Parcs and Recreation

  • Évaluation: 8,60
  • Année d'émission: 2009
  • Genres: Comedy
  • Pays: United States
  • Durée: 22 minutes
  • Complexité: 9

La série démontre la vie d'une ville imaginaire – Pawnee où une bureaucrate ordinaire du département des parcs et des loisirs, Leslie Knope essaye de construire un parc à la place d'une construction inachevée. Elle fait fasse à la résistance de ses collègues et l'administration locale, elle est déterminée à finir son projet.

  • 1. Pilot
    A new documentary following Leslie Knope, a mid-level bureaucrat in the Parks and Recreation Department of Pawnee, Indiana as she attempts to advance her career and make her town more beautiful by helping local nurse Ann Perkins turn a construction pit into a park.
  • 2. Canvassing
    Leslie gets a town hall meeting to discuss her park idea, but she finds out that public reception is less than receptive.
  • 3. The Reporter
    Leslie gets a newspaper reporter to do a story about her and the park idea, but becomes upset when she finds out that the reporter slept with Mark.
  • 4. Boys' Club
  • 5. The Banquet
  • 6. Rock Show
    Leslie doesn't realize that a dinner with a much older man from the zoning commission is actually a date set up by her mom. Andy gets his cast taken off, but Ann gets mad when he finds out it could have been off two weeks ago.
  • 1. Pawnee Zoo
    Leslie becomes a political lightning rod when the penguin wedding she sets up at the Pawnee Zoo turns out to be for two male penguins.
  • 2. The Stakeout
    Leslie sets up a stakeout with Tom to find out who's growing marijuana in the community garden she set up in the pit, but it also gives her an opportunity to scout out Ann and Mark's first date.
  • 3. Beauty Pageant
    Leslie serves as a judge in the Miss Pawnee Beauty Pageant but is disappointed with the results, and Ann finds out that her ex-boyfriend Andy is living in the pit.
  • 4. Practice Date
    Ann helps a nervous Leslie get ready for her first date with Dave by giving her a “practice date,” while everybody else at the office tries to dig up the juiciest dirt on each other.
  • 5. Sister City
    Leslie welcomes a delegation from Pawnee's sister city in Venezuela, whose goal is to humiliate their hosts.
  • 6. Kaboom
    Andy is injured when Leslie goes out on her own to fill the hole, and he decides to sue Pawnee as a result.
  • 7. Greg Pikitis
    Leslie tries to stop a high school punk who vandalizes the park every Halloween, but will he get the last laugh? Meanwhile, Ann's Halloween party is a bore until Tom saves the day.
  • 8. Ron and Tammy
    Ron's ex-wife uses sex to manipulate Ron and get Leslie's vacant lot to build a library, while Leslie gets Andy a job in the building as a shoe-shine man.
  • 9. The Camel
    After one of the murals in City Hall is defaced, Leslie and the Parks Department compete to come up with a new design. Meanwhile, Andy and Ron share an uncomfortable moment at the shoeshine stand.
  • 10. Hunting Trip
    Leslie tries to prove she can hang with the guys so she invites herself on Ron's annual hunting trip, but things don't go as planned. Meanwhile, April and Andy bond in the office while everyone is away.
  • 11. Tom's Divorce
    Leslie accidentally finds out that Tom is getting a divorce and tries to lift his spirits by sending him to dinner and a strip club, but Tom doesn't tell her that it was just a sham Green Card marriage.
  • 12. Christmas Scandal
    Leslie is falsely accused of having sexual relations with a sleazy Pawnee councilman. Meanwhile, the rest of the office takes on Leslie's work while she deals with the scandal, and officer Dave has more surprising news for Leslie.
  • 13. The Set Up
    Ann sets Leslie up on a blind date with a rude MRI technician, and Mark becomes jealous because he thinks Ann is saving another prospect for Leslie for herself. Meanwhile, Tom helps Ron find an assistant.
  • 14. Leslie's House
    Did Leslie abuse her power by bringing in community center teachers to her house to help throw a dinner party to impress her new suitor?
