
  • 평점: 9.00
  • 발행 연도: 1994
  • 장르: Romance, Comedy
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 23 분
  • 복잡성: 10

6명의 친구들이 카페에 모여 기쁜 일, 슬픈 일을 함께 공유하며 진정한 우정을 보여준다.

  • 1. The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate
    Rachel runs from her wedding and meets the friends in the coffee place. Ross is depressed about his divorce but he still has a crush on Rachel.
  • 2. The One with the Sonogram at the End
    In this episode, Ross finds out that his ex-wife Carol is pregnant with his child. He's stunned to learn she wants to give the baby her and her lesbian lovers last name. Ross and Monica's parents come for dinner which makes Monica really stressed. Rachel decides to return her engagement ring to Barry, the man she left at the alter and learns that he didn't let their honeymoon go to waste. He spent it with her maid of honor Mindy.
  • 3. The One with the Thumb
    Monica is reluctant to introduce her new boyfriend, Alan, to her friends because they've mocked all of the boyfriend they've met before. To her surprise, they love Alan. However, she realizes she doesn't feel a spark with Alan and breaks up with him. Her friends take the news very hard, but Alan is relieved (since he couldn't stand her friends). Chandler resumes his smoking habit. Phoebe encounters a problem with her bank account, when a bank error in her favor nets her $1,000. She gives the money (and a complementary football phone) away to a homeless friend, who in …
  • 4. The One with George Stephanopoulos
    Joey and Chandler take Ross to a hockey game to keep his mind off of the anniversary of his first time with Carol. Monica, Phoebe and Rachel get George Stephanopoulos' pizza by mistake, and spy on him from Monica's balcony.
  • 5. The One with the East German Laundry Detergent
    Eager to spend time with Rachel, Ross pretends his building's washroom is rat-infested so he can join her at the laundromat. Chandler points out this could be a ‘date’ and the first time she'll see his underwear so it shouldn't be dirty! Rachel, the spoiled ‘laundry virgin’ feels managing this domestic chore is a real step to independence, but despite Ross's good advice she leaves a red sock in the machine. The real accomplishment comes where she has to stand up as no-nonsense-New Yorker against a rude, aggressive woman who invents rules to pretend it's not Rachel …
  • 6. The One with the Butt
    The friends attend Joey's new musical, Freud. At the theater, Chandler meets a beautiful women named Aurora. Joey gets hired to be Al Pacino's butt double. Chandler learns that Aurora is married, AND has another boyfriend.
  • 7. The One with the Blackout
    When a power-cut blacks out most of New York City, Chandler, to his delight finds himself trapped inside an ATM vestibule with Victoria's Secret model Jill Goodacre. She lets him use her cell-phone, and offers him gum which he instantly regrets refusing. He accidentally spits out her gum which he finally accepted, then picks up some to put back in his mouth and begins to choke when he realizes it wasn't the original gum. The others kill time in Monica's apartment, lit by the light from a Menorah, telling stories of the weirdest places they ever had sex. Joey tells …
  • 8. The One Where Nana Dies Twice
    Chandler is shocked to learn that people he works with think that he is gay. He asks his friends why, and they tell him that they also thought that he was gay when they first met him. Monica's Grandmother dies, and Ross falls down the open grave, and gets high on pain killers.
  • 9. The One Where Underdog Gets Away
    With their parents away Monica and Ross decide to have Thanksgiving dinner alone together at Monica's. However, one by one the other friends join them. Rachel says that she can't afford to buy a ticket for Vail to be with her family. Joey confesses that his family thinks that he has V.D. because he appeared in an ad campaign. Chandler recalls his story of how he doesn't eat thanks giving food because of bad family memories. Phoebe brings her Grandmother, confesses that she observes Thanksgiving in December because her Grandma's boyfriend is Lunar. As the Macy's parade…
  • 10. The One with the Monkey
    It is almost New Years and lonely Ross adopts capucin monkey Marcel. All the friends adore Marcel - except Monica. The friends agree not to bring dates to the New Year's Eve party, however everyone but Ross breaks the promise. However, things go wrong again; amongst all of the madness, Joey kisses Chandler at midnight.
  • 11. The One with Mrs. Bing
    Chandler's popular, best-selling author mom, Nora Tyler Bing, announces on Jay Leno's show that her book tour's next stop is New York, and she gets the chance to see her son. Turning up in the Big Apple, she takes all the friends to a restaurant and encourages fan Rachel to try writing similarly cheap-steamy ‘romantic formula’ novels. She observes Ross' frustration about Rachel, assures him Paolo is not a hero that stays in the story to the end, unlike him, and somehow they kiss. Joey observes this who feels obliged to defend his mom Gloria's sex-appeal as equal, if …
  • 12. The One with the Dozen Lasagnas
    Paolo and Rachel prepare for a weekend getaway, but before they go Pheobe gives him a massage. He hits on her and the friends debate whether or not to tell Rachel. Chandler and Joey purchase a foozball table. Carol is having a boy.
  • 13. The One with the Boobies
    Chandler inadvertently sees Rachel's breasts as she comes out of the shower, which in turns starts a whole chain of peeking. Phoebe dates a shrink who has an annoying habit of analyzing everyone. Joey finds out his dad has a mistress.
  • 14. The One with the Candy Hearts
    It is Valentine's day and only the boys have got dates. After an opening line about an egg that Joey and Chandler recommended, Ross gets his first date since his divorce with the ladylike Kristen. However Carol and her lesbian partner Susan end up in the same restaurant. Susan gets called away to work so Ross makes everyone shift seats to let Carol sit with him and his date. Alas their conversation gets a bit too exclusive. Joey insists that Chandler comes to a restaurant as his foxy date Lorraine demanded a double-date. Her unknown friend turns out to be Chandelr's …
  • 15. The One with the Stoned Guy
    Phoebe's friend Steve is looking for a new chef for his restaurant. Phoebe takes Steve over to Monica's place so she can impress him with her culinary skills. But there is a problem: Steve is behaving in a peculiar manner.
  • 16. The One with Two Parts
    Chandler's boss orders him to tell his foxy junior co-worker Nina that she's fired but he can't and ends up dating her instead. He tells the boss she's in therapy as she is unable to handle or even remember her sacking. Chandler even promises her a raise! Ross's monkey Marcel has become systematically troublesome, yet he's the only one who masters the TV control's foreign language channels in Monica's apartment. Ross joins Carol and Susan in Lamaze class which turns into a disaster when Carol can't come and he has to play her part. A birth video makes Carol decide '…
  • 17. The One With Two Parts: Part 2
    After weeks of procrastinating, Rachel finally takes down the Christmas light on their balcony, only to fall off the balcony and sprain her ankle. At the hospital, Rachel - who has no insurance - cajoles Monica into trading identities so she can use Monica's coverage. When Ursula breaks Joey's heart Phoebe tries to fix it.
  • 18. The One with All the Poker
    The friends play poker together.
  • 19. The One Where the Monkey Gets Away
    Rachel loses Ross's monkey, and everyone looks for him.
  • 20. The One with the Evil Orthodontist
    The friends are angry to discover someone watches them by telescope, until they phone her and she compliments them. Chandler is ecstatic after a date with Danielle, but Joey and Ross agree he should not call her that day to avoid seeming desperate. However, the girls persuade him to call. When Ross finally gets Rachel to tell her ex Barry that it is inappropriate for him to declare his love for her as he's about to marry her friend Minday. However Barry and Rachel end up having sex in his dentists chair. Mindy meets her friend Rachel as bridesmaid while confiding she …
  • 21. The One with the Fake Monica
    Monica becomes friends with a woman who stole her credit card. Ross has to get rid of his monkey.
  • 22. The One with the Ick Factor
    Rachel had a dream about her and Chandler having sex and Ross is jealous. Monica's boyfriend Ethan is a senior at college but their age difference is no problem because Monica told him she was 22. Phoebe fills in for Chandler's secretary but tells Chandler that nobody likes him. Ethan and Monica have sex after Ethan tells her he is a virgin and Monica confesses to being 26. Ethan then tells her that he is a senior in high school and Monica freaks out. Rachel has another dream about Chandler - but this time Joey was there too. Chandler accompanies Phoebe to a party …
  • 23. The One with the Birth
    When Ross' ex wife Carol is rushed to the hospital to have their baby, all the friends come along, but prove less then helpful. Rachel only has eyes for the unmarried obstetrician; Chandler and Monica worry if time is passing by for them to find partners and become parents. When Joey has an argument with a single pregnant woman, he finds himself the only available birth coach. After Carol throws Ross and her lesbian life-partner Susan out for bickering, Phoebe manages, while lecturing the pair, to lock all three of them in a janitorial closet.
  • 24. The One Where Rachel Finds Out
    Joey is taking part in a fertility study and he really likes his girlfriend Melanie but can't have sex during the study which lasts another week. The friends are having a barbecue for Rachel's birthday but without Ross because he has to go to China for the museum. Rachel unwraps the gift from Ross and its an antique pin exactly like the one her grandma used to have. Chandler lets it slip that Ross is in love with Rachel. Rachel goes to the airport to speak to Ross but he's already gone. Rachel decides to give her and Ross a chance and goes to pick him up at the …
  • 1. The One with Ross's New Girlfriend
    Now Ross is back from China, but has brought a new girlfriend, Chandler feels guilty for having advised him to forget Rachel, who in turn rebounds -to the others' surprise- to the infamous Paolo. When Monica convinces Phoebe to cut her hair after her good job on the boys, she's horrified to get the haircut of an entirely wrong movie star named Moore. Meanwhile Joey's family tailor proves a bad recommendation to Chandler, who is not gullible enough to believe taking measurements for trousers requires taking the tape up each leg and the rear with intimate manual contact…
  • 2. The One with the Breast Milk
    Joey is having trouble with a new guy at work who dresses like a cowboy and who intrudes Joey's section. Monica and Julie get along and Monica can't tell Rachel. Rachel finds out and is upset. Everyone dares Ross to try breast milk because it grosses him out. Joey dresses up as a cowboy to be the best at work again. Joey and the cowboy have their showdown and Joey wins because the cowboy sprays perfume into a customer's eyes. Rachel gives Julie a chance to be friends with her. Ross tries the breast milk after all.
  • 3. The One Where Heckles Dies
    Heckles who lives in the appartement underneath Monica and Rachel is always complaining of their stomping around and being noisy. While complaining Heckles dies and leaves all his stuff and his apartment to Rachel and Monica. The apartment is the biggest mess they have ever seen. While cleaning it Chandler finds out that he is exactly like Heckles and is afraid he will die all alone just like Heckles.
  • 4. The One with Phoebe's Husband
    Six years Phoebe got married to a gay friend of hers from Canada who needed a green card. She used to be in love with him but didn't tell her friends that they are married. Because Monica is upset that Phoebe didn't tell her she got married they start yelling the others secrets out: the panties on the telephone pole are Monica's from sex on the balcony, Chandler has a third nipple, Joey acted in a porn movie. Ross tells Rachel he hasn't had sex with Julie because he has only been with one woman in his life and she turned out to be a lesbian. The gang watches Joey's …
  • 5. The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant
    Chandler gets a phone call from a strange woman who wanted to call her ex-boyfriend Bob. Chandler is organizing Ross's birthday. Monica is appointed to head lunch chef and in charge of purchasing. The friends go out to have a celebration dinner. Rachel, Joey and Phoebe are upset because everyone else thinks they earn enough money to go out to fancy places all the time and spend lots of money on Ross's birthday. Arguing about Rachel, Joey and Phoebe not wanting to accept gifts from Ross, Monica and Chandler because it feels like charity. Monica gets fired for taking 5 …
  • 6. The One with the Baby on the Bus
    When Monica takes Ross to the hospital, Joey and Chandler are in charge of baby Ben. Phoebe deals with a new musician in Central Perk.
  • 7. The One Where Ross Finds Out
    Rachel claims to be over Ross and Monica sets her up with a date. Rachel doesn't concentrate on her date and gets really drunk because she is upset that Ross and Julie are going to buy a cat together. Her date tells her she needs a “closure” to get over Ross. Rachel then calls Ross and leaves him a message saying she is over him. When Ross hears the message he is taken aback that Rachel has feelings for him and is very confused. Ross refuses to buy a cat and tells Rachel she had no right telling him about her feelings because he was ok before he knew and now he isn't….
