Prison Break

  • 평점: 8.50
  • 발행 연도: 2005
  • 장르: Crime, , Thriller, Drama
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 45 분
  • 복잡성: 9

팍스 강을 탈출할 수 있는 단 한명은 그 강을 디자인한 마이클 뿐이다. 마이클은 탈출이 가능한지 알아보기 위해 일부러 은행을 털고 감옥에 가게 된다.

  • 1. Pilot
    Michael Scofield is imprisoned in Fox River State Penitentiary. He finds his brother, Lincoln Burrows, who is a death row prisoner, and tells him that he is going to break them both out of the prison.
  • 2. Allen
    Trouble is inevitable in the prison, with a race riot imminent. Michael has problems retrieving a screw from the bleachers. Veronica receives a security tape that shows Lincoln shooting Terrence Steadman.
  • 3. Cell Test
    Two steps forward and one step back. Michael gets Abruzzi on his side and proves Sucre's trustworthiness, but then loses a valuable piece of his plan.
  • 4. Cute Poison
    Michael gets more of the tools and people he needs, but someone very high up has taken notice and started wondering what he's up to.
  • 5. English, Fitz or Percy
    Michael gains a necessary piece of information to effect his escape, but can he keep the Warden from kicking him out?
  • 6. Riots, Drills and the Devil: Part 1
    Michael's idea to get more drilling time by provoking a lock-down backfires horribly.
  • 7. Riots, Drills and the Devil: Part 2
    Michael saves Dr. Tancredi from the rioting prisoners, but Lincoln and Veronica are in need of their own rescue.
  • 8. The Old Head
    Veronica and LJ must go into hiding, while Michael unwittingly provides Westmoreland's motivation to aid the escape.
  • 9. Tweener
    With Abruzzi becoming more desperate to regain authority within the prison, it seems that Fibonacci's number is up.
  • 10. Sleight of Hand
    Michael hands over an address to Falzone, allowing work to resume on the tunnel. Meanwhile, the VP enlists the help of a dangerous specialist.
  • 11. And Then There Were 7
    Michael gets a visit from his wife, while Veronica and Nick get a visit from Quinn.
  • 12. Odd Man Out
    C-Note overhears Michael and Lincoln discussing that there are too many fugitives for available time and they share the information with the group telling that one shall be left behind. T-Bag feels threatened and calls his cousin James Bagwell, disclosing the escape plan and asking James to call the Warden Pope in case T-Bag does not contact him later. Abruzzi asks his outside man to kidnap James, but things go wrong and the mobster kills James and his five years old son Jimmy. Abruzzi feels guilty for the death of the child and feels the need of God's forgiveness, …
  • 13. End of the Tunnel
    The escape is about to go through when the team hits a stainless steel snag, while Veronica is just a moment too late to get all the information she needs to prove Lincoln's innocence.
  • 14. The Rat
    With the pipe to the infirmary replaced and Lincoln's life hanging in the balance, Michael must rethink his plan to escape and save his brother's life. A fellow inmate may hold the key to preventing Lincoln's execution.
  • 15. By the Skin and the Teeth
    Michael's plan to escape has failed. While Lincoln is strapped to the electric chair, he sees an oddly familiar face in the crowd. Is there one last hope to save Lincoln's life, or has his journey reached an end?
  • 16. Brother's Keeper
    Flashbacks provide exposition on how the inmates arrived at Fox River Penitentiary from The Company's framing of Lincoln to the creation of Michael's plan to save his brother's life.
  • 17. J-Cat
    Having burned his shoulder, Michael's tattoo that showed the path through psych ward is now incomplete. With another inmate intimidated into snitching about the escape plans, Michael Scofield must use his wits to find a new way out of Fox River.
  • 18. Bluff
    Improvising a new plan, Michael seeks out an acquaintance who may hold the key to his escape plan. In gen pop, the other members of the P.I. crew learn that the guards are auctioning Michael's cell to the highest bidder. Lincoln and Sucre devise a scheme to get Michael returned to gen pop. Veronica informs Lincoln that L.J will be tried for his mother's murder, and Lincoln desires to see his son.
