One Tree Hill

  • 평점: 7.70
  • 발행 연도: 2003
  • 장르: Drama, Sport
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 42 분
  • 복잡성: 10

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  • 1. Pilot
    Nathan Scott is Tree Hill High's biggest basketball star and is dating Peyton, a cheerleader. Nathan's half brother, Lucas, joins the team - and threatens to take both Nathan's spot in the lineup and his girl.
  • 2. The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most
    Lucas plays his first game as a Tree Hill Raven…and chokes. He isn't the only one confronting insecurities: Peyton can't find the courage to submit her drawings for publication.
  • 3. Are You True?
    Frustrated by Lucas' growing popularity at school, Nathan searches for Lucas' weak spot, and has the team begin to iniciate hazing incidents against him. Nathan also tries to seek tutoring help from Haley. Brooke begins to fall for Lucas. Meanwhile, Peyton is furious with Lucas for submitting her drawings to the local newspaper without her knowledge.
  • 4. Crash Into You
    After Lucas crowns another good game with the winning point, Nathan switches to plan B, inviting him to a party at his dad's luxurious beach house where he cleverly humiliates him with a truth game and a video of Lucas ma calling Dan her dream husband. After Lucas walks out livid, Haley is stranded, accepts a ride back from Nathan in Peyton's car and accepts to keep tutoring him since failing grades would kill all his and Dan's dreams. On his way back Nathan crashes into Lucas in the car of one of Keith's clients; Nathan thinks he can bluff his way out making Tim his …
  • 5. All That You Can't Leave Behind
    After the disastrous party and car crash, things still look bad for everyone. Peyton meets coach at the cemetery and exchanges grief and memories about her mother's death in a car accident the one time she ignored a red light and his late wife Camilla. With the benefit match between the Ravens boys and their fathers coming up, captained by Nathan and Dan Scott, Keith is honored to be asked as substitute by his nephew Lucas, and joins in with his mother asking him to reconsider his intent to change his last name to hers after Dan barged in at Keith's auto shop saying …
  • 6. Every Night Is Another Story
    Things are so bad between the Scott half-brothers that they are thrown off the court for rolling over the floor fighting each-other during a game in a North Carolina hick-town, Pinkerton. Brooke is hurt and scams a strong painkiller from a med student, but takes an overdose which forces Haley and Peyton to give the ‘drunk’ a ride; despite car trouble, they'll have it relatively easy getting back home. Coach decides to punish Nathan and Lucas by making them walk some 30 miles, which turns out just the ‘fraternal’ male bonding they needed as they are not given a lift …
  • 7. Life in a Glass House
    Now Nathan is taking the heat off Lucas in the team, after their common escape from the hicks and as agreed with his attractive tutor Haley, the kids' attention shifts to boy-girl relationships. This time the battleground is Dan Scott's house, as he hosts a fancy party for the successful Ravens team and supporters, and his wife Deb makes sure even Keith, Lucas and Karen actually come. If anything doesn't help young couples forming or making up, then it's Brooke's nasty games such as truth and dare.
  • 8. The Search for Something More
    Brooke takes Peyton to a college party, but her own date turns out just a high school kid, and Peyton falls for the vinyl music taste of student Gabe, who spikes her drink to abuse her- Lucas, who was back with his street basketball friends, must come to the rescue. Karen gets a rare opportunity to take a six weeks cooking course in Italy; Keith and Lucas encourage her, but she fears it could be failing her maternal duty- so Keith will move in while she's away; Deb Scott offers to take care of the café, to Dan's frustration. Nathan gets surprising help in his quest to…
  • 9. With Arms Outstretched
    Tension mounts now the Ravens may get their first ever undefeated season if they win against Cove City, but instead of encouraging his son, Dan barks at Nathan he doesn't go deep enough while ordering him to convince his mother he's not unhappy, thus blaming the poor kid for her punishing him by running Karen's place. He decides to take amphetamines supplied by Tim's brother, which make him so aggressive coach throws him out at training; when he gently tries to take the next step while kissing Haley, she also shows him the door. Brooke gets Lucas to go out as ‘reward’…
  • 10. You Gotta Go There to Come Back
    After Peyton walked in on Lucas kissing Brooke the night she got him drunk, they all feel uncomfortable but decide to stay friends; Haley and Peyton even team up to organize live entertainment in Karen's café. Because of Nathan's pills-disaster, coach cancels basketball practice till further notice, telling livid Dan -who fears for the Ravens' shot at a perfect season- ‘the game is no fun any more’ so he takes off pressure. Nathan feels happy again taking things easy with Haley, but Dan decrees they're ‘going to have a good time’ on the golf weekend he planned with …
  • 11. The Living Years
    After Deb drags Dan and him to a family therapist, where they only fight and each expect him to take their side, Nathan looses faith in everything except Haley. Brooke begins to feel jealous about Lucas, but insecure as they have almost no common interests; Lucas and Peyton both reassure her. Lucas finds Peyton's dad home for once; he tells her another, even better paid job will drag him for months to New Zealand… Nathan talks to Keith and coach, who both tell him to do what's best for him, even if that means dropping basketball; he cuts practice and classes, even …
  • 12. Crash Course in Polite Conversations
    On Dan's birthday, his parents turn up unannounced; Dan tries to make everybody keep Nathan's quitting from them, and Haley offers to come for moral support. Just when she was counting off her dad's return home, Peyton gets a call a storm knocked four men off his ship, and she must identify if a corps is his, so Lucas drives her, but the roads are blocked too so they must spend the night in a motel, but Lucas doesn't forget Brooke. At the Scott diner, the mothers tell the truth, how grandpa Royal Scott also pushed Dan too hard till he took his mother's advice to use a…
  • 13. Hanging by a Moment
    In therapy with Deb, who by now wants a divorce, Dan tells he cut Lucas out of his life like a trapped man amputates his arm to survive. Haley gets basketball lessons (to pass PE) from patient Nathan, who to everyone's relief is back with the Ravens. Coach tells Keith he promised his wife 35 years ago they would ‘start living’ after 20 years of coaching; he just won 500 matches, but what about his most important intention: to make a difference? Strolling on the beach Dan meets Carrie, who fails to seduce him when invited to eat his spare steak as Nathan declined, but …
  • 14. I Shall Believe
    When the doctor tells Keith it's too soon to tell how bad Lucas's injuries are, he informs Haley, who throws Nathan out immediately and calls Peyton, who is with Brooke at the time. Mother Karen learns to her surprise Dan saved her boy by bringing him in and giving permission for surgery as his father, while Keith caused the accident under nearly illegal influence of alcohol. Karen and Deb comfort each-other at Lucas's sickbed, where Peyton briefly and Brooke more elaborately meet Karen. After Haley gives him the silent treatment, Nathan sadly admits to Deb he barely …
  • 15. Suddenly Everything Has Changed
    Now Lucas is out of the coma and released home, where his ma tries to make him take it easy on doctors orders, Jake brings him a games console as a get-better-and-return gift from the Ravens and uses the opportunity to get a job in Karen's café. Nathan tells his ma he understands his parents' divorce is the only option by now, and turns all his attention to Haley, who makes him realize he's not a baby who must go where he's told but can legally choose; both parents seem confident and determined to win him over, but Dan convinces him Deb doesn't stand a chance because …
  • 16. The First Cut Is the Deepest
    Dan experiences he has abused both his boys so often neither will thank him for anything- Nathan not for a brand new sports car, Lucas not even for having saved his life. Now neither Brooke nor Peyton is going with him, and coach forbids him to work out as it over-strains his hurt arm, Lucas goes out with a loose girl in a bar, Nikki, ignorant of her relevant past. Dan makes Keith an offer he cannot refuse to pay Lucas' hospital bills: a sale of his garage at market value, keeping him on as manager with an option to buy it back. Deb finally tells Nathan the truth Dan …
  • 17. Spirit in the Night
    Nathan has moved into his own apartment, away from both parents. To prepare for a match away, Coach orders Lucas to coach Nathan's weakest points, and makes them uneasy roommates; in the evening the boys sneak out but the strip joint Tim ‘could get them in’ turns out to be queer. Peyton and Sparkle Classic cheer-leading coach Brooke also find themselves bunking together; when Theresa falls sick, Haley is recruited and gets a crash course. Mouth spies the other teams -he demonstrates with more talent then most girls!- so they rework both choreography (Brooke) and music…
  • 18. To Wish Impossible Things
    By annual tradition the Raven boys are -willingly- auctioned for charity till midnight. Overeager go-go-dancer Tim fails to please the shallow girls, but $8 say he can do chores for Deb, whose warning to bring a clothes change as it will be sweaty is totally, Tim-optimistically-hornily misunderstood, in a way that almost shocks even Dan… Jake in cuddly mascot-costume fetches $100, but is furious to find from whom: his ex Nicki, who walked out on him and their baby daughter Jenny… Lucas fetched $115 from Haley, class act ‘boy toy’ Nathan $119,53 from Peyton (at …
  • 19. How Can You Be Sure?
    Lucas believed he saw more then an auction slave's duty when Nathan kissed Peyton, but confronted Nathan is convincingly indignant. Brooke and a test kit tell Lucas they're expecting a baby. Jake still refuses Nikki any part in Jenny's life. Nathan tells Haley he doesn't understand she won't share his bed but tattooed his jersey number on her backside. After 15 years Keith proposes to Karen, who ‘isn’t ready', and decides to leave. Dan tells Lucas not to let Brooke ruin his life as Karen did by having him; and bursts in at Nathan's to tell him the beach-house will be …
  • 20. What Is and What Should Never Be
    Keith has a solicitation as auto-shop teacher in a Charleston school; Lucas is heartbroken his surrogate father may move that far away. Haley and Nathan finally feel cozy living together, but when Dan finds out he sold the car he gave his poor son, he demands the money it fetched unless he moves in with him again- so the kid chooses to stay poor and takes a lousy job serving food in the mall, where a kid he never even noticed in his history class is now the sports heroes' vindictive boss- one visit by Dan convinces even him to go easy on the long-envied golden boy …
  • 21. The Leaving Song
    The knowledge that Dan actually requested joint custody over Lucas but was turned away by Karen makes Keith doubt her and the Scott boys, who now train together as friends, how their lives would have been growing up as brothers. Peyton and Brooke loose Jake's baby daughter Jenny in the mall, and find Nikki picked her up. Haley is furious when she finds porn sites on Nathans computer, even though everybody else considers cyber-sex innocent fun, no competition for her. Since coach Whitey must have an operation, Dan manages -to his fury- to be made Ravens coach for one …
  • 22. The Games That Play Us
    The game against Masonboro, coached by Dan, can mean a perfect season for the Ravens. Nathan finally gets Haley over the computer images- and in bed. Brooke swears Peyton she's two-timing Nikki who wants to take Jenny from Jake. Karen is not prepared to see Lucas leave to Charleston with Keith, which makes nearly everybody sad. At the game bully Dan ignores the medical advice to have Lucas' arm X-rayed and keeps it from him so he'll play; Nathan overhears him but passes him the decisive last minute shot, and thus shatters the unbeaten season dream. Just before he …
  • 1. The Desperate Kingdom of Love
    Nathan and Haley wake up next to each-other, barely able to believe they just got married; flash-backs show how her parents agreed and she nearly chickened out realizing they have not a single identical CD; when they hear Dan is in hospital, she suggests not to tell him right now. Deb takes the news badly in the hospital chapel, blaming the newly-weds while fearing Dan is dying. Lucas has a new haircut as a symbol of his new life with Keith in Charlotte; hearing about Dan they make a list of reasons not to go back, but decide Lucas should for Nathan's sake, but Keith …
  • 2. Truth Doesn't Make a Noise
    Lucas is back. He enlists Brooke and Peyton to give a party for Nathans marriage to Haley, but Deb is too livid, even now Dan is getting better, to consent- Nathan makes clear her and Dans disapproval are irrelevant, but Dan takes his news surprisingly well and just seems concerned he will give up basketball. Keith tells Karen he hasn't decided whether to leave again; he takes coach's advice to visit Dan, who seems forgiving even after Debs infidelity with him, so he decides to run Dan's dealership for a while.
