Madam Secretary

  • 평점: 7.50
  • 발행 연도: 2014
  • 장르: Drama
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 43 분
  • 복잡성: 8

엘리자베스 맥코드는 새로 임명된 주립 비서이다. 많은 사람들은 그녀의 재치와 창의력에 찬사를 보내고 그녀는 높은 위치에서 자신의 가족을 회복하려고 한다.

  • 1. Pilot
    Newly-appointed Secretary Of State Elizabeth McCord is immediately faced with a maelstrom of complex political challenges, and an international hostage situation is her top priority. Meanwhile at home, Elizabeth questions whether she did the right thing by taking this job, as her children are finding it difficult to adjust to their new schools.
  • 2. Another Benghazi
    While in the process of dealing with a crisis in Yemen, Elizabeth faces a challenge at home when her oldest daughter makes headlines for protesting her university's new policy.
  • 3. The Operative
    Elizabeth is confronted by a hostile reporter who threatens to publish confidential documents that were leaked from inside the State Department. Meanwhile, Henry is dragged into an international negotiation when his wife uses his job as leverage to broker a deal with Pakistan.
  • 4. Just Another Normal Day
    While Elizabeth works to successfully broker a peace treaty between China and Japan, a Chinese student seeking political asylum threatens the deal. Meanwhile, tensions rise at home between Alison and Stevie during Alison's sleepover party.
  • 5. Blame Canada
    When Elizabeth faces the daunting task of negotiating with Iran over their escalating nuclear program, she is determined to deal with the situation in a peaceful manner, despite the President's position of using military action. Meanwhile, Jason has new admiration for his father when he interviews him for a school report.
  • 6. The Call
    Elizabeth faces unexpected consequences when she makes a plea to the President to help with a dire situation in Western Africa.
  • 7. Passage
    Elizabeth brings her youngest daughter Alison with her on a state department trip to India; when an earthquake causes an explosion at an American-owned factory, the chaos separates Elizabeth from Alison.
  • 8. Need to Know
    When the President approves Henry's reactivation into the NSA, he lies to Elizabeth about his continued involvement in the spy game. Meanwhile, Matt and Daisy's antagonism toward one another begins to affect the entire office.
  • 9. So It Goes
    Elizabeth, Henry and Isabelle launch their own investigation into the plane crash that killed former Secretary of State Vincent Marsh. Also, Nadine takes a step back into the dating pool when she agrees to go on a date with a NASA scientist.
  • 10. Collateral Damage
    When the State Department goes on lock down due to a deranged gunman outside the building, Elizabeth is confined with a delegation from Iraq whose translator threatens to reveal damaging information about her actions while in the CIA. Meanwhile, when Matt is stuck in an office with Daisy's fiancé, Win, he spills information that he shouldn't have.
  • 11. Game On
    Elizabeth, Henry and Isabelle work together to find former Secretary of State Vincent Marsh's secret bank account, but soon uncover that one of Elizabeth's staff members already has access to it.
  • 12. Standoff
    When a Texas state trooper is killed by a Mexican cartel smuggler, Elizabeth arranges an extradition deal before going on vacation to celebrate her 25th wedding anniversary in New York City. However, when political issues arise around the case, she is forced to cut their trip short. Also, Elizabeth's son injures himself while Blake is watching him.
  • 13. Chains of Command
    Elizabeth pushes for the prosecution of a diplomat after he is caught holding a maid hostage in his home. Also, Henry's father comes to visit. Emmy Award winner Tom Skerritt and Aasif Mandvi guest star.
  • 14. Whisper of the Ax
    Elizabeth is humiliated at a public budget hearing when her staff fails to find the corruption that exists in her microloan program. Also, the investigation into Marsh's death continues. Kevin Rahm and Journalist Martin Bashir guest star.
  • 15. The Ninth Circle
    Elizabeth heads to Turkey to mend political relations after the Turkish government releases a video that could be damaging to the CIA. Also, Jason is threatened with expulsion after punching a bully at school.