  • 19. The Key
    After the crash, Kellerman tries to suffocate Lincoln, but he is saved in the last moment by a stranger. Sucre leaves the solitary confinement and Michael tells to his partners that he has completed the map, but he needs the key of the infirmary. Abruzzi is back to Fox River, apparently converted in a religious man. Warden Pope sends Captain Bellick to find Lincoln before notifying the authorities. Nick tries to convince Veronica that they are losing time checking the calls of Quinn's cell phone. Michael kisses Sara and asks her to wait for him. Tweener is in trouble …
  • 20. Tonight
    Westmoreland uses Bellick to plug a hole in the escape plan, which forces Michael to move up the breakout timetable. A fearful Tweener pledges his loyalty to Michael and in return may get out of jail for free; Michael feels that he has no choice but to involve Sara in the plan and must betray his father figure; and Veronica finds her life in jeopardy from her closest ally, who has a surprising connection to a Fox River inmate.
  • 21. Go
    Dr. Sarah questions if she should leave a light on and the door open for Michael, who must betray the Pope in order to carry out his escape plan. Veronica finds evidence that points her to Montana, but realizes that her closest ally may actually be her greatest enemy. Michael, Lincoln and the other inmates make a break for it, but after the alarm is sounded, find out who will make it over the wall, who will be left behind and who will leave the prison in a body bag.
  • 22. Flight
    As the escape continues, lives are lost and Pope and Bellick do everything in their power to capture the convicts.
  • 1. Manhunt
    It is the morning after their escape from Fox River, and the inmates narrowly avoid being caught by Bellick as they jump onto a freight train. FBI Special Agent Alex Mahone has been assigned to their case and calls a press conference urging the public to turn in the “Fox River 8.” Michael, Lincoln, Abruzzi, C-Note, and Sucre encounter a hunter and his daughter. He holds them at gunpoint until Abruzzi grabs the daughter and forces the hunter to give them his SUV and let them go. The escapees head for a location where Michael has things stored. Agent Mahone tracks …
  • 2. Otis
    The F.B.I agent Mahone decides to use L.J to get to Michael and Lincoln by cutting a deal with him and making him trick the two fugitives into revealing their location. Michael and Lincoln decide there's only one thing they can do, rescue L.J in a daring raid at the county jail. Only one problem though, Mahone is personally guarding L.J and won't let him out of his sight.
  • 3. Scan
    With hospitals and clinics under surveillance, Michael brings Lincoln to Nika's home to heal his wounded leg. Then he returns to the place where he parked his Accord and finds that the car has been towed. Meanwhile agent Mahone retrieves Michael's backpack with his passport from a vagrant that broke the rear window of Michael's car to steal the backpack. Michael goes to Brewster Towing yard to recover his car. Meanwhile Sucre finds that Maricruz will marry Hector in a couple of days and he heads to New York in a stolen car. Sara is arrested and her father visits her, …
  • 4. First Down
    Michael, Linc, and Nika are captured by Bellick and Geary, who intend to retrieve Westmoreland's money in Utah. Tweener continues his drive with Debra Jean. Abruzzi is reunited with his wife and children and is set to flee the country with them, but decides to take care of Fibonacci first. T-Bag has a close call with the police at a Nebraska gas station, and then poses as a Marine who lost his hand in Iraq. Mahone waits for confirmation of the deaths of Michael and Linc in the car explosion, and meanwhile gets a lead on one of the other fugitives. Kellerman (posing as…
  • 5. Map 1213
    Michael and Linc arrive in Tooele, but the map they need to locate the double-K ranch is missing. They run into T-Bag and Tweener, who have also come to Tooele for Westmoreland's money. Meanwhile, C-Note makes his way by train toward Tooele. Sucre reaches Las Vegas and attempts to halt the wedding of Maricruz and Hector. Sara invites Kellerman to her apartment, believing he is harmless. At the FBI office in Chicago, Mahone reviews files recovered from Michael's hard drive, and begins to piece things together.
  • 6. Subdivision
    Mahone arrives in Salt Lake City, trying to locate exactly where in Utah the escapees are. Michael and Linc hatch a plan with T-Bag and Tweener that will enable them to dig in the right place. C-Note and Sucre meet on the highway and head toward Tooele. Kellerman, in Washington, D.C., briefs Kim. Governor Tancredi phones Sara with a warning.
  • 7. Buried
    Michael's plan has hit a snag when the home owner's daughter, a cop, arrives. Mahone argues with Lyle Sands about how to proceed, but ultimately hopes that Tweener, in FBI custody, will reveal the location of the other escapees. Sara is now suspicious of Kellerman, so he tries something different to find Lincoln Burrows. In an Arizona detention facility, L.J. finds out he's to be released the next day; Linc drives to get him. Haywire, in Wisconsin, steals supplies from a camping shop.
  • 8. Dead Fall
    In his efforts to try to get hold of all of the money Sucre runs into some unexpected difficulties. And Captain Bellick and his partner have not given up on finding their old inmates.
