
  • 평점: 7.50
  • 발행 연도: 2001
  • 장르: Romance, Sci-Fi, Drama
  • 국가: United States, Canada
  • 기간: 43 분
  • 복잡성: 9

조그만 마을에 운석이 충돌한 뒤 아이가 없던 부부는 우주선 근처에서 조그만 사내 아이를 발견하고 입양하게 됩니다. 그들은 아이의 비밀을 아무에게도 말하지 않기로 하고 사내 아이는 평범한 미국 10대의 인생을 살게 됩니다.

  • 1. Pilot
    Baby Clark (Kal-El) arrives on Earth. Teen Clark starts high school, saves Lex's life after a car accident, and finds out about his past and birth parents.
  • 2. Metamorphosis
    Teenager Greg Arkin, who lives alone with his mother Mrs. Arkin, collects insects in his home. After arguing with his mother, he puts the insects in his car and has an accident on the road, and is attacked by the insects. He has a metamorphosis, becoming a powerful insect. He kills his mother and he chooses Lana Lang to be his mate for procreation purposes. In the end, Clark saves Lana from Greg's cocoon.
  • 3. Hothead
    The coach of the Smallville High School's football team “The Crows”, the bossy and arrogant Walt Arnold (Dan Lauria) is close to his victory number 200 along twenty-five years of a successful career. He is exposed to burning kryptonite ore in the sauna, and achieves the power of burning whatever he wants. Principal James Kwan (Hiro Kanagawa) finds that seven athletes cheated in a mathematics test, and decides to punish the group by not permitting them to participate in the final game. Coach Walt retaliates by burning his car, and Mr. Kwan goes to the hospital. …
  • 4. X-Ray
    Tina Greer is a meteor-rock mutant teenage girl who has the power to transform into the shape and face of whoever she wants. She robs Smallville Bank pretending to be Lex Luthor, and accidentally kills her mother Rose. She becomes obsessed with Lana Lang's family, and decides to assume her identity. Meanwhile, Clark Kent finds that he has X-ray vision, and has trouble to control his new-found power, with the support of his stepparents, as well as trying to hide it from Pete, Chloe, and Lana. Lex Luthor is blackmailed by a dirty journalist, named Roger Nixon, who found…
  • 5. Cool
    In a high school party nearby a frozen lake with kryptonite at the bottom, arrogant football player Sean Kelvin has an accident and drowns under the ice. However, he mysteriously survives with the power and need of taking the heat of other people and freezing things. Meanwhile, the Kents have financial difficulties and need a loan to save their farm, and Lex Luthor invites them for a meeting at his mansion and offers the necessary money in a lower interest rate to the reluctant Jonathan. Sean freezes and kills his girlfriend Jenna Barnum, and invites Chloe Sullivan to…
  • 6. Hourglass
    Clark and Pete apply to community work in an institute for the aged to be close to Lana Lang who's also volunteering there. Clark's favorite patient is Cassandra Carver, a blind old lady that foretells the future, and who realizes that Clark is not from this world. Lana takes care of Harry Bollston, an unknown former murder. When Harry falls in a lake full of kryptonite nearby the institution, he becomes young again. The young Harry Volk then seeks revenge against the descendants of the members of the jury that sentenced him in the past by killing them. One of these …
  • 7. Craving
    Fat teenager Jodi Melville is obsessed to lose weight. She feels rejected by her schoolmates except Pete, who defends her. Planning to attend Lana Lang's birthday party, Jodi submits herself to a radical diet: only vegetables planted in her father's greenhouse… but with soil full of kryptonite. Jodi immediately achieves a wonderful shape, but has a huge and uncontrollable starvation and needs human body fat as the side effect, threatening whoever is closest- her next potential victim is date Pete. Clark again is forced to break his date with Lana to try to save Pete…
  • 8. Jitters
    Former Luthor Corp employee Earl Jenkins, and who also worked at the Kent farm, has an unknown disease that violently shakes all his body. He arrives at the Kent farm during a party Clark throws while his parents are out of town and claims that the disease developed following an explosion at his former workplace: Level 3 of Luthor's Smallville plant which was experimenting with meteor-rock laced fertilizer. Trouble is, there is no Level 3! Determined to prove his case, Earl breaks into the plant and takes a class touring the plant hostage. Lex arrives with the police …
  • 9. Rogue
    While visiting an exposition sponsored by the Luthor Corp in Metropolis, Clark Kent saves a homeless man from an out of control bus using his powerful body to stop the vehicle. But a corrupt police detective, named Sam Phelan, witnesses the event, and blackmails the Kent family, promising to disclose the secret unless Clark steals his files from the internal affairs. When Clark refuses, Phelan retaliates by framing Jonathan for a murder charge and forces Clark to steal a priceless armored vest from the Luther Corp exposition. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor is visited by his …
  • 10. Shimmer
    Amy Palmer is a teenage girl who has a crush on Lex Luthor. Her mother works in the Luthor's mansion and they live with her brother Jeff Palmer on the property. Amy is jealous of Luthor's girlfriend Victoria Hardwick. Soon, both Lex and Victoria are attacked by some invisible being. Chloe suspects Amy is the one responsible. But the real culprit is Jeff who has the power to make himself invisible. Meanwhile, Lana and Whitney decide to take a break in their relationship, and Clark gets close to Lana. But when Clark finds the motive for the petulant attitude of Whitney,…
  • 11. Hug
    Bob Rickman is an evil tycoon who intends to build a highly polluting plant in Smallville, and he needs to buy Jonathan Kent's farm. Rickman is famous because of his capacity of convincing people, but indeed he has a powerful gift of changing people's mind with his shake of hands, and he uses his new kryptonite power of persuasion against Jonathan. Meanwhile, the hermit Kyle Tippet, who was the former business partner of Rickman, helps Clark and Lex against the powerful and greedy industrialist. But Clark's quick kinship with Kyle causes a rift between him, Lana and …
  • 12. Leech
    Clark and a classmate, named Eric Summer, are both struck by lightning when Eric is holding a piece of meteor rock. The electrical surge takes Clark's powers away and transfers them to Eric. As Eric gets used to his new powers, Clark has to deal with being a normal person for the first time, with all the advantages and disadvantages. But Eric's abusive and domineering father wants to have him examined in Metropolis for his strange powers and in response, the mentally unbalanced Eric goes on a rampage. Meanwhile, Sir Harry Hardwick, Victoria's father, and rival of …
  • 13. Kinetic
    After losing his college scholarship, a depressed Whitney falls in with a group of three former jocks from Smallville High who have tattoos made from kryptonite-laced paint that give them the power to walk through walls and commit various robberies around town. While Clark tries to track down the robbers, without getting physically close to them because of their tattoos, Chloe is seriously injured during a robbery of Lex's mansion when she is thrown out a window. Lex has his own plans to find the robbery trio when they steal an incriminating computer disk from his …
  • 14. Zero
    As Lex helps Lana prepare for the re-opening of the Smallville theater, The Talon, as a coffee shop, a man from Lex's past, named Jude Royce, arrives in town and begins stalking Lex wanting to hold him in conjunction with a shooting death at Club Zero in Metropolis three years ago that Lex may have been responsible for. Meanwhile, Chloe looks into Clark's past as an adopted child while Martha and Jonathan try to thwart Chloe's moves.
  • 15. Nicodemus
    After stealing an experimental flower laced with meteor-rock pollen from Dr. Steven Hamilton, the employee of the Luthor Corp, James Beales has a truck accident on the road and is rescued by Jonathan Kent. However, the flower releases its pollen on Jonathan faces, and he unleashes his innermost repressed desires first with Martha and his anger towards the Luthors. He enters in coma later. Then Lana becomes affected and tries to seduce Clark. Pete also becomes affected by the Nicodemus flower in the same way. While Clark helps Lex track down the source, Lex hides from …
  • 16. Stray
    After escaping from his mean stepparents James Gibson and Sky, the boy Ryan James is hit by Martha Kent's car on the road. She brings Ryan to a hospital, and the boy claims to have amnesia. The Kent family offers to lodge Ryan in their farm while waiting for the social services. The boy becomes friends with Clark Kent and his friends, and has the power of reading minds, and his adopted parents use him to commit robberies. Clark helps the boy against his stepfather while Ryan knows Clark is different when Ryan sees that he's the only one whose mind he cannot read.
  • 17. Reaper
    While visiting his sick mother in the hospital, Tyler Randall is requested to commit euthanasia at her request. The nurse witness the attempt, and the security guard tries to arrest Tyler. He falls from the sixth floor and dies. When the pathologist removes a green stone from the meteor-rock bracelet from his wrist, Tyler returns to life, but he has a lethal touch, turning people to dust by mere touch. He decides to help terminal people to die, becoming “The Reaper”. Tyler's path crosses with Clark's when he gets a job as a flower delivery person for invalid people on…
  • 18. Drone
    Along the dispute of an election of the president in Smallville High School, candidate Paul Chan is severely injured by a swarm of bees. Pete decides to promote Clark Kent as the substituted for the spot. When the other aspirant schoolmate, Felice Chandler, is also attacked by bees, Clark believes that last competitor, Sasha Woodman, who has the meteor-rock ability to control bees, is behind the attacks. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor is threatened by an opportunist and ambitious reporter from Metropolis, named Carrie Castle, over some dark secrets of his that she's …
  • 19. Crush
    Justin Gaines is a teenage cartoonist who is recovering in the hospital from a car accident with the power of telekinesis. but has mobility problems with his hands. He believes his doctor was negligent, and he will not be able to draw again, so he provokes a serious accident with the brash Dr. Christopher Wells. Justin returns to Smallville, and begins dating Chloe Sullivan, who is upset with Clark Kent, making him jealous with the situation. When Justin reveals his powers to Chloe, she decides to investigate to help him find the driver who hit him and didn't stop. …
  • 20. Obscura
    When Lana is hit by an explosion of a gas pipeline in a field, she develops the power of clairvoyance from meteor-rock fragments where she has visions of an elusive serial kidnapper/killer and she sees Chloe Sullivan being kidnapped. Clark must rely on Lana's visions to find and rescue Chloe before she's killed. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor is visited by the despicable reporter Roger Nixon who convinces him to open again the investigation of the mysterious events surrounding the meteor shower of years ago when a witness reveals that something more came down during the meteor…
  • 21. Tempest
    Lex is surprised when his father, Lionel Luthor, arrives in Smallville and officially closes down the Luther Corp Fertilizer Plant, thus firing all 2,500 employees to force Lex to move to Metropolis to help him run his evil corporate empire from there. Undaunted, Lex tries to hold off his unscrupulous father by meeting with the foremen to buy back the plan to put it under local management. But Lionel, not to be outdone by his own son, tries to stop the workers by threatening to have the banks forgo on their mortgages. Meanwhile, Clark Kent invites Chloe Sullivan to …
  • 1. Vortex
    Clark Kent saves Lana Lang from the tornado, but his father Jonathan is missing, trapped with the despicable reporter Roger Nixon (Tom O'Brien) in an old tomb beneath a destroyed church filled with meteor rocks. Lex Luthor saves his father, who is submitted to the hospital for surgery, and then joins forces with Clark to look for Jonathan. Chloe Sullivan decides to be only friends with Clark after his disappearance from the dance to rescue Lana. Also, Lana becomes suspicious of the abilities of Clark.
  • 2. Heat
    When the “hot” new Biology teacher Desiree Atkins (Krista Allen) arrives in Smallville, Clark Kent gets excited in her presence and his hormonal surge sets off a new ability: heat vision. Lex Luthor meets and falls for Atkins and they decide to get married. Meanwhile, Clark's heat vision causes another fire at The Talon when Clark is talking with Lana, leading Clark to get briefly jailed on suspicious of arson. Lex invites Clark to be his best man, but when Desiree tries to seduce Clark, he realizes that she is a meteor freak with the power to seduce men.
