American Horror Story

  • 평점: 8.20
  • 발행 연도: 2011
  • 장르: Sci-Fi, , Thriller, Drama, Horror
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 45 분
  • 복잡성: 9

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  • 1. Pilot
    Vivien and Ben Harmon and their daughter Violet relocate to Los Angeles from Boston and buy a large old house. As required by law, the real estate agent discloses that the previous occupants were the victims of a murder-suicide. The Harmons think nothing of it and concentrate on repairing their marriage that has come under strain following Vivien's miscarriage and Ben's subsequent infidelity with one of his students. Ben is a psychiatrist and will meet his patients in the house. They meet the neighbors, the eccentric Constance and her daughter Adelaide. Vivien also …
  • 2. Home Invasion
    Ben gets a new patient, Bianca Forest, something of a murder groupie who is just amazed that he lives in the house that has been the scene of so many famous murders. Ben has his own problems when the student with whom he was having an affair in Boston calls to tell him she's pregnant. He lies to his wife Vivien saying he's got to return to Boston to deal with one of his old cases. While he's away however, Bianca and two of her friends stage a home invasion intent on recreating a murder of two student nurses in 1968.
  • 3. Murder House
    After their home invasion, Vivien insists that they move out but their finances are such that there's no possibility of moving into a new place unless they can recoup what they've paid out. Vivien soon learns that selling isn't going to be easy given the long history of murders which go back to 1922 when an abortionist and his wife lived there. Ben is having blackouts, waking up in the backyard and is shocked when his ex-girlfriend from Boston shows up. Larry Harvey gives him a hand. Vivien gets an interesting visitor from the past, though she doesn't realize who the …
  • 4. Halloween: Part 1
    A flashback to to 2010 shows the previous owners of the house, Chad and Patrick, who are attacked by the man in the rubber suit. In the present day, it's Halloween and Vivien and Ben are getting little interest in the house. Their real estate agent, Marcy, suggests they hire a fluffer, someone who can give the house a little something extra. Tate tells Violet about the abortionist and his wife, Charles and Laura Montgomery, whose baby was kidnapped and murdered by a boyfriend seeking revenge. Addie wants to dress as a pretty girl for her trick or treating but tragedy …
  • 5. Halloween: Part 2
    Vivien and Ben race back home to find Violet missing. She's off with Tate and is apparently alright but they get bullied at the beach by a gang of students. Ben has something of a surprise when the dead and buried Hayden knocks at his door. He goes after Larry and accuses him and Hayden of trying to con him. For her part, Hayden is intent on ensuring Vivien knows about her pregnancy with Ben. Chad goes on a rant and blames Vivien for causing his break up with Patrick. Constance blames Violent for what has happened to Adelaide.
  • 6. Piggy Piggy
    Ben is now living elsewhere but still meets patients in the house as they can't afford anything else. It doesn't sit well with Vivien who would like him to just go away. Ben's latest patient is someone who thinks he can conjure up an urban legend, a killer with the head of a pig. Vivien has an amnio and traces the technician who did her first ultra sound. She scoffs at what she hears. Moira tells Vivien what she thinks about her marriage and Vivien asks her to leave. Violet meanwhile learns of a massacre at her high school in 1994 and Tate's role in it. She also …
  • 7. Open House
    Vivien and the real estate agent Marcy may have someone interested in the house but Vivien insists on being completely honest about the history of murders there. The buyer doesn't seem to be bothered by it all and on his second visit, Moira goes to special lengths to make sure he likes it there. Larry also shows up posing as a buyer and gets a tour. Ben makes it clear that he's not welcome at the house. When Larry learns that the prospective buyer plans to tear the house down, he and Constance set out to make sure it doesn't happen. Meanwhile, Ben and Vivien are …
  • 8. Rubber Man
    Hayden has a plan drive Vivien crazy so she and Nora Montgomery can each keep one of the twins Vivien is expecting. After getting information from Moira, Vivien tries to flee with Violet. Worried about her safety, she steals Marcy's gun but shoots someone by mistake. Ben feels he has no choice but to commit her to an institution for evaluation. The origin of the rubber suit is revealed as is the identity of the man who wore it to make love to Vivien and to kill Patrick and Chad. Ben learns that Violet hasn't been to school for two weeks. She says she just doesn't like…
  • 9. Spooky Little Girl
    One of history's most famous murder victims pays the house a visit. Constance discovers more of Tate's bad behavior.
