
  • 평점: 7.80
  • 발행 연도: 2011
  • 장르: , Drama, Fantasy, Horror
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 43 분
  • 복잡성: 9

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  • 1. Pilot
    Nick Burkhardt, a promising Portland homicide detective, told nobody he gets visions of people ‘transforming’ into monsters when he looks at them. While investigating the murder and disappearance of two girls, he realizes it's a Grimm family gift, which passes from his aunt Marie Kessler when she is dying from cancer. She also gives him a mysterious key. Nick becomes her attacker's next target, but barely and wisely discretely uses his gift to track down the postman, who turns out a descendant of werewolf line, yet helps him find the violent monster.
  • 2. Bears Will Be Bears
    Rocky Babb goes missing after breaking into lawyer Frank Rabe's desolate Forrest home with his girl-friend Gilda Darner, who escaped and urges the PPD to investigate. Nick believes her and Grimm-senses Frank's adolescent son Barry can change into a bear. Eddie Monroe Blutbad accepts grudgingly to guard aunt Marie Kessler in hospital while Nick and Hank check out Barry and his motorbike buddies, Jason and T.B. Colbert, who kidnapped Rocky for a grim sunset initiation hunt.
  • 3. BeeWare
    The station is abuzz as Nick and Hank are called to a case where an innocent flash mob results in a gruesome homicide. As Nick delves further into the investigation, he learns more about his unique family history, and finds himself at odds when he and Hank are assigned to protect a dark character from his recent past.
  • 4. Lonelyhearts
    Nick discovers that several disappeared women were raped, a few also killed, after a stay in Billy Capra's romantic, honeymoon-oriented hotel. After a Grimm-flash shows him Bill as a goat, Nick enlists Eddie Monroe to help him identify the feral type, which uses irresistible seduction pheromones, and to prepare a hotel intrusion to save the latest victims. Meanwhile captain Sean Renard gives an uninvited French reaper a terrible welcome.
  • 5. Danse Macabre
    Nick and Hank's investigation of a dead high school teacher leads them to the school's outcast, Roddy. Nick realizes that there's more to Roddy than meets the eye, and enlists Monroe's help to get through to the troubled teenager before he exacts revenge on the students who wronged him. Meanwhile, Nick learns that his presence is beginning to affect the creature world.
  • 6. The Three Bad Wolves
    Nick is called to a suspected arson case, which exposes a longstanding family feud that brings Monroe face-to-face with characters from his troubled past. While Monroe wrestles with restraining his wild side, it's up to Nick to keep everything from going up in flames.
  • 7. Let Your Hair Down
    A drug trafficker was murdered without apparent motive deep in the forest. Helped by unusually enthusiastic Monroe, Nick soon works out the killer must be a feral and after tracing her it's a girl. Then follows traces indicating she may be a long-missing child having nearly grown up in the woods, and suggesting a link with recluse tracker James Addison, but there are others involved.
  • 8. Game Ogre
    Highly respected judge Logan Patterson is murdered, and shortly after several other people who played some part in the conviction and incarceration of an escaped giant of unnatural strength. Nick is badly wounded, out of action. Monroe however shows unusual enthusiasm to help out while Hank follows the paper trail.
  • 9. Of Mouse and Man
    While investigating a gruesome homicide, Nick learns that a seemingly mild-mannered resident could be festering a potential monster created from a dark childhood. Meanwhile, Monroe is sent an unsettling message by the creature community, who are beginning to wonder if his priorities lie with them or a Grimm.
  • 10. Organ Grinder
    While investigating the death of a homeless teen, Nick and Hank uncover a ring of Geiers harvesting human organs. Also, the Ferrat threaten Captain Renard to keep the Grimm under control.
  • 11. Tarantella
    A mysterious woman seduces men, then kills them in a way too gruesome to watch. Nick must uncover this new and rare creature's secret and find her before she kills again. Concurrently, Nick takes (admittedly belated) action to stop the (Wesen) creatures from rumor-mongering and stalking his home; in this show of power, Nick is slowly coming into his own as a Grimm - and defending house and home.