  • 15. Sweetums
    Leslie and Ron become adversaries when a dishonest candy company vies for a concessions contract, while everybody else in the department reluctantly helps Tom move out of his house.
  • 16. Galentine's Day
    Leslie and Justin try to reunite Leslie's Mom with an old flame for Valentine's Day, only to discover he's a total loon. And Justin's rude behavior during the entire episode causes Leslie to look at him in a new light.
  • 17. Woman of the Year
    Leslie is upset when Ron wins a coveted “Woman of the Year” award, Tom looks for investors for a new night club, and Andy considers moving into his own place.
  • 18. The Possum
    Leslie puts together a task force at the mayor's request to catch a possum at the golf course, while Mark forces Ron to get his personal building up to code.
  • 19. Park Safety
    Leslie goes on a crusade to improve park safety after Jerry is mugged, which is later discovered to be a lie. Meanwhile, Ron tries to teach the office self-defense, but winds up injuring Andy instead.
  • 20. Summer Catalog
    Preparing the Summer Events Catalog, Leslie decides to take Ron and the past directors of the Parks Department out for a picnic lunch. Tom enlists the help of Ann and Mark to pose for the cover photo.
  • 21. 94 Meetings
    Leslie goes all out to save a gazebo at a mansion on the historical register from being destroyed, while April gets in trouble with Ron when she accidentally schedules 93 meetings for him on the same day.
  • 22. Telethon
    Leslie struggles to stay awake and fill the overnight hours at a local telethon when Tom and celebrity guest Detlef Schrempf are sidetracked at a nightclub, and the answer to her problems could be a surprise marriage proposal.
  • 23. The Master Plan
    Everyone is excited about celebrating April's 21st birthday except Leslie, who is preoccupied with the prospect of her budget being cut by the state auditor's office.
  • 24. Freddy Spaghetti
    The government is shut down and the parks are closed, but Leslie tries to skirt the rules to hold a children's concert in the vacant lot. Meanwhile, will April's jealousy of Ann keep her from getting together with Andy?
  • 1. Go Big or Go Home
    Leslie encourages Ann to go on a date with Chris so that she can ask for money for Leslie's department, while Ron, Andy, and Tom put together a two-team youth basketball league.
  • 2. Flu Season
    Leslie gets the flu right before an important fund-raising pitch for the Harvest Festival, Chris tries frantically to avoid catching the bug, and Ron hires Andy to replace April while she is out.
  • 3. Time Capsule
    A crackpot handcuffs himself to a pipe in Leslie's office and demands that “Twilight” be placed in the Pawnee Time Capsule, and Chris tries to help Andy woo April in spite of Ann's reservations.
  • 4. Ron & Tammy: Part Two
    After Ron breaks up with Tom's ex-wife, he decides to get back together with his Tammy, much to everyone's horror. Meanwhile, Leslie and Ben try to get the local police to donate their services to the upcoming Harvest Festival.
  • 5. Media Blitz
    Leslie hits the Pawnee media circuit to promote the Harvest Festival, but Ben freaks out on air when his past is exposed. Meanwhile, April threatens Andy that she'll leave for Indianapolis unless he does her chores.
  • 6. Indianapolis
    Leslie and Ron go to Indianapolis to receive a commendation from the state. While there, Ron finds out his favorite steak house is closed, and Leslie thinks Chris is cheating on Ann. Meanwhile, Tom throws a party for a fragrance designer.
  • 7. Harvest Festival
    On the day before the Harvest Festival, a local Native American leader places a “curse” on the event because Leslie refuses to give in to his demands.
  • 8. Camping
    Leslie sets up a camping trip to brainstorm for new ideas, but she's the one who surprisingly can't come up with anything. Meanwhile, Chris returns to Pawnee as temporary city manager, causing further confusion for Ann.
  • 9. Andy and April's Fancy Party
    Andy and April's party turns into a surprise wedding, but Leslie does not approve. Meanwhile, Ben debates whether to stay in Pawnee, and Donna gives Ann advice at a singles mixer.
  • 10. Soulmates
    Leslie is matched up with Tom on an Internet dating website, while Chris and Ron compete in a hamburger cook-off.