  • 9. Unearthed
    Michael tries to retrieve an item from Blanding Botanical Garden in Utah, but Mahone's people got to it first. Mahone believes that someone on his team is leaking information to the press; meanwhile Michael does some research on Mahone at an Internet café, then makes a trip to Durango, Colorado, to see a woman there. Linc and L.J. are on the road in Arizona. C-Note is in Chicago, and Agent Lang tries to use his wife to capture him. Bellick and Geary phone C.O. Patterson, at Fox River, to get information on where they should look for T-Bag. Sara is at a motel in Elgin,…
  • 10. Rendezvous
    Captain Bellick tortures T-Bag for the money during which T-Bag swallows the key and Bellick uses dirty tricks to get the key out.Bellick and Mac leave T-Bag on the boundary of the police.Sarah and Michael Scofield meet,but they are constantly chased by Alexander Mahone.Michael gets close to Mahone's helplessness.Meanwhile Lincoln Burrows and LJ are rescued by Lincon's dad but they are still not shielded from the dirty political games. Sucre tries to contact Maricruz but that plan fails because of the state police doing rounds.
  • 11. Bolshoi Booze
    In Maljamar, New Mexico, Michael takes what he needs from a sporting-goods store, then has a crisis of conscience. In Tribune, Kansas, T-Bag narrowly escapes the police but has to leave his hand behind. In Trinidad, Colorado, the three Burrowses discuss politics, but face an unexpected threat. In Gila, New Mexico, Kellerman ties up Sara and resolves to get what he needs from her. Mahone meets Kim for the first time. Bellick receives treatment for the blow to his forehead, and interacts with a local police detective.
  • 12. Disconnect
    Picking up from where we left off, Sucre, Michael, Linc, and Aldo are together, with Mahone on their trail. Sara is face-down in the bathtub as Kellerman prepares to dispose of her body. C-Note is in Harvey, North Dakota with Kacee and Dede, who needs her medication. In Tribune, Kansas, Detective Slattery questions Bellick.
  • 13. The Killing Box
    In Kansas T-Bag assaults and presumably kills a veteran and steals his prosthetic hand. He singles out an employee of the post office named Denise and romances her. In order to locate his ex-girlfriend (Susan Hollander) who turned him into the authorities, T-Bag lies and convinces the post officer worker to give him Susan's address. Just as she provides him with the information, Denise spots his wanted poster on the post office wall, and T-Bag kills her. In Kansas, Susan opens her door and finds T-Bag standing there. Faced with a potential death penalty sentence, …
  • 14. John Doe
    Linc and Michael have decided to take the keys and escape, figuring at least they'll go down fighting. FBI Special Agent Alexander Mahone chased them while staying in contact with Secret Service Special Agent Paul Kellerman who suddenly shot Mahone and gave the brothers a ride because he wants revenge on the White House; Linc wants his instead, but is offered the location of Terence Steadman. T-bag visits his wife, who tells him the children think he's their Uncle Teddy on an oil rig, but he moves in; when his wife gets the gun, he attacks her and son Zach him, so he …
  • 15. The Message
    In Cutback, Montana, Kellerman lures the police and Michael and Lincoln abduct the cameraman Greg of Fox News and succeed in escaping from the siege. Michael and Lincoln decide to tape a message to be released in the Breaking News. Mahone is back in Chicago and analyzing the message; he interrogates Greg and he tells that he had overheard Michael tell that they should cover 460 miles in six hours. Mahone deducts that they intend to meet President Caroline in Denver. Wheeler discusses with Mahone and yells that the internal affair asked him to follow all moves of …
  • 16. Chicago
    Sara meets Michael and Lincoln in a train station in Evansville, Indiana; when she sees Kellerman with them, she becomes disturbed and upset. Kellerman tells that she has a key of a private cigar club in Chicago. Caroline calls Kellerman and he tells that he is heading to Chicago by train, and she promises his life back, inclusive the chief of staff position. T-Bag tells Susan that they are passing through an “adjustment period” in their lives; when she tells him that she will have a guest called Patty Wallace, T-Bag welcomes Patty with a magnificent family brunch and…
  • 17. Bad Blood