  • 10. Smoldering Children
    In 1994, Larry gets burned. In the present, Ben begins to understand what happened to cause Vivien's institutionalization. Constance is questioned by the police in Travis' death. Violet learns something about herself that she doesn't know.
  • 11. Birth
    A flashback to 1984 shows young Tate's first encounter with ghosts in the basement. In the present day, Tate tells Nora Montgomery that she can't have one of Vivien's babies. Several of the ghosts have their eye on Vivien's twins and Constance faces off against Chad. She suggests that she keep her grandchild while he take Ben's child but Chad insists he wants both children. Violet tries a spell to get rid of some of the ghosts. After Ben collects her from the hospital, Vivien goes into labor at the house but only one child survives. Violent learns who fathered one of …
  • 12. Afterbirth
    The aftermath of Vivien's difficult labour is revealed and Ben makes plans to get out of the house. Some of the spirits have other plans and the family has to pull together to make it through these very tough changes.
  • 1. Welcome to Briarcliff
    Briarcliff, a former tuberculosis hospital, is now an insane asylum run by the Catholic church. It's 1964 and and the asylum houses some seriously disturbed individuals. The day to day administrator is in the hands of Sister Jude who works under the general supervision of Monsignor Timothy Howard. Her chief nemesis however is their in-house medical officer, Dr. Arthur Arden who is frequently seeing patients in the night - patients who die and are disposed of immediately. Briarcliff's latest patient is Kit Walker, aka Bloody Face, accused of murdering several young …
  • 2. Tricks and Treats
    A new doctor, Oliver Thredson, arrives at Briarcliff assigned by the courts to examine and report on Kit Walker. He's appalled by conditions he finds there and the fact that they still use electroshock to treat homosexuality. His view of how medicine is practiced is seemingly confirmed when a new patient arrives and Monsignor Howard decides that an exorcism is called for. In flashbacks, some of Sister Jude's life prior to becoming a nun is revealed. Lana continues to be a threat and Sister Jude convinces Dr. Adler to give her shock therapy in the hopes it will affect …
  • 3. Nor'easter
    It's Halloween and a major storm is expected in the area. Sister Jude decides to have a movie night in an attempt to calm the patients. She is being tormented by someone who knows about the auto accident she had before becoming a nun and sends her a newspaper clipping about the accident dated 1949. She turns to the bottle, a problem she had previously overcome. A possessed Sister Mary Eunice wreaks havoc in the asylum, killing one of the patients and makes sexual advances to an incredulous Dr. Adler. Shelley thinks the storm is the perfect cover to escape but is …
  • 4. I Am Anne Frank: Part 1
    A new arrival at Briarcliff Manor claims to be Anne Frank. She stabbed a man who made an anti-Semitic remark. When she sees Dr. Adler, she accuses him of being a doctor who worked at Auschwitz. Sister Jude is at first dismissive but soon begins to believe her. Adler gets help from a most unexpected source. Kit tells Grace what Dr. Adler has been doing to him and she in turn tells him why she is in the hospital. She was accused of butchering her father and her stepmother after her stepsister accused her of the crime. Lana tells Dr. Thredson about their attempted escape…
  • 5. I Am Anne Frank: Part 2
    Convinced that Dr. Arden is a Nazi, Sister Jude hires a Nazi hunter, Goodman, to look into his past. He tells her of Operation Paperclip where American officials created false biographies for known Nazis and helped them relocate in the West. He tells her that SS officers have their blood type tattooed on their left arm. It all begins to wrong when Anne Frank's husband shows up to collect his wife, who has had a breakdown since the birth of their baby. She's soon back at Briarcliff and Arden has his own plans for her. Kit is released from solitary but Grace is to go …
