Cougar Town

  • 평점: 7.00
  • 발행 연도: 2009
  • 장르: Comedy
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 22 분

A recently divorced woman decides to find some excitement in her dating life.

  • 1. Pilot
    After her recent divorce, Jules decides to put herself “out there” again, much to the embarrassment of her teenage son.
  • 2. Into the Great Wide Open
    After lamenting she did not have any “war stories” from partying in her 20's, Laurie takes Jules out to make up for lost time.
  • 3. Don't Do Me Like That
    Jules and Josh arrive at their 10th date, but the night is a disaster. Meanwhile, Travis is embarrassed when his dad starts living in a boat in a parking lot.
  • 4. I Won't Back Down
    Bobby and Travis try to find common ground. Jules is upset that Grayson doesn't think she's attractive, and Ellie is upset that being a mother has changed what guys think of her.
  • 5. You Wreck Me
    Jules organizes a golf outing to help Bobby. Laurie woos a new client at the office.
  • 6. A Woman in Love (It's Not Me)
    Jules freaks out when Josh tells her he's in love with her, and Bobby tries to find a way to make some fast money to pay some debts.
  • 7. Don't Come Around Here No More
    Jules always seems to be with her friends, her ex or her son. One night when everyone is busy, she reluctantly takes a date with an older man just to get out of the house, so Grayson makes her a wager that she can't spend a whole day by herself.
  • 8. Two Gunslingers
    Ellie and Laurie threaten to ruin Jules' birthday vacation because they refuse to get along. Back at home, Travis plays a trick on Grayson after he breaks up a visit from a female companion.
  • 9. Here Comes My Girl
    It's Thanksgiving Day, and Bobby and Grayson awkwardly discover that they share the same ideal mate–Jules, while Jules is busy accidentally sabotaging Travis' plans with his Thanksgiving date.
  • 10. Mystery Man
    Jules gets a date with a sexy topless jeans model, but she also develops unlikely feelings for an obnoxious client. Meanwhile, Bobby tries to bond with Grayson, and Ellie lets Andy take care of their baby for the day.
  • 11. Rhino Skin
    Jules becomes jealous when she learns that her cruel dermatologist is seeing Bobby, Andy gives Travis a lesson about understanding women, and Laurie lets politics get in the way of a potential hookup.
  • 12. Scare Easy
    Jules freaks out when she decides to be exclusive with Jeff, which makes Bobby and Grayson jealous, Meanwhile, Laurie seeks revenge sex with an unsuspecting stranger, and Travis and Grayson try to save her.
  • 13. Stop Dragging My Heart Around
    In the aftermath of her breakup with Jeff, Jules turns to Bobby for some solace. When a bottle of wine leads to a passionate kiss, will they both agree it was casual and meaningless? Meanwhile, Laurie discovers a common thread between Jules and Grayson, and Travis' plans for a night with girlfriend Kylie don't go exactly as planned.
  • 14. All the Wrong Reasons
    A hot tennis instructor gets between Ellie and Jules, Laurie turns to Travis to be her conscience, and Andy and Grayson try to comfort Bobby who is nursing a fresh heartbreak over his ex-wife.
  • 15. When a Kid Goes Bad
    Jules and Bobby debate on whether to let Travis go to a party where alcohol will be served. Laurie meets Smith's father.
  • 16. What Are You Doin' in My Life?
    Laurie's free-spending mom shows up just as she prepares to buy a house and needs a co-signer, Bobby is teased after he is robbed by a woman, while Travis helps take care of Barbara after a procedure from her dermatologist.
  • 17. Counting on You
    Ellie starts a fight with Andy after he buys a motorcycle, but it doesn't end the way she planned. Meanwhile, Grayson and Jules argue over whether men and women can just be friends, and Bobby takes Travis on an unusual fishing trip.
  • 18. Turn This Car Around
    A wine rep is interested in Grayson. Andy's friendship with Bobby is curtailed by Bobby's new dog, and Jules tries to convince Ellie she can stop drinking wine for a month.
  • 19. Everything Man
    Sarah helps Grayson write a new song, but Jules advises him not to act so needy around her. Jules' new bathroom gets rave reviews.
  • 20. Wake Up Time
    Jules helps Travis when his relationship with Kylie hits a rough patch, while Sara is starting to wonder about Grayson's relationship to Jules. Andy is worried about his son not looking like him.
  • 21. Letting You Go
    Laurie seeks to reunite with Smith when he returns from law school. Jules is conflicted when Travis gets accepted to two different colleges: one close by and one far away.
  • 22. Feel a Whole Lot Better
    Jules and Grayson try to be “friends with benefits.” Bobby's newest money-making scheme inadvertently helps Travis. Andy hires a nanny.
  • 23. Breakdown
    At Travis' graduation, Bobby tries not to make a scene, but Jules makes one when Travis doesn't mention her in his speech.
