DC's Legends of Tomorrow

  • 평점: 7.10
  • 발행 연도: 2016
  • 장르: Sci-Fi, Action
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 42 분
  • 복잡성: 9

만화 주인공을 주제로한 미국 슈퍼히어로 시리즈입니다. 많은 슈퍼히어로들이 악당들로부터 지구를 지키는 이야기입니다.

  • 1. Pilot, Part 1
    Time-traveling rogue, Rip Hunter, has to recruit a rag-tag team of heroes and villains to help prevent an apocalypse that could impact not only Earth, but all of time.
  • 2. Pilot, Part 2
    Tipped off to Vandal Savage's whereabouts, the team infiltrates a munitions deal with Professor Stein as their leader. Surrounded by some of the toughest criminals in the world, things quickly go from bad to worse when Savage realizes they don't belong there. A massive fight ensues and a piece of the Atom's suit falls off and into the wrong hands, which could potentially cause disastrous consequences in the future. Stein realizes the best way to retrieve the missing piece is to contact a brilliant man - his younger self. He, Sara and Jax head off in search of young …
  • 3. Blood Ties
    Rip Decides to weaken Vandal Savage by going after his Financial asset's Rip and Sara infiltrate Savage's Bank, but are discovered by his men. Meanwhile Snart and Rory talk Jax into taking the Waverider back to central city so they can steal a valuable emerald. Professor Stein guides Ray on a Dangerous mission
  • 4. White Knights
    Dr. Stein secretly sneaks in to a lab and finds out that savage is trying to create firestorm
  • 5. Fail-Safe
    After some of the Legends are captured and thrown into a Russian gulag during the Height of the Cold war of 1986, Snart leads the Team in an elaborate escape plan to free their comrade's. However, Rip gives Sara a secret side mission that could prove not only to be a liability, but fatal to the Team.
  • 6. Star City 2046
    A malfunction sends the Waverider to 2046 Star City where the team faces a future in which they fail to stop Savage and return home.
  • 7. Marooned
    After receiving a Distress call from another timeship stranded in space, Rip decide's to answer the call in order to use the other ship's computer to track Savage, the Team is suspicious and warn's him this could be a Trap but he move's forward with his plan. Ultimately, the Team was right and they have to battle time pirate's, with most of the team capture it is up to Professor Stein to rescue them all.
  • 8. Night of the Hawk
    The team tracks Savage to a small town in Oregon during the 1950s. Upon arrival, they discover there have been a recent string of murders and they suspect Savage is involved. Professor Stein and Sara go undercover at a psychiatric hospital, where Savage is working as a doctor, to find out his plan. While there, Sara meets a nurse named Lindsay (guest star Ali Liebert) and sparks fly. Meanwhile, Ray and Kendra pretend to be a married couple to gain the neighborhood's trust, but an interracial couple in the ‘50s isn’t something that goes unnoticed. Soon, Savage is at …
  • 9. Left Behind
    Ray, Sara and Kendra are stranded in the '50s when the Waverider takes off without them.
  • 10. Progeny
    The team is divided over killing a 14-year-old boy who will grow to be a powerful ally for Savage.
  • 11. The Magnificent Eight
    The Legends travel back to the Old Wild West and gain the aid of a true legend, a morally ambiguous gunslinger with a penchant for danger, Jonah Hex, who has been battling outlaws and gangs and happens to know a thing or two about time travel. Hex warns the Legends to be extra careful in their journey to the small town of Salvation.
  • 12. Last Refuge
    The team is targeted by The Pilgrim, a deadly assassin who wants to erase the Legends from the timeline by killing their younger, non-superhero selves. As a protective countermeasure, Rip decides Sara, Snart, Rory, Professor Stein and Jax need to kidnap their past selves first before The Pilgrim gets to them. Coming face-to-face with the younger versions of themselves proves to be both a physical and emotional challenge for certain members of the team who would rather forget their past. Rip tells them he has a refuge for their precious cargo – an orphanage that raises future Time Masters and where he himself grew up.
  • 13. Leviathan
    Rip takes the team to London in the year 2166, three months before his family is killed. He believes this to be their final opportunity to take out Savage who is, unfortunately, at the height of his power. However, the team discovers two key elements to defeating him – Savage’s daughter and the means to kill Savage once and for all.
  • 14. River of Time
    After numerous attempts in many different time periods, the team has successfully captured Vandal Savage. However, Savage tells Kendra that he can reunite her with Carter so she struggles with whether she should kill him. Rip decides they will deliver Savage to the Time Masters which doesn’t sit well with Snart and Rory. The duo decides it may be time to jump ship and return to their old life. Meanwhile, Savage taunts Ray about his place in Kendra’s life.
  • 15. Destiny
    Rip and Rory become very disturbed from being in the vicinity of the Time Masters; Sara seizes the wave rider; Kendra and Carter reunite.
  • 16. Legendary
    After the numerous sacrifices the team has made since the beginning of this ride, Rip decides that it’s time they each decide their own destiny and returns them to Central City a few months after they first left. Returned to their normal lives, each team member must individually decide if they are willing to sacrifice everything in order to save the world. Meanwhile, Sara visits with her father who delivers some heartbreaking news about her sister.
