Doc Martin

  • Évaluation: 8,30
  • Année d'émission: 2004
  • Genres: Comedy, Drama
  • Pays: United Kingdom
  • Durée: 46 minutes

Trials and tribulations of a socially challenged doctor in Cornwall, England

  • 1. Going Bodmin
    Dr Martin Ellingham has been forced to give up his career as an eminent surgeon, and retrain as a GP, after developing a phobia to blood.

    A vacancy arises in the sleepy Cornish hamlet of Portwenn following the death of the local GP. Martin has fond memories of the little fishing port where he spent happy childhood holidays with his Aunt Joan.

    On the lengthy train journey to Cornwall for an interview for the post, Martin takes a close interest in a pretty woman sharing his carriage. His intense scrutiny unsettles the woman and forces her to find a seat in another carriage.

    When he arrives to be interviewed, he finds the woman is schoolteacher Louisa Glasson, the lay member of the interviewing panel. Louisa is particularly tough in her questioning of Martin. Despite his distinguished qualifications she questions whether he has the social skills and bedside manner for the job. But she is outnumbered by the rest of the panel, who are only too delighted to have a man of such eminence as their village GP.

    As Martin leaves the interview Louisa challenges him about why he had been staring at her on the train. He curtly advises Louisa to see an eye specialist as he has detected acute glaucoma.

    Martin takes in his new home, the picture postcard village of pretty little white-washed cottages and narrow alleys. He thinks he is going to be happy here.

    But as he moves in and meets the locals he begins to realise that adjusting to village life is not going to be plain sailing. In his sharp suits and flashy car, he's like a fish out of water.
  • 2. Gentlemen Prefer
    Dr Martin Ellingham's practice is officially open for business. Despite his disastrous introduction to life in the sleepy village of Portwenn, the former surgeon has decided to stay and give it a go.

    The waiting room is full with patients enjoying tea and biscuits served by Elaine, who is busy with a personal call on the phone. It seems the previous GP allowed his patients to treat the surgery as a drop-in café to share their ailments, but not necessarily to seek medical treatment.

    Martin announces to the packed waiting room that unless they have a genuine ailment they should all leave. Stunned and embarrassed, everyone shuffles out, leaving just one man, sour-faced former teacher Roger Fenn who has a nasty cough.

    Martin tells Fenn he must be referred to a specialist for a biopsy on a lump on his neck. But Fenn accuses the doctor of time-wasting and storms out.

    Elaine's inefficiency pushes Martin over the edge when she gives him an unreadable message about a sick child, with no name or phone number for him to contact. Angry at Elaine's consistent complacency, Martin sacks her on the spot.

    News of the sacking spreads around the village like wildfire, and Martin becomes universally disliked. The café won't serve him, and patients are cancelling appointments.

    Martin takes a call from the hospital about the results of Roger Fenn's biopsy. It's not good news, and Martin decides he must tell Fenn face to face.
  • 3. Sh*t Happens
    Dr Martin Ellingham makes his debut on the local radio station, Radio Portwenn. He's not a natural in front of the microphone, and the interview is like pulling teeth for presenter Caroline. She's furious with his monosyllabic answers to her questions.

    Bert Large is in dispute with his son Al over his future in the plumbing business. Al desperately wants to change career. He's determined to go to college to learn about computers and break away from the family business. His father won't hear of it.

    Their row prompts Al to leave, breaking his dad's heart. Bert shares his woes with Martin, who tells him he fell out with his father too, and still doesn't speak to him.

    A nasty stomach bug is sweeping through Portwenn. People are dropping like flies, and filling Martin's surgery. The local pharmacist has been busy with customers seeking remedies.

    Martin decides he must try to track the source of the bug, and heads for the swimming pool. The staff assures him the water is checked rigorously.

    But Martin tells them they must close the pool immediately. When they refuse Martin makes his own announcement to every one in the pool about something dangerous in the water. It creates mass panic as everyone tries to scramble out at once.

    Martin's theory loses credibility when patients who have never been near the pool develop symptoms. He makes a return visit to Radio Portwenn to warn people on air that the culprit is Portwenn's water supply. Caroline is furious.