  • 11. Jerry's Painting
    Chris deals with community uproar over Jerry's new painting, which features a nude Leslie, and Ben tries to help teach Andy and April responsibility after he moves in with them.
  • 12. Eagleton
    Leslie is forced to deal with a former beloved colleague-turned bitter enemy when a neighboring town separates a shared park with a fence. Meanwhile, Ron fears the worst when Leslie finds out about his birthday.
  • 13. The Fight
    While Tom invites everyone to the Snakehole as he debuts a new drink, Leslie encourages Ann to apply for a job with the city. However, at the nightclub, Leslie and Ann get into a fight over their dating habits.
  • 14. Road Trip
    The romantic tension between Leslie and Ben reaches dangerous levels when they take a work-related road trip to Indianapolis, Tom's “game show” creates tension between Andy and April, and Ron teaches government to a nine year old.
  • 15. The Bubble
    Leslie's mom makes a pass at Ben, not knowing that he and Leslie are dating. Meanwhile, Chris makes radical changes in the office, and nobody is happy with them.
  • 16. Li'l Sebastian
    While the department sets up a memorial service for Li'l Sebastian, Ron finds out about Leslie and Ben, Tom considers taking a job in the private sector, and Chris deals with his own mortality after he discovers that he has tendinitis.
  • 1. I'm Leslie Knope
    Leslie decides to run for political office, which means that she has to break up with Ben. Meanwhile, Ron goes into hiding from Tammy 1, and Tom tries to recruit Andy for his latest business venture.
  • 2. Ron & Tammys
    Ron becomes a wimp after he and Tammy 1 get back together and Leslie tries to save him, Ben discovers that Tom's business is hemorrhaging money, and Anne has a frustrating experience shooting a diabetes PSA with Chris.
  • 3. Born & Raised
    Leslie is accused of not being born in Pawnee while she is trying to promote her new book about the city. Meanwhile, Ann tries in vain to have a five-minute conversation with Ron and April.
  • 4. Pawnee Rangers
    Ron's Pawnee Rangers and Leslie's competing scout group, the Pawnee Goddesses, share a weekend in the wilderness, Ben joins Tom and Donna on “Treat Yo Self Day,” and Chris takes an interest in Jerry's daughter.
  • 5. Meet 'n' Greet
    Leslie's opportunity to stump for votes in the business community is sabotaged by Tom, who wants to promote Entertainment 7Twenty. Meanwhile, Andy and April throw a Halloween party, but don't give Ben advance notice.
  • 6. End of the World
    A cult predicting the end of the world reserves a park, Leslie becomes jealous when another woman takes interest in Ben, Tom throws a huge party for the closing of Entertainment 7Twenty, and Andy and April try to do something stupid.
  • 7. The Treaty
    Leslie and Ben argue over their relationship and ruin the high school Model U.N. they are hosting, Chris wonders where his relationship with Jerry's daughter is going wrong, and Ron tries to get Tom to take back his old job.
  • 8. Smallest Park
    Leslie tries to manipulate a new park project to extend her working relationship with Ben, Tom and Jerry work together to create a new department logo, and Chris tries to find the right college course to sign up for.
  • 9. The Trial of Leslie Knope
    Chris brings Leslie up on ethics charges for her relationship with Ben.
  • 10. Citizen Knope
    Leslie tries to keep herself busy during her suspension from the department, but gets some bad news about her campaign. Meanwhile, Ben searches for a job in the private sector, and the office makes the perfect Christmas gift for Leslie.
  • 11. The Comeback Kid
    Leslie appoints Ann as her new campaign manager, but her attempt to relaunch the campaign goes off to a horrendous start, while Chris discovers that Ben is depressed after leaving his job.
  • 12. Campaign Ad
    Leslie tries to keep Ben from making a negative campaign ad against a popular new candidate, Andy takes a visit to the doctor, and Ron becomes uncomfortable when Chris suddenly starts trying to hang out with him.
  • 13. Bowling for Votes
    Leslie unsuccessfully tries to win over a focus group member who made a negative comment by going bowling with him, and Chris gets some bad relationship news while calling for campaign donations.
