
  • 평점: 8.20
  • 발행 연도: 2007
  • 장르: Comedy, Drama
  • 국가: United Kingdom
  • 기간: 46 분

The story of a group of British teens who are trying to grow up and find love and happiness despite questionable parenting and teachers who want to be friends (and lovers) rather than authority figures.

  • 1. Tony
    Tony is a smart-ass, super-confident 17-year-old, with the good-looking girl on his arm and ability to charm most other females he encounters. He launches a scheme to help his friend Sid lose his virginity before his birthday, whilst making a little profit on the side. However his plan quickly unravels, leaving the friends with a dilemma which requires an urgent solution.
  • 2. Cassie
    If the world wasn't strange enough, this episode perceives the world through the eyes of Cassie. A world in which you receive messages through your food. A world in which the guy you are interested in only has eyes for your best friend, who only has eyes for his best friend. And a world in which the only person you can talk to is your taxi driver. Welcome to the calm in storm of the surreal.
  • 3. Jal
    Time to get to know the girl behind the clarinet. Whereas the rest of her family make their mark by spitting out rhymes to booming base beats, Jal seeks solace from the chaos all around her in the classical tunes flowing over her single reed. Although seemingly trying to keep a controllable distance from the adolescent conundrum that the 21st century teenagers have created around her, it is not long before she is sucked into the whirlwind of her surroundings. But can the resulting destruction create something better?
  • 4. Chris
    Happy-go-lucky party animal Chris wakes up one morning with a hangover and an erection. Nothing unusual there. Until he discovers a grand in cash and a note from his mum saying she's gone away. So, like any not-so-average pill-popping 17 year old, Chris embarks on a bender to end all benders. But what do you do after you've thrown the mother of all parties and blown all the money? Well, you sell everything that isn't nailed down and go again - and just hope that everything else will start to make sense. Sometimes though, life can make a little more sense than you want…
  • 5. Sid
    Sid is in trouble. Deep trouble. He's failing at everything. His history coursework hasn't made the grade and he's only got a week to deliver something decent or he'll fail the year. And, of course, he's as sexually frustrated as ever and can't get his best friend's girlfriend, Michelle, out of his head. Will Sid ever buckle down and focus on his future, will his dad ever give him a break, and will he ever wake up to Tony's manipulative ways?
  • 6. Maxxie and Anwar
    The sixth form history class go to Russia on a study trip,where their bus breaks down and their drug-smuggling exploit goes awry. Anwar disapproves of Maxxie's homosexuality but,after Anwar has tried to smuggle local girl Ankar into their hostel and Maxxie has helped him against Ankar's outraged husband,comes to respect him. However,following a stand-off and police intervention teacher Tom is forced to pay money to placate the locals - which turns out to be a scam to fleece naive visitors.
  • 7. Michelle
    Furious with Tony after his numerous infidelities, Michelle ends their relationship and begins an affair with the son of Cassie's doctor. Desperate to get back with Michelle, Tony uses explicit photographs of the guy's sister to drive a wedge between the two lovers.
  • 8. Effy
    Things get dark as Tony's silent little sister, Effy, goes missing. Desperate to find Effy, can Tony rely on any of his old friends, or have they all shunned him forever?
  • 9. Finale
    It's Anwar's birthday, but he's still not talking to best friend Maxxie. Sid thinks he might have been an idiot with regards to Cassie. Cassie escapes from the madhouse. Angie and Chris get unexpected visit, which might swing both ways. Tony and Michelle are still not speaking each other. Effy's still not speaking to anyone, but she's there to point that out to Tony and support Michelle. Everything comes to ahead during Anwar's birthday celebration in ‘Seymours’.
  • 1. Tony and Maxxie
    Six months have elapsed and Cassie has moved to Scotland,leaving Sid upset. Tony is still having mood swings and black-outs following his accident and,since his mother is suffering from depression,Effy takes over the reins of the household. Maxxie is having problems with local homophobes and his father's refusal to let him become a dancer but agrees to help Tony.
  • 2. Sketch
    Maxxie has a creepy feeling that someone is watching him. Someone close by. A hot boy maybe? No such luck. Sketch is Maxxie's stalker. A weird loner, who spends most days shut up in a poky flat looking after her disabled Mum. So her attentions turn to the blonde boy who lives on the estate. Soon everything in her life is about Maxxie - if only he would even notice her. Meanwhile, the sixth form college production of ‘Osama: The Musical’ is teetering towards disaster under the heavy-handed guidance of lecherous drama teacher Bruce. But Sketch is prepared to do anything…
  • 3. Sid
    A visit from Sid's grandfather causes chaos for both him and his dad. His overbearing grandfather is still under the impression that Sid's parents are still together, a pretense Sid's dad is all too eager to maintain. The stresses and strains of the visit soon mount up and eventually something has to give.
