Как я встретил вашу маму

  • Рейтинг: 8,40
  • Год выпуска: 2005
  • Жанры: Роман, Комедия
  • Страны: Соединенные штаты
  • Время: 22 минут
  • Сложность: 9

Главный герой Тед Мосби рассказывает детям историю знакомства с женщиной своей мечты. Ну что поделать,  если рассказ затянулся на 9 сезонов?  

  • 1. Pilot
    It's the year 2030 and an older Ted Mosby is telling the story to his son and daughter about how he met and will eventually marry their mother. This is where we meet for the first time Ted, Lily Marshall, Barney and Robin.
  • 2. Purple Giraffe
    After telling Robin that “He loves her”, things fall apart for she and Ted and he figures that it's all over for the two of them, but not for long as Ted finds out from Lily after she met Robin that she (Robin) likes him and Ted tries once again to win her affections, by throwing a party at his and Marshall's place, but it turns into 3 parties in 3 nights, when Robin was a no show for the first 2. Meanwhile, after Lily said yes to Marshall's marriage proposal, she has become extra affectionate to him in the bedroom and Marshall is worrying about finishing a huge paper…
  • 3. The Sweet Taste of Liberty
    Rather than go to McLaren's, their usual hangout, Barney convinces Ted to go to the airport with him to “pick someone up”. It turns out that they're there to pick up some girls. While doing this, they fly to Philadelphia, get arrested by airport security and that's when Ted starts to wonder why he ends up in these adventures with Barney. Meanwhile Marshall has studying to do, so Lily and Robin do a girls night out and Lily notices guys are buying drinks and try talking to Robin, so Lily starts to wonder what it would be like to have her engagement ring off, and with …
  • 4. Return of the Shirt
    Ted dated a girl, Natalie, three years ago and quickly got annoyed by some of her antics. Therefore he broke up with her, leaving a message on her answering machine on her birthday. His blamed his behavior on his immaturity and after being forgiven by Natalie they end up getting back together. Robin meanwhile realizes that no one is interested in her show and plans to do or say crazy things which Barney dares her to.
  • 5. Okay Awesome
    Robin manages to get into OK, an ultra hip exclusive nightclub. Ted and Barney will be going with her, but not Marshall and Lily, as they have been doing a lot of “Classy grown-up things”, as she referred it to and thinks it may be time for she and Marshall to grow up and put behind the things they used to do back in college. While at the club, Robin runs into problems as she cannot get into the VIP Room, then while outside trying to get it straightened out,a different front door bouncer will not let her in, even though she is on their list to get in, but her name is …
  • 6. The Slutty Pumpkin
    On Halloween, Robin and her new boyfriend Mike meet for a Double Date with Lily and Marshall, who are eager to win the costume contest. Robin turns out as someone who is not so much into “couple things” so the dinner is not as pleasant as expected. Barney actually wants to take Ted with him to a Victoria Secret's Party, but Ted heads for a party on the roof of his apartment house, where he a few years ago met a beautiful woman, which is just called the “slutty pumpkin”. Eager to meet her again, because he never had the change to call her because he lost her number, he…
  • 7. Matchmaker
    Barney takes Ted to matchmaker Ellen Pierce, but while Barney gets thrown out, Ellen promises to find a woman for Ted within three days. This promise has disastrous results: the woman that suits him the best has already a boyfriend. Lily and Marshall have problems with some sort of cockroach or mouse that is in the apartment and they cannot get rid of.
  • 8. The Duel
    Lily moves in with Ted and Marshall and although it was Ted's idea to ask Lily to move in, he starts to worry that the apartment changes too much with Lily there. Another issue for Ted is who will keep the apartment after Lily and Marshall got married. In the end, a real fight starts between Ted and Marshall over the apartment.
  • 9. Belly Full of Turkey
    It's Thanksgiving and while Lily and Marshall visit his family in Minnesota, Robin and Ted want to volunteer at a homeless shelter kitchen. Surprisingly, Robin and Ted meet Barney at the kitchen, who has been doing volunteer work for the past few years. At the kitchen, Ted meets Amanda, who seems to be a quite nice girl until everything turns out to be different. Lily has some issues with Marshall's family and is unsure about how her future with Marshall will look like.
  • 10. The Pineapple Incident
    In 2030, Ted admits to his kids that he doesn't remember all the stories from his past, with what he and Marshall call “the pineapple incident” being one of the more fuzzier ones. In late 2005, in the still short time their group of friends has included Robin, she is onto yet another guy (this time a multi-multi-millionaire) while Ted has barely had any women. Barney thinks it's because Ted over-analyzes every situation. So to lower Ted's inhibitions, Barney, Marshall and Lily think it would do Ted some good if he downed all five shots that Carl the bartender has …
  • 11. The Limo
    It's New Year's Eve 2005 and Ted spends a large portion of his Christmas bonus for a limo for he and the gang. In addition, he has outlined a plan how they will ring in the New Year. Unfoirtunatley, things don't always go as planned.
  • 12. The Wedding
    Ted is searching for a date for a wedding. He asks Robin to come with him to the wedding as his “date” and she says yes. Problems evolve when the bride-to-be Claudia tells him he didn't check “plus one” on the reply card and forbids him to bring someone along to the wedding. Ted now has problems to tell Robin that she cannot come with him and asks the Stu, Claudia's future husband, if he can bring a “date” and he says “yes”. This leads to further problems.
  • 13. Drumroll, Please
    Ted meets a beautiful woman named Victoria at Claudia's and Stu's wedding and they spend a great time together that night. Unfortunately, Ted and Victoria made a deal that they will never see each other again after that night and they do not exchange telephone numbers or anything else. The morning after the wedding party, Ted wants desperately to see the girl again. So he starts searching for her and asks anyone from the wedding who could have possibly know her, but she seems to be lost.
