
  • 평점: 7.30
  • 발행 연도: 2018
  • 장르: Sci-Fi, Drama, Action, Fantasy, Adventure, Mystery
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 45 분

In a place where young witches, vampires, and werewolves are nurtured to be their best selves in spite of their worst impulses, Klaus Mikaelson’s daughter, 17-year-old Hope Mikaelson, Alaric Saltzman’s twins, Lizzie and Josie Saltzman, among others, come of age into heroes and villains at The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted.

  • 1. This is the Part Where You Run
    Under the guidance of headmaster Alaric Saltzman, the next generation of supernatural beings at The Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted — including tri-brid Hope Mikaelson, Alaric’s twins Lizzie and Josie, high-energy vampire MG, newly-triggered werewolf Rafael and the mysterious Landon — come of age in the most unconventional way possible, nurtured to be their best selves…in spite of their worst impulses.
  • 2. Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn
    Alaric, Hope and Rafael hit the road in search of Landon, who’s sudden disappearance has raised some suspicion. Meanwhile, during an annual flag football game against Mystic Falls High, Lizzie and Josie’s plan to stay under the radar quickly gets derailed after Penelope gets involved.
  • 3. We’re Being Punked, Pedro
    As punishment for breaking the rules, Hope, Lizzie, Josie and MG are forced to participate in a community service project in the Mystic Falls town square. Meanwhile, Landon and Rafael’s attempt at a carefree life on the road takes a dangerous turn when they become unsuspecting targets. Finally, Alaric realizes that keeping secrets from his students may be causing more harm than good.
  • 4. Hope Is Not The Goal
    When two local students go missing, Alaric sends Hope, Lizzie, MG and Landon to Mystic Falls High to investigate. Meanwhile, as Josie helps Rafael adjust to his new life at the school, his reluctance to follow the wolf pack’s rules puts a target on his back. Lastly, an unsettling discovery puts Alaric and Sheriff Donovan at odds with one another.
  • 5. Malivore
    Tensions rise among the students after Alaric decides to give the students a bigger voice by forming an honor council. Determined to find out more about Landon’s past, Hope does a series of magical tests on him. Meanwhile, Alaric and Dorian take on the next creature to try and find out what they want and where they are coming from.
  • 6. Mombie Dearest
    As Lizzie and Josie prepare for their long awaited sweet sixteen party, Alaric finds himself preoccupied with the latest supernatural arrival – one that hits a little too close to home. Elsewhere, Penelope’s latest plan gives MG one last shot at impressing Lizzie on her big day, while an unexpected betrayal causes tensions to boil over between Hope and Rafael.
  • 7. Death Keeps Knocking On My Door
    As Hope hit the books to learn more about the latest creature to arrive to the school, things take a dark and twisted turn leaving her to confront one of her darkest fears. Meanwhile, Alaric attempts to help Rafael cope after his past comes back to haunt him.
  • 8. Maybe I Should Start From The End
    After discovering that Landon is in trouble, Hope and Alaric set out in search for him. Along the way, they uncover some startling information about Landon’s past.
  • 9. What Was Hope Doing in Your Dreams?
    During a stressful week of exams, Hope, Rafael, Landon and MG’s attempts to study get thwarted by the arrival of a new monster who feeds off their worst fears. Meanwhile, Hope struggles with a secret she’s been keeping from Landon.
  • 10. There's a World Where Your Dreams Come True
    Following a stay in Europe with her mother, Lizzie returns to Mystic Falls and comes face to face with someone who could make all her wishes come true – including making Hope Mikaelson disappear.
  • 11. We're Gonna Need A Spotlight
    When Alaric decides to postpone the school’s annual talent show, Lizzie and Josie are determined to make sure the show goes on. Meanwhile, tensions arise when the students face a creature that lowers their inhibitions. Lastly, Alaric decides to play hooky with Emma
  • 12. There's a Mummy on Main Street
    When the urn goes missing, Alaric, Hope, Josie, Lizzie, Kaleb, Dorian and Emma hit the road to locate the artifact before the next Malivore creature arrives. Meanwhile, Lizzie takes aim at Hope for all the past spring breaks she’s ruined. Finally, the group bands together when a town-wide quarantine threatens to expose their supernatural identities.
  • 13. The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do
    When a spontaneous road trip to visit MG’s parents leaves him and Landon missing, and a distressed Rafael with no memory of what happened, Hope, Alaric and Kaleb set out to find them before it’s too late.
  • 14. Let's Just Finish the Dance
    As the Salvatore School prepares to host the Miss Mystic Falls pageant, Hope secretly deals with a recent trauma that’s causing her magic to go on the fritz. Meanwhile, the unexpected arrival of Roman, a boy from Hope’s past, causes Landon to be on alert. Elsewhere, MG struggles with the fallout from his recent actions, while Josie’s secret desire to win Miss Mystic Falls takes a backseat to Lizzie’s plan for the pageant.