  • 16. Tamerlane
    Elizabeth secretly travels to Iran in an attempt to prevent a coup that could impact President Dalton's administration. Also, she brings her staff up to speed on the investigation into Marsh's death. Anna Deveare Smith guest stars.
  • 17. Face the Nation
    As Elizabeth attempts to hold herself together, she tries to prevent an ecological disaster and prepares for an appearance on “Face the Nation”; Henry and Elizabeth disagree on the level of protection Jason should have at school.
  • 18. The Time Is at Hand
    While Elizabeth looks for a diplomatic way to handle a cult in Bolivia, the organization takes a congressman hostage; Stevie introduces her boyfriend to Elizabeth and Henry.
  • 19. Spartan Figures
    Elizabeth and President Dalton work together to solve the Greek debt crisis, but not everyone at home is happy with the agreement. Meanwhile, Henry mulls over a new job offer, and Stevie reconnects with her childhood friend, the President's son.
  • 20. The Necessary Art
    A Russian nuclear submarine disappears in American waters, putting Elizabeth in a tricky situation.
  • 21. The Kill List
    As Elizabeth prepares for the arrival of Iranian President Shiraz to sign a nuclear treaty, she uncovers a top secret plot to assassinate him on United States soil. At the same time, she must deal with a massive protest by the Human Rights Campaign in response to Iran's plans to stone a gay citizen to death. Also, Elizabeth sees a therapist to deal with her PTSD.
  • 22. There But for the Grace of God
    When Elizabeth confronts her former friend Juliet, she flashes back to when then-CIA Director Dalton offered her a job that would have changed the course of her life. Also, Stevie and President Dalton's son, Harrison, begin a relationship that will have consequences.
  • 1. The Show Must Go On
    When contact with Air Force One has been lost, the Vice-President was stricken and in the hospital, the Secretary of Defense has resigned, and the President Pro Tempor has had a series of strokes, Madam Secretary became Madam President. Her daughter was found in a hotel room with the President's son and her husband is being forced to turn one of his Russian students into an American spy. The secretary was supposed to sing a novelty song at the Eastern Trade Conference. Fortunately, she didn't.
  • 2. The Doability Doctrine
    Elizabeth takes advice from former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and ignores President Dalton's recommendation on how to negotiate the safe return of a Sate Department employee who was kidnapped in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Henry is having trouble persuading a student to spy for the U.S. government.
  • 3. The Rusalka
    Elizabeth and President Dalton's administration are met with hostility while trying to deal with the Russian government. Also, Dmitri is kidnapped and interrogated about being a Russian spy. Jill Hennessy returns as Jane Fellows, Henry's defense intelligence agency superior.
  • 4. Waiting for Taleju
    Elizabeth finds herself pushed out of the President's inner circle after she disagrees with his response to the growing tension with Russia. Also, when incriminating photos of Stevie and Harrison surface, Elizabeth and Henry must deal with the aftermath and try to protect their daughter from the media.
  • 5. The Long Shot
    In the wake of President Ostrov's death, Elizabeth and President Dalton fear a power grab within the Russian government. Also, the government's Cybersecurity Coordinator Oliver Shaw (Kobi Libii) works to identify the hacker who interfered with the communication system on Air Force One, and Jay devises a plan to fight Russian propaganda.
  • 6. Catch and Release
    When an American aid worker is killed in Syria by the first known ISIS leader, Elizabeth recalls all aid workers stationed there including her brother, Will, and makes it her mission to get justice for the victim.
  • 7. You Say You Want a Revolution
    With the support of President Dalton, Elizabeth attempts to get the Senate's support for a history-making effort to lift the Cuban trade embargo. Also, Henry and Alison bond while touring Havana together.
  • 8. Lights Out
    As tensions rise with Russia, Elizabeth, Russell and Mike B. (Kevin Rahm) hatch a plan to oust Craig Sterling (Julian Acosta) from his role as National Security Advisor without tarnishing President Dalton with a scandal. Also, Ephraim Ware (Clifton Davis), the Director of National Intelligence, identifies who hacked Air Force One.