  • 12. Last Grimm Standing
    When Nick consults him about an erratic murder committed by athletic ex-con Dimitri Skontos, Monrie soon helps him realize that's actually a victim of ‘gladiator games’ organized by the most bloodthirsty pride of Löwen, a lionesque feral species. Nick spends his anniversary working out the fighters are recruited trough a dodgy parole officer and where the arena is hidden. Captain Sean Renard realizes the lucrative fights are becoming too notorious, his royal order to close down is ignored, so he turns to a priestly enforcer. Meanwhile first Monroe, then Nick co …
  • 13. Three Coins in a Fuchsbau
    Jeweler Sam Bertram was murdered by three Europeans killers, of rival feral species, to steal the rarest Ancient gold coins from his safe. Two are dead, the third steals a uniform from a cop he murders. The coins are found on the elusive Farley Kolt, who is arrested and tells Nick enough to work out he was late aunt Marie's true love. The coins, minted on Zakynthos, with swastika's and lions heads, are poisonous and magically attract great power and utter disaster. Captain Sean Renard keeps them and starts an ambitious ‘campaign against crime’ amidst dreams of …
  • 14. Plumed Serpent
    Nick is puzzled by several corpses with unusual semi-internal combustion symptoms. After Nick and hank are attacked by a fire-breathing dragon, which fits the riddle, Monroe teaches Nick about the suspect feral breed, not actual dragons but close, and brings him in contact with a member, Ariel Eberhart, fire-breeder at his favorite nightclub. She seems however romantically more interested in Nick than is safe for his relationship with Juliette, and is the daughter of the murdering ‘dragon’.
  • 15. Island of Dreams
    Nick investigates the robbery of a spice shop, that is owned by wesen, discovering that the thieves were after a dangerous drug.
  • 16. The Thing with Feathers
    Nick and Juliette go away for a little R & R. They meet a couple who turns out to be not human. Juliette meets the wife and senses she's being abused. Nick learns the man is a being who abuses women.
  • 17. Love Sick
    Nick and Juliette join Hank for dinner, where Nick discovers Hank's mystery date is none other than Adalind, the same Hexenbiest who tried to kill Aunt Marie. Meanwhile, Captain Renard takes matters into his own hands when a visit from foreign representatives of his royal bloodline threatens his position. Elsewhere, Monroe and Rosalee are called into action when the lives of Hank and Sgt. Wu hang in the balance.
  • 18. Cat and Mouse
    While investigating a string of murders, Nick and Hank learn that their suspect's crime wave began overseas. When Nick discovers the suspect is being harbored by none other than Monroe and Rosalee, he realizes he's hunting the hunted, a freedom fighter trying desperately to escape the clutches of a creature bounty hunter.
  • 19. Leave It to Beavers
    Nick investigates the murder of a bridge construction contractor who is a beaver (Eisbiber), by a building inspector who is a troll (Hasslich). The contractor's refusal to pay tribute to the inspector potentially disrupted long history of trolls controlling bridges.
  • 20. Happily Ever Aftermath
    After a man and his wife are scammed out their fortune by a Madoff-like fraudster, the husband approaches his wife's evil stepmother for financial assistance. But she refuses and is soon after murdered by a Murcielago - a bat-like creature that kills with a sonic scream.
  • 21. Big Feet
    Episodes of vicious attacks by Bigfoot-like Wesen known as Wildermann are suddenly rampant. Nick and Monroe discover that the errant Wesen are connected to a psychologist performing medical experiments to help the Wesen control their urges.
  • 22. Woman in Black
    A Siegbarste Wesen wreaks havoc while searching for the ancient Zakynthos gold coins, while a mysterious woman in black tracks his movements. Nick informs a dubious Juliette of his heritage just before she collapses and is hospitalized because of a poisonous scratch from Adalind's cat.
  • 1. Bad Teeth
    After their face-off with Kimura, Nick finds himself trying to come to grips with the return of his mother, Kelly Burkhardt. A trail of brutal murders unveils a foreign conspiracy to hunt down Nick, leading to several revelations about his past. Meanwhile, Juliette still lies in her mysteriously-induced coma as Rosalee and Monroe work tirelessly to bring her out of it safely. Elsewhere, Hank struggles with the shocking truths he's recently seen and Captain Renard deals with unexpected family issues when his estranged brother comes back into his life.
