
  • 평점: 7.60
  • 발행 연도: 2018
  • 장르: Комедия
  • 국가: Соединенные Штаты
  • 기간: 21 분

A dark, edgy look at life as a Junior-Executive-in-Training at your average, soulless multinational corporation. Matt and Jake are at the mercy of a tyrannical CEO and his top lieutenants while navigating an ever-revolving series of disasters. Their only ally is Human Resources rep Grace.

  • 1. The Void
    When an insensitive tweet threatens Hampton DeVille's business, Jake and Matt are tasked with firing the employee who posted it.
  • 2. The Powerpoint of Death
    Matt creates an impressive presentation to pitch Hampton DeVille's arms dealing bona fides to the CIA, while Jake takes advantage of the company's internal whistleblower app.
  • 3. The Pain of Being Alive
    After his surgery, Jake's coworkers butter him up in the hopes that he'll share his prescription painkillers with them, and visions of a ghost haunt a sleep-deprived Matt.
  • 4. Trademarq
    Hampton DeVille partners with a street artist who vandalized the company's headquarters to sell anti-corporate merch and profit off its protesters.
  • 5. Corporate Retreat
    At the Hampton DeVille corporate retreat, business gurus teach Matt how to be a more confident person, and Jake finds love at a networking mixer.
  • 6. Casual Friday
    Matt and Jake struggle to convince a coworker to wear a shirt on Casual Friday, and Christian seeks to strike a deal with a group of megachurches.
  • 7. The Long Meeting
    Forced to take charge of a meeting after Christian gets a call, John and Kate trap the staff in the conference room without their phones until they finish brainstorming.
  • 8. Society Tomorrow
    As the staff obsesses over a prestige TV show, Jake resists their attempts to force him to watch, while Matt's life starts to eerily echo the events of the series.
  • 9. Weekend
    John pressures Jake and Matt into helping him move a grandfather clock in his apartment, sabotaging their weekend plans.
  • 10. Remember Day
    Matt copes with his family trauma by throwing himself into the office holiday party, Christian questions his worldview, and Jake considers leaving the company.
  • 1. The One Who's There
    Matt tries not to develop a crush on a new colleague, and Christian buys a news network.
  • 2. The Concert
    When Matt's old college buddy invites him to hang out, he's determined to prove he's still young and fun.
  • 3. Natural Beauty
    Jake tries to market makeup to men. Grace coaches Kate on how to talk to their male coworkers after John complains about her tone.
  • 4. Thanks!
    Matt's broken exclamation point key strains his relationship with John and Kate. Jake convinces Grace to help him get rid of the office dog.
  • 5. The Expense Report
    Jake, Matt, John and Kate get grilled by a dogged Hampton DeVille accountant after eating an expensive dinner.
  • 6. Mattchiavelli and the P... Detective
    Things get out of hand fast when Hampton DeVille starts tracking when people leave their desks.
  • 7. Labor Day
    Matt and Jake get up to mischief while working on Labor Day, until they discover they are not the only ones in the office.
  • 8. The Tragedy
    When a national tragedy happens, everyone in the office competes to see who has the most incisive and heartfelt social media post.
  • 9. Vacation
    Jake is forced to share their office with an unsettling new deskmate while Matt is on vacation.
  • 10. The Fall
    Hampton DeVille goes all in while marketing end-of-the-world preparedness, leading Matt to quit and Jake to take on a secret project.
  • 1. Pickles 4 Breakfast
    Hampton DeVille attempts to rewrite the finale of a fan-favorite series, and Jake learns a disturbing truth about a beloved children's show.
  • 2. Black Dog
    Matt grows increasingly worried about Jake's bleak outlook on life, and Hampton DeVille brainstorms a new company logo.
  • 3. The Importance of Talking S...
  • 4. Good Job
  • 5. Episode 5
  • 6. Wind of God
    John and Kate make a shocking power grab, Christian feels the wrath of a disgruntled former employee, and Jake and Matt try to climb the corporate ladder.
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