  • 14. Zip, Zip, Zip
    Ted and Victoria had decided to wait for one month before sleeping together, but Victoria forgets that she'll be out of town on that day. Meanwhile Marshall and Lily celebrate their nine year anniversary, and Barney and Robin have a bros night out.
  • 15. Game Night
    During a game night Robin gets to meet Victoria. What actually was planned to be a funny night turns quite serious when Barney's former love Shannon gives an old tape to Lily which shows the “real” Barney. While watching the tape an embarrassed Barney storms off. When he returns, Barney tells a story from 1998, when he seems to have been a whole different person, and what made him the person he is today. To make Barney feel better, all others also tell their most embarrassing stories.
  • 16. Cupcake
    Victoria is about to leave to go to Germany for two years for a donate fellowship. Ted doesn't know if he should her ask to stay or if he should tell her to leave. Marshall needs a new suit and Barney helps him. Meanwhile, Robin and Victoria accompany Lily to a wedding dress fitting and also the girls talk about whether Victoria should leave Ted or not.
  • 17. Life Among the Gorillas
    After a month of long-distance-relationship with Victoria, she's already sent Ted three care packages full of stuff he likes, but he hasn't sent her any. Marshall works in Barney's office and doesn't like it all or the people he works with, but Barney talks him once again into keeping the job. Marshall decides that it must be easier to work in the office if he adapts to the people he is working with and gets some “get psyched” training from Barney.
  • 18. Nothing Good Happens After 2 AM
    After having quite a rough day and being a little drunk, Robin calls Ted in the middle of the night and asks him if he wants to come over to her place. Ted, of course, says that he will come. On his way to Robin's apartment, Ted starts to ask himself if it is okay to go to Robin since he still has got his girlfriend Victoria and asks his friends for advice.
  • 19. Mary the Paralegal
    Robin invites everybody to a banquet and Ted is insecure about bringing a date or not. Barney offers to hook him up with a prostitute while Robin brings a real date. Ted pretends to be cool with the fact that Robin has moved on, but Robin's date is her sleazy colleague Sandy Rivers whom Ted and Marshall constantly make jokes about when watching him on TV. With all these people in the same room, the evening seems to be getting interesting.
  • 20. Best Prom Ever
    Marshall and Lily finally have got the perfect place they always wanted to get married at. The only problematic thing about this is that the place is only available in two months. So, this means a lot of work for everybody. To listen to a band Marshall wants to play at the wedding, Lily,Barney and Robin sneak into a High School prom. While the other three are at the prom, Marshall and Ted, who had actually planned a “men's night”, are wrapping up wedding invitations until Lily wants Marshall to come to the prom too. Of course, Ted comes along too.
  • 21. Milk
    It's Ted's 28th birthday and he still keeps looking for the perfect girl. Apparantly he is about to find her since the matchmaker he once hired to find him a partner has finally found the perfect match. When he is about to meet her, Lily calls him because she is in trouble. Marshall gets himself into an office war between Barney and some guy named “Clark Butterfield” in which the guys do all kinds of gross things to each other.
  • 22. Come On
    Ted makes a final attempt to win Robin's heart. Marshall and Lily's relationship is in jeopardy.
  • 1. Where Were We?
    Marshall becomes predictably depressed and pathetic after the breakup. And it only gets worse when he discovers that Lily may be back in town.
  • 2. The Scorpion and the Toad
    Barney gets Marshall back out on the singles market, but Barney keeps taking all the prospects from him. And Ted's convinced that Lily is back because she wants Marshall back, even though she says she's never been better.
  • 3. Brunch
    Ted discovers that his parents are keeping a secret from him after his dad acts as Barney's wingman, and Marshall and Lily intentionally try to get each other sexually aroused.
  • 4. Ted Mosby, Architect
    Barney tells Ted that single women like architects. But will Ted use this useful tidbit of information to cheat on Robin after they have their first fight?
  • 5. World's Greatest Couple
    Lily gets introduced to Barney's bachelor pad when she needs a place to stay, and Marshall finds a unlikely new friend to join him for brunch, concerts and musicals.
  • 6. Aldrin Justice
    Ted gets Lily a job at his firm, but she only makes trouble for Ted when he refuses to stand up to his boss. And Barney sleeps with Marshall's law school professor to help his grades, but she's less than impressed with his prowess.
  • 7. Swarley
    The guys tell Marshall to stay away from his new date because she has “crazy eyes,” but she couldn't be any crazier than Lily after she learns that Marshall's going out on his first new date.
  • 8. Atlantic City
    Marshall and Lily elope to Atlantic City, but they discover that getting married in Atlantic City isn't as easy as getting married in Las Vegas
  • 9. Slap Bet
    The gang discovers that Robin's been hiding a huge secret, but they have no idea what it is. Marshall thinks she is married, and Barney thinks she was a porn star.
  • 10. Single Stamina
    Barney's gay black brother is in town, but he doesn't want to tell Barney that he's getting married because he'll be losing his only single sidekick.
  • 11. How Lily Stole Christmas
    Lily takes away her Christmas display after she finds out that Ted called her a bad name while she was broken up with Marshall, and Barney is too sick for his Christmas plans.
  • 12. First Time in New York
    Robin tries to keep her younger sister from losing her virginity while on vacation in New York, which causes everyone to reminisce about their first times.
  • 13. Columns
    Barney asks Lily to paint a nude picture of him after finding her painting of Marshall. And Ted can't find an opportune time to fire his old boss, who now works for him but still keeps undermining his work.
  • 14. Monday Night Football
    Everybody misses the Super Bowl because of a funeral. Therefore, they all try to go 24 hours without finding out who won so that they can watch the game together on Monday night.
  • 15. Lucky Penny
    When Ted misses his important business trip to Chicago, he tries to trace his steps back to the original incident that triggered the series of events that made him miss the flight.