  • 1. Out of Time
    Dr. Nate Heywood, an unconventional historian, makes a shocking discovery. Nate then seeks out Oliver Queen for help to find the scattered Legends. Once reunited, they try to protect Albert Einstein from being kidnapped before the Nazis destroy New York City with a nuclear bomb. Meanwhile, Ray notices that Sara has a mission of her own, which leads them both to face her nemesis, Damien Darhk.
  • 2. The Justice Society of America
    The Legends travel to Nazi-occupied Paris and are surrounded by the Justice Society of America. They discover a time aberration that threatens the JSA, but the JSA doesn't want their help. Meanwhile, Nate tries to prove he should be part of the team.
  • 3. Shogun
    Nate is shocked to learn he has powers and accidentally lands himself and Ray in Feudal Japan. Sara, Vixen and Rory agree to find Nate and help him master his powers so he can defend a Japanese village from the Shogun and an army of samurai warriors. Meanwhile, Jax and Stein stay back to help repair the ship and find a secret compartment but decide not to tell the rest of the team what they learn.
  • 4. Abominations
    The Legends discover a time aberration in 1863 and must fight for survival during the Civil War with Confederate soldiers who have been turned into zombies. With the Civil War outcome hanging in the balance, Jax participates in a daring mission by going to a slave plantation with Amaya. Meanwhile, Sara begins to feel the burden of the decisions she has to make as the leader; and Ray struggles to find his purpose on the team.
  • 5. Compromised
    When the Legends trace a timequake to President Reagan’s White House, they are shocked to discover their old enemy Damien Darhk is now a Senior Adviser to Reagan. As the team works to uncover what Darhk has up his devious sleeve, Sara struggles with the choice of getting revenge or helping with the team’s larger mission. Thinking that the JSA members could be of help, Amaya and Nate break into the JSA and are surprised at what they find. Meanwhile, Stein tries to prevent his younger self from creating an even bigger time Abberation.
  • 6. Outlaw Country
    The Legends are still reeling from the news that their time travel-nemesis is a speedster when they are alerted to an Aberration in the Old West. When the Legends arrive they find their old friend Jonah Hex in trouble with his arch-nemesis, Quentin Turnbull. The team soon discovers that they need to stop Turnbull and his gang from conquering the West and branding it his own lawless territory. To Hex’s surprise, Sara is in charge and dispatches the team. Rory is ecstatic to be in the Wild West, but Sara makes Amaya work with him to keep him on task, which is easier said than done. Meanwhile, Nate, Ray and Jax try to infiltrate Turnball’s gang, but find themselves in a shootout leaving Nate’s confidence shaken.
  • 7. Invasion! (4)
    After learning the Dominators’ plan for the world, the Legends must work together with The Flash, Supergirl and Green Arrow to kill them once and for all. Meanwhile, Stein figures out, with the help of others, how the team can terminate the Dominators, but is distracted by the aberration he realizes he created in 1987.
  • 8. The Chicago Way
  • 9. Raiders of the Lost Art
    When Damien Darhk and Malcolm Merlyn try to capture Rip Hunter in 1967, they create an Aberration big enough to draw the attention of the Legends. However, when the team arrives they discover that Rip has no memories of his past due to “time drift” and is just a graduate film student. After trying to convince Rip of who he was, they discover that he possesses an incredibly powerful artifact known as the Spear of Destiny, which the Legion of Doom is after. Ray and Nate realize that the Aberration has also affected them personally making it difficult to help the team. Meanwhile, Rory asks Stein for help and makes him promise to keep it a secret from the team.
  • 10. The Legion of Doom
    The Legends are determined to find and rescue Rip, but first must focus on locating the Spear of Destiny. Stein thinks he has the perfect person to help but knows involving her will be risky. Meanwhile, Malcom Merlyn and Damien Darhk realize that Thawne is pitting them against each other.
  • 11. Turncoat
    When The Legends find a new Time Aberration they learn they must travel to the winter of 1776 to protect George Washington and the American Revolutionary War. Unfortunately, things don’t go as planned, forcing Sara to send out Nate and Amaya to help. Meanwhile, Jax and Stein who are busy protecting the incapacitated Waverider from their new enemy, are forced to step into roles that they don’t think they are prepared for.
  • 12. Camelot __ 3000
    The Legends continue their quest to hunt down the Spear of Destiny before the pieces fall into the hands of the Legion of Doom. The Legends discover that pieces of the Spear are each being guarded in different time periods by members of the JSA. Their first stop is the future where they find Dr. Mid-Nite which eventually leads them to the past and King Arthur’s Camelot, where Stargirl is protecting her piece of the Spear. In order to protect the Spear shard from the now-evil Rip Hunter, the Legends must join forces with the Knights of the Round Table.
  • 13. Land of the Lost
    After capturing Rip, he forces the Waverider to crash, leaving the Legends stuck seventy million years in the past. Ray leads Amaya and Nate to recover a vital piece of the ship. In an effort to get the “good” Rip back, Rory suggests they enter Rip’s mind, but what Sara and Jax discover in his subconscious is not pleasant and they must fight evil versions of themselves. Meanwhile, Nate and Amaya continue to get closer, but it could cause serious ramifications.