  • 4. Michelle
    Yet another man in her mother's life mean upheaval in Michelle's life. With a new house and a new step-sister to cope with and no idea which she dislikes more, Michelle's shredded life lacks any normality for her to cling to. With her birthday coming up rapidly, she seeks solace from the chaos in the company of her friends, with one noticeable exception. But as most her friends become more of an annoyance than a relief, she turns to a reliable source of comfort to steer her through the storm. But what trouble will this new direction bring?
  • 5. Chris
    Chris receives some startling news, which forces him to look at his future more closely. Of course this is Chris, so he isn't going to be able to do this on his own. Jal tries a different attitude to life which leads to unexpected happiness. Unfortunately Cassie, still reeling from her heartbreaking discovery, decides to cast her own dark cloud on Jal's new joy.
  • 6. Tony
    Feeling lost now that his ex is seeing his best friend, Tony rediscovers himself when he meets a mysterious girl who challenges his beliefs.
  • 7. Effy
    Effy,now the lady of the house,due to her mother's depression,befriends fellow schoolgirl Pandora,with whom she sells cannabis. She also gets Sid back with Cassie - via a set-up involving Jake - in exchange for Sid doing her art course work for school. Michelle tells Tony that she loves him.
  • 8. Jal
    Jal learns that she is pregnant by Chris,whom her parents want her to dump in order to concentrate on her school work. When they find out that she is pregnant they both advocate a termination but when Jal,on Cassie's advice,goes to tell Chris about her situation,she finds that he has been rushed to hospital with a blood clot on the brain.
  • 9. Cassie
    Sid throws a dinner party to celebrate the end of exams,with Cassie,Chis,Micelle and Tony in attendance. However Michelle makes cutting remarks about Jal's termination which upsets Chris,his blood clot fatally returning and killing him. Cassie leaves the country for the States and goes to work in a New York diner,living in a flat rented to her by kindly waiter Adam.
  • 10. Everyone
    The day of the exam results coincides with Chris's funeral. Barred by Chris's parents from attending Sid and Tony ‘borrow’ the coffin to pay their own respects,returning it in time for Jal to make a moving oration. After the funeral Maxxie and his boyfriend move to London with Anwar - which upsets Sketch - whilst Sid heads for New York to look up Cassie. Michelle and Tony agree to stay together as they go up to university but Effy still ends up in Tony's bed.
  • 1. Everyone
    A new batch of students arrive at Roundview College, friends Freddie, Cook and JJ all falling for Effy's charms. Two identical twin sisters,Emily and the dominant Katie also arrive. Effy sets the three boys a dare with herself as the prize for the winner,which results in her having sex with Cook in the college nurse's office.
  • 2. Cook
    Hoping for a night of wild abandon Cook invites everybody to his birthday party at his uncle's pub but the party looks like collapsing after Effy's friend Pandora throws up. Cook manages to persuade everyone to gate-crash a party being thrown to celebrate the engagement of a girl called Kayleigh but Cook falls foul of her father John White, a drugs baron to Madame Greta's brothel,he again encounters John White and a fight ensues,White threatening to kill Cook if he sees him again.
  • 3. Thomas
    Thomas arrives in Bristol from the Congo with his parents to follow him but after sleeping in an empty flat he falls foul of its owner,John White,who demands money. Pandora takes a liking to him and helps him by giving him dope to sell but unfortunately they find they are selling it on White's turf. White threatens Cook again but Thomas steps in to champion him and defeats White in a chilli eating contest. However when Thomas's mother turns up she is appalled and demands he return to Africa.
  • 4. Pandora
    Pandora throws a birthday party but her strict mother Angela forbids the use of alcohol so Katie makes some cakes laced with ecstasy. Unfortunately Angela eats one and passes out. This leads to a row between Pandora and Effy and Effy ends up having sex with Cook again. Next day It's Pandora's turn to enjoy Cook's sexuality but Effy cottons on to what has happened whilst Emily is observed kissing Lesbian Naomi.
