Veronica Mars

  • Évaluation: 8,40
  • Année d'émission: 2004
  • Genres: Crime, , Drama
  • Pays: United States
  • Durée: 43 minutes

After her best friend is murdered and her father is removed as county sheriff, Veronica Mars dedicates her life to cracking the toughest mysteries in the affluent town of Neptune.

  • 1. Pilot
    Meet Veronica Mars. Your typical high school student and private eye. A year ago, Veronica's best friend Lilly was murdered. Her father, Keith, then the town sheriff, accused Lilly's billionaire father of the murder. When another man confessed, Keith was booted from office. All of Veronica's friends stopped talking to her, and her mother left town. But as Veronica starts her junior year of high school, it becomes clear that nothing about her life is what it seems.
  • 2. Credit Where Credit's Due
    When Weevil's grandmother is arrested for credit card fraud, Veronica and Wallace reluctantly help the investigation to clear her name. Meanwhile, Logan's new girlfriend, Caitlin Ford, joins the 09ers in making Veronica's life difficult, while a new arrival in town, Troy Vandegraff, tries to get to know her better.
  • 3. Meet John Smith
    Veronica tries to help a classmate track down his long lost father, but with very little to go on, she finds the task more daunting than she thought. Meanwhile, Keith meets with school guidance counselor Rebecca James to discuss Veronica's feelings about Lilly's murder.
  • 4. The Wrath of Con
    In an attempt to help out Wallace win over a potential girlfriend, Veronica takes on the case of tracking down an Internet fraud ring, which leads her to an underground gaming community. Meanwhile, Logan agrees to assemble a video of Lilly to mark the one-year anniversary of her death, and Troy becomes closer to Veronica.
  • 5. You Think You Know Somebody
    After a night in Tijuana, Troy finds himself in a tough situation when his car is stolen and turns to Veronica for help. But what she finds changes her relationship with him. Meanwhile, Keith and Rebecca begin dating against Veronica's wishes, and Veronica makes another shocking discovery about her mother.
  • 6. Return of the Kane
    The tension between the 09ers and non-09ers comes to a head when the school elections appear to be rigged. Veronica helps Wanda, the underdog, campaign to beat Duncan, despite her feelings for him. Meanwhile, Logan clashes with his father, movie star Aaron Echolls, when he is caught in the press engaging in unruly behavior.
  • 7. The Girl Next Door
    Veronica becomes suspicious when a young pregnant woman who lives in their apartment complex suddenly disappears; fearing the worst, Keith steps in to help his daughter investigate this case for the girl's estranged parents. Meanwhile, Logan and Weevil get thrown into detention together after arguing with a teacher, leading the rivals to discover some surprising things in common. Later, while working on an alumni photo project in her journalism class, Veronica is shocked to discover that her mother and Jake Kane were high-school sweethearts.
  • 8. Like a Virgin
    A purity test being passed around Neptune High leaves Veronica's friend Meg humiliated, which leads Veronica to uncover who would want to ruin the reputation of the nicest girl in school. Meanwhile, Keith helps Wallace's mom with a tenant who refuses to leave, and Veronica has a shocking meeting with Lilly's confessed killer.
  • 9. Drinking the Kool-Aid
    Against her father's wishes, Veronica infiltrates what she believes to be a cult in order to investigate a classmate's sudden change in personality. But after meeting the people in the cult, she begins feel like she is making a mistake. Meanwhile, her investigations into Abel Koontz's claims about her family continue.
  • 10. An Echolls Family Christmas
    A holiday poker game at Logan's house gets nasty when Weevil's winnings disappear, leaving Veronica to determine the guilty party before Weevil finds his own way of getting the money back. Meanwhile, Keith helps Lynn Echolls find out who is sending threatening messages to her husband, Aaron, before their big Christmas party.
  • 11. Silence of the Lamb
    After setting up a new business helping classmates dig up dirt on their parents, Veronica uncovers a huge revelation about her friend Mac, which leaves her wondering if some things about your family are best left unknown. Meanwhile, Keith must team up with Sheriff Lamb to track down a serial killer in Neptune.