  • 14. Operation Ann
    Ann's friends try to set her up on a date for Valentine's Day, while Ron and Andy try to help Ben solve Leslie's series of complicated riddles to reveal the location of their Valentine's Day date.
  • 15. Dave Returns
    While Leslie tries to get an endorsement from the police chief, Dave returns to tell Leslie that he's still in love with her. Meanwhile, Andy tries to put together a campaign theme song.
  • 16. Sweet Sixteen
    Leslie's attempts to balance her campaign with her job results in major blunders on both fronts, Chris becomes attached to Andy's dog Champion, and April gets fed up with Tom and Anne coming to her for relationship advice.
  • 17. Campaign Shake-Up
    Leslie and Ben have their work cut out for them when Bobby Newport hires a Washington professional as his campaign manager, while Ron gets the department to tackle a project in Leslie's absence to get Chris off his back.
  • 18. Lucky
    Leslie's campaign could be in big trouble when she records a TV interview after a couple of drinks. Meanwhile, April tries to set Chris up with Andy's women's studies professor, but she has eyes for Ron instead.
  • 19. Live Ammo
    Leslie could pay a steep political price for saving the Parks Department budget from getting cut, and Chris considers Ron for a promotion–which could actually be short-lived.
  • 20. The Debate
  • 21. Bus Tour
    Leslie's campaign momentum is halted when Bobby Newport's dad dies a couple of days before the election, and Andy tries to figure out who tried to throw a pie at Leslie on the campaign trail.
  • 22. Win, Lose, or Draw
    It's election day for Leslie, and Ben is contemplating an offer to help work on a campaign in Washington. Meanwhile, Andy tries to help April rescue the files she deleted from the Parks Department computers.
  • 1. Ms. Knope Goes to Washington
    Leslie and Andy go to Washington on business–and to see Ben and April. Back in Pawnee, Ron is in charge of the employee barbecue, and Tom and Ann pretend to still be together.
  • 2. Soda Tax
    Leslie faces threats and backlash if she votes in favor of a “soda tax,” Ben tries to suck to his interns after he discovers that they're politically connected, and Andy's efforts to get in shape send Chris into a depression.
  • 3. How a Bill Becomes a Law
    Leslie is forced to make a sacrifice to assure passage of a bill, Ron meets a single woman while fixing a pothole, and Ben and April are stuck in a parking lot and can't make it back to Pawnee.
  • 4. Sex Education
    Leslie gets in trouble with her initiative to teach safe sex to senior citizens, Ron tries to help Tom overcome his addiction to social media, and Ben and April suspect that the candidate they work for is a robot.
  • 5. Halloween Surprise
    Leslie's future with Ben is on hold after he gets a new job offer, Leslie and Ann give Jerry a heart attack, and Ron's new relationship is in jeopardy because of his girlfriend's kids.
  • 6. Ben's Parents
    Ben's parents ruin Leslie and Ben's engagement party, Chris becomes sad over their engagement, and Tom prepares a new business pitch for Ron.
  • 7. Leslie vs. April
    Leslie and April clash over a proposed dog park, Ben receives a slew of job offers, and Andy uses his detective skills to find out who stole his computer.
  • 8. Pawnee Commons
    Leslie wants to reject a great park idea just because the designer comes from Eagleton, Tom begins his new business venture with a new fiscal approach, and Andy and April find a way to make Andy's new security job more exciting.
  • 9. Ron and Diane
    Tammy shows up at an awards ceremony to sabotage Ron's new relationship, and four of Jerry's co-workers are shocked that he's throwing a Christmas party without them.
  • 10. Two Parties
    Leslie's bachelorette party is ruined after councilman Jamm backs out of a promise, and Chris throws Ben a bachelor party that everyone will remember.
  • 11. Women in Garbage
  • 12. Ann's Decision
  • 13. Emergency Response
    The department has to put together an last-minute fund-raising gala for the new park without Leslie, who has been called away on an emergency disaster drill. Meanwhile, Andy takes his police officer exam.
  • 14. Leslie and Ben
    Leslie and Ben decide to get married right after the gala, but a jealous and drunk councilman Jamm crashes the party and ruins the evening.