  • 5. Freddie
    Freddie's sister Karen is entering the Next SexBomb contest but he disapproves of her trying to win the sympathy vote because their mother is dead. JJ tells him Cook wants to see him but he is tired of doing what Cook wants and goes to see Effy to reveal his feelings though she rejects him. Despite having turned their shed into a dance studio,Karen loses the contest,thanks to Cook persuading the local pub customers to vote against her. Freddie decides he will definitely explain to Effy how he feels about her but finds she is with Cook.
  • 6. Naomi
    The affair between Naomi and Emily intensifies. Cook is running for student president and challenges Naomi to sleep with him if he wins. He does win but they get no further than kissing each other. Freddie meanwhile tells Naomi that he has fallen out with Cook and loves Effy. Naomi resists the advances of her teacher,Kieran,to have sex again with Emily,later finding Kieran in bed with her mother. She ends up holding hands with Emily - through a cat flap.
  • 7. JJ
    JJ visits his psychiatrist after feeling ‘lost and confused’ about his life and friends. He is given lots of medical drugs to calm his Aspergers. He finds that Emily goes to the same clinic as him. The two spend some time together; Emily calms JJ down and admits to him that she is a lesbian. She offers advice to help him sort out his numerous issues. JJ and Emily then visit Freddie and walk in on him having sex with Katie. During the confrontation, JJ accidentally informs Katie that Emily is lesbian. Later, JJ visits Effy. He asks her to stop interfering in his …
  • 8. Effy
    Effy is unhappy when she sees that everybody seems to find Katie more popular than herself,even Freddie. Katie is even more popular when she invites everybody to a party - except Cook,who gate-crashes it anyway. At the party Effy gets back her status as the focus of attention when she brings some magic mushrooms,but she ends up taking a bad trip and fighting with Katie,whom she puts into hospital. She tries to visit her but is rejected and wakes up in a stolen car driven by Cook.
  • 9. Katie and Emily
    Since Katie will not leave the house Emily impersonates her to take her exam. Emily meets Naomi,who tells her she is going to Cyprus for the summer but declines Emily's invitation to accompany her to the end of term ball,though she does turn up on her own. At the ball the sisters fight when Katie learns that Emily went with JJ but Emily resists the temptation to hit her sister,instead declaring her love for Naomi,with whom she walks off. Pandora and Thomas are also able to get it together.
  • 10. Finale
    Effy and Cook go into hiding with his father,but Effy contacts Freddie,who turns up along with JJ,though it is Freddie with whom Effy ends up sleeping. Cook asks his father if he can leave the country with him on his boat but Cook,Sr., threatens him and has to be restrained. Eventually Effy and the boys take the boat back up the river,Cook having pushed his father overboard.but,despite Effy's evident feelings for Freddie,it is inconclusive as to who ends up with whom.
  • 1. Thomas
    Focuses around Thomas and his coming to terms with life and love in England.
  • 2. Emily
    Emily confronts Naomi over her supplying Sophia with drugs. Emily has learned that Sophia was gay and her locker is a shrine to Naomi,though Naomi denies any sexual relationship between her and Sophia. Emily and Naomi then move in together but,at a party where Cook assaults one of the guests for no apparent reason,Emily gets Sophia's brother to open a box which contains Sophia's hand-drawn account of her affair with Naomi,who rejected her for Emily,hence her subsequent,drastic actions.
  • 3. Cook
    Cook is remanded in custody following the GBH charge but he is later released,with an electronic tag,to live with his alcoholic mother Ruth and adoring younger brother Paddy. He is also expelled from college for the assault. Appalled to learn that Ruth had sex with Freddie,he steals her car along with Paddy and trashes it. However,he becomes alarmed to think that Paddy may turn out like him,admits to selling the drugs to Sophia and,taking the rap for Naomi,he gets sent down.
  • 4. Katie
    Things are not going well for Katie. Following a pregnancy scare she learns that she is infertile and loses her job as a wedding planner when she gets drunk and aggressive at her client's hen night. To cap it all her father's recklessness has rendered the family bankrupt and they move in temporarily with Emily and Naomi,creating stress all round. Emily and Naomi fight at a barbecue,causing Naomi to admit that it was she and not Cook who supplied Sophia with drugs. The two girls do make up whilst Thomas,learning of Katie's situation,comforts her.
  • 5. Freddie
    Effy and Freddie are living together but Freddie is troubled by Effy's morbid outlook and her obsession with death. He visits Norman,his grandfather,in his residential home and the old man tells Freddie he believes that Effy should have psychiatric treatment. Effy then locks herself in a bath-room and attempts suicide but survives and is taken to hospital. Freddie visits but she rebuffs him. However Cook,who has apparently escaped from custody,turns up and advises Freddie to persevere.
