael is elected king, but when vice principal Cole announces a tornado red alert his admirable efforts to preside over emergency measures, the royal leadership is hardly taken as seriously as it deserves. Jackie is crushed to be mere runner up for queen, so Kelso's girl, not the other way around. Hyde came with some of ‘his best’, to build a party his style in coach's office, gets caught in the …
  • 16. Donna Dates a Kelso
    When the school paper prints Eric's election as most eligible player of the Vikings team, he imagines being a love-machine like Kelso and tells Donna it's time they start dating other people, while only gullible dog Emily actually dates him. Fearing ridicule by association, Jackie sets up a date for reluctant Donna with Michael's elder ex-con brother Casey, just out of military service, a political mismatch but a hit at first sight, who reminds Eric ‘Foreplay’ he's still a measly nobody and lost Donna. Fez can think of nothing but fat Rhonda's promise to 'share …
  • 17. Kelso's Career
    As Valentine's day approaches, Fez has bought a big box of candy for his Rhonda, but can his horny body wait for her without eating the sweets? Jackie, who now learns the value of money, tells Michael Kelso to earn some for a neat gift; Eric suggests a clinic in Madison pays for ‘manly donations’, a job he excels at naturally… Donna has the hots for Michael's ‘cool’ big brother Casey Kelso and actually gets a date, but his Trans Am car is hotter in his eyes. Eric and his delighted ma Kitty are stunned when Red tells his son he loves him, but only because…
  • 18. Leo Loves Kitty
    The mall owner gives Kelso the chance of a lifetime: the beautiful boy is recruited as model for his magazine, and almost immediately promoted to the most prestigious underwear, briefs. Vicious ‘girlfriend’ Jackie shows her jealous nature by first pretending it's not true, then it's not important, finally trying to make him give it up ‘because modeling is her dream’, and when that fails turning to her Cheese Palace boss, Todd. Fez begged till Hyde gave him a driving lesson in his El Camino, but by the time he gets to drive a few meter- that's too far, being backward, …
  • 19. Jackie's Cheese Squeeze
    Jackie kisses Todd, a colleague of her, and Eric accidentally sees it.
  • 20. Class Picture
    When their class is having their pictures taken for the yearbook, Kelso concentrates on his coy look, but Jackie insists a meaningful personal quote is even more important. Eric's suggestion to put in something about them all starts a lot of memories since their early days when they met as little kids or at school. Eric has another big zit. Donna finally deals with Kelso's frustration to be the only one who never saw her bare-breasted.
  • 21. Prank Day
    Kelso welcomes everyone with ‘Presents day’ treats, but they soon discover that's just the first phase of his hilarious invention ‘Prank day’. The girls invite Leo to their girls night board game. When the bad sports prepare a mean revenge on Kelso, it accidentally falls on Red, who naturally would come down hard on dumb ass Eric, but decides instead to enlist him for a ‘good prank’ against the others, and announces so at dinner, but phase two, again aimed at Michael, goes really wrong…
  • 22. Eric's Corvette Caper
    Kitty drags Red to her class reunion, so Eric takes his chance to use his prize Corvette, against strict instructions, just to impress Canon, the foxy girl who always put him down, and now takes the wheel, with a smashing effect… While Casey is away, Michael takes his frustrations out on big brother's cloths and bed, so when the nosy girls ‘accidentally’ snoop there Jackie's way and Donna forgets a school-book…
  • 23. Hyde's Birthday
    After Red grossly insults Hyde trough a misunderstanding on his birthday, Kitty decides to throw him a real surprise party for his 18th, at neighbor Bob's place, but Steven seriously tries to make clear he doesn't want to celebrate the end of his youth, and maybe moving out. The kids think up a cool gift, and Kelso had the winning idea: a stolen street sign, but steeling it is hell even on his beloved van. Red enjoys pointing out to Hyde the cumbersome duties of manhood…
  • 24. That '70s Musical
    The others all react blasé, except Kitty, when Fez reminds them tomorrow is the spring musical he has been preparing for enthusiastically for weeks. In his innocent dream, Fez is a real star, and everybody gets his or her place, but in reality his music teacher, Mr. Wilkinson, punishes the eager beaver for ‘imitating my accent’ by putting him on the last row, with losers and ugly kids. When the big day looks like it's a total bummer, Fez is surprised to see…
  • 25. Eric's False Alarm
    Michael Kelso overheard his abusive big brother Casey say he's about to meet and probably do it with Donna in “Le Motel”; Hyde insists everybody keeps quiet to Eric, Fez spills the beans. Bob is officially divorced, yet marriage doesn't appeal to Joanne, Red assures her Bob and she are right for each-other. Kelso is determined to stalk Jackie now he believes she's doing it again with a Cheese Palace guy, actually rather sweet. Eric couldn't burst in at the hotel, just wined to Leo in the other honeymoon suite, but after he left someone pulled the fire-alarm…
  • 26. Everybody Loves Casey
    Hyde is so sick of the other boys wining about girls he starts throwing things at them each time, and nicknames wimp Eric Daffy Duck. Kitty wins a year's supply hot dogs, so she gives a neighborhood barbecue, against Red's wishes. Eric thinks he can outshine Casey there and win Donna back, but the ‘cool’ ex soldier rather makes him look immature. Michael, who learned after consulting Cosmo Magazine together that Jackie won't apologize properly for her infidelity, tells Eric his big brother Casey is always bad news for girls, and finally realizes he has no reason to …
  • 27. Love, Wisconsin Style
    Jackie finds a way to make up with Michael Kelso who dumped her: he may kiss another girl; Jackie reserves choosing her ‘rival’; when she finally leaves the choice to him, his is surprisingly romantic, and yet… Eric is delighted to catch Donna drunk as a skunk in bright daylight because of Casey; Bob is a walkover who lets her get away with everything, regardless of Joanne, but when it gets too gross Red steps in, and Casey seizes the opportunity to dump her, publicly. Just now she comes crawling back, Eric's pointless pride makes him refuse to be her 'second choice…
  • 1. Going to California
    Eric goes to California to express his love for Donna, meanwhile Kelso tries to talk Annette into bed.