  • 15. Correspondents' Lunch
    Leslie discovers that a newspaper reporter has hacked her e-mail account, Ben begins his new job, and Anne decides that she wants Chris to be her sperm donor.
  • 16. Bailout
    Leslie runs into unexpected problems when she proposes a “bailout” of a failing movie rental store, Ann tries to make friends with April while waiting for an answer from Chris, and Tom tries to stand up to a scary new worker at Rent-A-Swag.
  • 17. Partridge
    Ben and Leslie go to Minnesota so that Ben can get a key to his hometown, councilman Jamm sues Ron for punching him, and Chris and Ann try to test their comparability.
  • 18. Animal Control
    Leslie faces a roadblock while searching for a new head of Animal Control, Ann convinces Ron to go see a doctor, and Ben asks local fragrance mogul Dennis Feinstein for a charitable donation.
  • 19. Article Two
  • 20. Jerry's Retirement
  • 21. Swing Vote
    After a bill to fund a local putt-putt course is introduced, Leslie and Ron compete for Jamm's swing vote. Meanwhile, Andy decides to retire from the band, and Ann tries to help Tom break up with Mona Lisa.
  • 22. Are You Better Off?
    A group of citizens organizes a Leslie Knope recall, Andy finds a positive pregnancy test outside Ron's cabin, and Tom considers a lucrative offer to sell Rent-a-Swag.
  • 1. London
    Ron gets married, Leslie goes to London to receive an award, Ben and Andy try to get a grant from a rich Englishman, and Tom discovers the identity of his new business rival.
  • 3. The Pawnee-Eagleton Tip Off Classic
    Leslie gloats instead of trying to help when she learns of Eagleton's budget crisis, Ron tries to get himself off the grid, and Ann takes April on a road trip to Bloomington.
  • 4. Doppelgängers
    While the parks department works side-by-side with their former Eagleton counterparts, Leslie is blindsided and heartbroken by the news that Ann and Chris are leaving Pawnee.
  • 5. Gin It Up!
    Leslie and the department get caught in a overblown mini-scandal, Tom falls for a visiting doctor, and Ben tries to help Ron draw up a “real” will.
  • 6. Filibuster
    Leslie throws Ben a birthday bash but is forced to leave early for an emergency late-night filibuster. Tom tries to make some memories with his new girlfriend, Ron and Donna go hunting, and April reconnects with Andy.
  • 7. Recall Vote
    Leslie prepares a haunted house with Ben, Ann and Chris for Halloween on the day of the recall vote. Meanwhile, Tom fears the end of Rent-A-Swag and persuades Ron to help save his business
  • 8. Fluoride
    Leslie tries to tackle some of her goals, such as hosting an event with the Indianapolis Colts, and adding fluoride to Pawnee's drinking water; Chris and Ron build cribs together.
  • 9. The Cones of Dunshire
    Leslie (Amy Poehler) goes toe-to-toe with Councilman Jamm in a marathon negotiating session. Ben (Adam Scott) is in between jobs and takes up an interesting hobby to pass the time. Meanwhile, Ron (Nick Offerman) employs Tom (Aziz Ansari), April (Aubrey Plaza) and Donna (Retta) to help sell his cabin in the woods.
  • 10. Second Chunce
    Leslie devises a last-second scheme to get back onto the Pawnee City Council.
  • 11. New Beginnings
    Leslie (Amy Poehler) and Ben (Adam Scott) both face new challenges on the first day of new jobs. Donna (Retta), April (Aubrey Plaza) and Andy (Chris Pratt) play a prank on Ben, while Tom (Aziz Ansari) prepares for a big presentation. Meanwhile Ann (Rashida Jones) and Chris (Rob Lowe) contemplate taking a big leap together.
  • 12. Farmers Market
    Leslie (Amy Poehler) fights with Ben (Adam Scott) over questionable sales techniques at the local farmers market. Ann searches for a way to vent about the annoying aspects of pregnancy, while April (Aubrey Plaza) supports Andy (Chris Pratt) in a new creative venture.