  • 6. JJ
    JJ falls for Lara,who works in the sweet shop with him, but on visiting her flat,discovers that she is a single parent with a baby, Albert. JJ's family disapprove of Lara as being a tart and Emily tells him she thinks Lara is using him to get back at her violent ex-boyfriend Liam. JJ gets into a fight with Liam,who tells him that he loves his child and gives JJ his blessing if he will care for Lara. JJ then gets back together with Lara and serenades her on the ukelele.
  • 7. Effy
    Effy spends some time in a psychiatric hospital and is discharged under the care of social worker John Foster. However Effy's friends are concerned at the influence Foster has over her,isolating her from the rest of them. After she freaks out at the scene of Tony's accident she goes back to hospital,where Freddie visits her and encounters Foster,whom he warns to stay away from Effy. Foster invites Freddie to his house to talk about Effy but once inside he hits him over the head with a baseball bat,killing him.
  • 8. Everyone
    As Emily and Naomi and Pandora and Thomas make up the gang become concerned for the absent Freddie and hold his birthday party in his absence. Cook,who has read Freddie's notebook which mention's Foster's obsession with Effy,follows the psychiatric worker home and breaks into his basement,where he discovers a bag containing Freddie's blood-stained clothes. Foster comes in and attacks him but,with a cry of “I'm Cook” the youngster hits him back with the baseball bat and avenges the death of his friend.
  • 1. Franky
    Loner Franky starts at Roundview and accidentally challenges Mini's position as Queen Bee. Mini plays the long game and Franky finds herself befriended by the girls. When she won't conform to what Mini expects of her she is spat out. Franky meets Matty, who understands and empowers her. Franky stands up to Mini, which inspires Grace to join her. A new gang is formed - Franky, Alo, Rich and Grace. Franky has finally found friends, but in doing so has started a war with Mini.
  • 2. Rich
    Rich uses his taste in extreme music to keep the world, especially girls, at bay. When Alo finds Rich's perfect woman, Rich is forced to into pairing up with Grace to learn how to chat up girls. But first she must learn the ways of metal to impersonate a practise metal chick. Rich continually pushes Grace away, refusing to believe a mainstream girl could understand him. He loses his hearing and learns about compromise. Rich allows Grace into his world, but has his heart broken when she puts Mini and Liv first.
  • 3. Mini
    Mini is under threat. When Grace brings Franky into the Charity Fashion Show, Mini sacks them both, and re-imagines the show in her own image to cement her power. Despite appearances, her relationship is also rocky - Nick can't wait forever for sex. As Mini struggles to maintain control, Liv acts out in the worst way possible - giving Nick what Mini failed to. Mini discovers but pretends it hasn't happened. Mini loses her virginity at the wrong time, with the wrong person and for all the wrong reasons.
  • 4. Liv
    Liv continues to sleep with Nick, unsure why. Mini befriends the gang to isolate Liv. Liv takes off. She meets a boy called Matty, and they take a day out of reality with no consequences or commitments. When they break the law they decide to run away together. Matty has a secret - he is Nick's estranged brother. After rejecting him, Liv acknowledges her need for a real relationship and takes a chance on a boy who no-one believes in. Liv admits her Nick affair to Mini, but Mini isn't ready to forgive. Matty and Nick are reunited, but Mini and Liv's friendship has …
  • 5. Nick
    Nick is star of the school - he's hot, he's the son of a proud father, he's a rugby hero and he's got the perfect arm candy in Mini. But Matty's reappearance has unsettled Nick. As he watches his brother slip effortlessly into new friendships, old wounds are re-opened and Nick's game begins to suffer. Nick realises that everything he thought he wanted - rugby success, the approval of his father - is crushing him. He leaves all this behind, and puts his faith in Matty.
  • 6. Alo
    Alo has always lived on Creevey Farm, but lately the sins of the city call to him. Alo's out partying, getting fucked, in his continuous attempts to get laid. But his parents are fed up with having a useless son. They take Alo out of college and get him to buckle down on the farm. Alo rebels and has a party that ruins the farm, hoping this will show his parents that they can't keep him trapped there. When his dad is hospitalised, the most irresponsible boy on earth realises it's time to finally grow up.