  • 2. I Can't Quit You Babe
    Eric and Donna are severely punished for their trip to California: Eric loses his car and Donna has to go to a catholic school.
  • 3. What Is and What Should Never Be
    Kitty drops a bomb by announcing she's pregnant, while Kelso feels as if a bomb has been dropped on him when he sees Hyde and Jackie kissing.
  • 4. Heartbreaker
    Now Michael Kelso has found out about Jackie and Hyde, he's crushed and out for vengeance - alas his attacks on friend Steven have the same sad result as always, a black eye for poor Kelso. Kitty is walking on clouds because of her pregnancy, so she invites her parents over, alcoholic Burt Sigurdson and commands-shouting Bea Sigurdson, but the gynecologist changed her big news: she's not expecting but entering menopause; one day too late for otherwise relieved Red: his ‘baby’ the Corvette is already sold.
  • 5. Ramble On
    Donna gives Eric a ‘man ring’. Eric doesn't say how much he loathes the ring and even loses it.
  • 6. Over the Hills and Far Away
    Red considers Kitty's menopause the worst threat since the Korean war. For college orientation day, the Foremans drive the boys -Michael Kelso brings a note from his parents pinned on his lapel, but spent the $30 on a video-game- to state college UW, Bob decided Donna must go to private Marquette with Jackie. Being apart is a depressing prospect, but while Red is shocked by the ‘hippies’ the kids love the colleges, only Hyde and Jackie are miserable as they play stupid power games. Donna decides to go to UW just for Eric's sake.
  • 7. Hot Dog
    Kitty's menopause still makes life at the Forman house miserable, so Red gives her an orphan lap dog. In no time Schotzie is her favorite ‘baby’, making Red even more miserable. Eric is so grateful for Donna being prepared to join him at college for the next four years that he decides to get her a cool gift, and after some hesitations even considers a wedding ring. The other basement gang boys decide that thought deserves wearing the stupid helmet. Yet, when Donna drags out of him what his intentions were…
  • 8. Thank You
    It's Thanksgiving day and Eric can't tell Red about failing math or about his secret engagement to Donna. Red may reward Eric's (alleged) maturity at dinner and Kelso's ‘dating’ Eric's math teacher. Kitty's Mom and Dad add to the chaos.
  • 9. Black Dog
    The news Jackie's dad councilman Burkhart had to resign after embezzlement charges convinces Kelso she'll soon be running back to home for a comforting shoulder, as Steven's remains as cold as his heart. ‘Perfect couple’ Eric and Donna finds they disagree whether the way to go is closeness or giving space, and asking the equally divided Forman parents only causes another menopause-crisis… Fez enjoys bossy boss Nina giving him a stern lesson in fingerprints-taking, but the ink leaves its black mark on her and a part of him he normally only touches, a lot… Kelso has…
  • 10. The Crunge
    Eric takes drastic measures when he learns that everyone in the gang, including Kelso, has higher SAT scores.
  • 11. The Girl I Love
    When Fez finally agrees to present his DMV girlfriend Nina to the gang, Kitty decides to give a formal dinner party, just when Red wanted to see an annual TV challenge special, Battle of the Network Stars. Eric and Hyde object to their girls making them come; when Jackie even wants Steven to wear decent cloths, he really refuses, so she accepts an invitation from her ex Kelso, who wasn't allowed to come alone. All the men soon run off from the horribly boring party. The boys' last hope to hold out against a girl is Fez- even Kelso knows better.
  • 12. Misty Mountain Hop
    Now Jackie's dad is indicted, their cabin must be emptied, so she and Kitty force Red, and he Eric -annex Donna- to help with the heavy lifting. Because of Jackie's lie to go to a dolls convention, Hyde took Fez and Kelso there. Alas just when Kelso finds the weed stash, Red's gang arrives, except Eric and Donna who got lost on the way, but end up preparing his parents a surprise on the kitchen table no less disgusting.
  • 13. Your Time Is Gonna Come
    Annette, Kelso's girl-fiend from his and Donna's California exile, , comes to visit Michael Kelso but stays with Donna, who insists Jackie must join them. Jealous Jackie hates Annette like bubonic plague, but seems to warm to her, until… Kitty's parents turn up unannounced from Arizona: Burt has lost all their money on an ostrich farm which got wiped out by coyotes, then has a fatal heart-attack while sneakily watching the girls' slumber party, like the boys before him. Grandmother as merry widow is a grim prospects for the Formans…
  • 14. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
    Hyde thinks Jackie still has feelings for Kelso while Eric's grandma drives Kitty and Donna mad with her icky remarks.
  • 15. When the Levee Breaks
    Donna's dad Bob and his partner Joanne are off for the weekend, so they plan a weekend together, but the gang is determined to throw a party there, and unforgiving when they really refuse it. A call from the jeweler makes Kitty think Eric's engagement ring for Donna is for her, but she finds out while taking ‘poor orphan’ Hyde shopping for a new coat, which turns out an Evis-flashy jacket, yet tries to help preventing Red finding out, but the next paternal tirade makes Eric spill the beans himself.