  • 3. Duplicity
    When Dr. Steven Hamilton, physically sick from repeated exposure to meteor rock radiation, causing constant Parkinson-like twitches, becomes a liability to Lex Luthor, he terminates their contract. Dr. Hamilton leaves the mansion and drives down the road like a lunatic and causes a serious accident with a truck driven by Ray Wallace. The truck overturns in a cornfield near Clark Kent's spacecraft and, while trying to rescue Ray, Pete Ross sees the UFO. The next morning, Pete asks Clark to help him to bring the object to his workshop. When Dr. Hamilton steals the …
  • 4. Red
    Clark gets his Smallville class ring, but these rings contain RED KRYPTONITE making him turn into DARK CLARK.
  • 5. Nocturne
    Lana Lang finds some poems from a secret admirer in the gravestone of her parents in the cemetery. Later, she meets the author, Byron Moore, a weird teenager kept locked by his parents in the basement of their farmhouse. They believe the boy is abused by his parents, but soon they realize that he was the subject of an experiment of a laboratory of Luthor Corp, which made him powerfully evil and super-strong when he comes into contact with sunlight. Meanwhile, Martha Kent is invited to work as the assistant of Lionel Luthor, and she accepts the invitation under the …
  • 6. Redux
    In Smallville High School, a swimmer mysteriously ages and dies, after meeting his girlfriend Chrissy Parker. The new principal Reynolds arrives and comes into conflict with Clark Kent because he is a friend of Lex Luthor. Clark asks Chloe and Pete to investigate Principal Reynolds' history, as well as Chrissy whom they suspect is a life-draining freak who needs three youths to stay eternally young every 12 years. Meanwhile, the Kents are having financial problems and Martha contacts her estranged father, whom she hasn't seen for twenty years, to borrow some money …
  • 7. Lineage
    A disturbed middle-aged woman named Rachel Dunleavy arrives in Smallvile claiming that Clark Kent is her biological son with Lionel Luthor, therefore the half-brother of Lex Luthor. She asks for a DNA examination, jeopardizing the Kents knowing that Clark's secret will be revealed. In a flashback, Jonathan reveals more about the day of the 1989 meteor shower and how the Kents met with Lionel Luther who agreed to help forge the papers for Clark's adoption. Menawhile, Lana Lang visits Henry Small trying to find out whether he is her biological father.
  • 8. Ryan
    Clark Kent receives a desperate call from the mind-reading teenage Ryan James (from the episode “Stray”) who tells Clark that he escaped from a research hospital for being the subject of an experiment. Clark rescues him, but is accused of abduction of a child by Ryan's corrupt tutor, Dr. Garner, who is in fact on Lex Luther's payroll. Clark learns that Ryan has a brain tumor and Clark uses his best efforts trying to save Ryan. Meanwhile, Lana is informed by Aunt Nell that she wants to move to Metropolis with Dean, but Lana wants to stay behind in Smallville. Also, the…
  • 9. Dichotic
    Ian Randall is an mentally unbalanced, overachieving student desperate to succeed who gets a ‘C’ from his stern shop teacher John Frankle. Ian freaks out, duplicates himself and kills Mr. Frankle. The meteor-rock mutant simultaneously invites Lana and Chloe on a literal ‘double date’, aiming to get a scholarship from Luthor Corp to Yale by using the girls who know Lex Luther. Meanwhile, Lana moves to Chloe's house to live with her and divorced father after Nell leaves town. Clark tries to advise Lana and Chloe about the personality and ability of Ian, but he is …
  • 10. Skinwalker
    While practicing motocross with Pete, Clark Kent falls down through a hole in an underground cave and meets a young Native American woman named Kyla Willowbrook (Tamara Fieldman). Kyla is investigating some mysterious ancient paintings in the walls of the cave, and she and Clark immediately fall in love with each other. Her grandfather Professor Willowbrook and some ecologists are fighting against the construction of a Luther Corp building that will destroy the caves, but generate 1,000 new jobs in Smallville. Martha becomes split between the both interests, but the …
  • 11. Visage
    Just as Clark and Lana are making progress and he finally sums up enough courage to ask Lana out on a date to a local festival, an old flame rekindles when Lana's former beau, Whitney Fordman, returns from the Marines to make up for lost time. But something is wrong with Whitney for he isn't himself, and Clark sets off to find out what's wrong and why Whitney doesn't remember some things. But the big twist is that the real Whitney was killed in action in Indonesia, and that the meteor-rock shape shifter Tina Greer (from the ‘X-Ray’ episode) is impersonating Whitney to…
  • 12. Insurgence
    When Lex Luthor loses a $150 million contract to Luthor Corp, he finds that his mansion was bugged by his father. He hires a team to bug the offices of Luthor Corp expecting to find the building empty since it is Sunday, but Lionel Luthor assigns Martha for work in his office with him. Jonathan becomes very upset, since it is their wedding anniversary, and he was planning a picnic with Martha. Lex calls off the action, but the leader of the group of industrial spies is killed by a member who wants to steal the contents of Lionel's safe. Martha and Lionel become …
  • 13. Suspect
    Lionel Luthor is shot twice in the Luthor's mansion by an unknown assailant. When Jonathan Kent is found drunk, with a pistol in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other hand sleeping in his truck, he becomes the prime suspect of the attempt. All the evidences point to him, but Clark believes in his innocence and tries to prove that his father did not shoot Lionel. Clark and Pete team up to investigate leads Lionel had, and learns that the conspiracy to frame Jonathan goes back to the town sheriff. Meanwhile, Lex deals with his father's associate, Dominic …
  • 14. Rush
    During a rave party in the underground cave discovered by the Indian descendant Kyla Willowbrook, the student Travis has a reckless attitude climbing a lamp tower and dies. Soon after, Pete is pierced by a parasite hiding the cave wall, thus becoming reckless and bold. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor hires the linguistic specialist Dr. Fredrick Walden to decipher the meaning of the paintings in the cave. Clark invites Lana to date on the next evening. Later, Clark goes with Chloe Sullivan to the cave, and she is also pierced, changing immediately her behavior. When Pete puts a …
  • 15. Prodigal
    Lex Luthor rescues his gambler, estranged, half-brother Lucas from a dangerous situation involving Chinese triad gangsters, and brings him to Smallville to help him in a commercial dispute against their father, Lionel. However, Lucas stays side by side with Lionel in his plans of getting his hands on all of Lex's money to feed his gambling habit. The homeless Lex is lodged by Jonathan and his family, while Clark Kent tries to fix the situation with the crafty Lucas before he can carry out his plan to rip off the Luther fortune. But who is playing who? Meanwhile, Clark…
  • 16. Fever
    While hiding the spaceship key in the farm's storm cellar, Martha Kent breathes some unknown meteor-rock spores and immediately gets ill. She is sent to Smallville Medical Center under the care of Dr. Helen Bryce, and the results of her blood tests are sent to the Disease Control Agency (DCA). Because DCA agents are coming to inspect the farm and put it under quarantine, Clark and Pete hurry to move the spaceship. Clark inhales some of the spores and also gets sick, weakening him. The DCA agents find the key, so Jonathan Kent must retrieve it from a military base, …
  • 17. Rosetta
    Clark has some weird dreams with the cave and about flying. When he puts the hexagonal key in a hole in the wall of the cave, he immediately learns how to decode the symbols. Then, while waiting for Chloe at the Kents' farm, his uncontrolled vision burns a symbol on the wall of the barn. Chloe publishes the picture in the front page of The Torch, and Clark soon receives an e-mail from a wealthy and prominent scientist from New York. Clark goes to New York and meets the reclusive and quadriplegic Dr. Virgil Swann, who tells Clark about his origins from the planet …
  • 18. Visitor
    When the weird and lonely teenager with healing power Cyrus Krupp claims to be an alien, Clark approaches to him trying to know his origins to determine if Cyrus is a Kryptonian alien, or if he's just a crazy meteor-rock mutant who thinks he's an alien. Meanwhile, Dr. Helen Bryce moves to Lex's mansion, but she realizes that her skeleton key opens all but one room. Lex eventually shows her the inside of the room to reveal his study work about the meteor shower, and about Clark Kent. Also, Lana asks Clark to help her look after her sick prized horse which Cyrus heals …
  • 19. Precipice
    When Lana is assaulted by three drunken customers at The Talon, Clark Kent defends her and beats up all the guys using his super-human strength. But the new uptight and unfriendly Smallville sheriff, Nancy Adams, arrests Clark for assault and battery. One of the troublemakers, the wealthy and spoiled Andrew Connors, fakes a serious injury and sues the Kents for a huge amount of money. With the abrasive and intimidating (and easily fooled) Sheriff Adams unwilling to help Clark, or the Kents either, Lana decides to help Clark expose Connors as a phony. Meanwhile, Helen …
  • 20. Witness
    When a van of Luthor Corp is hijacked by three criminals, Clark accidentally witnesses the robbery. He recognizes the leader of the gang, Eric Marsh, a baseball player of Smallville high school. Unwilling to report his suspicious to the pompous Sheriff Adams, who continues intimidating and harassing the Kents, Clark launches his own investigation and discovers that Marsh and his two friends are using refined kryptonite to use as inhalers to give them super-human strength. Meanwhile, Clark quits his job at school paper, The Torch, after discussing with Chloe about him …
  • 21. Accelerate
    Lana sees the impossible: a friend named Emily Eve Dinsmore, who died six years earlier in a fatal accident at age 10, and still appears that age. Clark Kent believes Lana and searches for the truth. Emily's father Mr. Dinsmore has an accident provoked by Emily and Lionel Luthor visits him in the hospital. Lana and Clark eventually discover that Emily is the result of a Luthor Corp experiment in accelerated cloning. But problems in her chromosomes have caused her to be a flawed copy, resulting in a bad temper, with the power of super-speed and telekinesis. Meanwhile, …
  • 22. Calling
    As Clark and Lana get more romantically close to each other, the comatose Dr. Fredrick Walden recovers and repeats the sentence “the day is coming, and he will rule the world” many times. He believes that Clark Kent is a menace to mankind. He escapes from the mental institution using a strong power he has achieved and tries to eliminate Clark. Meanwhile, Dr. Helen Bryce returns to Smallville for her engagement party with Lex Luthor, and finds her office broke in and the blood sample of Clark Kent stolen. But who took the blood sample and her office files? Lionel or …
  • 23. Exodus
    As Clark has finally begun dating Lana, Helen Bryce cancels her wedding to Lex after being told to by Lionel. But later, Helen realizes that she loves Lex and they finally get married. Meanwhile, Jonathan and Martha are thrilled to learn Martha is pregnant. The memory/spirit of Jor-El speaks to Clark via the spaceship, telling him he must leave Smallville, his parents and friends to fulfill his destiny. Clark decides to destroy the spacecraft, and the spirit of Jor-El with it, by using Lionel's kryptonite-made hexagon key that he made a copy of off the late Dr. Walden…
  • 1. Exile
    Metropolis, three months later. Clark Kent (under the influence of the red kryptonite ring) has becomes a criminal, heisting banks, going to night-clubs, and living under the alias ‘Kal’. But he comes into conflict with not only his Kryptonian-marked chest, but a ruthless and greedy gangster, named Morgan Edge, who wants an ever increasing percentage of the stolen loot, and also begins to suspect Clark's alien origins. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor is declared dead, but he is living with the weird Louis Leery Jr. in an isolated desert island. Back in Smallville, Dr. Helen …
  • 2. Phoenix
    Lex returns to Smalville and the Lex mansion, and invites Dr. Helen Bryce for a second honeymoon while trying to find out if it was her or his father who attempted to kill him. Meanwhile, Clark also returns to Smallville and the Kent farm, but Morgan Edge finds him and threatens to kill Jonathan and Martha in to get what Clark stole from Lionel Luthor's safe, which is the stolen vile of Clark Kent's blood. With the financial status of the Kent family in dire straights, the farm is sold in an auction, but there is a surprise in the end. Also, Lana tries to declare her …
  • 3. Extinction
    When Lana is attacked by her obsessed school pal Jake Pollan in the deserted swimming pool of Smallville High School, he is mortally shot by an unknown shooter. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor joins Luthor Corp. and his father, Lionel, requires a $50 million life insurance from him which increases Lex's suspicions. Clark investigates the murder of Jake, and finds that the criminal is Jake's friend Van McNulty, who is killing people affected by the meteor rock radiation, and Lex is the next in his death list. When Clark saves Lex, Van sees that he is special and includes Clark …
  • 4. Slumber
    Clark Kent has a strangely realistic nightmare with him being romantically involved with Lana, Lex discovering his secret, and a girl called Sara Conroy being chased by a weird, red-robbed creature called The Traveller. When Clarks wakes up, he learns that was was asleep… for the last 36 hours consecutive hours! Clark finds that Sara has just moved with her uncle and tutor Nicholas Conroy to the house on the next door that belonged to Lana. Intrigued with the situation, he visits Sara with Lana, and Clark sees that the teenage girl has been in coma for the past six …
  • 5. Perry
    Clark's future boss at the Daily Planet shows up; Perry White, but this time around he's a dirt bag reporter working for the tabloids.