  • 7. Grace
    Grace has always believed in fairytales and happy endings, but is forced to face reality. When Rich accidentally learns that David F-ing Blood is her father Grace has some explaining to do. Blood disapproves of Rich, and threatens to send her back to Mayberry's College for Young Ladies if her grades drop. Grace has to pass her drama exam, but with her relationship in turmoil and the whole gang at odds in her production of Twelfth Night, it's not looking likely. Grace manages to pull it off, but Blood goes back on his word, sending her to Mayberry's anyway. Rich …
  • 8. Everyone
    It's the day of Rich and Grace's wedding and the fractured gang try and make it a happy day but they're at each other's throats. When the van breaks down on the way to the church the gang split up. Everyone has to go through their own test to make it to the church on time. Grace and Rich question if marriage is really for them. Alo picks up the pieces when Nick wonders how he became such a stoned loser. Liv and Mini both lose the people they have put their trust in, when Matty and Franky choose each other. And Franky finally gives into her desires for Matty, but the …
  • 1. Everyone
    Mini,Grace,Franky,Liv,Alo,Rich,Matty and Nick are on holiday in Morocco though the crumbling villa with no roof,water or electricity is not what they were expecting. Whilst Mini gets it together with Alo - though demanding he tells nobody about it - Franky tells Matty that she wants to end their relationship and she is easily attracted to the suave Luke,whose party they crash. She agrees to go off with him but Liv learns from a local boy that Luke is a notorious drug dealer and has planted six kilos of dope in the group's truck. Liv,Grace and Matty pursue the fleeing …
  • 2. Rich
    Blaming the gang for what happened to Grace,her father,Professor Blood,bans boyfriend Rich from seeing her in hospital,though Rich manages to sneak in and finds she has woken up though she is being moved to a hospital in Zurich. After the Bloods have left for Switzerland Rich moves into their house and,to the near detriment of his friendship with Alo,becomes obsessive,sleeping in Garace's bed and watching her old home movies. However when Professor Blood comes home he tells Rich that Grace died in hospital in Zurich without recovering - Rich's recent conversation with…
  • 3. Alex
    Alex, a boy who lives with and cares for his eccentric grandmother Miriam whilst his father is largely absent, lives his life by responding to the roll of a die, which is how he decides to punch Alo. Liv, however, is intrigued by him and, having met and hit it off with Miriam, joins him in his die rolling activities. The others are less impressed, especially Mini, who accuses Liv of spending too much time with him. After Grace's emotional funeral Liv is comforted by Alex but is upset when he owns to being gay and uninterested in her as a girlfriend. Reconciliation of …
  • 4. Franky
    Conscious that she indirectly caused Grace's death and unable to concentrate on her mock exams Franky feels alienated from her friends and smothered by her well-intentioned gay dads. Thus when drug pusher Luke reappears she finds herself drawn to his violent life style with some of it even rubbing off on her at home. Counselling is no help and when Nick tries to intervene when Luke starts another fight and ends up getting hurt Franky almost seems to relish it. However after snorting cocaine before enforced sex with Luke she starts to realise what a brute he is and is …
  • 5. Mini
    Angry at Alo for declaring his love for her and at her mother Shelley for moving her tubby,sex-mad boyfriend Eric into the house Mini also discovers that she is pregnant and contacts her high-flying but absent father Gregory,staying in his riverside apartment and contemplating going to Australia with him,even though people tell her he will let her down. Her college friends gate crash Gregory's party and Alo gets thrown out after accusing Gregory's assistant Ryan of having sex with Mini. She confides her situation in Franky who advises her to tell Gregory but,never one…
  • 6. Nick
    Nick gets a Skype message from Matty in Morocco,telling him to go to a seedy club and ask for ‘The Doctor’,a sinister Russian who,for two thousand pounds,will smuggle him back to England on a fake German passport. Encountering hostility from his peers who blame Matty for Grace's death,Nick steals the money from his father's bank account but the Doctor cheats him and beats him up. Although she has accused him of being always in his brother's shadow and seen him kissing others,Franky offers a thousand pounds which she says is ‘an inheritance’ but Nick declares the deal …
  • 7. Alo
    Tired of Mini's inconsistent attitude and unaware of her pregnancy Alo quickly falls for vivacious Poppy,whom he meets at a fancy dress party,and with whom he has consentual sex in her house,escaping being caught by her argumentative parents. But Alo is shocked to find Poppy is only thirteen and soon he is arrested for assaulting a minor,suspended from college and ostracised by his former friends. At least it brings him closer to Mini and they have a heart to heart. She is about to tell him that she is pregnant when Poppy rings to say that she and her mother have …