    The last time the village had a scare about contaminated water supply it almost closed down. After the broadcast villagers are equally furious with Martin, and vent their anger on him as he walks away from the radio station.

    Bert thinks he has the answer to the problem. He's been bottling spring water as a side line, and presents a bottle to Martin to try. Bert claims it is from an ancient spring “”beneath the green hills of France“”. Business is booming since Martin's radio warning.
  • 4. The Portwenn Effect
    It's the Portwenn Players dance, an auspicious event in the village's social calendar, and Bert is in charge of selling tickets.

    Louisa buys two tickets and invites Martin. But Martin doesn't do dancing, and most certainly doesn't do social occasions. Even Bert with his sharp sales tactics can't persuade him.

    Louisa offers her spare ticket to Mark. He thinks it must be his lucky day, especially when Bert suggests that Louisa fancies him.

    On a school wildlife trip, Louisa has to deal with troublesome ten year old Peter Cronk. He's a clever boy, but he's a rebel, and hates every minute of his school days. He's determined to wreck the trip to Mrs Potter's house where the children are learning about bird life.

    Sure enough when Mrs Potter steps into her garden she finds her prized bird tables have been smashed, and Peter is the prime suspect. Peter is called to the school head's office to be reprimanded. Mark says there has been a spate of criminal damage in village gardens. He suggests to Peter that he could help to make some new bird tables. But the belligerent boy says he'd rather be arrested. Peter's mother despairs of her son.

    At the surgery Mark has an appointment with Martin to discuss an embarrassing dilemma. He fears his lack of success with the opposite sex is something to do with size, and wants to hear the doctor's opinion of what is normal! After all he has a date with Louisa, and money is no object if he can make things ‘normal’. Martin is flabbergasted by Mark's confession and may be just a bit jealous?

    Martin has to make a home visit to Stewart James, the park ranger on Bodmin Moor. Elaine tries to warn him about Stewart before he sets off, but Martin isn't listening. He's in for a shock.
  • 5. Of All the Harbours in All the Towns
    An old flame of Joan's sails back into her life and whisks her off her feet. But John Slater is seriously ill with a life threatening heart condition, as Doc Martin discovers when he insists on running tests on John.

    Slater wants to rekindle the love affair with Joan and sail off into the sunset with her. But Martin is anxious for Joan that she will have to nurse a very sick man.

    Schoolgirl Melanie Gibson, one of Port Isaac's bevy of teenage beauties, develops a crush on the doctor. He's her hero after he puts her dislocated shoulder back, and stops the agonising pain she has been suffering. Martin fears the wrath of her father when the girl keeps turning up at the surgery. She's only 15. But when Melanie's father Alan comes to visit, it is he who does the apologising for his daughter's behaviour.

    Martin warns Slater that he should be in hospital. If he doesn't get treatment he could be dead in six weeks. He also tells him it's inappropriate to be carrying on like a teenager with his Aunt Joan.

    Joan confesses she still loves John. She fell in love with him when she was still married. Now with her husband dead there's no reason for her not to be with the man she really loves.

    Martin tries to warn Joan not to get involved with John Slater again. He knows the prognosis is not good, but patient confidentiality prevents him telling Joan just how ill John is. Martin can also see how happy his aunt is, and learns how Joan had given up John for her husband Phil, and for Martin when he was a boy. Martin's father had refused to let his son stay with Joan while she was having the affair with John.

    There's romance in the air between Al and Elaine. He's always had a soft spot for her. Thinking that she has split with her boyfriend, Al tries to woo her, by downloading a special selection of music onto an expensive ipod for her.
  • 6. Haemophobia
    The tourist season has arrived in Portwenn. Disgruntled by the invasion of holidaymakers, Martin grimaces as he makes his way through the crowds.

    Then he notices an attractive woman, and stops to stare…at her chest! Not surprisingly she's annoyed at his blatancy. And she can't believe it when he says he'd like to examine her chest.

    Martin was actually trying to warn the woman about the dangers of sunbathing for fear of skin cancer, but his usual abrupt and quirky manner has caused offence. She tells him to go away in no uncertain terms.

