3Below: Tales of Arcadia

  • Avaliação: 9,20
  • Ano de emissão: 2018
  • Géneros: Sci-Fi, Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, Family
  • Países: United States
  • Duração: 24 minutos

A pair of teenage royals and their bodyguard escape from their home planet and try to blend in on Earth.

  • 1. Terra Incognita Part One
    When their planet's monarchy is overthrown by a coup, royal alien teens Aja and Krel flee to Earth accompanied by their brutish bodyguard.
  • 2. Terra Incognita Part Two
    After crash-landing in the town of Arcadia, the royals – now disguised as humans – search for suitable technology to power their ship.
  • 3. Mind Over Matter
    Krel builds a mind-reading device in hopes of blending in with humans. Elsewhere, General Morando dispatches bounty hunters to track down the royals.
  • 4. Beetle Mania
    Royal super-fan Stuart offers to help eradicate an alien beetle infestation before it exposes the siblings' true identities.
  • 5. Collision Course
    The royals take a driver’s ed class, hoping to find parts for their ship. Instead, they're led on a high-speed chase with the Zeron Brotherhood!
  • 6. D'aja Vu
    A giant troll wreaks havoc at the school science fair, threatening to expose both the troll world – and the royals’ true identities.
  • 7. Flying the Coop
    Aja and Krel are summoned by the school board to produce proper identification. Zadra discovers the identity of the traitor who aided the coup.
  • 8. Party Crashers
    An incoming message from Akiridion-5 alarms Vex. Meanwhile, the arrival of bounty hunters ruins the royals' outing in the woods with friends.
  • 9. Lightning in a Bottle
    The royal heirs look for Aja's missing serrator in the forest, where they mistake Trollhunter Jim Lake's Amulet of Daylight for her lost weapon.
  • 10. The Arcadian Job
    In a daring heist, the royals and Stuart infiltrate a high-security military base in hopes of stealing the final part to power the mothership.
  • 11. Truth Be Told
    Aja decides to tell Steve she’s actually an alien, but her confession is cut short by a visit from the Zeron Brotherhood.
  • 12. Last Night on Earth
    The royals celebrate their last day of school – and on Earth – with friends, but Zadra's arrival with revelations of betrayal shakes them to the core.
  • 13. Bad Omen
    Alpha unleashes a barrage of attacks on the siblings, enabling Omen to hijack the ship and take the royal cores. Will this be the end of House Tarron?
  • 1. Moving Day
    Left vulnerable after Omen's attack, the royal heirs look to conceal their damaged ship but are soon confronted by the bounty hunter Magmatron.
  • 2. Moonlight Run
    Aja and Krel enlist Stuart to help find their former ally, who’s being held prisoner at a bounty hunter outpost on the moon.
  • 3. Dogfight Days of Summer
    With General Morando's invasion of Earth imminent, Krel tries to stop the fleet's advance with unwitting help from the kids of Arcadia.
  • 4. Mother's Day
    Mother, the AI controlling the royals’ ship, reflects on keeping the peace between her quarreling family. Morando discovers a secret hidden on Earth.
  • 5. Ill Gotten Gains
    Colonel Kubritz stages a phony quarantine of Arcadia High School in a ploy to capture the royals – and their advanced weapons technology.
  • 6. There's Something About Gwen (of Gorbon)
    Stuart gets an unexpected visit from his ex-girlfriend. Krel helps Toby and Eli produce a short film, “Kleb or Alive,” for a local contest.
  • 7. Asteroid Rage
    Unable to stop an asteroid hurtling toward Earth, Kubritz pleads with the royals to help destroy it by offering stored alien technology from Area 49B.
  • 8. Luug's Day Out
    Krel builds a prototype device that will create a wormhole back to Akiridion-5, but Luug swallows it whole before it can be tested further.
  • 9. The Fall of House Tarron
    The last defenders of House Tarron face off against General Morando and his army of Omen robots in an all-out battle for survival.
  • 10. The Big Sleep
    With General Morando searching for Gaylen's Core, Aja and Krel must travel into their parents' subconscious to learn the core's location first.
  • 11. Race to Trollmarket
    After learning the location of Gaylen’s Core, Toby calls Trollhunter Jim Lake, and Blinky advises the royals to consult the Soothscryer.
  • 12. A Glorious End, Part One
    As the town of Arcadia gathers for the premiere of “Kleb or Alive,” an army of Omens, led by an armored Kubritz, makes plans to lure out the royals.
  • 13. A Glorious End, Part Two
    With the fate of the universe at stake, the royal heirs and their allies must gather their forces for the ultimate battle to defeat General Morando.
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