    Michael Schofield and Sara Tancredi fail to get the tape from the Corona de Oro cigar club in Chicago, where security was at the ready, and turn to former warden Henry Pope, a club member, but he wants to call the police, so Michael draws his gun and hands it over to prove his veracity; Sarah convinces him to go in with her late fathers humidor key- he finds a computer memory stick. In Mexico, Fernando Sucre has car trouble and gets a ride- from an Ixtapa airport security employee, who sees his wanted-poster just after they parted at the airport, so he must run with …
  • 18. Wash
    Captain Brad Bellick walks in the FBI office demanding Mahone pays him. Michael and his companions are impressed with the recordings on the stick, but it only helps if Kellerman's contacts in Washington use it right, notably high Justice official Cooper Green, who accepts to meet and cooperates, but is tailed by Kim's men. Linc calls his boy L.J., who refuses to give up his relatively normal life till further notice. Sarah meets Bruce Bennett. Bellick tries to bribe Sucre's incarcerated cousin into betraying his Mexican whereabouts. T-Bag finds therapist Dr. Stammel …
  • 19. Sweet Caroline
    C-note has jumped with the noose around his neck, but is saved by jailers; he has Malone told he'll still do it. At a Chicago hotel, president Caroline Reynolds is expected for a speech. Michael sends the real Cooper Green away and agrees a meeting point with Linc and Sarah. Malone enters Sarah's room and only pretends to fail looking under the bed to trap her, she pretends the brothers left her. In Mexico T-bag finds Bellick is waiting at the luggage conveyor and must get his from the service side, but the laborer he knocks down falls onto it, so he must run. Lincoln…
  • 20. Panama
    Now Caroline Reynolds has stepped down as president, she can no longer sign a pardon, so the brothers must immediately disappear, forever. At the pier, Sarah realizes she's being tailed and pretends on the phone already to be on board, so they sail without her while she is arrested; Lincoln stops Michael from returning for her. A week later, an FBI big-whig offers C-note a lesser sentence for testimony against Mahone, even freedom and witness protection for his family- bingo. Fernando grabs Bellick's gun while looking for T-bag, but he shows a crucifix to prove he has…
  • 21. Fin del camino
    Linc finds Michael is gone from their Christina Rose yacht after receiving Sucre's message (also intercepted by Mahone, who thinks to have found his way out) scary scumbag T-bag is in Panama City's Fin del Camino hotel with the money. A fire-cracker he pays a local boy to plant shows Michael Mahone's two plants on the plaza, but Bellick pulls his gun at him, accompanied by Fernando who denies sending the message- Schofield smells a trap and states their goals: money for Bellick, Maricruz for Sucre, T-bag for him, then reminds Fernando in private Maricruz is his …
  • 22. Sona
    Only back at the yacht, Michael notices Lincoln is gone and calls him- Alex Mahone tells him Linc is no cold-blooded killer, so he was overpowered and hand-cuffed, and the ransom is the yacht and the fortune he assumes to be in it, to be agreed in five minutes, now Mahone is even more wanted then the brothers. Kellerman's self-incriminating testimony and documents he brings get all charges against Sarah and Lincoln dropped, him arrested. Mahone calls Kim to fly over immediately. Alex calls his wife, to make her bring the kids for a holiday in her native Colombia, at …
  • 1. Orientación
    Michael is once again imprisoned, but now in SONA (Panama), together with T-Bag, Mahone and Bellick. The prison is solely rules by inmates, whose local prison-lord Lechero feels threatened by Scofield's ‘fame’. Lincoln tries legal means to get Michael transferred, and gets a call from a relative. Both receive the same message, through different canals, presumably from Bill Kim's organization.
  • 2. Fire __ Water
    After Michael gets bad news from Linc, he sets out to find a prisoner named James Whistler, who holds the key to his freedom. That's easier said than done: James Whistler is hiding in Sona because there's a price on his head, and Lechero is not about to help Michael find him. In addition, both Mahone and Bellick want to get to Whistler too. Meanwhile, T-Bag won't allow a little humiliation stop him from insinuating himself into Lechero's good graces.
  • 3. Call Waiting
    Lincoln tries to save LJ and Sara. But he can't. Meanwhile, Michael has a phone conversation with Sara. And Lincoln gets a call from Susan B. saying that she put something in the garage for him.
  • 4. Good Fences
    Aftermath of Sara's death, Lincoln decides not to tell about it to Michael. Susan B. told Lincoln that if he does something wrong again, she's going to send pieces from LJ to him. Meanwhile, Sucre got a job in Sona. And Sofia starts to help Linc.