  • 6. Relic
    Lana Lang visits an elderly and sick man that has been in prison for more than 40 years accused of killing his beloved wife. He shows the picture of the suspect that resembles Clark Kent in an old newspaper and convinces Lana of his innocence. Clark Kent, through flashbacks, revives the passage of the a young stranger, named Joe, who may have been the young Jor-El in 1961 Smallville, and his affair with the old prisoner's wife (with Lana playing the young wife Louise). Clark begins to suspect that someone else may have committed the crime which leads to the corrupt …
  • 7. Magnetic
    After being hit in the forehead by a snow globe containing flakes of meteor rocks in a struggle at a local carnival, the teenager Seth Nelson is given an M.R.I. giving him magnetic abilities. He uses his powers to date and manipulate Lana who is starting to distance herself from Clark by trying to make him jealous. Meanwhile, a snoopy investigator hired by Lex intrusively breaks in The Torch and finds that Chloe Sullivan is examining deeply the life of Lionel Luthor. Lex offers his protection to Chloe to help him investigate his father's past if he had anything to do …
  • 8. Shattered
    While Lex continues to investigate the dark past of his father, he meets Morgan Edge with a new face after plastic surgery, and collects evidence to send Lionel Luthor to prison for the murder of his parents. However, a hit man tries to kill Lex in the mansion, but he escapes to Kent Farm. Clark goes to the mansion to retrieve the evidence against Lionel from the safe and finds that there is no hint of the claimed attempt against Lex's life. When Lionel goes to the Kent Farm and tells that Lex is paranoid and delusional over the death of Lex's infant brother years ago…
  • 9. Asylum
    Lex is committed to the Belle Reve Sanitarium for the criminally insane by Lionel who forces the shrink, Dr. Claire Foster, to submit Lex to an experimental electroshock therapy technique to erase his memory and forget his past events. Clark visits Lex and after finding out, decides to try to save his friend, despite protests from Jonathan and Martha that Clark's secret is known by Lex. But three of Clark's adversaries reside in Belle Reve. They are the arrogant, power-stealing Eric Summers (from episode “Leech”), the angry, meteor-rock mutant racist Van McNulty (from…
  • 10. Whisper
    While looking for a birthday gift for Martha at a local jewelry store, Clark intervenes when two thieves try to rob the place using the powerful scream of Nathan Dean (Micah Alberti), a meteor-rock mutant with the ability to project ear-splitting screams. The combination of the scream with a bijouterie of kryptonite deflecting Clark's heat vision back to his face makes Clark blind. Without this sense, his hearing uncontrollably increases. One of the criminals, Masterson (William MacDonald) is arrested. Nathan kidnaps Pete to force his mother, Judge Abigail Ross (…
  • 11. Delete
    After leaving an article full of denunciations about the “Summerholt Neurological Institute” with her former colleague of the Daily Planet, Max Taylor, Chloe is chased by Clark Kent who tries to run her down with his truck. He claims that he had received an e-mail just before his action. Later, Lana also receives an e-mail from the same address and tries to kill Chloe on the steps of Smallville High, who is saved by Adam Knight. Clark and Chloe, with a little help from Lex, investigate the mysterious e-mail origin, and they discover that Molly Griggs, a former patient…
  • 12. Hereafter
    Jordan Cross is a new transfer student to Smallvill High School who has a frightening ability: when he is touched by another person, he immediately sees how he or she will die. When Clark saves the suicidal Coach Altman from death, the future of other people changes, including Lana's. Jordan also learns Clark's secret after he physically bumps into him. Meanwhile, Chloe finds that Adam is injecting himself with some kind of experimental medication, while his increasingly erratic behavior troubles Lana. When Jordan touches Adam, he tells Lana that Adam had already died…
  • 13. Velocity
    While returning home after leaving Jonathan Kent in the hospital recovering from a heart attack, the truck of Martha and Clark is almost hit by two cars racing in the road. For the greatest surprise and deception of Clark, one of the drivers is Pete Ross, who has become the friend of the bad element Jason Dante whom is using meteor-rock synthetic fuel to win at drag races. Pete does not accept Clark's advice and gets into serious trouble when Dante wants $20,000 of losses after thinking Pete betrayed him to the police. Meanwhile, Lex investigates the prominent Dr. Lia…
  • 14. Obsession
    While in an elevator at Luthor Corp with another girl during a class field trip, Clark is forced to use a few of his abilities when the cable of the elevator accidentally breaks and in the process, the student, Alicia Baker, witnesses Clark's ability of heat vision and punching through steel and in return, Alicia ‘teleports’ herself and Clark out of the elevator. Clark confides his secret to Alicia who confides her secret of being a meteor-rock mutant with the ability of teleportation. Soon, Clark and Alicia start to get closer and he starts to really think that …
  • 15. Resurrection
    When Jonathan goes to Smallville Medical Centre for a physical examination, his doctor diagnoses arterial blockage and recommends a triple bypass heart surgery procedure. Meanwhile, Vince Davis, the older brother of Clark Kent's friend Garrett Davis, needs a liver transplant - but does not receive one and he dies. His body is sent to Metropolis to be the next test subject of Lionel's experiment by Dr. Lia Teng, who injects his dead body with experimental blood platelets and revives him. When Vince gets sick again (because he needs the life-sustaining blood injections …
  • 16. Crisis
    While working as a volunteer with Pete at Smallville Youth Center, Clark receives a distress phone call from Lana, who is shot by Adam Wright. His further investigation shows that the call was made from the future because of a time/space porthole created by a massive electrical surge from a downed power line fitted with meteor rocks, during a coming thunderstorm. Clark must try to save Lana and change the future. Meanwhile, Lionel Luthor shuts down the obscure Merton Laboratory and the research that Dr. Lia Teng is developing with blood platelet, which were finally …
  • 17. Legacy
    While on the roof of the barn, Jonathan is contacted though the octagonal key and Clark saves him from a fall. Clark goes to the Kawatche caves with the key trying to find an explanation for what happened, when Lionel Luthor unexpectedly appears and expresses his suspicion towards Clark. Lionel goes to New York and secretly meets with Dr. Virgil Swann and proposes an association to investigate Clark. Meanwhile, the FBI is revealed to have bugs in Lex's mansion for a surveillance to obtain evidence against Lionel, and Clark becomes a suspect due to the interest of …
  • 18. Truth
    Chloe visits a former friend of her father in Luthor Corp. to know if he is blacklisted, since all his applications are not accepted and he is not able to find a job. She steals his security card and breaks in the Luthor Corp. laboratory trying to find evidence. But she gets accidentally exposed to a meteor-rock gas which gives her the ability to makes people tell the truth whenever she gets in close contact with them, thus exposing their innermost secrets. Chloe uses her new ability to explore her curiosity of journalist, hurting people, including her history teacher…
  • 19. Memoria
    Lex is trying to recover his missing memory of the past few months by going to Summerholt, which results in him having flashbacks from his childhood. When Lana finds Lex out on a balcony screaming the name “Julian”, she tells Clark. Clark finds out Lex has been going to Summerholt and tries convince him to stop, knowing his secret will be revealed if Lex recovers his recent lost memory. Clark goes to Lionel out of concern for Lex, but the evil Lionel decides to set a trap for Clark when he goes to rescue Lex. Dr. Garner subjects Clark to his memory device, which …
  • 20. Talisman
    Lionel calls Professor Joseph Willowbrook to the Kiwatche caves to show a recently found ancient object. Professor Willoebrook brings his assistant Jeremiah Holdsclaw, who takes the relic from the hands of Lionel. It transforms in a knife and makes Jeremiah as powerful as Clark. He runs away from Lionel's security men with the mythic knife. Professor Willowbrook insists that Clark is Namam, the man who fell from the stars, and in accordance with the Indian prophecy, that knife belongs to him and could be destroyed only by his greatest enemy. Jeremiah thinks that the …
  • 21. Forsaken
    Clark Kent decides to disclose his secret to Lana to avoid her from traveling to Paris, and he invites her for dinner at the Kent farm. But things take a turn when the dangerous teenager Emily Eve Dinsmore, the six-year-old girl (from the episode ‘Accelerate’) had matured into a grown-up and still obsessed with Lana, escapes from the institute where she is interned. She kills the new owner of Talon and kidnaps Lana. Meanwhile, Chloe joins forces Lex trying to find evidence to send the powerful Lionel to prison for the murder of Lex's grandparents. Elsewhere, Pete is …
  • 22. Covenant
    At the Kent farm, Clark Kent is surprised in the middle of the night by a naked young woman claiming that she is Kara from Krypton, and asking him to go with her somewhere through the Kawatche caves to be “re-born” with the spirit of Jor-El. Kara also forces Jonathan to reveal the secret deal he made with Jor-El at the beginning of the season. Meanwhile, Clark decides to testify against Lionel to keep him in prison. Lionel sends a key of the secret chamber in the Luthor Mansion to Clark where he finally discovers the reason for the last three years of Lex's personal …
  • 1. Crusade
    Three months later. Lois Lane, the second cousin of Chloe Sullivan, arrives in Smallville trying to find the missing Clark Kent to help her to find Chloe's murderer. After being struck by a mysterious ray, she loses control of her car, and finds Clark naked with amnesia in a cornfield. She brings him to Smallville Medical Center, where Martha is with Jonathan Kent, who has been in an irreversible coma. Martha brings Clark back to the farm, expecting him to retrieve his memory. However, Clark is completely dehumanized, having been taken over by his alter-ego Kal-El, …
  • 2. Gone
    The mystery surrounding Chloe's death deepens as Clark and Lois investigate, discovering that Lex Luthor and Lois' abrasive and militarist father, U.S. Army General Sam Lane, are somehow involved. Meanwhile, Lana returns to Smallville after finding out that the symbol that appeared on her back in Paris is also on the cave wall. In prison, Lionel Luthor prepares for his murder trial and sends out a liquid-metal assassin to keep Clark and Lois from investigating Chloe's ‘death’.