  • 14. Moonshot
    When the Legends track Commander Steel to NASA Headquarters in 1970, they learn where Nate's grandfather hid the last fragment of the Spear of Destiny. The team notices a time aberration during the Apollo 13 mission and believes that the Legion of Doom might be involved. As the Legends journey into space to intercept Apollo 13, the Waverider suffers massive internal damage and Ray’s life is left in jeopardy when he is stranded on the moon. Meanwhile, tension grows between Rip and Sara as to who is the leader of the team.
  • 15. Fellowship of the Spear
    The Legends must devise a plan to retrieve the last remaining fragments of the Spear of Destiny from the Legion of Doom. They find themselves in France at the height of World War I faced with the knowledge that they must destroy the mystical object. They enlist the help of a soldier by the name of John Ronald Reuel Tolkin and find that the Spear is leading them into the heart of the war. Meanwhile, the team must all resist the temptation of the Spear, and the return of a former teammate.
  • 16. Doomworld
    The Legion of Doom rewrites history after obtaining the Spear of Destiny, potentially changing the Legends forever.
  • 17. Aruba
    A timequake rocks the Waverider just as the Legends are about to take off for their next destination.
  • 1. Aruba-Con
    When the Legends realize that they broke the timeline, Rip Hunter arrives with his new organization - the Time Bureau - to relieve them of duty. The Legends are thrilled to get a chance to put the team back together but a new threat arises when Rory spots Julius Caesar in Aruba. Sara, Nate and Ray devise a plan to steal the Waverider back from the Time Bureau in order to try and stop Julius Caesar from conquering the modern world.
  • 2. Freakshow
    The Legends find themselves in 1870 to fix the anachronism which happens to be at P.T. Barnum's fledgling circus. However, Nate and Ray accidentally free a saber toothed tiger, creating a bigger problem. Meanwhile, P.T. Barnum is on the hunt to capture Nate and Ray to make his show even more exciting for the crowd.
  • 3. Zari
    When Sara receives a distress call from their “befriended” agent at the Time Bureau, she learns that they have been tasked with going to the future to capture a rogue time traveler. Unfortunately, the Legends make things worse by trying to protect an outlaw named Zari, to hopefully lure in the time traveling assassin. Meanwhile, Stein tries to diagnose Amaya's condition, but Nate discovers an unusual treatment that Amaya begrudgingly agrees to.
  • 4. Phone Home
    The Legends learn that Ray Palmer will die because they broke time, causing them to race back to 1988 to try and save his life. When they arrive, they are surprised to learn that young Ray Palmer has befriended a time-displaced baby Dominator putting him in harm's way with the government and the Dominator's mother. New to the ship and missions, Zari must find her place and learn to trust the team. Meanwhile, Stein begins working on a secret project on the ship which makes Rory and Jax suspicious.
  • 5. Return of the Mack
    When Nate thinks he has found a pattern to the anachronisms, it leads the Legends to London in 1897 to hunt down a time-traveling vampire. When they arrive in London, they run into Rip, but not everyone welcomes him back so quickly, leaving Sara to make a tough choice in the end. Amaya tries to connect with Zari, but she is still struggling with being part of the team. Meanwhile, Stein discovers what Ray and Jax are up to and is not entirely pleased.
  • 6. Helen Hunt
    When the Legends track down an anachronism in 1930s Hollywood, they discover it's none other than a time-displaced Helen of Troy and she's just started a war between two film studios. As the Legends try to fix history and return Helen to the Bronze Age, things get complicated when they are blindsided by the appearance of a former enemy. Sara contemplates an offer she is made, which would make the Legends leave the anachronisms be. Meanwhile, Stein and Jax find themselves in an unusual predicament.
  • 7. Welcome to the Jungle
    With Sara out of commission, the team finds a new Anachronism that leads them to the jungles of Vietnam and right in the middle of the war. Ray, Amaya and Zari pose as journalists and trek through the jungle when they are lead to time-displaced Gorilla Grodd. Meanwhile, Nate and Rory run into someone Rory knows which give a glimpse into his past.
  • 8. Crisis on Earth-X (IV)
    Barry and Iris's wedding brings the gang together, but things go awry when villains from Earth-X attack the ceremony. All of the superheroes band together with help from their super friends like Citizen Cold, The Ray, Felicity Smoak, Iris West and Alex Danvers to take on their most formidable villains yet. Earth's mightiest heroes - Green Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash and White Canary - lead their teams into battle to save the world.

    The crossover starts on Supergirl S03E08 Crisis on Earth-X (I), Arrow S06E08 Crisis on Earth-X (II) and The Flash S04E08 Crisis on Earth-X (III).
  • 9. Beebo the God of War
    Rattled by recent events, the Legends dive into work which finds them investigating an Anachronism in a Viking settlement in the New World. The Legends realize that the Norsemen are worshiping an artifact as their god and are surprised by the artifact's origin. For the first time, Sara is worried that they might need back up when Damien Darhk shows up. Meanwhile, Jax finds a loophole that could potentially change history, but it is a risk he is willing to take.