  • 5. Interference
    A test with a rat proves the tower snipers are very good, so Michael figures breaking out with Whistler within 24 hours has to be at 3 PM, during a distracting soccer game. Sucre accepts $5,000 from a limousine man to smuggle a package into Sona. Linc is to arrange transport outside, but gets turned away roughly by an army patrol at two miles with Marisol in her car, then tells her Sara has already been killed, he keeps it from Michael as L.J. is his ultimate priority. New prisoner Andrew Tyge is robbed to his boxers at arrival, and warned off by Alexander Mahone …
  • 6. Photo Finish
    Tyge tells Michael he and ‘Mcfadden’ where co-employees in a Nice hotel, Mahone worries he keeps observing Whistler. Having to re-plan hastily, Michael tells Linc to drug the second guard's coffee wherever he goes for lunch, and demands pictures of L.J. and Sara before he escapes. Malone refuses a term reduction to 8 years for testimony against the government and Burrow's conspiracy: now he faces life. Tyge is stabbed dead, Lechero questions Menudo ‘McGrady’ and has Whistler dragged away for confession. Michael believes Mahone and Bellick's denials; T-bag offers …
  • 7. Vamonos
    Alexander Mahone is assured all he has to do is tell the truth, enjoying full immunity. Michael tells Whistler their row is part of a diversion, the escape is now or never, before the guard's coffee drug wears off. Just when the critical sun reflexion blinds the other tower guard, they must wait and hide till Sammy has passed, but get trough the cut bars. Lechero sees them climb down and back in -time ran out- but refuses to allow them to cancel their duel to the death in the courtyard, meant as a diversion fake announcement. Sofia draws a gun at Linc to prevent him …
  • 8. Bang and Burn
    Lincoln tells Michael that they have four more days to rescue Whistler, but Michael is upset with his brother that used him. Gretchen has a meeting with General and they decide to use power to release Whistler in an operation called “Bang and Burn”; later she asks Whistler to kill Michael. In Sona, the guards reinforce the bars in the windows, and Michael tells Lechero that this way it will be difficult to break-out. Sammy requests more men to Lechero to keep Sona under control. Sofia receives a call from Whistler's mysterious landlord telling that he has some "…
  • 9. Boxed In
    After the helicopter failed to break out Whistler, Sona's new commander, Panamanian general Zavala, decides to make Michael talk by putting him into the sun-exposed isolation hot-box, promises to help in exchange for the truth, verifies the L.J-situation and is told it's about Whistler, who already realized the tunnel is a no-go without engineer Schofield but denies blatantly to Zavala- and is threatened with torture until he admits to collaborating with Michael, who convinces him next to give up Gretchen Morgen's name. Linc was meanwhile shown L.J., alive, as …
  • 10. Dirt Nap
    Papa is dead and Sammy presses Lechero to kill Michael; Lechero replies that he also wants Michael dead, but he does not want an uprising in Sona. Mahone receives a mail with a picture of his son. Lechero, Michael, Mahone, Whistler and T-Bag inspect the hole in the tunnel and Michael requests a saw and hammer to support the tunnel. Sammy takes the power of Sona with the pistol delivered by Augusto and other three gangsters and promises a box of bottles of rum for the inmate that kills Michael. T-Bag convinces Bellick to give the chicken foot to Sammy promising him to …
  • 11. Under & Out
    Michael concludes that they are behind schedule and they have twenty-four hours to dig a tunnel. However, when it begins to rain, he tells them that they must change the plans and break-out during the night since the tunnel will collapse. McGrady asks Michael to go with him, but he is in doubt whether he should escape with criminals like Lechero, T-Bag, Bellick and the mysterious Whistler. Michael believes he is paying for his sins in Sona. Later he confesses that he is tired of causes and consequences and invites McGrady to join the break-out team. Gretchen delivers …
  • 12. Hell or High Water
    When Lechero, T-Bag and Bellick run to the fence, they are captured by the guards. However, this was the real plan of Michael that waits with Whistler, Mahone and McGrady the exact moment to leave the hideout. When Bellick shows the tunnel, the quartet breaks-out Sona, meeting with Lincoln on the beach, where Whistler notes that he lost the book with the coordinates. They use breathing apparatuses and swim underwater to a buoy, waiting for Sucre. However their fellow is cuffed to a file drawer in Sona. But McGrady's father finds the boat 312 moored in the marina and …
  • 13. The Art of the Deal