  • 3. Façade
    Without the approval of his father, Clark kicks off senior year by trying out for the Smallville High Football Team, who are now coached by Lana's new boyfriend, Jason Teague. Former acne-ridden nerd Abigail Fine returns from the summer looking beautiful after some Kryptonite powered plastic surgery that spells trouble for Lana and a former tormentor when Abigail discovers that the side affect makes people insane and delusional to anyone she physically kisses. When Lois investigates Abigail's history, her ruthless, plastic surgeon mother, Dr. Fine, decides to silence …
  • 4. Devoted
    The Smallville High cheerleaders are using a kryptonite mixed love potion to seriously change the behavior of their victims.
  • 5. Run
    Clark meets a young man with a power of speed that exceeds his own, but the boy lacks responsibility for his actions. Also, Lex finds a manuscript that appears to be some sort of Kryptonian map.
  • 6. Transference
    Lionel Luthor, using one of the Kryptonian stones, attempts to swap bodies with Lex but inadvertently transfers bodies with Clark, leading to him learning a few secrets, including that of Clark's powers.
  • 7. Jinx
    A mysterious bookie with powers of manipulation has a strange, even dangerous, effect on Clark and his friends. Meanwhile, Lex causes friction by using his influence on Jason and Lana's relationship.
  • 8. Spell
    In 1604, in southern France, Lana Lang's distant ancestor Countess Margaret Isabel Tharow and two other evil witches are condemned to be burned at the stake by Magistrate Wilkins, but Isabel manages to spit her blood on a symbol on a page of their mighty book of spells. In the present day, Lana buys the book on eBay, and by touching the blood-spotted symbol, resurrects the evil countess who possesses her body. Isabel/Lana uses a spell to let the other two witches posses Chloe and Lois. The powerful trio vows to pursue its quest for the three (actually Kryptonian) …
  • 9. Bound
    Lex gets wrapped up in a sex/murder scandal. Clark gets Lionel's help to get Lex out of trouble. Lana meets Jason's mother, whom she has seen before in a dream, which was set in the 1600s.
  • 10. Scare
    After an explosion at a LuthorCorp lab, Smallville's citizens “relive” their worst nightmares.
  • 11. Unsafe
    Alicia Baker returns, and with the help of Red Kryptonite, elopes in Las Vegas with Clark. Lana offers a sexual relationship to Jason in an attempt to win him back. Lionel comes back to Lex with a peace offering.
  • 12. Pariah
    When Lana is attacked in her apartment and Jason in his car by an invisible being, everyone believes that Alicia Baker was responsible, except Clark. However after a series of circumstances, Clark begins to doubt Alicia's innocence to the mysterious attacks. Alicia tells Clark that she'll offer to prove her innocence if Clark reveals his own superpowers, but Clark refuses. So, Alicia secretly shows Chloe the abilities of Clark, expecting people to leave them both alone. But elsewhere, Lois discovers that the real culprit of the attacks is the deranged Tim Westcott …
  • 13. Recruit
    Clark is wooed by the offer of a Football scholarship from Metropolis University but faces a dilemma over whether he should accept, knowing he has such an advantage on the field because of his superpowers. Meanwhile, Lois is implicated in the death of a member of the Metropolis University Football team which leads Clark to investigate to clear Lois in which they suspect that the team's idol, named Geoff Johns, may hold a clue. Elsewhere, Lex tries to persuade Lana that Jason's mother had ordered him to try to break her and Jason up for mysterious reasons.
  • 14. Krypto
    As if Lois Lane didn't make enough of a nuisance of herself now living at the Kent farm, she brings in Einstein, a golden retriever, who is the latest victim to be hit by her car, and she meanly calls him ‘Clarky’, while Clark, kind as ever, hopes to keep him as a pet if the owner isn't found, which his parents hope. Clark soon finds out it's a surviving dog of an experiment to give canines superpowers with daily injections of steroids mixed with meteorite fragments (kryptonite) produced at LuthorCorp, which Lex insists to Clark that the project was abandoned after …
  • 15. Sacred
    The Kryoptonian metallic disc is returned to Clark following the death of Virgil Swann. Placing the disc in the cave reveals a message from the spirit of Jor-El instructing Clark to find the three Kryptonian knowledge crystals and unite them before others find them and use them to self-interest. The message goes on to tell Clark that allowing a human to assemble the crystals could lead to the destruction of Earth. The first stone, retrieved by Lex in Egypt in the season opener, is in Clark's possession in the cave. The second is apparently in possession of the late …
  • 16. Lucy
    When Jason arrives at Lana's apartment at The Talon, they see that is was broken into and wrecked. They discover that the magical stone they took from the Chinese temple is gone. Lana implores Jason to leave it, and concentrate on their romantic relationship instead. But the two meet at Lionel's office, who strongly denies any knowledge of the theft and accuses his son Lex, who makes another innocence-claimant. Meanwhile, the Kent farm gets an uninvited guest's guest: Lois Lane's younger sister Lucy, a violinist who left her fancy Swiss boarding school. The Lane girls…
  • 17. Onyx
    An experiment with heated (black) kryptonite at Luthorcop causes an explosion which badly wounds Dr. Sinclair, the scientist in charge, and creates a molecular copy of Lex which has the evil side of his personality. While the real Lex shows Clark the experiment was to create far stronger crops, the evil one gives Sinclair a fatal injection in hospital after questioning him. Fearing an effect on himself, ‘Evil Lex’ locks the good Lex up wearing an iron mask and sets out ruining lives in Smallville, such as closing The Talon when Lana refuses to be his girlfriend, and …
  • 18. Spirit
    When her boyfriend, jock Billy Durden, dumps gossip queen Dawn Stiles, a day before the Smallville High prom, the bitch which everybody expects to become Prom Queen, regardless of Chloe being entered (behind her back) as ‘alternative’, decides to go with Clark (who intended to stay home) instead. But while driving on the road, she crashes her car near the mother-load of meteoric green kryptonite, which causes her spirit to leave her dying body and enter someone else's body by a mere touch, starting with Martha Kent driving on the road, then Lana, and so on. Clark and …
  • 19. Blank
    Kevin Grady commits thefts and uses his superpower to delete the incident from witnesses' minds. When he does so with Clark who stopped him after robbing The Talon, much more memory gets wiped, so Chloe must take super-boy home to the Kent farm and help him remember who he is, including discovering together the amazing extent of his superpowers and his feelings for Lana Lang. Meanwhile Lana tells Jason she's neither sure if she still wants to go to college or to stay his girlfriend, claiming it's not Clark but their complicated past, he walks off angry, warning she …
  • 20. Ageless
    In the middle of the night on the road, a young pregnant woman is going into labor while her husband drives on the road when she suddenly glows and implodes, while the husband stops the car and runs for his life. Lana and Clark are driving a truck along the same road and find a baby in the crater created by the explosion. They take the baby to the hospital, and the Kent family temporarily guards him, who is connected to Clark. Lana and Clark give the name of Evan, and on the next day, he becomes a teenager, precociously aging. The scientists of Lex study the case and …
  • 21. Forever
    On the last day of Smallville High before graduation, the emotionally disturbed and frustrated photographer of the Torch, Brendan Nash, feels rejected by the Universities and decides to abduct some schoolmates to stay with him forever in a replica of the school. He uses his power of ‘Medusa Touch’ of turning people into stone by mere touch, and brings Lana, Chloe, and other successful schoolmates to the place. While Clark teams up with the nosy Lois to find the other students, he also talks with Jonathan and Martha over his college choices after graduation. Meanwhile,…
  • 22. Commencement
    When Lana (posessed by Isobel) kills Genevieve Teague by stabbing her with one of the Kryptonian Knowledge Crystals after she attempts to steal it, it triggers a cosmic event that not only severs Lana's link to the spirit Isobel, but sends meteorites from deep space toward Earth and Smallville. At the graduation ceremony for Smallville High, the military arrives to evacuate the town after news that another meteor shower is imminent. Fearing he has a link to the meteorites, Clark goes to talk to the spirit of Jor-El, who informs him that his only hope is to unite the …
  • 1. Arrival
    Together with the meteor shower, two evil super powerful Kryptonians beings, Aethyr and Nam-Ek, arrive in Smallville from a black spaceship looking for Kal-El. Clark Kent is transported with Chloe from the Kawatche caves to the Artic and the Fortress of Solitude is built in the ice from the fully formed Knowledge Crystal. The spirit of Jor-El begins to educate Clark, but when he sees Chloe needing help, Clark stops the class and promises Jor-El to return until the sunset. Chloe discloses to Clark that she knows his secret. Back in Smallville, Lois helps Jonathan to …
  • 2. Mortal
    After Clark lost his powers, he finds that he needs them the most to save his family.
  • 3. Hidden
    Gabriel Duncan is a deranged teenager who breaks in the control room of a nuclear silo in Smallville, kills the two security guards, and starts the launch sequence to send one missile to destroy Smallville in one hour. He calls his friend Chloe, who is moving to the university, and asks her to leave the town that he wants to destroy because of the population of “meteor freaks.” The army does not know which of the sixteen silos might have been broken in by Gabriel. Meanwhile, Clark and Lana sleep together in his room and early in the morning, Lana sneaks out of the …
  • 4. Aqua
    Clark meets Arthur “AC” Curry, a young man with extraordinary powers underwater. AC is in Smallville hoping to sabotage a Luthorcorp experiment that is threatening sea life. While in Smallville, AC forms an attraction to Lois.
  • 5. Thirst
    Lana tells Clark that she is moving to the Metropolis University and she is accepted in the Tri Psi Sorority, a sisterhood with hot vampires led by Buffy Sanders, and Lana is transformed in a vampire. Meanwhile, the chief-editor of The Daily Planet, Pauline Kahn, denies an intern position to Chloe, but in the end she proposes Chloe to write a good story to prove that she might be part of the team of reporters. Meanwhile, Lex intimidates Professor Milton Fine, but in retribution he shows a dossier about the secret experiments that Luthorcorp is performing in the campus…
  • 6. Exposed
    While working in the night shift at the Daily Planet, Chloe receives a distressed phone call from a woman claiming that she is in danger. Chloe and Lois schedule a meeting with the woman, but a car runs over her and the two friends witness the murder. Meanwhile, the close friend of Jonathan, Senator Jack Jennings, visits the farm to rest from his campaign for the senate against Lex Luthor. Jonathan is surprised by the visit of Detective Maggie Sawyer, who is investigating the death of the nineteen-year-old stripper that Chloe and Lois witnessed last night. She found a…
  • 7. Splinter
    While visiting Lana in Metropolis, Clark opens a package addressed to Lana apparently sent by Lex Luthor and is wounded and infected by a splinter of silver kryptonite. This unusual piece of kryptonite causes Clark to have paranoid delusions, and he sees Chloe, Jonathan, Martha, Lana and Lex plotting against him. He defends himself against his “enemies”, jeopardizing the lives of his dearest friends and family. But eventually help comes from a most unlikely of source: Milton Fine.