  • 15. I’ll Tell You a Story
    When the fallout of Hope’s actions leaves her and Landon on the outs, she turns to Lizzie for help making things right. Meanwhile, Landon uncovers secrets about his past, while Josie looks into a secret that Alaric has been keeping.
  • 16. There's Always a Loophole
    When a group of unwelcome visitors descends upon The Salvatore School, Hope leads the charge to keep her friends safe. Meanwhile, MG uncovers a secret about his mother and Josie finds herself in a dire situation.
  • 1. I'll Never Give Up Hope
    After discovering that there may be a way out of Malivore, Hope becomes more determined than ever to find her way back to Mystic Falls. Alaric, who is still reeling after being voted out as headmaster by the honor council, continues looking into the mysterious night Malivore was destroyed. Elsewhere, as the students leave for summer vacation, Landon stays behind to keep an eye on Rafael, while MG heads to Atlanta to spend time with Kaleb’s family. Finally, while Lizzie spends the summer in Europe with Caroline, Josie searches for answers about the mysterious ascendant that Alaric was keeping from them.
  • 2. This Year Will Be Different
    Determined to move forward with her new life alone, Hope's latest hunt leads her on a collision course with the past. Landon's newfound status as the popular guy leads to tensions with Josie. MG contemplates telling Lizzie how he feels about her.
  • 3. You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know
    As the Salvatore School prepares for its annual football game against Mystic Falls High, the latest monster to arrive in Mystic Falls sets its eyes on one of the students. Alaric goes head to head with Professor Vardemus.
  • 4. Since When Do You Speak Japanese?
    When a samurai shows up looking for a demon that possesses its victims, Josie leads the charge to defend her friends from the demon's wrath; MG is conflicted by a secret he's uncovered about Lizzie's new vampire friend, Sebastian.
  • 5. Screw Endgame
    As the Salvatore School prepares for its upcoming ‘80s-themed decade dance, Hope and Lizzie find themselves trapped inside a never-ending labyrinth with a monster on their trail.
  • 6. That's Nothing I Had to Remember
    When a truth-seeking monster arrives in Mystic Falls during Commonwealth Day, Hope and Lizzie fear that the secrets they’ve each been keeping have made them targets. Meanwhile, MG, Kaleb and Kym seek out an unlikely ally, who may have knowledge on how to take down the latest monster. Finally, Freya receives an unexpected visit from one of the Salvatore Students.
  • 7. It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough
    After deciding that leaving town would be for the best, Hope gets pulled back in after Josie comes up with a risky plan to close the Malivore portal. Elsewhere, Alaric and Dorian make an alarming discovery about Professor Vardemus, while Rafael learns some upsetting news about Landon's future.
  • 8. This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent
    Hope joins forces with an unlikely ally to take down a Christmas monster, who’s using holiday cheer to infiltrate the Salvatore School. Elsewhere, Landon surprises Rafael with news about his family lineage, and Sebastian accompanies Lizzie on her latest mission.
  • 9. I Couldn't Have Done This Without You
    Back and ready to wreak havoc, The Necromancer's plan for revenge on Malivore takes a turn when he realizes he is now a human and powerless. To mend fences with Josie, Hope offers to help her learn more about the mora miserium. Elsewhere, Alaric enlists Landon's help to find out if Sebastian is a threat to the school.
  • 10. This Is Why We Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies
    As the witches of the Salvatore School come together to celebrate Coven Day, the latest monster to infiltrate the school targets Alyssa Chang and the other students by spreading discord and creating chaos among the covens. Elsewhere, Alaric, Lizzie and Josie search for a solution that keeps Josie protected from the dark magic brewing inside the mora miserium. Fed up with feeling powerless alongside Hope, Landon asks her to give him self- defense training. Finally, Alaric's past comes back to haunt him.
  • 11. What Cupid Problem?
    After learning that Josie, Lizzie and Alaric are in trouble, Hope leads the charge to save them. Meanwhile, Landon seizes the chance to keep an eye on the latest monster in town in order to prove himself useful. Elsewhere, MG’s attempt at a perfect first date with Kym takes a disastrous turn when Hope enlists his help in her plan.
  • 12. Kai Parker Screwed Us
  • 13. You Can't Save Them All
    Hope finds herself in a race against the clock as the threat of the prophecy looms and the pressure to rescue the Saltzmans grows. Meanwhile, Alaric's attempt to keep his family safe leads him to make a difficult decision.
