
  • 평점: 7.30
  • 발행 연도: 2015
  • 장르: Драма, Комедия
  • 국가: Соединенные Штаты
  • 기간: 27 분

On his birthday, Thom Payne gets the gift of insignificance and also a new boss. He suspects his ED pills are interfering with his anti-depressants…

  • 1. Starring Samuel Beckett, Albert Camus and Alois Alzheimer
    A 44-year-old man is pressured to rebrand himself when his agency hires young creative directors.
  • 2. Starring Marc Chagall, Abuela and Adolf Hitler
    Thom gets a lesson in corporate America; the Swedes push a new campaign.
  • 3. Starring Vladimir Nabokov, Hippocrates and God
    Thom receives differing ideas on the meaning of suffering after Julius gets ill.
  • 4. Starring Sigmund Freud, Charles Bukowski and Seven Billion A**Holes
    Thom is overrun by jerks; the Swedes emasculate Thom at work; Julius is suspended.
  • 5. Starring Josey Wales, Jesus Christ and the New York Times
    When Thom misses a morning meeting, Gottfrid questions his priorities; Lee finds a new studio.
  • 6. Starring Helen Keller, Moses and Lenny Bruce
    Thom takes over a campaign and consoles Larry; Lee goes into a tailspin.
  • 7. Starring David Ogilvy, Anton Chekhov and Gluten Enteropathy
    Thom promises Julius he will return from Los Angeles with a toy; Lee gets a new cell phone.
  • 8. Starring Rene Descartes, Adweek and HRH the Princess of Arendelle
    Thom is forced out of his office; Lee meets Sandy while helping out as “lunch mom.”
  • 9. Starring Mr. Mike, Joseph McCarthy and Alfred Bernhard Nobel
    Thom learns something terrible about Larry; Lee takes Julius to Hebrew School.
  • 10. Starring Christopher Hitchens, Philip Larkin and Josef Stalin
    Thom writes a story, and then quits his job; “Radical Capitalism”; hopes and dreams.
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