Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

  • 평점: 7.60
  • 발행 연도: 2015
  • 장르: Music, Comedy
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 42 분

A young woman abandons a choice job at a law firm and her life in New York in an attempt to find love in the unlikely locale of West Covina, California.

  • 1. Josh Just Happens to Live Here!
    Outwardly, twenty-six year old Rebecca's life seems great, as witnessed by her recent promotion to junior partner at the prestigious New York City law firm where she works. But she knows she isn't happy, as she once tried to commit suicide while in college, is on a plethora of prescription medications to deal with her anxiety, and her whole life has been spent on her career primarily at the urging of her controlling mother. It isn't until she runs into Josh Chan, who she hasn't seen in ten years, they who dated at summer camp that year and he who broke up with her at …
  • 2. Josh's Girlfriend Is Really Cool!
    Rebecca befriends Josh's new girlfriend.
  • 3. I Hope Josh Comes to My Party!
    In an attempt to get closer to Josh (Vincent Rodriguez III), Rebecca (Rachel Bloom) throws a housewarming party despite her lack of social connections in West Covina and a childhood fear of hosting parties. When Paula (Donna Lynne Champlin) finally convinces her, the party turns out to be nothing like they anticipated. Santino Fontana, Pete Gardner and Vella Lovell also star.
  • 4. I'm Going on a Date with Josh's Friend!
    Rebecca Bunch goes on a date with Josh's friend.
  • 5. Josh and I Are Good People!
    After Rebecca and Greg's disastrous date, Greg accuses her of being a terrible person in front of Josh. Rebecca takes drastic measures to prove she is a good person, which includes helping Darryl with his messy divorce.
  • 6. My First Thanksgiving with Josh!
    It's a couple of days before Thanksgiving. Rebecca's Thanksgiving plans are to head back to New York and spend the day with her mother as usual, despite it feeling more like an obligation than a want. But when Rebecca learns from Josh that Valencia generally has Thanksgiving dinner with the extended Chan family and from Greg and Chris that Josh's stereotypically Asian parents don't like Valencia because they don't see her as being smart, Paula not only convinces Rebecca to try and wrangle an invitation to the Chan family Thanksgiving dinner, but sets in motion a plan …
  • 7. I'm So Happy That Josh Is So Happy!
    Paula is irked that Rebecca spent Thanksgiving with Greg instead of Josh, and that she is happy about Josh and Valencia moving in together, Rebecca having even bought them the meaningful house warming gift of a rice cooker to bridge their two cultures. But an incident makes Rebecca come to the realization that she isn't really as happy about Josh and Valencia as she had made out. Against the advice of the hallucination of Dr. Phil, Rebecca decides the best way to make herself feel better is to self-medicate. As she threw away all her prescription anti-anxiety …
  • 8. My Mom, Greg's Mom and Josh's Sweet Dance Moves!
    It's the December holiday season. Because Rebecca didn't go back to New York to spend Thanksgiving with her mother who has controlled most everything that has happened in her life up until she moved to West Covina, her mother decides to come to West Covina for Hanukkah. Rebecca doesn't want to admit that she still is a “mom pleaser”, doing everything in her power to make her mother happy. But Rebecca does admit that she wants the family heirloom of the Garfinkel ring for what it means. It is passed down through the female lineage of her family, that transfer which was…
  • 9. I'm Going to the Beach with Josh and His Friends!
    Rebecca tries to impress Josh and his friends by renting a party bus for a group trip to the beach; a surprising revelation.
  • 10. I'm Back at Camp with Josh!
    Now that Rebecca is no longer in denial about being in love with Josh, Paula believes Rebecca can get back on track in her true pursuit of him as her boyfriend. The next opportunity Paula and Rebecca see is when Josh mentions that he volunteers as a counselor for underprivileged youth who are going on their overnight camp, and Rebecca being there also as a counselor to rekindle the memories of when they dated at camp ten years ago. It would especially show up Valencia, who doesn't like Josh doing this volunteering, she who would rather him work extra hours to make …
  • 11. That Text Was Not Meant for Josh!