  • 14. There's a Place Where the Lost Things Go
    In order to deal with their recent trauma, Emma suggests the students participate in a group simulation that transports them to a film noir world. Hope, Josie, Lizzie, MG and Rafael quickly learn they must confront their conflicts head-on or risk facing the game’s catastrophic consequences.
  • 15. Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself
    When things take a dark turn on the twins’ 17th birthday, Lizzie is left to make a difficult decision. Meanwhile, Hope takes drastic measures when she and Alaric clash over how to handle an issue involving Josie. Finally, Rafael makes a heartbreaking discovery.
  • 16. Facing Darkness is Kinda My Thing
    In a race to save Josie, Hope infiltrates her subconscious and finds herself in a fairytale world filled with dark magic. Back at the Salvatore School, Alaric, Lizzie and the Super Squad commit to their own risky plan to get Josie back despite the potential consequences.
  • 1. We're Not Worthy
    In order to get a handle on some urgencies at the school, Alaric sends the students off-campus for their first-ever field day. But when a medieval monster arrives with a challenge, the students are left scrambling to guess which one of them may be a worthy opponent.
  • 2. Goodbyes Sure Do Suck
    The Super Squad pulls out all the stops when they learn some devastating news involving one of their own. Alaric turns to Sheriff Mac for help getting some timely affairs in order.
  • 3. Salvatore: The Musical!
    The students prepare to put on a musical about the founding of the Salvatore School at the behest of their mysterious new guidance counselor. Meanwhile, as Landon throws himself into writing the musical and Lizzie, Josie, Kaleb and Jed dive into their roles, Hope distances herself from the musical.
  • 4. Hold on Tight
    The Super Squad bands together after the Necromancer's next move unleashes more than anyone bargained for. A run-in with Ethan reminds Josie why she doesn't trust herself with magic.
  • 5. This Is What It Takes
    After one of their own goes missing, Alaric suggests Hope turn to the therapy box, which thrusts her into a twisted game set in a summer camp slasher flick. Lizzie's attempt to spend some time with MG doesn't go quite as planned.
  • 6. To Whom It May Concern
    After a sudden mass exodus of the school's student body, Alaric and the squad desperately try to recruit new students to keep the school afloat. Hope agrees to help Lizzie with the new student orientation. Josie enjoys a fresh start on her first day at Mystic Falls High, while MG begins his semester of “no.”
  • 7. Yup, It's a Leprechaun, All Right
    Lizzie suggests holding a fundraiser for the school. Cleo helps Hope cope with her emotions. MG seeks help from Alyssa. When a leprechaun shows up at the school, it might be what they need to turn their luck around.
  • 8. Long Time, No See
    MG finds himself on the outs with the Super Squad after a controversial decision he made comes to light. Hope puts a risky plan in motion regardless of the potential consequences. Kaleb, Cleo and Alaric join forces when the latest monster shows up.
  • 9. Do All Malivore Monsters Provide This Level of Emotional Insight?
    As tensions build between Hope and Lizzie, the latest monster's arrival at the school will force them to set aside their differences in order to defeat it. Meanwhile, Alaric comes up with an excuse to keep tabs on Josie at Mystic Falls High, and Cleo helps Kaleb cope with a recent fallout with MG.
  • 10. All's Well That Ends Well
    After capturing a new monster at the school, Hope and the Super Squad learn some terrifying news about one of their own. A surprise visit from Lizzie gives Josie some much-needed courage. MG and Ethan team up to help others.
  • 11. You Can't Run From Who You Are
    After receiving some inspiration from Cleo, Hope and Landon set out on a new mission. However, when that plan takes an unexpected turn, Josie and Wade step in to lend a hand. Elsewhere, Lizzie enlists MG’s help learning more about Finch.
  • 12. I Was Made To Love You
    Hope’s suspicion is piqued after Wade shares some startling news with her. To uncover the secrets of a mysterious artifact, Alaric must work with an enemy from his past. After Ethan finds himself in harm’s way, MG is forced to make a difficult decision.
  • 13. One Day You Will Understand
    Faced with a difficult decision regarding one of his students, Alaric enlists Kaleb and Josie's help to get their perspective. Meanwhile, Cleo opens up about her past.
  • 14. This Feels a Little Cult-y
    In an attempt to control some of Hope's negative emotions, Josie suggests they join Lizzie at a wellness retreat for witches. Alaric and Dorian team up after learning MG may be in trouble.
  • 15. A New Hope
  • 16. Fate's A Bitch, Isn't It? (SEASON FINALE)
    Hope is forced to work with someone from her past. Kaleb and MG go on their first official superhero mission. Lizzie's plan to find Hope a rebound relationship takes an unexpected turn. Alaric, Landon, Josie and Ethan also appear.
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