    Louisa has witnessed the encounter, and advises Martin that he should have explained to the woman that he is a doctor to prevent her from thinking he is a pervert.

    At the surgery Adrian Pitts is waiting to see Martin. He's hovering lecherously over Elaine, getting a perfect view of her cleavage. He's one of Martin's former pupils, and has come for a reference. But Martin recalls he was not exactly a star pupil.

    Gossip about the blood phobia which forced Martin to terminate his brilliant career as a surgeon seems to have spread round the village like wild fire. Two patients in the surgery can't resist mentioning the ‘b’ word to Martin. Then he gets an urgent call from the pub.

    Bert has had a terrible accident while working there, and he's bleeding profusely. The sight of blood pouring from Bert's wound begins to trigger the all too familiar panic attacks for Martin. But on closer examination he realises the blood is actually tomato ketchup. Martin is not amused.

    He deduces that Roger Fenn must have been blabbing to the village, even though he promised to keep the phobia a secret. Martin challenges Roger as to why he has been gossiping. Roger is angry that Martin thinks he cannot be trusted with a secret, and denies spilling the beans.

    The whole village is buzzing with the rumours about the doctor's phobia. It even becomes the topic of hot discussion on Radio Portwenn's phone-in show. Martin can't believe what he is hearing on his car radio.

    He stops and phones into the radio station to put the record straight. But still he is the butt of village jokes.
  • 1. Old Dogs
    Season Premiere. Dr Ellingham visits an elderly patient in the villiage, but has to contend with her irate son, who turns out to be one of Louisa's ex-boyfriends. Things become even more complicated when he meets the new receptionist and sees a patient who claims he was injured while being mugged but refuses to give a statement to the police.
  • 2. In Loco
    An outbreak of what the Doc suspects is Impetigo leads to problems for Louisa, who must decide whether to follow the Doc's orders to force the infected children to stay at home, or to help the parents by allowing the children to attend school. The decision is made harder by her impending interview to take over the job of Head Teacher - in front of a board of governors that (to his surprise) includes Doc Martin.

    Meanwhile, an accident in the Fish and Chip shop leaves Bert behind the fryers and the owner's son, Peter, in need of somewhere to stay while his mother is in hospital. His first choice is with none other than a certain Doctor Martin Ellingham…
  • 3. Blood Is Thicker
    The Doc deals with a strange family who seem reluctant to let him make house calls, and whose passion for taxidermy seems to hint at a dark secret involving their missing mother.

    PC Mystow also has family problems when his overbearing sister moves in a sets up shop - much to the Doc's disgust - as a herbalist. A chance remark by Pauline sets Al on a path that could well destroy his relationship with Bert.
  • 4. Aromatherapy
    The people of Portwenn are concerned for Radio Portwenn's DJ Caroline Bosman, whose increasingly erratic behaviour has them suspecting that she has been hitting the bottle. The Doc has to deal with an elderly patient whose personal aroma can clear a room, but is unable to determine a medical cause for the stench. PC Mylow hopes that his pheremone spray will endear him to a pretty newcomer to the village, while the Doc/Louisa/Danny triangle gets even more complicated.
  • 5. Always On My Mind
    Pauline looks set to achieve her ambition of joining the Portwenn Lifeboat crew. However, her joy is short lived when she is confronted with the chauvinistic behaviour of her shipmates. Martin is accused of murder by the husband of a woman who died in his care.
  • 6. The Family Way
    Martin's estranged parents charming Christopher (John Woodvine) and Margaret (Claire Bloom) make a surprise visit, school secretary Maureen Tracey (Ruth Sheen) visits the doctor with what she thinks it is a thyroid problem, PC Mark Mylow announces he's getting engaged, and when Danny Steel collapses, Dr Ellingham has to carry out emergency surgery to save his life.
  • 7. Out Of The Woods
    PC Mark Mylow can't persuade Dr Ellingham to be his best man, but Al Large agrees. The stag weekend – a camping trip – goes wrong when an adder bites Mark’s ankle and he suffers a potentially fatal allergic reaction. Meanwhile, Dr Ellingham deals with a spate of weever fish stings among teenage boys playing a dangerous game of dare.
  • 8. Erotomania
    Season Finale. A Salvation Army member arrives in Portwenn to try to trace a missing woman, Danny asks reluctant girlfriend Louisa to move into him, and PC Mark Mylow's medical check has a shock result.
  • 0. Christmas Special: On The Edge
  • 1. The Apple Doesn't Fall
    Martin suspects Louisa may have anaemia.