  • 13. Ann and Chris
    On Ann (Rashida Jones) and Chris's (Rob Lowe) last night in Pawnee, Leslie (Amy Poehler) throws a grand farewell party and attempts to fulfill one last promise. Meanwhile, Tom (Aziz Ansari), Ben (Adam Scott), Ron (Nick Offerman) and Andy (Chris Pratt) struggle to find the perfect going away gift for Chris (Rob Lowe).
  • 14. Anniversaries
    Ben tries to surprise Leslie with an anniversary gift; Tom and Andy help Leslie put a positive spin on the merger; April flexes her authority as Donna's boss.
  • 15. The Wall
    Leslie's efforts to take down the wall separating Eagleton and Pawnee yield unexpected results; Ben and Tom meet with possible sponsors for the concert; Ron finds a new hobby.
  • 16. New Slogan
    Leslie (Amy Poehler) aims to create a new town slogan, but runs afoul of local shock jocks (Special Guest Stars Nick Kroll and Matt Besser). Andy (Chris Pratt) scouts bands to play the Unity Concert and discovers an interesting secret about Ron (Nick Offerman), while Tom (Aziz Ansari) looks for a restaurant locale with Donna (Retta) and April (Aubrey Plaza).
  • 17. Galentine's Day
    Leslie throws a hasty Galentine's Day in an attempt to find a replacement for Ann. Tom and Ben look to finalize a deal on tents for the Unity Concert, while Ron finds himself looking after Andy.
  • 18. Prom
    Leslie (Amy Poehler) helps organize the high school's Senior Prom, and battles with Ron (Nick Offerman) over the future employment of a bright high school senior. Andy (Chris Pratt) takes an unwilling April (Aubrey Plaza) as his date, and Tom (Aziz Ansari) is tasked with DJ'ing and agrees to let Ben (Adam Scott) help.
  • 19. Flu Season 2
    In the midst of flu season, a sick Leslie (Amy Poehler) and Andy (Chris Pratt) struggle to book performers for the Unity Concert. Meanwhile, Tom (Aziz Ansari) heads to a wine competition in search of a sommelier for his new restaurant, and Ben (Adam Scott) seeks drunken help from Ron (Nick Offerman) with a personal problem.
  • 20. One in 8,000
    Leslie (Amy Poehler) and Ben (Adam Scott) run a charity auction to raise funds for the unity concert. April (Aubrey Plaza) steps in to manage Andy's (Chris Pratt) schedule, while Donna (Retta) asks Ron (Nick Offerman) for help with her ex-boyfriend (Special Guest Star Keegan Michael-Key).
  • 21. Moving Up
    Leslie debates whether to take the job with the National Parks Service during a convention in San Francisco while Ben tries to get free wifi for Pawnee. Meanwhile in Pawnee, Tom decides to open his bistro early.
  • 0. Episode
  • 1. 2017
    Leslie competes with a tech company for land, which she wants to turn into a national park.
  • 2. Ron & Jammy
    Ron and Councilman Jamm become friends. Meanwhile April and Andy try to conceive a child.
  • 3. William Henry Harrison
    Leslie works to strengthen her case for the land being turned into a park.
  • 5. Gryzzlbox
    Ben and Leslie think the residents of Pawnee are undergoing a privacy invasion.
  • 6. Save JJ's
    In hope of keeping J.J.'s diner open, Leslie organizes a rally; Tom has a surprise gift for Donna.
  • 7. Donna and Joe
    April tries to keep Donna and Joe's wedding running smoothly.
  • 8. Ms. Ludgate-Dwyer Goes to Washington
    While on a business trip to Washington with Leslie, April struggles with her future.
  • 9. Pie-Mary
    Leslie and Ben are criticized for taking part in a tradition; Ron and April go on a scavenger hunt.
  • 10. The Johnny Karate Super Awesome Musical Explosion Show
    The last episode of Andy's TV show brings his friends together.
  • 11. Two Funerals
    Leslie helps Tom prepare for a big evening; Donna and Andy assist Ron with a life change.
  • 12. One Last Ride
    Before bidding Pawnee farewell, the gang must complete one last task together.
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