  • 2. The Kiss
    As Nick and his mother continue to battle the Mauvais Dentes, Monroe and Rosalee fight against the clock to save Juliette. More details are revealed about the source of Juliette's illness, resulting in an epic showdown. Back at the precinct, Hank senses that something is amiss when Nick lands in hot water with the FBI. Meanwhile, Captain Renard continues to reveal himself as he deals with his estranged brother.
  • 3. Bad Moon Rising
    As Hank continues to seek help to cope with the inexplicable siting he had, an old friend, Jarold Kempfer, needs his help when his daughter goes missing. Nick's expertise as a Grimm comes in to play as he investigates the disturbing motives linked to the disappearance.
  • 4. Quill
    While investigating an accident site, Nick comes upon a bizarre and gruesome Wesen disease that is spreading quickly. A romantic day out for Monroe and Rosalee takes a dangerous turn when they encounter an infected creature that is out for blood. Meanwhile, Captain Renard gets a tip about a dangerous foreign fugitive who's made his way to Portland.
  • 5. The Good Shepherd
    When a local Reverend reports that his church has been robbed, Nick quickly learns that it's a Wesen church, and enlists Monroe to check for any suspicious activity regarding the shepherd's flock. Meanwhile, Nick and Juliette continue to figure out the rules of their relationship as a dangerous opponent lurks in the shadows with his sights on Nick.
  • 6. Over My Dead Body
  • 7. The Bottle Imp
  • 8. The Other Side
  • 9. La Llorona
  • 10. The Hour of Death
  • 11. To Protect and Serve Man
  • 12. Season of the Hexenbiest
  • 13. Face Off
  • 14. Natural Born Wesen
  • 15. Mr. Sandman
  • 16. Nameless
  • 17. One Angry Fuchsbau
    After sleeping on it Nick decides it would be best for Monroe to take Juliette to the trailer. However, the trailer triggers more memories of Nick than Juliette may be able to handle leading her to seek the help of Pilar for insights into her current condition. Meanwhile Monroe fears Rosalee, who is serving jury duty, maybe under the influence of a toad dropping Ziegevolk who is jury tampering to win his case. Nick, Hank, Bud, Monroe and Rosalee hatch a plan to stop this Ziefevolk once and for all.
  • 18. Volcanalis
  • 19. Endangered
  • 20. Kiss of the Muse
    When Nick encounters a muse-like Wesen after the murder of her boyfriend by her jealous ex-lover, things start to get a little complicated.
  • 21. The Waking Dead
  • 22. Goodnight, Sweet Grimm
  • 1. The Ungrateful Dead
    Nick's destiny is uncertain as zombies continue to overrun Portland.
  • 2. PTZD
    Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell), Hank (Russell Hornsby), Rosalee (Bree Turner) and Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) track down a manic Nick (David Giuntoli) and do all they can to find him and reverse what's been done to him before he causes any more damage. Meanwhile, Captain Renard (Sasha Roiz) does his best to clean up the zombie fallout on all fronts - domestic and international. Elsewhere, the more time Adalind (Claire Coffee) spends with Stefania (guest star Shohreh Aghdashloo), the more disturbing things seem to get in her quest to regain her Hexenbiest abilities.
  • 3. A Dish Best Served Cold
    A series of disturbing crime scenes leads Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) to the resurrection of an old feud that's all too familiar for Nick and Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell). With the news of a royal family member's demise, several key players start to make their move. Meanwhile despite his recent trauma, Nick finds himself healthier than normal and Monroe and Rosalee (Bree Turner) talk about moving their relationship forward.
  • 4. One Night Stand
  • 5. El Cucuy
    When investigating a series of brutal murders committed on criminals, to Nick it appears that the culprit may be a character from a Latino legend.
  • 6. Stories We Tell Our Young
    Nick and Hank look into the death of a priest, who was performing an exorcism on a 9-year-old boy. Is the boy a Wesen or possessed by a demon?
  • 7. Cold Blooded
    As a deadly crime spree begins to surface, a century-old urban legend takes shape in Portland's sewers and becomes Nick's latest case. In Europe, Adalind meets Prince Viktor, whos come to bring those responsible for his cousin Erics demise to justice. Meanwhile, Captain Renard responds to the recent attempt on his life.