  • 9. Russian Roulette
    Shortly before Elizabeth is to deliver a speech at the United Nations accusing Russia for the attack on Air Force One, Henry shares information that makes her reconsider her theory.
  • 10. Episode #2.10
    Elizabeth and President Dalton discover a secret that could impact Maria Ostrov's reputation; Dmitri wants to stop being a spy.
  • 11. Unity Node
    After the death of Maria Ostrov, Elizabeth works to maintain a fragile peace. Henry is in grief over the loss of his student Dmitri. Efforts are made to save American astronauts.
  • 12. The Middle Way
    Episode is about trip for Elizabeth to Myanmar w.r.t. a Pacific Rim TA. She runs into trouble with the embedded American Ambassador there.
  • 13. Invasive Species
    After Henry's father dies, painful and shocking family secrets are uncovered; Russell decides to keep significant information from Elizabeth's team.
  • 14. Left of the Boom
    Elizabeth deals with extremely sensitive issues in Saudi Arabia as she oversees a mission to find those responsible for a uranium heist Eastern Europe.
  • 15. Right of the Boom
    Following a shocking event on U.S. soil, Elizabeth rushes to find answers to President Dalton's many questions about how it was able to occur.
  • 16. Hijriyyah
    After an Italian warship answers a distress call from a ship carrying Libyan refugees, Elizabeth is given 20 minutes to decide whether to question a passenger who claims to know the whereabouts of Jibral Disah, the most-wanted terrorist in the world.
  • 17. Higher Learning
    While Elizabeth accompanies Alison on a college campus tour, she is ambushed by protesters about a Chilean mining operation involving the U.S. and Chilean government. Also Henry attempts to track down Jibral Disah's third wife, Hijriyyah.
  • 18. On the Clock
    As Elizabeth holds peace talks between the prime ministers of India and Pakistan, a mysterious plane crash tied to both countries causes the three parties to reevaluate the deal. Also, in an attempt to help the NSA locate the terrorist Jibral Disah, Henry approaches a former teacher of one of Disah's wives for information, and Elizabeth withstands a grueling interview with Jane Pauley.
  • 19. Desperate Remedies
    Elizabeth learns that a member of the inner circle of the terrorist group Boko Haram has fallen ill with a deadly virus and, by leveraging his weakness, she formulates a plan to get them to release a group of schoolgirls they are holding captive. Also, Henry gets new information on the whereabouts of Jibral Disah that leads them closer to pinpointing his location.
  • 20. Ghost Detainee
    After Elizabeth delivers her first speech to the United Nations General Assembly formally condemning the terrorist group Hizb-al Shahid, she discusses forming a coalition against them with the Russian Foreign Minister. However, the talks create a conflict of interest between Elizabeth and Henry, who is searching for a way to save Dmitri’s ill sister, Talia Petrov, from the Russian government.
  • 21. Connection Lost
    When President Dalton gets word that the world’s most wanted terrorist, Jibral Disah, is hiding in Islamabad, he sends the “Murphy Station” – Henry, Jane and Jose – on a dangerous mission to eliminate the threat. Also, Elizabeth and Henry go to couples therapy.
  • 22. Render Safe
    The United States debates enacting a “render safe” mission to secure nuclear weapons that belong to the Pakistani government before it collapses, while the Murphy Station pursues the terrorist Jibral Disah.
  • 23. Vartius
    When Elizabeth receives shocking news about an important political operative, she navigates a tricky political situation with President Dalton, who she learns may be considering replacing her as Secretary of State. Also, Stevie and Jareth get engaged.
  • 1. Sea Change
    When a storm destroys a naval base in Bahrain, Elizabeth urges President Dalton to reexamine his approach to climate change and his overall foreign policy, something that could jeopardize his re-election campaign. Also, Jose Campos tries to bring Henry back into the DIA fold, and the McCords worry that their family is being stalked when they discover Jason’s laptop may have been hacked.
  • 2. The Linchpin
    With Algeria on the brink of a civil war, Elizabeth delicately negotiates a regime change, but her plans go awry when Roy Curtis, the trusted U.S. Ambassador to Algeria, dies unexpectedly. Also, Henry fights to save religious antiquities in Algeria when he discovers they are being destroyed by Hizb al-Shahid, and the McCord children get their own security detail after Jason’s computer is hacked.