    In the flush of love just having recently run into Josh, Rebecca sends Paula a text to confirm how much she loves Josh, the text sent during a deposition meeting where Rebecca and Paula are in attendance with the judge, the two clients and the opposing lawyer. When Paula motions to Rebecca that she didn't receive the text, Rebecca finds that she mistakenly sent the text to Josh instead. An initially horrified Rebecca remembers that Josh left his phone at home while he went out to his tae kwon do class, and that Valencia also has back-to-back yoga classes, meaning that…
  • 12. Josh and I Work on a Case!
    It's been two weeks since the “break-in” at Rebecca's apartment, and Josh has not been in contact with her at all, making her think that perhaps she has lost him forever this time. Even though Paula's latest scheme to get Rebecca and Josh together, which involves Rebecca telling Josh that she has started dating an old colleague from Harvard, does have the intended promised effect of getting the two of them together for dinner, it doesn't quite turn out the way Paula had envisioned. However, Rebecca, Paula and Mrs. Hernandez simultaneously come up with a brainchild for…
  • 13. Josh and I Go to Los Angeles!
    Rebecca's current Paula-directed plan to be with Josh has the potential to fall apart when Valencia and Greg, wanting to catch her in a lie, confront her with Trent Maddock, her Harvard classmate who is supposed to be her new boyfriend. Despite not having seen Rebecca since their Harvard days, Trent willingly goes along with Rebecca's ruse, he who has his own ulterior motives in doing so which he makes quite clear to her in the process. Rebecca has no option but to keep Trent around, he who could still prove useful in other ways. With Bert's information in hand, …
  • 14. Josh Is Going to Hawaii!
    Rebecca and gang are living through what would be act 2 of a **½ rom-com. Following Rebecca and Josh's passionate kiss, Josh runs off, leaving Rebecca wondering what it all means. In Josh's eyes, it means that he is conflicted, but knows what he did was wrong, both because he is in a committed relationship with Valencia, and Rebecca supposedly with Trent. Josh contemplates coming clean to Valencia, believing that she would break up with him if he does. All he knows is that he can have a respite of sorts in that he is scheduled to fly to Maui to support Hector in a …
  • 15. Josh Has No Idea Where I Am!
    Realizing that her life in West Covina is nothing as she outwardly thought it was going to be, Rebecca, rather than hop on a plane to Hawaii with Josh as was her original plan, has instead hopped on a plane to New York City to resume her old life, with a guarantee of her old job if she wants it. Coincidentally, the person sitting next to her on the plane is Dr. Akopian, who she has not seen since her first failed therapy session months ago. With five hours on a plane together, Dr. Akopian suggests they attempt a real therapy session with their time, to which Rebecca …
  • 16. Josh's Sister Is Getting Married!
    Following Rebecca's “therapy” session with dream Dr. Akopian, she realizes that she has to make healthier choices in life, most specifically not obsessing over Josh. This revelation is timely as she is able to tell Josh that she did indeed have feelings for him when he finds her photo roll of him. Rebecca thinks she should get some distance from him, which is difficult when Josh's sister Jayma asks Rebecca to be one of her bridesmaids. However, Rebecca ultimately believes it is a good opportunity in making amends to Josh and Valencia by getting Jayma also to ask …
  • 17. Why Is Josh in a Bad Mood?
    Rebecca is hiding a big secret from Paula, which begins to affect their friendship. Josh and Greg switch roles when Josh makes a discovery that angers him, while Greg is happier than he has been in a long time.
  • 18. Paula Needs to Get Over Josh!
    Rebecca's relationships are tested as she tries to navigate her friendship with Paula, her history with Josh and her connection with Greg. While at Josh's sister Jayma's wedding, Rebecca's world is turned upside down.
  • 1. Where is Josh's Friend?
    Rebecca is convinced Josh is in love with her, while Greg is nowhere to be found. Paula is coming to terms with what drove her obsession with Rebecca’s love life, while Darryl and White Josh try to navigate their new relationship.
  • 2. When Will Josh See How Cool I am?
    Rebecca desperately wants Josh to think she’s cool so she tries to impress him with her sporty skills. Meanwhile, Greg is navigating his way through his new path, and is sorely tested by someone close to him.