  • 8. Liv
    Seeing Alex as her only close friend Liv is upset when he goes away for a weekend and,to make things worse,she feels a pain in her side and sees a lump, but she confides only in principal Doug,who tells her he is leaving the college. Rich is too busy revising,and attempts to get through to Franky,whom Liv still blames for Grace's death,and Mini come to nothing. When Matty returns from Morocco Liv takes him to see Franky but she has no desire to speak to him and another confrontation with Mini leads to a fight and Mini crying out that she is pregnant. A shocked Liv …
  • 9. Mini and Franky
    After collapsing Mini is rushed to hospital. Both Nick and Matty show up and the boys start fighting but Franky refuses to call the police to have Matty arrested. With Alo making it clear he does not want a baby and Shelley trying to persuade her to give the child up for adoption a pressurised Mini runs off,staying the night at a squat with Franky,who tries to talk her into moving to Oxford. However Eric persuades her to go home where,after a heart to heart,Shelley accepts that she should keep her baby.Franky,who has overheard,is angry and tearful,rushing out of the …
  • 10. Finale
    Mini is rushed to hospital but the baby is saved. As the exam results come through and Alex gets ready to spend his gap year in Thailand Matty apologises to Rich for causing the death of Grace. Franky heads for Birmingham to seek out her mother but is told that she is dead by her sister Clara,who returns her to Bristol. At Alex's farewell party Liv makes it up with the other girls and Grace appears to Rich for one last kiss. Clara tells Franky that their mother is actually in a psychiatric hospital and takes her to visit. Nick accompanies Matty to the police station …
  • 1. Fire: Part 1
    Sharing a flat with would-be stand up comic Naomi Effy is now the office junior at the hedge fund department of Hewitt Maurice asset management fund. To avoid a friend getting into trouble Effy stands in for her boss Victoria and takes it upon herself to deal with valued client Max Stibbard,who is impressed. As a result Jake,the head of the firm gives Effy the chance to be a dealer and,helped by the lovelorn Dominic from the research department,pulls off an impressively lucrative deal. Effy is now mixing with high-flying financiers and Naomi is appalled at her …
  • 2. Fire: Part 2
    Naomi's stand-up,incorporating her cancer,becomes a big success but when Emily visits from New York Effy agrees to keep the illness secret from her,accompanying her friend to chemotherapy after Emily has gone.Effy continues her affair with Jake,who confesses to problems at work. She asks Dominic for more insider information,which,feeling used,he initially refuses but eventually hints at the likely success of Morbury Mining which makes the company a huge return. As a result of this new-found wealth Effy obtains a luxury flat for herself and Naomi but is called before a…
  • 3. Pure: Part 1
    Cassie is working in a seedy diner in London and regularly phoning her father Marcus, who is going senile. She lives in a noisy house where she keeps herself to herself but befriends another tenant, Maddie, a would-be actress who seems to have a lot of gentleman callers. She has meaningless sex with co-worker Yaniv but is shocked to discover that somebody has been secretly filming her and posting the photos online under the name Oblivion. Hearing that Marcus has had an accident Cassie decides to quit her job but before she can do so another work colleague Jakob admits…
  • 4. Pure: Part 2
    Cassie goes to Wales to see her family accompanied with Jacob. As things go along, Cassie is no longer Jacob's mysterious model.
  • 5. Rise: Part 1
    Cook is now living with sometime girlfriend Emma in Manchester and drug-running for gangster Louie along with Louie's henchmen Jason and Rob. He is extremely secretive about his past. Louie entrusts him with driving his girlfriend Charlie as she is house-hunting though Cook is surprised when she asks to be dropped off at a council estate. At a party Cook intervenes when Jason tries to have rough sex with an unwilling Charlie and gets beaten up for his pains. Emma cleans him up but he advises Charlie to be wary of Louie and finally admits to her that he has killed a …
  • 6. Rise: Part 2
    Cook collects Charlie and they and Emma drive to Emma's parents' holiday home, where they can stay for a few days. Emma discovers that Cook has had sex with Charlie and comes to realize that his feelings for Charlie are deeper than they are for her. After Emma's parents have left Louie arrives, having traced Cook's car and demands Charlie return with him though she refuses. Louie leaves but the trio know they must flee and later come across Emma's parents' empty car and work out that Louie has killed them. They escape into the snow-covered woods and take shelter in a …
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