  • 10. Daddy Darhkest
    After Sara's encounter with Mallus, the Legends are paid a visit by John Constantine, a demonologist detective. The Legends agree to accompany him to a present-day psychiatric hospital and they are surprised to discover who Constantine is trying to help. During the exorcism, Sara, Leo and Constantine go missing, leaving Ray and Zari to try to take care of Constantine's client. Meanwhile, Amaya and Nate once again come face to face with Kuasa.
  • 11. Here I Go Again
    After the team returns from a mission, Zari finds herself trapped in a time loop that results in the Waverider blowing up over and over again. Zari soon begins to suspect that the answer to stop what is happening might lie hidden among her fellow shipmates' secrets. But in investigating them she starts to understand her place on the team.
  • 12. The Curse of the Earth Totem
    When Sara decides to take some private time, the Legends pursue a lead on the whereabouts of the long-lost Earth Totem. Without Sara's knowledge, the Legends find themselves in 1717 to hunt for Blackbeard's long-lost treasure, but in true Legends fashion things go awry. Meanwhile, Ray feels guilty about something he has done and tries to make amends, which lands him in even bigger trouble.
  • 13. No Country for Old Dads
    When Damien and Nora Darhrk take Ray hostage they force him to try and fix the Fire Totem, but Ray tries to use the power struggle between them to his advantage. Ray and Nora find themselves working together in 1960s East Germany in order to fix the totem, but soon come face to face with a younger and deadlier version of Damien Dahrk. Meanwhile, Sara seems to be taking positive steps in her personal life.
  • 14. Amazing Grace
    When the Legends learn that a mysterious tragedy destroyed Memphis in 1954, thus eradicating the birthplace of rock and roll, they embark on their most important mission - to save music. Nate is excited to show Amaya why music is important to him and he is surprised it leads to a rock legend as well as the sixth and final totem, the Death Totem. Meanwhile, Zari helps their newest member try to adjust to the team.
  • 15. Necromancing the Stone
    When Mallus' power over Sara resurfaces, she unwittingly becomes the bearer of one of the Totems. Rory must conquer his dark side in order to wield his own Totem power to help save the crew. Meanwhile, Agent Sharpe notices that something is wrong and recruits someone unorthodox to help.
  • 16. I, Ava
    When Ava disappears, Sara and Ray set out to find her after some prodding from Time Bureau agent Gary and a disturbing truth about Ava. Amaya tasks Zari with helping train Rory in controlling his own Totem power. Meanwhile, Nate and Wally set out on a mission that goes awry when they pair with an unlikely person to try and get a Totem.
  • 17. Guest Starring John Noble
    With the timeline barely stable, the Legends must tackle two anachronisms at the same time to try and keep Mallus at bay. Sara and Rip team up to stop Grodd from going after a particular target leaving Nate and Wally to stop Amaya from changing her future. Meanwhile, the Legends think they have found a way to destroy Mallus, but they will have to create an uneasy alliance with one of their enemies.
  • 18. The Good, The Bad and The Cuddly
    The Legends plan to vanquish Mallus by using the totems doesn't go as planned, forcing Rip to improvise. The team finds itself regrouping in the Wild West where they run into their old pal Jonah Hex. Sara leaves Ray in charge of watching Damien Darhk, while she comes up with a new plan. Meanwhile, Amaya is determined to find a way to use the totems to destroy Mallus.
  • 1. The Virgin Gary
    After the Legends defeated Mallus and wiped the final anachronism from time, they find themselves in unfamiliar territory with the Time Bureau. All that changes when Constantine informs Sara of a new magical threat that leads the team to Woodstock. Constantine thinks he knows how to defeat the new threat, but will need the help of the team and their special klepto talents to help with his spell. Meanwhile, Nate and Rory go on an adventure leaving Nate facing someone from his past.
  • 2. Witch Hunt
    When the magical Time Seismograph goes off, the team finds themselves headed to the Salem witch trials. Sara notices that Zari is taking this case personally when she promises to save a mom, who is being accused of being a witch. However, the team quickly learns that there is a magical creature in the town creating problems they hadn’t been expecting. Meanwhile, Nate and Ava work together to try to keep their Time Bureau funding by proving to them that magic exists.
  • 3. Dancing Queen
    When the Legends discover a fugitive is hiding in 1970’s London, they realize he is part of a gang that is targeting the British Monarchy. Trying to stop the gang, they realize someone from the Legends must infiltrate them. Surprising everyone, Ray is the one to gain their trust after he is put through a series of tests with help from Sara and Rory. Meanwhile, Gary shows Nate the ropes at the Time Bureau, but it turns out to be anything other than an ordinary day at the office.
  • 4. Wet Hot American Bummer
    When the Legends discover that kids at a summer camp have disappeared, Sara, Ava, Ray and Constantine find themselves as the new camp counselors. At camp, Ava struggles to get along with the kids, but Constantine whips up a potion that helps Sara and Ava bond with the children. Luckily, the team finds clues to the whereabouts of the missing kids, but the battle to save them leaves one member in bad shape. Meanwhile, Rory and Zari are tasked with watching the fugitive and Rory finds a kindship with their “prisoner.”
  • 5. Tagumo Attacks!!!
    A new fugitive is on the loose in 1951 Tokyo and Sara, Zari, Rory and Charlie try to capture it. As Constantine struggles to recover, Ray knows that magic might be the only thing that can save him but must look outside the team for help. Meanwhile, Ava joins Nate and his family for an unconventional Thanksgiving dinner.
