A documentary-style look into the daily (or rather, nightly) lives of three vampires in Staten Island who have “lived” together for hundreds and hundreds of years.
1. Pilot
The vampires try to plan a lavish bloodfeast in honor of a visit by their ancient master from the Old Country.
2. City Council
The vampires get embroiled in local Staten Island politics as their first step to world domination.
3. Werewolf Feud
The fragile truce between the vampires and Staten Island’s werewolves is tested, and Colin Robinson finds romance with a new co-worker.
4. Manhattan Night Club
The vampires venture into Manhattan, to make an alliance with an old friend who is now the king of the Manhattan vampires.
5. Animal Control
Lazslo, in bat form, is captured by Staten Island Animal Control and must be rescued, while Nadja can no longer resist reconnecting with her reincarnated lover Gregor.
6. Baron's Night Out
The Baron awakens from his slumber and demands to experience the wonders of the New World in a night out in the town.
7. The Trial
The vampires must defend themselves as an international vampire tribunal gathers to judge them for their transgressions.
8. Citizenship
Nadja trains Jenna on how to take her first victim, and Nandor applies for American citizenship.
9. The Orgy
Tensions run high as the vampires prepare to host the Biannual Vampire Orgy.
10. Ancestry
Nandor visits one of his living descendants, and a lover from Nadja's past re-emerges.
1. Resurrection
Nadja and Laszlo's new familiar poses problems for an increasingly anxious Guillermo, and the vampires enlist the services of a local necromancer.
2. Ghosts
The vampires hold a seance to deal with a ghost infestation, which leads to a larger infestation.
3. Brain Scramblies
The vampires attend their first human Super Bowl party, while Guillermo’s search for virgins uncovers a deadly threat.
4. The Curse
While the vampires fear they've been electronically cursed, Guillermo tries to thwart a deadly threat to his masters.
5. Colin's Promotion
Colin Robinson gets promoted at work, and his new power threatens the balance of power in the vampire house.
6. On the Run
After a vengeful enemy from the past appears without warning, Laszlo flees his home and goes into hiding to avoid certain death.
7. The Return
The vampires offer shelter to an old nemesis who’s down on his luck.
8. Collaboration
Nandor's old familiar from the 1970s returns to Staten Island, Guillermo leaves to serve a new master, and Nadja and Lazslo revive their musical act.
9. Witches
When Nandor and Laszlo are abducted by a coven of witches, the others must venture Brooklyn to rescue them.
10. Théâtre des Vampires
As they prepare to attend the most exclusive event on the vampiric social calendar, the vampires try to survive without Guillermo.
1. The Prisoner
Guillermo's fate hangs in the balance as the vampires receive a promotion.
2. The Cloak of Duplication
A forbidden artifact is used to help Nandor court a health club employee.
3. Gail
An old flame returns, and an ancient vehicle is resurrected.
4. The Casino
The vampires embark on a road trip from which they may never return.
5. The Chamber of Judgement
Justice is served, both vampirically and also in small claims court.
6. The Escape
An ancient beast escapes and threatens the existence of all vampires everywhere.
7. The Siren
Two travelers are shipwrecked and a doll runs away from home.
8. The Wellness Center
Nandor is persuaded to reject vampirism and pursue a healthier lifestyle.
9. A Farewell
Colin has a birthday and a vampire says goodbye.
10. The Portrait
The housemates grieve the loss of one of their own. Season finale.
1. Reunited
The vampires return from their world travels to find their mansion on the verge of collapse, and a freakish new creature in the house.
2. The Lamp
Nandor's search for love is finally successful, and Nadja realizes her lifelong ambition of opening a vampire nightclub.
3. The Grand Opening
Opening night of Nadja's vampire nightclub is threatened when the big musical guest cancels.
4. The Night Market
The vampires take a trip to the secret Night Market, where all the supernatural creatures gather to barter and haggle.
5. Private School
The vampires endure the private school admissions interview process.
6. The Wedding
Guillermo loses his mind trying to help Nandor plan the perfect vampire wedding.
7. Pine Barrens
Nandor and Laszlo air out their differences on a hunting trip at an isolated cabin, Nadja has a girls' night, and Guillermo reconnects with his family for the first time in twelve years.
8. Go Flip Yourself
The mansion gets a makeover.
9. Freddie
Guillermo has a visitor from overseas.
10. Sunrise, Sunset
Baby Colin reaches that awkward age.
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