    Aunt Joan is forced to receive treatment from Martin after nearly running someone over.

    The Doc is approached by Alison Lane, who worries about her daughter Delph's behaviour.
  • 2. Movement
    Bert Large opens a restaurant in Portwenn, but when a food-poisoning alert appears to be connected to it, it could be a short-lived opening.

    When Louisa contracts food-poisoning, Martin is rather self-consciously forced to treat her in her bedroom.
  • 3. City Slickers
    Anthony and Terri Oakwood move in next door to Louisa with their son, Sam, who is given extreme freedom by his parents to express himself.

    The new arrivals interrupt a planned dinner between Louisa and Martin, and Martin leaves abruptly.
  • 4. The Admirer
    Mrs Wilson, the hypochondriac owner of the Wilson hotel, forces her attentions on a very indifferent Martin, which makes Louisa jealous anyway. Joan dates a much younger man than her, much to Martin's surprise.
  • 5. The Holly Bears a Prickle
    Martin and Louisa go on a date, but his usual bluntness ruins a romantic moment, and Louisa ends the struggling relationship.

    However, a friend of Louisa's visiting from the City, Holly, injures her back on the beach, and is forced to remain in Portween. Martin has to treat her at Louisa's house, while at the same time trying to overcome his own distraction at Louisa's dismissal of him.
  • 6. Nowt So Queer
    As an excited Portwenn digests the news that Martin and Louisa are engaged, it's business as usual for the doctor. Beth Sawle's knee wound is not responding to the treatment he's prescribed, and when Martin visits the remote cottage where she lives with her strange sister Janet, he makes a disturbing discovery. Meanwhile, Bert's restaurant is in financial trouble, prompting son Al to take decisive action.
  • 7. Happily Ever After
    It's Martin's wedding day and he manages to offend the vicar who is due to conduct the ceremony by suggesting he has a drink problem. When they struggle over a bottle of whisky, the vicar falls over, fracturing his pelvis and Martin has to find a replacement. Pauline suggests the former vicar of Delabole, who strikes a deal. He will conduct the wedding ceremony if Martin will examine his sick pig. Bert and Al are putting the finishing touches to the wedding banquet when disaster strikes. Last in the series.
  • 1. Better the Devil
    Doc Martin is struggling to maintain his life as a GP, after his wedding day disaster with school headmistress Louisa. She has left the village, and he is starting to question whether this is where he wants to stay, until an old friend turns up.
  • 2. Uneasy Lies The Head
    Dr Martin Ellingham struggles to deal with Louisa’s news. But Louisa is adamant she does not want Martin involved.
  • 3. Perish Together As Fools
    Dr Martin Ellingham is shocked to find Louisa and Aunt Joan knocking at his door before the Surgery has opened. Louisa has had a medical scare and wants Martin’s reassurance that everything is fine.
  • 4. Driving Mr McLynn
    Dr Martin Ellingham is called to Louisa’s new home after she has a dizzy spell while shifting furniture. Martin urges her to slow down, but is shocked to learn that Louisa has applied to be her school’s headteacher again.
  • 5. The Departed
    Dr Martin Ellingham is in London to meet with Robert Dashwood, who is leading the selection process for the prestigious London surgeon’s job that Martin has applied for. Robert can tell that Martin is excited to be back in the world of surgery, and is pleased that Martin has finally conquered his debilitating blood phobia. Robert is confident that Martin will get the job.
  • 6. Midwife Crisis
    Dr Martin Ellingham meets Portwenn’s new midwife, Molly, who will be looking after Louisa. Martin is dismissive of her profession, and the two of them do not hit it off.
  • 7. Do Not Disturb
    Dr Martin Ellingham seeks out Louisa to talk about his new surgeon’s job in London, but they are interrupted by Bert, who wants to plan a baby shower for Louisa.
  • 8. The Wrong Goodbye
    Dr Martin Ellingham and Pauline are surprised by the number of patients coming to see him on the last day before his Surgery closes and he moves to London.
  • 1. Preserve the Romance