  • 16. Stuff
    Ted to gets rid of everything he received from other women at Robin's request, but getting rid of the stuff Robin received from other men won't be as easy. Meanwhile, Barney gets revenge on Lily for making him attend her terrible play.
  • 17. Arrivederci, Fiero
    When Marshall's car doesn't quite make it to 200,000 miles without dying completely, everybody reminisces about their greatest memories with the car.
  • 18. Moving Day
    Ted and Robin decide to move in together, but nobody appears to be happy with the new living arrangements–especially Barney.
  • 19. Bachelor Party
    Ted changes Barney's bachelor party plans for Marshall at the last minute, so that it won't just consist of gambling and cheap strippers. And Robin gets Lily an inappropriate shower party gift.
  • 20. Showdown
    Barney becomes a contestant on “The Price Is Right” so that he can confront Bob Barker, because he is believes that the game show host is his biological father.
  • 21. Something Borrowed
    Marshall and Lily's wedding is destined to become a disaster, until fate intervenes and makes it perfect.
  • 22. Something Blue
    As the happy couple celebrate their wedding, Ted and Robin tell Barney about the latest development of their relationship.
  • 1. Wait for It
    Ted's still not ready to date months after his breakup with Robin. But when Robin returns to New York with an exotic new boyfriend, he decides it's time to finally do something adventurous.
  • 2. We're Not from Here
    Ted and Barney pose as tourists to pick up on a couple of New York women, and Robin starts getting fed up with her new boyfriend.
  • 3. Third Wheel
    Ted has a chance for a threesome with two women, but Barney and Lily try to sabotage it. Meanwhile, Robin's date also goes better than expected, if only she can find a razor.
  • 4. Little Boys
    Robin tries to date a guy with a child, even though she does not like or want children. Meanwhile, Ted finds it impossible to make it with a woman he knows that Barney slept with a year ago.
  • 5. How I Met Everyone Else
    While everyone meets Ted's new crazy girlfriend, everyone recounts their stories of how they met everyone else. But the stories turn out to have several inconsistencies.
  • 6. I'm Not That Guy
    Ted discovers that a porn star is using his name. Marshall is wined and dined by a firm that defends polluters, and Lily's spending habits may force him to take the job.
  • 7. Dowisetrepla
    Marshall and Lily decide to buy a new home, which forces Lily to finally confront Marshall about her credit card debt.
  • 8. Spoiler Alert
    The guys shatter Ted's impressions of his new girlfriend by telling him she talks too much. Ted responds by turning the tables on his friends, and they react by pointing out Ted's worst flaw.
  • 9. Slapsgiving
    Marshall warns Barney that the third slap in their “slap bet” will be coming on Thanksgiving night. Meanwhile, Ted and Robin sleep together on the night before Thanksgiving.
  • 10. The Yips
    Barney has trouble hitting on women at the Victoria's Secret after party and so has to return to the woman who took his virginity.
  • 11. The Platinum Rule
    Barney and the gang try to convince Ted not to date the doctor that is removing his tattoo by giving examples of the Platinum Rule.
  • 12. No Tomorrow
    On St-Patrick's Day, Ted follows Barney to a bar to party like there's no tomorrow, while Robin discovers something strange about Marshall and Lily's new apartment.
  • 13. Ten Sessions
    As the search for Mrs. Right continues, Ted woos his dermatologist Stella – but her receptionist, Abby, seems more interested in him.
  • 14. The Bracket
    One of Barney's exes is sabotaging his love life, but he doesn't know who. So he makes a NCAA Basketball Tournament-style bracket to figure out which women he wronged the worst.
  • 15. The Chain of Screaming
    Marshall cries in front of his boss after he chews him out, and everybody gives Marshall their own unique advice on how to confront his boss about the situation.
  • 16. Sandcastles in the Sand
    Robin gives romance a second try with an old boyfriend, only to have him break her heart…again.
  • 17. The Goat
    Barney is upset because he violated his own “bro code” by sleeping with Robin. How will Ted react when he learns that Barney slept with his ex-girlfriend?
  • 18. Rebound Bro
    Barney finds a new wingman to replace Ted, but he's painfully shy and awkward around women. Meanwhile Ted discovers that his new girlfriend Stella hasn't had sex in 5 years.
  • 19. Everything Must Go
    Barney helps Abby get back at Ted by staging a fake proposal, but Abby doesn't realize that it's fake. Lily decides to sell some of her paintings so that she and Marshall can pay for floor repairs at their new place.
  • 20. Miracles
    Ted breaks up with Stella but immediately wants to take it back after a life-changing experience. However, Stella doesn't realize that he broke up with her. Meanwhile, Barney has a serious accident on his way to see Ted in the hospital.
  • 1. Do I Know You?
    Ted and Stella get engaged, but Ted soon learns that he doesn't know anything about her. Meanwhile, Barney confesses to Lily that he's in love with Robin
  • 2. The Best Burger in New York
    Marshall claims that he had the best hamburger in the world during his first week in New York City, but he forgot where the burger joint is located. The gang then hits the streets of Manhattan to help him find it.
  • 3. I Heart NJ
    Ted does not want to move in with Stella because he hates New Jersey. Robin prematurely quits her TV job because she incorrectly thinks that she already has a new job.
  • 4. Intervention
    Ted, Robin, Marshall, and Lily all begin getting cold feet because of their imminent life changes, and Barney tries to prove that he can pick up a woman while posing as an 80-year-old man.
  • 5. Shelter Island
    Ted and Stella move up their wedding date, but the wedding may not go off as planned after Ted breaks the “No Exes Rule” and invites Robin to come in from Japan for the wedding.
  • 6. Happily Ever After
    The gang tries to hide from Stella when they discover that they are eating at the same restaurant.
  • 7. Not a Father's Day
    While Barney celebrates a pregnancy false alarm, Marshall and Lily try to figure out if it's time to have a baby.
