Bates Motel

  • 평점: 8.10
  • 발행 연도: 2013
  • 장르: , Thriller, Horror
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 43 분
  • 복잡성: 10

Bates Motel은 1960년대 영화 싸이코를 개정했습니다. 노만은 남편의 죽음 뒤 아들과 함께 오레건 주로 이사가 그것에서 호텔 사업과 함께 새로운 삶을 시작하려고 합니다.

  • 1. First You Dream, Then You Die
    Six months after the death of her husband, Norma Bates and her youngest son Norman relocate to White Pine Bay, Oregon where she has bought a small motel in a foreclosure sale. The place is run down but she hopes to make a go of it despite threats from the former owner Keith Summers and news that the town may build a bypass around the town. Norman makes a good impression on some of the girls at school. His mother isn't keen on him being out much but when he sneaks out at night to be with them, Summers attacks his mother. There are things going on in the town that …
  • 2. Nice Town You Picked, Norma...
    Dylan Bates, Norma's older son from a previous marriage, arrives in town to the family's displeasure and Norman spends more time with Emma.
  • 3. What's Wrong with Norman
    Dylan starts his new job and there is more to Deputy Shelby, than meets the eye.
  • 4. Trust Me
    Norman manages to get out of Deputy Sheriff Zach Shelby's house thanks to his brother Dylan who creates a diversion. The girl he found in the basement is left behind. He tells his mother what has happened but she doesn't believe him. She tells him he sometimes sees things that aren't there. When she next stays over at Zach's, she decides to check the basement out for herself. Emma has the flu and will miss a week's school and Norman consoles Bradley, whose father has died. Zach Shelby tries to befriend Norman and takes him fishing. The police recover Keith Summer's …
  • 5. Ocean View
    Having spent the night with Bradley, a happy Norman gets home to learn that his mother is in jail, arrested for the murder of Keith Summers. Her bail is set at $100,000 but she tells both her sons to stay out it and refuses their offer to help her. Norman puts up the hotel as collateral for a bond. Norma goes out of her way to make him feel guilty about not being there when she was arrested and her subsequent behavior is bizarre. Dylan however proves to be supportive and has decided to move out. He offers Norman the chance to move in with him. Meanwhile, Dylan's …
  • 6. The Truth
    Dylan tells Gil what happened to Ethan and gets a new partner, Remo. Norma has a hard time accepting that Shelby kept Jiao a prisoner in his basement. Emma wants to call the FBI immediately to tell them about the Asian sex ring but Norma wants to go slow. She desperately wants to get Keith Summers' belt from Shelby before they do anything. When Shelby stops by the motel, he finds Jiao in one of the rooms and takes off after her when she runs into the woods. When he returns, he only has one thing in mind. Dylan raises doubt about how Norman's father died and repeats …
  • 7. The Man in Number 9
    Sheriff Romero responds to Norma's 911 call and has a surprising proposal for her concerning the deaths of Keith Summers and Zack Shelby. Even with those recent events now behind them, Norma reacts badly to Dylan's decision to move into his own place. The hotel is not quite open yet but gets its first guest Jake Abernathy, who claims to have been a regular when Summers owned the place. He asks Norma if he can continue with the same deal he had with the previous owner - he will rent the entire place one week, pay cash in advance and require complete privacy. He assures…
  • 8. A Boy and His Dog
    Norman is upset after Emma tells some of the other girls that he and Bradley slept together. He leaves school without permission and in a meeting with the principal and his teacher, it's suggested to Norma that Norman seek professional help. The session with the psychologist doesn't go well. Norman starts spending time Emma father who is teaching him taxidermy. He gets his dog stuffed.Norma is worried about the bypass the town is about to build and tries to get Sheriff Romero to help her. He has news for her. Jake Abernathy is back at the motel and Norma decides to …
  • 9. Underwater
    The Sheriff removes Zach Shelby's body from Norma's room. She's certain it's Jake Abernathy's doing. When she receives flowers anonymously, she's certain it's a veiled threat. Abernathy makes sure she understands just what it is he is looking for. Norma decides that buying the motel was a mistake and wants to move. Norman makes it clear that's the last thing he wants. She confronts her real estate agent - especially about the bypass - but he has bad news for her. Norma's not too keen when she finds Dylan's crew smoking marijuana outside their rooms. Norman's teacher, …
  • 10. Midnight
    With Jake Abernathy expecting her to meet him at midnight with the $150,000 Norma goes to Sheriff Romero for help. He assures her that he will take care of it and that she has nothing to worry about. Not quite assured, Norma asks Dylan to get her a gun and show her how to use it. Romero visits Keith Summers' sister Maggie and learns Jake Abernathy's real name. Norma visits Dr. Kurata, without Norman, to get his advice on how to handle stress but leaves when his questions caused her to be ill. She shares a deep dark secret with Norman. Norman overhears his teacher Miss…
  • 1. Gone But Not Forgotten
    Norma's anxiety builds as the bypass is ahead of schedule. Norman obsesses on Miss Watson's death and Bradley's search for father's killer leads to extremes.