  • 12. Clash of the Tritons
    Veronica finds herself the target of a set-up when a secret underground society within Neptune High begins planting evidence to get her in trouble. Meanwhile, Veronica learns new information about Lilly's murder by eavesdropping on private conversations, and Aaron Echolls becomes concerned about his wife.
  • 13. Lord of the Bling
    After a wealthy music producer's daughter goes missing, Veronica almost bites off more than she can chew in her attempt to find her old friend. Meanwhile, Logan finds it difficult to show the proper emotions at his mother's wake.
  • 14. Mars vs. Mars
    When a girl in school accuses Veronica's favorite teacher of sexual harassment, Veronica finds herself pitted against her father, who is hired by the girl's family to get him fired. Meanwhile, Logan enlists Veronica's help to track down his mother, who he believes is still alive.
  • 15. Ruskie Business
    As Valentine's Day approaches, Veronica finds herself working as a love detective, tracking down Meg's secret admirer and helping a Russian woman find her missing fiancé, both with unexpected results. Meanwhile, Logan's family troubles continue when he stakes out a hotel that he believes is hiding his mother.
  • 16. Betty and Veronica
    Veronica is shocked when Van Clemmons hires her to track down the missing school mascot, Polly the Parrot, but is distracted by memories of her recent reunion with her mother. Meanwhile, Veronica digs deeper into the Lilly Kane case, using her new relationship to gain access to private information.
  • 17. Kanes and Abel's
    Veronica investigates who at school is doing everything possible to distract the valedictorian front runner from studying and wreck her grades in an obvious attempt to sabotage her. Meanwhile, an unsavory, rival private investigator makes Keith a business offer. Later, Veronica pursues a risky lead that could discredit Abel Koontz's confession, as Logan stumbles onto her detailed files on everyone connected to Lilly's murder.
  • 18. Weapons of Class Destruction
    After several fire drills and bomb threats rock Neptune High, Veronica looks to new student Ben as a possible suspect. Meanwhile, Veronica and Wallace are shocked to discover that their parents have been secretly dating, and Duncan finds out that Veronica has been spying on him.
  • 19. Hot Dogs
    When awkward classmate Mandy asks Veronica to help her find her missing dog, a much larger scheme is exposed as they follow the trail. Meanwhile, Logan's sister Trina begs her father to play a role in her new boyfriend's movie, while Logan suspects that Trina is hiding something.
  • 20. M.A.D.
    Veronica helps her friend Carmen plot revenge on her clingy boyfriend, after he releases a scandalous tape of her over the Internet. Meanwhile, Keith decides to track down the missing Duncan in exchange for the huge Kane reward.
  • 21. A Trip to the Dentist
    After obtaining a shocking new piece of information, Veronica is determined to get to the bottom of what happened the night she was drugged and raped, even if it means piecing together the fuzzy stories of every 09er at Neptune High. Meanwhile, Aaron throws a party for Logan, but inadvertently throws a wrench into Logan and Veronica's secret relationship.
  • 22. Leave It to Beaver
    In the shocking, action-packed first season finale, a determined Veronica must betray someone she cares deeply about in order to solve the mystery of who murdered her best friend Lilly, but what she discovers puts her life in serious danger. Meanwhile, Jake Kane asks Duncan if he really wants to know what happened on the night Lilly died, and Keith awaits the results of a paternity test.
  • 1. Normal Is the Watchword
    Veronica spends the summer trying to become “normal” again, but finds it difficult when Wallace is kicked off the basketball team for testing positive for drugs. Meanwhile, Keith is finding it hard to cope with popularity after releasing his book on the Lilly Kane murder, Logan takes refuge from the paparazzi at Dick and Beaver's, and a field trip to the local sports arena has shocking consequences.
  • 2. Driver Ed
    Veronica finds her life once again swirling out of control as she struggles to deal with the aftermath of the bus crash by helping the daughter of the bus driver rule out suicide. Meanwhile, new student Jackie gets the attention of Wallace, who does a little detective work of his own.