  • 24. Finding Out
    Jules and Grayson must figure out a way to tell Bobby they're a couple. Travis misses an important anniversary with Kylie.
  • 1. All Mixed Up
    Bobby struggles with the reality of Jules being in a relationship with Grayson. Jules has issues with her new psychiatrist when she discovers the truth behind her methods.
  • 2. Let Yourself Go
    Jules becomes more emotional as the day Travis leaves for college approaches. Laurie teaches Bobby how to use a computer.
  • 3. Makin' Some Noise
    Grayson encourages Jules to start a neighborhood watch so that she will stop smothering him with Travis gone. Meanwhile, Travis tries to redefine himself in college, and Ellie has problems with her friendly new nanny.
  • 4. The Damage You've Done
    Grayson and Laurie tell Jules that they slept together before Grayson got together with Jules, and the gang anxiously awaits her response. Meanwhile, Travis learns that Kylie has been seeing other guys while he's been away.
  • 5. Keeping Me Alive
    Jules schemes to continue giving Bobby money when he stops taking alimony payments. Ellie ticks off the gang by being arrogant about her intelligence.
  • 6. You Don't Know How It Feels
    Jules isn't happy when her father pays a visit. Travis gets a surprise at Halloween, and Bobby campaigns to be Stan's guardian should something happen to Ellie and Andy.
  • 7. Fooled Again: I Don't Like It
    Laurie and Grayson attempt to dethrone Ellie as the gang competes for giving Jules the best birthday present.
  • 8. Little Girl Blues
    Jules feels threatened when Travis begins dating a grad student, and the gang–including Tom–begins hanging out at Grayson's house and he can't get them to leave.
  • 9. When the Time Comes
    Things become awkward at Thanksgiving when Grayson doesn't return Jules' “I love you,” Ellie and Laurie conspire to kill Andy's optimism, and Bobby changes his speech pattern because nobody knows what he's saying.
  • 10. The Same Old You
    Kirsten has issues concerning Travis' relationship with Laurie. Bobby hires Andy to caddy for him in a golf tournament, and Jules decides to make Bobby's boat seaworthy to boost his confidence.
  • 11. No Reason to Cry
    Jules thinks her relationship is in trouble after she accidentally kills some animals, Ellie gets upset with Andy when he shares “their thing” with Laurie, and Travis's girlfriend Kirsten accidentally ruins Bobby's golf concentration.
  • 12. A Thing About You
    While the guys argue that men are loyal friends and women will abandon their pals at the drop of a hat, one thing is certain – everyone has each other's backs in the cul-de-sac crew. Although Laurie may be the worst houseguest ever, Jules is there for her when she needs a place to stay; Laurie helps Jules to realize she doesn't need to change for others; and when Bobby is jealous that Travis has gone to Grayson for advice, Grayson comes through for his buddy.
  • 13. Lost Children
    Ellie protests Jules's control of the “cul-de-sac crew” and gets the rest of the gang to play along, Grayson wonders why Andy has a problem with him, and Bobby waits for the gang to harass him over his new girlfriend.
  • 14. Cry to Me
    Grayson puts everyone off balance by giving Jules her bouquet on the day before Valentine's, which he considers tacky. Travis has to ‘make up’ by posing for a sexy photo for Kirsten, which proves a crucible of embarrassment. Jules cruelly presses Grayson to ‘open up’ and show emotions, preferably in tears, regardless which wounds she must rip open to this end. Ellie's bitching extends to vandalizing ‘late’ Christmas decoration and rudely declining a dinner, so Andy takes much gratefuller Bobby, who also obliges Laurie in a restaurant dumpee-scam.
  • 15. Walls
    Jules freaks out when she discovers that Travis may be ready to propose to Kirsten. Meanwhile, Laurie helps Bobby start up his Penny Can game business, but Grayson is skeptical.
  • 16. Baby's a Rock 'N' Roller
    Jules and Grayson babysit for Ellie, Travis tries to help Bobby wake up to practice for his golf tournament, and Andy serves as Laurie's wingman as she tries to get back on the market after her breakup with Smith.
  • 17. You're Gonna Get It!
    Jules is embarrassed while leading the Pledge of Allegiance at an elementary school, but it's not as humiliating by Bobby's moment of infamy in his golf tournament. Meanwhile, Laurie schools Grayson and Ellie in a bar trivia contest.
  • 18. Lonesome Sundown
    Laurie creates a new “council” for the crew to hand out punishments, Jules spends the weekend on Bobby's boat to win a bet, and Grayson tries to stop Travis from proposing.
  • 19. Damaged by Love
    Jules's dad comes to town and wants to cheer up Travis by sending him to a strip club, and Ellie gets upset because Andy's brother's wife won't stop flirting with him.
