
  • Évaluation: 8,50
  • Année d'émission: 2009
  • Genres: Comedy
  • Pays: United States
  • Durée: 22 minutes
  • Complexité: 9

Un ancien avocat avec une fausse licence entre dans le Collège de Greendale où avec une jolie blonde Britta Perry il crée une communauté qui unit les étudiants des tranches d'âge différents. Chacun d'eux poursuit leurs propres intérêts mais finalement ils deviennent de vrais amis.

  • 1. Pilot
    An ex-lawyer is forced to return to community college to get a degree. However, he tries to use the skills he learned as a lawyer to get the answers to all his tests and pick up on a sexy woman in his Spanish class.
  • 2. Spanish 101
    Jeff takes steps to ensure that Brita will be his partner in Spanish class, but winds up with Pierce instead.
  • 3. Introduction to Film
    Brita comes between Abed and his father when she signs him up for a film class, and Jeff risks failing a class unless he “seizes the day.”
  • 4. Social Psychology
    Jeff and Shirley bond by making fun of Britta's new hippie boyfriend, which doesn't go well for any involved. Meanwhile, Troy and Abed become pawns in Annie's psychology experiment.
  • 5. Advanced Criminal Law
    Señor Chang is on the hunt for a cheater and threatens to fail the entire class if the culprit doesn't come forward. When someone confesses, Jeff comes to their defense. Meanwhile, Annie recruits Pierce to write the new school song.
  • 6. Football, Feminism and You
    Jeff talks Troy into playing for the college's football team, sparking Annie's anger. Pierce helps the dean come up with a new mascot, and Britta tries to become Shirley's bathroom friend.
  • 7. Introduction to Statistics
    Will Jeff blow off Annie's Halloween party and sell out his other classmates in order to get a chance to score with a sexy professor?
  • 8. Home Economics
    When Jeff loses his home and his car, he is forced to move into Abed's dorm room. Troy has a big date, but why is a jealous Annie trying to help? Meanwhile, Pierce becomes the keyboardist for Vaughn's band.
  • 9. Debate 109
    Jeff reluctantly agrees to be Annie's debate partner, Britta humors Pierce by letting him try hypnotherapy on her to get her to stop smoking, and the gang begins to think that Abed's films may predict their future.
  • 10. Environmental Science
    Jeff hangs out with Senor Chang to get out of an essay, angering the rest of the group. Meanwhile, Abed and Troy search for their missing lab mouse, and Pierce helps Shirley out with a presentation.
  • 11. Politics of Human Sexuality
    Annie helps the dean put on an “STD Fair,” but doesn't want to perform an embarrassing demonstration. Meanwhile Jeff finds a companion for a double date with Pierce, and Troy finds out that Abed is a better athlete than him.
  • 12. Comparative Religion
    Shirley throws a Christmas party for the gang and much to her surprise learns her classmates come from various religious backgrounds. Meanwhile, Jeff is challenged by the school bully and faces the reality that he may fail Spanish 101.
  • 13. Investigative Journalism
    The gang decides not to let an obnoxious student from their Spanish class into the study group. The dean appoints Jeff as editor of the student paper, where Annie is working on a story that could expose the dean as a racist.
  • 14. Interpretive Dance
    Jeff runs in to problems when the study group and the dean discover that he's seeing a professor, while Troy and Britta discover each other's secret that they are both taking dance classes.
  • 15. Romantic Expressionism
    When Annie starts hanging out with Britta's ex-boyfriend Vaughn, Britta and Jeff vow to protect her. Meanwhile, Pierce feels left out at Troy and Abed's movie night.
  • 16. Communication Studies
    Jeff sets out to fix his relationship with Britta after things get awkward with a drunken phone call. Meanwhile, Annie and Shirley make plans to humiliate Señor Chang in order to defend Troy and Pierce's dignity.
  • 17. Physical Education
    Jeff refuses to participate in a pool class because the teacher forces him to play in gym shorts, and the study group discovers a white version of Abed at the college.
  • 18. Basic Genealogy
    It's Family Day at Greendale. Pierce's tries to build a relationship with his stepdaughter, but she has eyes for Jeff instead. Britta gets in trouble with Troy's Nana, and Shirley's kids cause problems for Abed's father.
  • 19. Beginner Pottery
    Jeff signs up for a pottery class for an easy credit, but winds up failing the class when his jealousy of another student gets the best of him. Meanwhile, Pierce's incompetence could ruin his group's grade in boating class.
  • 20. The Science of Illusion
    Britta's April Fool's Day prank has disastrous consequences, but she refuses to confess that she was responsible. Annie and Shirley temporarily work as security guards, but both of them want to be the “bad cop.”