  • 8. Twelve Days of Krampus
    After a string of delinquent teens go missing, an old Wesen tale of an evil Santa who brings more than just a lump of coal may be the prime suspect. The investigation intensifies as Nick and Hank take things a little too far. Meanwhile, Monroe enlists Juliette to surprise Rosalee for their first Christmas together with unintended results. Elsewhere, Captain Renards tour of Europe brings him closer to tracking down Adalind.
  • 9. Red Menace
    Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) investigate a Wesen “healer” whose ability holds risks that far outweigh its rewards. Meanwhile, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) takes in a friend when domestic issues escalate and Hank makes a move on his physical therapist Zuri (guest star Sharon Leal). Elsewhere, Captain Renard (Sasha Roiz) finally tracks down Adalind (Claire Coffee) and has a stern warning for her.
  • 10. Eyes of the Beholder
    Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) are called to the scene of a gang-related homicide. The case escalates as Zuri (guest star Sharon Leal), Hank's physical therapist, and her brother get caught up in the investigation. Meanwhile, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) seeks advice from Rosalee (Bree Turner) in dealing with the news that her friend is Wesen.
  • 11. The Good Soldier
    Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) are called to the gruesome murder of a veteran working in home security. During their investigation, they discover this might be one of several revenge killings regarding a horrifying cover-up involving members of the army and military contractors. On the domestic front, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) accompanies Rosalee (Bree Turner) during her long overdue reunion with her mother and sister. In Europe, Adalind (Claire Coffee) sees hints of what she thinks might be her powers returning.
  • 12. The Wild Hunt
    Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) investigate a cop killer who scalps his victims. Meanwhile, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) begins to communicate with Nick's mom via email and Adalind (Claire Coffee) finds herself much closer to delivering her baby than she previously thought. Elsewhere, Monroe's (Silas Weir Mitchell) parents (guest stars Dee Wallace and Chris Mulkey) decide to surprise him and Rosalee (Bree Turner) with an early arrival to Portland after learning some exciting news.
  • 13. Revelation
    Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) fights an impossible battle to convince his parents (guest stars Dee Wallace and Chris Mulkey) to embrace the life choices he's made. Meanwhile, Nick (David Giuntoli) turns to Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) to help him figure out the Wesen aspect of his cop-killing scalper investigation. On the Royal Baby front, Captain Renard (Sasha Roiz) learns new information that forces him to contact Adalind (Claire Coffee) in the interest of keeping her and the baby safe from Viktor (guest star Alexis Denisof).
  • 14. Mommy Dearest
    A horrible new predator creeps into Portland with its sight set on a young expectant couple who are close friends of Sgt. Wu (Reggie Lee). Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) must figure out how to deal with Wu as the investigation escalates. Meanwhile, Adalind (Claire Coffee) prepares for a special delivery while her enemies are hot on her trail.
  • 15. Once We Were Gods
    Nick, Hank and Juliette learn what the Wesen Community already know, the Wesen were GODS in ancient Egypt Meanwhile, Adalind and Damien Puckler again run for their lives after a tortured Sebastien reveals their location of them being dropped off. Sgt. Wu, still fighting for his sanity is visited by Juliette. She tells Wu of her ordeal, which seems to have helped him because Wu is later picked up and taken home by Nick and Hank.
  • 16. The Show Must Go On
    A double homicide leads Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) to a traveling carnival where the performers are not what they seem. To get a better understanding of what's going on behind the scenes Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) go undercover. On the wedding front, Monroe has a really important question for Nick. In Austria, an invaluable member of the Resistance makes the ultimate sacrifice to help Adalind (Claire Coffee).
  • 17. Synchronicity
    Nick's mother Kelly returns to help Adalind escape Europe with her baby. Meanwhile, Monroe and Rosalee prepare for their wedding.
  • 18. The Law of Sacrifice
    The Verat find out that Adelind and her baby have gone to Captain Sean Renard for help. Nick enlists the help of Monroe and Rosalee to keep Adalind save, as his mother figures how to deal with the Royals.
  • 19. Nobody Knows the Trubel I've Seen
    Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) investigate a dangerous female suspect (guest star Jacqueline Toboni) leaving a trail of Wesen in her wake. Elsewhere, Adalind (Claire Coffee) takes measures into her own hands, even if that means forging a dangerous alliance.