  • 3. Cheatty Cheatty Bang Bang
    Beaver hires Veronica to investigate his stepmother, Kendall, who he believes is cheating on his dad and planning to clean him out, but both are shocked by what they discover. Meanwhile, Wallace begins dating Jackie, against Veronica's advice.
  • 4. Green-Eyed Monster
    Veronica tries to get her mind off the bus crash by going undercover to help a wealthy woman who is determined to prove that her husband is cheating on her. Meanwhile, Keith asks Alicia about the mysterious man who recognized her in Chicago, and Weevil gives Veronica new information about the accident.
  • 5. Blast from the Past
    Despite the fact that she dislikes Jackie, Veronica helps her find out who stole her credit card by going on a local psychic TV show. Meanwhile, Wallace's world is turned upside-down when his real father returns home, and Veronica gets a huge piece of new evidence in the bus case.
  • 6. Rat Saw God
    Veronica is shocked when a dying Abel Koontz shows up asking for her help in finding his missing daughter before he dies. Meanwhile, Logan is reunited with his father when he his arrested for Felix's murder, and Keith waits for the results of the election.
  • 7. Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner
    Veronica goes undercover after Duncan comes to her with a plea to help him find out which one of the children Meg was babysitting was being mentally abused by their parents. Meanwhile, Dick, Beaver and Kendall are visited by their lawyer, who informs them of Big Dick's wishes.
  • 8. Ahoy Mateys
    Veronica helps Keith determine who is haunting a school bus crash victim's parents, who are currently embroiled in a suit against the school district. Meanwhile, after Logan asks for help fighting the murder charge against him, Veronica stumbles into a dangerous situation with the local Irish mob. Later, Weevil's leadership of the P.C.H. Bikers is put into question.
  • 9. My Mother, the Fiend
    After finding her mother's old permanent record at school, Veronica wonders how well she knew her mother at all, and decides to investigate her mother's school friends. Meanwhile, Trina takes the role of director in the school play, and while she has a confrontation with Kendall, Veronica has one with Celeste.
  • 10. One Angry Veronica
    Veronica's day goes from bad to worse as she is called for jury duty over a case involving two 09ers and a Hispanic woman, but finds that Neptune is even more divided than she thought. Meanwhile, Keith helps Lamb track down the missing sex tapes, the key piece of evidence in the Aaron Echolls trial.
  • 11. Donut Run
    When Duncan disappears with Meg's baby, Lamb must work with two FBI agents to extract as much information as possible from an uncooperative Veronica. Meanwhile, Wallace reveals the real reason he returned to Neptune, and Weevil and Logan make a breakthrough in their hunt for the rogue gang member.
  • 12. Rashard and Wallace Go to White Castle
    Wallace's hopes of escaping his trouble in Chicago are dashed when Rashard's uncle accuses him in the press of a hit and run. Meanwhile, Weevil has Veronica bug a church confessional to smoke out the traitor in his biker gang, and Keith acquires the interrogation tapes from the bus crash investigation.
  • 13. Ain't No Magic Mountain High Enough
    Veronica loses all $12,000 for her class's senior trip when a cash box in her possession is stolen at the school carnival. As accusations fly, Veronica, rather surprisingly, finds herself defending Jackie. Meanwhile, Beaver stands up to Dick, and Logan meets a bright girl named Hannah.
  • 14. Versatile Toppings
    Neptune High's closeted gay teens turn to Veronica for help when a blackmailer cracks into a private Internet bulletin board and threatens to publicly out everyone associated with the site unless they pay $5,000 apiece. Meanwhile, Keith continues to work on a case for Terrance Cook while looking into bus crash leads. Also, Logan romantically pursues Hannah, much to her father's distress.
  • 15. The Quick and the Wed
    Wallace's new girlfriend Jane enlists Veronica's help when her older sister Heidi appears to be a “runaway bride,” but the clues suggest something possibly more disturbing happened on the way to the altar. Meanwhile, Keith and Veronica decide that they have no choice but to go to Sheriff Lamb with the evidence they've uncovered about the bus crash. Later, Kendall has a tempting offer for Aaron Echolls.