  • 8. Solitude
    While returning home with Lois, Martha is hit by a flash of light followed by a thunder and contracts a lethal Kryptonian disease. Clark fears that Jor-El thus makes him pay for his resuscitation and asks for help from Professor Milton Fine, who tells Clark that Jor-El was a dictator on Krypton, who destroyed their great leader General Zod and the planet but sent Clark to Earth to dominate the world; the death of Martha would only be prevented by destroying the Fortress of Solitude. Meanwhile, Lionel convinces Chloe to investigate who Milton Fine really is. When Lois,…
  • 9. Lexmas
    On Christmas Eve, Lex travels to a dangerous neighborhood in Granville, Kansas, dealing dirty means to cut Jonathan Kent of the race to the senate. He is shot twice in cold-blood when a couple of junkies steal his car, and Lex has a near-death vision of having a possible middle class lifestyle with a pregnant Lana as his wife and their son Alexander. In his near death experience, Lex is a simple man beloved by the people of Smallville and best friend of Jonathan and Clark. Meanwhile in the real world, he is submitted to a life-threatening surgery ordered by Lionel to …
  • 10. Fanatic
    While running for campaign to the senate, Jonathan hires Lois as his advisor. Meanwhile, his opponent Lex is visited by a group of fans leaded by the fanatic Samantha Drake, and the deranged woman threatens the safety of Jonathan by attempting to assassinate him at a political rally by using Lois to carry out the deed. Meanwhile, Lana discusses with Clark their sex life on why he no longer wants to make love to her, and Clark exposes his innermost fears to Chloe that Lana will discover his secret superpowers if he continues his romance with Lana. Elsewhere, Lionel …
  • 11. Lockdown
    A deranged policeman who survived the attack of the Kryptonians and his policewoman fiancée break into Lex's mansion asking for the location of the spaceship so they can go public with the news of “aliens on Earth”. But Lex locks himself in the panic room. Clark accidentally finds the association of Lana with Lex in their research of the spacecraft when Lana is kidnapped by the renegade cops to force Luthor to leave the room. Lex's gets shot, but Lana escapes to the panic room with him. Meanwhile, Jonathan presses Lois to find out who is funding his campaign and …
  • 12. Reckoning
    Clark reveals his secret to Lana, Jonathan and Lex learn the results of the senatorial election, and there is a tragic car accident on the highway that takes the life of someone Clark loves, forcing Clark to appeal to Jor-El for help.
  • 13. Vengeance
    Clark Kent drops out the rest of the semester from Metropolis University to help Martha on the farm. He misses Jonathan and has not superseded the loss of his foster father. Martha offers Jonathan's watch to Clark, but he refuses. Martha goes to Metropolis to donate Jonathan's belongings to a mission, and she is assaulted by two lowlife criminals. However, she is rescued by a masked and powerful vigilante, but one of the punks steals the watch. Clark feels guilty about the watch and visits Chloe, trying to track the muggers. They decide to find the 'Angel of Vengeance…
  • 14. Tomb
    During a power blackout, Chloe sees the ghost of a girl and cuts her both wrists. Chloe is interned in the hospital, and the psychiatrist diagnoses that she had a breakdown due to stress. Lana asks Lex to send Chloe to a mental institution for treatment since nobody believes her. However, Clark brings his friend to Lois's apartment above The Talon, where Chloe is possessed by a spirit of the dead girl, called Gretchen, and shows Clark the place where the skeleton is hidden in the Talon's wall. Chloe leaves the apartment alone seeking revenge against the killer, while …
  • 15. Cyborg
    After being released from a prison in a laboratory of Luthorcorp's Cyntechnics by sympathetic scientist Dr. Hong, former Metropolis High football player Victor Stone is chased by armed security guards and hit by Lana's truck, without any harm. The car is totally destroyed, Lana wounds her forehead and Victor takes her to a hospital. Lana calls Clark, and he meets Victor, who played football against him in high school and died a year ago in a car crash. Victor explained that he became a living machine as part of the machine project researched by the evil Dr. Allister …
  • 16. Hypnotic
    Simone, a gorgeous blonde, comes to Smallville hypnotizing Clark with a blue pendant ruining his relationship with Lana, as well as hypnotizing Martha and Lex.
  • 17. Void
    The lonely Lana gets addicted in a meteor rock cocktail developed by her new acquaintance student of medicine, Lance, which allows the user to have a near-death experience and visit the dead loved relatives and friends. Meanwhile, Clark goes to Honduras, where there is a massive destruction, trying to find Milton Fine and the spacecraft after following a lead from Chloe. When Lana gets in trouble, Clark returns to Smallville but is injected with the serum. In his trip, he meets Jonathan, who tells him that Lionel Luthor knows his secret, while Martha gets close to …
  • 18. Fragile
    When the foster mother and chief of staff of Martha's, Naomi, is brutally murdered, her adopted daughter, Maddie stays with Martha and Clark. The girl becomes close to Clark and speaks for the first time in years. But when she discloses her power to shatter glass, she becomes the prime suspect for the death of Naomi and her biological mother after Lois voices her suspicions to it. While Clark investigates the origin of Maddie, her powerful father, who also has the same ability, breaks out of prison and abducts her. Meanwhile, Chloe witnesses Lex and Lana too close to …
  • 19. Mercy
    Lionel Luthor is chased by a man with a mask and forced to play hangman to save his life when he traps Lionel in his limo in the path of a moving train. Later, he is abducted by the same stranger who places Lionel in an abandoned warehouse where he has to play lethal ‘Jigsaw’ type games to survive. Martha is also kidnapped and in his last test, the life of Martha is also put at stake and Lionel has to fight to save her life. Meanwhile, Chloe, Clark and Lex join forces trying to find Martha and Lionel.
  • 20. Fade
    Standing outside the Metropolis courthouse with Chloe, Clark saves Graham Garrett from a car which would have crushed him. Graham insists to repay the favor by offering Clark whatever he wants, including the opportunity to be with Lana again by trying to kill Lex Luthor after Clark found out about heir affair. Graham later turns out to be a hired killer with chameleon powers that render him invisible. Clark also gets angry at Chloe for keeping Lana and Lex's affair from him. When Clark realizes that Graham wants to kill Lex, Clark wrestles with a moral dilemma whether…
  • 21. Oracle
    Jonathan Kent appears to Clark on his birthday and instructs him that he needs to kill Lionel Luthor because Lionel knows his secret. Meanwhile, Lionel comes clean to Martha about his knowledge of Clark's secret since his possession by Jor-El, and some of his scribblings from his now-telepathic link to Jor-El are revealed to announce that the “Vessel of Zod” is coming. Meanwhile, Lex has another meeting with Milton Fine who tells Lex that he is trying to make a vaccine to protect mankind against an alien virus. When Lana expresses suspicion that Fine is not who he …
  • 22. Vessel
    After “being prepared” by Fine, Lex is abducted in a field by a strange light. Meanwhile, Clark goes to the Fortress of Solidude where the spirit of Jor-el gives a dagger to Clark and advises him to destroy Lex, who would be the vessel of the spirit of Zod outside the Phantom Zone in which Fine, the Brain-Interactive-Construct, is trying to release. Martha travels with Lois to Washington in an airplane of the Luthorcorp. When Zod is released, he possesses Lex, and traps Clark in the Phantom Zone. Fine unleashes a powerful computer virus, creating chaos on Earth. Lois …
  • 1. Zod
    With Clark banished to the Phantom Zone, Metropolis is in shambles as the city riots, and Chloe & Lionel plot to rid Lex of General Zod…one way or another.
  • 2. Sneeze
    Still trying to fix the aftermath of Black Thursday, Clark gets a little run down and begins to show symptoms of the common cold, including a sneeze that has some effects of its own. Meanwhile, someone kidnaps Lex.
  • 3. Wither
    One of the Phantom Zone escapees is up to no good in the local forest. Clark is jealous of Chloe's new boyfriend from the paper. Meanwhile, Lana and Lex finally sleep together and Lois falls in love with Oliver Queen, Martha's benefactor.
  • 4. Arrow
    Clark and Lois are on the trail of a thief that Lois has named the Green Arrow Bandit. But this “bandit” may not be as big a villain as they believe.
  • 5. Reunion
    Classmates from Lex and Oliver's reunion begin to die, and they begin to blame each other.
  • 6. Fallout
    Clark is thrilled when he learns that his friend, Raya, managed to escape from the Phantom Zone and has come to see him in Smallville. The two grow close and Raya shows Clark how to restore power to the Fortress of Solitude. However, Baern, the spirit of a killer with the ability to control and feed off electricity, also has escaped from the Phantom Zone. After possessing the body of a street kid in Oakland, California, Baern makes his way to Smallville to take revenge on both Raya and Clark for his imprisonment. Meanwhile, Lana gathers more information about Lex's …
  • 7. Rage
    Lois Lane is furious at lover Oliver Queen for leaving instead of waiting till she ‘makes it worthwhile’ but ignores he witnessed a thug attacking a couple and was badly wounded by the carjacker he fought off. Clark reads an article about the Green Arrow striking there and drops by finding Oliver uncharacteristically careless and irritable; his X-vision sees Olliver injecting himself. It's a wonder drug developed for Queen Industries by Dr. Pamela Black, which almost instantly restores damaged tissue, but the scientist advices in vain against taking significant doses …
  • 8. Static
    Clark learns that one of the escapees from the Phantom Zone has landed in Seattle and slaughtered the entire crew of a working ship. Upon investigation, Clark comes face to face with a horrifying Phantom who sucks bones out of people, and a mysterious alien bounty hunter, intervenes on Clark's behalf. Back in Smallville, a patient with the ability to morph into different frequencies escapes for LuthorCorp's secret experimental lab, called 33.1 and seeks revenge on Lex by imprisoning him in another spatial period where he can see and hear everyone but no one can see …
  • 9. Subterranean
    An illegal immigrant from the Mc Nally farm seeks Clark's help. He than uncovers a sinister secret in the farmer's cornfield which has been hidden during the last meteor shower.
  • 10. Hydro
    The Daily Planet's gossip queen Linda Lake uses her ability to transform herself into water to find the dirt on people and run her weekly saucy story, however detrimental for them. After bringing out baseball star Mike Dawson is doped, Lake drags him into a fountain pond staging suicide, which fan Jimmy Olsen convinces Chloe can't be true. Next Linda overhears Chloe and Lana about her doubts to accepts Lex's marriage proposal because she is not quit over Clark and prints it, to Lex's despair and making Clark realize he's not quit over Lana either. Lex promises Linda …
  • 11. Justice
    The Green Arrow sends out for reinforcements and Bart Allen, a.k.a. Impulse, Arthur Curry (Aquaman) and Victor Stone (Cyborg) return to Smallville to help him take down LuthorCorp's secret lab called ‘Project 33.1’. During a break-in at the LuthorCorp facility, Bart is captured and tortured by Lex for information to who hired him. Clark sets off to rescue him but is felled by kryptonite. An alarmed Chloe goes to Oliver for help, and the newly formed “justice league” springs into action to rescue Clark and Bart. Meanwhile, Oliver painfully decides to break up with Lois…
  • 12. Labyrinth
    Clark enters a parallel environment in his subconscious where he is powerless, no one believes the truth about him, and things have turned out much, much differently.
  • 13. Crimson
    Clark once again becomes “under the influence” of red kryptonite, and will say his true feelings on such things as Lionel and Martha's relationship, and Lana's pregnancy, but there may be someone else that will get affected by the red k.
  • 14. Trespass
    After receiving a photo of herself dressing in her room, Lana realizes she has a stalker. After hiding out in Chloe's apartment above The Talon, Lana decides to hide out at another surprising location: the Kent farm so Lana can try to find out more about Clark as she grows more suspicious of his abilities. Meanwhile, Jimmy helps Clark try to find Lana's stalker in which he eventually breaks up with Chloe because he believes she isn't truly over Clark, forcing Chloe to take a deep look at her feelings for her best friend.
  • 15. Freak
    When Chloe spots a meteor freak at a bowling alley during a evening outing with Lana, she follows him and see him getting abducted. Chloe warns Clark and they investigate further. They uncover that one of their high school friends, named Tobais Rice, who is blind, but has meteor-rock powers and is being used by Lex to help him find meteor-rock infected people so he and his crew can research them at his super-secret lab called ‘33.1’. Meanwhile, Lana gets strenuously close to discovering Clark's secret when she suspects that Clark is a meteor-rock freak when she thinks…
  • 16. Promise
    Clark has second thoughts about Lana marrying Lex, Lana starts to have the same concerns. Meanwhile… the doctor involved in the secret behind Lana's pregnancy threatens Lex with his knowledge.