  • 20. Free Fallin'
    Jules and Bobby try to get Travis out of his funk and get him to return to college, Bobby contemplates selling his Penny Can business to a big corporation, and Grayson deals with the creepy neighborhood “chalk children.”
  • 21. Something Good Coming
    After Travis abruptly moves to Hawaii, the gang decides to go on vacation there; Grayson tells Jules that he wants to have kids; Laurie tries to lure Travis back home.
  • 1. Ain't Love Strange
    Jules tries to prove that she is not predictable, Ellie and Andy worry that their child is the spawn of the Devil, and Bobby tries to persuade Travis to take his dog.
  • 2. A Mind with a Heart of Its Own
    Ellie gets mad when Jules appoints two Maids of Honor, Grayson goes with Travis to get Jules' dad's blessing, and Bobby gives Jules a zip line to Grayson's house as an engagement present.
  • 3. Lover's Touch
    Jules' wedding preparations are put on hold after Travis is sent to the hospital, and Grayson becomes lonely for her affection. Meanwhile, Bobby invents a new ball game that the women suddenly take to a new level.
  • 4. Full Moon Fever
    When bicycle teens invade the cul-de-sac, Jules and Andy fight over who is “king” of the neighborhood. Meanwhile, Bobby has the hots for Travis's photography teacher, and Laurie begins an online relationship.
  • 5. A One Story Town
    Travis seizes a rare opportunity for payback at Jules, by allowing Ted and his a capella group to stay at their home for a week. Bobby's romance with Travis's professor Claire was quickly sabotaged by a bee allergy and his clumsiness. Jules haughtily promises she can coach him to win her back with grand romance, but everything keeps going wrong, yet Claire toughens it out. The only ‘remedy’ for an invasion of Quebeckers during the local crab festival is instantly repulsive Tom.
  • 6. Something Big
    Grayson and Jules find out that Grayson is a father, Bobby tries to teach Ellie how to surf, and Travis finally gets the courage to tell Laurie no.
  • 7. You Can Still Change Your Mind
    Jules tries to talk Travis out of being her wedding photographer, Bobby finds out that his new girlfriend is seeing someone else, and Laurie faces a new mental challenge from a Simon game.
  • 8. Ways to be Wicked
    Ellie gets a visit from her mean-spirited mother, Grayson tries to help Laurie with her cake business, and Bobby tries to help Travis with a college prank.
  • 9. Money Becomes King
    Jules needs to find a way to cut expenses at her business, Laurie gets volunteers to help her cake business, and Ellie convinces Andy to play a trick on Bobby.
  • 10. Southern Accents
    Jules freaks out when Travis starts dating Holly, Ellie tries to keep Andy from running for mayor, and Laurie tries to help Bobby overcome his prejudices.
  • 11. Down South
    As Jules prepares for her hurricane party, she and Bobby fight over whether Travis should pursue Laurie, who is having long-distance relationship troubles of her own.
  • 12. Square One
    Jules and Grayson run into trouble when they are forced prematurely to move in together, Jules and Bobby have a “white shirt challenge,” and Ellie tries to prove that she's sexier than Laurie.
  • 13. It'll All Work Out
    As the crew prepares to celebrate “Fake Thanksgiving,” Ellie tries to butter up Jules so that Stan can be in the wedding, Jules tries to come up with her wedding vows, and Andy has to learn how to toss pizza dough.
  • 14. My Life __ Your World: Part 1
    Jules spends her bachelorette party watching “Groundhog Day” with Ellie and Laurie, Grayson gets fed up over his lack of privacy, and Travis ruins Penny Can for Bobby and Andy.
  • 1. Blue Sunday
    Grayson tries to acclimate himself to being married to Jules but won't apologize for something he did in one of her dreams. Bobby tries to give advice to Travis, who just turned 21.
  • 2. I Need to Know
  • 3. Between Two Worlds
  • 4. I Should Have Known It
  • 5. Runnin' Down a Dream
  • 6. Restless
  • 7. Flirting with Time
    When buyers show interest in Grayson's house, the crew is quick to judge their potential new neighbors. They also become nostalgic about when redneck Bobby and Jules first moved into the neighborhood. Meanwhile, Wade returns home from Afghanistan early, but Laurie's initial excitement quickly turns to fear when he becomes too clingy.
  • 8. You and I Will Meet Again
  • 9. Make It Better
  • 10. You Tell Me
    Laurie's mixed emotions over Travis causes a destructive streak that Andy must deal with. Jules spends time with her therapist when she discovers her friends have been keeping secrets. Bobby meets a woman at a superstore.
  • 11. Saving Grace
    The Cul-de-Sac Crew wreak havoc when they take up dodgeball. Grayson and Jules have a spat over a prayer she makes. Travis and Andy see less of Bobby thanks to the woman he met.
