Marvels Jessica Jones

  • 평점: 8.20
  • 발행 연도: 2015
  • 장르: Crime, Sci-Fi, Drama, Action
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 60 분

A former super-heroine decides to reboot her life by becoming a private investigator.

  • 1. AKA Ladies Night
    Jessica Jones is hired to find a pretty NYU student who's vanished, but it turns out to be more than a simple missing persons case.
  • 2. AKA Crush Syndrome
    Jessica vows to prove Hope's innocence, even though it means tracking down a terrifying figure from her own past.
  • 3. AKA It's Called Whiskey
    It won't be easy to acquire or deploy. but Jessica thinks she's found a weapon to use against Kilgrave. Luke and Jessica bond over their similarities.
  • 4. AKA 99 Friends
    A new case demands attention as Jessica tries to find out who's spying on her for Kilgrave. Trish's radio show yields unexpected consequences.
  • 5. AKA The Sandwich Saved Me
    Despite Jessica's objections, Trish's new friend Simpson gets involved in the hunt for Kilgrave. Jessica recalls a pivotal moment in her life.
  • 6. AKA You're a Winner!
    Luke hires Jessica to help him find someone who may have skipped town, but she fears he'll learn too much about her history in the process.
  • 7. AKA Top Shelf Perverts
    Malcom, Simpson and Trish go rouge to prevent Jessica from carrying out an extreme plan to outwit Kilgrave.
  • 8. AKA WWJD?
    Jessica experiences a strange homecoming courtesy of Kilgrave. Hograth's conflict with her estranged wife reaches a tipping point.
  • 9. AKA Sin Bin
    Just when Jessica has Kilgrave right where she want's him. Hogarth's involvement complicates the situation. Details of Kilgrave's past emerge.
  • 10. AKA 1,000 Cuts
    A discovery has the potential to change the entire game – if Jessica can refuse Kilgrave's offer.
  • 11. AKA I've Got the Blues
    Jessica searches morgues for clues. Trish goes all out to keep Simpson from getting in Jessica's way. Malcom has an epiphany.
  • 12. AKA Take a Bloody Number
    The hunt for Kilgrave reunites Jessica with Luke. Trish receives some unexpected information about Simpson and Jessica.
  • 13. AKA Smile
    Jessica and Luke get help from someone else in the neighborhood. Kilgrave gears up for a major test of powers against Jessica.
  • 1. AKA Start at the Beginning
    While Jessica deals with a rival PI and a paranoid would-be client, Trish digs up a medical file that could unlock the mystery of Jessica's powers.
  • 2. AKA Freak Accident
    Jessica sets out to find Dr. Kozlov and makes a startling discovery. Trish recruits Malcolm for backup as she visits a figure from her past.
  • 3. AKA Sole Survivor
    As her visions intensify, Jessica visits an abandoned clinic, where she stumbles on a new lead. Jeri faces an ultimatum after her secret gets out.
  • 4. AKA God Help the Hobo
    Between anger management classes and tabloid scandals, Jessica and Trish track down a third patient linked to IGH. Oscar extends an olive branch.
  • 5. AKA The Octopus
    Backed into a corner, Jessica's forced to share her intel on the killer. A groggy Trish tries to pull herself together before an important meeting.
  • 6. AKA Facetime
    Jessica gate-crashes an exclusive country club on the hunt for the killer, and Trish's new addiction begins to spiral out of control.
  • 7. AKA I Want Your Cray Cray
    Flashbacks shed new light on the aftermath of the family's car accident and reveal a painful turning point in Jessica's adult life.
  • 8. AKA Ain't We Got Fun
    While Jessica debates her next move, Malcolm confronts Trish about her erratic behavior, and Jeri makes contact with a healer.
  • 9. AKA Shark in the Bathtub, Monster in the Bed
    The shooting forces Jessica to rethink her plans. Meanwhile, Oscar asks for help with a family crisis, and Trish's frustrations finally boil over.
  • 10. AKA Pork Chop
    Jeri finagles a deal for her new client in exchange for Karl's location. Trish forges ahead with her own investigation. A prison guard crosses a line.
  • 11. AKA Three Lives and Counting
    Shocked by her own actions and haunted by visions of Kilgrave, Jessica worries she's turning into a monster. Trish's plans for Karl become clear.
  • 12. AKA Pray for My Patsy
    As Jessica and Dorothy wait anxiously for updates on Trish, a call from Costa brings alarming news. Jeri hatches a plan to get her revenge.
  • 13. AKA Playland
    Waking up in unfamiliar surroundings, Jessica once again finds herself torn between two worlds and facing an impossible choice.
  • 1. A.K.A The Perfect Burger
    As Jessica focuses on helping the helpless, Dorothy Walker shows up as Alias to beg foe help finding a missing Trish.
  • 2. A.K.A You're Welcome
    Tensions run high between Jessica and Trish as Trish hones her new catlike skills and scours the city for a chance to be a hero.
  • 3. A.K.A I Have No Spleen
    Itching to get back out on the streets and find her attacker, Jessica defies her doctor's advice. Jeri reconnects with her college flame Kith.
  • 4. A.K.A Customer Service is Standing By
    Jessica learns there's more to Erik then meets the eye at they track down three potential attackers. Malcolm digs up dirt on Kith's husband.
  • 5. A.K.A I Wish
    Teaming up with Trish to stake out Sallinger, Jessica makes a startling discovery. Jeri's plot to explore Peter yields unexpected consequences.
  • 6. A.K.A Sorry Face
    As the police sift through the gruesome crime scene, Jessica and Trish race to find Sallinger's latest captive.
  • 7. A.K.A The Double Half-Wappinger
    Jessica and Trish go on a road trip to dig into Sallinger's past and unearth a horrifying discovery.
  • 8. A.K.A Camera Friendly
    When Sallinger posts a video teasing his next crime, Jessica responds with her own media play. Jeri demands that Malcolm identify the masked woman.
  • 9. A.K.A I Did Something Today
    After a shocking blow, Jessica's forced to choose between protecting Trish and destroying Sallinger. Jeri seizes a chance to get back in Kith's life.
  • 10. A.K.A Hero Pants
    Jessica wrestles with her emotions as she tries to untangle herself from a murder investigation.
  • 11. A.K.A Hellcat
    Trish revisits her troubled childhood with Dorothy while plotting to stop Sallinger and stamp out evil across the city.
  • 12. A.K.A Lotta Worms
    As Trish makes a move on Sallinger, Jessica intervenes – and ends up caught in a harrowing dance with the killer.
  • 13. A.K.A Everything
    An old friends visit Jessica as she sets out on an agonizing mission and learns the true cost of being a hero.
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