  • 8. The One with the List
    Rachel tells Phoebe and Monica, Ross tells Chandler and Joey about their kiss. Ross doesn't know what he's doing because he can't figure out whether to be with Julie or Rachel. Everyone (including Julie) is at Central Perk and Phoebe sings a song about their love triangle. Monica gets a new job making up recipes for a synthetic chocolate substitute. Chandler, Joey and Ross make a list with Julie and Rachel's pros and cons to make it easier for Ross to pick one of them. Monica makes Phoebe and Rachel try her terrible Mockolate recipes. Ross breaks up with Julie and …
  • 9. The One with Phoebe's Dad
    The friends are preparing for the festive season. Rachel is still mad at Ross. Phoebe realizes her mother lied to her and gave her a picture of a model pretending it was Phoebes father. She goes to see her grandmother who tells her Phoebe her father is really a pharmacist and not a worshipped tree surgeon in Burma. Phoebe's grandmother gives her a photo of her real dad. Ross suggests that Rachel should make a list about him to feel better. She makes the list and does feel better but Ross drives everyone nuts trying to prove every point on the list wrong. Chandler and …
  • 10. The One with Russ
    Joey gets lots of bad reviews for his play. Monica is back with Bobby who drinks too much. Rachel has a date and tells everyone she is not mad at Ross but doesn't have any feelings for him anymore either. Her date's name is Russ and he looks like Ross. Bobby will sober up for Monica - only problem: sober Bobby is boring. Joey will get a part in a TV show but he has to sleep with the casting lady which he doesn't know if he should do. Monica starts drinking to be able to stand boring sober Bobby and Bobby breaks up with her because he thinks he can't be in a …
  • 11. The One with the Lesbian Wedding
    Ross isn't confident enough to accept attending his ex Carol's lesbian wedding to Susan. Because the wedding caterer has a bad accident, Monica gets the job, a first for her, but can't get it done without generalized slave labor… Joey has his first TV appearance as Dr. Drake Ramore in Days of Our Lives, and shows the friends some acting tricks used there… Phoebe's 82 year-old client Rose died on her massage table, and her spirit went into her- now she has two crazy personalities and an octogenarian's agenda… Rachel was all nerves for her ma's first visit since …
  • 12. The One After the Superbowl: Part 1
    Joey's first fan-mail -for his character, Dr. Drake Ramore- is from Erika Ford, who sounds like a crazy stalker, so Chandler and he are scared when she turns up, but given her looks he accepts to dine together- enough for her to think she's Drake's fiancée. Hunky Rob Donan invites Phoebe to play songs for kids in the public library, but her brutally honest lyrics shock the parents. After seeing a monkey like Marcel in a commercial, Ross decides to visit him in the San Diego Zoo, where he's officially told the capucin died but hears the truth from a hush-hush caretaker…
  • 13. The One After The Superbowl: Part 2
    Rachel and Monica compete for the affections of Jean-Claude Van Damme after meeting him on a movie set. Chandler meets a former schoolmate, a makeup artist, who seems to have the hots for him. An excited Joey gets a role as an extra in the movie and Ross and Marcel go on a whirlwind tour of the city.
  • 14. The One with the Prom Video
    Monica still can't get a job, and money is becoming tight. Ross gets her to agree to ask her parents for money. Joey buys Chandler a hideous gold friendship bracelet, and overhears Chandler complaining about it to Phoebe. Ross continues to pine after Rachel, who Phoebe insists is his “lobster”, but she makes it pretty clear that its not happening. However, when an old home video of Monica and Rachel's prom is discovered, Ross's true feelings for Rachel are shown.
  • 15. The One Where Ross and Rachel... You Know
    Joey buys two armchairs and a big screen TV and they never want to get up from the armchairs again. Ross and Rachel have their first official date and sleep together at Ross's museum. Monica is dating a friend of her parents who is 21 years older than her.
  • 16. The One Where Joey Moves Out
    Phoebe talks Rachel into getting a tattoo despite, or rather because of, Ross's disapproval. At dad Jack Geller's birthday party, Dr. Richard Burke has some trouble hearing comments about his unspecified date, Monica more hearing about hers and the worst when she's accidentally in the bathroom while her parents get intimate. After a tiny row about using each-others stuff, even soap, Joey considers moving out of Chandler's apartment to live alone for the first time now he has a good contract and another actor moves to an even posher one.
  • 17. The One Where Eddie Moves In
    Joey shows the friends his new apartment. Chandler and Joey miss each other and watch Baywatch in their apartments while talking on the phone together. Phoebe gets a chance to record “Smelly Cat” but can't cope with the background singers. Ross is driving Monica crazy because he is so much at Monica's and Rachel's place Monica feels like 16 again living with her brother. Chandler finds a new roommate called Eddie. Chandler is shocked to find that Eddie doesn't like fussball nor Baywatch…
  • 18. The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies
    Chandler finds out Eddy is not only much less fun then Joey, but positively crazy and frighteningly suspicious and inconsistent. Ross is stressing out to learn Rachel has ‘animal sex’ with Paolo; Richard and Monica are uncomfortable to learn she is only his second lover, he the last in a long row; there's a logistical dilemma for both couples' make up-sex. After Joey told a TV digest he ‘rewrites some of his dialogs’, an insulted scenarist writes his character Dr. Drake Ramoray to fall to his death, ending his DOOL-career.
  • 19. The One Where Eddie Won't Go
    Even accommodating gentleman Chandler loses it when he finds out Eddie has been sneaking in his bedroom to watch him sleep. When the girls read a pseudo-poetical hardcore feminist bestseller, it quickly stirs trouble between Rachel and Ross and amongst the three girls. Now Joey has lost his job, his two-envelope Visa-bill leaves him no other choice then to audition for a measly part beneath a former soap star's dignity and standing by as unpaid stuff is carried off, except a porcelain dog which Ross ransoms after regretting having told Joey to do anything for material…
  • 20. The One Where Old Yeller Dies
    Ross is upset that he misses so many of Ben's first things. Phoebe finds out that her mum never showed her the ends of sad movies to shield her from the pain. Joey and Chandler take Richard to a game because it means a lot to Monica. They really like him so Chandler gets a mustache and Joey starts smoking cigars. Ben spends a whole weekend with Ross. Rachel isn't very good with babies and freaks out when she hears that Ross pictures their future with 2 children living in the suburbs. Richard spends more time with the guys than with Monica. But Joey and Chandler really…
  • 21. The One with the Bullies
    A bully at Central Perk steals Chandler's cap. Monica has a job interview at a 50's theme restaurant where she would have to cook in a costume and dance on the counter. Phoebe goes to see her father but a dog prevents her from doing so. The bullies at the coffee shop keep coming back to bully Ross and Chandler so they try to make their own coffee at home. Phoebe has the courage to go see her dad but he left his wife and son 4 years back. Monica loses all her money ($127) on the stock market so she has to take the job. Ross and Chandler are standing their ground at …
  • 22. The One with the Two Parties
    Planning Rachel's surprise birthday party. To prevent Rachel's parents to be at the same party they have half of the guests in the boys' apartment with Rachel's dad and the other half in the girls' apartment with Rachel's mum. Phoebe smuggles people from Monica's boring party to the boys' great party. Rachel can't cope with their parents separation.
  • 23. The One with the Chicken Pox
    Ryan, a guy in the navy who Phoebe used to go out with is coming to the city for 2 whole weeks. Ben has chicken pox and everybody except Phoebe has had them. So of course Phoebe has the chicken pox now but unfortunately Ryan hasn't had them but he wouldn't let the pox stand between them. Chandler organizes a job as a processor for Joey and Joey does a little too much acting like he was a processor. Ryan and Phoebe both have the chicken pox and the itching drives them crazy. Joey is really annoying at work and always ratting Chandler out. They agree that Joey will quit…
  • 24. The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding
    Joey has a problem: he has to kiss a guy for an audition and Warren Beatty told him he was a bad kisser. Joey wants to practice kissing a guy with Chandler. Rachel is maid of honor for Barry and Mindy's wedding. She has to wear a horrible pink dress. Monica thinks about getting married to Richard. Richard tells her he sees a future with Monica but not with kids. Chandler has a relationship over the Internet. Turns out the girl is married. Ross, Rachel, Richard and Monica go to the wedding. Rachel feels uncomfortable because Barry's parents told everyone she ran away …
  • 1. The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy
    Monica is a wandering zombie after dumping Richard for not sharing her child-wish. Ross confides in Rachel his sexual fantasy is princess Leia's gold bikini in Star Wars, but doesn't appreciate her telling it to blabbermouth Phoebe; when Rachel assures him boys miss out on true bonding because they don't tell each-other intimate details, he tries it with Chandler who brings up a very unfit confidence. As Joey really can't handle the prospect of Chandler not dumping Janice as usual, the two try spending whole ‘day of fun’ together for their common friend Chandler's …
  • 2. The One Where No One's Ready
    Ross becomes very frustrated with his friends when they fail to be ready on time for a speech that he is giving at the museum. When he publicly moans at Rachel, she get her revenge by dressing outrageously.
  • 3. The One with the Jam
    Monica makes tons of jam to take control of her life and to get over Richard. Monica abandons the jam plan and decides to have a baby instead. Phoebe is dating a guy who used to be obsessed with her sister and now has a restraining order to keep away from Ursula. Monica doesn't want a child from a sperm donor after all because she wants a family not just a child.
  • 4. The One with the Metaphorical Tunnel
    Joey misses an important audition because Phoebe forgot to give him the message about it. Phoebe gets him another appointment for the audition acting as his agent. Chandler is afraid to see Janice again because suddenly he scared of the commitment. He wants to get through the tunnel where at the end there is no fear of commitment. Joey gets the job and asks Phoebe to manage his other auditions too. Commitment doesn't scare Chandler anymore but it scares Janice and she leaves. Rachel and Monica help Chandler cope with his feelings because he is on their side of the …
  • 5. The One with Frank Jr.
    Phoebe meets her brother Frank for the second time. The friends make lists which celebrities they would sleep with.
  • 6. The One with the Flashback
    The friends remember the events three years earlier, when several of them almost slept together.
  • 7. The One with the Race Car Bed
    Joey becomes a learning extension teacher in soap acting, and loves the respect from even more clueless kids. Monica chooses a ridiculously cheap bed from Janices ex; Phoebe signs for her at delivery- of another bed, a childish race car! Rachel convinces Ross to dine with her dad, who takes him down even worse then he feared; the next day Ross and Dr. Green find each-other making fun about Rachel's chiropractor and various lack of good sense. When Joey hears one of his students also auditions for the same role he wants, he tries to eliminate him by bad advice to play …
  • 8. The One with the Giant Poking Device
    Phoebe doesn't want to go to the dentist because every time she does, someone dies. Monica plays the airplane game with Ben and bumps his head really hard and Rachel and Monica try to cover the bump on his head. Joey sees Janice kissing her ex-husband and tells Chandler. Phoebe is checking if she killed someone by going to the dentist and finds that Ugly Naked Guy hasn't moved since the morning. They build a massive poking device out of chopsticks to poke him and see if his alive or just taking a nap. Chandler leaves Janice so she can go back to her husband and child….
  • 9. The One with the Football
    It's Thanksgiving, so everyone is dining Monica's festive meal. After watching pros on TV, they decide to have a friendly American Football game in the park, despite the fact the Geller parents forbade Ross and Monica to play each-other ever again after years of vicious rivalry for the ‘Geller Cup’. Rachel and Phoebe prove worse then worthless. Joey and Chandler are totally absorbed by Margha, a Dutch girls who stays watching and get competitive about her. Now the teams start playing to win; then the Geller-rivalry takes over- Monica even makes it boys-girls, and …
  • 10. The One Where Rachel Quits
    Ross breaks a girl's leg who was selling cookies in order to win a place at the space camp. Ross feels guilty and tries to sell 400 boxes of the cookies so the girl can win the competition. Rachel sucks at waitressing and Gunther is showing her everything again but she doesn't want to be trained in a job she hates. Rachel then quits her job at Central Perk. Phoebe is heart-broken to see all the trees “killed” to be Christmas trees. Rachel gets a new job.