  • 12. This Old Town
    An elderly couple offers to buy Grayson's house in exchange for becoming part of the gang. Bobby renames his boat, and Travis looks for a new Penny Can partner.
  • 13. The Criminal Kind
  • 14. Don't Fade on Me
  • 15. Have Love Will Travel
  • 1. All or Nothing
    Penny Can becomes a global sensation, prompting Grayson to ask Bobby to pay up his bar tab. Andy must deal with Stan not sleeping after watching a horror flick, and the gang is still not used to Laurie and Travis being together.
  • 2. Like a Diamond
    Bobby is paranoid about a blizzard hitting town. Jules gets into an auto accident with a man, who is attracted to her.
  • 3. Depending on You
    Jules and Grayson are invited to a wedding the same day as Grayson's roller hockey game. Bobby is shocked to find out Dog Travis is pregnant. Tom has created an all-too-accurate model of the neighborhood.
  • 4. The Trip to Pirate's Cove
    When Buccaneer Week descends on Gulf Haven, Andy tries to get Ellie to use her more charming alter-ego while Laurie drums up business by designing very risqué cakes in her shop.
  • 5. Hard on Me
    When Andy organizes a 5K run to help repair his reputation as Mayor, Jules asks her father to get the Cul-de-Sac Crew into shape for the event. Grayson's dream of appearing in a commercial is not what he expected.
  • 6. Learning to Fly
    Bobby takes on his fear of roller coasters to honor his dying grandfather. Laurie is afraid Karma will come back to haunt Jules, and Andy bets Ellie she can't be nice for an entire day.
  • 7. Time to Move On
    Jules worries about Travis' job prospects when he graduates from college. Laurie pretends to be Ellie's life partner to get Stan into an elite school.
  • 8. Mystery of Love
    Upset when Travis and Laurie pull off a brunch at their place, Jules must prove Grayson and she are a better couple. Tom helps Ellie finish a novel she started as a teenager, and Andy takes Stan to the beach for the day.
  • 9. Too Much Ain't Enough
    Jules and Andy devise a scheme to get rich. Grayson tries to act hip when he meets some of Travis' friends.
  • 10. Too Good to Be True
    Travis regrets organizing an Open Mike night at the coffeehouse when Andy decides to do stand-up comedy. Tom's daughter pays him a visit.
  • 11. Refugee
    Jules and Bobby become private detectives when his boat disappears. Laurie and Travis decorate their apartment, and Grayson tries to teach Andy how to get along with his new supervisor.
  • 12. Love Is a Long Road
    Jules wants her father to move into the neighborhood, but Grayson's idea might be a bit too much. Travis' impending graduation from college reignites an old feud between Ellie and Laurie.
  • 13. We Stand a Chance
    Tom's choice for a group vacation does not meet with everyone's approval. Bobby and Grayson mistakenly sign up for a break-dancing contest, and Jules receives some news from her doctor when she goes in for a check-up.
  • 1. American Dream Plan B
    Jules vows to not drink wine during Laurie's pregnancy but can't get anybody to join in. Travis regrets seeking parenting advice from Grayson.
  • 2. Full Grown Boy
    Jules worries about Chick going to his Civil War reenactment. Bobby's new job takes him out of the state. Travis and Laurie argue over names for their baby.
  • 3. To Find a Friend
    While Grayson helps Andy audition a replacement best friend, Jules and Ellie run the bar. Travis and Laurie spend their first weekend alone with their new baby.
  • 4. Waiting for Tonight
    Andy rents a costume for Stan's birthday party. Jules and Grayson are determined to keep a restaurant reservation, and Ellie tweets on behalf of Laurie.
  • 5. Even the Losers
    Travis takes the money Jules loans him and starts a new business. When Andy is unseated as mayor, Ellie helps him get payback. Grayson becomes a music teacher at Stan's school.
  • 6. The Wrong Thing to Do
    Jules agrees to coach Andy through his interviews; Ellie goes to Bobby's boat to escape Andy.
  • 7. The Wild One, Forever
    A hurricane floods a local high school gym; Jules volunteers Gray's Pub as a venue for their prom.
  • 8. This One's for Me
    Jules finds a bag of peculiar items Grayson has been hiding; Travis uses a baby gift for himself.
  • 9. Two Men Talking
    Jules tries to set her father up with Grayson as a best friend; a cool mom group.
  • 10. Yer So Bad
    Jules' dinner guests aren't exactly who she expected; staking out a cupcake thief; Tom's patient.
  • 11. Climb That Hill
    Jules tries to read a book for the first time; Grayson tries to remember what his friends say.
  • 12. A Two Story Town
    Everyone pitches in to help Tom with his new crush with disastrous results.
  • 13. Mary Jane's Last Dance
    Grayson tries to prevent Jules from running her birthday; everyone experiences major life changes.
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