    Michael and Lincoln chase Whistler (who calls Gretchen) in the warehouse. However the brothers capture him and Michael schedules the exchange meeting in the public space Plaza de Francia. Gretchen invites him to join The Company, and he changes the spot to the lobby of the Museum of Antiques. Meanwhile, McGrady's truck is stopped for inspection in a police barrier and the policemen sees that the cargo is fertilizer; however, McGrady is hidden in a hideout in the cabin. Then his father drives to Acandi, Colombia, where he is welcomed by his family and friends with a …
  • 1. Scylla
    In Los Angeles, Michael is tracking Whistler and Gretchen seeking revenge for the death of Sara. They go to the Roosevelt Hotel to buy a fifty million dollars card called Scylla. Whistler kills the sellers, copies the card but he is surprised by Michael. When Gretchen arrives, she discloses that Sara is alive. Later Gretchen meets General Jonathan Krantz in the Mojave Desert in California and he tells her that she has failed and asks his black agent Wyatt to kill her. Michael calls Lincoln in Panama and he reveals that Sofia and LJ are all right, Sona has burns and …
  • 2. Breaking and Entering
    In LA, General Krantz tells Wyatt that he wants Michael, Lincoln and Mahone dead. Agent Self forces Michael and his crew to wear monitor around their ankles, and their first assignment is to find the Scylla card. Mahone recalls that Whistler delivered the card to a card holder, and he noted that the driver probably would be a retired military. Using the information from the IRS, they find the identity of the driver. Meanwhile, T-Bag and Sancho head to San Diego in the desert. The hungry Sancho attacks T-Bag, who kills the Mexican while defending himself, and survives …
  • 3. Shut Down
    In Los Angeles, Michael argues with Agent Self since there are six cards and not only one. The agent gives the rest of the day to find a second card holder; otherwise the project would be shutdown by The Powers That Be and the group would be sent to prison. Mahone calls Agent Lang in Gainesville, Florida, and asks her information about the death of his son. Lincoln overhears the conversation. Wyatt tortures Bruce with drugs; when he gets the information that Sara is in LA, he kills his victim. Agent Self meets Director Herb and ask him to call Senator Dalo to give …
  • 4. Eagles and Angels
    The boys now know who the five other Scylla-holders are, and trace one to Turkish consul Tabak's wife Lisa, who is about the leave on mission for the General but first attends a fallen LAPD men benefit, ‘Eagles and Angels’. The team first accidentally spots and corners T-bag must let him go as a cop passes, so ‘Mr. Cole Pfeiffer’ can take the corner office as sales record breaker according to the bird book plan. Team Scofield steals police badges and he gets close enough to Lisa to scan her card, while Linc is recognized and held at gunpoint but kills her Company …
  • 5. Safe and Sound
    Sara notes that Bruce's credit card is missing from her purse and she sees Wyatt on her tail; she runs and succeeds in escaping from the hit-man. Agent Self recognizes the Treasure Department Director, Griffin Oren, in one of the pictures took by Michael in the card holders gathering. Mahone meets Pam in a dinning and she recognizes Wyatt in one of the pictures. Sucre and Bellick chases T-Bag telling to the receptionist Trishanne that he has an award to receive from an insurance policy; Trishanne recognizes his picture, but she decides to negotiate with T-Bag a better…
  • 6. Blow Out
    Michael and his group are in the jockey chasing card number five. Michael and Mahone plant the device in the office of the operation manager; Bellick argues with the clerk in the counter and Lincoln plants a device in the horse's gate, provoking a delay in the opening of one of the gates. When Nataniel Edison goes to the office to complain with the manager, the fourth card is copied. However Mahone is arrested while retrieving the device and sent to the precinct. Meanwhile the disturbed Gretchen arrives at her sister's house in Riverside, California, and gets a pistol…
  • 7. Five the Hard Way
    Gretchen tortures T-Bag and asks about the Bird's Guide and Scylla. Meanwhile, the Agrishow executive Howard Scuderi travels with his wife and the fifth card to Las Vegas. General Krantz calls Wyatt and tells him that Don Self is the head of the snake that is threatening The Company, and he asks the killer to eliminate Self, simulating an accident. Trishanne calls Bellick and says that she has information about T-Bag, and requests the promised reward. Michael stays with Bellick and Mahone to chase T-Bag while the rest of the group travels to Las Vegas. Bellick calls …
  • 8. The Price
    Lincoln proposes to crash the General's car to copy the last card using the trick he did in 2001, in Chicago, to rob a wallet. Michael tells Sara that Gretchen is alive and dealing with Agent Self a partnership together with T-Bag. Sara is disturbed with the new partner and recalls the torture she was submitted to. Roland sends an untraceable message to Wyatt asking how much he would pay for Michael and Lincoln. Mr. Feng visits T-Bag in his office in Gate, but Gretchen negotiates Scylla for US$ 125 million, offering US$ 25 million to T-Bag. Lincoln plans the accident …