  • 6. The Origins of Monstrosity
    Monsignor Howard is called out to a local hospital to tend to the creature that was found in the schoolyard - and he obviously knows who she is. Sister Jude receives a call from Mr. Goodman confirming that Dr. Arden is a former Nazi who escaped at the end of the war. He needs just one more piece of evidence to make a final confirmation. Someone is out to protect the evil doctor however. Flashbacks reveal how he came to stay on at Briarcliff when it was taken over by the church. A woman is convinced her daughter is evil and desperately wants to leave her young daughter…
  • 7. Dark Cousin
    The angel of death descends upon Briarcliff Manor. Grace is found bleeding to death after her operation but is brought back from the abyss just as she was to receive the kiss of death. When Sister Mary Eunice accuses Dr. Arden of butchering the operation, he doesn't know what she talking about. Lana manages to escape from Bloody Face but gets a ride from someone who definitely has a thing about women. She soon finds herself back in the asylum. Sister Jude visits Mr. Goodman with Arden's fingerprints and finds him on the bathroom floor bleeding to death. He has barely …
  • 8. Unholy Night
  • 9. The Coat Hanger
    Lana learns that she is pregnant and desperately wants to rid herself of the child. Sister Mary Eunice has other plans. Lana also tries to convince Kit that they must kill Thredson, who they've locked away. Monsignor Howard visits Sister Jude who is now an asylum inmate after her attack on Lee Emerson. Everything seems to line up against her but the Monsignor wonders if he is somehow at fault for her breakdown. Emerson has apparently had a religious conversion but he has a surprise for the Monsignor. Dr. Arden tries to make sense of his close encounter and finds some …
  • 10. The Name Game
    Monsignor Howard is recovering from his wounds but Sister Mary Eunice continues to torment him. He decides there is only one way out for all of them. Sister Mary Eunice also has plans for Sister Jude, now known as Judy Martin - an extra powerful dose of electro-shock treatment which severely affects her memory in a particularly bizarre way. Dr. Thredson is hired as a staff doctor but Lana manages to stay one step ahead of him. Dr. Arden and Sister Mary Eunice share a destiny.
  • 11. Spilt Milk
  • 12. Continuum
  • 13. Madness Ends
  • 1. Bitchcraft
    A young girl, Zoe, is shattered to discover she possesses a strange genetic affliction tracing back to the dark days of Salem. Zoe is whisked away to Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, a mysterious school in New Orleans devoted to safeguarding the few remaining descendants who share this unique bloodline. Harboring a secret agenda, Fiona Goode, the most powerful witch of their generation, returns to town, reigniting old rivalries with the Coven's deadly enemies, the Voodoo.
  • 2. Boy Parts
    Fiona helps Zoe and Madison deal with a horrible tragedy. Delphine LaLaurie struggles to adjust to modern life.
  • 3. The Replacements
    Fiona takes on an unlikely protégé. A guilt-ridden Zoe tries to give Kyle his old life back. Madison has a fiery exchange with Joan Ramsey, a new neighbor.
  • 4. Fearful Pranks Ensue
    Fiona's choices rattle a decades-long truce between the Salem witches and Marie Laveau. The Council of Witchcraft pays a surprise visit to the Academy with disturbing allegations.
  • 5. Burn, Witch. Burn!
    Besieged by Marie Laveau's army, Zoe unleashes a new power. Fiona and Myrtle clash over control of the Coven. Madame LaLaurie is confronted by old ghosts.
  • 6. The Axeman Cometh
    Zoe, Queenie, and Nan make contact with a dark spirit trapped in the Academy. Cordelia's new power brings on a heartbreaking revelation.