  • 3. Near Wild Heaven
    Tim is dead-set to hire a stripper so Nathan must get a post-wedding bachelors night; the girls laugh at him -and grab their chance to rip off Nathans shower towel- but although Haley is worried, Brooke is actually no less eager to throw Haley a killer bridal shower in her expensive style, starting with a limo ride to a private lingerie show followed by a car repair man who doubles as shirtless dancer. Dan is still recovering and atypically friendly, even asking Lucas to forgive him for everything; Deb considers taking him back. Keith starts in Dans managers seat by …
  • 4. You Can't Always Get What You Want
    Brooke tells the Latino pool boy he's not allowed to use the swimming pool, and when he gets out finds he was skinny diving- the next morning he turns up at her school in a sports car; it's her new neighbor Felix Taggaro, who is even more flirtatious, self-confident and sassy then she and uses Mouth to find his way. At college Karen gets to know personally her business economics professor Andy Hargrove, a retired self-made tycoon. When Lucas tells he wants to use Dan's rehabilitation to get to know him properly, Nathan gives him his blessing. Dan orders Keith to fire …
  • 5. I Will Dare
    Felix Taggaro, the new kid in school, makes his grand entry in Tree Hills youth society by organizes a “dare night” on personal invitation, test the limits of the coolest kids plus Mouth (who was very helpful) and Tim, who begged hard enough. The tasks for the pairs, both picked by Felix, are very different, unfairly so. Nathan and Tim, get one humiliation after the other, Tim -who feels neglected now Nathan is such a devoted husband- even a full body waxing. Mouth has the fun of his life doing things he would never dare on his own, and his two black teammates, from …
  • 6. We Might as Well Be Strangers
    Peyton meets cocky record shop clerk Chris Keller who turns out the only good musician on the club's auditions besides Haley, who has too much stage-fright. Coach won't listen when Lucas genuinely suggests to reconsider an eye operation. Lucas learns Anna is overprotective Felix' sister. Nathan gets a once in a lifetime invitation for the three months Highfliers basketball summer-camp in Florida. Now her parents are financially ruined, Brooke decides to recruit Felix as her purely physical toy-boy, and is forced to hold a garage sale. Dan invites Deb to watch the …
  • 7. Let the Reigns Go Loose
    Felix continues to be Brooke's sex-toy. Chris makes Peyton beg for him to perform at the Tric club opening and hands her a ‘rider’ (list of demands), which inspires Brooke- about non-committal rules for Felix. Dan tells startled Karen he forgave Andy for sleeping with Deb, news to her. Craig asks Jules to the opening, they become exclusive. Coach, in hospital, understands Nathan gives up Highflyers for Haley's sake; seeing the crowd gives her major stage-fright, but when Chris leaves the stage because the teenage crowd won't listen quietly she plays, to applause, then…
  • 8. Truth, Bitter Truth
    To Brooke's horror, her ma even sold her king-size bed. Chris Keller asks Haley to play and sing on his studio recording that same evening and coaches her well enough to give her confidence and consider a career in music. Karen confronts Peyton about her cocaine experience and tells manager Rick she wants no more ties with him. Keith is happy with Jules in and after bed. Brooke, Peyton, Haley and Anna have a slumber party in Nathan's apartment where Felix is found naked twice, first in bed with Brooke, and secrets and lies are revealed in anger. Meanwhile, Lucas and …
  • 9. The Trick Is to Keep Breathing
    Haley makes Nathan agree to go to the prom even though his parents will be chaperons; Peyton pays Brooke's chosen dress for it; Lucas tells Felix he's taking Anna; Mouth comes alone ‘on the prowl’. Lucas learns Dan is hiding his full recovery. Haley finally accepts to play with Chris in Peyton's club, but they run late, leaving Nathan dancing with his ma; when she finally arrives they are crowned king and queen of the ball but just then Nathan learns she worked with Chris even while he was in Charlotte, and ends up showing he gave up Highflyers for her. After Mouth …
  • 10. Don't Take Me for Granted
    After the prom, Anna sleeps over at Peyton's- Felix sneers she's getting a worse reputation then his, while Peyton has a hard time with lesbianism-innuendos, even though Brooke says that appeals to boys, but ends up making a stand at school. Brooke finds Nathan slept on Lucas's floor; when he goes home, Haley tells him she respects his sacrifice and wants him to go to Highflyers, but won't do the one thing he asks, stop seeing Chris, so he walks out again and warns Chris in ominous terms and grip. Brooke blames Felix for her broken windshield and rages at him; he …
  • 11. The Heart Brings You Back
    After Debs confession to have slept with Keith, Karen shows her the door and later has a misunderstanding which makes her break up with Andy. Haley chickens out on her music career at the last minute, so Chris leaves alone. When she gets home, her kid sister Taylor has already got Nathan let her in, who hopes in vain she won't remember she was his first sex partner at a party in the beach-house; they become friends and he decides she can stay a few weeks. Jake is back, without Jenny, for a few days he spends mainly with Peyton. Lucas finds out how Jules' poverty drove…
  • 12. Between Order and Randomness
    Karen decides to make Lucas's life as miserable as possible till he takes the heart test and asks Andy over while his house is in a contractor's hands. Brooke needs a job- the Crab shack hires her, but not as waitress, just ‘PR’ in a crab suit; she quickly makes friends with the other underpaid girls but is the only one to develop a militant labor union attitude. Lucas confronts Dan about Jules, and is told about Debs adultery with Keith, who cannot deny it and swears Jules is his true love. Taylor sees Haley's tattoo and bugs her and Nathan about not following big …
  • 13. The Hero Dies in This One
    Brooke plans her presidential campaign with Felix; her opponent is confident, never-defeated Erica Marsh, who lives for the job. Dan asks Lucas to move in with him while offering Keith to pay for a grand wedding with Jules. Nathan discovers lovers e-mail to Chris from Haley on their computer, believes her most are from Taylor and they decide the stirring sister must leave. Jake is back for good, moves in with Peyton and asks coach for a good word at school. Erika plays the campaign dirty, so Brooke decides to pull all the stops and asks Lucas to write her a killer …
  • 14. The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows
    Deb is angry to hear from Dan Lucas moves in, but hopeful now Haley has left Nathan he might also return. Nathan is a wreck, and seems determined to wreck his school-prospects; he won't listen to anyone, even hits the still taunting Dan. Jake and Jenny live in Peyton's room, but she is reluctant to become intimate again. Erica stops at nothing to defeat Brooke, but clever speeches by her and Mouth still turn the tide. Lucas seems to feel at home with Dan.
  • 15. Unopened Letter to the World
    Coach tells the students of Tree Hill High to make a video recording for the traditional time capsule they expect to be open in 50 years. When Mouth tells it's sometimes opened early, Anna convinces him to help erase hers- they can't resist watching some other. Lucas moves in with Dan; Andy helps Karen to fight Dan in court, but she fails to remain rational. Nathan continues his self-destruction, believing Haley will never return, quits his job at Dans garage and gets Lucas and him arrested; they fight over Dan and Keith so Lucas tells his true motivation, and Dan …
  • 16. Somewhere a Clock Is Ticking
    Brooke is high: she's about to be installed as school president and her dad should get another well-paid job. Nathan, still drinking, is livid after a call from Haley she'll be on TV, refuses to go to Keiths wedding, gets no sympathy from coach -who even rats out his fake ID in the liquor store- and drives Deb to abuse pain killers, as Lucas soon finds out. Andy thinks Karen can get Lucas back now his detective found Dan pays all expenses for some Emily Chambers. Chris makes it appear on national TV as if he and Haley are a couple. Best man Lucas takes Brooke, Jake …
  • 17. Something I Can Never Have
    Niki turns up with a court decision in absentia awarding her custody of Jenny- Andy offers Jake legal help as fleeing is loosing. Lucas goes to his ma now the truth is out but decides to stay with Dan as he considers himself the enemy's only weak spot. Keith feels betrayed by everyone; Dan can't resist gloriously admitting having set him up and is physically assaulted. Brooke dreads her impeding departure and realizes she may stay with a friend; Peyton is willing, but her parents refuse. Anna turns Felix in to the principal for writing dike on Peytons locker, with …
  • 18. The Lonesome Road
    Lucas and Peyton hide Jake and Jenny at Nathan's place while he chases Haley. Lucas finds Dans secret hiding place for cash and a secret ledger; when he and Andy come get it at night, all is gone. Annas former lover Darby turns up; she ends up coming clean to her parents, who still love her, but returns to boarding school. Nathan accepts an invitation to spend the night at the bar where Taylor lives this week; they drink heavy and participate in the bar dancing show. Niki claims Jennys isn't Jake's biologically. Brooke stays late at a party without permission, misses …
  • 19. I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning
    Deb's cool younger brother, race pilot Cooper ‘Coop’ Lee, visits his favorite cousin Nathan and invites him and Lucas to Daytona, where the boys and his kid brother Jarret get a crash course from competitor Ray Green's daughter Daytona ‘Toni’ in not crashing for a taste of the race. Dan informs college about Andy's improper relationship with Karen- he must choose and gives his notice. Mouth fakes being drunk so Brooke can ‘drive him home’; Erica is a real client, and hits on with him, kissing. Dan finds Deb wasted in the garden. At the day of the (private) race, …
  • 20. Lifetime Piling Up
    Now Nathan in unconscious in hospital, he dreams a nightmare alternative version of his life, in which Dan married Karen and lives with her and Lucas, while Keith is the successful car dealer, Dan is assistant coach and trains Lucas as the Ravens star. Nathan is the poor underdog living with Deb -who runs the café- but may still be recommended for Highflyers by coach Whitey if he wins a duel; Haley is his girlfriend, Brooke makes a pass at him. Karen cheats Dan with Keith. Peyton goes steady with Lucas but tells Haley to warn Nathan about Lucas' dirty plans; Dan's …
  • 21. What Could Have Been
    Nathan is recovering and back home, but won't tell Lucas what drove him. Brooke pieced together a shredded invoice Lucas sneaked home, so she learns about his investigation for Dans car dealership scam, and Andy makes sense of it but feels Lucas should stop taking risks. Nathan was relieved to hear his hospital bills are all paid, when Dan bursts in; he refuses to move back home even during revalidation, but keeps annulment forms. The kids planned a benefit film night for Nathan's medical bills, and go on just for the fun; to their surprise he appreciates an …
  • 22. The Tide That Left and Never Came Back
    The class's last essay assignment is about what they lost during the year, which sets some thinking. Karen attacks Dan when she learns he tries to get Andy deported; Andy cleverly trick him to check the black books hiding place. Jake has high hopes to get Jenny back now his attorney found Nikki lied under oath about attending college; but the day before, Nikki visits him to show she found Jenny already… Coach encourages Nathan to go to Highflyers, as he has grown in character enough, but Dan claims his ma Deb will collapse again if he leaves after her return. Karens…
  • 1. Like You Like an Arsonist
    Haley turned up at Nathans door, asking to be together again, but he is urgently called away to the fire in Dan's office- Deb asks her along. Peyton tells Lucas about Elisabeth who claims to be her -dead- mother but knows things; her dad now says her beloved ma was not her biological mother- she turns away from both. Three months later Brooke returns walking straight up to Lucas, who was however just waiting for Karen. Nathan finally can go to High Flyers, and Haley's declaration of ‘never ceased’ love doesn't get to him; but there he remains torn between his love for…
  • 2. From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea
    Brooke has a end of the summer party on the beach; Nathan is home from basketball camp; Lucas deals with Brooke's rules for dating; Peyton deals with family issues; Haley tries to tell Nathan how she feels.