  • 11. The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister
    Rachel hates her new ‘fashion’ job too as another dead end- Monica isn't the most sympathetic audience in her job serving with fake boobs, but there she meets Mark, a Bloomingdale's executive who may get her a job in his department; of course Ross believes his intent must be dishonorable. At Joey's birthday party Chandler drinks too much vodka now Janice is back with her ex, gets intimate with one of Joey's seven sisters and can't even remember which one- more proof for Ross; he must go over to break up at the Tribbiani house where grandmother doesn't even let him get…
  • 12. The One with All the Jealousy
    It's Rachel's first day at the new job. Mark is taking her out for lunch and Ross is extremely jealous. Monica hooks up with “poet” Julio from work. Joey gets a part in a musical because he lied about having dancing experience. Ross sends Rachel flowers, musical bugs and even a singing quartet to the office to let Mark know she has a boyfriend. Chandler and Ross go to Chandler's cousin's stag night and Ross takes Ben to play with the stripper's kid the following day. Rachel is jealous even though she just told Ross to stop being jealous of her friendship with Mark.
  • 13. The One Where Monica and Richard Are Just Friends
    Monica bumps into Richard at the video shop. They go out for a burger just as friends. Rachel gets in late from work every night. Phoebe is dating a sporty guy. Joey and Rachel exchange their favourite books to see which one is better. Monica shows Richard how to cook lasagna and they make love. They wanna try being friends who sleep together. They have a great time together and Monica wants to be with him for real again. Richard would love to be with Monica but they're right back where they were and they both know how it's gonna end.
  • 14. The One with Phoebe's Ex-Partner
    Phoebe's ex singing partner Leslie plays at Central Perk. Leslie left the duo and Phoebe is still mad but Leslie wants them to play together again. Ross is delighted to hear that Mark quit his job. Chandler meets Ginger and goes out with her. Joey used to date Ginger but accidentally threw her artificial leg into a fire and ran away. Phoebe and Leslie are back together playing music. Ross goes to a fashion seminar with Rachel so she won't go with Mark. They fight because Ross was so bored he fell asleep. Ross doesn't like that he is not involved in Rachel's “other” …
  • 15. The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break
    After a bitter fight with Rachel, Ross ends up sleeping with another woman. Phoebe dates a Diplomat who needs an interpretor to speak with her.
  • 16. The One the Morning After
    The morning after Rachel declared they needed a break, she wakes up ready to work on getting back together - and Ross is drunk in bed with Chloe, the copy girl; Joey and Chandler warn him word will follow ‘the trail’ of women blabbering to Rachel, and at every step he's too late to stop it. Whe she storms in for an endless session of denial there's still love between them, whatever he tries, the other friends don't dare to leave the bedroom where Monica and Phoebe had been waxing.
  • 17. The One Without the Ski Trip
    It's a week after Ross and Rachel broke up and they still don't get along and just shout at each other. The group splits up because Rachel and Ross can't be in the same room anymore. Everyone goes off to a ski trip except Ross. They all get stuck at a rest stop on the way and have to call Ross to go get them. No one wants to be caught in the middle between Rachel and Ross and they want them to get along so they can all hang out together again. Rachel and Ross promise to be civil.
  • 18. The One with the Hypnosis Tape
    Phoebe's brother Frank is getting married to a woman twice his age who used to be his teacher. Phoebe asks Joey and Ross to talk Frank out of getting married at 18. But they see that Frank really loves Alice and they agree to be best man and ring bearer. Monica is asked out by a millionaire. Chandler is using a hypnosis tape to quit smoking. The tape tells him he is “a strong confident woman” who doesn't need to smoke. He begins to act like a female.
  • 19. The One with the Tiny T-Shirt
    Monica thinks Pete is perfect but she is just not attracted to him. Joey gets the part and hates his stage-wife Kate because she tells everyone Joey was in the infomercial and can't open a milk carton. Mark asks Rachel out but Rachel doesn't want to see anyone because she would feel like she was cheating on Ross. But Ross and Rachel get in a fight when Rachel returns Ross' stuff so they can move on. Rachel goes on a date with Mark. Mark kisses Rachel but Rachel tells him she can't be with him because she only went on a date to get back at Ross. Joey has a crush on …
  • 20. The One with the Dollhouse
    Kate is the first woman Joey liked who doesn't like him back. Monica's and Ross' aunt Sylvia died and Monica inherits the dollhouse with which she was never allowed to play. Monica invites Phoebe to play with the dollhouse but doesn't let her play anymore when Phoebe brings out a dinosaur, a giant dog and a ghost. Phoebe makes her own dollhouse which is way cooler than Monica's. Chandler has a date with Rachel's boss Joanna and finds her really dull and boring. Joanna thinks they have chemistry and loves Rachel for introducing her to Chandler. Joey and Kate are …
  • 21. The One with the Chick and the Duck
    Joey buys a chick for him and Chandler, Monica gets offered a restaurant by Pete, and Ross gives up being on TV for Rachel.
  • 22. The One with the Screamer
    They all go to Joey's play together. Joey is bringing Kate, Ross is there with a date so Rachel has to get a date as well. Rachel turns up with her freaky date Tommy. Joey and the cast get really bad reviews for their performances and Joey finally gets the chance to be with Kate again. They stay up all night and talk. Rachel stops seeing Tommy because Ross was right and he really is a maniac. Kate leaves for a job in L.A..
  • 23. The One with Ross's Thing
    “Ross' Thing” is something on his derrière. He doesn't know what it is. Chandler doesn't know what it is. Joey doesn't know what it is. A large contingent of conventional doctors don't know what it is. So Phoebe sends him to Guru Saj, her herbalist, to figure out what it is. Guru Saj doesn't know exactly what it is, but solves the problem, not with medicine, conventional or otherwise. Meanwhile Pete mentions to Monica that he has something important to tell her. When Joey finds out that Pete has paid $50,000 to a ring designer, engagement ring comes to everyone's mind…
  • 24. The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion
    Monica begs Pete to stop fighting after he is beaten up. Chandler is unnerved when his boss slaps his butt. Ross starts dating a new woman.
  • 25. The One at the Beach
    The friends go to the beach to learn more about Phoebe's family. Rachel starts flirting with Ross.
  • 1. The One with the Jellyfish
    Ross and Rachel get back together after Ross unknowingly takes full responsibility for the breakup. Monica reveals what happened when she was stung by a jellyfish, and Phoebe is mad after her mother.
  • 2. The One with the Cat
    A cat walks into Central Perk and Phoebe is convinced that it is her mother's reincarnation. Joey and Chandler agree to sell the entertainment center. People come to look at it and Joey gets locked into it by a guy who then steals all their other furniture. Monica goes on a date with Rachel's ex from high school Chip. He is still very cute but he still lives with his parents and still works at the movie theater as he did in high school. The friends find an ad from a little girl who lost the cat. Ross and Phoebe fight about the cat but Phoebe agrees to take her “mum” …
  • 3. The One with the 'Cuffs
    Chandler sleeps with Rachel's boss Joanna. Rachel makes him end it. Monica needs money so she agrees to cater her mother's party. Monica loses a fake fingernail in the quiche and discovers her mother bet with her dad that Monica would screw up catering the event. Chandler goes to break up with Joanna but ends up being handcuffed to the chair in her office half naked. Rachel has to uncuff him because Joanna is stuck with her boss and isn't coming back. But Rachel has to handcuff him back the way he was, otherwise Joanna will know Rachel was in her office. Monica …
  • 4. The One with the Ballroom Dancing
    The superintendent makes Rachel cry because he is upset about them clogging the trash shoot. Chandler is a member at the gym even though he doesn't go but he can't quit because the dreamy spandex girl always changes his mind. The superintendent wants to throw out Monica and Rachel because Monica has been illegally subletting the apartment. Phoebe has a crush on her client Rick but she would get fired for fooling around with him. Ross goes to the gym with Chandler to give him courage to quit. But when Maria appears Ross can't say no to a membership. Joey goes to …
  • 5. The One with Joey's New Girlfriend
    Ross is trying to make Rachel jealous by going out with a girl called Amanda. Phoebe has a cold and has a new and very sexy bluesy voice. Chandler hits on Joey's new girlfriend Kathy he hadn't met before and they find out they have a lot on common. Rachel tries to make Ross jealous by going out with a weird guy called Josh. Phoebe loses her great voice and tries to catch a cold again. Chandler is in love with Kathy. Ross's date with Amanda because Amanda goes out with another guy and thought Ross was coming over to babysit her son. Joey thinks Chandler doesn't like …
  • 6. The One with the Dirty Girl
    Chandler has gone to extreme trouble to get Kathy the ideal birthday gift, a special edition of her favorite book; Ross points out he can't outshine her boyfriend Joey -who didn't even plan to give her anything- totally so he must get an even cooler gift. Phoebe tells Monica not to turn down major funeral catering for lack of equipment and advances the money, but wants it straight back before there's nearly enough profit; so they become active business partners- which proves good, as their first client, a widow, would never pay without Phoebe's street persistence. …
  • 7. The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line
    Chandler sees Kathy naked and feels like he is being tortured because he thinks she likes him too. Joey has a date with a different girl and Chandler sees his chance to talk Joey out of seeing Kathy anymore. Phoebe hears that Ross used to play the keyboard and has his own sound. Ross' “sound” is just a serious of feature sounds like ringing bells, glass crashing, helicopter sounds… Everybody hates it except Phoebe who makes Ross play his “music” in public. Kathy cuts Chandler's hair and they kiss. Chandler says they have to forget their feelings for each other for …
  • 8. The One with Chandler in a Box
    Joey is not about to forgive Chandler, nor Rachel Ross, even now Thanksgiving is coming up. Monica is getting virtually no help, and gets ice in her eye but dares not go to her ophthalmologist and ex Richard Burke, but is excited to get his on call, who turns out to be his cute-to-die-for son Timothy, who has just broken up with his girl friend. Joey tells Ross he has sentenced Chandler to five years silent treatment, but is talked into hearing him out at Central Perk- just when Joey walks up to them Kathy kisses Chandler, and he decides to go looking for another …
  • 9. The One Where They're Going to Party!
    Phoebe and Monica get a van for their catering business. Rachel applies for a job as assistant buyer. An old friend and party wizard wants to visit Ross and Chandler. They are excited like two small children and can hardly sit still but the friend cancels their reunion. Monica wrote her first review and the owner of the restaurant comes to complain about it. Joanna doesn't want to lose a good assistant as Rachel and makes Rachel look bad at the interview for the new job. Rachel wants to quit but Joanna offers her the position of assistant buyer in Joanna's department….