  • 6. Tender is the Nate
    When Hank Heywood confronts Ava about the spending habits of the Legends, Nate steps in to try and smooth things over by inviting Hank on to the Waverider. The Legends then show Hank what they do by visiting 1920s Paris, trying to capture the newest Fugitive. Meanwhile, Mona is trying to make a good impression with Ava, but her over eagerness gets her and Ava stuck in a cell instead.
  • 7. Hell No, Dolly!
    With Rory and Ava at odds, Sara tries to come up with a way for them to get along, but all is put on hold when a new magical creature attacks the Legends. Constantine is forced to confront his tragic past but it could have devastating consequences for the rest of the team. Meanwhile, Mona has a crush on someone she works with and gets some advice from Nate.
  • 8. Legends of To-Meow-Meow
    After Constantine breaks the cardinal Legend rule, you can’t change the past, he, along with Charlie and Zari try to deal with the ramifications without telling the rest of the Legends. Even though Zari encourages them to just fix the problem, Constantine and Charlie are determined to find another way, but only continue to make things worse.
  • 9. Lucha de Apuestas
    When the Legends hear that Mona has let a fugitive go, they must head to 1961 Mexico City to clean up her mess. Mona tries to convince the Legends and the Bureau that the people responsible for releasing the fugitive were some mysterious Men in Black and not her. With no evidence to back up her theory, the Legends must decide if they should trust her and go against the Bureau. Meanwhile, Nate and Zari go on a recon mission to find out what Hank might be hiding from everyone.
  • 10. The Getaway
    When Hank commandeers the Waverider in 1973, the Legends find themselves on the run in an RV after kidnapping the President who is only able to tell the truth. With the help of Constantine, they discover the reason that none of them can lie making for an uncomfortable family road trip. Meanwhile, Nate and Zari, with the help of Nora and Gary, work together to find out what Hank is really up to.
  • 11. Séance and Sensibility
    When Mona discovers that her favorite author, Jane Austen, might be at the epicenter of a magical alert, Mona, Sara, Charlie and Zari find themselves in 1809. With Nate still dealing with family issues, Constantine and Rory perform a séance and receive a message from the other world that rocks Constantine to his core. Meanwhile, Ray and Nora are forced into close quarters.
  • 12. The Eggplant, the Witch & the Wardrobe
    With darkness on the rise in 2019, the team realizes that a new host of problems have risen as they have been cleaning up history. Sara tries to save Ava from a fate worse than death while battling her own demons. Nora and Constantine work together to take down a powerful demon. Meanwhile, Zari gets unsolicited advice from Mona, Charlie and even Rory.
  • 13. Egg MacGuffin
    While Ray is worried about Nora, he is suddenly faced with his own problem that forces him to do the unthinkable. Nate and Zari are stuck in an awkward limbo, so Sara devises a plan to send them on an easy mission together. Meanwhile, Charlie and Rory are approached with a lucrative offer that could upend their lives.
  • 14. Nip | Stuck
    With Constantine missing, the Legends struggle to find a way to track him. When Sara hesitates to make a tough call, Rory steps up creating a wedge in the team. Meanwhile, Ava gives Gary the responsibility of handling the Bureau performance reviews for all the Agents.
  • 15. Terms of Service
    With things getting out of control, Sara and Ava concoct a bold plan to take back the Time Bureau. But when things go awry, Zari and Charlie must work together to discover what Neron is planning. Elsewhere, Constantine is given a tough choice on who to save from Hell.
  • 16. Hey, World!
    While on a mission to find Ray, Constantine and Nora discover Neron's evil plan. Nate convinces the Legends to think outside the box and suggests a dangerous plan to unite magical creatures and people to save the world.
  • 1. Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five (V)
    “Worlds lived, worlds died. Nothing will ever be the same.”

    The crossover starts on Supergirl S5E08, Batwoman S1E09, The Flash S6 E09 and Arrow S8E08.
  • 2. Meet the Legends
    Sara, Ray and Mick are shocked to discover that the Legends have become famous. It seems that everyone except Sara is loving the spotlight, so much so that they invite a documentary crew on board the Waverider to film them as they investigate a strange new blip in the Timeline. The Legends discover that their new problem is none other than Rasputin, who happens to be straight out of hell, and it might be tougher than they thought. Meanwhile, Constantine thinks he knows the reason behind these new blips and informs the team that it won’t be easy to defeat.
  • 3. Miss Me, Kiss Me, Love Me
    When a new blip lands the Legends in 1947 Los Angeles, it puts them on the trail of Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel who seems to take pleasure in fraternizing with Hollywood Elite. Sara, Ray and Constantine devise a plan to capture him while Ava and Rory sit on the sidelines for the time being. They soon realize that they need to worry less about Bugsy and more about his girlfriend. Ava is struggling with being on the sidelines with Rory. Meanwhile, Nate accompanies Behrad to his dad’s birthday, where Nate meets Behrad’s sister, Zari, who seems familiar to him.