  • 16. Whole Lotta Love
    Now their parents know and worry about Eric and Donna's engagement, Eric is terrified and shunned by Red, Donna goes plead their case. Fez' boss and lover Nina decides to clear the air and his tension at work by asking him to stay for the night, all the way; when he reports to the gang, its sounds all but romantic or efficient, but Nina has her own conclusion. Hyde didn't even know about Jackie's birthday, Kelso gives her a perfect sweater. Eric claims he'll marry Donna even if he must pay the wedding himself, Red fires him…
  • 17. The Battle of Evermore
    Since Red ruined Erics life for getting engaged, their rowing gets worse for weeks, even chases the gang away. Kitty signs them up for a charity father-son Point Place Paul Bunyan pioneer event; they still fight and get creamed by Charlie and Mitch, an apparently perfect pair; as events progress the team' temperaments seem to get reversed, but at the end -a loss- nothing has really changed. Hyde doesn't believe Leo has just disappeared, so the gang look for him in his apartment; the new tenant has a note and a gift for Steven…
  • 18. Hey Hey What Can I Do
    Now most kids are out of a job income, they all head for the job fair, Eric and Hyde being fired, Kelso after getting a ticket from a female cop made him doubt if his looks will last, Donna as ‘hot’ appetizer for her radio station. Red raises the stakes: if Eric sticks to marrying Donna, he'll stop the dumb ass's college funding. Most available jobs are revolting, yet Hyde becomes cook for his former ‘big brother’, a worse social cripple then him; Kelso decides to become a cop because the uniform would prolong his beauty many years. Eric found a bank teller's job, but…
  • 19. Bring It on Home
    While Fez wants to meet the parents of his girlfriend Nina, Donna has talked herself into asking Jackie to stay with her because her parents are gone.
  • 20. No Quarter
    Donna finds having Jackie as ‘guest’ is hell, only more invasive than an occupying army. Kelso hopes he'll be a tough cop in a year, but needs a less sissy job than model- Hyde's boss Roy engages him as kitchen hand, but bastard Steven pretends to be his boss, qualified to fire him after a trial period, which the scum turns into a non-stop hell-week, even in the Forman basement. Eric can't meet the payments for Donna's engagement ring, even after selling LPs. Fez is still drifting on a pink cloud called Nina, yet as horny as ever.
  • 21. Trampled Under Foot
    The basement gang realizes their lives, conversations and routine are boringly repetitive, so they consider inviting a new member, but Kitty forces upon Eric Lance Crawford, a creepy kid, just because she's after his mother's peach cobbler recipe, but he came prepared… Nina tells Fez she ‘needs time, but it’s not his fault', the gang translates she's dumping him unless he can make her jealous by playing aloof, but when that finally works…
  • 22. You Shook Me
    Hyde tells Jackie he doesn't trust her being alone with Kelso, Eric gets a new job and Fez has a very disturbing dream involving Kelso.
  • 23. Nobody's Fault But Mine
    Kelso finds out Hyde cheated on Jackie and confronts him. Hyde tells Jackie about what he did. Meanwhile, Laurie has come back from Chicago.
  • 24. Immigrant Song
    Red has taken a final decision regarding Eric and Donna's wish to move and marry.
  • 25. Celebration Day
    Fez dreads impending graduation as he probably must return to his lizard-infested country afterward, so he gets Kelso and Hyde to observe a truce in their Jacky-war to join both on a camping trip by the lake with the whole gang, plus Eric's stupid sister Laurie. Kitty is on heavy tranquilizers as she can't handle her ‘baby boy’ moving out. After a failed ghost prank by the campfire Eric was to skinny-dip with Donna, but ends up screaming butt-naked with Laurie, who next does it in Kelso's van with Fez, who gets even more out of it then sex… Kelso and Hyde's rivalry …
  • 1. The Kids Are Alright
    Eric is torn apart because he desperately wants to leave home, but can't because he's needed at home after Red's mild heart attack.
  • 2. Join Together
    Although everyone keeps meanly abusing Kelso, he proves himself a true friend by realizing Hyde and Jackie may play cool and aloof, they're obviously still in love, so Michael starts shuttle diplomacy, albeit without rendering any sentence correctly, and makes each believe the other apologized first… Eric's announcement he defers college at least till Red is recovered delights Kitty as much as it depresses Red his 18 years wait isn't about to end after all, and joining Red in the doctor's ruthless diet looked doable to Kitty only till she reads he list includes no …
  • 3. Magic Bus
    It's Donna's last night in Point Place, and it's also Eric's eighteenth birthday. He may not be getting the party he expected, and he has to tell Donna goodbye.
  • 4. The Acid Queen
    When the boys see foxy Brooke again, Kelso wants her to confirm they did it at a Molly Hatchett concert, but she doesn't even remember the Adonis, who just can't believe it: other girls pretend they did get him. Just admitting he finds Brooke hot too gets Hyde in Jackie's bad books, but he's not about to lie for her; Kitty assures her it just takes a few years of picking shrewd shrew-battles till a man just gives up ‘disobeying’. Donna tells Kelso that Brooke is now a librarian, he keeps insisting -the other boys only now discover there is a library in town, and it …
  • 5. I'm Free
    The gang doesn't believe Kelso's claim Brooke can't be carrying his child. When Donna gets him to talk to her, she tells him never to give the baby and her another taught- he can't believe his luck! Immigration is going to deport Fez if his marriage to Laurie is found fake, so he must sleep in the Foreman house, Kitty can't refuse. Red isn't happy to find him naked in the shower, nor bunking with Eric, who must imitate his ocean sounds tape to stop his endless candy stories, so Fez ends up in the basement, cranky after a sleepless night. Agent Armstrong interrogates …
  • 6. We're Not Gonna Take It
    Eric is fired because Joanne broke up with Bob. Eric tries to get the job Kelso is also applying for.