  • 10. The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsie
    Ross meets an amazing girl from Poughkeepsie on the train. Rachel hates to be alone around the festive season. She doesn't necessarily need a real relationship but would love to have a fling. Monica is still being picked at at the restaurant. Chandler promised Rachel to fix her up with someone from work and the guys at work all suck to Chandler because they want to go out with Rachel. Monica hires Joey only to fire him again to show the others at the restaurant who the boss is. Ross can't decide between the girl from Poughkeepsie and another girl who isn't as fun but …
  • 11. The One with Phoebe's Uterus
    Phoebe's brother Frank and Alice got married. They were trying to get pregnant but it didn't work out. They ask Phoebe if she could bear their baby. Joey gets a job as a tour guide at Ross' museum. The friends want Phoebe to think it through before she makes the decisions about having Frank's and Alice's child. Things are going really well for Kathy and Chandler but they haven't had sex because Chandler is afraid he won't be able to fill Joey's shoes. Joey is a terrible tour guide. Phoebe goes to see her mother to ask whether she should have the baby or not. Her …
  • 12. The One with the Embryos
    Phoebe has accepted to host in her uterus the artificially inseminated child(ren) of her brother Frank and his older wife Alice Knight Buffay; the anxious wait for a pregnancy is rewarded. Meanwhile a display by Chandler and Joey how well they know Monica and Rachel by guessing the items in their shopping bag leads to a large-scale bet on a quiz, for which Ross makes the questions. It goes close, but the team captains pride and sense of competition brings Monica to accept Chandlers dare to up the stakes: either the boys' birds are ousted, or the girls must exchange …
  • 13. The One with Rachel's Crush
    After her former department at Bloomingdales was abolished, Rachel gets a new job: personal shopper for big spending clients; one of them, Joshua Bergen, really appeals to her, so she lures him back after hours with his ‘lost’ wallet, but even Joeys misunderstood suggestion to offer him Knicx tickets doesn't quite work out. Chandler is terribly jealous when he thinks his girlfriend Kathy gets too intimate with her thespian counterpart, and she takes it badly enough to break up with him- once he's no longer drunk, he's a wreck and realizes he didn't really know. Monica…
  • 14. The One with Joey's Dirty Day
    Joey goes on a fishing trip while Chandler is still depressed about his break-up with Kathy. Joshua asks Rachel to come to the opening of his new nightclub but Rachel already promised her boss to take his niece Emily from London to the opera. Ross agrees to take Emily out so Rachel can go to the opening. Rachel goes to the opening bu doesn't see Joshua because he put the wrong name on the VIP list. Joey gets back from the fishing trip and smells terribly but doesn't have time to take a shower before he has to be on the set. Ross wakes up with Emily at a B&B in Vermont…
  • 15. The One with All the Rugby
    Chandler goes to get his nails done with Rachel and they bump into Janice at the nail studio. Janice is divorced and Chandler goes out with her even though he finds her very annoying. Emily's English friends invite Ross to play rugby with them and Ross says yes to impress Emily. Chandler can't break up with Janice so he tells her he is being transferred to Yemen the following day. Unfortunately, Janice helps Chandler pack and goes to the airport with him. Chandler has to buy a ticket to Yemen. Ross is playing rugby and he isn't tough enough for the game but enjoys …
  • 16. The One with the Fake Party
    Emily will be leaving in 2 days and Ross is very sad but they both knew they'd only have 2 weeks together. Phoebe craves meat but won't eat it. Joshua tells Rachel he had a date and he just isn't ready to be dating so Rachel invites him over for Emily's party even though they didn't really plan a party. They invite people on short notice for their fake party. Rachel tries to figure out how she can kiss Joshua without letting him know that she likes him so they play spin the bottle. Rachel is about to kiss Joshua when Phoebe exclaims that the baby kicked so Rachel's …
  • 17. The One with the Free Porn
    Joey hits a button on the remote control and free porn is on TV. They can't turn it off anymore because otherwise they won't find the channel anymore. Ross is sad because Emily just left for the airport and he doesn't know when and if he will see her again. Ross catches Emily at the airport to say he loves her. Emily doesn't react and boards the plane. Phoebe finds out that she is pregnant with triplets and Frank will have to quit college to support such a large family. Chandler and Joey need a break from porn so they watch TV at the girls' place. Emily calls to tell …
  • 18. The One with Rachel's New Dress
    Frank and Alice name two of the babies and let Phoebe pick a name for the second boy. Phoebe wavers between the names “Chandler” or “Joey”, so the guys have a big competition whose name will be be picked. Ross freaks out because Susan is in London and is now really good friends with Emily - and it all seems too familiar. Rachel has a romantic date with Joshua and hopes to sleep with him. They are at Joshua's parents' place who are supposed to be on holidays, but come back unexpectedly. When they barge in, Rachel is wearing a sexy negligee and tells them it's a dress …
  • 19. The One with All the Haste
    Rachel and Monica can't stand the apartment anymore and want to trade it for basketball season tickets. Emily leaves again for London and Ross wants to ask her to move to New York. Chandler and Joey thinks it's outrageous because Ross has only known her for 6 weeks. The guys don't want to give up the apartment but agree to bet with the girls. Phoebe makes up a game no one understands so they cut a deck of cards and the guys win. Ross asks Emily to marry him and she says yes! While Joey and Chandler are at the game the girls move their stuff back into their apartment. …
  • 20. The One with All the Wedding Dresses
    Rachel and Ross talk about Ross's plans to get married. Rachel pretends to be absolutely fine about it because she and Joshua are serious. Emily found a wedding dress in London but they don't have it in her size but the store in New York does. Monica and Phoebe go to pick it up and Monica tries the dress on. Ross announces that the wedding is in 4 weeks. Rachel asks Joshua to marry her and he says … no! Joshua breaks up with Rachel and Rachel realizes she isn't handling Ross plans for the future too well because she always thought they would be together. Monica, …
  • 21. The One with the Invitation
    Emily's surprised remark she wouldn't want her ex-lovers on the wedding unlike Ross who invites Rachel starts him reminiscing about him getting and loosing Rachel. Everybody gets an invitation, but Phoebe may not fly during her pregnancy and Rachel feels it's just too hard for her, after reminiscing as well about her with and without Ross.
  • 22. The One with the Worst Best Man Ever
    Ross decides that Joey will be his best man but after the bachelor party Joey sleeps with the stripper they hired and she steals Ross' ring. Phoebe has terrible mood swings and is bitchy because of the hormones. Monica and Rachel throw her a very depressing baby shower because Phoebe won't have the babies so they give her presents she can use after her pregnancy but it only makes Phoebe angry. Joey desperately tries to retrieve the ring which has been in the Geller family for generations. Ross freaks out when he hears about the ring so the guys ring the stripper to …
  • 23. The One with Ross's Wedding: Part 1
    Even before they leave the apartment, Joey drives Chandler crazy by forgetting everything useful, even his passport, but crying every five seconds “London, baby!”, and photographing absolutely everything all the time, as if 6 hours on an airplane with Monica weren't bad enough. Emily was already a nervous wreck, but when she and Ross show Monica her dream site for the wedding that hall is already torn down, ahead of schedule! Ross hears Monica made her consider postponing and freaks out about their parents and transatlantic guests; she answers then they better call it…
  • 24. The One with Ross's Wedding: Part 2
    Phoebe calls to warn Emily of Rachel's impending arrival, but can't get through. The parents meet at the rehearsal dinner. Joey is homesick, but one of the bridesmaids fixes that. Rachel forgets her passport, but is soon on her way anyway. Chandler and Joey make toasts as the parents squabble. A drunken Chandler and Monica sleep together. Phoebe talks to Joey and warns him. Monica and Chandler act awkwardly around each other. The bridesmaid distracts Joey and Rachel sneaks through into the church. Ross is surprised but Rachel doesn't tell him of her feelings. Monica and Chandler decide to meet later.
  • 1. The One After Ross Says Rachel
    Everyone is shocked to hear Ross say Rachel instead of Emily but they continue with the ceremony. Emily is really mad at Ross and says she hates him at the party. Monica and Chandler agree to only sleep together while they're in London. Emily flees the wedding through the bathroom window. Everyone except Rachel thinks it didn't mean anything that Ross said her name. Emily is utterly humiliated and never wants to see Ross again. The friends return to New York. Rachel is still in London an stand-by for a flight and Ross waits at the airport for Emily. Rachel and Ross …
  • 2. The One with All the Kissing
    Monica and Chandler are still seeing each other without telling anyone. Ross keeps confusing Emily's and Rachel's names and has a lot of rage. Rachel comes back from Greece. She pretends that she isn't mad at Ross for abandoning her on the plane. Rachel puts Monica in charge of her love life and decisions because Rachel always chooses the wrong way. Chandler has to kiss Rachel and Phoebe all the time because they always catch him kiss Monica. The friends want to take a trip to Antlantic City with Phoebe because she felt left out after their London trip. Rachel tells …
  • 3. The One Hundredth
    Phoebe is having her brother's babies, 2 girls and a boy, Leslie, Chandler and Frank Jr. Jr.
  • 4. The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS
    Almost caught once again, Chandler arrives with champagne for Monica, but instead finds the whole gang in her apartment so he says he is celebrating that his office just got wrinkle free fax paper. Joey thinks he has been hired as host for a PBS telethon, but is actually just one of many phone operators on screen. Phoebe says she hates PBS because it reminds her of the miserable days when her mother watched Sesame Street on it before committing suicide and even bitches Joeys telethon is selfishness masquerading as a good deed. When he retorts there is no such thing as…
  • 5. The One with the Kips
    Chandler and Monica plan a weekend on false work-related pretenses so they can be alone. Ross tells Rachel that Emily is coming to New York and they can't see each other anymore. On top of that, Rachel's dog Lapooh just died so she is furious and both her and Ross are inconsolable. Monica constantly demands new hotel rooms for silly reasons and Chandler can't keep his eyes from the TV. They argue, and when they return home Chandler tells Monica he thought their relationship was over. To his delight, Monica is determined to make up and continue. After a number of …
  • 6. The One with the Yeti
    Emily tells Ross she wants a divorce after he decides to keep seeing Rachel.
  • 7. The One Where Ross Moves In
    Emily's cousin kicks Ross out, so he moves in with Chandler and Joey. They try to get him to move out because he drives them crazy. Rachel and Monica's new neighbor invites them to his party but Rachel makes an excuse not to go. Phoebe starts dating a health inspector, but every time they go out to eat he finds a reason to close the restaurant down. Chandler and Joey decide to let Ross stay.
  • 8. The One with the Thanksgiving Flashbacks
    The friends had a great Thanksgiving dinner and remember their worst Thanksgivings they ever had. Chandler tells Monica he loves her.
  • 9. The One with Ross's Sandwich
    Ross brings his leftover thanksgiving sandwich to work, but someone eats it. He finds out that it was his boss, who puts him on sabbatical and sends him to a psychiatrist for anger management therapy. Phoebe takes a literature class and asks Rachel to come with her, but instead of reading the books, Rachel comes and asks Phoebe what they're about right before the class begins. Monica takes the class instead of Rachel, but she tries to make the class more challenging and no one likes her.
  • 10. The One with the Inappropriate Sister
    Joey's new roommate Ross is bored out of his mind, while on sabbatical, and shows absolutely not aptitude for relaxing and pranks. Phoebe is determined to ‘spread joy’ all over the city as Santa's elf collecting for charity, but takes it too personal while many New Yorkers rather dump trash then actually donate money in the bin, thus reviving ‘street Phoebe’. Joey is exasperated: even a part for an Italian Brooklyn actor his age is nailed by an unfit celebrity, so Ross makes it his mission to coach him creating his own part by writing a script; alas Chandler's idea …
  • 11. The One with All the Resolutions
    It's New Year's Eve and the friends discuss their resolutions. Ross' resolution is to be happy in 1999 and to do something he hasn't done before every single day. Joey wants to learn how to play guitar to actually have one special skill he lists on his resume. Rachel's resolution is to stop gossiping. Chandler won't make fun of his friends for a whole year. Monica wants to take more pictures of the group. Phoebe's method to teach how to play the guitar is very weird and Joey finds a qualified teacher. Rachel finds out that Monica is secretly seeing Chandler. Ross has …
  • 12. The One with Chandler's Work Laugh
    Rachel wants to know all details about Chandler and Monica, Joey paid attention to none, so she's all over Monica at Central Perk and at home, but nothing makes her spill any beans. Ross' ex Emily is going to marry; so he smashes a scone. Chandler and Monica enjoy being a couple at his office party; as his boss Doug and his wife Kara love her, they are invited to play tennis at Doug's place, where Chandler goes to great lengths to let Doug win, despite Monica who is furious he's such a suck-up at work; they get a dinner invitation, where Monica first inspires Chandler…
  • 13. The One with Joey's Bag
    Phoebe's grandma has died. Joey wants to look great for an audition and Rachel takes him down to the store to help him out. They pick a shoulder bag to go with the clothes. Joey likes the bag so much he isn't going to return it after the audition. Phoebe meets her dad at the funeral but doesn't tell him who she is. Joey doesn't get the part because of his bag. Phoebe meets her dad for coffee. He came to the funeral to speak to Lily and Phoebe tells him that she died 17 ago. She also tells her dad that she is his daughter. Joey gives up the bag because the world isn't …
  • 14. The One Where Everybody Finds Out
    Ugly Naked Guy is moving and Ross is trying to get his great apartment. While Rachel, Ross and Phoebe have a look at the apartment Phoebe sees that Monica and Chandler kiss. Joey is grateful that they can finally tell them that everyone knows about their relationship. But Phoebe and Rachel don't want to tell them and have their fun by messing with them. Phoebe makes a pass at Chandler and Rachel gives them all her laundry when Monica and Chandler go to do “laundry”. Ross tries to bribe Ugly Naked Guy with muffins but so many people want the apartment and bribe him. …
  • 15. The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey
    Ross has found out about Chandler and Monica's relationship and is angry. Although, when he finds out that they are in love with each other he is happy with their relationship. Joey is dating a girl that keeps on hitting him (although the hitting is friendly, they punches are still quite hard). Ross finishes moving into his new apartment and the President of the Tenants Committee asks for a $100 donation (for the handyman who is retiring), as a thank you. Ross does not want to give the money as he just moved in and it's against his principles. Because everyone in the …
  • 16. The One with the Cop
    After Joey saw Monica and Chandler doing a crossword together, he dreams about non-sexual closeness with her; they stop him moving out, and suggest their relationship probably looks so appealing because it started as friendship; so Joey transfers his interest to Rachel, who isn't interested. Phoebe finds a wallet with NYPD badge at Central Perk; after Chandler points out playing cop with real people is a serious crime, she decides to bring it to the police station, but pulls it a last time on her way- to the real cop, Gary. Ross buys a couch, refuses to pay almost as …
  • 17. The One with Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss
    Phoebe claims that she and Gary are the hotter couple than Monica and Chandler. Monica wants to prove her wrong by having more sex with Chandler. Rachel has an interview for a job at Ralph Lauren. Joey flirts across the street with a girl in Ross' building but he can't find her apartment. Rachel screws up her interview by mistakenly kissing the guy doing the interview. Joey can't find the girl but Ross meets her and asks her out. Rachel gets the job despite her inappropriate behaviour. Monica is so obsessed about being the hotter couple because she is afraid they're …
  • 18. The One Where Rachel Smokes
    Joey is envious when Ross' boy Ben gets an audition for a commercial, but is delighted to hear there also is a part for the father, so he teams up with his godchild; both pass the first round. Everybody hopes on free stuff now Rachel starts her job with Ralph Lauren. Phoebe suggests to throw an intimate dinner as surprise birthday party for Rachel, a month in advance, but Monica quickly takes over in grand style- Phoebe insists to be in charge of something, so she gets cups and ice. Rachel quickly finds her boss Kim and collaborators tend to take all decisions on the …
  • 19. The One Where Ross Can't Flirt
    First Ross takes Chandler's natural joking with pizza delivery girl Caitlin for ‘flirting behind Monica’s back', and actually tells her, just now they celebrate their 10 month anniversary, which starts a discussion whether flirting by men is innocent, not by females. Then Ross decides to demonstrate his flirtatious talent, which the others know to be abysmal, even conquering Rachel took him nine years. Meanwhile Joey brings over Nonnie, his Italian grandmother who doesn't speak any English but was his only relative who always believed in his career, to watch a Law and…
  • 20. The One with the Ride Along
    The guys goes on a ride along with Gary.