  • 4. Slay Anything
    When the Legends discover a new Encore, Sara, Rory and Ava end up crashing a high school reunion to attempt to stop a serial killer from finishing unfinished business. The Legends devise a plan to send Nate, Ray, Nora, Behrad and their hostage Zari, back in time to try and intervene in order to try to save everyone including them. Meanwhile, Constantine is annoyed that Charlie has been squatting in his old home, but it might be the blessing in disguise they were not looking for.
  • 5. A Head of Her Time
    When Sara is called away on business, she leaves Ava in charge and Ava tries to impress the team as they try to take on their latest Encore, Marie Antionette. With Zari still on the ship, Behrad convinces the team to bring her along on the mission which they all hope isn’t a mistake. Meanwhile, Constantine finally confronts someone from his past with the help of Charlie, which leads him on a journey through his past.
  • 6. Mortal Khanbat
    With Sara still away from the Waverider, the Legends find a new Encore with Ava’s new invention, the Prognosticator, and must now try to defeat Genghis Khan in 1990s Hong Kong. Constantine’s life is hanging in the balance, and Ray, Nora and Gary all try to help him, but Constantine tries to make a deal with Astra instead. Meanwhile, Behrad has been confused about Charlie’s recent behavior, but they all learn why Charlie is trying to out run her past and from what
  • 7. Mr. Parker's Cul-De-Sac
    Ray plans a date night for him and Nora, but all goes awry when an Encore shows up making the team think on their feet and create a lie to keep the Encore at bay. While trying to fool the Encore, Ava learns what Sara was really doing while she was away and confronts her. Charlie and Constantine make a deal to work together, which will benefit both of them. Meanwhile, Rory is upset when he gets negative comments about his book, so Zari helps track down who the critic is, and Rory gets more than he bargained for.
  • 8. Romeo V. Juliet: Dawn of Justness
    The Legends continue their hunt for pieces of the Loom of Fate and find themselves face to face with William Shakespeare. Ray, Nate, Rory, Constantine, Charlie and Behrad stay a little longer on the mission making things worse after lying to Sara. Meanwhile, Ray and Nora make another big life decision that leaves the team surprised and best buds, Nate and Ray, on the outs.
  • 9. Zari, Not Zari
    Sara, Constantine and Charlie find themselves in British Columbia searching for another piece of the Loom, but they run into a problem they couldn’t have foreseen. Zari has been having trouble feeling like herself, so she goes on meditative journey at the suggestion of Behrad. Meanwhile, Ava volunteers to try and help Rory with a personal problem.
  • 10. The Great British Fake Off
    With Sara recuperating from her latest battle, Charlie starts to notice something might not be right with her. Still searching for the Loom, Constantine and Zari find themselves trapped in a 1910 boarding house with a slew of out-of-time Encores. Meanwhile, Ava, Gary and Rory take a trip while Nate and Charlie hold down the Waverider.
  • 11. Ship Broken
    Everyone is eager to use the Loom of Fate, but the team must decide who they want to bring back first leaving Charlie to make a tough choice. Sara struggles to understand what has happened to her and with the help of Constantine and Ava, they try to figure out how to help her. Meanwhile, Rory has a guest on the ship that he is trying to impress.
  • 12. Freaks and Greeks
    The Legends find themselves going back to college and form a sorority in order to try to retrieve an ancient artifact called the Chalice of Dionyus that will help Charlie operate the Loom of Fate. Proud to be back at his college, Nate falls under Dion’s spell, letting him know of Sara, Astra, Ava and Charlie’s plan to get the cup. Meanwhile, on a father-daughter weekend, Rory takes Lita on a college tour, but Rory bails on Lita for an unexpected reason.
  • 13. I Am Legends
    After drinking from Chalice, the Legends have immortality for 24 hours, which gives them time get to the Waverider and use the Loom of Fate. However, they quickly discover that the sisters have stolen the Waverider and they are stuck at Constantine’s house in the middle of nowhere in London during a Zombie Apocalypse. Meanwhile, Gary is left on the ship and once he discovers what is going on, he takes something important to the sisters.
  • 14. The One Where We're Trapped On TV
    After Charlie does the one thing that goes against her nature when it comes to her sisters, she tries to protect the Legends by scattering them in different television shows. Of course, in true Legends style some can’t just be blissfully ignorant and happy but figure out a way to end up messing with the system.
  • 15. Swan Thong
    Still controlled by the Fates, the Legends find themselves in 1984-esque world, they soon discover that things aren't as they thought they would be. The Legends must convince the civilians to trust them and stand up for their right to choose, but the Fates don't make it easy by resurrecting the Encores once again.
  • 1. Ground Control to Sara Lance
    After a night of celebrating their beating the Fates, the Legends quickly discover that Sara is missing. Trying to keep it together, the Legends are shocked to discover that she was taken by Aliens. Ava sends Rory and Behrad to follow a lead on who can possibly help them find Sara, while Constantine tries to work his magic. Meanwhile, Sara does all she can to try to escape, which includes releasing Aliens into the timeline, but is shocked to learn who one of her kidnappers turns out to be.