  • 16. The Rapes of Graff
    While accompanying Wallace to Hearst College, Veronica runs into her ex-boyfriend Troy. The next day, Troy is accused of raping a girl on campus and then shaving her head, and Veronica reluctantly agrees to help him. Meanwhile, Keith helps Cliff with a personal problem involving a prostitute, and Logan makes a decision regarding his relationship with Hannah.
  • 17. Plan B
    Weevil believes that Thumper killed Felix and he asks Veronica to help him prove it. While Logan wins an essay contest and gets to intern for a week with Mayor Woody Goodman, Keith examines a video that was taken, apparently by a stalker, inside of Woody's house. Also, Wallace goes to the school's Sadie Hawkins dance with Jane, and Mac asks Veronica for advice on how to improve her less-than-romantic relationship with Beaver.
  • 18. I Am God
    A restless Veronica is plagued by dreams in which the students killed in the bus crash confront her. Meanwhile, Logan and Wallace are paired together for a physics project that neither is enthusiastic about, until they discover that their success might help Veronica receive a scholarship. Later, when a large number of students are diagnosed with a medical ailment that gives them the right to postpone school tests and projects, a concerned principal Clemmons hires Keith to investigate the validity of the disorder.
  • 19. Nevermind the Buttocks
    Veronica looks for a dog killer after being hired by a student whose pet was ran over, and Keith discovers surprising revelations about Kendall's past. Meanwhile, Weevil learns that the Fitzpatricks are abusing his old gang members, and Jackie applies for a job at Java the Hut and asks Veronica to put in a good word for her. Wallace tries to get back together with Jackie, but she gives him some heartbreaking news.
  • 20. Look Who's Stalking
    Gia is convinced she's being stalked, so Veronica takes the case despite her dad's orders not to get involved, but what she discovers not only shocks both girls, but leads to further questions. Meanwhile, Woody enlists Keith's help in avoiding a scandal when he ends up with a passed-out woman in his motel room. Also, when Principal Clemmons cancels the prom because of drinking violations on the senior trip, Logan takes it upon himself to throw an “alterna-prom” in his Neptune Grand suite.
  • 21. Happy Go Lucky
    As Aaron Echolls's trial is about to conclude, tensions rise as Veronica, Keith and Logan take the witness stand to testify against him. Meanwhile, after Veronica finds a suspicious e-mail in Woody's computer, Keith turns to Lamb with evidence to arrest Woody, but Lamb refuses, believing that Keith is trying to turn him into a laughing stock. Also, to everyone's surprise, Lucky brings a gun into school with the intent to find Gia.
  • 22. Not Pictured
    The second season ends as Veronica, on her graduation day, learns who is responsible for the bus crash. After uncovering the culprit, her life is endangered as she tries to warn those closest to the killer. Also, Wallace learns some surprising information about Jackie, Keith enlists Veronica's help in his ongoing investigation of Woody, and the seniors celebrate their graduation with a lavish party at the Neptune Grand.
  • 1. Welcome Wagon
    Veronica is in true form from the moment she and boyfriend Logan, along with close friends Wallace and Mac, set foot on the campus of Hearst College. Wallace enlists Veronica's help when his new roommate, Piz, has all his belongings stolen. While working on Piz's case, Veronica learns that the campus serial rapist has struck again. Meanwhile, Keith runs into trouble while transporting a recently released convict across the country to reunite him with Kendall.
  • 2. My Big Fat Greek Rush Week
    Veronica is hired by the campus newspaper to do an undercover expose on the Zeta Theta sorority sisters during rush week to investigate Parker's rape. Throughout the investigation, Veronica realizes that everything is not exactly what as seems in the sorority house. Meanwhile, Logan and Wallace participate in a prisoner/guard role-playing experiment for their Sociology class, which challenges them psychologically.
  • 3. Wichita Linebacker
    Veronica is hired by Logan's cousin to help him find his stolen playbook before the next practice, or risk losing his scholarship. As a result of the expose Veronica wrote about the campus sorority, Dean O'Dell threatens to expel her if she doesn't reveal one of her sources. Logan tells Veronica his schedule is keeping them apart, but she realizes he has been spending time participating in illegal gambling. Meanwhile, Veronica convinces Keith to hire Weevil to assist with office work at Mars Investigations.