  • 21. The One with the Ball
    Gary wants to ask Phoebe to move in with him. Phoebe is freaked because it's so soon and asks Chandler to make him afraid of commitment so Gary won't ask her. Joey and Ross throw a ball back and forth without dropping it for hours. Rachel buys a very expensive naked cat. Monica joins the boys in their ball throwing game. Rachel's cat isn't as cute as Rachel thought it would be but the store won't take it back. Phoebe agrees to move on with Gary. Rachel sells the cat for $1,500 to poor Gunther. . Phoebe breaks up with Gary because he shot a bird. Monica, Chandler, Joey…
  • 22. The One with Joey's Big Break
    Joey is excited to get the lead in a thriller, Shutterspeed, so he and Chandler decide to drive to Las Vegas where it's being shot, in Phoebe's late grandma's cab. Monica sees to it that terrified Rachel gets a glaucoma-test and the necessary eye-drops, whatever that takes. Phoebe is furious at Ross, but won't say why, or doesn't even remember, or… The instant answers-technique Phoebe taught Joey, to choose between two routes, makes Chandler blurt out he doesn't believe it's going to be Joey's big break as he gets no pay, just 1% of profit. The indignant star-to-be …
  • 23. The One in Vegas: Part 1
    Joey calls Phoebe; refusing to take Chandler's apologies for not believing in his film, he barks for him to not come over- he's working as a gladiator in armor in a Vegas casino. Monica tells Phoebe, who may not tell Chandler, that she met and lunched with Richard, but felt nothing. Monica decides to give Chandler one anniversary present a day early: tickets for Las Vegas; Phoebe insists everyone goes, to make up for her missing London. Ross and Rachel have previous engagements but decide to follow the next day. As Phoebe put the idea in her head, Rach tests out …
  • 24. The One in Vegas: Part 2
    Chandler and Monica reconcile and hastily decide to get married. Ross and Rachel get drunk and roam the casino. Phoebe deals with a ‘lurker’ on the slot machines.
  • 1. The One After Vegas
    Ross and Rachel wake up in bed together not remembering anything from the night before. Joey's movie is officially canceled. Chandler tells Joey that he almost got married to Monica but now realizes that they are moving too fast but does not know how to tell Monica. Monica talks to Phoebe as she feels the same but does not know how to tell Chandler. Ross and Rachel find out that they got married. They hope that the marriage can be annulled. Phoebe and Joey drive back to New York in Phoebe's cab. Ross decides not to annul the marriage because he doesn't want to be the …
  • 2. The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel
    Chandler and Monica tell everyone they're going to move in together. Rachel is happy because she thinks the three of them will live together. Ross decides to get the annulment because people think he is still in love with Rachel and that's why he doesn't want to get divorced, but he needs Rachel to annul it and thus has to tell her they're still married. Monica tells Rachel that she and Chandler want to live together on their own. Monica is surprised that Rachel doesn't seem upset at all. Rachel isn't upset because she doesn't think they're gonna go through with it …
  • 3. The One with Ross's Denial
    Rachel is looking for a room and Joey offers her Chandler's old room. Ross hasn't told Rachel that they are still married. Ross denies having feelings for Rachel and he says he only hugged her for comfort. Chandler and Monica fight about what to do with the spare room. Joey is looking for a female roommate. Rachel can't find an apartment so Ross asks her to move in with him. Monica doesn't want Chandler to bring any of his furniture over because it doesn't match her stuff. They fight but make up again. Ross isn't sure whether Rachel moving in was a good idea because …
  • 4. The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance
    Ross gets a part time job as guest lecturer at the university. Joey's health insurance expires because he wasn't paying so he goes to see his agent. Phoebe's psychic says Phoebe will die within a week but she doesn't know how she will be killed. Rachel and Monica sneak into Ross' lecture and find that he is doing a fake British accent. He says he couldn't help it - he was nervous when having his first lecture and the British accent just came out of his mouth. Joey has a hernia but doesn't want to go to the hospital because he isn't covered by insurance anymore. Monica…
  • 5. The One with Joey's Porsche
    Joey finds keys to a Porsche and wants to leave them at the lost and found but nobody seems to miss their keys. Joey gets great response from people when he stands next to the car. Rachel doesn't know where to live until Phoebe offers her a room. Rachel takes care of the divorce because she doesn't trust Ross anymore. Alice and Frank give Phoebe the triplets to babysit for a day and Monica and Chandler help her take care of them. Joey washes the Porsche when the owner comes by and takes it away. Rachel and Ross go before the judge but Rachel filled in untrue reasons …
  • 6. The One on the Last Night
    Chandler shows Joey how to pay the bills but Joey doesn't have enough money and won't accept money from his friends. It is the night before Chandler moves in and Rachel moves out. Rachel hasn't packed and everyone has to help. Rachel and Monica are mad at each other because they list all the things that have been bothering them about the other. Chandler and Joey play for money and Chandler lets Joey win so Joey doesn't have to accept charity from him. Monica and Rachel get along again after listing the nice things they do for each other and are really sad about not …
  • 7. The One Where Phoebe Runs
    Joey finds sexy Janine, a dancer from Australia, as a roommate. Rachel and Phoebe go jogging together to bond. Phoebe runs like an elephant because it makes running a lot more fun but Rachel doesn't want to go jogging with her anymore because she is embarrassing. Joey can't flirt with Janine because they live together and it would be too complicated. Chandler finds out how obsessed Monica is with everything and he has to move the furniture back to how it was before he moved it. Joey is drawn to Janine and has to find a way to repel her. But Janine tells him she …
  • 8. The One with Ross' Teeth
    Joey is afraid that Janine makes their place too girlie with all her stuff. Phoebe makes out with Ralph Lauren and it's Rachel's chance to be liked by her boss Kim by gossiping about it. But it turns out that it wasn't Ralph Lauren Phoebe made out with and Rachel will get in trouble if her boss finds out. Monica fixes Ross up with Hillary from work and Ross whitens his teeth for the date until they are shiny bright. They have to find a way to make his teeth look less bright so he puts on make-up. Kim thinks Rachel made out with Ralph Lauren and dislikes her even more….
  • 9. The One Where Ross Got High
    The Gellar parents are coming over for Thanksgiving but they don't know that Chandler moved in with Monica nor that they are dating because they don't like Chandler. Chandler's plan is to be very charming and make them like him then tell them that he is dating Monica. Rachel made a trifle for dessert but put two recipes together so it has beef and peas in it. Chandler is sucking up to the Gellars but Ross tells him that they don't like him because Ross was caught smoking pot in college and he blamed it on Chandler. Ross has to clear it all up but he first organizes …
  • 10. The One with the Routine
    Janine is going to be a party person in a New Year's Eve TV broadcast and asks Joey, Monica and Ross to come along for the taping. Rachel, Phoebe and Chandler look for the gifts MOnica got for them while the others are at the taping. Monica and Ross really want to be on TV but they would have to dance on the platform which only the selected people can. They put on the “routine” - a dance they did in primary school - for the selection guy and they get to dance on the platform. Joey wanted to kiss Janine on the fake midnight but missed his chance. When they get back …
  • 11. The One with the Apothecary Table
    Rachel ordered an apothecary table but Phoebe will hate it because it is mass manufactured. Joey and Janine go out with Chandler and Monica but Janine thinks they are too much and doesn't want to hang out with them every night. Rachel tells Phoebe she got the table at the flea market and Phoebe loves it. But there is one problem: Ross ordered the exact same table. Rachel orders a whole new living room and tells Phoebe she got it all from the flea market but Phoebe finds out that Rachel lied to her but isn't mad because she likes some stuff from the shop they don't …
  • 12. The One with the Joke
    Ross has sent a joke to be printed in Playboy magazine, which they did but Chandler claims it was his joke so he starts logging his jokes. While the girls go through the Playboy, Phoebe manages to insult Monica by saying she thinks Rachel the better choice to go out with. Later Rachel also insults Monica by saying she's high-maintenance. When Joey must explain to Gunther he can't pay his bill because he's broke, he gets a job at Central Perk as a waiter. He tries in vain to keep his job a secret from the friends, who end up reassuring him and offering advice. Unable …
  • 13. The One with Rachel's Sister
    Ross dates Rachel's sister. Monica won't admit she is sick.
  • 14. The One Where Chandler Can't Cry
    Chandler admits that he hasn't cried since he was a child. Phoebe discovers that Ursula is starring in porno movies using her name. Rachel desperately tries to stop Ross and Jill from starting a relationship.
  • 15. The One That Could Have Been: Part 1
    After Rachel finds our that Barry (her ex-fiancé) & Mindy (her ex-best friend) were getting divorced, the friends imagine what life would be like if: *Ross was still married to Carol, *Rachel had married Barry. *Phoebe had taken a job offer at ‘Meryl Lynch’ *Chandler had quit his job & wrote stories for ‘The Newyorker’. *Joey was still on ‘Days of our lives’ & *Monica was still fat. …
  • 16. The One That Could Have Been: Part 2
    Carol and Ross decide to have a threesome to spice up their marriage. Rachel goes to Joey's and kisses him. Chandler and Monica have sex and end up together anyway. Susan meets Carol. Rachel catches Barry cheating.
  • 17. The One with Unagi
    Rachel and Phoebe take a self-defense class, and claim they can defeat anyone who attacks them. Ross doesn't believe them, and educates them of a martial arts technique called unagi. Chandler and Monica promise they'd make each other's Valentines Day gifts, but they both forget to make them.
  • 18. The One Where Ross Dates a Student
    Ross gets his anonymous teacher evaluations back and finds out that he has an admirer amongst his students. The student, Elizabeth, asks Ross out. There was a fire in Phoebe's apartment probably due to Phoebe's candles. Phoebe stays at Joey's and Rachel at Monica's until the apartment will be fixed. Chandler's friend Dana from college directs the new Al Pacino movie so Chandler has to take her out to get Joey an audition. Ross and Elizabeth have a great time on their date. Phoebe finds out that the fire was caused by Rachel's hair iron so Rachel has to stay at Joey's …
  • 19. The One with Joey's Fridge
    Joey's fridge is broken and he tries to get everyone to pay for his fridge. Rachel is looking for a date for a charity ball and Phoebe, Chandler and Monica look for a guy. Phoebe finds a guy and Chandler and Monica find one so they have a big competition to get Rachel pick their guy. Joey has to eat all his food because the fridge is gone. Ross mistakenly thinks that Elizabeth wants to go on a trip with him and is very relieved when she only wants to tell him that she's going on Spring vacation with her friends. But when Ross realizes that she is going to party a lot …
  • 20. The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.