  • 2. Meat: The Legends
    With Spooner on board, Ava hopes that her special abilities will help lead them to locate the Aliens spread out on the timeline, which could ultimately lead them to Sara. The Legends soon find themselves tracking an Alien in 1950s San Bernadino and having to figure out what is making the town go on a feeding frenzy. Zari lets Behrad know she is ready to use the Totem, but Behrad isn't ready to share it, causing tension between them. Meanwhile, after crash landing, Sara tries to figure out a plan and runs into none other than Amelia Earhart who could be her ticket home.
  • 3. The Ex-Factor
    The Legends find themselves in 2045 trying to defeat an Alien warrior which leaves Zari no choice but to enter a popular singing competition. Ava has finally had enough of Rory's behavior and with the encouragement of Spooner, gives him some tough love. Sara finds herself struggling after being attacked but someone familiar helps her to keep searching for refuge. Meanwhile, Zari and Constantine have a much-needed conversation with each other.
  • 4. Bay of Squids
    The Legends are shocked when Rory takes command and manages to find the location of an important Alien, but he also lands them in the middle of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The team makes the decision to split up, leaving Nate and Zari to work together to stop a nuclear disaster alongside JFK while Behrad tries to leverage his newfound friendship to stop Castro from starting a war. Meanwhile, with Spooner's help, Rory makes an unlikely deal that could lead him on a solo mission to find Sara.
  • 5. The Satanist's Apprentice
    With Astra now a mortal, she finds it hard to adapt to the real world with no guidance from Constantine. Frustrated and lonely, Astra makes a new friend who promises to help her, but her eagerness for the easy way out could have some real repercussions for those closest to her. Meanwhile, Sara meets the person responsible for her kidnapping and tries to convince others to help her escape.
  • 6. Bishop's Gambit
    Mick takes the Waverider and Kayla to try and find Sara, but these enemies find themselves needing each other to survive after landing on the possible planet Sara is being held captive. After a report of an Alien attack, the Legends return to their new headquarters where both Spooner and Astra try to connect to the Alien. Meanwhile, Sara devises a plan to escape by using her charm to win over Bishop.
  • 7. Back to the Finale Part II
    With Ava a wreck, the Legends make a last-ditch effort to keep Sara from being abducted in the first place, even knowing that it will alter the timeline. Sara grapples with a discovery about herself and is shocked when Rory finds her on the mystery planet. Meanwhile, Spooner envisions what her life would be like if she hadn't joined the Legends.
  • 8. Stressed Western
    With everyone finally back together, the Legends find themselves looking to Nate to keep everything calm while in the old West on a mission to find an alien. After trying to keep things normal, Sara reveals her secret to Ava and the team, leaving them all shocked. Constantine looks to Gary who might have the answer to his problem. Spooner and Astra are forced to work together despite their clashing personalities which ultimately helps push them to hone their powers.
  • 9. This Is Gus
    Behrad is disappointed because the Legends have forgotten his birthday. Meanwhile, Rory's behavior has been a little off, so Sara and Gary become determined to find out what happened, but Rory gets some unexpected news from his daughter, Lita.
  • 10. Bad Blood
    With Constantine obsessed with getting his powers back, he convinces Spooner to join him on the quest to find the Fountain of Imperium. After they find themselves at the end of the Spanish Civil War, Spooner makes an unexpected bond with someone she feels the need to protect. Meanwhile, Sara and Lita are concerned about Rory's health, so they try to convince him to take it seriously.
  • 11. The Final Frame
    When the Legends track down another Alien pod, they find a device that transports them to a cosmic bowling alley. Spooner makes a bet against the reigning champs for a ride back to the Waverider, but not everyone is happy about the plan when they realize what they are up against. Elsewhere, Nate plans a romantic date for him and Zari, but nothing goes as planned. Meanwhile, Behrad and Gary try to distract Ava from what's going on with wedding planning.
  • 12. Bored On Board Onboard
    The Legends are ready to get back home, but after Constantine overloaded Gideon, they are going to have to go the old fashion way to preserve the ships energy. Trying to entertain themselves, tensions start to grow high, so Gary suggests playing a murder mystery game to pass the time. Meanwhile, Rory and Gary deal with an unexpected guest that arrives on the Waverider.
  • 13. Silence of the Sonograms
    With the Legends on high alert with their unwanted guest in their custody, Ava is tasked with the interrogation while Nate and Sara watch. Rory is struggling with the terrible pain in his head and Gary tries to help to manage it the best he can. Meanwhile, Zari enlists Astra and Spooner's help to figure what is going on with Constantine.
  • 14. There Will Be Brood
    When Astra and Spooner find themselves as stowaways, they learn that Constantine is still chasing the Fountain of Imperium and find themselves in 1920s Texas. With the rest of the Legends stranded, they come up with a plan to get help by using Rory as bait that will also help reunite him with something that is special to him. Meanwhile, Spooner learns some information about her past that she wasn't expecting.
  • 15. The Fungus Amongus
    When Sara realizes Bishop's plan, Ava convinces Sara to allow the Legends to make exception to the rules to help fight back. Behrad comes up with an interesting plan, that allows Sara to connect with an old friend. Meanwhile, amidst a battle Sara and Ava make an important decision but need the help of the team to pull it off.