  • 3. South China Sea
    After U.S. environmental activists protesting China’s damage of a South China Sea reef are arrested for spying, Elizabeth finds herself in a stalemate with the Chinese foreign minister as she lobbies for their release. Also, Henry pushes the FBI to investigate one of Elizabeth’s former students who he suspects is his family’s cyber-stalker, and President Dalton’s trade visit to Vietnam brings back memories of serving there during the war.
  • 4. The Dissent Memo
    After a bombing at a political rally in Angola, Elizabeth must find a way to respond to a “dissent memo” from the Bureau of African Affairs when they criticize the Dalton Administration’s lack of attention to the upcoming Angolan election. Also, Russell enlists Elizabeth’s help to get President Dalton on the ballot in Ohio, and Henry and Jose get closer to locating the antiquities stolen by Hizb al-Shahid.
  • 5. The French Revolution
    When an imminent U.S.-France state dinner is jeopardized after a CIA operative is captured by French intelligence, Elizabeth must negotiate the operative’s release while keeping the event on track. Also, Russell tries to woo back big donors to Dalton’s campaign, and the McCords get an important lead in their family’s stalking case.
  • 6. The Statement
    When Elizabeth discovers that a terrorist bombing at an Illinois coffee shop was funded by someone with close ties to the Saudi government, she makes a bold move after the Saudi ambassador refuses to bring the man to justice. Also, Matt refuses to issue a statement when news breaks that he and the bomber are linked to the same mosque, and Henry reaches out to Dmitri when he hears he’s having trouble adjusting to his new life in Phoenix.
  • 7. Tectonic Shift
    After Venezuela’s president andhis immediate successors are killed in a devastating earthquake, Elizabeth works to stop a power grab by the late president’s son, as well as secure the release of the international aid team he arrested.
  • 8. Breakout Capacity
    As President Dalton eagerly awaits voting results on Election Day, Elizabeth uncovers information that could put the U.S.’s peace deal with Iran in jeopardy.
  • 9. Snap Back
    As the U.N. Security Council considers reinstating sanctions against Iran for its suspected nuclear activities, Elizabeth tries to stop Israel from taking matters into its own hands when it threatens military action against the Iranians.
  • 10. The Race
    When a possible Israel-Iran war threatens the House’s imminent vote on the U.S. presidential election, Elizabeth attempts to bring the two reluctant countries to the negotiation table in an effort to broker a peace between them.
  • 11. Gift Horse
    When the Mongolian government sends Elizabeth a horse as a gift, she thinks accepting it could upset other Asian countries, but she stirs up more controversy when she considers returning it to Mongolia.
  • 12. The Detour
    When Elizabeth and her staff fly to Africa to offer development aid to the continent, they are caught by surprise when the Chinese arrive there first, ready to outmaneuver the U.S. with competing offers of aid.
  • 13. The Beautiful Game
    When an influential rabbi organizing a symbolic Iran/Israel soccer game is killed, Elizabeth and Jay’s peace treaty plans for the two countries are jeopardized. Also, Elizabeth’s name is floated for a Nobel Peace Prize; Jay’s tireless work on the Iran/Israel peace deal strains his marriage; and Daisy makes a connection with new work colleague, Kevin Park.
  • 14. Labor of Love
    When the upcoming marriage of two star-crossed lovers from Colombia is in jeopardy, Elizabeth works to reunite the son of the Colombian president and the daughter of the rebel leader, whose union is at the heart of an important peace deal after years of civil war.
  • 15. Break in Diplomacy
    Elizabeth is shocked when the Philippines’ unconventional new president, Datu Andrada, makes a pass at her during their meeting to discuss his refusal to participate in an Asia-Pacific territory treaty.
  • 16. Swept Away
    Elizabeth’s landmark global climate treaty with more than 200 countries is jeopardized when China threatens to back out due to her meeting with an ailing Dalai Lama. Also, Henry worries about his undercover operative’s safety, and Jay is surprised when Abby serves him with a custody agreement for their daughter.