    Monica has an interview for a chef position, but leaves when the boss comments on every things she does as if it were dirty sex. Joey gets his hopes up over his first significant acting job since Dr. Drake Ramore. He has the part of science fiction hero Mac Machiavelli, the crime-fighting partner of a cool robot, C.H.E.E.S.E., which stands for Computerised Humanoid Electronically Enhanced Secret Enforcer. Monica bursts into the apartment making Chandler forget to finish a note for Joey that his decisive second audition has been moved two hours earlier. The friends …
  • 21. The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad
    Elizabeth's dad meets Ross to tell him he doesn't like him going out with Elizabeth. Ross asks for a chance to impress Mr Stevens and he gives him 2 minutes to do so. Ross fails utterly even though the friends try to make him look good. When Rachel meets Mr Stevens again they talk for ages and start dating. Ross sees his chance of getting Mr Stevens blessing because Rachel can change Mr Steven's opinion of Ross. Joey is about to lose his job on Mac and CHEESE because the robot inventor and controller doesn't like him. The robot guy promises Joey to get his job back if…
  • 22. The One Where Paul's the Man
    Elizabeth's dad Paul tells Ross not to see Elizabeth anymore or he will call the university and have him fired. Monica, Phoebe and Rachel go to a museum and learn that the beautiful museum can be hired for weddings. There is a 2-year waiting list and they all make a reservation - if they don't have a guy by then they can always cancel it. Elizabeth and Ross don't stop seeing each other and agree to hide their relationship from Paul. They go to Elizabeth's grandma's cottage for the weekend but Rachel and Paul turn up as well. Ross catches Paul doing an embarrassing …
  • 23. The One with the Ring
    Only Phoebe is allowed to know about Chandler's plan to propose to Monica and they look for an engagement ring together. To cover for their secrecy Phoebe tells Ross that Chandler is mad at him. Things are going well between Rachel and Paul except Rachel wishes he would open up a little and talk more about himself. When Paul finally does share some stories he gets very emotional and can't stop crying. Chandler and Phoebe find the perfect ring but somebody buys it when Chandler goes to get his credit card from Joey. Chandler ends up buying a different, less nice ring …
  • 24. The One with the Proposal: Part 1
    Tonight is the big night for Chandler: he will propose to Monica. Rachel, Phoebe and Joey go to a beneficial dinner organized by Rachel's boss. Joey bids at a silent auction because he thought you had to guess the prize and therefore buys a boat for $20,000. Just as Chandler is about to propose Richard walks into the restaurant with his girlfriend and they sit at the table next to Chandler and Monica so Chandler can't propose. Elizabeth isn't as mature as Ross had thought so he breaks up with her. Chandler doesn't want to make Monica suspicious and find out about his …
  • 25. The One with the Proposal: Part 2
    Monica struggles to decide between Richard and Chandler. Meanwhile, Rachel and Phoebe discuss their backup plans if they are not married before the time they're 40.
  • 1. The One with Monica's Thunder
    It's still the night of Monica and Chandler's engagement and they all dress up to go drink champagne at the Plaza. Rachel is a little sad and lonely and asks Ross whether they want to have a night together with no strings attached. Monica catches them kissing and is upset because she waited her whole life for that day and thought it would only be about her engagement but now it is about Rachel and Ross getting back together - they stole “Monica's thunder”. Monica is really upset and doesn't want to go out for champagne anymore. Monica and Rachel have a huge fight and …
  • 2. The One with Rachel's Book
    The wedding planning starts and Monica already has a whole book full of information on everything you need for a wedding. Joey takes a nap in Rachel's bed and finds out that she reads dirty books and doesn't stop teasing Rachel about it. To give Monica and Chandler a little time on their own Phoebe moves in with Ross for a couple of days. Ross freaks out when Phoebe does her massages at Ross' place and asks her to see her clients elsewhere. One of Phoebe's clients comes by when Phoebe isn't there and Ross gives him a weird massage. Monica's parents spent the money for…
  • 3. The One with Phoebe's Cookies
    The gang discuss what to get Monica and Chandler as engagement presents. Monica really wants Phoebe's grandma's chocolate chip cookie recipe but Phoebe's grandma made her swear never to let the recipe out of the family.She finally agrees to give it to Monica. Unfortunately, the fire in Phoebe's apartment destroyed the recipe so she gives Monica and Chandler the only cookie left as a present. Monica tries to figure out the recipe from the cookie and makes heaps of different ones. Rachel tries to teach Joey how to sail which proves to be quite difficult. Chandler wants …
  • 4. The One with Rachel's Assistant
    Joey and Rachel compete over who has the best news. Rachel was promoted by Ralph Lauren, in person, to head a division and subsequently can hire a personal assistant. Although Hilda has all relevant qualifications and plenty of experience, Rachel she still chooses young Tag Johnson, who the girls and Chandler consider beautiful enough to be a model. Tag is greatly surprised that his clumsy interview didn't lose him the job, but gets increasingly suspicious as it seems people believe he gay, a lie spread by Rachel so she can keep him for herself. However he is more …
  • 5. The One with the Engagement Picture
    Monica's mom arranged to get their wedding announced in the paper, but they need to get a picture from a professional photographer as any camera makes Chandler grin look like a hyenas. Phoebe dates Kyle, who knows both Chandler and Ross -thwho nicknamed him ‘Hums While He Pees’- from their basketball club. Ross gets to divert his crazy ex Whitney by taking her to a ballroom dance-date. Rachel is completely smitten with her office assistant Tag, enough to smell his cloths and be jealous when their colleague Melissa asks him out. Rachel even pays Joey to take Tag out, …
  • 6. The One with the Nap Partners
    Joey and Ross have a nap together, and Rachel and Phoebe need to decide who will be Monica's bridesmaid.
  • 7. The One with Ross' Library Book
    Monica runs into Janice and Janice is shocked to hear that she is getting married to Chandler but invites herself and her boyfriend to the wedding. Ross' doctoral dissertation can be found at the library but when he goes to see it he finds out that the Palaentology section of the library is only used when students make out together. Therefore Ross decides to defend the area. Rachel and Phoebe find the perfect girl for Joey and he is really into her but she doesn't feel the same way. Chandler and Monica can finally get rid of Janice.
  • 8. The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs
    It's Thanksgiving and the friends and Tag are preparing for dinner. Phoebe secretly keeps a dog she is watching for friends who went out of town in her room at Monica and Chandler's apartment. Everybody thought Chandler was allergic to dogs but the truth is that he hates dogs because he scared of them because you can never tell what they're thinking. Tag broke up with his girlfriend and Rachel is thinking about making a move. When Rachel tells Tag that she likes him he doesn't reply because he sees his car being stolen. Later on Rachel says he should just forget about…
  • 9. The One with All the Candy
    Monica makes candy for their neighbours even though they don't know them. The neighbours love the candy and Monica becomes very popular in the building. Rachel and Tag try to hide their relationship at work but when Rachel writes a revealing evaluation as a joke and Tag sends it on to human resources without reading it, they have a problem. Ross finds out that Phoebe never owned a bike so he buys her the prettiest pink bike there is and teaches Phoebe how to ride. Tag and Rachel almost get fired but manage to solve the problem. TOns of people hang around the apartment…
  • 10. The One with the Holiday Armadillo
    Ross wants to introduce Ben to Chanukah. In order to entice Rachel to move back into their refurbished apartment, Pheobe must drive a wedge between Rachel and current roomie Joey.
  • 11. The One with All the Cheesecakes
    Chandler and Rachel eat a cheesecake that was accidentally delivered to their door and it's the best cheesecake they've ever had. Another cheesecake gets delivered and they try to resist and drop it off to their neighbour that was supposed to receive it. Ross is invited to a cousin's wedding but Monica isn't. Monica is very upset because she was the girl's best friend when they grew up together so she gets Ross to take her instead of a date. Rachel and Chandler find the cheesecake untouched in front of the neighbour's door so they take it. Monica wasn't invited to the…
  • 12. The One Where They're Up All Night
    In the beginning, the 6 friends plus Tag are sitting on the roof looking for comets. Later, everyone goes inside except for Ross and Joey, who takes the tube that was holding the door open off. Ross and Joey are then locked on the roof until they get the idea to go down the fire escape. Phoebe's fire alarm keeps beeping and it won't stop. She eventually breaks the fire alarm and throws it down the trash chute. A fireman returns the fire alarm to Phoebe, who can't stop the fire alarm because the reset button broke off. Monica and Chandler can't sleep, so Chandler …
  • 13. The One Where Rosita Dies
    Rachel wants to have a place to sit in front of the TV but Joey tells her Rosita, the armchair, does not move. Rachel tries to move it anyway and breaks it in half. The Gellers sell their house and Monica and Ross have to take their childhood memories home but Monica's boxes were ruined in a flood. Phoebe starts working as a telephone sales woman and talks to Earl who want to kill himself. Chandler sits in the armchair and thinks he broke it so he secretly exchanges Rosita with his chair. Meanwhile Joey and Rachel went to buy a new armchair as well so now they have …
  • 14. The One Where They All Turn Thirty
    It's Rachel's 30th birthday and they all reflect on all their 30th birthdays. Rachel is really upset because according to her life plan she should already be with the One and she realizes that Tag could never be the man she would want to spend the rest of her life with.
  • 15. The One with Joey's New Brain
    Joey gets an opportunity to rejoin Days of Our Lives when his comatose character is implanted with the brain of a female character. Joey approaches her to get some advise on how to play her character but she's unaware that she's being written off and freaks out at Joey. Later she tries to give him some pointers and they end up spending the night together. Ross tells Chandler and Monica he has a surprise for their wedding which turns out to be him playing the bagpipes which is terrible. Rachel and Phoebe have their eye on a guy at the coffee house and when he leaves …
  • 16. The One with the Truth About London
    Rachel watches Ben for an hour and is a little scared because she's never been alone with him before. Rachel teaches Ben practical jokes to entertain him but everybody hates the pranks. Chandler and Monica try to choose a minister but can't find one so they promise Joey that he can marry them. Joey gets his minister certificate on the Internet and writes his speech including the story how Chandler and Monica got together. Chandler finds out that Monica actually wanted to sleep with Joey when she knocked on the door but Chandler was the only one there. Chandler is …
  • 17. The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress
    Monica takes the other girls to an overpriced store to choose her wedding dress, briefing as if they were in the military as bargain-hunters are far more ruthless then Rachel can usually handle. The worst shopper is Megan who grabs the dress Monica wants then blackmails her over booking of a particular swing band which is about the only thing Chandler really wants for the wedding. Ross and Joey independently meet and date Kristen Leigh while helping her move in. The rivals agree to let her choose after one date with each but they get so carried away cheating on the …
  • 18. The One with Joey's Award
    Joey is nominated for a Soapy Award for his part on Days of Our Lives and Rachel is his date to the ceremony. Joey doesn't win the award but takes someone else's award home. Rachel convinces him to take it back because he can't be happy with an award he didn't win. One of Ross' students failed the midterms because he is in love with Ross and can't concentrate in class so Ross changes his grade. But now more students come to Ross pretending to be in love with him in order to get a better grade. When Rachel and Joey take the Soapy back the real winner just throws it …
  • 19. The One with Ross and Monica's Cousin
    Joey is tickled pink when he gets a Catholic Italian immigrant part in a rising director's next period film, until his agent tells him it has an essential full frontal nudity scene. Just as Monica has convinced him a movie career is worth showing his family jewels he finds out that the roles means he shouldn't be circumcised, which he is so Monica promises to attempt to make something that should help. Cousin Cassie Geller stays with Chandler and Monica until their wedding, but as the little girl has grown into a supermodel since they last saw her, Chandler's ogling …
  • 20. The One with Rachel's Big Kiss
    Rachel bumps into her old friend Melissa from college who she once kissed after drinking too much sangria. Monica has the seating chart for the wedding finished and Chandler is really sad that only about 10 guests are from his side. Chandler goes to see Rachel at Ralph Lauren's to choose a tux and picks the tux that Pierce Brosnan wore once and sent back. Chandler thinks he is the coolest until he finds out that Ross picked the tux worn by Val Kilmer in Batman. Phoebe doesn't believe Rachel that she made out with Melissa so she goes to dinner with them to ask Melissa …
  • 21. The One with the Vows
    Monica and Chandler are getting married in 4 weeks and have to write their vows but both of them don't have a clue what to say so they reflect on their past.