  • 7. Christmas
    The firm is mad enough to designate misanthrope Red as Santaclaus, instead of Bob who grudgingly accepts to assist as elf with Kitty, who by signing up the kids for the same duty unknowingly convinced the boys to attend the school dance they had sworn never to join again. Donna is furious when she learns Eric hangs out there and is now popular with a few schoolgirls, so she turns up during her radio show. Fez fears the football team will again lock him up in a locker. Hyde only came for Jackie's sake. Kelso only wanted to avoid going to the library as Brooke suggested…
  • 8. I'm a Boy
    Eric tells Donna and Kitty he worked late while he was actually playing poker with the guys.
  • 9. Young Man Blues
    Jackie joins a Big Sister program at school. Eric tries to become the new handy man around the house.
  • 10. A Legal Matter
    Kelso thinks he's the stooge of the police academy and, with Eric and Hyde, breaks into the police academy to check his file.
  • 11. I Can See for Miles
    While Michael Kelso helps Brooke in the library, she invites him, impressed with his kind efforts, to take her to her next gynecologist's appointment. Alas his van is missing by then because Eric drove Donna in it to ‘mount hump’ by the lake, which she considers a romantic wedding site, even though dad Bob insists on a church wedding, but forgot the hand-break… Meanwhile Jackie, who considered the basement ‘depressingly gray’, turned Hyde's bedroom into a pink baby girl-room, yet he enjoys the fragrance and softness but won't admit so. Red even finds it ‘un-manly’ …
  • 12. Sally Simpson
    Kelso introduces a fellow police cadet to the gang, a tomboy named Suzy Simpson. Comedy ensues when Kelso tries to set up a date between Suzy and Fez. Kitty becomes defensive when a stress management specialist visits Red.
  • 13. Won't Get Fooled Again
    Fez shooting a bunny turned police cadet Suzy off completely, she only wants to hurt people. Fez blames his poor mate and failing cupid Kelso, who tries to wait patiently and brings peace offerings, but gets them thrown back (in words, two are kept as Jackie advised as part of ruthless revenge) so now Michael gets mad at him too. Donna's late period makes her and Eric believe she's pregnant; he panics worst and blabs to Kitty, who first suggested they move, then promises not to tell but writes it down for Red and Bob, who only suggests to pass the baby for Donna's …
  • 14. Baby Don't You Do It
    Kelso burns down the Police Academy. Eric and Donna start marriage counseling.
  • 15. Who Are You
    Michael Kelso was looking forward to the new, luxurious police academy, but doesn't want to go at all now because he believes he'll lose his friends and fears he may not make new friends. When Jackie's mother and gold-digging role model Pamela ‘Pam’ Burkhart arrives, Donna says she should welcome her - until Pam digs into her own dad, Bob.
  • 16. Man with Money
    When Kitty gives a cocktail-party, the men all dress up because of Jackie's sexy ma Pamela ‘Pam’ Burkhart, envy Bob who got another good looker after Mitch and agree it must be a matter of money more then charm, while their daughters agree that mismatch may not go trough but are ignored. The doctor gives Red a heart monitor, but Kitty uses it as a lie-detector to trap him till it is proven to react to… Simple hedonist Kelso is the only one who uses Bob's hot-tub after the odd couple, au naturel, so his scumbag ‘mates’…
  • 17. Happy Jack
    When Eric is caught by Donna tending to his ‘manly needs’ in the Pinciotti bathroom, everyone acts as if it was an ax-murder: Jackie sees it as blackmail material to ‘milk’ for life, the others brand the boy as a weak pervert. Hyde and Fez regret having to miss how Eric will as always make this one ‘even worse’, but still go visit Kelso at the police academy, where the cadet has adopted the burly house style, grown the trade-mark mustache and adopted the cop name Mike. After he dutifully flushed weed criminal Hyde's contraband stash, the pair treacherously shaves him …
  • 18. Do You Think It's Alright?
    Donna decides it's time for the next wedding preparations: choosing a wedding list, to the boys' anger only ‘things at the table’, nothing they like, and Eric is a wreck after a six hours shopping raid, so eager to take Red's advice: choose so badly she'll declare him shop-incompetent and do it all herself. Alas veteran Kelso gives the game away at first glance, so as punishment Eric must go shop wedding cloths with Jackie, who surprisingly knows how to handle a male shopping-stooge. Meanwhile Kitty and Fez catch Red enjoying reading one of her dirty girls books…
  • 19. Substitute
    After accidentally hitting him in the hospital, Eric tells Mitch he's welcome to hang out in the basement, even though nobody likes him.
  • 20. Squeeze Box
    Pam Burkhart moves back in with Bob Pinciotti, eagerly helped by the boys, especially horny admirers Kelso and Fez, but it's Red and Hyde who see her accidentally (but also on her part?) bare-breasted. A visit to the movie theater makes Donna admit to herself she's as horny for him as the other way around, forget pre-marital abstinence, but then he gets suspiciously greeted by a vending girl, and Mitch, who is back in the basement, hotly hoping to get Donna for himself against everyone's warnings he stands no chance ever, eagerly stirs…
  • 21. 5:15
    Precisely because Eric ‘forbids’ Donna to be Mitch's date at his brother's wedding, she accepts; it's in the Holiday hotel where Eric takes that shift so he can watch and bug his rival; Jackie and Fez come as chaperons, she gives him ‘tips’ to court a country-club bitch just like her. Kitty convinces Kelso not to take pregnant Broke to a roller-coaster and horse-riding but to her baby-care-class in hospital; Brooke panics when her practical skills fall short of her book-knowledge, but Michael's babysitting experience compensates. Red has got cable TV to compensate for…
  • 22. Sparks
    All hell breaks loose when Eric accidentally tears Donna's wedding dress and when Red takes the money meant for Eric's present and buys a canoe.