  • 2. Shadow of a Doubt
    In too deep, Bradley turns to Norman for help. Norma vies for Norman's attention by having him join a play. Dylan is cautious of a new member.
  • 3. Caleb
    Norma is disappointed to learn that she didn't get a part in the community play. She makes a new friend however in Christine Heldens who was supposed to direct the play but quit when Norma didn't get the lead. She invites Norma to a party and is introduced to new people including Christine's brother George. She also meets Nick who tells her he too is against the bypass. With Bradley Martin now believed to have committed suicide, Emma organizes a memorial at the beach but things don't quite go as planned. Norma is shattered when her brother Caleb appears unannounced. …
  • 4. Check-Out
    After the revelations, Dylan gets drunk and passes out in his car. Caleb denies being his father and returns the money Dylan gave him. Dylan again confronts Norma and she admits she never told anyone, least of all Caleb, who his father was. An outraged Norman, again goes into acting out as his mother and visits Caleb at his motel. It's the morning after the night before for Emma who wakes up in bed with the boy she met at the beach party. Sheriff Romano warns Zane to take it easy or that there will be repercussions. Soon after, Romano finds that his house has gone up …
  • 5. The Escape Artist
    Norman trusts Cody with a family secret. Dylan finds himself fighting for his life as Zane's drug war escalates. Norma makes a deal with a mysterious man to help stop the bypass while Norman faces some of his childhood demons.
  • 6. Plunge
    Norma works to get appointed to the council. Norman tries to get a drivers license while dealing with an incident concerning Cody and Emma. Dylan finally gets to know his boss.
  • 7. Presumed Innocent
    Norman questions Norma's faith in him. Zane's thirst for revenge threatens Dylan. Romero's presented with new evidence that may change the course of Miss Watson's murder investigation. Cody's friendship with Norman reaches a breaking point.
  • 8. Meltdown
    Romero digs for the truth behind Miss Watson's murder, while the war between the drug families presents Dylan with an impossible choice. Norman pushes Norma away when she won't tell him the truth about his blackouts.
  • 9. The Box
    Norma returns home in the early morning to find that Norman's bed hasn't been slept in. She soon gets a call from Nick Ford who says that he has Norman and if she wants to see him alive, she has to get Dylan to do what he asked: kill Zane Morgan. When Dylan is unable to do so he decides to inform Ford personally. Norman meanwhile is being kept in a metal box in the middle of nowhere and recalls a bit of what happened the night Miss Watson died. Sheriff Romero asks his father's ex-partner, Declan Rogers, to conduct a lie detector test on Norman. Norma blocks the …
  • 10. The Immutable Truth
    With Nick Ford dead, Dylan and Sheriff Romero rescue Norman. Together, they set a trap for Zane Morgan. Now safe at home, Norman tells his mother he's recalled killing Miss Watson but Norma refuses to believe him insisting that it can't be true. Romero has scheduled the polygraph test which nearly sends Norma over the edge. Convinced that Norman will be found out, her plan is to flee but Dylan intervenes. Norman is contemplating another way out however.
  • 1. A Death in the Family
    Norman and Emma make decisions regarding their future; Norma informs Norman of his boundaries.