  • 20. My Fair Wesen
    Nick (David Giuntoli) does his best to educate Trubel (guest star Jacqueline Toboni) on how best to handle the world she is learning about for the first time, and decides it best to bring her on a ride along with Hank (Russell Hornsby). They find themselves investigating the homicide of a young woman that strikes a chord for Trubel. Meanwhile, Adalind (Claire Coffee) makes a discovery that she hopes will lead her to regain something she has lost.
  • 21. The Inheritance
    Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) are called to investigate a double homicide, and quickly learn the victims were from a special section of the Verrat tasked with finding rare objects pertaining to the Wesen world. Trubel (guest star Jacqueline Toboni) gets involved with a mysterious father-and-son tandem that crossed the country in a desperate attempt to deliver invaluable cargo to “the Portland Grimm.” Meanwhile, Captain Renard (Sasha Roiz) begins to grow suspicious of Adalind's (Claire Coffee) recent behavior and quietly decides to put extra eyes on …
  • 22. Blond Ambition
    It's Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee's (Bree Turner) big day and their joy will only be matched by unexpected heartache for those around them. Nick (David Giuntoli) and Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) make a startling realization that could shake their relationship to its core. Meanwhile, Adalind (Claire Coffee) proceeds with a delicately laid plan that leads to a catastrophic event that will alter the course of Nick's journey.
  • 1. Thanks for the Memories
    The team scramble to find a cure to get Nick's ability back.
  • 2. Octopus Head
    The Gedächtnis Esser continues to steal memories and Captain Renard's mother visits him in the hospital to try to save his life. Meanwhile Wu confronts Nick about Trubel and Nick and Adalind share a psychic connection.
  • 3. Last Fight
    Nick's power loss aftermath showed that the changes are far more than anticipated, Elizabeth, Monroe and Rosalee look for the cure. Nick and Hank call on Trubel to help out on a case.
  • 4. Dyin' on a Prayer
    A rabbi raises a golem to protect his nephew, but he can't control it. Elizabeth successfully recreates Adalind's spell, but it still requires a key ingredient.
  • 5. Cry Luison
    Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) are called to the scene of a crime where the suspect swears she was driven to madness by a very persistent talking wolf. Meanwhile, Nick and Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) wonder if getting his Grimm powers back is worth giving up a normal life.Elsewhere, Bud (guest star Danny Bruno) hopes Trubel (guest star Jacqueline Toboni) can help take care of a wesen-related issue and the threats against Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee's (Bree Turner) inter-wesen marriage heat up. In Austria, Adalind (Claire Coffee) continues …
  • 6. Highway of Tears
    Juliette and Nic break the news that they are expecting a baby, which only makes Nick want to get his abilities back; After a massive explosion, a new wesen arrives with only one thing on his mind, the baby
  • 7. The Grimm Who Stole Christmas
    Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) are called to investigate a bizarre string of home invasions that lead to an even stranger Wesen phenomena. Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) has a very special Christmas surprise in store for Rosalee (Bree Turner). Meanwhile, Truble (guest star Jacqueline Toboni) comes to a life changing realization that will affect everyone. Bitsie Tulloch, Sasha Roiz and Reggie Lee also star.
  • 8. Chupacabra
    An unsuspecting traveler brings a blood-sucking legend with him to Portland, and Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) find themselves investigating the gruesome trail of “El Chupacabra.” Meanwhile, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) prepare to leave for their long-overdue honeymoon as they are met with more threats regarding their marriage. Elsewhere, Viktor (guest star Alexis Denisof) and Adalind (Claire Coffee) decide to take a trip of their own, while Wu (Reggie Lee) decides to confront Nick about what he has been seeing.
  • 9. Wesenrein
    The Wesenrein act on their many threats against Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee's (Bree Turner) marriage. Meanwhile, Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) bring Wu (Reggie Lee) to a place where he's sure to find the answers he's looking for. Elsewhere, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) tries to come to grips with her new reality.
  • 10. Tribunal
    After Monroe's (Silas Weir Mitchell) abduction by the Wesenrein, Nick (David Giuntoli) gathers the whole team, including Wu (Reggie Lee), to track him down and return him to Rosalee (Bree Turner). As the search intensifies, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) learns more about her new reality as a Hexenbiest.
  • 11. Death Do Us Part
    Rosalee and Monroe finally go on their honeymoon; Nick and Hank investigate a shocking homicide at an abandoned - and supposedly haunted - residence; Renard seeks help from a mystical woman.