  • 8. Woooo!
    Lily is disappointed to discover that Robin is secretly a “Woooo! Girl,” and Barney secretly sabotages Ted's chance to get the contract to design a new bank skyscraper.
  • 9. The Naked Man
    When the gang learns that a bold, desperation date move got Robin into bed, Ted and Barney decide to try it out for themselves.
  • 10. The Fight
    The guys get invited to fight alongside Doug the Bartender. However, the fight doesn't go exactly how they imagined it to.
  • 11. Little Minnesota
    Ted tries to keep his irresponsible sister from hooking up with Barney during her trip to New York, and Robin starts hanging out with Marshall at a bar for Minnesotans, not telling them that she's really Canadian.
  • 12. Benefits
    Ted and Robin discover that sex with each other solve their fights as roommates, which makes Barney very jealous and angry. Meanwhile, Marshall reveals that he's too embarrassed to use the office bathroom.
  • 13. Three Days of Snow
    During a historic blizzard, Ted and Barney get an opportunity to run their own bar, while Marshall and Lily try to defy the odds and continue one of their cherished traditions.
  • 14. The Possimpible
    Robin needs to find a television job in seven days or else she loses her work visa, and Barney volunteers to come to her aid. Meanwhile, Ted, Marshall, and Lily consider cleaning up their resumes
  • 15. The Stinsons
    The guys find out that Barney is pretending to have a wife and son to make his mother happy, but the charade is blown when Ted makes a move on Barney's “wife.”
  • 16. Sorry, Bro
    Ted meets with his ex-girlfriend from college–a girlfriend who cheated on him constantly and Marshall and Lily can't stand, and Marshall tells the story about how he forgot to bring his pants to work.
  • 17. The Front Porch
    Ted becomes angry with Lily when he finds out that she has been sabotaging all his relationships that she did not approve of, including his relationship with Robin.
  • 18. Old King Clancy
    Barney and Marshall don't tell Ted that the plans for the building he has been working on have been scrapped, and the guys try to figure out which Canadian celebrity Robin slept with.
  • 19. Murtaugh
    Barney tries to do all the items on Ted's “I'm to old for this stuff” list, while Marshall's over-competitive side comes out when he coaches Lily's Kindergarten basketball team.
  • 20. Mosbius Designs
    Ted's plans to make his own design firm in his apartment hit a snag when his personal assistant begins sleeping with Robin, and Marshall tries to find a way to make himself indispensable at his workplace.
  • 21. The Three Days Rule
    Ted gets around the three-day rule by texting a woman he just met, but he doesn't realize that he's actually texting Barney and Marshall.
  • 22. Right Place Right Time
    Ted recounts the series of random events that lead up to the chance meeting with the woman who would eventually become his wife.
  • 23. As Fast as She Can
    Stella's boyfriend Tony breaks up with her after having a conversation with Ted, prompting Stella to come back to Ted with a surprising request.
  • 24. The Leap
    While Ted struggles with an unorthodox architecture project, Robin finds out that Barney is in love with her, and Marshall threatens to take a long-considered leap from the roof to a neighboring building.
  • 1. Definitions
    As Ted begins his new career as a professor and is about to meet his future wife, Lily forces Barney and Robin to have “the talk” and define their new relationship.
  • 2. Double Date
    Ted goes on a blind date with the same woman he went on a blind date with seven years ago, and Barney and Marshall find Lily's stripper look-alike.
  • 3. Robin 101
    When Robin fears that Barney is cheating on her, she soon discovers that he is spending his evenings with Ted learning everything there is to know on how to date her
  • 4. The Sexless Innkeeper
    When Lily and Marshall realize that Robin and Barney are the perfect double-date friends, they try too hard to impress and come on too strong. Meanwhile, Ted gets a new nickname from Barney after an unsuccessful hook-up.
  • 5. Duel Citizenship
    Ever since Marshall and Lily got married, Ted feels that his “best bro” Marshall has turned from being a “me” to a “we”. That's why Ted is so excited when Marshall agrees to recreate one of their crazy college road trips to Chicago's Gazola's pizza joint, which is closing. But this trip is not quite what Ted was expecting as Marshall invites Lily. As Lily's presence changes the nature of the road trip, Ted tries to regain what he wanted this trip to be. Meanwhile, Robin may be deported unless she becomes a US citizen. Robin, a patriotic Canadian, isn't sure if she …
  • 6. Bagpipes
    Despite their best efforts to be the perfect couple, Barney's know-it-all attitude gets him in trouble with Robin and they are forced to ask Marshall and Lily for relationship advice.
  • 7. The Rough Patch
    After Barney and Robin hit a rough patch in their relationship, Lily devises the perfect plan to break them up, calling in help from Robin's famous friend, Alan Thicke.
  • 8. The Playbook
    When Barney hooks up with a woman Lily had been saving for Ted, she gets revenge by stealing his “playbook,” which contains all the moves he uses to pick up women. But will Barney have the last laugh?
  • 9. Slapsgiving 2: Revenge of the Slap
    Barney freaks out when Marshall bequeaths a “slap bet” slap to Ted and Robin. Meanwhile, Lily's estranged father shows up for Thanksgiving.
  • 10. The Window
    Maggie a girl next door Ted has wanted to date for years has suddenly broken up with her latest boyfriend, giving him and many other guys a chance to score with her.
  • 11. Last Cigarette Ever
    Although he vowed to Robin and Marshall that he would never tell them, Ted finally tells his kids that at one time both Robin and Marshall used to smoke. In 2009, they both felt like they had good reason to do so. Marshall, only an occasional smoker, always said that each cigarette was his last. But when his old boss, the meanest man nicknamed Artillery Arthur, became his new boss, he thought he was going to be fired - again. So when Marshall found out that Arthur was a smoker, Marshall used it as a bonding mechanism to keep his job. Robin, at the time anchoring the …
  • 12. Girls Vs. Suits
    Barney chooses between wearing suits and sleeping with a sexy bartender. Meanwhile, Ted gets ever closer to meeting “the mother”.