  • 17. Convergence
    When a computer sting uncovers the possible mole in the CIA arms smuggling ring, Elizabeth’s questioning of the suspect makes her think that a larger, more dangerous force is behind the operation. Also, Henry worries that the doomsday cult is drugging his embedded operative, and Elizabeth and her State Department staff come up with an unorthodox approach to solving black rhino poaching in Namibia.
  • 18. Good Bones
    Elizabeth enlists the help of Hollywood star Ashley Whittaker to help sway the president of Kyrgyzstan to end human trafficking in his country, but the added attention could put an American captive at risk. Also, when Henry finds the bomb that’s being held by the doomsday cult, he uncovers information that they could be planning a deadlier attack.
  • 19. Global Relief
    When warring rebel groups threaten Elizabeth’s Somalian food relief efforts and kidnap an American aide there, she reluctantly considers asking a notorious Russian arms dealer for help. Also, Henry is blindsided when he is taken off the VFF doomsday cult case, and Alison and Stevie await their college acceptances.
  • 20. Extraordinary Hazard
    As the U.S. hunts for the person believed to be behind the CIA arms smuggling case, Elizabeth and her team must work to save Jay when he’s kidnapped in Nice, France, during a fact-finding mission into the suspect.
  • 21. The Seventh Floor
    Elizabeth and her team work to secure the release of an American journalist held hostage in the Sudan.
  • 22. Revelation
    As Elizabeth and President Dalton head to Rome for the G20 Conference, she is concerned for Henry’s safety when he is sent to Israel to intercept the doomsday cult’s bio-weapon before it is deployed.
  • 23. Article 5
    Elizabeth heads to Brussels to seek NATO’s support against Russia when it threatens to invade Bulgaria, but when France refuses to cooperate, it could threaten the alliance’s very existence. Also, Henry’s new government role has him dive into the Russia issue and turn to his former operative, Dmitri Petrov for help, and as Nadine and Mike B’s relationship heats up, Elizabeth finds out information about her old friend that makes her question his loyalties.
  • 1. News Cycle
    When the assistant vice minister of Timor-Leste suddenly dies during a meeting with Elizabeth on the first day of the U.N General Assembly, she becomes suspicious after the president of Timor-Leste ships the body back without a proper investigation. Also, a “fake news” story surfaces claiming Elizabeth is responsible for the minister’s death, and Dmitri returns to work with Henry.
  • 2. Off the Record
    While Elizabeth is in Libya to help negotiate an end to their civil war, a tragic accident with her chauffeured car embroils her in an urgent situation to secure medical care for a gravely wounded local girl.
  • 3. The Essentials
    With a government shutdown looming, Elizabeth must think outside the box to help fund an electrical grid in a Syrian refugee camp, before riots break out in the country due to the lack of electricity and water. Also, Henry searches for Dmitri when he goes missing.
  • 4. Shutdown
    As the government shutdown shows no sign of progress, Secretary of State McCord must negotiate an agreement between the White House and its opposition led by Senator Morejon. Also, Elizabeth is having trouble finding a suitable replacement for the chief of staff position.
  • 5. Persona Non Grata
    Elizabeth is determined to continue to hold a human trafficking conference in Kyrgyzstan despite the inappropriate actions by a U.S. ambassador. Also, Elizabeth and Henry worry about Alison when she keeps coming home from college.
  • 6. Loophole
    Henry disagrees with the President and Elizabeth when they refuse to negotiate with terrorists for the release of an American CIA agent who was captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Also, Elizabeth tries to be supportive of Stevie who is going through a difficult time.
  • 7. North to the Future
    When a Russian dissident flees to the U.S. after contracting smallpox, Secretary of State Elizabeth McCord and retired U.N. Ambassador Kat Sandoval must work with Russian Foreign Minister Konstantin Avdonin to contain the outbreak.