  • 23. My Wife
    As their marriage looms, Donna stuns Eric by leasing a trailer and announcing she's ditching college in order to become a full-time DJ. Hyde drags Eric out to a strip joint, so Kitty decides to take the girls to a similar establishment with male strippers - which they discover is MC'd by Casey Kelso. As the evening drags on, Donna starts to worry whether she's made the right decision - just as Eric fears he's holding her back, and that it will end destroying their relationship.
  • 24. Going Mobile
    Michael meets Brooke's mother Carolyn, instant antagonism, and she intends to take her home to Chicago while he's in police academy, he agrees for six months. Eric wakes up, Donna leaving him was just a nightmare, but Red warns him a trailer has no place no hide. Fez and Hyde are allowed to decide who may be best man: scissors, rock, paper, or … Thinking about ‘just wedding jibes’ must be right for all future divorcés really spooks Donna, yet it's Eric who doesn't show up for their wedding rehearsal, just phoning…
  • 25. The Seeker
    Now Eric has left Donna practically at the altar, her mother Midge makes a surprise appearance to console her, to the ever-horny boys' delight as always. Midge finds Bob hooked up with Pam and acts jealous, so he takes Kelso's advice to plow both fields… When Hyde is shortly in hospital after a fall from the water-tower, accidentally pushed down by Donna, Kitty reads in his medical file he actually has another biological father, which he ignored, besides the dead-beat who completely abandoned him. He pretends not to care but eagerly accepts a ‘coincidental’ ride …
  • 1. Time Is on My Side
    Red refuses to feed Eric until he gets a plan for his life. Jackie feels that Donna's new blond look will re-energize her spiritually and Donna vows to re-dedicate herself to feminism. Meanwhile Fez takes the first tentative steps towards establishing contact with a potential girlfriend and Kitty is scandalized that Bob is dating Pam and Midge simultaneously, forcing the anti-social Red to talk with him about it. Determined to have eat his mother's fried chicken for dinner Eric comes up with the plan: to do nothing and go nowhere for a year, deciding to hock Donna's …
  • 2. Let's Spend the Night Together
    Kelso is waiting for Brooke's call he's going to become a daddy, but Fez keeps pestering him with fake calls and answers. Sissy Eric joins Donna in a feminist demonstration for a safe park, even belting ‘I’m a Woman', but ends up the prey of a ruthless herd after humping her there. When Hyde's dad according to Kitty's hospital file turns up, lawyer William Barnett, he turns out to be black, yet everyone pretends not to mind or even notice -Kitty breaks that silence- then shuns him for offering Steven money, yet only content once the two make up.
  • 3. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
    Kelso is back from Chicago: he has a daughter, Betsy, and his paternal status makes him even more desirable to Kimberly, but once he realizes she is someone's daughter too, his own conquest somehow feels sordid, unless her father… Kitty gets Hyde to call his ‘lost dad’ Barnett again. Eric decides to (ab)use his ‘year off’ for undeserved treats, such as bubble gum ice cream, and doing things he always dreamed off, such as vandalizing a local shop; when Red takes everyone to the muffler shop only to find it's out of business, Eric decides to shorten that word to 'muff…
  • 4. Beast of Burden
    After Red offers him a job, Hyde must choose between working with Red or his real father. Fez gets a job as a shampoo boy at the local beauty shop.
  • 5. It's Only Rock and Roll
    With an empty nest, Kitty decides on a course of self-improvement. Eric decides he wants to be an artist. Hyde learns the joy of business attire.
  • 6. Rip This Joint
    Bored Eric decides to invent moon ditching, and agrees being such a slow runner he should do it without his pants, but when the car won't start everybody abandons him, Kelso -offended mere girl Donna was chosen over him as first lieutenant- even takes his pants; now he's over 18, the police throws him in jail, Donna forgot to bring pants, Kelso on police jail duty promises the criminal cruel revenge, but is also identified and slammed in the same cell. Hyde has to miss the fun since he presents his pa to everyone at Kitty's otherwise pointless, self …
  • 7. Mother's Little Helper
    Superior shampoo boy Fez is picked up by charmed customer Danielle after commiserating about her adorable knucklehead boyfriend- which is Kelso, who can't believe she's alive when stood-up but is made to doubt if he's loosing his magical touch, so he gets a lesson in listening to girls without staring at their breasts, with a surprising effect on Danielle. Since the boys dared Donna and Jackie to play a fight punching in friendly jest, they can't stop cat-fighting meanly. The boys are disgusted because Kitty left a ‘pervert’ book in the garage to ‘inspire’ Red; when …
  • 8. Angie
    Hyde meets his half-sister, Angie, with whom he does not see eye to eye. Eric conceals his love of roller disco from the gang.