  • 13. Jenkins
    When Marshall finds out he's the “reacher” in his relationship with Lily and not the “settler,” he considers pursuing a sexy and cool female coworker. Meanwhile, Ted finds out Robin is a drinking game for his architecture students.
  • 14. Perfect Week
    When Barney is about to complete the perfect week - landing seven different girls in seven days - the gang roots him on in order to forget about their own miserable week.
  • 15. Rabbit or Duck
    Barney runs into problems when he displays his cell phone number during the Super Bowl, Ted asks Marshall and Lily to arrange a marriage for him, and Robin thinks that her co-anchor has asked her out on a date.
  • 16. Hooked
    When the gang tries to convince Ted that he is being strung along by Tiffany, they reflect about relationships where each of them has been in the same situation.
  • 17. Of Course
    After the guys discover that Robin deliberately got Barney hooked up with an incompatible female writer, they find out that that they didn't realize that Robin hasn't been handling their breakup very well.
  • 18. Say Cheese
    Ted angers Lily when he brings a random date to her birthday party, so she is forced to remind him of all the other random women he has brought along to important functions, only to discover that they weren't “the one.”
  • 19. Zoo or False
    Marshall comes up with a number of different outrageous and embarrassing stories to explain how he was mugged in Central Park, but which of his stories is the truth?
  • 20. Home Wreckers
    Ted reacts to his mom's second wedding by making the capricious decision to buy his “dream house,” while everyone tries to figure out whether Barney or Robin cried at the wedding.
  • 21. Twin Beds
    As Robin contemplates moving in with her new boyfriend Don, Ted and Barney both decide that they want her back. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily think they've revolutionized modern marriage when they begin sleeping in separate beds.
  • 22. Robots Vs. Wrestlers
    Barney is worried that the old gang is falling apart when Ted blows off a “Wrestlers vs. Robots” competition so that he can stay at a snobby party.
  • 23. The Wedding Bride
    Ted is livid when he discovers that the man Stella left Ted for at the altar wrote a blockbuster movie about the incident, and portrays Ted as the bumbling, mean-spirited bad guy.
  • 24. Doppelgangers
    Marshall and Lily think they've spotted Barney's doppelganger, which means that they can start trying to have a baby, but it's really Barney in disguise. Meanwhile, Ted goes blonde and Robin considers taking an anchor job in Chicago.
  • 1. Big Days
    Ted musters up the courage to talk to a girl at the bar, but then discovers she's there with one of his exes. Meanwhile, Lily is mad at Marshall because he told his dad they're trying to have a baby, and Robin lets herself go.
  • 2. Cleaning House
    The gang accompanies Barney and his brother James after they find the man who may be Barney's father, but it turns out to be James' father instead.
  • 3. Unfinished
    When Ted declines Barney's offer to design the new GNB building, Barney ties to woo him by using all of his best womanizing tactics. Meanwhile, Robin is still not over her relationship with Don and drunk dials him.
  • 4. Subway Wars
    The guys race each other, each using a different form of transportation, from the pub to a restaurant seven miles away because a friend claims that Woody Allen is there.
  • 5. Architect of Destruction
    Is Ted having second thoughts about designing GNB's new skyscraper because it would tear down a landmark, or because he's trying to impress a woman? Meanwhile, Lily shares a secret about Robin's new boyfriend with Marshall.
  • 6. Baby Talk
    Marshall takes steps to make sure that he and Lily have a baby boy, but Lily has other ideas. Meanwhile, when Ted begins dating Robin's co-anchor, Barney is inspired to use baby talk to pick up women, and Robin feels betrayed.
  • 7. Canning Randy
    Marshall struggles to fire an incompetent employee, everyone tries to figure out whom Robin slept with Halloween night, and Zoey, the GNB skyscraper protester, finds a way to turn Ted's class against him.
  • 8. Natural History
    Ted and Zoey's feud continues during a fundraiser at the Museum of Natural History. Meanwhile, Marshall confesses to Lily that he enjoys his job at GNB, and a prank by Barney and Robin may lead Barney to his real father.
  • 9. Glitter
    While Barney finds a new video from Robin's Canadian teen star past, Lily fears that a baby could come between her friendship with Robin. Meanwhile, Ted's obnoxious old friend, “Punchy,” comes from Cleveland for a visit.
  • 10. Blitzgiving
    When Ted leaves the bar early to prepare a Thanksgiving feast for his friends, the gang winds up partying all night with The Blitz, an old friend from college who has bad luck. As a result, Ted is forced to spend Thanksgiving with Zoey.
  • 11. The Mermaid Theory
    Ted goes on a boating trip with Zoey's husband, “The Captain.” Menawhile, Barney's “Mermaid Theory” prevents Marshal from having a nice dinner with Robin, and the narrator tries to recall the details of a fight between Lily and Barney.
  • 12. False Positive
    Barney and Robin contemplate drastic positive changes in their lives when Marshall and Lily announce that Lily is pregnant, but renege on their promises when Marshall and Lily tell them that it was a false positive.
  • 13. Bad News
    Marshall suspects that he is the reason Lily can't get pregnant after meeting a fertility doctor who also happens to be Barney's doppelganger. Meanwhile, Robin's embarrassing past is revealed at work by her former co-anchor.
  • 14. Last Words
    The gang tries to support Marshall and Lily tries to help his mom during Marshall's father's funeral, but Marshall becomes preoccupied when he discovers that he has one final voicemail message from him.
  • 15. Oh Honey
    Ted discovers that he is in love with Zoey after she tries to set him up on a date with her naive cousin, and he cuts off their friendship as a result. But little does he know that her marriage status has changed and she loves him too.