  • 7. The Dead
    Fiona finds new purpose in a dangerous love affair. A night out with LaLaurie leads Queenie to question her place in the Coven. Cordelia makes a fateful decision about her mother.
  • 8. The Sacred Taking
    With Fiona struggling to cope with the effects of her medication, the rest of the coven undertake a ritual known as the “sacred taking” to prepare for the next supreme. However Fiona must take her own life if the ritual is to be a success.
  • 9. Head
    Cordelia's attacker is revealed. Fiona looks to form an alliance with Marie Laveau. Nan learns a disturbing truth about Luke's past.
  • 10. The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks
    Fiona attempts to out the new Supreme with a visit from Stevie Nicks. Cordelia learns the truth about Hank and the Witch Hunters. Madison tries to eliminate her competition for the Supremacy.
  • 11. Protect the Coven
    Fiona and Laveau have a deadly face off with The Corporation. Cordelia makes a desperate sacrifice to protect the Coven.
  • 12. Go to Hell
    Cordelia's latest vision puts the Coven's future in question. With the end of Fiona's reign approaching, the girls manifest powerful new gifts. Queenie's search for Marie Laveau leads her to Hell and back.
  • 13. The Seven Wonders
    A new Supreme rises.
  • 1. Monsters Among Us
    When police make a terrifying discovery at a local farmhouse, the eccentric purveyor of the freak show sees an opportunity that will lead her troupe either to their salvation or ruin.
  • 2. Massacres and Matinees
    A citywide curfew threatens to shut down the Freak Show. A strongman from Ethel's troubled past arrives at camp. Gloria arranges a terrifying play date for Dandy. The Tattler Twins reveal a talent that could knock Elsa from the spotlight
  • 3. Edward Mordrake: Part 1
    The Freaks refuse to perform on Halloween due to an old carny superstition. Jimmy is smitten by a woman claiming to be a fortuneteller. Ethel receives life-changing news.
  • 4. Edward Mordrake: Part 2
    Edward Mordrake continues his search for a Freak to add to his ghostly coterie. Elsa tells the grisly story of her days in Germany. Jimmy and Maggie have a run-in with the Twisted Clown.
  • 5. Pink Cupcakes
    Stanley and Maggie hatch a plan to murder the Freaks. Gloria hides the evidence of Dandy's gruesome new hobby. A health scare reveals Desiree may not be the oddity she once thought.
  • 6. Bullseye
    Elsa reveals a dangerous new act. Stanley exerts pressure on Maggie to murder Jimmy. Paul indulges in a secret romance.
  • 7. Test of Strength
    The women of the Freak Show rally against Dell after his latest act of violence. A strange encounter with Dandy raises Jimmys suspicion about the clown murders.
  • 8. Blood Bath
    Recent disappearances around camp raise Ethel's suspicion of Elsa. Gloria makes a last ditch effort to contain Dandy's bloodlust.
  • 9. Tupperware Party Massacre
    In the wake of a tragic loss, Jimmy sinks into a drunken despair. A reading from Maggie spurs Dandy to action. Stanley and Elsa track down the Twins.
  • 10. Orphans
    The death of a Freak sparks troubling behavior in Pepper. Elsa reveals the history of the Freak Show. Desiree grows suspicious of Maggie.
  • 11. Magical Thinking
    Elsa prepares for her move to Hollywood. The Twins grow enamored with a traveling salesman. Dell plots Jimmy's escape from police custody.
  • 12. Show Stoppers
    Dandy gives the Twins troubling information about Chester. Maggie vows to prove her loyalty to Jimmy. The Freaks enforce their harsh code of justice.
  • 13. Curtain Call
    The Freaks rebel against new management. Dandy prepares for his debut performance. Elsa arrives in Tinseltown.