  • 9. You Can't Always Get What You Want
    The gang minus Eric helps Hyde and his sister install a record shop, but he doesn't even know it already has dad's chain's name, Grooves; Angie has been waiting since she was eight to do it exactly her way, business-school approved, but when she realizes she forgot to order bins for the actual records, she agrees to his terms if he provides a hundred bins, Donna thinks of stealing milk crates instead… Meanwhile Eric has been waiting to be early at the Styx tickets sale, but actually is the only buyer, while both Kelso and Fez fail to steal Styx vinyl. When Kitty …
  • 10. Surprise, Surprise
    To the gang's surprise, Steve's sister Angie has dated Kelso. Even her promise not to do it again is broken after just one try from the irresistible flirter, or rather got her in bed even without having drinks. Kitty suggests to Jackie to console Steve with lovingly baked cookies from his girl-friend, about as realistic as teaching a rhino ballet. Michael triumphs to have nailed every basement boy's sister, not counting Fez's still in their native jungle, an embarrassing sting even when repeated by Eric again and again. Despite one of Red's rare compliments for his …
  • 11. Winter
    Kelso accidentally took the police department-donated gifts for needy kids, but Eric begs to keep some as Red never gave him any toys, just a rain coat and a hose-down to test it; opening ‘just one’ package leaves nothing unwrapped. The girls are flattered when Kitty invites them to help out the stuck-up ‘Ladies of Point Place’ (LOPPs) with their height of the year, the Christmas party, but angry because the boys couldn't care less, Jackie is furious Hyde even reneges on his promise to attend in favor of boyish basement toy-games. Posh Patty Ryals marches in to take …
  • 12. Don't Lie to Me
    At a bridal convention, Jackie who has a bad row with Hyde presents herself as bride Donna, and Fez as fiancé Eduardo, prince of Mexico, who is planted with the other superfluous grooms. Kelso rubs in with Hyde he and Angie are all over each-other, and their pact protects him against reprisals. Eric also wants a pact, and is promised one ‘after’ getting Hyde out of his- Eric makes the family tell Angie anecdotes about Michael's craziest stunts, like gluing himself to the fridge and inventing ‘car skiing’ till she dumps the innocent boy, whose miserable reaction …
  • 13. Can't You Hear Me Knocking
    Donna takes Jackie to her karate class, Kitty joins Red when he goes ice-fishing and the boys think the FBI is after them after Kelso accidentally threatened the president over the phone.
  • 14. Street Fighting Man
    Donna has six tickets to the Packers game, exactly enough for the gang. However, Eric wants to take Red. Hyde says not to worry because he has a ticket switch plan.
  • 15. It's All Over Now
    Kelso enjoys rubbing in he's doing Hyde's sister. Donna is jealous her new, music-ignorant radio station assistant ‘Sizzling Sarah’ is a sex symbol far sooner then she got a nickname, yet refuses to promote on a billboard in bikini a Tom Jones signing session, most popular with the local females. When Sarah offers to do it, station manager Stan fires Donna. Jackie and Hyde want each-other back but don't dare tell so, except she to Fez, who has an even hotter dream. Eric thinks up a nasty revenge. Kitty was too emotional to go for an autograph and delegate Red too …
  • 16. On with the Show
    Angie proves it's possibly to be worse at mastering the art of ‘burns’ then her lover Kelso at anything intellectual. After another ass-aimed lecture from Red about wasting an entire year, Eric hits on great with fellow comics- and SciFi-erudite unemployed coach potato Stew Bailey, but is turned off seeing Stewie's ma is his best friend at age 36. Jackie has her TV ‘news’ show with Donna behind the camera, who get her freaky nervous just before it goes on air, so it all goes horribly wrong. After a pep-talk from fellow screw-up Eric she tries again, guest-starring '…
  • 17. Down the Road Apiece
    Eric announces he finally knows what to do after his year off: make documentary movies, so he sets off by car. Given his limited skills at anything, everybody is worried, and rightly: Eric doesn't even get outside Point Place without a flat, has no spare and is just lucky -lost- Leo passes by, alas without any money, not even for the diner, while Eric paid his last $20 to a fake mechanic. His parents, Donna and ‘trained cop’ Kelso set out searching for the lost boy. Meanwhile in the basement, Fez tries to mend the nasty atmosphere between Hyde and Jackie.
  • 18. Oh, Baby We Got a Good Thing Goin'
    Brooke has finally entrusted their baby daughter for a whole day to Michael. He can't keep the baby with his brothers as Kelso boys plays darts using each-other as target board. He proudly brings the ‘bundle of joy’ to the basement, where nobody is good at baby care and Fez just obsessed with breast milk. First Michael worries when the baby cries in his arms, fine in everybody else's except Leo's. Later he panics when the baby goes missing - Bob took it from Leo, who fell asleep in Bob's new hammock. Meanwhile Red and Hyde take their girls to a car event, but, besides…
  • 19. Who's Been Sleeping Here?
    Kelso chooses godparents for daughter Betsy; someone keeps breaking in to the record store.
  • 20. Gimme Shelter
    Red finds out Fez is living at his place, so finding a flat with Michael becomes urgent. Alas Fenton, the only good building's queer landlord, has a feud with Fez. Realizing he wasted an entire years, so everyone is ahead of him in life, Eric takes the chiropractor course Kitty recommends, but his first attempt to imitate Dr. Don wrecks Donna's neck. Nobody agrees to attend Jackie's high-school graduation party, not even for free champagne. Red has a surprisingly fruitful talk with Fenton. Kelso finds Eric's calling: teaching.