  • 16. Desperation Day
    Lily goes to Minnesota to bring Marshall back, but he's not ready to leave yet. Meanwhile, Ted and Zoey's relationship gets off to a rocky start, and Barney searches for a female “victim” the night before Valentine's Day.
  • 17. Garbage Island
    The Captain asks Ted to help find out who stole Zoey away from him, Marshall withholds sex until he does something to help the environment, and Barney is reluctant to admit that he has a crush on Robin's friend.
  • 18. A Change of Heart
    The gang gets mad at Barney when he lies to Nora and says he wants to get married and have a family to impress her, and Robin begins dating a guy who seems to possess several canine characteristics.
  • 19. Legendaddy
    Barney finally meets his biological father, but is disappointed to discover that he leads a boring life and is nothing like him.
  • 20. The Exploding Meatball Sub
    Despite Zoey still opposing the new GNB headquarters being built on the Arcadian Hotel site, Ted and Zoey's personal relationship is thriving. That issue is only one of the many disagreements in their life, which Ted likens to the two challenging each other mentally. On the other hand, he sees Marshall and Lily's relationship as being boring, as they agree on everything to the point of them almost melding into one person. Lily and Marshall, on the other hand, see their relationship as being supportive, the way that relationships should be, whereas they see Ted and …
  • 21. Hopeless
    When Barney tries to bond with his father, he asks the gang to help make his life seem more exciting by lying about their own lives. Meanwhile, Robin runs into a guy she has a crush on.
  • 22. The Perfect Cocktail
    When Marshall switches sides on the Arcadian dispute, his friendship with Barney is compromised and the gang is banned from the bar. Meanwhile, Ted finally finds the courage to confront Zoey about the same topic.
  • 23. Landmarks
    Ted is forced to make the final decision on whether he thinks The Arcadian should be declared a landmark, and his future with Zoey and Barney's future at GNB hinge on his decision.
  • 24. Challenge Accepted
    In the aftermath of Ted and Zoey's break-up, Ted is having second thoughts. He is freaking out about an issue with the GNB headquarters, and historically when Ted freaks out about something, he turns to dating an old girlfriend if only for something comfortable and familiar, however bad returning to that relationship ended up being. When Barney and Robin find out that Ted is going to meet Zoey to get back together with her, they have to try and figure out where that meeting place is so that they can stop him. Beyond piecing together this puzzle, Barney and Robin's …
  • 1. The Best Man
    While Barney prepares for his wedding to a mystery bride, he and Ted reminisce about Punchy's wedding, including when Marshall and Lily announced they were having a baby. Meanwhile, Robin considers telling Barney she has feelings for him.
  • 2. The Naked Truth
    Ted tries to choose a date for the Architect's Ball, an embarrassing Internet video could cost Marshall a new job, and Barney makes a bold move to prove to Nora that he's a changed man.
  • 3. Ducky Tie
    At the Architect's Ball, Ted runs into Victoria, who tells him that she's getting married. Meanwhile, Barney places an unlikely wager with Marshall and Lily in order to see Lily's breasts.
  • 4. The Stinson Missile Crisis
    Jealous over Barney's relationship with Nora, Robin tells her court-appointed therapist the series of events that led up to the assault that she committed.
  • 5. Field Trip
    Robin tries to date her therapist, Marshall thinks his boss has gone soft on environmentalism, Barney suspects that Nora may be lying about her age, and Ted takes his Intro to Architecture class on the worst field trip ever.
  • 6. Mystery vs. History
    Ted agrees to go on a date without researching each other on the Internet beforehand, Barney urges Marshall and Lily to find out and reveal the gender of their child, and Kevin tries but fails to avoid passing judgment on the group.
  • 7. Noretta
    Kevin's declaration that everybody marries their parents ruins Marshall and Lily's romantic evening, but will anything keep Barney from getting lucky with Nora? And will Kevin finally get fed up with Ted and Robin's close relationship?
  • 8. The Slutty Pumpkin Returns
    Ted finds his long lost crush from a Halloween party 10 years ago, but will there be any chemistry? Meanwhile, Lily's “pregnancy brain” convinces her to move to the suburbs, and Barney finds out he's one-quarter Canadian.
  • 9. Disaster Averted
    The gang explains to Kevin the origins of the “No boogie-boarding” sign in front of McClaren's, which has to do with hurricane Irene. Meanwhile, Barney negotiates with Marshall about how to get out of wearing the ducky tie.
  • 10. Tick Tick Tick
    Barney and Robin are afraid to break the news to Nora and Kevin that they cheated with each other and want to get back together, while Ted and Marshall get stoned together at a concert.
  • 11. The Rebound Girl
    While Robin tries to talk Marshall and Lily out of moving to Long Island, Ted and Barney make the decision to become “bro-parents.”
  • 12. Symphony of Illumination
    After Robin tells Barney that she's pregnant with his child, she receives some shocking news from her doctor. Meanwhile, a neighborhood teen plays a trick on Marshall while he decorates his house with Christmas lights.
  • 13. Tailgate
    After celebrating New Year's Eve, Marshall visits his father's graveside to carry on their tradition of tailgating. Meanwhile, Barney and Ted open a bar called “Puzzles,” and Robin is forced to fill in for an inebriated news anchor.
  • 14. 46 Minutes
    While Marshall and Lily spend their first night in their new home after deciding to permanently move to Long Island, Barney takes over as group leader in Manhattan–both with disastrous results.
  • 15. The Burning Beekeeper
    Lily and Marshall throw a housewarming party, where Ted nearly comes to blows with Marshall's boss, and Barney hits on a crazy divorcee.
  • 16. The Drunk Train
    Kevin proposes to Robin, but will he take it back when Robin tells him she can't have children? Meanwhile, Barney and Ted try to score on the “drunk train” to Long Island, but something is surprisingly holding Barney back.