  • 3. All Signs Point to Josh… Or is it Josh’s Friend?
    Rebecca finds herself torn between two men. As the sign she is looking for is seemingly in front of her, she knows she’s meant to choose Josh – or is it Greg? Paula finds herself also struggling with a big decision.
  • 4. When Will Josh and His Friend Leave Me Alone?
    Heather comes to Rebecca’s rescue after a major mishap and Rebecca attempts to reinvent herself. Paula is left to pick up the pieces at work and finds herself at a crossroads.
  • 5. Why is Josh’s Ex-Girlfriend Eating Carbs?
    When Rebecca forces Valencia to attend a festival with her, she finds she has more in common with Valencia than just Josh. Paula finds a new friend in Sunil, while Darryl learns something surprising about White Josh and ultimately, himself.
  • 6. Who Needs Josh When You Have a Girl Group?
    When Rebecca tries to host a girls’ night with Paula, Heather, and Valencia, things don’t go as planned. Meanwhile, Darryl bonds with co-worker Maya and discovers they have more in common than he realized.
  • 7. Who’s the Cool Girl Josh is Dating?
    When Rebecca and Valencia decide to investigate the new girl Anna that Josh has been dating, they discover way more than they bargained for. Paula, being pulled in different directions, feels disconnected from her husband Scott.
  • 8. Who Is Josh's Soup Fairy?
    Rebecca jumps at the chance to repair her relationship with Paula, which includes babysitting Tommy. Meanwhile, Josh has a revelation that forces him to re-evaluate things.
  • 9. When Do I Get to Spend Time with Josh?
    When Darryl sells the law firm, the new boss Nathaniel threatens layoffs, which causes everyone to go into panic mode. Rebecca, determined to save everyone's jobs, goes to extreme measures to prove Nathaniel wrong.
  • 10. Will Scarsdale Like Josh's Shayna Punim?
    When Rebecca attends a family Bar Mitzvah and sees her Rabbi, she realizes she still has far to go on her search for happiness.
  • 11. Josh is the Man of My Dreams, Right?
    When the Santa Ana winds blow into town, they cause everyone in West Covina to act a little strangely and question their relationships and priorities. Rebecca and Nathaniel get to know each other better while Paula and Darryl confront an ongoing dilemma in their friendship.
  • 12. Is Josh Free in Two Weeks?
    Rebecca realizes she must rely on her friends when she gets overwhelmed by a stressful situation. Rebecca also discovers she has a lot in common with Nathaniel when his father comes to town.
  • 13. Can Josh Take a Leap of Faith?
    Rebecca's father makes a surprise appearance, which gets Rebecca's hopes up for her future, while Josh takes a hard look at himself. White Josh and Darryl find themselves at an unexpected crossroads.
  • 1. Josh's Ex-Girlfriend Wants Revenge
    Rebecca, abandoned at the altar by her obsession, Josh, works to plot her revenge with the help of Paula, Heather and Valencia. It might be a bit tough to figure out, since he ran off the day of the wedding to become a priest. Meanwhile, White Josh and Darryl have some problems to work on and Paula and Scott confront some unusual issues in their marriage.
  • 2. To Josh, With Love
    Rebecca, unsatisfied with Paula’s ideas to build a case against Josh, turns to Nathaniel for help crafting a truly evil plan. Meanwhile, Josh finds becoming a priest is harder than he thought.
  • 3. Josh is a Liar.
    After encountering a major setback in her plan to get even with Josh, a panicked Rebecca starts a smear campaign to discredit Josh before he can turn everyone against her.
  • 4. Josh’s Ex-Girlfriend is Crazy.
    Rebecca takes her quest for revenge to the next level as her friends unite to try and help her.
  • 5. I Never Want to See Josh Again.
    Rebecca goes home to Westchester where she draws closer to her mother and tries to find a way forward. The friends and co-workers she left behind, including Paula and Nathaniel, struggle with their emotions regarding her departure.
  • 6. Josh Is Irrelevant.
    Rebecca tries to come to grips with her new life and some new information about herself.
  • 7. Getting Over Jeff.