  • 22. The One with Chandler's Dad
    Finding out she's the only one of the friends who never got to drive Monica's Posche, Rachel steals the car keys from Ross, who feels responsible so he jumps in before learning Rachel's license expired. They get stopped, twice, but flirting doesn't work with both officers. When Phoebe's studly boyfriend Jake bends over, Joey sees he wears lingerie. Phoebe tells Joey that they exchanged underwear and it takes a really confident man to dare doing so. Joey can't resist trying it himself. Chandler refuses to send a wedding invitation to his father, who made his entire …
  • 23. The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding: Part 1
    Joey unexpectedly gets a part in a movie about soldiers in World War I but his famous co-star Richard Crosby keeps spitting in his face for the sake of articulation. Ross makes everybody burst into laughter by threatening Chandler physically if he ever hurts his little sister. Chandler and Monica have their rehearsal dinner and after seeing his sexy celebrity mother and drag-queen dad, Chandler suddenly freaks out thinking about becoming “Mr. and Mrs Bing.” He freaks out more when he hears the new answering machine message Monica recorded, so he writes a vague apology…
  • 24. The One With Chandler And Monica's Wedding (2)
    Joey encounters problems trying to get off the movie set to officiate the wedding when the star turns up drunk. Meanwhile, Ross desperately searches for the missing Chandler as Rachel and Phoebe try to keep Monica from finding out. While the girls are searching, they come across a positive pregnancy test in a garbage can which they assume is Monica's. However, it turns out that it may actually belong to Rachel…
  • 1. The One After I Do
    Bride Monica emphatically denies the rumor of her pregnancy, which has even reached Ross. Rachel frantically fears and refuses to tell the truth, so Phoebe pretends to be the mother to be. But when she remembers she shouldn't be drinking alcohol and spits outs champagne Monica guesses the truth. Ordered to change from his World War I uniform costume, Joey can only find a white tennis kit to wear. Ross sees an attractive guest and changes the seating arrangement to sit with her, but mixes up numbers 6 with 9 landing instead at the kids table, on a chair which makes '…
  • 2. The One with the Red Sweater
    Monica, Phoebe and Joey advise Rachel to tell the father about the pregnancy. Chandler and Ross lose the wedding photos.
  • 3. The One Where Rachel Tells...
    Even on honeymoon, Monica is pushy and is annoyed that Chandler wouldn't jump the queue at the airport check-in especially when the couple before them, also on honeymoon, get bumped up to first class. They try to sneak into the first class lounge, but are caught but at least she can nick an orange. Joey and Phoebe find Monica and Chandler have tricked them out of the keys of the master apartment; Joey hoped a false gas leak alert would make super Treeger use his key, but he makes a fireman use an axe and the wrecked door calls for a big lie. Rachel is finally ready to…
  • 4. The One with the Videotape
    Ross and Rachel tell the friends about the night they were together. Ross tells that he has a tape from that night.
  • 5. The One with Rachel's Date
    Phoebe dates Monica's sous-chef Tim and Monica doesn't fire him for Phoebe's sake. When Phoebe decides to dump Tim Monica can finally fire him. Rachel has a date with Kash, a co-star on Days of Our Lives. Ross thinks it's weird because whoever takes Rachel out, takes his baby out too. He always pictured that his next child would grow up in a happy family. Rachel's date was terrible because she made the mistake of mentioning she was pregnant. Ross reassures her it isn't so bad because when she has the baby she will love someone more than she ever loved anyone.
  • 6. The One with the Halloween Party
    Monica and Chandler are having a costume party for Halloween. Phoebe bumps into Ursula who is getting married in a week and invites her in return for Ursula's invitation for the wedding. Phoebe really likes Ursula's fiancé Eric. Eric and Ursula only met two weeks earlier and Phoebe finds out that Ursula told Eric a lot of lies about herself. Phoebe tells him the truth about Ursula while Rachel is trying to be good with children by handing out candy and money after the candy is gone.
  • 7. The One with the Stain
    Chandler hires a maid to clean the apartment and Monica promises to give her a chance. Eric broke up with Ursula and asks Phoebe out for lunch but he is still upset about Ursula and can't look at Phoebe without seeing Ursula. Rachel is looking for an apartment because she can't stay with Joey once the baby is here. Monica is very patient with the cleaning lady but thinks the girl stole her jeans and is wearing them. Monica remembers dropping ink and making a stain in the crotch of the jeans and tries to find out if they really are her jeans. Phoebe and Eric make out …
  • 8. The One with the Stripper
    Chandler finds out that Monica had a bacholerette party with stripper even though they promised not to have bachelor/bachelorette parties. Rachel takes Phoebe to have dinner with Rachel's dad because she is afraid her dad will be really angry when Rachel tells him she's pregnant. Mr Green is delighted to hear he will be grandfather but freaks out when he finds out that Rachel isn't getting married so she just tells him Ross won't marry her. Monica feels bad about having had a bachelorette party so she organizes a bachelor party including a stripper for Chandler. Joey …
  • 9. The One with the Rumor
    Will, an old friend of Ross' is in town and Monica invited him for Thanksgiving dinner. Will used to be really fat in high school and he really hates Rachel because she was horrible to him. Will shows his hatred and tells Rachel they had the “I-hate-Rachel-Greene-Club” in high school. The members of the club: Will and Ross! Their club spread a rumor that Rachel had both male and female reproductive parts. Everybody knew about the rumor and Rachel figures that's why certain guys wouldn't go out with her. It turns out that Rachel told everyone about how Ross made out …
  • 10. The One with Monica's Boots
    Monica buys really expensive but fabulous boots. Chandler wants to return them but Monica promises to wear them all the time and they'll be worth the money. Monica really does wear them all the time now but they hurt like hell. Joey's youngest sister Dina is pregnant and comes to Rachel for advice and they go tell Joey who gets really upset about it. Phoebe finds out that Sting's son is in Ben's class so she goes to see Sting's wife pretending to want to talk about Ben and Jack in order to get tickets to Sting's concert. It all ends in a restraining order for Phoebe.
  • 11. The One with Ross's Step Forward
    Ross and Mona took pictures of themselves at the Rockefeller Center and now Mona wants to send the picture as a Holiday card to friends. Ross freaks out at the thought of them sending out Holiday cards together because they've only been dating a couple of months. Ross tries to have a conversation about their relationship and says all the wrong things and ends up giving Mona a key to his apartment. Chandler has to tell his boss that he split up with Monica in order to prevent that Monica has to have dinner with Chandler and his boss.
  • 12. The One Where Joey Dates Rachel
    Phoebe gives Chandler and Monica a late wedding present: the game Ms Pac-Man. Chandler plays it all day long to be better than Monica and Phoebe. Rachel misses dressing up for romantic dates so Joey promises to take her out. They have a wonderfully romantic date pretending they're not roommates and they get to know each other a whole new level. Monica and Phoebe have to try to beat Chandler's top scores because Ben is coming over to play and Chandler put dirty words as names for the top scores. Joey has a crush on Rachel and feels weird about it.
  • 13. The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath
    After his openhearted evening with Rachel, Joey finds it impossible to go back to thinking about her as just a friend, yet he can't talk about it, not even to Chandler. As Joey rambles, only shutting up when Phoebe enters make Monica concludes he must be in love with Phoebe. Considering baby names, parents to be Ross and Rachel find no word in common except ‘veto’! They agree not to ask the child's sex, yet Ross notices the gynecologist takes a peak, sod asks the doc afterward. After Chandler was unable to understand why Monica loves taking an elaborate bath, she …
  • 14. The One with the Secret Closet
    Chandler's very curious about a locked closet, but Monica won't tell him what is inside.
  • 15. The One with the Birthing Video
    During Valentine's Day, Chandler discovers the miracle of birth seeing an extremely graphic video.
  • 16. The One Where Joey Tells Rachel
    Ross freaks out when Joey tells him that he is in love with Rachel because Ross is afraid that they will get married and raise his kid together. Phoebe dates a guy called Don, who she thinks is Monica's soul-mate and introduces Don to Monica to see what will happen. Monica and Don get along perfectly. Ross goes to tell Joey that he doesn't hate him and Joey promises to never act on his feelings for Rachel because he won't jeopardize his friendship to Ross. But when Ross realizes that Joey really is in love for the first time he tells Joey to tell Rachel. When Joey …
  • 17. The One with the Tea Leaves
    Chandler and Monica are happy together - their worst problem is his habit to put CDs in the wrong box and their different taste in music. Rachel is desperate to get back at good terms with Joey, so she takes Monica's advice to change the subject to something work-related. However in another uncomfortable conversation she manages to convince Joey that her boss, Mr. Zelner, wants to buy her baby. When Phoebe resumes reading tea leaves, she sees that she'll meet the man of her dreams soon, and takes that to be Jim, who she keeps bumping into. However she soon finds he …
  • 18. The One in Massapequa
    Phoebe has an extremely enthusiast friend, who makes a fuss of everything.
  • 19. The One with Joey's Interview
    Joey gives an interview to a soap opera magazine.
  • 20. The One with the Baby Shower
    Monica gives a baby shower for Rachel, where the future mother will find out that she doesn't know to much about babies.
  • 21. The One with the Cooking Class
    Monica gets angry with a critic who wrote an awful review about a soup, served at her restaurant. She goes straight forward with him, in order to give him once again her soup and he could write a better review.
  • 22. The One Where Rachel Is Late
    Rachel's in a bad mood because she's tired of being pregnant. She wants that the baby comes quick, while Phoebe and Monica are making bets about the date of the birth.
  • 23. The One Where Rachel Has a Baby: Part 1
    Ross and Rachel go to the hospital to have their baby but it's a long labor. They get stuck in a semi-private room and many other couples come and go before Rachel is ready to deliver, the last couple being Janice and her new husband. Chandler and Monica decide to start trying to have a baby.
  • 24. The One Where Rachel Has A Baby: Part 2
    Drake reports to Phoebe. Chandler and Monica look for a room in the hospital to use for a tryst. After 21 hours of labor, Rachel's ready to have the baby. Joey blows it for Phoebe but fixes it just as quickly. The baby is in breach, but comes out okay. After Ross and Rachel kiss, the baby is named Emma Geller Green. Monica and Chandler find a janitor's closet. Janice convinces Rachel that she needs a guy who will be around. Ross still isn't interested, but Phoebe talks him into it. Joey finds the engagement ring. Rachel thinks he's proposing and says yes, as Ross walks down the hall with flowers.
  • 1. The One Where No One Proposes
    Rachel thinks that Joey has proposed to her. Monica and Chandler begin trying to have a baby.
  • 2. The One Where Emma Cries
    Rachel doesn't know what to do so Emma will stop crying and Monica is the only one who can make her stop. Chandler is very tired and falls asleep during a very important meeting which results in Chandler agreeing to being transferred.
  • 3. The One with the Pediatrician
    Joey arranges a blind date for Phoebe. Chandler is leaving for Tulsa without Monica, because she has got a great job offer.
  • 4. The One with the Sharks
    Monica thinks Chandler is aroused by shark documentaries.
  • 5. The One with Phoebe's Birthday Dinner
    Phoebe will celebrate her birthday by having a dinner with her friends at a fancy restaurant. But everybody is late to the dinner, due to a series of problems.
  • 6. The One with the Male Nanny
    Ross and Rachel hire a male nanny.
  • 7. The One with Ross's Inappropriate Song
    Ross finds a way to make Emma laugh - singing “Baby Got Back.”
  • 8. The One with Rachel's Other Sister
    Rachel's middle sister shows up on Thanksgiving Day.
  • 9. The One with Rachel's Phone Number
    Rachel is ready to start hanging out again. She and Phoebe goes to a bar, where they meet two guys.
  • 10. The One with Christmas in Tulsa
    Chandler must spend Christmas in Tulsa, which Monica thinks he might have an affair with a former Miss Oklahoma runner-up while he is there. Chandler comes home early to announce that he quit his job.
  • 11. The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work
    Chandler starts looking for a job and is anxious about having a baby, Rachel decides to go back to work, and Phoebe works as an extra on Joey's show.