  • 17. Combat
    Clark and Chloe discover that Titan, another alien escapee from the Phantom Zone, is the hulking star of a secret fight club whose bloody, bare-knuckle battles to the death are broadcast on the Internet. Lois smells a story and investigates on her own but is captured by fight manager-presenter Maddox, the Belle Reve administrator, and forced to become wrestler Athena's first opponent. To save Lois, Clark reveals his ability to catch bullets to Maddox so he can fight Titan, but is stunned to face Lois in the ring instead… Lana returns from her honeymoon with Lex, …
  • 18. Progeny
    After Lex discovers that Chloe's mother, Moira, has the power to control meteor freaks, he develops a drug to wake her from her catatonic state in the asylum, then he threatens to kill Chloe unless she uses her power to help him recover several meteor-freak escapees from his lab ‘33.1’. Clark helps Chloe break into the asylum to rescue Moira and finally get to know her mother, and he is almost tempted to kill Lex, but lets him live… again. Meanwhile, Clark rescues Lana from one of Lex's 33.1 escapees, and she later discovers something shocking about her “pregnancy.”…
  • 19. Nemesis
    After Jodi Keenan, the wife of a Special Forces soldier, sets off a pipe bomb in one of Lex's secret labs, Lionel is severely injured and Lex is taken hostage by the enraged spouse. Claiming Lex kidnapped her missing husband, Jodi threatens to blow up the entire lab with Lex inside unless he tells her where her husband is. Lex naturally denies knowing Jodi's husband, Wes, Clark sets off to rescue Lex, but is immediately felled by the kryptonite lining the earthen walls. Lex and Clark realize the only way they will make it out alive is by helping each other before the …
  • 20. Noir
    After a secret meeting with Lionel, Lana is shot at the Daily Planet by a mysterious gunman. Jimmy is knocked out while studying photographs of the scene and dreams about a 1940, black-and-white version, of Smallville. Jimmy finds himself playing the role of a reporter with Chloe his secretary, and a bumbling Clark also works there, as his sidekick. Jimmy's investigation leads him to Lana, who turns out to be a very evil femme fatale who plans to orchestrate the murder of her tycoon husband Lex by using Jimmy as the patsy. Jimmy's research further takes him to a …
  • 21. Prototype
    Lex has been secretly trying to turn Wes Keenan, a military man who supposedly died fighting in Afghanistan, into a “super soldier” by injecting him with DNA pulled from the various meteor freaks he has captured. After a crooked senator, Ed Burke, who has been financing the ‘Project 33.1’, threatens to expose Lex's secret labs, he dispatches Wes to kill the senator. But Lois witnesses the attack and inadvertently becomes the super soldier's next target. Meanwhile, Clark tries to convince Lana to leave Lex, but she refuses and Clark becomes more suspicious about …
  • 22. Phantom
    When Clark finally discovers Lionel threatened to kill him unless Lana married Lex, he goes after Lionel to silence him once and for all. Meanwhile, Lana tells Lex she is leaving him, and John Jones, the Martian Manhunter, makes a return appearance to help Clark stop Lex, who has captured the last surviving phantom escapee from the Phantom Zone, having possessed a young boy, in order to use its DNA to power him army of super soldiers at his secret lab ‘33.1’. Clark bids goodbye to Martha as she prepares to leave Smallville for Washington D.C., and Clark finally …
  • 1. Bizarro
    Clark confronts Bizarro, the last surviving escapee from the Phantom Zone, who has taken Clark's physical form and has all of his powers, but none of his weaknesses. The ensuing fight causes the dam to break and a torrent of water rushes towards the land. Lex, having just been arrested for Lana's murder, is submerged under water in a patrol car, but is saved by a mysterious young woman, who is a Kryptonian living in hibernation in a spaceship at the bottom of the nearby lake. Lois manages to pull Chloe to safety but her cousin is pronounced dead at the hospital. Chloe…
  • 2. Kara
    Clark and Lois discover Kara's spaceship but before they can open it, Kara appears and knocks Lois out. Clark is shocked after Kara tells him she is there to protect baby Kal-El. Despite Kara's appearance, a despondent Clark decides that without Lana there is nothing keeping him in Smallville, and heads to the Fortress of Solitude to begin his training as a superhero. However, Jor-El tells him Kara's father- Zor-El, who is Jor-El's brother- is evil and Kara is dangerous, therefore Clark must stay in Smallville to find out why she came to Earth. Lex makes a stunning …
  • 3. Fierce
    Kara desperately wants to make friends and fit in on Earth, but Clark tells her to keep a low profile until she can get her powers under control. Despite his warnings, when Smallville's annual “Miss Sweet Corn” beauty pageant comes around, Kara signs up and meets the competition; Tyler, Carly, and Tempest, three meteor-infected vixens who plan to use their powers to steal a treasure map to the hidden Smallville time capsule. Meanwhile, Lana returns to Smallville and wants to re-start whatever romance she had with Clark. In Metropolis, Agent Carter interrogates Lex in …
  • 4. Cure
    Lex hires Dr. Curtis Knox who claims that he can “cure” someone from being a “meteor freak,” changing their lives. Chloe takes an interest in this, but Dr. Knox may have another secret as Clark finds out that Dr. Knox is an ageless immortal who needs blood from kryptonite-infected people to keep his young wife eternally young. Meanwhile, Kara makes an alliance with Jimmy to find out where her spaceship crystal is being held, while John Jones warns Clark that Kara is dangerous and tells him to find the Kryptonian crystal before Kara does. Elsewhere, Lana secretly …
  • 5. Action
    The residents of Smallville are thrilled when “Warrior Angel,” a movie based on a comic book, begins shooting in town. However, after the lead actress, Rachel Davenport takes off in stunt car with cut brakes, Clark must step in to stop the runaway car. Unfortunately, an obsessed fan witnesses this heroic event and decides Clark is a real life superhero, whose girlfriend Lana must be eliminated so Clark can fulfill his destiny. Meanwhile, Lex discovers Lionel at the cabin.
  • 6. Lara
    Clark learns Kara is in Washington searching for the crystal. Kara is captured after she breaks into the lab and sedated with a kryptonite-infused truth serum. The serum causes her to relive a prior trip to Earth when she followed Clark's biological mother, Lara, to the Kent farm. Clark arrives in time to save her but, searing the machine with heat vision, he also falls victim to the serum and sees what Kara sees: his mother.
  • 7. Wrath
    Kryptonite and high voltage mix during a lightning storm – causing Lana to absorb Clark's powers. Using her newfound super powers, she breaks into Lex's safe and steals incriminating evidence – which she then delivers to Lois and Grant, demanding they run a story exposing Lex's secrets. After Grant refuses to use stolen material, Lana decides to take care of Lex…herself. Clark tries to stop Lana from killing Lex…and a super battle ensues between the two!
  • 8. Blue
    Clark hears the voice of his biological mother, Lara, calling for help from Kara's crystal and decides to release her, despite Jor-El's warnings. Lara and Clark reunite and she gives him Jor-El's ring, which contains blue kryptonite. As Clark puts it on, her realizes Zor-El manipulated the whole thing and that blue kryptonite strips him of his powers, enabling Zor-El to take control of the Fortress of Solitude. Meanwhile, Chloe and Lex each discover Lois and Grant have been seeing each other and warn them to stop.
  • 9. Gemini
    As Christmas draws near, Lois receives a call from an anonymous man claiming that Chloe is attached to a bomb, and the only way he won't let it blow is if she reports the truth of Lex's atrocious experiments about the mysterious 33.1. Lois tries to find a way on her own to stop the mysterious person who is linked to both Lex and Grant Gabriel. Chloe and Jimmy end up getting stuck in an elevator at the Daily Planet with the bomb ticking, prompting Chloe to reveal her secret meteor-rock power of healing to him. Meanwhile, Clark returns from his enforced imprisonment …
  • 10. Persona
    While Clark is still frozen in the fortress, Bizarro grows closer to Lana, who returns the feelings on just as deep a level, even sharing some badly-needed information with him while he still attempts to carry out his intentions of destroying Clark. Lex's brother, Julian, reveals himself to Lionel in an effort to clear the air between all parties involved.
  • 11. Siren
    Oliver returns and enlists Chloe in his vendetta against Lex, but a sexy new ‘superhero’ stands between Oliver and his mission, even if Lex is, ultimately, one of the bad guys.
  • 12. Fracture
    Clark is convinced that he can find his cousin's whereabouts if he can get into Lex's mind, who's just been shot by the man holding Kara and Lois prisoner.
  • 13. Hero
    Pete Ross returns to Smallville and finds a number of surprising changes since his departure four years earlier. Besides resolving his feelings toward Clark since he learned of his friend's secret, Pete has to deal with the acquisition of a superpower of his own: that of his ability to ‘stretch’ his body courtesy of kryptonite-laced gum he's been chewing and consuming for nearly a year. Meanwhile, Lex continues to sow seeds of anxiety into the amnesiac and powerless Kara over Clark as well as wanting to know about her past, as does Jimmy Olsen.
  • 14. Traveler
    Lionel kidnaps Clark and holds him in a kryptonite-lined cell at a Luthorcorp facility; Chloe and Lana confront Lionel, who blames Lex, and they then take Kara to the Fortress and plead with Jor-El to restore her memory so she can save Clark.
  • 15. Veritas
    When Brainiac ends up in a confrontation with Clark after trying to coerce Kara into joining him, he takes it out on Lana.
  • 16. Descent
    Despite his father's warning, Lex still finds himself in a power struggle from within over the secret to The Traveler…with some deadly results.
  • 17. Sleeper
    All in one night, the Feds try to head off Chloe, who's hacking into top secret computers, convince Jimmy Olsen that she's a terrorist, and ground Lex, preventing him from flying anywhere.
  • 18. Apocalypse
    Clark is shown by Jor-El what life on Earth would have been like, had he not sent him there instead of facing the doom of his fellow Kryptonians.
  • 19. Quest
    When a member of the Veritas clan attacks in his name and carves Kryptonian symbols in the victim's chest, Clark stands by his principles in hurting no human being, even though the victim is Lex Luthor
  • 20. Arctic
    Clark feels that Kara is under the effects of red kryptonite when he discovers that she is the reason for the plane containing the last member of the Veritas exploding. Lex is directed to look for answers surrounding the traveler in the Arctic Circle, where Clark's Fortress of Solitude rests.
  • 1. Odyssey
    It's been four weeks since the Fortress collapsed and Clark disappeared. Green Arrow calls upon Black Canary and Aquaman to locate the missing Clark Kent. Clark, in the meantime, is powerless and residing in a Russian prison camp in Siberia. With Lex Luthor missing and presumed dead, a new ruthless CEO, named Tess Mercer, is appointed the head of LuthorCorp and moves into Lex's mansion with her own dark plans for Clark and Metropolis. Chloe is kidnapped by a clandestine group that has discovered her special powers and they want to test the limits of those new powers …
  • 2. Plastique
    Clark's first day on the job at the Daily Planet begins with a bus exploding right outside the building, which leads him and Lois on a trail of someone who might be infected by kryptonite. Chloe finds a runaway teenage girl, named Bette, whom Chloe suspects is involved in the explosion when Bette (whom will later become the fire-starter Plastique) has the meteor-rock power of pyrokinisis. In the meantime, Chloe also meets a local medic, named Davis Bloom, who takes an interest in her, even though she's engaged to Jimmy Olsen. Elsewhere, Tess meets Clark for the first …
  • 3. Toxic
    Oliver Queen is poisoned at a charity fundraiser and Clark races around the world to find a cure.