  • 8. The Fourth Estate
    Secretary of State McCord and her staff work with the Mexican government to extradite a Mexican cartel leader to a U.S. prison in an effort to diminish the opioid crisis. But after he escapes during transport and a journalist who secured a gloating interview with him while on the lam is murdered, Elizabeth’s urgency to find the leader escalates.
  • 9. Minefield
    Secretary of State McCord reluctantly agrees to host a holiday party in the hopes of persuading senators in attendance to pass a treaty that requires countries to destroy landmines. Also, Henry tries to find evidence that the Senate Majority Leader exchanged information with the Russians.
  • 10. Women Transform the World
    Secretary of State McCord struggles with the realization that she may need to advise the Afghan government that a compromise with the Taliban may be better than a war with them. Also, Henry uses Dmitri as bait to convince a Russian spy to help the U.S., and Daisy returns from maternity leave and decides to finally tell Joe’s mother about the baby.
  • 11. Mitya
    When Vice President Hurst feels threatened that Secretary of State McCord is vying to be the next president, she attempts to set Elizabeth up for failure by promising that Americans will continue to be able to adopt Russian orphans, despite the potential ban by Russia’s president. Also, Elizabeth and Henry find out Stevie is dating Dmitri after he is followed by a Russian assassin.
  • 12. Sound and Fury
    After President Dalton hears about a sonic attack at the U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria, he thinks Russia is to blame and uncharacteristically threatens them with military force, leaving his cabinet concerned about his mental status.
  • 13. Reading the Signs
    Elizabeth seeks creative solutions when the president of Sri Lanka's psychic convinces him to not move forward with a trade agreement with the U.S. Also, Alison grapples with guilt for missing the warning signs after her college roommate attempts suicide, and Henry makes an abrupt career decision.
  • 14. Refuge
    Jay and Kat devise a way to help persecuted foreign LGBTQ citizens escape their country while their U.S. homeland security applications are processed. However, when the country closes its borders, Jay and Kat are forced to change that plan quickly, as it could now threaten their relationship with neighboring allies.
  • 15. The Unnamed
    Elizabeth and the team are caught in an uncertain situation when they are about to award a foreign leader with the Medal of Freedom but learn he may have known that a minority group in his country is being persecuted. Also, President Dalton doubts his ability to return to office after being cleared by his doctor, and a past family grievance is brought to light when Henry’s sister pays a visit.
  • 16. My Funny Valentine
    As the 20th anniversary of the American embassy bombing in Mali approaches, emotions run high among the State Department staff, who had personal connections to lives lost that day, including Elizabeth, who must decide if the U.S. should lift sanctions against the country deemed responsible. Also, Henry tries to help Jason break up with Piper.
  • 17. Phase Two
    Senator Morejon puts phase two of Elizabeth’s U.S./Iran arms deal in jeopardy when he asserts that Iran funneled money from phase one of the deal to fund a recent bombing that killed an American citizen. Also, Henry mulls over the option of becoming the chairman of the new military ethics department at the National War College.
  • 18. The Friendship Game
    Elizabeth’s negotiations for a security agreement combatting gang violence in South America becomes complicated when she attempts to free an American recently kidnapped there.
  • 19. Thin Ice
    Elizabeth is attending a summit in Montreal to resolve territorial claims of the North Pole when an activist group detonates a bomb and she can’t locate Jason and Piper. Also, things take a turn for the worse when Elizabeth learns that Russia was involved in the bombing, and Henry helps one of his students work through a difficult decision.
  • 20. The Things We Get to Say
    Elizabeth must watch what she says and does when she deals with a refugee situation while being shadowed by Neal Shin, a newspaper reporter who may use his access to write a tell-all book.
  • 21. Protocol
    When terrorists threaten to cause a flood in the Middle East that could kill millions of people, Elizabeth’s hopes of getting a neighboring country to close the dam fade after the government suddenly goes dark during a coup. Also, Stevie is tasked with finding Russell an activity that will help manage his stress.
  • 22. Nightwatch
    Elizabeth and cabinet members brace for the fallout at home and abroad as President Dalton prepares for a retaliatory nuclear attack on a country that has reportedly just launched missiles bound for the U.S.