  • 3. First Day on a Brand New Planet
    Lucas and Haley dig up, as each year, their previous predictions for the new school year; he decorated Brookes locker- they are arranged alphabetically, making the Scott brothers and Haley neighbors. Mouth pod-cast-interviews Ravens-star Nathan. Dan warns coach Durham he plans to have the school board remove him and Lucas he remembers his arson. Ellie tells Lucas the marijuana is for her cancer pain. When Haley asks coach for help with Nathan, he just gives her a detention slip for entering the boys locker room- Nathan is there to, but pays her no attention; next day,…
  • 4. An Attempt to Tip the Scales
    Lucas and Haley have a ball trying on costumes for a masked ball in Karens club; Lucas hopes to make Brooke accept becoming exclusive. Dan records mayor Mullins having kinky sex and uses the tape to make him drop reelection and support his own run for office; Deb can get her divorce if she endorses him sixty more days, till after the election; she decides to milk the time, spending a fortune on a ‘candidate’s wife's look' (wardrobe and even a personal trainer Hans) while dumping his cloths and uses a tazer to enforce a distance in bed, but his revenge is as sweet. …
  • 5. A Multitude of Casualties
    Dan presents the Ravens opening show for the new basketball season, but after the choreographed cheerleaders the boys come rolling in with a public fight between Lucas and Nathan over Haley; then a major flashback… Brooke and Peyton audition would be-cheerleaders; the obvious winner is arrogant, slutty Rachel, who Brooke accidentally indicates when telling Lucas to date another girl. While Dans team plans his mayoral election campaign, Deb deliberately walks in dressed sluttier then a drunk whore. Captain Nathan puts Lucas on the bench for back-talk. Brooke wants to…
  • 6. Locked Hearts and Hand Grenades
    After the abysmal fight-performance at the Ravens' opening games, Whitey condemns the boys team to ‘gym suicide’; Lucas's failure to tell about his heart condition makes coach go even harder on the others, yet he implores Haley not to spill the beans on his poor health. The cheerleaders are threatened with abolition, so Brooke decides to divert her girls from fighting by a variation on Lucas's baseball dream-team: the girls individually draft exclusive dream boys. While spouses-to-be-separated Dan and Deb continue to make each-others life misery, Karen and Deb try to …
  • 7. Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends
    Lucas dreams of Brooke but wakes up next to Chris; Nathan dreams of Brooke and Haley together. The girls' boys draft still arouses jealousy and intrigues, and of course appetite from horny boys like Tim. Nathan, Haley, Chris and Brooke are appalled to find the idyllic spot on the beach of Nathan and Haley's wedding ruined by bulldozers. Mouth and Peyton spend time with his grandpa Mel, whose Alzheimer is far enough to confuse Mouth with his dad Joe. Deb and hesitant Karen spray on Dan's huge billboard- and get stuck as their ladder tips over, so Deb makes a rope with …
  • 8. The Worst Day Since Yesterday
    After Lucas surprised Chris with Brooke, even her self-confidence isn't enough to remain assured she hasn't really lost the possible love of her life. Chris informs Nathan whom he thought already knew and gets knocked for once more breaking up a relationship for someone he's not even truly in love with. Dan phones the radio station to point out on air his competitor Karen is unmarried and checks on Nathans condition for the new season, but gets the cold shoulder. Tim looks forward to the boys getting tattoos this year. Karen nor cake can cheer up Lucas, who doesn't …
  • 9. How a Resurrection Really Feels
    Brookes stolen tops from the shop where she worked land her, Haley and Peyton in jail. Nathan refuses to bail them out, but accepts to drive Chris to the man to whom he lost at poker the $2000 for Haleys studio recording; on the road he learns they must win it back playing poker. Lucas bails everyone out but Brooke. After seeing Karen's TV spot of him rouging up Nathan, Dan demands she bows out or he shows the public virtual proof who tried to burn him alive, but after a phone call she stays in the race. Brooke uses her talent with needle and tread to create a …
  • 10. Brave New World
    Haley is back in Nathan's bed; she's scared when Dan turns up and tells her he still expects their annulment. Brooke is back in Lucas' bed, but freaks out when the Internet-orders are over tenfold her dressmaking capacity; she puts everyone, even babysat children, to work, but only Rachel proves productive- and only on her own order. Peyton asks Lycas to drive her to her mother Elisabeth, but not to join them there; her amazing LP collection shows they have music to bond, and she asks her in vain to move in back with Larry and her while helping Haley with her record; …
  • 11. Return of the Future
    Another terrible Ravens game; coach blames everything on total lack of team spirit. Keith is back, admitting to Lucas his wife Jules was not what he hoped, and just no match for Karen. Brooke must take the couch at Nathans place, but gets invited for Rogue Vogue, a fashion talent show in New York. Nathan fears Dan was right to suggest Haleys sudden pregnancy is all too convenient. Coach punishes the boys by transferring them from the glorious stadium to a dump which they must first clean up; Nathan walks out, but after talking to Lucas and Dan about his chances for a …
  • 12. I've Got Dreams to Remember
    Keith is arrested as suspect for the arson attempt on his brother Dan, but to the mayors anger soon released for lack of proof. The kids are supposed to get counseling about choosing a college, but nearly all have their minds elsewhere. Nathan and Haley make up, but have chosen colleges 3000 miles apart. Brooke believes Rachel deliberately entered her for the New York fashion contest because it's the same day as the cheerleaders' high-day, the Classic. Ellie insists Peyton shouldn't doubt about going to college at all. Mouth has enough of Brookes bitching, so he goes …
  • 13. The Wind That Blew My Heart Away
    During a bad storm, Lucas spends the night with Brooke, who bitches because the last line of his letter is identical to one he once wrote to Peyton about love forever; he must chase her in the pouring rain, suggesting she just wants an excuse to break up; they make up in bed. Now Haley's record is finished after three weeks, Ellie plans to leave Peyton again but stays during the storm, reminiscing. Mouth visits Rachel to watch a movie in her bedroom, she tries to build up his confidence and coach him in womanizing, he wants to remain his honest self, turns down …
  • 14. All Tomorrow's Parties
    Peyton tries to handle her biological ma Ellie's death by taking a road-trip to New York with Haley and Brooke for her fashion contest. Coach reads the boys the riot act on the bus to the Classic, but finds chaperons Keith and Karen giving the bad example on the backseats and decides to share Keiths room, Karen goes to his, he even drags Keith along bowling. Rachel runs a tight ship captaining the cheerleaders. Brooke hears her turn is a day later: no Classic for her? The Scott brothers accept player Tony Battle's invitation to an ‘early’ party after a home dinner, …
  • 15. Just Watch the Fireworks
    Last year's time-capsule is maliciously opened 49 years early, revealing many kids' embarrassing secrets, lies and even worse truths, shown on TV screens at school and even on the Internet. Peyton prepares a benefit for the National Breast-cancer action, in memory of her recently deceased ma Ellie Harp; it rocks and brings most kids back together. Keith announces his engagement to Karen and his plan to adopt Lucas. Jimmy Edwards, who bagged the worst on everyone in his time-capsule speech, gets roughed up, but the Scott brothers, Mouth and Rachel save his bacon. Dan …
  • 16. With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept
    A dangerous day at Tree Hill High gives Nathan and Lucas a common goal, as they put their lives on the line to save their friends when a distraught student comes to school with a gun and holds Haley hostage.
  • 17. Who Will Survive, and What Will Be Left of Them
    Keith Scott's funeral arouses memories, especially from his one-day bride-to-be Karen and his brother and killer Dan about their childhood, so he starts to feel haunted by Keith as a little boy, then his beloved big brother. Lucas won't hear a word about mad student Jimmy Edwards, thinking as everybody he was the murderer before the kid committed suicide. Nathan is so happy again with Haley that he tells her, now his ma Deb is returning, they will move out of the parental home and back with Brooke- his love for Haley is the center of Nathans life again. The school has…
  • 18. When It Isn't Like It Should Be
    Now things are getting normal again, Rachel invites the kids for a weekend in her parents' vast ‘cabin’ in the woods, complete with quads. She invites Mouth with her to the master bedroom, but he declines: he's there for his friends, not her, and won't forgive her time-capsule stunt- he bunks with Peyton, whose leg still isn't healed. Nathan plans to propose again to Haley, so the girls freak when she can't find her wedding ring which he took to that romantic end; Lucas tips off Brooke, now the two are like pees in a pod again, but Haley sees them 'having found the …
  • 19. I Slept with Someone in Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me
    At his first game after Keith's funeral, Lucas feels unable to play, so Nathan decides the Ravens forfeit, but insists to Lucas that should be a one-off, especially in coach's last season. Nathan and Haley are too cozy in bed, contemplating a second wedding, to unpack. At 1 AM his Uncle Cooper ‘Coop’ Lee turns up, telling he has a new girl-friend in One Tree Hill. Peyton is delighted when Pete from Fall Out Boy turns up in a stretched limo, but daddy Larry forbids all nightly visits. Deb is back and offers Karen all possible help, but is told off as a failed murderer….