    The curmudgeonly GP struggles to come to terms with his new role as a father, having planned to resume his career as a consultant in London before the arrival of his and Louisa's as-yet unnamed son. To make matters worse, he begins to have serious doubts about the competency of his replacement Dr Di Dibbs when she misdiagnoses a patient as well as herself. Martin is then dealt a devastating personal blow after hearing his aunt Joan has died. (This Episode Is Rated TV-PG-V)
  • 2. Dry Your Tears
    The GP returns to his former post at the surgery after the departure of Dr Dibbs, agreeing to stay until a replacement is found. He persuades a reluctant Louisa to move into his house so he can help raise their son, and suggests they could all move to London together in the future. Martin then delivers the eulogy at his aunt Joan's funeral and speaks to her sister Ruth, who proves to be just as cantankerous as he is.
  • 3. Born With A Shotgun
    New receptionist Morwenna Newcross gets off to a bad start after arriving late on her first day, and her hyperactive behaviour leads Martin to believe she is high on drugs. Ruth tries to deal with an intruder on the farm who has stolen the hub caps from her car, and the sleepless nights begin to take their toll on Martin and Louisa, who are running out of ways to comfort their constantly wailing baby.
  • 4. Mother Knows Best
    Louisa's hippie mother Eleanor arrives in the village, immediately taking over Martin's kitchen to prepare a herbal tonic, which she later gives to the baby to stop his crying. A culinary rivalry develops between Bert and Mark Bridge, the landlord of the Crab and Lobster pub, at Portwenn Fun Day with both keen to take advantage of the event by providing food for the spectators.
  • 5. Remember Me
    PC Penhale is shocked by the unexpected arrival of his ex-wife Maggie, who appears to have forgotten that they separated years ago and wants to know why he left her. Eleanor goes on a date with local fisherman Paul Hale, an old friend she has not seen since school, while Martin and Louisa finally agree on a name for their baby
  • 6. Don't Let Go
    Maggie gets the all-clear from the doctor and decides she will return to Bude, forcing PC Penhale to take desperate measures to persuade her to stay in Portwenn. Ruth uncovers a raft of family heirlooms while clearing out a barn at the farm, and the mounting tension between Martin and Louisa peaks when she discovers he has booked a date for James Henry's christening without consulting her.
  • 7. Cats and Sharks
    Bert Large's restaurant business is financial trouble. He can't even afford the food and drink for a charity event to raise money for Florence Dingle's cat sanctuary. Mrs Dingle is distraught. She desperately needs the money to continue to look after the cats and kittens in her care. Bert is also being chased by loan sharks Alastair Tonken and his son Norman for the repayment of £1,000 they gave him to clear his debts, warning of repercussions if he doesn't pay up.
  • 8. Ever After
    Mrs Tishell decides she can no longer hide her love for Martin and, fuelled by a cocktail of drugs, takes drastic action. While James Henry is in her care, she boards a bus out of Portwenn and leaves a message for Dr Ellingham to `meet them at the castle', forcing Martin, Louisa, Ruth and PC Penhale to mount a desperate search for the pair.
  • 1. Sickness and Health
    Martin and Louisa are about to get married but will it ever happen. Martin is feeling irritated by PC Penhale, who wrongly believes that he is going to be the best man and Louisa is also late for the service. The vicar has serious doubts as to whether she will turn up, leaving Martin on edge. After she finally arrives the couple are married. Things after the wedding don't go as Martin hoped and Ruth has a difficult time looking after James.
  • 2. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
    The GP is left holding the baby after upsetting the new childminder, but luckily Mike agrees to look after James at short notice. However, Louisa is not happy with the arrangement and an argument erupts between the newlyweds just as their guests arrive for dinner - and that's only the first of the evening's problems.
  • 3. The Tameness of a Wolf
    A stranger stops dead in his tracks when he sees Ruth in the village, and later he spies on her when she is having a coffee with Caroline. Ruth is not sure why, but she starts feeling uneasy. One of Louisa's pupils blames an upset stomach on a meal she ate at Bert's restaurant and writes about it in the school magazine. Bert and Al are furious, and they go to see Louisa wanting something to be done.