  • 17. No Pressure
    While Ted waits to find out whether Robin loves him back, he discovers that Marshall and Lily have been trying to influence him in opposite directions to win a bet. Meanwhile, Barney tries to find Marshall and Lily's sex tape.
  • 18. Karma
    Barney gets played and heart-broken over a stripper named “Karma,” Robin becomes bored with her life on Long Island with Marshall and Lily, while Ted searches for a hobby to fill the empty space in Robin's old room.
  • 19. The Broath
    The gang tries to break up Barney and Quinn after learning they plan on moving in together, leaving Robin and Ted to fight over who deserves to sublet her apartment.
  • 20. Trilogy Time
    As Ted, Marshall, and Barney get together for their annual viewing of the original Star Wars trilogy, Ted begins to question if he will ever end up where he wants to be - especially now that Barney and Quinn are getting serious.
  • 21. Now We're Even
    Just as Ted starts to settle into his new apartment alone, Barney tries to entice him into going out every single night. Meanwhile, Lily has a naughty dream about someone other then Marshall, and Robin finally becomes a famous news anchor.
  • 22. Good Crazy
    Barney tries to set Ted up on dates so that he can forget about Robin, while also plotting to get Quinn out of her stripping job. Meanwhile, Lily sends Marshall on a getaway so that he will stop stressing over the baby.
  • 23. The Magician's Code
    Ted and Robin take care of Lily when she goes into labor because Marshall is drunk and stuck in Atlantic City with Barney.
  • 24. The Magician's Code (2)
    Ted is conflicted when Victoria approaches him on her wedding day and asks him to elope. Meanwhile, Barney and Quinn are arrested by airport security while on the way to Hawaii when Barney refuses to open a box they are travelling with.
  • 1. Farhampton
    Ted convinces Victoria to take a brief detour before they leave together after she leaves her fiancé at the altar, and Barney's engagement to Quinn may be short-lived after she finds about his past relationship with Robin.
  • 2. The Pre-Nup
    Barney's ridiculous pre-nup that he asks Quinn to sign gives the other guys ideas of their own, but the women find a way to retaliate.
  • 3. Nannies
    When Lily and Marshall have trouble finding a nanny, they learn it's because of an elaborate scheme Barney came up with to meet girls. Meanwhile, Robin and Ted butt heads over who has a more serious relationship.
  • 4. Who Wants to Be a Godparent
    When Lily and Marshall can't decide on godparents for Marvin, they put the gang to the test to see who would make the best one.
  • 5. The Autumn of Breakups
    As the season of break-ups continues, Ted and Victoria must choose the next step in their long and complicated relationship. Meanwhile, Robin worries about Barney when he chooses a dog to be his wingman.
  • 6. Splitsville
    When Robin is hesitant to break up with Nick, Barney takes matters into his own hands. Meanwhile, Lily and Marshall are desperate for some private time.
  • 7. The Stamp Tramp
    Marshall gets in the doghouse at work after he recommends a friend for a job, Robin helps Barney find a new strip club, and Ted is embarrassed after watching his video diary from college.
  • 8. Twelve Horny Women
    While Marshall faces the most important court case of his career against his new arch-nemesis, Brad Morris, the rest of the gang tries to figure out which one was the biggest bad-ass in their youth.
  • 9. Lobster Crawl
    Robin is determined to get Barney back no matter what it takes. Meanwhile, Ted fills in as Marvin's Nanny, leading Marshall and Lily to realize that Ted is using baby Marvin to replace his other baby…the GNB building.
  • 10. The Over-Correction
  • 11. The Final Page
    Ted wants to rub his new building in the face of an old professor, Barney is the victim of a lengthy jinx, Marshall and Lily run into an annoying old acquaintance, and Robin gets an opportunity to fire Patrice.
  • 12. The Final Page (2)
    Christmas approaches and Ted wrestles with whether to tell Robin about Barney's intentions involving Patrice, while Marshall and Lily get an early Yule gift, a night away from Marvin, but a case of separation anxiety strikes and threatens to ruin the evening.
  • 13. Band or DJ?
    Robin's dad denies Barney permission his daughter, Marshall and Lily deal with Marvin's constipation, and why is Ted so dead-set against hiring a band for Barney and Robin's wedding?
  • 14. Ring Up!
    Barney convinces Ted to sleep with a 20 year old until Barney learns her identity, Robin discovers that her engagement ring makes her invisible, and a leather cuff improves Marshall and Lily's love life.
  • 15. P.S. I Love You
    Robin's past as a Canadian pop star is revisited when Barney uncovers the lost episode of a music documentary series in which she was featured as Robin Sparkles. Marshall and Lily have some concerns about Ted's latest girlfriend.
  • 16. Bad Crazy
  • 17. The Ashtray
    When Ted receives an unexpected call from The Captain, the gang reminisced about their last awkward encounter with him.
  • 18. Weekend at Barney's
    Barney is forced to break out “The Playbook” one final time to keep Ted from getting back together with Jeanette and taking her to his wedding, and Marshall embarrasses Lily at an art exhibition.
  • 19. The Fortress
    It's weeks before Barney and Robin's wedding, and one of the many things they still have to decide is where to live. The one thing Robin insists is that they don't live at Barney's apartment. So it goes on the market. However, Barney doesn't want to sell it to just anyone, but someone who is worthy of what was and will always be in his heart his “Fortress of Barnitude”. Robin has a slightly different idea, which isn't as easy to achieve as she would like when she and others learn more and more about with what Barney has equipped his apartment.
  • 20. The Time Travelers
    Ted and Barney run into their future selves as they debate whether to go to “Wrestlers vs. Robots,” while Robin and Marshall argue over who gets credit for a new drink at McLaren's.
  • 21. Romeward Bound
    “The Captain” offers Lily a job in Rome, but will she take it? Meanwhile, Ted won't stop raving about the body of Barney and Robin's wedding planner.