  • 20. Everyday Is a Sunday Evening
    Damien West from Oak Lake, undefeated adversaries, challenges the Ravens and even his High Flyers-“mate” Nathan for Haley; Lucas is still too sick to perform, but Nathan singlehandedly holds the fort even though his entire body aches, while Haley still enforces their prenuptial sex-moratorium. Jake tells Peyton he had to make up with Nikki, who has Jenny most of the time but actually shows some maternal talent; he became a great singer, but shies away from intimacy with Peyton- well, not for too long, and that's enough to make her decide she's ready to leave Tree Hill…
  • 21. Over the Hills and Far Away
    On the night before Nathan and Haleys wedding, Brooke argues with Haley over the wedding dress. Meanwhile, Lucas and Karen return.
  • 22. The Show Must Go On
    Nathan and Haley's wedding is a time of great joy. And great sadness. Peyton and Brooke fall out, Dan learns the truth about the fire, and Rachel gets publicly drunk….and publicly bitter.
  • 1. The Same Deep Water as You
    The aftermath of the post-wedding car accident unfolds. Haley is deeply affected by Nathan's attempt to rescue Cooper and Rachel, Brooke confronts Lucas with her true feelings and Peyton makes a startling discovery. Pressured by the fact that someone might know he killed his brother, Dan assaults Deb.
  • 2. Things I Forgot at Birth
    As Nathan, Rachel and Cooper's lives remain precarious following the car accident, Brooke celebrates her 18th birthday but finds it diminished by her struggles with Peyton. Lucas and Karen come to terms with her pregnancy and with the pregnancy of someone close to Lucas, while Deb's past addictions intersect with Haley in an explosive manner.
  • 3. Good News for People Who Love Bad News
    Lucas and Brooke, now broken up, clash at a post-game party and Haley realizes that Rachel is plotting to seduce Nathan. Meanwhile, Peyton connects with her half-brother, Rachel reveals that she knows who is pregnant and Skills takes the court with the Ravens basketball team.
  • 4. Can't Stop This Thing We've Started
    Peyton introduces hip-hop sensation Lupe Fiasco at Tric, while rumors that Brooke is pregnant run rampant. Still dealing with their car accident, Nathan buys a motorcycle despite Haley's reservations, and Rachel poses for Maxim magazine. Meanwhile, Lucas clashes with Derek, and Deb double-crosses Karen.
  • 5. I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness
    Peyton finally realizes that her brother Derek isn't her real brother but in fact the very same person that's been sending her online messages using the alias “watchmewatchyou”. When she learns this and starts pushing him away, Derek breaks into her house and tries to hurt her. She is saved in the last minute by her real brother Derek and Lucas. In the end, Derek disappears after surviving a bad fall through Peyton's window.
  • 6. Where Did You Sleep Last Night?
    Nathan and Haley's financial struggles force Nathan to approach Dan for help. In spite of his heart condition, Lucas decides to rejoin the Ravens, teaming him with Skills. Feeling isolated and alone, Peyton finds comfort from an unlikely source, while Brooke begins dating again, but discovers that her new boyfriend is not all that he seems to be. Mouth receives an unexpected proposal, and an old acquaintance of Dan's, Daunte, shows a sudden interest in Nathan.
  • 7. All These Things That I've Done
    Brooke has her hands full with her model for the T.A.R.T. fashion show and a new boyfriend. Rachel makes the cover of “Maxim,” causing chaos at Tree Hill High. Meanwhile, Lucas learns of Nathan's dealings with Daunte, and ultimately has to choose between Nathan and his love for basketball. Haley takes on a babysitting job only to find herself in over her head and Peyton's half-brother, Derek, forces her to confront her deepest fears.
  • 8. Nothing Left to Say But Goodbye
    Derek convinces Peyton to take a chance with Lucas at the same time that Brooke approaches him about getting back together. Daunte's latest demand leads Nathan to seek help from an unlikely source - Dan. When Rachel learns of a failing grade, she turns to Haley for tutoring. Nathan is named MVP of the Ravens at the annual sports banquet.
  • 9. Some You Give Away
    As Whitey's last game approaches, the residents of Tree Hill feel the pressure of a looming State Championship. Peyton reveals to Lucas that she has feelings for him. Haley learns the sex of her baby. Nathan and Lucas clash over personal and team goals. Karen shows Deb tough love, while Dan tries to strike a bargain with Daunte.
  • 10. Songs to Love and Die By
    Lucas receives an unlikely visitor – his supposedly dead Uncle Keith. Haley's life and the life of her unborn child are threatened when she experiences serious complications with her pregnancy and Nathan wrestles with the guilt and consequences of his dealings with Daunte.
  • 11. Everything in Its Right Place
    Following his heart attack, Lucas returns to school, hoping to rekindle his romance with Peyton. Haley learns that Nathan was responsible for her accident. Brooke and Rachel hatch a plan to steal the next calculus exam, while Dan faces murder charges and Deb breaks out of rehab.
  • 12. Resolve
    With senior prom only weeks away, Haley's frustration over her injuries increases and Skills and Mouth hatch a plan to help Nathan earn money for the big dance by stripping. Brooke betrays Rachel in order to get closer to a new guy and Peyton and Lucas resolve to be happy. Struggling with her drug addiction, Deb makes a choice that could end her life.
  • 13. Pictures of You
    A class assignment reveals the deepest secrets and desires of Lucas and the students at Tree Hill High. Worried about college prospects, Skills turns to Haley, while Nathan wrestles with Deb's suicide attempt. Chase learns that Brooke cheated on her calculus exam, while nudity and drugs run rampant in the halls of the school.
  • 14. Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers
    Haley confronts Brooke regarding the stolen calculus test. Lucas and Peyton consider taking their relationship to the next level as Peyton and Brooke grow closer. In Deb's absence, Nathan throws a senior party at the Scott House, where a sex tape from Nathan's past surfaces.
  • 15. Prom Night at Hater High
    On the day of Prom, the residue of Nathan's pre-Prom party has serious repercussions for everyone in Tree Hill. Haley asks Nathan for a list of his past sexual conquests. Rachel is suspended after taking the blame for the exam she stole with Brooke. Peyton tells Lucas she wants to skip the Prom entirely, but he refuses to take no for an answer. Finally Mouth and Brooke must deal with dating Clean Teens on Prom night.
  • 16. You Call It Madness, But I Call It Love
    It will be an unforgettable Prom at Tree Hill High when Lucas discovers who was in the hallway when Keith was killed. Meanwhile, Peyton's decision to skip Prom leads to dire consequences. Nathan and Haley vow to be romantic teenagers at Prom, while Dan tries to win Karen's affections, as the witness to his murder closes in.
  • 17. It Gets Worse at Night
    Skills finds Lucas sleeping besides Peyton and Brooke who made up and felt scared alone after fighting fake Derek. When they get a message from Mouth he's in trouble, they all decide to go together as a road-trip, and drive on taking turns. After sleeping in a small-town park, ‘vagrant’ Mouth is in jail, where a giant biker type who recognizes him from Brooke's fashion show protects him, till he makes friends with all jailbirds. On the back-road they took in Texas to see the Elvis-shaped sandwich, their car breaks down and Chris Keller's tour-bus driving by stops and …
  • 18. The Runaway Found
    Peyton is scared by images of “Psycho Derek,” so she decides to confront him. Meanwhile, Lucas continues seeking answers about his Uncle Keith's Murder.
  • 19. Ashes of Dreams You Let Die
    Nathan and Haley grow closer in spite of the recent scandal. Brooke wonders if a spark might be rekindled with Chase. Peyton receives a tempting offer that would ultimately take her away from Tree Hill. Mouth reconnects with Gigi, while Lucas tells Karen that Dan is a murderer, setting off an explosive series of events.
  • 20. The Birth and Death of the Day
    As graduation day dawns in Tree Hill, some dreams begin as others end. Haley prepares for her graduation speech and her role as a young mother, while Nathan prepares for life without basketball. Brooke makes a heartfelt confession that puts her future in jeopardy. Lucas confronts Dan as Karen's life is threatened.
  • 21. All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone
    Haley gives birth to Nathan's son: James ‘Jim’ Lucas Scott. After Karen nearly dies having her and Keith's daughter Lily, Dan confesses Keith's murder and goes to prison. Two weeks later, Deb babysits when Rachel hosts a nostalgic graduation class exit party. Chase and Lucas insist Brooke and Peyton try their career opportunities before returning to them. The Scott brothers gather the courage to visit dad, Dan, in jail, then decide against it, while he fails trying to hang himself. Lucas accepts becoming Jim's godfather and coach's college assistant.
  • 1. 4 Years, 6 Months, 2 Days
    As promised, Lucas, Brooke, Nathan, Haley, Peyton and their Tree Hill gang meet up after 4 years of being apart. Haley and Nathan still live in Tree Hill with their now 4 year-old son, James Lucas Scott. Nathan's dreams of being a NBA star were smashed. Peyton has just quit her job in the record industry. Brooke is living in New York. Her multi-million dollar clothing line, Clothes Over Bros, has given her a successful career in fashion design. Lucas comes back Tree Hill with his new girlfriend, Lindsay, suffering writer's block. The group rekindles to see how much …
  • 2. Racing Like a Pro
    Everyone is settled in as they come back to Tree Hill. Its the day of Jamie's box car race. Haley tries to make Nathan go to the event. While, Brooke gets frustrated, as she rekindles with Lucas, tangles over Jamie's race car outfit, and struggles on the fact of what kind of lifestyle she wants. Peyton starts a friendship with a girl who lives in her old home, and moves in with Brooke. Lucas and his girlfriend Linsday, also come to the fact that 2 of his ex's from his past, are back into town.
  • 3. My Way Home Is Through You
    Haley tries to encourage a student, who is a troublemaker, to join the Ravens. Nathan goes and vists Dan in prison, without Lucas aware. Brooke is edgy after her manager, tracks her down in Tree Hill. Peyton finds new talent for the reopening of Tric, with the help of Haley. Lucas lets Peyton be the manager of Tric. Linsday, Lucas's girlfriend is worried after meeting Brooke and Peyton.
  • 4. Its Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
    Brooke buys Karens Cafe, and turns it into a Clothes Over Bro's boutique. Everyone goes to the opening of the store, including Brooke's Manager mother, who has seemed to track her down. Lucas and Peyton cause friction at the opening.