  • 4. Nobody Likes Me by Charlie Martin
    When Martin is talked into taking baby James to playgroup, he is forced to sing along with the other mums. As the parents pair up, one of them says she is worried about her daughter, to which Martin replies that the girl is probably just backward. Al helps Ruth move into a cottage in the village where she meets her new neighbour, a grumpy old man called Moysey. When Moysey goes for a repeat prescription for his asthma, Martin notices that his breathing has got worse - but he takes exception to being poked and prodded. Al admits he would like a girlfriend and asks Morwenna if she has any single friends. Morwenna asks her mate Janice, who is not impressed by the idea. So a desperate Al decides to sign up with Cornish Couples, a dating website.
  • 5. The Practice Around the Corner
    Mrs Tishell returns to the village. Martin has to work out what is wrong with beach comber Lorna. Al and Morwenna have an internet dating disaster, and romance is blossoming for Bert and Jennifer.
  • 6. Hazardous Exposure
    Penhale spreads pandemonium throughout the village and Bert pops the question to Jennifer.
  • 7. Listen with Mother
    During an examination, Mrs Tishell is smitten by Martin holding her hands and staring into her eyes, and falls head-over-heels in love with him again. Two military policemen call at the police station looking for Mike Pruddy. Al pretends not to know Mike, then goes to warn him the army are looking for him. Louisa has shocking news for Martin.
  • 8. Departure
    Louisa is leaving for Spain, Bert and Jennifer's engagement party goes off with a bang, and Al is hailed as a hero for saving Caroline's life.
  • 1. Rescue Me
    With Louisa visiting her mother in Spain to get some perspective on their marriage, Martin knows he needs to try to change for the sake of their relationship, so he endeavours to keep his promise to her to see a therapist. Aunt Ruth arranges an appointment for him with Dr Rachel Timoney, but a lifeboat training exercise causes problems for the doctor. Will he get back in time for his first session?
  • 2. The Shock of the New
    Al welcomes his first fishing guests, but an uninvited one means that a good review is definitely not guaranteed, while Bert decides to try to rejuvenate trade at the restaurant by joining an online voucher scheme. Morwenna asks Martin for a pay rise, and Louisa has to find a new babysitter to look after James Henry and reluctantly decides to offer Janice a trial. Penhale is excited to receive his new police issue Taser, but Portwenn does not exactly offer him plenty of opportunities to try it out.
  • 3. It's Good to Talk
    The irascible medic decides to move out of the Surgery to give Louisa space, leaving Mrs Tishell concerned he will not be able to look after himself on his own. Elsewhere, PC Penhale helps Janice babysit, and Al is very concerned when he finds out about Bert's behaviour and hears there are bailiffs at the restaurant.
  • 4. Education, Education, Education
    Louisa and Martin have their first therapy session together - though neither of them was expecting they would be given homework - while Morwenna is not happy about it when a teenager on work experience starts trying to boss her around in the surgery. Mrs Tishell is surprised when her husband Clive returns and tells her he wants to give things another go, and Louisa has to call Martin when one of her pupils collapses during a school excursion.
  • 5. Control-Alt-Delete
    After reaching breaking point with being followed around by Buddy, Martin resolves to find a vet to have it put down, while Ruth finds out that Bert has been trying to make his own whisky. Clive is suspicious of Mrs Tishell and who she might be cooking meals for, Penhale makes a hash of asking Janice out, and Louisa and Martin's therapy homework results in a picnic on the beach, where they are interrupted by local vet Angela Sim - who appears to be hallucinating.
  • 6. Other People's Children