  • 1. The Bullet Blondes
    After defeating the aliens and saving Earth, the Legends find themselves stranded in 1925 Odessa, Texas with a destroyed Waverider. Wanting to help fix things, Astra tries using her powers, which creates unwanted attention from the town and that of the new Director of the Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover. Realizing they need to escape, Sara and Ava create a distraction by going on a crime spree with Hoover hot on their tails. Meanwhile, Zari is finding it hard to get over Constantine, so Behrad suggests the only thing he knows that can help.
  • 2. The Need For Speed
    While the Legends contemplate how to get to New York City, Behrad discovers Hoover has train tickets to DC and Sara and Ava come up with a plan. With Zari stuck without the internet, she is forced to take a digital detox and becomes obsessed with figuring out who blew up the Waverider. Meanwhile, Astra and Spooner have stayed behind in Texas and are dealing with the aftermath of Astra's special spell.
  • 3. wvrdr_error_100 not found
    With Astra, Spooner and a now-human Gideon trying to save the Legends, Gideon becomes overwhelmed by her new human choices sending her into a catatonic state. Astra and Spooner combine their powers to enter Gideon's mindscape and discover that a virus is trying to erase all of Gideon's memories. Acting fast, they devise a plan to defeat the virus before it's too late. Meanwhile, the Legends are about to go up against a powerful new foe.
  • 4. Speakeasy Does It
    When the Legends arrive in Chicago, they come across a speakeasy that caters to a diverse crowd, however their presence results in upsetting a mob who in turn burn down the club. Wanting to make things right, Zari demands they help to fix the club by throwing a party, with a special performance by The Bullet Blondes, to help raise money to rebuild it. Coincidentally, Astra, Spooner and Gideon are also in Chicago and feel compelled to help a female musician sever ties to the mob, while also trying to reach the Legends.
  • 5. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist
    After Sara, Ava, Behrad and Gary arrive in New York City, they track down Dr. Gwyn Davies, who isn't the scientist they expected. Astra, Spooner, and Gideon are still trying to stop the Legends from using the time machine, but they run into some more setbacks along the way. Meanwhile, in the pocket dimension Nate and Zari work together on the Hoover situation as well how to make their future together work.
  • 6. Deux Ex Latrina
    When the Legends and Gwyn finally time travel, the time machine goes haywire leaving them stranded in a lush forest with no idea when or where they are. Seeing that Sara and Ava are noticeable stressed, Nate takes over and gives everyone tasks to set up camp to keep everyone occupied. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the Legends, someone keeps trying to destroy the anomalies that keep popping up which could create bigger ripples throughout history.
  • 7. A Woman's Place is in the War Effort!
    When the Legends crash land in 1940s Seattle, they find themselves right in the middle of WWII with a surprise guest. Needing replacement parts to fix the time machine, Sara, Ava, Astra, Spooner and Gideon find themselves working in different sections of an airplane factory alongside “Rosies.” With Astra frustrated with inequality in the workforce, she takes matters into her own hands. Meanwhile, Behrad offers to play host and help teach Nate about Persian culture and etiquette.
  • 8. Paranoid Android
    Sara starts to realize her team is making questionable choices when it comes to the timeline. Trying to figure out who is behind everything, Sara discovers some harsh truths.
  • 9. Lowest Common Demoninator
    When Gideon jumps the time machine into the Manor Dimension, which lands in Hell, Astra realizes that a damned 90's reality show crew sneaks into the manor. With the reality show crew causing emotions to spike, Sara and Ava share their true feelings about their roles as Co-Captains. Behrad seeks advice about Astra from Nate and Zari but Behrad finds that his past is put on display instead.
  • 10. The Fixed Point
    With the Legends tired of being chased by an evil A.I. and her robo-soliders, Sara decides to create an aberration that will allow the team to take back the Evil Waverider. However, they find themselves in a bar for time-travelers and quickly learn that this “fixed point” is popular with time-travelers, leaving Sara questioning her odds at winning. With Behrad and Astra growing closer, Zari and Spooner are forced to awkwardly interact with each other as the rest of the Legends are paired up on the mission. Meanwhile, Ava hears Gwyn's plan to save his boyfriend, and is forced to remind him of the consequences in he succeeds.
  • 11. Rage Against the Machines
    With some help from an unexpected person, the Legends break a fixed point, creating an aberration that will attract the Evil Waverider. The Legends are soon shocked at who has been hunting them and Sara tries to negotiate which doesn't go as planned. Seemingly out of options, Gwyn rises to the occasion by using his military experience and hatches a stealth plan. Meanwhile, Gary helps Astra realize what she is side lining Gideon from the mission.
  • 12. Too Legit to Quit
    With Gideon hurt, the Legends only have one way to save her. Once Evil Gideon is active, she continues to try to destroy the Legends, until Gideon reminds her of a certain protocol she must follow. Trying to help, Gideon negotiates a deal to save the Legends but to get them to agree, she breaks a major rule. Meanwhile, the Legends come up with another plan that could potentially solve all their problems.
  • 13. Knocked Down, Knocked Up
    The Legends are all disappointed and hurt by Gideon's actions, but Gideon is horrified when AI Gideon tells her about Gary. Itching to get back to doing what they love best, they realize that Gwyn has broken the treaty and must find him. Meanwhile, Sara keeps an important secret from Ava because she doesn't know how she will react.
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