  • 4. Instinct
    When Tess inadvertently activates the mysterious Kryptonian Knowledge crystal found in the Artic, it omits a high-band beacon which summons an alien queen, named Maxima, who arrives on Earth and begins a search for her new mate with a kiss that is deadly to anyone else not of Krypton. Meanwhile, after just moving in together, Jimmy finds a letter that Chloe wrote for Clark that brings Jimmy's insecurities to the surface… again.
  • 5. Committed
    After Jimmy and Chloe disappear from sight for a bit and it turns out it has been against their will, Lois and Clark pose as a couple to flush out the kidnapper.
  • 6. Prey
    A serial killer is on the loose in Metropolis, and Clark always seems to be one step behind him, while Chloe's paramedic friend seems to think he blacks out and performs the dirty deeds, himself.
  • 7. Identity
    Jimmy takes a photo of Clark using his super-speed while saving Lois from danger, but it comes out blurred. Tess decides the story should make the front page for the Daily Planet exposing the mysterious new ‘superhero’ that. Chloe refuses to continue helping Clark protect his secret, so Clark turns to Oliver for help when Jimmy gets too close to discovering his secret. Meanwhile, Lois meets Sebastian Kane, a new reporter at the Daily Planet, who has the power to see peoples' memories by merely touching. He has been hired by Tess to find the missing alien crystal.
  • 8. Bloodline
    Clark receives a crystal that sends him and a visiting Lois to the Phantom Zone where they run into Kara. Kara tries to open a portal for Lois before it's too late but Zod's wife, Faora, manages to escape in Lois's body and proceeds to go on a rampage through the streets of Metropolis.
  • 9. Abyss
    When Chloe begins having memory loss when the essence of Brainac begins replacing her memories with Kryptonian codes, Clark decides to use the Cryrstal of Knowledge to reconstruct the Fortress of Solitude and ask the spirit of Jor-El for help. Meanwhile, Jimmy begins to worry about Chloe's well being, while Davis, disturbed by knowledge that he may have alien origins, begins to become drawn to Chloe.
  • 10. Bride
    Oliver gets a step closer to finding Lex, but Clark refuses to help for the time being, due to Chloe's special day, while Lois finds she has special feelings for Clark, who has a surprise waiting (or two) waiting for him at the wedding reception.
  • 11. Legion
    The aftermath of Doomsday's attack on Chloe and Jimmy's wedding leaves Clark in shock, but before he can search for the kidnapped Chloe, an evil being, known as The Persuader, appears and attacks him. Rokk, Imra and Garth, also known as The Legion, step in from the future to help vanquish the Persuader and the group realizes Brainiac has taken over Chloe once again. Meanwhile, up at the Fortress, Chloe, as Brainiac, informs Davis he is Doomsday and was created to kill “the other Kryptonian” and destroy the world.
  • 12. Bulletproof
    Clark discovers John Jones was shot while working as a police officer, so Clark dons the uniform and goes undercover to find the culprit. Meanwhile, Lana confronts Tess and tells her Lex isn't the man she thinks he is. Lana's shocking news forces Tess to reevaluate her position as the head of Luthorcorp.
  • 13. Power
    Clark and Chloe search for Lana, who has it in her head that things will be better between her and Clark if they were on “a more-even keel,” and goes off on her own in search of a suit developed by Luthor, Corp. that will make her invincible.
  • 14. Requiem
    There is an explosion at Luthorcorp when Oliver is above to announce he controls the interests of Luthorcorp. Oliver suspects Lex is behind the explosion but he realizes the bomb was made by an ex Queen Industries' employee called Winslow Schott. Lana learns her power suit gives her the power to absorb Kryptonite.
  • 15. Infamous
    Linda Lake comes back to Smallville and blackmails Clark to expose his true identity. However, Clark decides he will reveal his secret by himself. A fanatic teenager fakes a fall so Clark can save her.
  • 16. Turbulence
    Tess devises a plan which will reveal Clarks true identity, while Davis comes up with a plan to ease the demon within him, but finds himself trying to scramble after Jimmy sees him kill someone.
  • 17. Hex
    Reflecting on her status in life, Chloe finds that she's not all what she dreamed of becoming, so when a magician asks her to make a wish, little did she dream of it coming true…becoming Lois.
  • 18. Eternal
    All signs point to the fact that Clark was not the only one that landed on Earth the day of the meteor shower in Smallville.
  • 19. Stiletto
    Chloe and Lois are attacked by two thugs which one of them is hit by Lois with her heel, she starts feeling a bit heroine about it so she recruits Jimmy for the picture so she can convince the people she is Metropolis' new hero, with the name of ‘Stiletto’, so she can take away the famous red and blue blur. However, Lois may end having contact with this red and blue blur when Clark wants to try to track down the mysterious ‘Stiletto’. While Clark tries to help Chloe recover her stolen laptop computer with all of the Justice League's files on it, she continues to hide …
  • 20. Beast
    Davis asks Chloe if she can go away from the city with him, but when Clark realizes Davis is alive, he confronts Chloe to give him an explanation about it. Meanwhile, Oliver discovers that Jimmy has become a pill-popping junkie and offers his services and emotional support. But Jimmy is too consumed by his anger and paranoia and brushes off Oliver. Later, when Oliver sees Jimmy breaking into Chloe's apartment to steal money and items to buy more drugs, things get worse when Davis appears and attacks them both. It leads to an angry Clark tracking down Davis/Doomsday to…
  • 21. Injustice
    Chloe mysteriously returns to Smallville where she gives Clark the idea of killing Davis by telling him he can't keep the beast under control. Unknown to Clark, Tess has gotten together a kill-team affected by meteor rocks to track down Davis so Clark can kill him, but things get out of control when Tess' team discovers that she betrayed them. Meanwhile, Oliver, as the Green Arrow, agrees to help Clark look for things that can stop Davis by breaking into Tess' safe at the mansion to steal some black Kryptonite hoping to separate the two entities apart, while Chloe is …
  • 22. Doomsday
    Oliver tells Clark that he must kill Davis, but Clark deals with the fact that he can't take a human life. This leaves the justice league to take the affair on their own hands. Then, Rokk Krinn teleports from the 31st Century to give Clark another Justice League time-traveling ring so Clark can exile Davis/Doomsday to the future. But in a surprising twist, Lois confronts Tess about her nefarious plans involving a mysterious crystal and in the fight, Lois accidentally finds Rokk's ring, and gets zapped into the future. Meanwhile, Chloe gets in the middle of Clark and …
  • 1. Savior
    Clark decides that he is ready to start his training at the Fortress of Solitude to become ‘Superman’. However, the spirit of Jor-El insists that he return to Metropolis to cut his ties with the people he knows before he begins. Lois reappears in the city with no recollection of vanishing to the future. Her investigation into a monorail crash brings her into contact with a new reporter named John Corben. John is opposed to the “Red and Blue Blur”, and has a secret power and identity himself. Meanwhile, Chloe's friendship with Clark deteriorates when he refuses to use …
  • 2. Metallo
    After being hit by a truck, John Corben becomes a human guinea pig when his heart is replaced by a machine powered by meteor rocks, which, in turn, gives him extraordinary strength, and he realizes he can use it to catch his prey…the Red & Blue Blur.
  • 3. Rabid
    Clark, unknowingly, exposes himself to Zod when a virus is released on Metropolis that turns its residents into zombies.
  • 4. Echo
    After a freak accident, Clark finds he has the ability to read Lois' mind…and takes advantage of his new ability by asking her out. Oliver Queen is taken hostage by someone who wants his own name vindicated…and Oliver's name run through the mill at the same time.
  • 5. Roulette
    A mysterious woman forces Oliver to play in a dangerous game of Russian Roulette and then turns up dead. The police believe Oliver is responsible and arrest him, while Clark reluctantly sets out to prove Oliver's innocence. Meanwhile, Lois angrily confronts Clark over his knowledge about Oliver's suicide attempt.
  • 6. Crossfire
    Oliver tries to help a young street girl, Mia AKA Speedy, get out of her dangerous life by offering to train her, but Mia double crosses him. Lois asks Clark to help her land a job as an on-air television host, but the two are shocked when the station wants to hire them as a team.
  • 7. Kandor
    Jor-El mysteriously arrives at the Kent farm to hide the Book of Roa, but meets Chloe instead. She tells him that his son, Kal-El is on Earth and lives at the farm. Convinced the Blur is Jor-El, Zod enlists Tess's help in finding him to force him to reveal the secret to his powers. Clark realizes Jor-El is alive and on Earth and races to find him before Zod does.
  • 8. Idol
    Superhero twins Zan and Jayna (aka: the Wonder Twins) show up in Metropolis to help ‘The Blur’ fight crime with their combined shape-changing abilities. But the clumsy and naive teenagers end up botching several rescues, landing Clark in hot water with the District Attorney's office. Clark decides to come forward as The Blur to clear his name despite Chloe's protests. Meanwhile, Lois begins seeing a therapist to deal with her growing romantic feelings for Clark, and gets dangerously close to discovering his secret identity.
  • 9. Pandora
    Tess kidnaps Lois to find out where Lois went after she disappeared for weeks. Lois's memory of the future depicts a Metropolis under Zod's rule and Clark powerless under the red sun, while Chloe forms a resistance group with Oliver. After learning of these future events, Clark makes an important decision about Zod.
  • 10. Disciple
    Someone with Oliver's skills as an archer take aim at Lois and Chloe.
  • 11. Absolute Justice
    A man named Sylvester Pemberton tracks down Chloe and tells her he knows about her team of superheroes and needs their help. However, before he can explain who he is, he is attacked and killed by Icicle. Clark and Chloe's investigation leads Clark to the former headquarters of the Justice Society of America, an underground team of superheros, where he meets up with Nelson (AKA: Dr. Fate), Carter Hall (AKA: Hawkman) and Courtney (AKA: Star Girl). Courtney pleads with Hawkman and Dr. Fate to help her catch the killer that is targeting their group but they are reluctant …
  • 12. Warrior
    Clark meets the sorceress Zatanna (from episode ‘Hex’) at a comic book convention, where she tells him that her father charmed a copy of the comic book “Warrior Angel” and it holds magical powers. A young boy, named Stephen, steals the comic book and develops super powers, transforming himself into Warrior Angel and saving Chloe from a horrible accident who doesn't know about Stephen's true origins. Meanwhile, Lois becomes jealous of Clark's relationship with Zatanna.
  • 13. Persuasion
    It is Valentine's Day and while Clark is out on a date with Lois, he unknowingly becomes infected by gemstone kryptonite, which has magical wish-fulfilling properties. Clark mentions to Lois that he wishes they had a more traditional relationship, so Lois quits the Daily Planet, moves in with Clark and starts planning their wedding. Still unaware of his new power, Clark also casually tells Chloe he wishes she would spend more time watching out for him, so an infected Chloe takes his wish to heart and sets her sights on a new target: Lois. Meanwhile, Zod quarrels with …
  • 14. Conspiracy
    Clark teams up with Zod's wife, Faora, to investigate the abduction of her sister, Vala, and several Kandorians whom have been experimenting with humans in order to find a way to reclaim their super powers, while Lois herself is abducted by Bernard Chisholm, a former doctor the Kandorians experimented on, claiming that there are aliens on Earth and he wants the skeptic Lois to write an article about it. But when Zod goes off on his own and tries to stop Chisholm, without his super powers, Clark is conflicted whether to save the life of his enemy. Meanwhile, Oliver …
  • 15. Escape
    Clark and Lois head out of town for a quiet romantic getaway, but their plans are thwarted when they run into Chloe and Oliver at their Bed & Breakfast Inn. The couples' awkward moment is interrupted by the arrival of the Silver Banshee, who sets her sights on Clark and Oliver. Meanwhile, Tess faces off with Zod with a surprising result.