    Louisa helps out her ex-boyfriend Danny when he brings seven children from London to camp on Ruth's farm - supervised by Al and Bert - while she and Martin plan a date on the advice of Dr Timoney. However, their night at the restaurant is interrupted when Danny calls saying one of the youngsters has gone missing. Things get worse for the couple when Martin uncovers a health scare at James's first birthday party that makes all the guests leave very quickly.
  • 7. Facta Non Verba
    Louisa is not best pleased when her new art teacher Erica wants to try out some rather alternative ideas on the children, while Dr Timoney is involved in a car accident outside the school. Penhale is confused when he is offered a transfer to Exeter, Bert decides to go back to being a handyman, and Louisa and Martin are intrigued when Dr Timoney invites them for an additional therapy session. Plus, an American tourist seeks help from the GP.
  • 8. The Doctor Is Out
    Louisa and Martin decide to make a go of it, starting with a conciliatory dinner but Louisa is concerned when Martin fails to show up. In fact he has been taken prisoner by elderly Annie Winton, who wants him to save her terminally ill husband Jim, despite Jim's more stoical attitude. Louisa and Joe Penhale track him down and the outcome provides a solution to the Ellinghams' marriage problems. There is good news too for Al, as not only have Ruth and Bert decided to go into business to market Bert's whiskey to promote Al's B & B but he also gets a date with …
  • 1. Mysterious Ways
    Wedding bells are set to ring for PC Penhale and Janice, but nothing ever goes smoothly in Portwenn.
  • 2. Sons and Lovers
    Martin and Louisa search for a nursery now that Janice has left, and Mrs Tishell is shocked to find out that Al has very high blood pressure. Louisa also helps with the diagnosis of a pupil, which spurs her on to explore the possibilities of a change of career. This is not welcome news for Martin, who dislikes any kind of change, even if it could be for the better. Elsewhere, Ruth is approached about selling her farm.
  • 3. Farewell My Lovely
    Martin is left holding the baby when Louisa has to take Year Six pupils sailing. He has to collect James from nursery every afternoon, but with surgery hours Martin is constantly late.
  • 4. Faith
    Morwenna’s parents Jack and Tara pay a surprise visit, having been working as missionaries in Kenya. However, the reunion is tinged with sadness when it turns out that Morwenna’s mother has liver cancer, and has decided against treatment because of her faith. Louisa’s first online call for her new course does not go as planned – especially when Martin tells the lecturer exactly what he thinks – and Joe investigates a break-in at the school where nothing has been stolen. Martin Clunes stars in the comedy drama, with Jessica Ransom, Caroline Catz, John Marquez, Kevin Doyle and Rebecca Lacey.
  • 5. From the Mouths of Babies
    Louisa has problems at school with Toby, Angela Sim’s Nephew. Meanwhile, Al has a ‘Large Whiskey’ order and has to ask Bert for some help, and Mrs Tishell seems to be having a delayed onset of mourning. Elsewhere, Martin and Louisa decide to try Mel’s suggestions of using amber beads to help James while he is teething.
  • 6. Accidental Hero
    Penhale decides to have a Police Open day to raise community awareness, but the only genuine visitor is an angry farmer who has had three of her sheep stolen. Meanwhile, Morwenna decides to take Al away for the weekend to try out Hannah’s new glamping site, but the trip does not go well as Al accidently burns down the yurt. Elsewhere, James has started biting not only Louisa but other children at the nursery. Louisa speaks to Tina about it, but is surprised to find out Tina has spoken to their lecturer about it too.
  • 7. Blade on the Feather
    Martin wakes up to an empty bed. When he goes looking for Louisa he discovers she is trying to write her resignation letter.
  • 8. All My Trials
    Martin prepares to face his hearing, but despite having closed the practice, he finds all his patients are trying to make appointments. An American tourist who visited Portwenn previously returns to the town, hoping to research her family tree. However, she also has a medical issue, and comes to the troubled doctor seeking his advice. Louisa goes to see Chris to find out how serious the situation is, while the townsfolk take steps to show Martin how much he is appreciated.
  • 1. To The Lighthouse