  • 12. Maréchaussée
    Nick and Hank investigate a series of murders that lead back to the Wesen Council and a mysterious bounty hunter.
  • 13. Trial by Fire
    While Nick and Hank investigate the deaths of two teenagers in an arson case they realize they need the help of someone that Nick had arrested several years ago.
  • 14. Bad Luck
    Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russel Hornsby) investigate a murder victim with his foot cut off, and stumble onto a disturbing Wesen take on the “lucky rabbit's foot.” In an effort to help, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) go undercover. Meanwhile, the fallout from Adalind (Claire Coffee) and Juliette's (Bitsie Tulloch) showdown still has Nick reeling and sends him on a path that leads to Henrietta (guest star Garcelle Beauvais).
  • 15. Double Date
    Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) are called to investigate a one night stand turned deadly when a man finds himself in the middle of a very bizarre love triangle. Captain Renard (Sasha Roiz) hopes Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) can help him deal with recurring episodes of phantom bleeding. Meanwhile, Adalind (Claire Coffee) makes a discovery that might turn the tables in her favor and Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) makes a big decision that could change the course of her relationship with Nick.
  • 16. Heartbreaker
    A cyclist's homicide introduces Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) to a Wesen with a tragic fatal touch. Captain Renard (Sasha Roiz) and Adalind (Claire Coffee) learn the Royals have stepped up their efforts to find their child, and another member of the Royal family (guest star Nico Evers-Swindell) is introduced. Meanwhile, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) ponders the idea of embracing what she's become as opposed to fighting it.
  • 17. Hibernaculum
    Nick and Hank investigate a rare wesen that leaves victims frozen; Juliette seeks revenge.
  • 18. Mishipeshu
    An investigation leads Nick and Hank to the path of a Native American power quest.
  • 19. Iron Hans
    Nick and Hank investigate a homicide they discover is linked to a wesen rite of passage.
  • 20. You Don't Know Jack
    The press thinks a Jack the Ripper copycat is responsible for a series of recent homicides.
  • 21. Headache
    As Hank and Nick get close to identifying a vicious serial killer, Wu's life is put into jeopardy.
  • 22. Cry Havoc
    After a horrifying discovery leaves Nick stunned, he is determined to get revenge.
  • 1. The Grimm Identity
    Nick must look inside himself and decide who he wants to be while also dealing with fathering a child with Adalind.
  • 2. Clear and Wesen Danger
    Nick deals with his new home life as he tries to keep his child and Adalind safe.
  • 3. Lost Boys
    A group of orphaned kids who are desperate for a mother figure kidnap Rosalee.
  • 4. Maiden Quest
    A wealthy mobster sets three young men on a quest to win his daughter Elena's hand in marriage and earn his fortune.
  • 5. Rat King
    Nick and Hank are called to a local dump after some Wesen have a deadly encounter with the mythical Rat King.
  • 6. Wesen Nacht
    Monroe is in danger when Wesen business owners are targeted in a string of attacks being investigated by Nick and Hank. Trouble catches Nick and Adalind up on her recent activities. Captain Renard endorses a political candidate.
  • 7. Eve of Destruction
    Nick (David Giuntoli) and the gang are still reeling from the scope of the ambush and the surprise return of “Juliette” (Bitsie Tulloch), but not everything is as it seems. In light of the heightened Wesen violence, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) seek answers from the Wesen Council. Meanwhile, Trubel (guest star Jacqueline Toboni) has some information for Nick that will help him get what he is looking for.
  • 8. A Reptile Dysfunction
    The legend of the Lake Monster comes back to life as Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) investigate a mysterious sighting linked to a tourist's death at a local lake. Rosalee's (Bree Turner) past comes back to haunt her. Elsewhere, Capt. Renard (Sasha Roiz) continues to support a candidate for mayor. Meanwhile, Nick is shown the scope of the Wesen uprising as the secret government agency takes him into the heart of their Portland operations center.
  • 9. Star-Crossed
    A barbaric Wesen ritual is brought to the present and Nick (David Giuntoli), Hank (Russell Hornsby) and Wu (Reggie Lee) are already five steps behind the serial killer. To aid in the investigation, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) goes undercover. Meanwhile, Hadrian's Wall's war against Black Claw intensifies as Eve (Bitsie Tulloch) uses her unique skills to interrogate a suspect.