  • 1. E Pluribus Unum
    In the aftermath of a deadly attack on the White House, Elizabeth tries to keep a major nuclear disarmament deal from falling apart while a manhunt for the attackers brings D.C. to a halt. For advice, Elizabeth turns to former secretaries of state Madeleine Albright, Hillary Clinton and Colin Powell.
  • 2. The Chaos Game
    When Elizabeth discovers that the White House attackers had support from overseas, she tries to hunt down those responsible without starting a war. Also, Henry comes face to face with one of the attackers.
  • 3. The Rake
    Elizabeth flies to Fashion Week in Milan to face off against the Chinese Foreign Minister over an anti-sweatshop treaty in the aftermath of a tragedy. Also, Daisy struggles with feelings of fear and pessimism over her baby’s future, under the threat of rising nationalism in the wake of the attack on the White House.
  • 4. Requiem
    When the remains of U.S. soldiers who served in World War II are uncovered in Southeast Asia, Elizabeth’s hopes of bringing them home quickly fade when a stubborn leader stands in her way. Also, Henry and Stevie find themselves publicly targeted by a restaurant owner who is angry about Elizabeth’s policies, and Alison volunteers for a local congressional campaign.
  • 5. Ghosts
    Henry finds himself at the center of an international incident, when he comes to the aid of an ex-girlfriend at a religious freedom conference in Thailand, after she is imprisoned for condemning the monarchy. Also, Elizabeth helps Jason navigate the pressure of preparing for college.
  • 6. Eyjafjallajökull
    When the eruption of an Icelandic volcano strands Elizabeth at an airport in Ireland with the Turkish foreign minister, she tries to broker a deal with him to save the lives of thousands of Syrian refugees. Also, Henry gives advice to Alison about an awkward topic.
  • 7. Baby Steps
    Vice President Teresa Hurst asks Elizabeth for help when a surrogate carrying her future grandchild is arrested in Laos for human trafficking. Also, Henry tries to protect Stevie from danger when he suspects that she’s being followed by a Russian operative, and Blake deals with the demanding and costly instructions of a delegation of Japanese gardeners.
  • 8. The Courage to Continue
    When Haiti’s democracy is threatened by a president who refuses to step down after losing the election, Elizabeth tries to solve the problem without resorting to military action. Also, Blake has one week to find a new job before Elizabeth fires him as her assistant.
  • 9. Winter Garden
    Elizabeth and Jay work to keep an historic agreement between Serbia and Kosovo from falling apart, after a mass grave is discovered in Serbia dating back to the Kosovo war. Also, Henry deals with a bizarre encounter with Secretary of Defense Gordon Becker.
  • 10. Family Separation (1)
    Elizabeth goes head to head with a U.S. governor over the state’s new policy of separating unauthorized immigrants from their children.
  • 11. Family Separation (2)
    Elizabeth goes head to head with a U.S. governor over the state's new policy of separating unauthorized immigrants from their children. Also, she and Henry plan to renew their wedding vows.
  • 12. Strategic Ambiguity
    Elizabeth must salvage a deal with a military contractor by supplying fighter jets to Taiwan, but she risks triggering a war with China in the process. Also, Daisy gets frustrated with Matt for failing to help take care of her dog like he promised.
  • 13. Proxy War
    When innocent Syrian children are killed by an American-made cluster bomb, Elizabeth races to figure out what went wrong before Russia can use it as an excuse to escalate its military presence in the region. Also, Russell faces a PR nightmare after he gets into a heated argument with a homeless protester.
  • 14. Something Better
    When a group of American missionaries become hostages during a violent uprising abroad, Dalton must confront demons from his past in order to help Elizabeth secure their safe return home. Also, Stevie takes over Russell’s social media presence, and Henry helps his niece, Sarah, mentally prepare for her military deployment.
  • 15. Between the Seats
    Elizabeth visits the Middle East to finalize a deal to bring U.S. troops home, but complications arise when a local woman’s life is threatened by rumors of a romance with one of Elizabeth’s staffers. Also, Henry provides relationship advice to Elizabeth’s brother, Will.