  • 2. The Arcanum Club
    Norma and Norman focus on Annika's disappearance; Norma learns the truth about the Arcanum Club.
  • 3. Persuasion
    Norman's relationship with Emma weakens his bond with Norma; Romero asks Norman some hard questions.
  • 4. Unbreak-Able
    Romero looks into two strange deaths in White Pine Bay; Norma returns to school.
  • 5. The Deal
    Norma turns to Romero for guidance when she finds herself in an unexpected position of power
  • 6. Norma Louise
    Norma contemplates a life outside of White Pine Bay; Emma and Dylan bond while helping Norman.
  • 7. The Last Supper
    Norman agrees to get help; Dylan learns disturbing news about Emma's health.
  • 8. The Pit
    Romero confronts Norma about newly learned information; Caleb and Dylan take a risky job.
  • 9. Crazy
    Norman spends the day with a surprise visitor; Norma attempts to keep secrets from being revealed.
  • 10. Unconscious
    Norman's issues push Norma to the breaking point; Emma has an unexpected reaction to good news.
  • 1. A Danger to Himself and Others
    Norma searches for Norman, who finds himself in unfamiliar surroundings; Dylan waits for news about Emma; Romero gets a surprising proposition.
  • 2. Goodnight, Mother
    Norma and Norman each suspect the other of a terrible deed; Dylan contemplates his future with Emma; Romero makes a choice that dramatically impacts the Bates family.
  • 3. Til Death Do You Part
    Norma and Romero take a big step together; Norman attempts to accept his new circumstances; Dylan tries to shed old business.
  • 4. Lights of Winter
    Norman and his new friend have an adventure; Norma experiences her first taste of real happiness in some time during an annual festival in White Pine Bay; Dylan becomes caught between two families.
  • 5. Refraction
    Norman worries about revealing too much to Dr. Edwards; Norma hires an artisan to repair a window; a crime investigation threatens Romero's new life.
  • 6. The Vault
    Norman uncovers painful truths as his therapy progresses; Norma works to prevent a secret from being revealed; Romero assists an old friend despite the risk to his career.
  • 7. There's No Place Like Home
    Norman returns home after making an unanticipated discovery; Norma takes on new projects; Dylan's search for Emma's mother leads to disturbing results.
  • 8. Unfaithful
    Norma is torn between Norman and Romero; during a holiday outing, Norman comes to the realization that everyone has changed during his time away.
  • 9. Forever
    Norma and Norman attempt to reconnect as they plan for the future; Dylan and Romero decide to take action for Norman's own good.
  • 10. Norman
    Norman plans a special event for his mother; Romero experiences pressure over his actions; Dylan considers reaching out to Norman.
  • 0. Episode
  • 1. Dark Paradise
    Norman tries to keep up appearances despite a troubling discovery. Dylan and Emma receive a surprise guest.
  • 2. The Convergence of the Twain
    Norman's date doesn't go as planned. Romero's frustrations reach a boiling point. Chick brings Norman a gift.
  • 3. Bad Blood
    Norman helps Chick with a project. Romero makes his move. An apologetic Madeleine reaches out to Norman.
  • 4. Hidden
    Norman learns who he can rely on as he attempts to protect his secrets; Romero struggles to find safety.
  • 5. Dreams Die First
    Norman tries to piece together Mother's movements; in Seattle, Dylan and Emma confront an ugly truth; Sam's girlfriend, Marion, makes an impulsive decision with far-reaching consequences.
  • 6. Marion
    A special guest checks into the motel; Dylan grapples with devastating news; Sam and Madeleine's marriage reaches a crossroads.
  • 7. Inseparable
    Norman and Mother are brought together as trouble looms large. Romero convalesces with the aid of an old friend. Dylan returns home.
  • 8. The Body
    Mother uses tough love to protect Norman. Sheriff Greene opens a murder investigation. Dylan gets help for his brother.
  • 9. Visiting Hours
    Norman's legal problems worsen. Emma takes care of family business as Dylan finds himself caught between his past and his future. Romero begins his plan for revenge.
  • 10. The Cord
    Norman comes home.
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