  • 10. Map of the Seven Knights
    Monroe receives a call from a relative in Germany that will bring Nick closer to his ancestors. Complications arise when the nefarious group Black Claw also takes an interest in this discovery.
  • 11. Key Move
    Artifacts take Monroe and Nick closer to the heart of a mystery; a deadly move could send Portland into chaos.
  • 12. Into the Schwarzwald
    Nick (David Giuntoli) and Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) find a treasure in Germany that has been hidden for centuries. Back in Portland, Capt. Renard (Sasha Roiz) joins Hank (Russell Hornsby) and Wu (Reggie Lee) to track down a deadly assassin who has thrown Portland into havoc. Little do they know that Eve (Bitsie Tulloch) is on a hunt of her own for the same man. Meanwhile, someone from Rosalee's (Bree Turner) past tracks her down.
  • 13. Silence of the Slams
    A down on his luck Luchador receives a special mask that will make him the star he's always wanted to be. Misuse, however, leads to terrible consequences. Meanwhile, Eve believes something is amiss with Dixon's assassination.
  • 14. Lycanthropia
    Following a brutal attack in the woods, Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) stumble upon a terrifying Wesen disease that may be the inspiration for the modern-day werewolf myth. Meanwhile, Adalind (Claire Coffee) is offered an uneasy alliance that may help her get back what she wants most. Elsewhere, Eve's (Bitsie Tulloch) investigation uncovers a surprising revelation.
  • 15. Skin Deep
    A beauty regiment proves deadly for a young woman, who seems to have aged 70 years when Nick and Hank find her lifeless body. As they search for proof of Wesen involvement, they are led to a local doctor, and end up enlisting Rosalee's help in their investigation. Meanwhile, Eve takes a bold step to learn more about Capt. Renard's nefarious dealings.
  • 16. The Believer
    Nick investigates a traveling preacher who uses his wesen identity to gain followers after one of his bodyguards winds up dead, while a religious sect is seeking to capture him. Eve uses Renards body to further investigate the Black Claw.
  • 17. Inugami
    When the severed head of a young man is found under a bridge, Nick and Hank find themselves on the case of Japanese Wesen acting on an ancient tradition of revenge. Elsewhere, Adalind decides to go back to work at her old law firm and has her first face-to-face with Eve.
  • 18. Good to the Bone
    When a man is found dead with all of the bones in his body seemingly liquefied and removed, Nick and Hank find themselves in the middle of a gruesome family arrangement. Meanwhile, Wu deals with a crisis of his own and Hank reunites with his old flame, Zuri (Sharon Leal).
  • 19. The Taming of the Wu
    Suffering from the bite he sustained, Sargeant Wu becomes entangled in a surprising altercation that may land him in hot water. After meeting the mysterious Bonaparte (Shaun Toub), Adalind is faced with a difficult decision that could change her and Nick's lives forever. Meanwhile, Hank gets even closer to Zuri and their relationship begins to take shape. Back at HW, Eve senses that a new force may jeopardize the entire operation.
  • 20. Bad Night
    Nick leans on Monroe and Rosalee as he worries that he may lose everything as he continues to battle Black Claw. Renard ramps up his campaign as election time nears. Elsewhere, Adalind is faced with a very difficult decision in order to protect her children. Meanwhile, Hank's relationship with Zuri takes an unexpected turn and Wu tries to gain control of his new reality.
  • 21. Beginning of the End, Part One
    Black Claw makes a strategic move against Hank that shocks everyone and sends Nick on a war path. Hadrian's Wall ramps up their investigation as they seek out a mysterious man named Bonaparte. Meanwhile, Adalind and Capt. Renard must learn to deal with their new and very unpredictable reality with Diana.
  • 1. Fugitive
    Following the massacre in Nick’s loft, Capt. Renard is hell bent on eliminating him once and for all. Hank and Wu head back to the precinct to keep an eye on the Captain and help give the gang the upper hand. Meanwhile, Monroe and Rosalee grapple with staying in Portland now that their family will be expanding. Elsewhere, Eve suffers the side effects of the mysterious stick’s healing power.