  • 21. Contemporary American Poultry
    Jeff's plan to get chicken fingers from the school cafeteria for the study group quickly evolves into a mafia movie-style endeavor with Abed calling all the shots.
  • 22. The Art of Discourse
    Shirley gets Pierce kicked out the study group, Jeff and Britta plot revenge on a group of high schoolers who make fun of them for attending community college, and Troy helps Abed accomplish some of his movie-clichéd social goals.
  • 23. Modern Warfare
    Greendale Comunity College is transformed into an apocalyptic war zone when the dean promises the winner of a paintball competition priority registration, and it could fan the flames of sexual tension between Jeff and Britta.
  • 24. English as a Second Language
    Annie uses inside information about Señor Chang to get him fired so that the study group will be forced to stay together and take Spanish again. Meanwhile, Troy discovers that he has a natural skill for plumbing.
  • 25. Pascal's Triangle Revisited
    Jealousy runs rampant at Greendale as Britta and Professor Slater fight for the affection of Jeff. Meanwhile, Troy is confused when his best friend, Abed, doesn't invite him to move into his dorm room.
  • 1. Anthropology 101
    Jeff and Britta engage in a dangerous game of relationship one-upsmanship in response to Britta's embarrassing moment at the end of the previous school year, which could cause the entire study group to fall apart.
  • 2. Accounting for Lawyers
    Jeff blows off the study group and their break-dancing competition to hang out with his old co-workers at the law firm, but Annie tries to prove that one of them is the person who turned him in and got him fired.
  • 3. The Psychology of Letting Go
    Pierce's religion convinces him that the spirit of his dead mother is captured in a cheap lava lamp, Jeff has a crisis of faith when he learns he has high cholesterol, and Britta and Annie try to raise money for the oil spill.
  • 4. Basic Rocket Science
    Everyone in the study group except Abed is stuck in a crude 1980s space simulator as it is towed off campus, and Abed leads the team given the difficult assignment of bringing them home.
  • 5. Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples
    Shirley asks Abed to make a film about Jesus, but he quickly angers Shirley by turning it into a self-indulgent mess. Meanwhile, Pierce begins blowing off the study group to hang out with the “hipsters.”
  • 6. Epidemiology
    The study group is left to fend for themselves by Dean Pelton during a rabies outbreak due to tainted food at Greendale's Halloween party.
  • 7. Aerodynamics of Gender
    Britta, Annie and Shirley discover that Abed is skilled at insulting the mean girls, so they use him to their advantage. Meanwhile, Troy and Jeff find a secret garden with a trampoline, which they use for relaxation.
  • 8. Cooperative Calligraphy
    Chaos and mistrust tear the study group apart as they try to figure out who stole Annie's pen, causing them to miss the Greendale Puppy Parade.
  • 9. Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design
    Dean Pelton tries to bust Jeff for a phony night school credit, which only unveils a series of conspiracies, plots, and double-crosses between Jeff, Annie, and the dean.
  • 10. Mixology Certification
    The study group takes Troy out to a bar to celebrate his 21st birthday. While there, Annie assumes a new identity, Abed is propositioned by a man, one of Shirley's secrets is discovered, and Britta and Jeff fight over the “cool” bars.
  • 11. Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas
    When Abed wakes up to discover that everything is in stop motion animation, Professor Duncan and the study group help him try to discover the true meaning of Christmas.
  • 12. Asian Population Studies
    Annie lobbies for her new crush, who is also Jeff's rival, to join the study group, but a jealous Jeff counters with Chang. Meanwhile, Shirley announces that she's pregnant, but she doesn't know that it could be Chang's.
  • 13. Celebrity Pharmacology 212
    Pierce bribes Annie into getting him a bigger role in her anti-drug play, Jeff gets in trouble when he sends a lewd text message from Britta's phone, and Shirley rejects Chang's attempts to be friendly to her.
  • 14. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
    The study group plays Dungeons & Dragons with another classmate to improve his spirits, but Pierce's jealousies cause their good intentions to backfire.
  • 15. Early 21st Century Romanticism
    Jeff hangs out with Professor Duncan after a fight with the study group, but Chang tags along and starts a party. Meanwhile, Abed and Troy fight for a librarian's affection, and Britta goes to a dance with a girl she thinks is a lesbian.
  • 16. Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking
    Pierce pretends to be dying so that he can bequeath a series of cryptic and sometimes mean-spirited gifts to his study partners, and Abed decides to shoot a documentary film of the situation.