  • 5. I Forgot to Remember to Forget
    In a flashback of three years into the past, an event between Lucas and Peyton changes their relationship forever. Brooke has to decide about the fate of her fashion line since Victoria is putting pressure on her. Whitey has doubts about Nathan as he has a sudden temper problem before a championship game because of Haley who is trying to find the balance between her school and motherhood.
  • 6. Don't Dream It's Over
    Nurse Carrie isn't just an ideal playmate for Jamie, who has nightmares since Skillz told him too much about Dan. Her charms should make Haley jealous, but she doesn't realize yet that Carrie really lusts for the hunky husband. Mouth is deputized by the night-shift to ask for better working conditions from their boss Victoria; he actually may earn a TV reporter spot as her “play thing”. Peyton clashes instantly with bossy mother Victoria, who scares her new label's only star, Mia, and calls Brooke too dumb to run the fashion business herself. Lucas considers proposing…
  • 7. In da Club
    It's a Tree Hill reunion as the entire gang gathers at Tric to see musical group The Honorary Title perform. Victoria turns up at the club which infuriates Brooke. Meanwhile, Brooke sets up her assistant Millicent with Mouth but Alice ruins the set-up for him by threatening to have him fired if he kisses Millicent. Peyton arranges for Mia to sing at Tric and Lucas proposes to Lindsay which stuns Peyton.
  • 8. Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want
    Lucas proposes to Lindsey and Peyton is the first one to know the news. Haley is upset at Lucas and Peyton for witnessing their kiss before he proposed to Lindsey. Next day Lindsey shows her ring to Haley and Brooke. Mouth finds out that Alice has been fired for sleeping with an unnamed employee and continues to pursue Millicent and finally wins her over when they watch a televised ballet recital. Carrie continues in the pursuit of Nathan and Brooke is intrigued by Owen and wants to get to know him better but cannot understand why he doesn't respond to the instant …
  • 9. For Tonight You're Only Here to Know
    It's the first game of the season and it's Mouth's big chance to impress with his coverage of the game. Meanwhile, Haley, Brooke, Peyton, Lindsey and Mia get locked in the Tree Hill High library and a lot gets said particularly between Lindsey and Peyton. Elsewhere, Nathan and Lucas endeavor to tell both Haley and Lindsey about their indiscretions.
  • 10. Running to Stand Still
    Brooke invites Tric bartender Owen to come and see her business in New York but finds model Rachel, a friend from her past, in her apartment having taken an overdose. With Owen's help they manage to persuade her to enter a treatment program. Nathan and Lucas attend Dan's parole hearing while they try to protect Jamie from him. Mia gets an offer from Peyton's former employer. Elsewhere, Haley and Nathan's marriage is on the rocks as Carrie does her damnedest to split them up leading. Jamie falls into the pool.
  • 11. You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side
    Missing daddy gives Jamie nightmares about Dan, who is indeed paroled. Lucas and Lindsay decide to ‘coincidentally’ have separate stag and hen nights at the same place, so Nathan and Haley are bound to meet. Brooke arranges a hot blind date for Peyton, but the joke is on her: unsuspecting Owen's chosen mate is Chase, Brooke's former ‘clean teen’ lover. Jamie's tireless efforts to get her reconciled with her father make Haley realize she shouldn't have tried to change Nathan. Ruthless business adviser and absent mother Victoria pushes Rachel out, to Brooke's disgust.
  • 12. Hundred
    Lindsay's big day, the wedding to Lucas, has finally arrived. The old gang reunites, remembering their own loves and/or marriages, even Karen and Andy from New Zealand. Haley still isn't ready to let Nathan back. At the altar Lindsay finally realizes the Comet in Lucas' book refers to Peyton's car and their first love, and runs out. Crazy Carrie kidnaps Jamie, pretending she was rehired as his nanny. Because Haley saw Dan and refused him entry, Nathan sends the police look for his dad. In fact Dan followed Carrie and finds his grandson.
  • 13. Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace
    Brooke is visited by an adoption agency and has an interview to find out if she would be a suitable mother. Lucas flies out to see Lindsey who says she will edit his novel. Dan gets Jamie back and bonds with him at School. Nathan and Haley have a good counseling session and decide to take up their hobbies of basketball and music again. Peyton is visited by Max and still has feelings for Lucas.
  • 14. What Do You Go Home To?
    The marriage counselor's advice to reconnect with personal aspirations is followed to the letter. Haley is happy to re-enter the music field; Peyton is to sign her up for a record. Haley can't find an appropriate nanny, apart from Nathan's mother Deb. Nathan's come-back in basketball is harder to get going as the team's stupid star Q is rude and hostile. Only Jamie get's on with Dan, the brothers warn him to keep his distance. Brooke is ecstatic to be ‘getting a baby’, so she stocks up on toys etc.
  • 15. Life Is Short
    It's Jamie's fifth birthday, and a grand event for the gang. Lucas hoped Lindsey, who also attends, will go back to him, but she insists on leaving her key as she leaves for New York. Although he was the one one Jamie explicitly asked to be invited, Dan isn't even allowed to hand over his personal present. However he has another for Nathan, and a heavy reason to give it. Meanwhile Brooke learns the parenting joy can drown in rivers of tears and noise, and Millicent's entry in the boys flat proves hard to adjust to.
  • 16. Cryin' Won't Help You Now
    Lucas confronts Dan's announcement about his life expectancy of only 6 months without a heart transplant. He calls Dan a liar until the cardiologist confirms it. Nathan wrestles with his feelings, and Jamie's burning desire to get acquainted with his ‘cool’ grandfather, while Dan begs for a last chance to repair his shattered family. Nathan and Jamie come up with a daring alternative for the injured Ravens. Mouth suddenly gets a triple break as sports presenter.
  • 17. Hate Is Safer Than Love
    Dan finds out he is second in line to receive a heart…and the Reverend is first. Peyton gives Mia the details of her next tour. Lucas tells Peyton he hates her.
  • 18. What Comes After the Blues
    Brooke has to deal with giving up her baby Angie. Haley's career takes a turn for the better and Peyton is visited by somebody from her past. Meanwhile, Dan awaits a new heart as Lucas makes a decision on who he wants to be with. Elsewhere Mouth makes the decision to move to Omaha when Millicent agrees to go with him.
  • 1. Touch Me I'm Going to Scream: Part I
    Nathan and Haley are doing well getting back into their careers, but even Jamie's motivational magic can't stop daddy's back from hurting. Lucas finally makes up his mind and proposes to Peyton - a Vegas wedding, an idea which requires romantic rectification. Dan has finally made it to the top of the transplant list, only to be hit by a car. It's no accident, but crazy nurse Carrie who planned to torture him and get Jamie ‘back’. Brooke's mother vows to turn the tables by making the board reinstate her and fire Brooke, so her baby design line is vital and top-secret. …
  • 2. One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning
    Nathan enjoys preparing for a basketball comeback. When Haley discovers how much painkillers he needs they consult a doctor, who warns that overdoing it may even land him in a wheelchair for life. Crazy Carrie's torture now extends to feeding bugs to Dan and setting him up as Jamie's ‘stalker’ before her planned kidnapping. Deb sees that Brooke has been beaten black and blue and robbed, probably on ma's orders as the sketches are stolen, but is asked to keep silent- and teach her to use a gun. Someone else does, with lasting consequences.
  • 3. Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly.
    The shooting of Ravens player Quentin ‘Q’ is the talk of the town. All One Tree Hill tries to come to terms with such blind violence. Nathan and Haley do a great job guiding young son Jamie as well as the team - and school mates. Meanwhile Dan finally gets a chance to make a ‘run’ from the intended death bed Jamie's would-be kidnapper-'mother' Carrie tied him down on.
  • 4. Bridge Over Troubled Water
    Knowing about his mother's affair with Skills, Nathan tells her to leave, but finds Jamie and his granny miss each-other. Of all people she happens to tell crazy Carrie. Jamie's insistence to visit grandpa dad brings Haley to discover his disappearance and investigate. Brooke seeks counseling now her ma has stolen of her fashion company, then goes confront her, armed. The shoplifter is in Haley's class. Peyton is delighted to work and spend time with singer Mick Wolf, who also knew her late ma and biological father.
  • 5. You've Dug Your Own Grave, Now Lie in It
    Nathan thinks it's a godsend to be invited for a job interview by manager Bobby Irons of the NBA D-league team Fort Wayne, until he hears it's for a coaching job. Haley finally grants Jamie a last chance to say dying grandpa Dan goodbye, but it's a dangerous set-up by crazy nanny Carrie, which only lush granny-nanny Debby works out. An incompatible date in a promotion tour for his book forces Lucas to tell Lindsay he's about to marry Peyton.
  • 6. Choosing My Own Way of Life
    Lucas is joined by a familiar face on his book tour; Nathan questions his health when he is given an opportunity to play basketball again.
  • 7. Messin' with the Kid
    Nathan is happy again now that he's playing and actually staring in Smashball. So he reminds Haley that she's also supposed to have another go at her dream career - music. Jamie is bullied because of his ‘childish’ cape by Chuck Scolnik, the biggest kid in his playground. Haley's attempt to reason with his mother only leads to a cat-fight. Superdad finds a way to convince the whole class capes are almost as super-cool as he. Peyton's moving into Lucas' parental home starts confrontations when accused of taking over his space, leading to a weird divided house war. …
  • 8. Our Life Is Not a Movie or Maybe
    Nathan's back is well enough to shoot hoops on the slamball trampoline, but during matches bruises pile up more spectacularly than Haley can bear to watch. Luckily mountain-size Owen obliges Brooke's ‘order’ to act as a human shield. Nathan gratefully smooths over his relationship with the fiery ex. They're just in time to help pick up the pieces -little more is left- after Sam, who joined the club of volunteer babysitters for irresistible Jamie, sneaks out with the angelic rascal to a wild party. Lucas is surprised his first book is considered for a movie, and signs …
  • 9. Sympathy for the Devil
    Jamie and Haley really worry that Nathan might being injured at smash-ball, although he scores well and Owen protects him even against the most feared adversaries. Brooke is so stressed out by Sam's misbehavior that Owen's efforts to win her back, exposing himself only to get overexposed cruelly, seem wasted. Lucas agonizes over whether and how to write the key script scene Julian demands, Keith's death. Peyton puts off telling him about her LA affair too long.
  • 10. Even Fairy Tale Characters Would Be Jealous
    Nathan wrestles with his former self as to whether to give up basketball to be a family-man only or pursue his dream, as he encourages Haley to do at a USA concert for marines. Lucas punches Julian in the face but must reconsidering collaborating on the movie he already sold the rights to. Monogamous virgin Millicent is made absurdly jealous by teaser Gigi.
  • 11. We Three (My Echo, My Shadow and Me)
    Dozing off, Lucas dreams the whole gang are adults in the 1940s. He runs Karen's Café, a classy swing club. Nate, his barman, gathers the courage to declare his love to Haley, the star singer - but is called for active war duty. Mob don Dan run the competing Comet club, but Peyton, his naive girl, flirts with cool Lucas. Dan's right hand Julian breaks Lucas' piano player's hands. Officer Morello suffers Dan's wrath for being an honest cop, with Mouth as a nosy reporter.