  • 16. Checkmate
    Tess creates an elaborate hoax in order to kidnap Oliver/Green Arrow, and delivers him to the shady head of the secret society Checkmate, Amanda Waller, who tells him that that the government is recruiting him to serve his country. However, Green Arrow escapes before they can learn his identity. After Oliver brings Clark and Chloe up to speed on what happened to him, the three investigate and Clark is surprised to find John Jones investigating Oliver's kidnapping too. Clark senses that John is keeping information from him. Oliver and Clark are shocked when Tess …
  • 17. Upgrade
    Zod continues to pose as “The Blur” and asks Lois to investigate one of Tess' secret labs. An explosion rocks the lab, and Lois is rescued by John Corben who was a subject of multiple experiments. While investigating the explosion, Clark is exposed to red kryptonite. And infected Clark takes Zod to the Fortress. Tess turns to Chloe for help and they send in Corben to stop Clark from revealing all his secrets.
  • 18. Charade
    The new editor tells Clark and Lois only one of them ‘imps’ may keep his/her job. they still collaborate, hoping a super-scoop should change his mind. An apparent opportunity is when Raymond Sacks, fires as D.A. for ordering a failed attempt at Lois's life, is spared prosecution and throws a nigh-club celebration. Clark is warned by Chloe the blur's secret is compromised by impostor Zod's contact with Lois. He discovers Maxwell Lord, a wealthy tycoon and Checkmate king-level rogue, enlists Sacks for a plan to identify the Blur, whom a delivery-boy photographed, so …
  • 19. Sacrifice
    Tess's latest intrusion, at Watchtower, and Chloe's excessive lockout mechanism, lock the pair up, likely to be killed while Checkmate breaks trough the last firewalls. Intrudening the Luthor mansion Oliver faces Zod, whose abusive side reemerges, now with superpowers. Clark must save his friends and hopes to do he same for the Kandorians, one of which carries unsuspecting Zod's unborn child, but the all-round secrecy exacts terrible prices.
  • 20. Hostage
    Clark is surprised when Martha Kent returns to Smallville for a visit, and he's in for another surprise when she brings along her new boyfriend, Perry White, whom after he learns of Clark's dismissal from the Daily Planet, wants to help Clark reclaim his job by trying to acquire the position as editor in chief. Meanwhile, Chloe and Clark try to find a way to stop Zod and his army of Kandorians before they can take over the Earth.
  • 21. Salvation
    Zod unleashes his army upon the world, forcing Chloe to call in reinforcements from old friends. Zod tells Lois he is The Blur and asks her to steal the Book of Rao from Clark. Torn between Clark and The Blur, Lois asks Clark to come clean with her about everything but he refuses. Chloe and Oliver attempt to reconnect Watchtower's satellite system in order to fight the Kandorians but to Chloe's horror, Oliver gets caught on site and disappears. Tess attempts to stop Zod but he leaves her clinging to life. Clark and Zod battle for control of Earth.
  • 1. Lazarus
    The season premiere picks up where the finale left off. Lois finds Clark's lifeless body and removes the blue kryptonite enabling him to heal himself. However, Lois sneaks away before Clark fully awakens in order to protect his secret. Meanwhile, Chloe is desperate to find Oliver, so she turns to an unlikely source for answers. Jonathan returns to the Kent Farm with a message for Clark, and Tess awakens in a LuthorCorp lab.
  • 2. Shield
    After Lois departs for Egypt, the Daily Planet hires a new reporter by the name of Cat Grant to take her place. An assassin named Deadshot takes aim at Cat but Clark learns the man has a dangerous hidden agenda that involves The Blur. Meanwhile, Carter Hall turns up in Egypt to keep an eye on Lois and he tells Lois about his wife Shayera.
  • 3. Supergirl
    Clark is stunned when Kara returns to Earth and tells him Jor El sent her to stop the dark force that is coming because he doesn't believe Clark can handle it. Meanwhile, Lois confronts Gordon Godfrey, a shock jock radio DJ who has been crusading against heroes, after he threatens the Green Arrow. However, after Godfrey is possessed by the dark force, he takes Lois hostage and Clark and Kara have to come to her rescue.
  • 4. Homecoming
    Stil gravely pondering his place is life, Clark lets Lois drag him along to their Smalville high school reunion. Rather then enjoying his hero status, while Lois shines less then she expected, Clarj worries when he spots Brainiac, but it turns out he returned from the future with the Legions ring to show Clark how vital his contribution is to prevent a horrible future for him, Oliver, their friends and the world.
  • 5. Isis
    Lois decides to tell Clark she knows he's The Blur, but she accidentally activates an ancient artifact that transforms her into the Goddess Isis, complete with superpowers of her own. Oliver and Clark reluctantly decide to ask Tess for help with Lois. Meanwhile, after Cat Grant witnesses Lois as Isis using her superpowers, she decides Lois is the Blur and sets out to prove it.
  • 6. Harvest
    Clark examines a rural hamlet where blue kryptonite in the water has no known negative effects. However when a bell rings, tho local deputy regretfully knocks out the nosy reporter ‘at the wrong time and place’. Lois has a care crash nearby and is nursed by an Amish family. Yet when she wants to leave, she discovers their chilling true intention, as the extremely aberrant sect does with one female every year. In the Luthor mansion, Alexander insists to be called Lex and his aging condition requires ‘regular’ birthday parties. Mercer's plan to give him a cure if the …
  • 7. Ambush
    Clark is far from impressed that Lois barely dares rebuke her kid sister's mean pranks on both of them, while squirming for each, even offensive, whim of Pa, full general Sam Lane, as their Thanksgiving guest. Clark firmly but politely hosts the Lanes, while reasoning against the general's support for a bill to make ‘registration’ compulsory for superheroes, an obvious trap given the congressional supporters' antecedents. While Oliver investigates them, Clark saves everybody from proponent Rick Flag's Machiavellian rocket attempt on the general's life. Only when Lois …
  • 8. Abandoned
    Clark accompanies Tess, who got childhood nightmares triggered by a mysteriously delivered music-box, to the orphanage where she was left behind by her parents. They find out the hard way ‘Granny’, who runs it, far from her philanthropic image, in fact ruthlessly rules a brain-washed power girls ring. The general finally sent Lois the video made by her late mother when dying from cancer. Dealing with painful and sweet memories, she ends up digging in Clark's Kryptonian parental antecedents in the fortress.
  • 9. Patriot
    Oliver tests the Vigilante Registration Act by outing himself at a press conference, praised by the general in charge. As feared, he's tortured in a secret prison to turn on his superhero friends. Tess helps work out the design from Luthor plans for an underwater top-security facility, build in sixfold. Aquaman ‘A.C.’ Arthur Curry and his new wife Mera discover and penetrate the one Oliver is held in, but the general rather starts auto-destruct. Clark remains cautious and flashes to the rescue but has to deal with a specific counter-measure.
  • 10. Luthor
    Tess acquires a Kryptonian box that once belonged to Lionel Luthor. When Clark accidentally activates the box, he's transported to a parallel universe where Lionel found Clark in the cornfields instead of the Kents. In this universe, Clark Luthor is a murderer and Lois is engaged to Oliver and both of them hate Clark. Clark must be careful not to tip off Lionel that he's not his son while trying to figure out how to get back to Earth where the monster Clark Luthor was transported in his place.
  • 11. Icarus
    As the VRA threat intensifies, Clark takes initiative by closing down watchtower and declaring the League go officially underground, but will this be enough to stop trotter and Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke from exposing them? Tensions rise in this mid-season finale.
  • 12. Collateral
    Clark, Oliver, Lois and Dinah are released by the VRA after being captured at Hawkman's funeral but each of them have flashbacks of Chloe holding them against their will. When Chloe returns, Dinah warns the others that Chloe may now be a traitor. Oliver dismisses her concerns but Clark is unsure if he can trust Chloe after she disappeared without an explanation.
  • 13. Beacon
    Clark is surprised to see Martha on the news speaking at a pro-vigilante rally. However, surprise quickly turns to horror when he and Lois watch as Martha is injured in an attack on national television. Meanwhile, Lionel reveals himself to the world and reclaims LuthorCorp from Tess and Oliver. Lois and Chloe decide to cheer Clark up by showing him videos from thousands of vigilante supporters professing their support for The Blur.
  • 14. Masquerade
    Chloe and Oliver are mistaken for FBI agents investigating Desaad's recent string of murders and the pair are kidnapped by Desaad's minions. Desaad tries to infect Chloe with the darkness. Meanwhile, Lois tells Clark he needs to be more careful with his identity and suggests a disguise.
  • 15. Fortune
    After Zatanna sends a magically spiked bottle of champagne to Clark and Lois for their bachelor/bachlorette parties, the gang blacks out after the toast, only to wake up the next morning and realize they can't remember anything about the night before. While trying to retrace their steps, Lois realizes she lost her engagement ring and drags Oliver back to the Fortune Casino where she thinks she lost it. The two run into Fortune, the eccentric casino owner, who accuses them of stealing money from him. Meanwhile, Clark tells Chloe he has a memory of stealing an armored …
  • 16. Scion
    Lionel and Tess go head to head in a battle for the Luthor name. Clark and Lois are stunned by Tess' latest present to them.
  • 17. Kent
    Clark is shocked to find a mirror box in the barn. Clark Luthor surprises him and sends Clark Kent back to the alternate reality where Clark runs into a very angry Jonathan Kent. Meanwhile, back in our reality, Clark Luthor visits Tess and tells her that if she doesn't side with him he'll kill her. Lois asks Emil to help her bring Clark back.
  • 18. Booster
    After everything that happened with the VRA, Lois tells Clark it's best to make “Clark Kent” forgettable and awkward so people don't suspect he's The Blur. However, the two are stunned when a fame-hungry superhero from the future, Booster Gold, sweeps into town and begins making saves and posing for press ops, completely winning over the city of Metropolis. Booster begins his campaign to take The Blur's place as the “World's Greatest Superhero” and tries to charm Lois into writing a story about him, but she's not having his antics and begins her own campaign for The …
  • 19. Dominion
    Tess learns that General Slade was found unconscious on a street corner, proof that someone has gained access to the Phantom Zone's escape portal and sent him back. Clark decides to return to the exiled land to make sure other phantoms are not fleeing and is furious when Oliver tricks Clark into taking him along. With Clark's powers gone, the two are immediately captured by the Zoners who take them to their new leader, Zod, who is thirsting for revenge on Clark for banishing him to this Kryptonian jail. Meanwhile, Lois learns Clark trusted Tess with a secret, but …
  • 20. Prophecy
    Searching for the Bow of Orion, the only known means to stop the Darkness, Oliver and Kara independently reached the same booby-trapped underground sanctuary. Kara got herself trapped, but Oliver rescues her in Indiana Jones style. Together they decipher and follow the clues to the bow, only to be get a bitter surprise. Meanwhile instead of giving has blessing in the fortress, Jor-El temporarily transfers Clark's super-powers to his already far too cocky bride.
  • 21. Finale
    In Smallville's two-part series finale, Clark and Lois are getting ready for their wedding but not before Lois gets her “superhero's wife” cold feet. Meanwhile Oliver - secretly taken over by the darkness - plots with the unholy trinity to get Clark out of the way - but not everything goes as he planned. Lionel tries to resurrect Lex who is in need of a heart. Clark consults Jor-El for one last time. Jor-El shows Clark who he was and who he has become now, in order to get him ready to take flight and save the world from annihilation and the darkness' control; his …
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