  • 9. Greatness Achieved
    Lincoln unsuccessfully beats up Wyatt, trying to force him to call General Krantz and tell him that he killed the brothers. Then Self arrives with a wallet and says that he needs to talk with Wyatt - Sara goes to the cell under the surveillance of Mahone. Lisa tells Krantz that she needs three days to move Scylla, and he orders the distribution of the pictures of Michael and his group to the press. Michael, Lincoln, Bellick and Sucre go to T-Bag's office in Gate, find the pipe conducting the water supply of LA and conclude that it is impossible to dig the concrete …
  • 10. The Legend
    Michael's group is sad with the death of Bellick, and they demand that Self sends his body to his mother. Michael asks for the missing pages from Self and Gretchen returns and tells that The Company is moving Scylla to a bunker in Pennsylvania. Michael tells that the map does not make sense, but he deciphers the message “CME David Baker” meaning “See me David Baker”. Trishanne commits a serious mistake, mentioning the name of Frank Whistler to T-Bag while giving Gretchen's file to him. The smart criminal investigates and finds that the receptionist is actually a …
  • 11. Quiet Riot
    The team is finally ready to break into the Company's Scylla facility. After his diagnosis, Michael considers taking Sara's advice to have his urgent surgery immediately, but still presides over the job. Gretchen meets her lover, the General, to get his sixth and last card, but he finally sees through her. Client Feng cuts her and Bagwell a deal, nonetheless, to take on Self.
  • 12. Selfless
    Despite his headaches, Schofield successfully breaks in. The General rushes a security team down, and thus provides the last missing element: his sixth card! He's still confident to bribe the team or just keep them locked in, but Sara provides leverage: Lisa, his daughter. Bagwell and Gretchen are found out and shoot their way out. Scylla is delivered to Self, who promises the boys their freedom in half an hour, but doesn't deliver, and… worse.
  • 13. Deal or No Deal
    Self calls Herb and says that Lincoln has killed Miriam and pretends that he was also shot by Lincoln. The disturbed General Krantz recalls Michael's words; during a meeting with the board of The Company, he is questioned by Howard Scuderi and he unexpectedly kills him and asks if there were any further questions from the other participants. Lisa is shocked with the attitude of her father. Herb calls Michael believing that Lincoln has killed two federal agents. Self brings T-Bag seeking out Gretchen. Michael faints in the toilet, Lincoln helps him and Sara injects a …
  • 14. Just Business
    Sara gives Michael another injection tells him he needs a doctor. The lookout Lincoln keeps watching on the outside of the warehouse; when Self throws gas bombs trying to force Michael and his group to leave the place, Lincoln surprises Self, hits him on his back and brings him into the warehouse. Self justifies that his motivation was not personal, just business, and proposes to sell Scylla and share the amount among the whole group; however Gretchen appears out of the blue and balances the situation and they leave the warehouse without a shootout. Meanwhile, Mahone …
  • 15. Going Under
    General Krantz tells Lincoln that the price of Michael's surgery is the safe return of Scylla. Lincoln tortures T-Bag to find the location where Self and Gretchen will deal with the buyer; after losing two teeth, T-Bag says that the meeting place will be at Arlington Pier at 3:00 PM. Lincoln and Sucre head off to the Pier, but Rita calls Gretchen and says that the Company abducted T-Bag. When they arrive, Self and Gretchen have already gone. Sara stays with Michael and she does not recognize the equipment and the procedure in the surgery room, but the doctor informs …
  • 16. The Sunshine State
    Lincoln calls Sara from Miami asking for news about Michael and tells that he is trying to retrieve the Scylla for The Company with Gretchen, T-Bag and Self. They find a lead in the Grafton Club, and Lincoln goes to the place where he abducts Tia Hayden trying to find the representative of the owner of Scylla. Meanwhile Michael awakes locked in a house in the woods under the surveillance of bodyguards of The Company. The psychiatrist, Dr. Roger Knowlton, tells him that his mother is alive and is working for ‘The Company’ in the Madagascar Rainforest. He wants to …
  • 17. The Mother Lode
    Lincoln and his men (Self, T-Bag, Mahone) are trying to find Scylla. They try to find a clue for the key from the fake buyer who killed Gretchen. They find a Church and an Estate that matches with key. When Lincoln and Mahone investigate the Estate, Lincoln finds a picture of him with his mother. Mahone finds out that, picture was edited and some clue about meeting place. Lincoln takes the meeting and finds his mother. Christina wants 2 days from Lincoln for eliminating Krantz. By the way Company's men finds Michael and Sara, they run away with truck and escape again….