  • 12. You Have to Be Joking (Autopsy of the Devil's Brain)
    Thanks to Bobby Irons, Nathan gets a professional audition at Maryland. He changes position to point guard, ideal to prove a smart, driven ‘shortie’ can outclass cocky poles. Returning to collaboration on the movie after his book with Julian, Lucas flies to L.A. to meet hot-shot director Dixon, who wants to make the plot more dramatic. Jamie hesitates whether to play piano or tell jokes at the school podium, but finds a brilliant solution. Julian offers Brooke the chance to design the movie's wardrobe. Brooke and Gigi make Joe and Millicent despair enough to fall into…
  • 13. Things a Mamma Don't Know
    Nathan is selected as point guard by the Charleton Chiefs, where his NBA record causes jealous panic. Lucas pleads against the planned director with studio-boss Paul Norris, who turns out to be Julian's unsupportive father. Chase helps Owen after his drinking relapse. The police won't signal Sam for 24 hours, but Julian helps Brooke, whose memory is also stirred in another crime case.
  • 14. A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene
    Sore from professional basketball, Nathan enjoys his first weekend home. Double date Chase enjoys Nathan's generous help with Mia. Haley happily dumped sonny-boy and his mate in mischief on Lucas and Peyton. They need parenting practice, but find even the best boys are too exhausting to just enjoy all day. Julian enjoys ‘not quite a date’ with Brooke. Now Brooke has identified Jack's brother and got him arrested as murderer, fostering veteran Sam tries to reassure or at least console Jack.
  • 15. We Change, We Wait
    Nathan is on the bench during five losses, but has more maturity, team spirit and insight than the arrogant, selfish star scorer. He feels this is bound to pay off, as Dan predicts. After refusing six top directors, Lucas and Julian get an ultimatum from his father, Paul. He also tells Peyton that the infidelity she dumped Julian for was his publicity stunt. Julian is incredible patient with Brooke's insecurity. Chase is Mia's ideal playmate, inspiring a new single.
  • 16. Screenwriter's Blues
    Julian and director Dixon, who enjoys the ‘fringe (bed) benefits’ to the fullest, press Lucas to make up his mind about casting. Their pressing for even more sexy actors/costumes then the originals stirs Brooke most. Nathan convinces coach Bobby Irons to field him instead of dumb selfish Devon, who still turns out to be a family man too. Dan enjoys coaching Jamie's ‘first date’, but the boy resents his teacher Lauren taking an adult interest in his mentor. Peyton bumbles trying to prep a childproof home. Haley braves the dictatorial new principal's threat to her job …
  • 17. You and Me and the Bottle Makes 3 Tonight
    Nathan can't be home on his wedding anniversary, so Haley comes to Charleston to arrange a romantic dinner in a run-down but charming townhouse. She proposes to move there so they can be together more, he generously suggests she starts touring again. Understanding lover Julian tries the L-word on Brooke, but that's still too soon. Meanwhile Jamie has a dinner guest which surprises nanny granny: grandpa Dan. Parenting memories first bring the exes together, then open up bitter wounds, how both are guilty of Keith's death. After Peyton's near-miscarriage, Lucas wants to…
  • 18. Searching for a Former Clarity
    Julian's dad is fired as studio boss, his projects therefore in doubt. Director Reese Dixon worries about saving pay and perks, masterly. Dan's heart finally arrives, but is lost in a doggish accident. Jamie demands the truth about Keith, but stays loyal. Sam sees Jack commit shoplifting and takes both loot and blame. Julian learns the truth and must decide whether to leave Tree Hill and Brooke. Haley may return as teacher if she publicly withdraws her support for Sam's article. She leaves to join Peyton's label as Mia's producer.
  • 19. Letting Go
    Julian offers Brooke tickets to move to L.A. with him and Sam. However, she keeps doubting and whining that she can't uproot Sam, although she's willing. Even Chase warns her not to waste such an opportunity. When Jamie asks about Keith, Nathan and Lucas take him to his auto-shop. Jack braves suspension to make all Haley's class walk out of Brumkin's boring English class. Even a college dorm PJ party can't console love-sick Mouth.
  • 20. I Would for You
    Nathan and Haley are considering a better school for genius Jamie, but doubt that academic excellence outweighs posh elitism and absence of sports. Nathan is expected to step up as leader - by coaching his ingrate rival Nino. Peyton has a car accident, which wrecks Lucas' Comet on wheels. Sam's boyfriend has found cool foster parents, and must leave Victoria expects Brooke to help save the company she stole, if not out of family loyalty then for the employees.
  • 21. A Kiss to Build a Dream On
    Nathan is offered a two year pro contract, but in Europe. He agonizes whether he should take it, as Bobby suggests, or stick to his NBA dream, as Haley advices. Jamie not only does well at his first school dance, he is the one who counsels ‘babsitter’ Skills to date his teacher there. While Peyton grumbles bedridden, Lucas repairs the Comet as a surprise, while both reminisce. Chase must convince Mia his affair with Brooke was and could only happen before them. Haley enjoys working with Nick Lackey, who wants her to produce music.
  • 22. Show Me How to Live
    Warned by manager Bobby there's an NBA scout, Nathan and his protégé Nino perform excellently, then wait for a call. Lucas opposes Peyton preparing a ‘posthumous’ time-capsule and ask for a rushed marriage on account of her pregnancy risk. Nathan makes him reconsider and drops off Jamie with ‘his uncle Keith’. Brook, Sam and Victoria are too busy to concentrate on Peyton's baby-shower or business. They are preoccupied as to whether Sam should be encouraged to spend time with birth mother Rebecca.
  • 23. Forever and Almost Always
    Hearing Nino, the player Nathan taught everything and made look good for the scout, got his NBA post makes Nathan consider giving up professional basketball. So he dodged training to attend Lucas's wedding, celebrated by Haley whom Lucas ordained by Internt for lack of a real minister. To Chase's pleasure, weddings make Mia frisky. Lucas invited Julian, but ignoring Brooke would be dateless he brought ‘movie-brooke’ Missy as date. To make them jealous, Brooke commandeers celebrity Nick Lachey.
  • 24. Remember Me as a Time of Day
    Jamie's dream comes true: daddy Nathan finally gets an NBA post, with the Charlotte Bobcats. Peyton is hospitalized bleeding badly, but gives Lucas a healthy daughter and pulls trough. Julian stood by Brooke, then has great goodbye sex. Chase loves Mia enough to applaud her impending tour although it means being separated. Still terminal Dan visits retired coach Whitey Durham, considering suicide. Seeing newborn Sawyer restores his will to live.
  • 1. 4:30 AM (Apparently They Were Travelling Abroad)
    The tree hill gang must learn that to live an exceptional life doesn't end once you've achieved your goals. With Lucas and Peyton gone, Nathan's a year into his NBA career, Haley has taken over Red Bedroom Records, and has to deal with the return of her free-spirited 26 year-old sister, Quinn. Brooke is still happy with Julian.
  • 2. What Are You Willing to Lose
    Brooke looks for a model as the new face of Clothes Over Bros. Mia and Haley fall short of selling a million records. Dan finds a confidant in an unlikely person. Nathan deals with being distant from the ones he loves, while Clayton reminds him he's in the NBA. Tree Hill's former bad girl - Rachel Gatina returns.
  • 3. Hold My Hand as I'm Lowered
    Nathan and Haley have to decide what to do about Renee's pregnancy claims as Clay thinks paying her off is the best way as it is Nathan's contract year. Mouth is asked by his station manager to investigate any titillating scandal about Nathan but decides not to tell his boss about the alleged pregnancy. Mouth and Skills come to an agreement about living together and Alex tests the patience of Millicent during a photo-shoot. Later she gives Julian a film script. Meanwhile, Quinn's husband David comes to find her when she won't answer his calls.
  • 4. Believe Me, I'm Lying
    A disgruntled Renee makes her pregnancy known in the national media. Quinn tells David that she wants a divorce and spends the night with Clay. Mouth quits his job at the station after he is forced to report on the scandal surrounding Nathan. Brooke's fashion show is a huge success but Victoria warns her about Alex and Alex's obvious designs on Julian.
  • 5. Your Cheatin' Heart
    Renee presses charges and has Haley arrested and thrown in Jail. Clay and Quinn grow close much to Nathan's distaste. Elsewhere, after a false start Julian and Alex begin to work on her script.
  • 6. Deep Ocean Vast Sea
    Julian gives Alex another chance and they continue to work on her script which he believes is very good but Brooke is not happy. Brooke reconnects with Chase to make Julian jealous and it works. Mouth gets to tell the truth on air about the allegations against Nathan much to his station manager's horror. Milicent begins to take weight loss tablets after Alex tells her she is a plus-size model. Elsewhere, Haley offers to pay off Renee unknown to her that Rachel and Dan have got to her first.
  • 7. I and Love and You
    Dan and Rachel bring Renee onto his chat show. But has Dan a few tricks up his sleeve? Meanwhile, Clay and Quinn reflect over their past loves - Clay and his late wife Sarah and Quinn and her earlier life with David.
  • 8. I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight
    Nathan, Julian, Mouth, Skills, James and Chuck go camping. Back in Tree Hill, Haley, Brooke and Quinn enjoy some “special” brownies. Meanwhile, Clayton continues to deal with his mourning issues and Dan has nightmares about a dying boy.