  • 4. Charlie Don't Surf
    When Logan is informed that his inheritance is running low, he become suspicious and enlists Veronica's help to sort through his financial records. Veronica uncovers that large sums of money have been going to a man named Charlie Stone. Meanwhile, Keith is hired by Harmony to investigate her cheating husband.
  • 5. President Evil
    It's Halloween at Hearst and while Veronica is looking for Logan at the underground campus casino, the place is robbed and the thieves take Veronica's necklace, given to her by her Lilly Kane. Meanwhile, Dean O'Dell and his wife Mindy seek Keith's help in tracking down Steve, the biological father of Mindy's son, who is deathly ill. Wallace, distracted by a new group of friends, struggles to pass his Mechanical Engineering class.
  • 6. Hi, Infidelity
    Veronica is accused of plagiarizing her paper for Professor Landry's criminology class. In trying to clear herself, she discovers that her mentor is not who she thought he was. Wallace is pardoned by Dean O'Dell for cheating on his exam, but makes a decision that could affect his college career. Piz invites Veronica to a night of bowling and she decides to bring Logan and Parker, unaware Piz wanted the evening to be more of a date.
  • 7. Of Vice and Men
    Veronica is disappointed in Keith for his ongoing relationship with his client, Harmony, who invites him on a romantic weekend getaway. When Veronica retreats to Wallace and Piz's dorm room for some quiet time, Logan seeks her help in clearing Mercer of the rape charges, but refuses to give her his alibi.
  • 8. Lord of the Pi's
    Selma Rose, the wealthy grand-daughter of the founder of Hearst College and a member of the Hearst College Board of Trustees, mysteriously disappears the night before she is to cast a swing vote that will determine the fate of the Greek system on campus. Keith, with Veronica's help, is hired by Dean O'Dell to investigate the disappearance. Meanwhile, Veronica has been rehired as a photographer at the Hearst Free Press, but she and Logan fight over her involvement in the rape case.
  • 9. Spit & Eggs
    Dean O'Dell reinstates the Greek system on campus and, determined to solve the campus rape case, Veronica, along with Mac, Wallace and Piz, attends a party armed with coasters designed to test for drugs in the drinks of her peers. Meanwhile, Dean O'Dell hires Keith to investigate whether or not his wife is cheating on him.
  • 10. Show Me the Monkey
    Veronica convinces Mac to go undercover with her as animal rights activists to rescue a kidnapped monkey as a way of forgetting her breakup with Logan. Meanwhile, Mindy O'Dell asks Keith to investigate her husband's suspicious suicide.
  • 11. Poughkeepsie, Tramps and Thieves
    Veronica helps a friend to find the girl he thinks is the one, which he had but lost. But finding her only leads to trouble.
  • 12. There's Got to Be a Morning After Pill
    After learning Logan had slept with Madison, the girl Veronica holds responsible for her rape, Veronica tries to deal with it, even if that means NO SLEEP. Meanwhile, Tim Foyle's girlfriend asks Veronica for help to find who gave her a pill that aborted her fetus. Also, Veronica asks Weevil for a favor- a one that might just take him back to his old days.
  • 13. Postgame Mortem
    The basketball coach appears dead after a discussion with his son Josh. The Coach's wife goes to the Keith's office looking for help. Veronica becomes involved in the investigation meanwhile his fathers continue the Dean O'Dell murder investigation. Josh escapes of the jail and Veronica is arrested like suspicious of complicity.
  • 14. Mars, Bars
    Veronica is let out of jail, while Mac, Parker, Logan, and Bronson go on Valentine's Day Savenger Hunt. Josh decides to flee the country after learning the truth about his dad and Lamb goes after Steve at Mindy's house.
  • 15. Papa's Cabin
    Keith, as Acting Sheriff, investigates Dean O'Dell's death more aggressively. Veronica teams with Tim to confirm Landry's alibi - and then to track down him and Mrs O'Dell when they both disappear.