  • 22. The Bro Mitzvah
    Ted and Marshall turn Barney's bachelor party into the worst night of his life, or is that exactly what they want him to believe?
  • 23. Something Old
    Robin searches for a locket that she buried in Central Park for her wedding, Ted helps Marshall and Lily pack for Italy, and Barney plays laser tag with his future father in law.
  • 24. Something New
    As the wedding approaches, Barney and Robin deliberately ruin an obnoxious couple's evening, Marshall and Lily's plans for Italy hit a snag, Ted tells Lily that he's moving to Chicago, and the “mother” buys her ticket to Farhampton.
  • 1. The Locket
    Lily meets an interesting person on the train to Farhampton, Marshall gets kicked off his flight to New York, Barney and Robin discover that they might be related, and Ted prepares do deliver a personal gift to Robin.
  • 2. Coming Back
    When James reveals that he is getting divorced, Robin worries about how Barney will take the news. Meanwhile, Marshall races to find a way to get to New York in time for the wedding, and Ted deals with being alone at a romantic hotel.
  • 3. Last Time in New York
    As both Robin and Barney's elderly relatives start to arrive in Farhamptom, both openly muse about their relatives' lives and that they are probably no longer doing it after all these years. So Robin and Barney decide they need to have sex one more time before marriage ruins the magic of the act. Locked out of their suite without any way to get to the lobby to get another key before they are spotted by said relatives who they know won't leave them alone once they see them, they try to find someplace - anyplace - in the inn to have that last pre-marriage sex without …
  • 4. The Broken Code
    Lily and Ted are carrying out their respective matron of honor and best man duties. Lily seems to be lax on carrying out her duties by forgetting to hit the send button on Robin's bridal shower evite. But Lily admits that the shower was a bit of a bust for another reason. Lily and Robin try to overcome that problem. On the other hand, Ted is doing whatever he can to be the best best man ever by accommodating Barney's every whim. But there is one thing that Ted may not be able to do for Barney, and that is not to have held Robin's hand at the carousel in the park, …
  • 5. The Poker Game
    Barney is upset after Robin wins James's wedding ring during the poker game, and Ted argues with Marshall and Lily over whether he gave them a wedding gift.
  • 6. Knight Vision
    When Ted finds himself with three prospects to be his date for the wedding weekend, he chooses poorly. Meanwhile, Barney and Robin have a confrontation with their minister, and Marshall learns more about his driving companion, Daphne.
  • 7. No Questions Asked
    When Daphne sends a troubling text message to Lily, Marshall enlists the gang's help to remove the message while enforcing the “No Questions Asked” rule.
  • 8. The Lighthouse
    When Robin and Loretta's conflict escalates, Barney is caught in the middle. Meanwhile, Marshall and Daphne deal with a stowaway on their road trip, and Ted and Cassie try to enjoy a trip to a lighthouse.
  • 9. Platonish
    Usually cold-hearted Robin is in tears over the news that her mother will not be attending the wedding. In trying to make Robin feel better, Ted, Barney and Lily each are brought back in their memory to a time six months earlier. Then, Lily noticed that the challenges that Barney always accepted in picking up women were those that he issued for himself. So Lily and Robin went on a quest to issue Barney challenges on picking up women that they believed he could not complete. This quest became an all night task. The one challenge that Barney felt like no challenge at …
  • 10. Mom and Dad
    Barney and James fight over which one of their fathers will get back together with their mom, Ted becomes a victim of “Zabkatage,” and Daphne becomes inexplicably upset with Marshall.
  • 11. Bedtime Stories
    On the bus to Farhampton, Marshall tells Marvin bedtime stories about Ted, Robin and Barney–all in rhyme.
  • 12. The Rehearsal Dinner
    Barney becomes fixated on having his rehearsal dinner at a laser tag arena, much to Robin's dismay. Meanwhile, Ted doesn't come through on a promise, which aggravates Lily.
  • 13. Bass Player Wanted
    The gang encounters a guy at the wedding who intentionally stirs up trouble among them, and Marshall finally arrives at the Farhampton Inn.
  • 14. Slapsgiving 3: Slappointment in Slapmarra
    In an attempt to deliver a devastating final slap to Barney, Marshall explains how he mastered the Slap of A Million Exploding Suns.
  • 15. Unpause
    When Barney drinks too much, Ted and Robin take advantage of him and get him to reveal secrets he's been hiding for years. Meanwhile, Marshall does everything he can to avoid fighting with Lily.
  • 16. How Your Mother Met Me
    The Mother recounts how she met Ted and what she's been up to for the past eight years.
  • 17. Sunrise
    While out looking for Barney on the day of the wedding, Robin and Ted reminisce about past relationships. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily finally resolve their issues and Barney befriends two young guys eager to meet women.
  • 18. Rally
    On their wedding day, Barney has a massive hangover. The gang tries to help him get over the hangover by finding the correct ingredients.
  • 19. Vesuvius
    On the wedding day, Lily and Robin have a disagreement. Meanwhile, The gang screens a movie Ted has forbidden them to watch.
  • 20. Daisy
    Marshall gets Barney and Ted to help him find out where Lily went when she walked out on their fight.
  • 21. Gary Blauman
    When Gary Blauman shows up at the wedding, it sends the gang into a frenzy as they each recall an encounter with him.
  • 22. The End of the Aisle
    With only half an hour to go, both Barney and Robin have panic attacks about their upcoming nuptials. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily rewrite their old wedding vows.
  • 23. Last Forever: Part One
    After Barney and Robin's wedding, Ted builds up the courage to approach “the mother” at the train station. Meanwhile, three years after the wedding, Barney and Robin drop a bombshell on the group.
  • 24. Last Forever: Part Two
    As the years go on, changes cause the group to drift apart, but they reunite one more time for Ted's wedding. Meanwhile, a monumental event causes Barney to finally change his ways.
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