  • 9. Now You Lift Your Eyes to the Sun
    Haley returns to the stage much to Miranda's annoyance but the gig turns out to be a success and changes Miranda's attitude somewhat. Brooke believes she might be pregnant but is conflicted on how Julian will take the news - but the test proves negative. Julian finishes the script with Alex and heads out to be with Brooke at Haley's gig but gets a call from Alex telling him she's close to taking cocaine again so he goes to her much to Brooke's annoyance. Rachel and Dan arrive back in Tree Hill but his hoped reconciliation with Nathan doesn't materialize. But Dan isn't…
  • 10. You Are a Runner, and I Am My Father's Son
    After losing his place on the Charlotte Bobcats Nathan reaches breaking point with Clay and fires him but this ends up causing a rift between Haley and Quinn with Quinn moving out to a hotel. Dan takes it badly that Clay messed up and tries to teach him a lesson by nearly drowning him in the surf. Later Clay is fired by his boss for stuffing up Nathan's contract. Victoria arrives unannounced and takes a liking to new TRIC bar manager Grubbs. Meanwhile, Brooke tells Julian that it is doubtful that she will ever be able to get pregnant and he promises to get different …
  • 11. You Know I Love You, Don't You
    Victoria bails Millicent out of jail the morning after her arrest and tells her to get herself together before she shows herself again. But Victoria is doubtful that Millicent has learned her lesson and proceeds to keep an eye on her and she is proved correct when Millicent steals a dress from Brooke's new collection to give to her model friend Makenna is exchange for a packet of blow. Mouth is distraught at the change in Millicent and they break up. Clay tries in vain to hold onto his one client but it is not to be and so he packs up his apartment much to Quinn's …
  • 12. Some Roads Lead Nowhere
    Clay gets his mojo back with some help from Quinn and which might mean that Nathan can stay in the US and play in the NBA with the his old team the Charlotte Bobcats instead of going to Spain. Skills gets offered and takes the job in Los Angeles and brings Mouth along for the ride. Dan goes against Rachel on his television show and tells his audience that this is his last show and also serves with divorce papers. Julian rescues Alex from her near suicide bid and tells her the film deal is back on. Brooke fires Millicent from her model contract and tells her to get …
  • 13. Weeks Go by Like Days
    Nathan and Jamie join Haley on tour as it comes to a close. Quinn gets her divorce from David. Millicent appears in court for her DUI where Victoria offers her a job as her assistant at Clothes over Bros. Brooke finds it hard to trust Julian particularly when Alex is always by his side and ends up turning to new menswear designer Alexander Coin. Elsewhere, Haley and Quinn's sister Taylor turns up in Tree Hill with Quinn's ex-husband David who is now her boyfriend. Meanwhile, Mouth returns from L.A.
  • 14. Family Affair
    Nathan tries to calm Haley down after Taylor and David's shock announcement that they are a couple and then through the ensuing dinner that Taylor plans out until all three James sisters find themselves in the pool fighting it out. David and Quinn talk and he agrees with her that their marriage is at an end. Julian takes offense to the director hired for his new film and fires him after he punches him for insulting Alex. Finally after talking to Brooke rationally and asking her to be the movie's costume designer she makes him see that he should direct the movie …
  • 15. Don't You Forget About Me
    Flashback to the '80s.
  • 16. My Attendance Is Bad But My Intentions Are Good
    Haley, Quinn and Taylor receive a surprise visit from their mum Lydia who tells them that she has incurable pancreatic cancer and that she is not seeking any further treatment. Quinn takes the news very hard but Clay is there to support her. Meanwhile, Alex sets her sights on Alexander as Brooke and Julian try to get their old relationship back on track, and Millicent finds herself struggling with temptation.
  • 17. At the Bottom of Everything
    Haley and Quinn refuse to accept that their mom Lydia will not fight her pancreatic cancer and after some convincing manages to persuade her mother to get a second opinion with Nathan's doctor but the results don't bring any change. Because she told Jamie that she won't be alive for Christmas he organises for her to have Christmas now with the family. Meanwhile, Brooke and Justin's relationship moves up a notch but comes crashing down spectacularly when Brooke finds Alex in his bed but is it what it seems? Elsewhere, Grubbs puts Miranda through hoops before he allows …
  • 18. The Last Day of Our Acquaintance
    In getting back at Julian for sleeping with Alex Brooke messes with the costumes for the shoot and generally does her best to wound Julian but it takes comments from Alex to get her thrown off the set after she punches Alex in the face. Only later does she discover that it was Alexander that Alex slept with as she switched rooms with Julian. She tells Victoria who is furious and it later transpires that her mystery lover is Alexander. Meanwhile, Lydia takes ill from her cancer and is hospitalized and reaches out to the daughter Taylor but it is Quinn who manages to …
  • 19. Every Picture Tells a Story
    Quinn's gallery opens with Clay very supportive unaware that he is being stalked by Sara lookalike Katie until she makes her presence known and Clay shows Quinn how alike Katie is to Sara. Josh's sex tape with Alex is emailed to Julian's father with a demand for $1,000,000 putting the film in jeopardy. Miranda finds out she is being deported thus putting a spanner in the works with Grubbs's recording but Grubbs finds a way around it by proposing to her. Lauren tells Skills that she has fallen for someone else but he is unaware it is his best friend Mouth until he sees…
  • 20. Learning to Fall
    Haley continues to struggle with the aftermath of her beloved mother's death and her erratic behaviour causes alert with Nathan. Alex discovers that Josh is bisexual and tells Julian who confronts him about the blackmail. Alex tells Paul to release the tape and not to give in to the blackmail. Grubbs wears Miranda down in his pursuit to keep her from being deported. Mouth tells Lauren that they cannot continue their relationship as his friendship with Skills is more important. Elsewhere, Brooke is mistaken for her mother when it is published that she is having an …
  • 21. What's in the Ground Belongs to You
    Quinn takes Jamie on a treasure hunt as an increasingly despondent Haley further withdraws from both Nathan and Jamie. Katie invades Clay's personal space convinced that she is his dead wife Sara. Clay plays along until he manages to have her committed. Mia breaks up with Chase by text and then comes back to Tree Hill to manage a heart-broken Grubbs after Miranda leaves. Julian shows his film to a delighted Brooke as he anxiously awaits confirmation on whether his indie film will be bought by a film festival.
  • 22. Almost Everything I Wish I'd Said the Last Time I Saw You
    After Nathan saves Haley from an attempted pool-suicide, the Scott family needs quality time. To Jamie's joy, the whole gang eagerly accepts Julian's invitation to a grand lodge in snowy Utah, where his movie gets its festival premiere. Josh and Alex say to hate their pretend affair, but share the bed until he gathers the courage to shatter the perfect jeune premier image his old-fashioned parents adore. Julian nearly dies from nerves, but after his directing debut proposes to an ecstatic Brooke. Just when Alex convinces Chase to date her, despite his fear she'll …
  • 1. Asleep at Heaven's Gate
    Super-dad Nathan prepares training-buddy Jamie to being ‘the man of the house’ while he's with his pro team. Julian has a fun and games with Brooke, who believes ma's shenanigans wrecked the fashion firm by irreparable image damage. Chase is now courted by both Alex and Millicent. Clay has a nightmare before he stars a wonderful beach day with Quinn, only to find it come bloodily true in the end by Quinn's vicious hand.
  • 2. I Can't See You, But I Know You're There
    Clay and Quinn discover they've been shot, and as they fight to live, Nathan and Haley struggle with the situation. Meanwhile, Julian tries to preoccupy Jamie, and Brooke's legal troubles mount.
  • 3. The Space in Between
    In hospital, Quinn starts a full recovery, but Clayton's situation looks hopeless unless he gets a kidney donated faster then is likely. After getting Jamie's blessing and consulting Haley, Nathan volunteers his own, even if that probably ends his basketball career, which is likely to be broken off soon anyway as he back injury worsens again, but is diagnosed incompatible. Julian and Brooke are delighted, yet suspicious if they can believe it, that she get off with a fine and some restructuring. Fraudster Victoria arranged this, willing to go to jail herself. …
  • 4. We All Fall Down
    As Brooke deals with the mounting financial troubles at Clothes Over Bro's, Nathan and Haley come to a conclusion regarding Nathan's career. Meanwhile, Julian begins a new film project, while Alex and Chase spend the afternoon together.
  • 5. Nobody Taught Us to Quit
    Nathan decides, after checking Jamie and Haley will support him, to leave basketball on account of a medical condition. Clay has transferred his clients ‘during recovery’ to his old agency, but approves of last star Nathan's choice, which is then announced on TV. Chase is far from amused discovering that the job he gave Alex is an ideal preparation for a part she never told him about. Julian supports Brooke, who gets flack from ma in jail, when she decides to sell the company and private assets to pay all investors back. Julian also starts a documentary and takes …
  • 6. Not Afraid
    Clay is released home, but still physically unable to handle his clients. Nathan provides moral support and considers approaching them as fellow locker-room insider. Even super-dad can't prevent Chuck Scolnik vindictively scaring Jamie away at Halloween from a ‘ghost house’. Julian's domineering ma brings embarrassment for him at a costumed party in Chase's bar.
  • 7. Luck Be a Lady
    Nathan is furious when his first mission as Clay's junior agent seems to go wrong because of his lack of jargon knowledge, but he actually lands the football client. Julian accepts Alex's suggestion to assemble all potential best men for a friendly poker night, but the mood is murderous. Chase gets abused by everyone. It's Brooke's turn to by bullied by Julian's bossy ma, who pushes for a traditional wedding at a brides fair, where Haley sides with the enemy every time.
  • 8. Mouthful of Diamonds
    Clayton finally gets some hand muscle control back. As he predicted, Nathan had no reason to be gloomy about his first contract, baseball talent Troy, which is signed to all parties' satisfaction. Julian and Brooke stand up to his ma, who has to back down on the fancy wedding plans but relapses into drinking. After some occupational therapy for Mouth and himself, Chase handles his Alex-Mia-dilemma. In super-dad's absence, Jamie finds it even harder to face the peril of braces peer ridicule, which Haley only compounds by wearing a ‘commiserative’ eye-patch.
  • 9. Between Raising Hell and Amazing Grace
    At Thanksgiving, only Chase mans his bar, but gets no customers, while his rivaling would-be-girlfriends bicker ever worse at Nathan's, only to agree he should decide, actually on Julian's video. Brooke utterly ruins her first turkey dinner, so Julian takes her and his ma along to Nathan's, where Clayton still stays. Portions were cooked there for more, and indeed Mouth turns up with Skills, who bought a live turkey although neither has the guts to kill it, and later Quinn. Victoria is released from jail, and Sylvia invites even her.
  • 10. Lists, Plans
    Nathan goes back to college and opts to take a harder class but he doesn't get a very welcome reception from his college professor and so with Jamie's help they figure out a way for Nathan to do better at college. Haley and Mia book Erin as warm-up act to Kid Cudi at Tric with both Mia and Alex acting as competing bar staff. Elsewhere, Quinn looks up Dan Scott and enlists his help to kill Katie Ryan but he manages to talk her out of it but she may regret her decision as Katie heads back to Tree Hill. Julian finds a list belonging to Brooke of things she's always …
  • 11. Darkness on the Edge of Town
    A storm strikes Tree Hill, putting everyone's life in danger.
  • 12. The Drinks We Drank Last Night
    While Nathan dutifully studies a book by professor August Kellerman, the girls pig out so grossly at Brooke's hen night that hangovers are their least concern. More worrying are (or seem) the arrival of mother in law Sylvia, a stolen dog, it's owner vandalized home, a frat and the missing engagement ring or even bridal infidelity.
  • 13. The Other Half of Me
    Julian gets his parents to agree to a truce during his wedding. Brooke makes up with ma, and when her dad fails to turn up, as usual, is escorted by Julian's. Super-dad's advice of sincerity helps inspire ‘best man’ Jamie to make a brilliantly simple speech. Chase not only disagrees with Skjills' absurd security-obsessed job description for them ushers, he even makes hotter use of the limousine.