  • 21. 2120 So. Michigan Ave
    Michael and Fez move into their apartment, but can't agree who gets the room with direct bathroom access. Red visits to give them a taste how rude guests can behave, like the kids put ‘his’ basement trough. Now Eric wants to become a teacher, he finds out he can only graduate and get his diploma after summer classes in gym, having failed that course. Coach has been succeeded by Kelso's older brother Casey, a man to Kitty's taste. Eric ‘Foreplay’ manages to insult him after failing a single pull-up so his dumped ex Donna is told a date-bribe would do instead. The room …
  • 22. 2000 Light Years from Home
    Michael has decided it's time to dump Angie, but doesn't know how to do it less insensitively then the many other times he dumped girls, so he chickens out. He could have spared himself the trouble: she dumps him because her dad has decided to promote her to manager of his Milwaukee record shop, although she hasn't learned anything about the business, so Hyde is not happy - or didn't she get that right? Eric finally has the paperwork ready to study, but now Red announces his college fund is now lost on the muffler shop, and student counselor Mr. Bray is only …
  • 23. Take It or Leave It
    Donna is still furious with Eric over his decision to spend a year in Africa. Jackie announces she's been offered a job in Chicago - and demands Hyde decide whether they should get married. Red introduces Charlie, the son of a fellow war vet, who unwisely invites the gang to visit his father's beer warehouse. Hyde makes his choice - but Jackie has already left.
  • 24. Short and Curlies
    Hyde hints he was willing to marry Jackie to stop her leaving for Chicago. New guy Charlie is in the doghouse after turning up drunk and dressed as a schoolgirl. Fes and Kelso discover Jackie is still in Point Place. Donna tries to come up with a leaving gift for Eric, who departs for Africa in three days. Charlie accidentally sees Kitty naked, but it's Red who gets into trouble. Eric's present turns out to be Donna, dressed as Princess Leia. Hyde doesn't know how to react when Jackie repeats her ultimatum, and lets her walk off, angry. Kelso offers to give her a ride…
  • 25. Till the Next Goodbye
    Red and Kitty explode when they discover the guys smoking pot in the basement. Eric finally leaves for Africa, but not before he can get a hug (and a penknife) from Red, declare his love once again for Donna and survive a leaving party organised by Kitty. Later, Hyde turns up in Chicago to get back together with Jackie - only to discover she's just had sex with Kelso.
  • 1. Bohemian Rhapsody
    It's a month since Eric left for Africa and Hyde disappeared in Chicago; Kitty is preparing a tape to send to Eric. She confesses to sampling some of the guys' stash. Kelso now claims he didn't actually have sex with Jackie, who's just back and furious with him. Hyde returns and punches Kelso. Charlie falls from the water tower - and dies (eliminating himself from the role of replacement Eric). Jackie hears Hyde was intending to propose in Chicago, and tries to make up. He says he's not ready to get married yet - just in time for the arrival of Sam, who announces she …
  • 2. Somebody to Love
    Things go from bad to worse for Hyde, who discovers that while he was away, Leo nearly put the record store out of business. But Hyde's plan to fire Leo goes up in smoke when he ends up keeping Leo and hiring a new guy, Randy. Meanwhile, in an effort to get over Hyde, Jackie drags Donna and Fez out for a night on the town, but ends up humiliated when she reveals a little too much.
  • 3. You're My Best Friend
    Hyde's de facto deputy, college guy Randy, convinces the gang to have a post-wedding bachelor party in the basement, which Kelso clears by reminding Kitty Red hasn't taken her to dinner for ages. Alas the plan to be ‘arrested’ by a stripper-cop is crossed by real officer Ron, so the civilian boys land in jail with abusive female sergeant Davis. When the Forman couple returns, Leo has brought the strippers to the living room, while the girls are bored at their hen night without boys. Kelso's attempt to spring his mates goes completely pear-shaped, for him even …
  • 4. Misfire
    Kelso shocks the boys by saying the reason for his unhappiness is that he's no longer together with ‘his only true love’ Jackie and intends to propose to her. Jackie feels ‘she has nothing else good in her life’, never mind Donna's objections he'll never grow up. Next morning Michael is cured, after getting his ultimate dream job: security guard at the Playboy Mansion in Chicago, where he used to get kicked out after every visit to his daughter, thanks to security chief Vic, his kind of peeper. Alas Fez must confess he already told the girls; Fez and Hyde feel it's …
  • 5. Stone Cold Crazy
    Donna has very adult photos taken to send to Eric in Africa. At the same time habitual daydreamer Fez,imagines what sharing an apartment with Jackie would be like.
  • 6. Long Away
    Bob convinced the veterans to admit National Guardsmen like him to their annual reunion, which Red was looking forward to, and promised they would supply a photographer. Hyde convinces Red the cheap yet decent man for the job is Leo, but when they enter, ‘Leonard’ is the generally acclaimed Purple Heart war hero, Red and Bob had no idea and hear the next morning what turned him hippie in 1945… Donna isn't forthcoming about Eric's latest letter from Africa, then admits he broke up with her. Fez and Jackie confess to Hyde they wrote him about her falsely assumed …
  • 7. Fun It
    The basement bunch is bored, so Randy buys them Fatso burgers, only Fez tries not to look pleased. When the owner Mr. Visotsky scolds them for using several ketchup containers, they decide to exact revenging by kidnapping his orders-taking ‘talking’ emblem, clown Fatso. Missing Eric, Donna gets excited by the kick she gets out of crime, Hyde wisely calms her down. When Red discovers what they have done, for once he smiles, as he hated the stupid clown (Jackie was traumatized by them since the age of 5). Kitty, however, is behind the ‘save our monument’ campaign, so …
  • 8. Good Company
    Shampoo boy Fez happily obliges much older customer Marsha Sullivan with ‘full service’: in bed. Marsha also sanctimoniously visits Kitty, who hates her but can't resist the gossip queen. However, she is shocked to learn she's fooling around with a boy Eric's age. Randy insists the gang should chip together to buy Donna a classy birthday gift, but what? After snooping through her room and even looking in her diary, they come up with three. When Kitty learns that Fez is her lover and scolds him, his rebuke that she's not his mother hits hard.