  • 16. The New Normal
    When a super typhoon threatens a small Pacific island, Elizabeth tries to relocate its population before the storm makes landfall. Also, Henry gives a speech to an evangelical group about climate change.
  • 17. The Common Defense
    While Elizabeth is away on a retreat thinking about her presidential campaign, her staff tries to secure an international agreement to protect citizens who have been displaced due to global warming. Also, the staff works to contain a measles outbreak that threatens the life of Daisy’s daughter, Joanna.
  • 18. Ready
    A NATO ally carries out a state-sponsored assassination attempt against one of its own citizens, who is also a U.S. resident and old friend of Elizabeth’s. Also, Alison starts dating the son of one of Elizabeth’s political rivals.
  • 19. Carrying the Gold
    As Elizabeth prepares to officially declare her candidacy for president, she must deal with fallout from a news article alleging she had an affair with President Dalton during her CIA days. Also, Mike B. and Jay adjust to the growing pains in their expanded roles as campaign staffers, and Elizabeth calls for a UN criminal tribunal against Myanmar military leaders over their treatment of the Rohingya.
  • 20. Better Angels
    As Elizabeth prepares to leave the state department and announce her run for president, terrorists attack the United Nations delegation in Geneva that is there to sign the climate migration treaty.
  • 1. Hail to the Chief
    Elizabeth must fend off a baseless investigation into her past that threatens to derail the first major legislation of her presidency. Also, First Gentleman Henry squirms after his appearance on THE LATE SHOW with STEPHEN COLBERT results in heightened scrutiny of the romance in the First Couple’s marriage.
  • 2. The Strike Zone
    Elizabeth faces mounting protests over rising fuel costs as she prepares to throw out the first pitch at a New York Mets game. Also, Mike B. is questioned by the Senate Intelligence Committee as part of the investigation into whether the McCord campaign conspired with Iran to steal the election.
  • 3. Killer Robots
    Elizabeth must decide whether to use autonomous unmanned weapons or send U.S. soldiers to bring the mastermind of the UN gas attack to justice. Also, Blake is questioned by Senator Hanson about potential campaign finance violations related to his love life, and Henry and Elizabeth search for the perfect dog.
  • 4. Valor
    Henry teams up with a Marine veteran to fight for legislation that helps Veterans Affairs provide better mental health care, but he encounters surprising resistance from Vice President Carlos Morejon. Also, Senator Hanson questions Daisy about an arrest in her past.
  • 5. Daisy
    When evidence implicates Daisy in the leak of hacked information during the presidential campaign and threatens to topple Elizabeth’s presidency, Elizabeth must decide what to believe and how far she’s willing to go to uncover the truth. Also, Henry and Elizabeth host former President Dalton at the White House after his interview with Bob Schieffer.
  • 6. Deepfake
    When a fabricated video makes it look like Elizabeth and Henry are making fun of a foreign dignitary, they struggle to convince him not to pull out of an important international agreement. Also, Stevie says goodbye to an important person in her life.
  • 7. Accountability
    When U.S. intelligence locates the mastermind behind a foreign country's hack, Elizabeth must decide whether to risk war by extracting him from the country while she also prepares for the White House correspondents' dinner. Also, Jason faces backlash after he confronts his school newspaper over its coverage of Elizabeth.
  • 8. Ships and Countries
    When an American tech CEO goes missing in a foreign country, Elizabeth navigates complicated diplomatic terrain to get him back without triggering a regional conflict. Also, things get personal when Stevie and Henry testify at House impeachment proceedings.
  • 9. Carpe Diem
    Elizabeth faces a national security crisis when a military conflict in international waters spirals to the brink of nuclear confrontation. Also, with the imminent threat of impeachment looming over the McCord administration, Elizabeth and Henry make a wish-list of things to do while she’s still in office.
  • 10. Leaving the Station
    President Elizabeth McCord kicks off a new landmark political initiative with help from members of the World Cup Champion U.S. Women’s Soccer team. Also, the McCords overcome last-minute obstacles to pull off a spectacular family celebration.
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