  • 1. Checking In
    Detective and family man John Lowe investigates a chain of gruesome murders in Los Angeles. A mysterious tip points him to the enigmatic Hotel Cortez.
  • 2. Chutes and Ladders
    Fashion mogul Will Drake brings couture to the Hotel Cortez. A model catches the Countess's eye. John learns about the hotel's sadistic first owner.
  • 3. Mommy
    Alex is pushed to her breaking point after Scarlett stirs up memories of Holden. Donovan is targeted by a dangerous rival of The Countess.
  • 4. Devil's Night
    John receives an invitation to attend an exclusive Devil's Night Soiree. Alex tries to diagnose Holden's strange condition.
  • 5. Room Service
    Alex uses an unconventional treatment to save a dying patient; a Halloween-hating couple tests Iris's limits.
  • 6. Room 33
    Ramona and Donovan enact their plan for revenge; Liz Taylor finds true love; the resident of Room 33 is revealed.
  • 7. Flicker
    Will Drake's renovations uncover one of the hotel's greatest secrets; John undergoes psychiatric evaluation; The Countess learns the fate of her first love.
  • 8. The Ten Commandments Killer
    John closes in on the Ten Commandments Killer and Sally details her arrangements with Mr. March.
  • 9. She Wants Revenge
    The Countess is reunited with her one true love; Donovan and Ramona take another stab at revenge; a careless decision lands Alex in hot water.
  • 10. She Gets Revenge
    Alex enlists John's help in containing an outbreak; Donovan learns The Countess' true intentions; Liz and Iris plan to leave the hotel for good.
  • 11. Battle Royale
    Ramona draws vitality from an unlikely source. Sally uses her past to negotiate her future. Scarlett learns the truth of her family's affliction.
  • 12. Be Our Guest
    Iris and Liz oversee a new era at the Cortez. John and Alex struggle to adapt to life outside the hotel.
  • 1. Chapter 1
    A young interracial couple move into a farmhouse in North Carolina after purchasing it with their life savings. However, unearthly phenomena begin occurring and things are not what they seem.
  • 2. Chapter 2
  • 3. Chapter 3
    Nightmares become an inescapable reality as unique stories of people's lives in America reveal the astonishing power of the supernatural.
  • 4. Chapter 4
    Scathach presents herself for the first time and reveals what she wants. However, Tomasyn and the ghost settlers have other plans.
  • 5. Chapter 5
    The mob comes for Shelby, Matt and Flora, but they get help from a new face to escape the Butcher's wrath.
  • 6. Chapter 6
    After the wrap of the show My Roanoke Nightmare, the producer creates a follow up show called Return to Roanoke, bringing the actors of the previous show and the real Shelby, Matt, and Lee, back to the house.
  • 7. Chapter 7
  • 8. Chapter 8
  • 9. Chapter 9
  • 10. Chapter 10
    Season Finale
  • 1. Election Night
    After Trump is elected President, Ally Mayfair-Richards is beset by all of her old phobias… and they appear to be coming to life.
  • 2. Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
    Ally, Ivy and Oz meet the new neighbors. Kai runs for city council. Detective Samuels investigates a murder. A blackout terrorizes Ally.
  • 3. Neighbors from Hell
    The community turns on Ally after she shoots and kills a Hispanic man. At home tensions between Ally and Ivy grow worse, and Kai may be Ally's only hope.
  • 4. 11 __ 9
    Kai gathers familiar faces to join his cult as the events surrounding 11/8/17 are explored.
  • 5. Holes
    Kai asks for the cult members to prove their loyalty against one of their own. Meanwhile, Ally meets with Rudy to tell him about her problems dealing with Ivy's departure.
  • 6. Mid-Western Assassin
    Ally takes Meadow to Rudy in the hopes that she will confirm her story about the cult. However, Meadow has a change of heart. Meanwhile, an unexpected opponent runs against Kai in the city council election.
  • 7. Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag
  • 8. Winter of Our Discontent
    Ally confronts Kai meanwhile Winter must choose between Kai and Beverly when he makes a questionable decision.