  • 2. Trust Me Knot
    Hank and Wu find a solution to stop Renard while Nick is still on the run. Adalind receives a phone call that throws her into the middle of everything. Back at the spice shop, Monroe and Rosalee's adventure in babysitting takes an interesting turn when Diana demonstrates her power. Meanwhile, Eve and Trubel work to solve the mystery of the cloth found with the healing stick.
  • 3. Oh Captain, My Captain
    In order to stop the rise of Capt. Renard, Nick devises a plan that will take him out of his element. Adalind and Monroe do everything in their power to keep the plan on track. Meanwhile, Eve and Rosalee race against time to get the spell ready before it is too late.
  • 4. El Cuegle
    Nick, Hank and Wu investigate a terrifying new Wesen who terrorizes a young family and has a surprising motive. Capt. Renard is reeling after an unexpected guest appears. Meanwhile, Diana has some interesting news for Monroe and Rosalee. Elsewhere, Eve returns to the catacombs beneath Nick’s loft to search for answers to her bizarre visions and side effects from being healed by the mysterious stick.
  • 5. The Seven Year Itch
    Nick and Hank join Wu to investigate a bizarre murder in a local park. Elsewhere, Capt. Renard continues to deal with a ghost from his past. Meanwhile, Monroe and Rosalee visit the doctor to see if Diana's premonition is true. Back at the loft, Adalind finds a very weak Eve in the tunnels and mysterious drawings scrawled on the walls.
  • 6. Breakfast in Bed
    Nick, Hank and Wu investigate a local hotel after a grisly murder leads to one of its guests who claims to be haunted by a frightening creature in the night. At the Spice Shop, Monroe, Rosalee and Eve continue to research the origins of the symbols on the cloth and may be getting closer to unlocking its mystery. Meanwhile, Capt. Renard continues to be haunted by his past transgressions.
  • 7. Blind Love
    Rosalee surprises Monroe with a getaway for his birthday and invites most of the gang to join them. Things take a shocking turn when a hotel employee targets Nick in an effort to avenge his father. Meanwhile, Eve gets a visit from a dark force that she has seen before. Elsewhere, Capt. Renard spends the weekend with Diana when a former ally decides to get even.
  • 8. The Son Also Rises
    Deadly attacks on a team of scientist lead Nick, Hank and Wu on a investigation unlike any they have had before. Meanwhile, as the research continues into the origins of the cloth, Monroe and Rosalee learn that Eve is still feeling the after effects of the death grip. Elsewhere, Capt. Renard reaches out to an old friend to get answers to the origins of the symbols drawn by Diana.
  • 9. Tree People
    Nick, Hank and Wu are called to the scene of the crime where a man claims his friend was consumed by a tree-like figure. Meanwhile, after the gang learns of Eve's disturbing mirror encounter, everyone takes extra precautions. Elsewhere, Capt. Renard searches for answers to what Diana was drawing.
  • 10. Blood Magic
    After a series of brutal and deadly attacks, Nick and Hank find an unlikely lead in a local nursing home. Meanwhile, Eve goes to Adalind to get answers that only a Hexenbiest can provide. Elsewhere, Capt. Renard confronts Nick about the mysterious symbols and tries to strike a deal.
  • 11. Where the Wild Things Were
    Eve goes on a mission to take on the mysterious force she saw in the mirror and finds herself in unfamiliar territory. When the gang discovers what she has done, Nick finds a way to join her. Meanwhile, an uneasy alliance is established when Capt. Renard is brought in to help and discovers this all may be connected to the person he cares for the most, Diana.
  • 12. Zerstörer Shrugged
    The prophecy that was uncovered comes to pass when a dark force arrives in Portland with its eyes set on Diana. In an effort to protect her, Nick, along with Capt. Renard and Adalind, returns to the scene of his first investigation as a Grimm. Back at the Spice Shop, Monroe, Eve and Rosalee make a discovery that uncovers the origins of the mysterious stick. Meanwhile, Hank and Wu are called to a crime scene that is connected to the gang's greatest threat.
  • 13. The End
    Nick faces off against his greatest foe yet as it seems no weapon can defeat him. At the Spice Shop, Monroe, Rosalee and Eve search for answers and stumble upon a rare potion that may help the fight. Elsewhere, Capt. Renard and Adalind try to keep Diana and baby Kelly safe as the threat has its eyes set on the children.
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