    Martin's medical career remains under scrutiny, as a GMC representative has come to assess him and his surgery.
  • 2. The Shock of the New
    Martin's GMC report requires he passes three refresher courses which will then decide whether he is deemed fit to practice, starting with phlebotomy.
  • 3. SWALK
    Ruth is concerned about becoming increasingly forgetful, and is even more perturbed when Martin offers to perform a mini mental state examination.
  • 4. Paint it Black
    Martin has his second GMC assessment - mock surgery - and Buddy is missing. Meanwhile, Ken's arrival does not bring good news for Al and Bert, and Penhale unhappy with the arrival of his predecessor, Mark Mylow, who tries to take charge of his investigation.
  • 5. Wild West Country
    Martin investigates after local farmer Dennis Thorpe shoots at Robert for taking some of his eggs. Meanwhile, Emily returns to the surgery to see Martin after her acne medication caused a bad reaction, a secret bidder buys the Crab and Lobster pub, and Louisa ponders if she should see a fertility specialist.
  • 6. Equilibrium
    Martin and Louisa have their first fertility consultation with Dr Emma Ryder. Meanwhile, a case of vandalism at a local surf school is reported and PC Joe Penhale investigates. Elsewhere, Dr Edward Mullen returns to the surgery, and Bert is feeling the pressure from Caitlin. Starring Martin Clunes, Lucy Russell and Conleth Hill.
  • 7. Single White Bevy
    Martin has to rush Buddy the dog to the vets. Meanwhile, Mrs Tishell's young cousin Sarah joins her for some work experience, but it does not go to plan, and one of Louisa's clients arrives at the surgery unannounced, posing a dilemma.
  • 8. License to Practice
    Martin rushes to Ruth's for a medical emergency, and preparations for Morwenna and Al's wedding do not go to plan. Elsewhere, Martin takes his final GMC assessment under the watchful eye of eminent surgeon Bernard Newton, who monitors Martin's skills in assisted surgery.
  • 1. Episode 1
    After having his career scrutinised by the General Medical Council because of his blood phobia, Martin makes efforts to overcome his fear and begins to question whether he made the right decision about resigning.
  • 2. One Night Only
    The surgery is chaotic, with both Martin and Louisa now practising from it. Bert's new business venture with Al doesn't get off to a good start, and Penhale suspects noise complaints are due to paranormal activity.
  • 3. How Long Has This Been Going On?
    Martin is called to an emergency at a local farm, but much to his annoyance the sick farmer, Ron Pickford seems well enough to be managing his lambing sheep.
  • 4. Everlasting Love
    Martin rubs up against the new herbalist and Penhale, Louisa and James are all interested in Janice's new pedicure fish. Martin's ex-flame invites him to speak as keynote speaker at Imperial College, and Ruth is back from Mexico with more than maracas.
  • 5. Fly Me To The Moon
    Louisa is shocked and Martin suspicious by the unannounced return of her father. Ruth is helping Martin with his blood phobia when she discovers his predicament, and an unexpected caravan squatter thwarts Bert's dreams of making a quick buck.
  • 6. Return to Sender
    Martin and Louisa are off to London for Martin to present his research paper. Janice is looking after the children, but things don't go smoothly when Penhale tries to help. Martin also has a few hiccups including an unexpected proposition or two.
  • 7. Love Will Set You Free
    The news of Martin's Imperial College job offer is flying through the village, but the Ellinghams are yet to make a decision. Caitlin blames Bert for the flooded pub cellar, and an emergency on the rocks helps Morwenna make some important decisions.
  • 8. Our Last Summer
    The villagers throw the Ellinghams a farewell party and Ruth helps Mrs Tishell deal with the news and encourages her to attend, but it seems that Martin and Louisa aren't going to make it because a farmer has spotted their lost dog.
  • 9. Last Christmas in Portwenn
    Picturesque Port Isaac provides the beautiful wintry backdrop for the festive special, with all the regular members of the cast reprising their roles. Portwenn is full of festive fun, until Doc Martin has the grotto closed down because he fears Santa has something contagious.
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