  • 9. Drink the Kool-Aid
    Kai seeks to test the loyalty of his cult. Ally seeks revenge. Oz learns about his parentage.
  • 10. Charles (Manson) in Charge
    Kai receives visits from Charles Manson as he begins to question everyone around him.
  • 11. Great Again
    Kai sets his master plan into motion as Ally's true intentions are revealed.
  • 1. The End
    The end of the world happens when the bombs drop, and the survivors wonder if surviving is worth it after the Cooperative gives them shelter.
  • 2. The Morning After
  • 3. Forbidden Fruit
    As Ms. Mead grapples with her identity, Michael reveals more of his; Coco's ex rears his ugly head; Venable crafts a plan to give the residents of Outpost 3 one magical night.
  • 4. Could It Be... Satan?
    Michael's history as a teenager, and how he came to find himself at the Hawthorne Boy's school, is revealed.
  • 5. Boy Wonder
    After witnessing the Apocalypse, Coredelia must act quickly to stop Michael or face the end of days.
  • 6. Return to Murder House
    Madison and Behold travel to the Murder House to uncover the origins of Michael Langdon.
  • 7. Traitor
  • 8. Sojourn
    Michael questions his father's unholy plan for world annihilation, and is directed on the proper path to recover Miriam.
  • 9. Fire and Reign
    Michael strikes at the school, but Cordelia, Myrtle, and Mallory escape him. Mutt and Jeff step in to guide Michael to his destiny, and recruit Wilhelmina to administer the Outposts.
  • 10. Apocalypse Then
  • 1. Camp Redwood
    In the summer of 1984, five friends escape Los Angeles to work as counselors at Camp Redwood. As they adjust to their new jobs, they quickly learn that the only thing scarier than campfire tales is the past coming to haunt you.
  • 2. Mr. Jingles
    Darkness descends upon the camp. Although it’s lights out, evil has no curfew.
  • 3. Slashdance
    Imitation is the best form of tragedy. Coming clean can be pretty messy.
  • 4. True Killers
    Mr. Jingles closes in on the one who got away as the counselors rally to escape Camp Redwood.
  • 5. Red Dawn
    As twilight broaches, the survivors brace for a final brawl.
  • 6. Episode 100
    With the horrors of the night behind them the survivors deal with the fallout of their choices.
  • 7. The Lady in White
    A hidden chapter of Camp Redwood is revealed. The survivors help a stranded hitchhiker.
  • 8. Rest in Pieces
    A deadly trio emerges, hell-bent on unleashing a new era at Camp Redwood. Our former counselors desperately try to keep history from repeating itself.
  • 9. Final Girl
    Camp Redwood draws in a lost soul looking for closure.
  • 1. Cape Fear
    A struggling writer, his pregnant wife, and their daughter move to an isolated beach town for the winter. Once they're settled in, the town's true residents begin to make themselves known.
  • 2. Pale
    A quick fix for Harry's writer's block has unexpected side effects. Two eccentric locals offer Harry a helping hand.
  • 3. Thirst
    Harry's newfound talent brings an unexpected visitor to town. Alma decides to take matters into her own hands.
  • 4. Blood Buffet
    The dark history of Provincetown and its residents are brought to light.
  • 5. Gaslight
    Harry struggles to keep Alma under control. Doris is pushed past her limits.
  • 6. Winter Kills
    Ursula devises a sinister plan. The Gardners write their final act.
  • 7. Take Me To Your Leader
    A group of college students on a camping trip are swept up in a horrifying and deadly conspiracy decades in the making.
  • 8. Inside
    The President struggles with the morality of a deal he must make.
  • 9. Blue Moon
    An unexpected visitor arrives at the White House and reveals the details of a very horrific plan.
  • 10. The Future Perfect
    Mamie takes matters into her own hands. The fate of the future is revealed.
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