American Gods

  • 평점: 8.10
  • 발행 연도: 2017
  • 장르: , Fantasy
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 53 분
  • 복잡성: 9

만약 옛날 신들이 새로운 신들을 만나면 어떤 일이 벌어질까? 감옥에서 갓 출소한 쉐도우는 수요일이라는 낮선 남자를 만나게 된다. 그리고 싸움이 시작된다.

  • 1. The Bone Orchard
    When Shadow Moon is released from prison early after the death of his wife, he meets Mr. Wednesday and is recruited as his bodyguard. Shadow discovers that this may be more than he bargained for.
  • 2. The Secret of Spoons
    As Mr. Wednesday beings recruitment for the coming battle, Shadow Moon travels with him to Chicago and agrees to a very high stakes game of checkers with the old Slavic god, Czernobog.
  • 3. Head Full of Snow
    Shadow questions the terms of his employment when Mr. Wednesday informs him of his plan to rob a bank (because, naturally, every army needs a source of funding). And just when Shadow thought his life couldn’t get any more complicated, he returns to his motel room to a surprising discovery.
  • 4. Git Gone
    Alternating between the past and the present, Laura’s life and death are explored—how she met Shadow, how she died, and how exactly she came to be sitting on the edge of his motel room bed.
  • 5. Lemon Scented You
    Trying to work things out with his dead and unfaithful wife, Shadow's emotional reunion is interrupted when he and Mr. Wednesday are kidnapped by the New Gods.
  • 6. A Murder of Gods
    On the run after the New Gods' show of force, Shadow and Mr. Wednesday seek safe haven with one of Mr. Wednesday's oldest friends, Vulcan, God of the Fire and the Forge.
  • 7. A Prayer for Mad Sweeney
    Her brief reunion with Shadow over far too quickly, Laura turns to an unlikely travel companion to find her way back to life, and back to Shadow. Mad Sweeney's long, winding, and often tragic past is explored.
  • 8. Come to Jesus
    On the eve of war, Mr. Wednesday must recruit one more Old God: Ostara, ne Easter, Goddess of the Dawn, but winning her over will require making a good impression, and that is where Mr. Nancy comes in.
  • 0. Episode
  • 1. House on the Rock
    Following the epic showdown at Easter's party, Mr. Wednesday continues his quest to pitch the case for war to the Old Gods. Meanwhile, Mr. World plans revenge and Technical Boy goes on the hunt for Media.
  • 2. The Beguiling Man
    Promising vengeance for the death of a beloved old god, Mr. Wednesday begins preparation for a great battle. Meanwhile Laura and Mad Sweeney chase Shadow’s diminishing light after his disappears. The Jinn and Salim set out to retrieve the Gungnir spear, and Shadow encounters an associate of Mr. World.
  • 3. Muninn
    As he is tracked by Mr. World, Shadow makes his way to Cairo, thanks to a ride from Sam Black Crow. Mr. Wednesday slyly gains Laura’s help in forging an alliance with a powerful god. Mr. World introduces Technical Boy to New Media and assigns them a very important task.
  • 4. The Greatest Story Ever Told
    While Shadow and Mr. Wednesday take a secret meeting in St. Louis, Bilquis arrives at the funeral home in Cairo, where she engages in a debate with Mr. Nancy and Mr. Ibis. Laura rejoins Mad Sweeney, and Tech Boy pays a visit to his first worshipper.
  • 5. The Ways of the Dead
    Shadow learns the ways of the dead with the help of Mr. Ibis and Mr. Nancy. In New Orleans, Mad Sweeney introduces Laura to old friends who share their world of voodoo healing. Mr. Wednesday embarks on a road trip with Salim and the Jinn.
  • 6. Donar the Great
    Shadow and Mr. Wednesday seek out Dvalin to repair the Gungnir spear. But before the dwarf is able to etch the runes of war, he requires a powerful artifact in exchange. On the journey, Wednesday tells Shadow the story of Donar the Great.
  • 7. Treasure of the Sun
    In Cairo, Mr. Wednesday entrusts Shadow with the Gungnir spear. Mad Sweeney recalls his journey through the ages as he awaits his promised battle. Once again, he warns Shadow about Wednesday. Meanwhile, Laura receives sage advice from Mama-Ji.
  • 8. Moon Shadow
    Shadow is tormented by recent events and Wednesday has disappeared. Those that remain witness the power of New Media as she is unleashed, and the nation is enveloped in a state of panic brought on by Mr. World.
  • 1. A Winters Tale
    After months apart, Wednesday reappears in Shadow's life, resolved to drag him back into his war effort. A meeting with the god Wisakedjak leaves Shadow with a prophecy about his destiny.
  • 2. Serious Moonlight
    Shadow's attempt to break away from Mr. Wednesday and the brewing war is thwarted by the secrets of the Gods — both Old and New.
  • 3. Ashes and Demons
    As the search for the missing girl continues, Shadow dreams of Bilquis. Wednesday discovers the whereabouts of his old love, the Greek goddess Demeter, and resolves to free her from the grip of an unscrupulous antagonist.
  • 4. The Unseen
    Shadow and Technical Boy team up to search for Bilquis, who finds herself captive and in the midst of a crisis of identity. Wednesday visits the local chapter of notorious biker gang Lords of Valhalla.
  • 5. Sister Rising
    Shadow explores notions of purpose, destiny and identity with a newly enlightened Bilquis. Elsewhere, Technical Boy struggles with an identity crisis of his own. Wednesday asks Shadow to assist in a new con.
  • 6. Conscience of The King
    Despite his past following him to Lakeside, Shadow makes himself at home and builds relationships within the town. Laura and Salim continue to hunt for Wednesday, who attempts one final gambit to win over Demeter.
  • 7. Fire and Ice
    In Lakeside, Shadow grows closer with Marguerite and uncovers the surprising truth behind a local crime spree. Wednesday makes his own shocking discovery. Laura and Salim negotiate with the enemy of their enemy.
  • 8. The Rapture of Burning
    Laura and Salim's quest forces them outside of their comfort zones as they learn to let go of their pasts. Shadow is surprised by a new side of Wednesday, while Technical Boy attempts to escape the prison of his own mind.
  • 9. The Lake Effect
    Shadow has to decide the price he's willing to pay for his idyllic Lakeside life. As Laura and her new ally close in on her target, Wednesday has to persuade Czernobog that it's time to make peace with their enemies.
  • 10. Tears of the Wrath-Bearing Tree
    Teetering on the edge of war and peace, the gods gather to mourn a loss. Bilquis' divine journey brings her to an unexpected revelation, while Shadow finally embraces destiny.
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