  • 18. VS.
    Realizing Linc isn't going to stay out for days as she asked ‘to give the Company a maternal head’, Christina orders her own son sniper-shot, but the team saves him. They follow her to the Indian embassy, where she offers the Skylla virus data. Michael and Sara have escaped and agree to collaborate with Mahone. The general and Vincent Sandinsky, the man that Michael discovers is hunting him, rival with Christina.
  • 19. S.O.B.
    Michael warns Linc that scientist Vincent Sandinsky is somehow in league with their mother Christina. The general takes torturous charge, and traitor Vincent, Company expert. Michael and Sara fail to reason with captive Christina, who says Lincoln is adopted. Bagwell wants Company tenure, his ‘exam’ being an execution. Christina escapes. Everyone heads for the Miami global energy technology congress. Malone smells a set-up.
  • 20. Cowboys and Indians
    Michael and Lincoln are trapped in the Panda Bay Hotel and seek a means of escape. Self tries to help them while General Krantz sends a man to capture the brothers. Meanwhile Christina sells Scylla to the grieving president of India for ¾ of billion dollars; then she decides to contact the China government to sell Scylla also for them. However, Michael, Lincoln, Mahone and Self steal Scylla from Christina and her henchman in a bank, while she is checking the deposit but In the runaway, Lincoln is captured by Christina's men. T-Bag abducts Sara and General Krantz calls…
  • 21. Rates of Exchange
    Krantz holds Sara captive, Christina even shot Linc in a lung for urgency, each demands Scylla as ransom. Michael tries to cheat his mother, but only a driver is hurt in his tripwire explosion. FBI Agent Chris Franco finds and tortures Self in hospital with a splintered leg, who gets an immunity deal. Linc tells Michael Sara is pregnant. He now offers Scylla for her to Krantz, who still plans him killed and leaves her to Bagwall. PM Naveen Banerjee looses his patience with Christina. Malone promises her Scylla, yet lets Michael take the box. Downey poisons Self. …
  • 22. Killing Your Number
    According to Michael's plan, Malone hands a fake Scylla to Christina. It's booby-trapped but ends up in the hands of FBI Agent, Chris Franco. Bagwell meets Sucre and C-note, but is caught while they hope that an offer of help is real. The General catches the brothers and raises the stakes with more kidnapped relatives. Michael manages to escape with Scylla. The gang must decide whether to believe an offer from Paul Kellerman, and hand it to UN representatives in exchange for full pardons.
  • 23. The Old Ball and Chain
  • 24. Free
  • 0. Episode
  • 1. Ogygia
    It's been seven years since Michael was presumed dead, but when clues suggest that he might still be alive, Lincoln reunites with Sara to help track down the truth.
  • 2. Kaniel Outis
    As Lincoln and C-Note search for the “Sheik of Light,” Michael and his cellmate, Whip, attempt an escape from Ogygia. Meanwhile, Sara's investigation into Michael's reappearance leads her to the state department and an uneasy reunion with Paul Kellerman.
  • 3. The Liar
    When T-Bag ambushes Sara, he warns her that two of Poseidon's henchmen, Van Gogh and A&W, may be following her. Meanwhile, Lincoln attempts to retrieve his confiscated passport to escape Yemen, and Michael plans his next move.
  • 4. The Prisoner's Dilemma
    Michael, Whip and Ja make their last attempt to break from Ogygia, but must make a deal with the devil to do so. Lincoln races against the clock to help with the escape, as T-Bag meets with Kellerman to gather more info on Michael's resurrection.
  • 5. Contingency
  • 6. Episode
  • 7. Wine-Dark Sea
    Sara becomes fearful of her family's safety when she discovers the real reason that Michael faked his own death. In the meantime, Michael and Lincoln continue to try find a way home with the help of Sucre, and the real identity of Poseidon is revealed.
  • 8. Progeny
    When Sara and her son's safety is threatened, Michael and Lincoln recruit the help of Sheba and C-Note to try and catch Poseidon. Meanwhile, Whip goes on a separate mission and T-Bag reveals a secret.
  • 9. Behind the Eyes
    Dangerous threats keep Michael and Lincoln fighting to protect Sara and Mike. Meanwhile, Poseidon continues to try and outsmart Michael and the rest of the gang, which leads them to the ultimate showdown, and not everyone makes it out alive.
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