  • 14. Holding Out for a Hero
    After standing up for a fellow student ridiculed by bully business professor Kellerman, Nathan joins a study group of guys hating him and fields his secret weapon, real executive Clay. Chase feels his barman lack social relevance and volunteers nobly for the big brother program. Alas he draws Jamie's terror mate Chuck, who haughtily belittles every cool activity, even flying, and abuses Chase as punching ball, until big bro deciphers his charge's frustration. Julian is directing a local TV commercial, where the ‘star’ gives notice, but thus finds an opportunity for …
  • 15. Valentine's Day Is Over
    Winning Chuck's trust, ‘big brother’ Chase learns his charge's revered dad made no contact in two years. Chase shields Chuck from lush ma Skolnick and encourages his show-tune ambition. Nathan won't let Clay give up yet on professor Kellerman's son Ian, who figures his baseball arm won't last long, so he opts for immediate profit. Meanwhile their wives make wrong assumptions on Valentine plans, yet aren't disappointed in the end. Julian and Brooke enjoy spending their first married Valentine's day in role play, although some reality knocks on the door, and decide to …
  • 16. I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here
    Nathan and Clay's patience is tested by possible recruit Ian Kellerman's party priority, but they find it assisting at Jamie's little league baseball try-outs, where hothead Chuck fails miserably. Julian would play up-front when a single mother considers them to adopt her unborn baby, but Brooke gets them caught in elaborate prefect couple lies during a surprise baby-shower she hosts for Haley.
  • 17. The Smoker You Drink, the Player You Get
    Nathan and Clay are finally ready to sign up Ian Kellerman when his pa, professor August, asks Nathan, who finally got a good grade, not to. Finally enjoying the scamp's trust, Chase helps Chuck with his baseball by borrowing Alex's spectacles. Julian, Brooke, Quinn all got their turn with false pregnancy alarms from Haley, only Nathan and Clay are prepared. Now Chloe Hall has accepted them as adoptive parents, Julian and Brooke prepare the nursery. Mouth inspires Millicent to turn her lame TV job in a chicken suit into a social conscience, which proves quite a risk.
  • 18. Quiet Little Voices
    While the gang waits for the birth of Jamie's sister, their thoughts wander, further stimulated by Jamie's questions. Reminiscing abounds, such as Nathan's determination to become as good at fathering as Dan failed to be his. Julian and Brooke discretely slip away to another delivery, that of Chloe's baby, but to their shock the father, Eric, isn't a runner but present, charming and caring, passing muster when discussing paternity with unsuspecting, supportive Nathan.
  • 19. Where Not to Look for Freedom
    Nathan discovers the drunk hit and run car in professor August Kellerman's garage, and an empty whiskey bottle, and confronts him with near-victim Jamie and Julian. They obtain his academic resignation and a confession he regrets having been an absent father for Ian. Now the adoption is off, Julian and Victoria encourage Brooke to accept a dream job in New York. Chase supports Alex's slow music career launch. The gang nostalgically agrees Mia's next TV item should be a building project at the sight of the river court. Ian's favorite drink arouses a dark suspicion.
  • 20. The Man Who Sailed Around His Soul
    Nathan gets professor August Kellerman to confirm the truth: he resigned as if guilty to cover for his son Ian, like Dan's sole true paternal sacrifice. After coaching Jamie's team, Nate, Julian and Clay take Ian there for a bitter confrontation before his crucial scouts-mustering. Chase has to miss the game.
  • 21. Flightless Bird, American Mouth
    To save the River Court, Nathan mobilizes the boys, even Clay who prefers very specific homely comforts, to camp out in search of the elusive protected bird species, so they can halt the construction project. Chase is overheard by Chuck about joining the Air Force. Before Chase can reason with the imp, a bulldozer frenzy wrecks seemingly everything, yet proves a long-term blessing. Meanwhile in Puerto Rico, the girls have a blast modeling, but Jamie's teacher gets drunk, ultimately sending ‘delicate’ pictures of herself to all her One Tree Hill contacts.
  • 22. This Is My House, This Is My Home
    Haley and Brooke get ready to re-open Karen's Café as Brooke's pregnancy progresses. At her scan she discovers that she is expecting twins. Nathan and Clay set off on the road to scout new talent and it forces Nathan to finally go and see Dan. Chase leaves for the Air Force leaving behind two disappointed people - Chuck and Alex. Meanwhile, Mouth and Millie start their new morning show together but Millie is wooed away to start a new show with another co-anchor in Charlotte.
  • 1. Know This, We've Noticed
    Before tired Nathan can finally rejoin his longing family, Dan has turned up and secured himself a temporary stay on account of his burnt-down restaurant, where he lived, but may have torched it. Chase is happy but exhausted on account of running the bar and an intense sex life with Alex. As if nocturnal baby care exhaustion wasn't bad enough for Julian and Brooke, his studio project only seems to bring debt and her boys fashion label fails to get financed, but her father Ted Davis actually turns up for the twins' christening. Clay's exhaustion is diagnosed medically …
  • 2. In the Room Where You Sleep
    Chase confides only in Chuck his plan to move Alex's things into his place. They ignore Chris Keller made her an offer for a career-boosting, national tour. As even the psychiatrist Clayton grudgingly consults can't properly diagnose his problems, Nathan decides with support from Jamie and Haley to attend in his pace the European forum for international sports talent scouting. This allows Dan to prolong his stay and carry out a mysterious plan. Julian warns Brooke that Victoria tries trough him to sabotage her father's apparently business-wise sound project to …
  • 3. Love the Way You Lie
    Chase is heartbroken after Alex's desertion to take the tour Chris Keller advised, yet overcomes his bitterness toward Keller, who pleads her artist temperament was a lost case from the start. Julian is near despair about the unused studio until a TV series project comes within reach. Alas coaxing the studio proves tragically incompatible with paternal duties, while Brooke charms investors for her boys fashion project with her father. Clayton's problem is worse then thought, as Quinn discovers spying on him. Haley now runs Karen's café, but her cook is sick, so Dan …
  • 4. Don't You Want to Share the Guilt?
    Julian is even more shattered than Broke, who gives him the silent treatment, over having forgotten baby son Davis in his car. Although the boy is alright, Brooke leaves with the twins until Haley talks sense into her. Drunk, Chase enjoyed a wild night with a shameless flirtster but shyly wriggles out of continuation in the morning, on account of Alex's memory, only to find her with Chris Keller the next day. Dan and Jamie enjoy camping but dreaded Nathan's return is likely to mean grandpa's exit. After Dan scares away Clay's dealer, he comes clean to Quinn and …
  • 5. The Killing Moon
    Chase bravely bares Chuck's absurd, imitative adoration for ‘cool’, actually neglectful Chris Keller and stands by the ingrate knave when his father Wade Scolnic finally visits, but discards Chase as if a random babysitter. Nathan is missing since his flight home from Europe days ago. After cocky Keller helps activating Tree Hill PD officer Stevens, Haley finds Dan's cash stash and suspects a horrible crime. Julian can't forgive himself even now his loved-ones do, blames himself for bullying by strangers and picks a bar-brawl to get a ‘bloody good’ beating. Pushed by …
  • 6. Catastrophe and the Cure
    Chase doesn't punish Keller for letting Chuck down, yet when Tara's infidelity gets out allows Chris to exact a high, tasteless price from basically innocent Chase. Nathan is kidnapped by East European thugs who have a contract to kill him for (legally) signing up a a player from a crime lord's team. Nathan offers to pay ransom instead, but that only inspires the chief thug to eliminate his client's watchdog and offer Nathan's head to the highest bidder. When Dan rents some studio facilities, Julian quickly realizes it's to search for Nathan among his many enemies and…
  • 7. Last Known Surroundings
    Chase is summoned for another Air Force duty tour. Preparing his imminent departure, he sees signs that Chuck is probably already again neglected, maybe even physically abused, by his father, but the knave denies any problems and swears ‘big brother’ to secrecy. The police nor Dan make progress yet in the search for Nathan, so Lucas comes collect the kids before Haley breaks down. Nathan fails to reason with DiMitri and manages to escape, only to be knocked down by a surprising accomplice. Dr. Alvarez steers therapy to Clay's complex feelings about matters like family…
  • 8. A Rush of Blood to the Head
    Chase decides, because he must return in military service, against trusting unreliable Keller to protect Chuck. Against his better judgment, Chase goes check on the knave's bruises, finds him running out scared after another beating and earns himself arrest for violence on the abusive father Scolnik. Dr. Alvarez finally succeeds in unlocking Clay's memory, so he can be told that unsuspecting Logan, with whom he already bonded, is his own half-orphaned son. Now supported by Julian and Deb, Dan abuses a sadistic jailer to earn a favor from a former prison mate, who …
  • 9. Every Breath Is a Bomb
    Brooke and Julian take new measures to protect their family. Skills helps Mouth get to a turning point, and Chase faces consequences for defending Chuck. Clay reaches a new understanding with Logan.
  • 10. Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will
    Having tortured drug dealer DiMitri within an inch of his life, Dan prepares Nathan's rescue from the killers compound. Julian volunteers to help. Chris Keller soon regrets being dragged along, but contributes. Nathan is utterly weak, so Dan must carry him, only to be surprised by dirty cop Steven, who gets the biggest surprise. Clayton is released home and prepares for fatherhood with Quinn and his late wife's memory. Brooke and Tara's café war escalates further, but stalker Xavier changes everything by showing his true, bloodthirsty colors.
  • 11. Danny Boy
    Nathan's practically safe return causes general joy. The only downside is Dan's condition, probably terminal, but the whole family is in a forgiving mood while reminiscing, only Lucas refuses to come. Julian is welcomed as a hero and hears Brooke survived Xavier's attack, the stands by her as a paternal visit proves too good to be truly non-business. Clay goes to Sara's parents, who have raised Logan, and gets them to agree to let his son be invited home with him and Quinn.
  • 12. Anyone Who Had a Heart
    Julian finally sells his One Tree Hill series concept to a studio and is hired to complete the script. Clayton and Quinn, who welcomes Sara's memory to, patiently win Logan's trust to become a warm; close family. Chase gets over his confidence crisis as bar manager just before he's offered a chance to buy Tric from Karen on the boat burning day. After Julian scolds father-in-law a useless father and Brooke ‘surprises’ her divorced parents back in bed, an unexpected business move makes up for a lot.
  • 13. One Tree Hill
    Super-dad Nathan enjoys being back home and instills in doting Jamie to be good but live his own life. Chase enjoys his new status as independent bar manager, although his latest cocktail to celebrate Trick's tenth anniversary is most cruelly ‘welcomed’. Chris Keller is back, impresses but turns down a studio scout after a great performance. Julian celebrates his Hollywood success by buying Brooke's old home, while the Baker man firm is launched by Internet sale. Clay and Quinn complete building their family by adopting Logan, who already considers them his parents. …
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