  • 16. Un-American Graffiti
    Veronica is hired to investigate what seems to be a hate crime. Meanwhile, Keith investigates local bars serving alcohol to students under 21, and faces corruption inside the police department. Logan invites Veronica to a party he's throwing for Parker's birthday, and Wallace encourages Piz to “go all in” and reveal his feelings to Veronica once and for all.
  • 17. Debasement Tapes
    Washed-up rock star Desmond Fellows arrives at Hearst to play a charity concert for the campus radio station to find that his backing tapes have disappeared. With his job and the survival of the radio station at stake, Piz calls Veronica despite their recent post-kiss awkwardness. Piz and Veronica are tasked with tracking down the tapes and babysitting a drunk, irresponsible, and depressed Desmond Fellows. Meanwhile, a new and surprising contender emerges to challenge Keith in the race for Sheriff.
  • 18. I Know What You'll Do Next Summer
    Veronica is officially a private investigator - Veronica passes her exam to be an official Private Investigator, while Piz lands an interview with Apollo Bukenya, an African student at Hearst who wrote a book about his years as an orphan child-soldier in Uganda's rebel army. Veronica is hired by an African man, Kizza, to help prove that he is Apollo's father, but her investigation leads to information that might expose Apollo's story as a fake. Meanwhile, as the election for Sheriff nears, Keith is faced with a crime spree in Neptune. Parker comes to Veronica for …
  • 19. Weevils Wobble But They Don't Go Down
    Veronica's sex tape makes it to the internet - Weevil is arrested for selling fake debit cards to Hearst students, but claims he is being framed because of his criminal background, and asks Veronica to clear his name. On Piz's radio show, Keith debates Vinnie about the upcoming election, while a tipsy Dick apologizes to Mac for the way he has treated her in the past. Veronica and Piz make up after their argument about spending their summer apart, and a mysterious sex tape of the two finds its way to the internet.
  • 20. The Bitch Is Back
    Veronica discovers the origin of her sex tape - Furious that Logan attacked Piz, Veronica tells Logan she wants nothing to do with him. Parker confronts Logan about still having feelings for Veronica, while Piz assures Veronica that he had nothing to do with the sex tape. Veronica, with Weevil's help, investigates how the tape originated and discovers a person from her past is linked to The Castle and pays them a visit. With the re-election campaign nearing, Keith steps in to protect Veronica.
  • 1. Spring Break Forever
    Panic spreads through Neptune when a bomb goes off during spring break. Veronica and Keith are hired by the wealthy family of one victim injured in the bombing to find out who is responsible.
  • 2. Chino and the Man
    Veronica and Keith launch their investigation. Their involvement puts Police Chief Langdon on edge. Penn goes public with his theory on who the bomber is. Meanwhile, local teen Matty Ross begins her own search for her father’s killer.
  • 3. Keep Calm and Party On
    Veronica and Keith’s client, Daniel Maloof, makes a shocking confession. Sheriff Langdon closes in on her top suspect. Veronica and Matty join forces, just as the whole investigation is flipped on its head.
  • 4. Heads You Lose
    Convinced the bomber is still at large, Veronica visits Chino to learn more about Clyde and Big Dick. Mayor Dobbins’ request for help from the FBI brings an old flame to Neptune. Veronica confronts her mugger.
  • 5. Losing Streak
    Veronica discovers Keith has been hiding something scary from her. The real reason for Penn’s latest theory on the bomber comes to light. Veronica loses confidence in new friend, Nicole, owner of Comrade Quacks.
  • 6. Entering a World of Pain
    As Veronica learns more about Nicole's past, her suspicion deepens. A frantic phone call from Paris leads to a search for Matty. Veronica unwittingly does legwork for Leo.
  • 7. Gods of War
    Veronica debates coming clean to Nicole. Veronica’s fidelity is tested. Veronica and Keith discover they aren’t the only ones who believe they’ve found the bomber. A surprising potential client tries to hire Mars Investigations.
  • 8. Years, Continents, Bloodshed
    Veronica and Keith follow a new lead, and discover another victim. Matty follows her own instincts, landing herself dangerously close to a killer. Veronica has a tragic epiphany as the clock is ticking.
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