  • 12. The One with Phoebe's Rats
    Since Rachel didn't see it in her, Ross got to hire a hot nanny for Emma, Molly. When Joey sees her, his lady killer instinct kicks in. Mike is disgusted to find a rat in Phoebe's flat. In eliminating her ‘house friend’ Bob may only mean a new home but ‘oops’, the trap snapped already. Bob must have been Roberta as there are seven rodent orphans. Rachel has to share her office with the higher ranking stud Gavin, who is immune to all her tricks and always gets the better of her. And then he turns up at Rachel's birthday party Monica invited both of them to, to Ross's …
  • 13. The One Where Monica Sings
    Monica sings at Mike's bar, and everyone likes her singing. Later, Phoebe learns that the only reason they think she is good is because they can see through her shirt. Ross tries to move on after seeing Gavin and Rachel kissing. Rachel finds out that he kept a message from that guy at the bar away from her. Rachel decides to move in with Joey again. Joey must get a waxing for his eyebrows to get a part, but chickens out after he gets one eyebrow done. Chandler was able to fix his eyebrows so they look somewhat normal.
  • 14. The One with the Blind Dates
    As they think Ross and Rachel should get back together with Emma, Joey and Phoebe, when asked to fix them up with blind dates, plan to make those so horrible they'll run back. Phoebe does a great job: Steve is so unattractive he even makes himself cry; Joey found his own nightmare woman, a history teacher, not realizing she risks looking ideal to Ross, but she stands Ross up, making him the object of bets by the waiters how late he will leave. Chandler and Monica accepted to babysit Emma, but him being bored without a job and she ovulating, their sex drive gets the …
  • 15. The One with the Mugging
    Joey gets a part in a stage-play in a painful way. Ross and Phoebe are mugged outside Central Perk, Phoebe realizes that she mugged Ross 18 years ago. Chandler starts his new career as advertising writer.
  • 16. The One with the Boob Job
    When Monica and Chandler both ask Joey for money not wanting the other that they are asking, Chandler sees that Joey gave money to Monica. Joey makes up that Monica is getting a boob job. Phoebe asks Mike to move in with her, but decides not to when she and Mike argue about their future. Rachel tempts to baby-proof the apartment, but makes Joey go insane when he can't open anything.
  • 17. The One with the Memorial Service
    When Chandler and Ross joke around on their college website, Ross is accused of being dead which leads to the fact that he was not popular in college. Joey is not willing to give his favorite stuffed animal, Hugsy, to Emma. Monica helps Phoebe not call Mike.
  • 18. The One with the Lottery
    When everyone except Ross pools together to buy tickets for the lottery, Phoebe gets a prediction from her psychic that they will win. Ross, despite his skepticism, gets in on the action. Meanwhile, Chandler is anxious to find out if he gets a coveted assistant job at his advertising firm, and Emma is due to say her first word.
  • 19. The One with Rachel's Dream
    Joey is insecure now his Days of Our Lives character Dr. Drake Ramore is getting real dialog, so he asks Rachel to come along to the set, which she loves enough to get romantic dreams, but about Drake, Joey or both? Monica's fancy restaurant Javu is doing great, so she's flat out, too badly to accept joining Chandler on a surprise trip he booked to Vermont. When Phoebe comes sing her gross songs outside Javu, Monica tries to tell her nicely it's inappropriate, lacking style, but Phoebe just gets fancier dress; once told the truth, she starts a nasty row… Meanwhile …
  • 20. The One with the Soap Opera Party
    Joey secretly plans a party for Soap Opera Stars because Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel always embarrass him every time they meet a star. Rachel finds out about the party and tells everyone else, except for Chandler is waiting for them at theater to see a play. Ross meets a woman named Charlie and invites her to the party. Monica and Rachel are going bananas when they are meeting all the stars. Ross is scared when Charlie describes all of her former boyfriends. At the end, Rachel is looking for Joey and Ross is looking for Charlie. They find them kissing.
  • 21. The One with the Fertility Test
    After trying and not yet being able to conceive a child, Monica and Chandler decide to get tests done at a fertility clinic, where they run into Chandler's favorite ex, Janice. Rachel receives a gift certificate to get a free massage at a chain massage center. Phoebe chastises Rachel for even thinking about going to a massage chain, which she feels takes away business from independent massage therapists like herself. Phoebe does not tell Rachel however that she actually works at this specific massage chain. Although Rachel says she won't go and even tears up the gift …
  • 22. The One with the Donor
    When Joey hears that his girlfriend Charlie is an insecure shopper, he volunteers expert Rachel, who dreads being alone with her, so she makes sure Phoebe comes along, by saying she needs a dazzling outfit for the party she's going to just to save face as her ex Mike is coming too. Gynecologist Dr. Connelly tells Chandler and Monica they should keep trying the natural way, but realistically consider a surrogate mother -a nightmare for Monica- or donor sperm insemination, so Chandler invites his ‘perfectly eligible’ colleague Zach for dinner; they scare him with …
  • 23. The One in Barbados
    Chandler gives advice to David, but that makes David want to propose to Phoebe. Although Phoebe is still in love with Mike. Monica calls Mike who shows up there right in the middle of David's proposal. Mike proposes instead. Phoebe gets back together with Mike, but doesn't accept his proposal. Monica's hair gets all poofy after getting off the plane. Charlie and Ross enjoy themselves when rewriting Ross's speech. Rachel keeps changing her mind on when to tell Joey that she has feelings for him.
  • 1. The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss
    Monica, Chandler and Phoebe find out that they can hear through the walls in their hotel rooms. Monica and Chandler cover the wall where they can hear Joey and Rachel kissing, and Phoebe covers the wall where Charlie and Ross are kissing. Both couples put their relationships on hold while they wait to talk to the other before proceeding. On the plane home, Ross tells Joey about him and Charlie, but Joey doesn't tell Ross about him and Rachel. Monica decides to get rid of her poofy hair by getting corn rows. Back in New York, Ross walks in on Rachel and Joey kissing.
  • 2. The One Where Ross Is Fine
    Ross deals with finding out about Rachel and Joey's relationship almost as well as when he found out about Monica and Chandler. Ross invites Rachel and Joey to a dinner party with him and Charlie. At dinner, Ross gets drunk quickly and embarrasses himself. Rachel and Charlie go home which leaves Joey taking care of Ross. In the morning, Joey and Ross talk and Ross says he will get used to Joey and Rachel. Frank Jr. and his kids come to town and he asks Phoebe to have one of them, but he is not willing to give up any of them. Chandler and Monica visit friends of …
  • 3. The One with Ross's Tan
    Ross tries to get a tan, but seems to do it poorly. Rachel and Joey try to make out with no awkwardness. And Phoebe and Monica's old roommate, Amanda comes to visit.
  • 4. The One with the Cake
    On Emma's first birthday, Rachel won't let the party start until Emma gets up. Then the cake ends up looking like part of the male anatomy so Rachel & Ross go to New Jersey to get a new cake. When Ross and Rachel get back, the others are playing with Emma's toys.
  • 5. The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits
    Monica and Chandler let Joey write a letter of recommendation for adoption, but they find out that he sent the letter written in crayon. The adoption agency thinks a kid wrote it. Rachel's sister, Amy, visits again, and moves in with Joey and Rachel. Phoebe keeps ruining Mike's chances of proposing. While watching Emma, Amy gets Emma's ears pierced.
  • 6. The One with Ross' Grant
    Monica and Rachel fight over who gets Phoebe's ugly painting. Joey gets mad at Chandler for lying about watching his audition tape. Ross can get a big grant, but Charlie's ex-boyfriend is in charge of it. He bribes Ross for the grant if he gets Charlie back. Charlie breaks up with Ross to get back together with her ex-boyfriend.
  • 7. The One with the Home Study
    Phoebe and Mike keep changing their minds about donating their wedding money to charity. Ross fights Rachel's fear of swings. Monica and Chandler's adoption interviewer Laura find out that Joey had a one-night-stand with her.
  • 8. The One with the Late Thanksgiving
    Monica wasn't even volunteering to cook her annual Thankgiving feast this year, but accepted to please Phoebe, helped only by Chandler, whose culinary talent doesn't reach further then washing cranberries; they have a fit when everybody is nearly an hour late. Phoebe entered Emma for a Tristate baby beauty contest; Rachel was dead against in principle, but changed her mind as radically when hearing first prize is $1,000, and when dad Ross finds out that's not different. Ross got three prime tickets for the New York Rangers, and promised Chandler not to go as they …
  • 9. The One with the Birth Mother
    After Rachel confirms Joey is more mature in relationships, Phoebe presents him to another friend as date, Sarah, who fails alas to respect his primordial rule by touching food in his plate. Ross wants fashion advice for his date, so Rachel and Phoebe take him shopping, but after he left the choosing to professional buyer Rachel he accidentally ends up wearing her stuff, despite Joey's ‘jealous’ warning. Monica let the gang get her hopes up when Chandler and she fly to on adoption agency in Ohio. The pregnant mother, Erica, likes them- but only because their files got…
  • 10. The One Where Chandler Gets Caught
    Chandler and Monica have decided they want to raise their offspring in a suburb house, and even find a perfect one in Westchester. Rachel and Phoebe see Chandler enter the house with his realtor Nancy, and think he's cheating with her on Monica. After that misunderstanding is cleared, the other Friends are shocked the couple wants to leave Manhattan, and everybody starts reminiscing about living in New York as a gang, till Nancy calls about their bid on the house…
  • 11. The One Where the Stripper Cries
    Phoebe's bachelorette party has no strippers, and Phoebe wanted one. So Rachel and Monica find a stripper, but he has to be at least 50 years old. Joey appears on “Pyramid.” Chandler and Ross go to a college reunion, and they recall what they did in 1987. Chandler tells Ross that he kissed Rachel at a party and Ross gets upset with Chandler because that was the night he kissed Rachel for the first time. It turns out that Ross didn't kiss Rachel that night, that he really kissed Monica.
  • 12. The One with Phoebe's Wedding
    Monica is driving Phoebe insane as she plans Phoebe's wedding. At the rehearsal dinner, Phoebe gets really upset with Monica and fires her. The next day, Phoebe is going through hell doing Monica's job. Chandler and Ross find out that they are not included in the wedding and when one of Mike's groomsmen can't make it, Mike lets Phoebe decide who should take the role. Phoebe passes the decision to bridesmaid Rachel however Mike makes his dog, Chappy, the missing groomsman. Joey is playing Phoebe's dad during the ceremony, and he takes it too seriously. There is a giant…
  • 13. The One Where Joey Speaks French
    Ross accompanies Rachel to Long Island after Rachel's father has a heart attack. Rachel wants to have sex with Ross but he rejects her and they make a promise never to sleep together again. Erica comes to town and Monica and Chandler find out that the baby's father might be a shovel killer. Phoebe, back from her honeymoon helps Joey prepare for an audition by teaching him how to speak french. Joey does not progress well, even on the first line, and Phoebe says he will never learn french, and running out on their lessons.
  • 14. The One with Princess Consuela
    When Phoebe goes to get her name changed she realizes she can change it to anything she wants, so she changes it to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock. When Mike suggests he changes his name to Crap Bag, Phoebe gets his point and changes her name to Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan. Chandler finds out that Monica never changed her last name. Monica and Chandler take Joey to their house to convince him it is a good move he tries to find anything wrong with the house so they wouldn't buy it. Rachel goes to a job interview at a restaurant but her current boss is sitting right beyond…
  • 15. The One Where Estelle Dies
    Ross tries to get Rachel to go back to Ralph Lauren, Joey doesn't know that his agent has died, and Monica and Chandler bump into Janice.
  • 16. The One with Rachel's Going Away Party
    As Rachel prepares to move to Paris, Monica throws a going-away party for her. Rachel privately talks to everyone during the party except for Ross. Ross gets upset, and tells her that he at least deserves a goodbye because of their history. Rachel goes over his apartment, and tells him the reason she did not say goodbye was because it was too hard. That he was more important to her than the others. Then they share a romantic kiss. Meanwhile, Joey and Chandler are putting packing around their head, and hitting each other. Chandler finds handcuffs in the guest room, and…
  • 17. The Last One
    Erica has gone into labor, three weeks early and Chandler has a hard time getting along with when Monica leaves them alone in the delivery room with her. Meanwhile, Ross and Rachel sleep together and Ross realizes that he still loves Rachel and wants to be with her. Erica delivers, but there is one big surprise - there are twin babies, one boy and one girl. After Erica delivers the second baby, Monica and Chandler decide to name the girl, Erica, and the boy, Jack. Ross chases Rachel to the airport with the help of Phoebe but they end up going to the wrong airport. …
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