    Rebecca continues her road to wellness while Paula comes to terms with her roots.
  • 8. Nathaniel Needs My Help!
    Rebecca wonders if history is repeating itself as Darryl embraces a newfound superpower and Paula schemes again, this time for good.
  • 9. Nathaniel Gets the Message!
    Rebecca discovers the powers and limitations of altruism as a new, unexpected bromance forms between two other characters.
  • 10. Oh Nathaniel, It's On!
    Rebecca navigates major changes in her professional life and Heather gets a new opportunity.
  • 11. Nathaniel and I Are Just Friends!
    Rebecca faces some fears in therapy while Paula brings a new friend to work.
  • 12. Trent?!
    Just as Rebecca tries to be more realistic and practical, Trent returns to throw a wrench into her plans; Josh and Valencia reckon with their shared history.
  • 13. Nathaniel Is Irrelevant.
    When Rebecca decides to make amends for her past, she finds some unexpected challenges. At the same time, West Covina awaits an important new arrival.
  • 0. Episode
  • 1. I Want to Be Here
    Rebecca confronts the consequences of her guilty plea while an angry Nathaniel seeks solace in a retreat and Josh searches for answers.
  • 2. I Am Ashamed
    Rebecca convinces Paula, Heather and Valencia to participate in a séance after making a spooky discovery. Darryl takes his parenting duties to an extreme, while Nathaniel is determined to prove to his father that he is the best person to run the law firm.
  • 3. I'm On My Own Path
    As Rebecca contemplates her feelings about her career, Paula is forced to deal with a big client. Josh tries to get back in the dating game, while Heather and Hector deal with insurance.
  • 4. I'm Making Up For Lost Time
    Rebecca re-unites under unusual circumstances with half-brother Tucker and discovers they have many things in common. In an effort to connect with her kids, Paula plans an activity that requires they all to work together. Meanwhile, Nathaniel brainstorms a way to win Rebecca back.
  • 5. I'm So Happy for You
    Heather and Valencia both have changes in their lives which leaves Rebecca reeling. Meanwhile, Paula has to adjust to some good news/bad news from her eldest son.
  • 6. I See You
    Rebecca gets more than she bargained for during a day out with Darryl. Josh lends a helping hand to Paula, while Heather encourages Nathaniel to be a nice person.
  • 7. I Will Help You
    Rebecca takes a trip to visit her mother with intentions to tell Naomi about her new career path. Josh housesits for Rebecca and discovers being alone is harder than it seems, while Nathaniel helps one of Paula's clients in an effort to do something good.
  • 8. I'm Not the Person I Used to Be
    Greg returns to West Covina, which forces Rebecca to question things she thought she knew about people she has loved in her life. Meanwhile, Valencia and Josh make some shocking discoveries while at their high school reunion.
  • 9. I Need Some Balance
    Rebecca decides that she needs to find a way to take her mind off her ex-boyfriends.
  • 10. I Can Work With You
    Rebecca agrees to help Darryl by offering to baby-sit; an unexpected guest crashes the evening; Paula throws a game night.
  • 11. I'm Almost Over You
    Rebecca tries to stick to her plan for happiness while Nathaniel and Maya bond over their feelings of unrequited love.
  • 12. I Need A Break
    When Rebecca and Greg take a day trip, things don’t go quite as planned. Meanwhile, Paula has an incredibly stressful week.
  • 13. I Have to Get Out
    Rebecca supports Paula in her time of need despite her own personal challenges. Emotions run high when Greg, Josh and Nathaniel have an unfortunate encounter.
  • 14. I'm Finding My Bliss
    Rebecca tries out for the local community theater; Paula is courted by various law firms.
  • 15. I Need to Find My Frenemy
    Rebecca gets a call to help her old nemesis out of a complicated situation; Nathaniel, Josh and Greg attempt to deal with their competing feelings for Rebecca.
  • 16. I Have a Date Tonight
    Rebecca spends time with Nathaniel, Josh and Greg in an attempt to get clarity on her feelings.
  • 17. I'm in Love
    Rebecca makes a life-changing decision about her future.
  • 18. Episode
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