  • 9. Who Needs You
    Fez almost loses his apartment when Jackie floods it. He's ready to say “Good day!” to their co-habitation, but Jackie manages to salvage things by bonding with Fenton, the landlord, over shopping, and convincing him to let them stay. Red and Kitty are concerned over the number of arguments that Hyde and Samantha are having. But when they learn the reason for all the fights, it causes some sparks to fly in their own relationship.
  • 10. Sweet Lady
    Donna doubts Randy's motives when he invites her to spend the weekend in her parents' cabin. Jackie discovers there's no business like show business.
  • 11. Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
    Jackie's new job at the station keeps her on edge as she assists psycho boss Christine St. George. Frustrated with Christine's attitude, Jackie tries to win her over with some of Kitty's homemade brownies. Luckily, Jackie's plan works and Christine lightens up, but when Jackie claims the recipe as her own on live television, Kitty is the one who freaks out. Meanwhile, Leo has a crush on Donna.
  • 12. Killer Queen
    Randy surprises and charms Donna with his unconventional idea of a romantic Valentine's Day date with a mystery girl- closer then she guessed, but Leo spoils his plans. Red shows Hyde he's prepared for all occasions calling for presents for Kitty, so the bastard robs Red's stash for his stripper wife and Kitty has kittens having to wait for a lousy improvised gift and learning why. When the “What's Up Wisconsin” couple of the month cancels last minute, Jackie can't find another replacement then Fez; his story and kiss-stealing pale compared to Christine St. George's …
  • 13. Spread Your Wings
    When the friends find out that Donna is now into Randy, they just tease them. Red also gives his blessing, again to Donna's pleasant surprise, only Kitty calls her a whore as expected. The ever-present memory of Eric in the Forman home makes Donna break up with Randy and blame him for being so nice about it, till she admits he's too good to dump. Meanwhile Jacky, now Fez's even lowlier colleague at the hair salon, meanly gives his game away as ‘serial dater’ to co-worker Hillary, with a surprising result.
  • 14. Son and Daughter
    When Hyde's father asks him to house-sit while he is out of town, the gang convinces Hyde to throw a party.
  • 15. Keep Yourself Alive
    Showing her engagement ring to Fez in the car, Kitty drops it, so Red drops the kids to look for it in the woods. Bob blurts out that Red gave her a $65, not $1,000 ring, so he's in the doghouse until he tells the rather romantic truth, yet Kitty gets value for money in the end. Fez gets lost and hides in a cave with his goldfish until Bob finds the candy trail Fez accidentally left. Hyde enjoys taunting Jackie, who refused to team up boy-girl and manages to get wet all alone, while Donna exposes her ‘wet’ half.
  • 16. My Fairy King
    To the basement gang's amusement, Hyde discovers that his marriage is illegal (bigamy): Samantha married Larry before Hyde. Although Sam claims to love only him, he decides to divorce her. Jealous to be the only single girl, Jackie draws up a list of qualities for her ‘ideal man’, which Donna points out actually describes her dream prince - Fez! After a promotion for his muffler shop goes really badly, Red has a verbal go at the competition and is offered a fat check to quit, and accepts - it's enough to retire.
  • 17. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
    Now Red finally has reached retirement, he realizes it's not really what he wants. Bored to death, Red grabs an opportunity to help out as handyman in the record shop, but drives the boys crazy, so Steven sends him home. Kitty insists he makes up, so Hyde wrecks things Red can repair at home - only to be told he's taking it easy after all. Meanwhile Jackie has finally admitted she wants Fez, who now is no longer chasing her but Hllary, and reneges on monogamy. Donna takes her to therapy with Dr. Hammond, whose patients include Kitty, and whose own marriage is the …
  • 18. We Will Rock You
    The gang discovers Jackie and Fez are die-hard fans of the band “The Village People.” This inspires the rest of them to hold a “Disco Sucks” party.
  • 19. Sheer Heart Attack
    Fez decides to stop being a player and settle down with one woman. Hyde convinces Red to sell his heart medication.
  • 20. Leaving Home Ain't Easy
    After events at an anti-disco gathering, Donna begins reconsidering whether she wants to stay in a relationship with Randy. Fez and Jackie begin to hit some rough spots in their relationship.
  • 21. Love of My Life
    Fez introduces his well-groomed friend Andrew Davies, from the West of their British-Dutch island, who suggests he returns home and adopts Fez's ambiguous attitude to the girls. At Bob's spurring, Randy makes a last futile attempt to get Donna back. Now the Foremans are moving to Florida, they must sell the house, but Red's host skills scare anyone away and Kitty rattles on about family memories till she throw a couple out herself. Reading his dad has sold the record chain, Hyde turns conventional, so the circle does an inverse intervention, then he gets more Groove …
  • 22. That '70s Finale
    It is New Year's Eve and is the last day of the ‘70s. Kitty is having second thoughts about selling the house and moving to Florida, even though Red thinks she is happy they are moving. Donna has just broken up with Randy and is moving to college. Jackie realizes she loves Fez. Bob decides that he’s moving to Florida and open a bait shop. Eric is coming home from Africa, and Kelso, who is now living in Chicago with Brook and his daughter, meets Hyde and Fez on top of the Water Tower.
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