  • 17. Intro to Political Science
    Anticipating a visit from the vice president, dean Pelton holds an election for student body president. An idealistic Annie decides to run, but Jeff decides to run against her to spite her and show how stupid politics can be.
  • 18. Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy
    Jeff uses Shirley's parental rights waiver against Chang as a way to get Chang out of the apartment, while Britta is afraid to tell Abed and Troy that their new friend is a war criminal.
  • 19. Critical Film Studies
    Jeff's “Pulp Fiction”-themed surprise party for Abed is spoiled when Abed tells him over dinner that he's done with pop culture. But is this confession actually just part of another movie homage?
  • 20. Competitive Wine Tasting
    When a beautiful woman rejects him in favor of Pierce, Jeff is convinced she must have ulterior motives. Meanwhile, Troy invents a painful childhood memory in order to attract Britta, and Abed feuds with his professor over “Who's the Boss?”
  • 21. Paradigms of Human Memory
    As the study group gathers to assemble their 20th and final Anthropology diorama of the year, they begin reminiscing about their favorite times together - including a trip they made to a western ghost town, a last minute glee club performance and the array of costumes that Dean Pelton has managed to wear over the year. Meanwhile, Troy's pet monkey returns, only to disappear back into the school's ventilation system.
  • 22. Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts
    When the Anthropology class assembles for their final exam, Shirley notices a twinge, which quickly escalates into full-blown labor. As Jeff and Britta argue about how best to help, Chang is anxious to claim this “early” labor as clear evidence that it's a “Chang Baby!” Meanwhile, Greendale is hosting a World Food Festival in the parking lot and a riot ensues - Dean Pelton is caught in the crossfire.
  • 23. A Fistful of Paintballs
    In a “spaghetti western” parody, Pierce tries to get revenge on the rest of the study group during this year's paintball tournament.
  • 24. For a Few Paintballs More
    When the study group learns that there's a sinister plot behind the paintball tournament, they unite the remaining players to defeat the enemy.
  • 1. Biology 101
    Jeff's plan to keep Pierce out of the Study Group backfires when he gets kicked out instead, Abed copes with bad news about Cougar Town, and Dean Pelton's authority is challenged by another Greendale dean.
  • 2. Geography of Global Conflict
    When another over-achieving student steals Annie's idea for a Model U.N. club, the Study Group comes to her rescue. Meanwhile, new security cop Chang tries to stop Britta's last-ditch efforts to create a campus disturbance.
  • 3. Competitive Ecology
    Chaos ensues when the Study Group tries to divide itself up into biology lab partners, and Chang appoints himself security “detective,” and tries to solve a mystery that is only in his head.
  • 4. Remedial Chaos Theory
    At Abed and Troy's housewarming party, Jeff decides to let the decision on who gets the pizza rest on the roll of the dice, leaving Abed to contemplate six alternate realities.
  • 5. Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps
    During her pre-Halloween party, Britta gets everyone to tell a spooky story so that she can find out which member of the study group scored out as a psychopath on their psychology profiles.
  • 6. Advanced Gay
    Pierce gets a visit from his bigoted father after his wipes become a hit in the gay community, and the dean of the School of Refrigeration recruits Troy to become his student.
  • 7. Studies in Modern Movement
    The study group helps Annie move in with Troy and Abed - except for Jeff, who lies to get out of it but is busted by dean Pelton.
  • 8. Documentary Filmmaking: Redux
    Dean Pelton is given the task to make an updated Greendale television commercial, but the shoot soon goes over budget and spirals out of control, descending the dean into madness–with Abed documenting the entire experience.
  • 9. Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism
    Shirley teaches Jeff foosball so that he can beat a team of cocky, obnoxious Germans, while Annie creates an overly elaborate ruse so that she doesn't have to tell Abed that she broke his special edition The Dark Knight DVD.
  • 10. Regional Holiday Music
    A holiday-themed parody of “Glee” in which Abed tries to persuade each member of the Study Group to join the glee club so that they can qualify for regionals.
  • 11. Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts
    Pierce comes to Shirley with a business proposal just as she's about to get married to Andre. Meanwhile, Troy and Abed try to act “normal” for the wedding, Britta discovers a new skill, and Jeff struggles with his toast.
  • 12. Contemporary Impressionists
    The members of the Study Group take jobs as celebrity impersonators to pay off Abed's debt to a celebrity impersonator business, but can Jeff be Ryan Seacrest without his fragile ego spiral out of control?
  • 13. Digital Exploration of Interior Design
  • 14. Pillows and Blankets
  • 15. Origins of Vampire Mythology
    While Britta struggles to stay away from her old carny boyfriend, Jeff becomes obsessed with their relationship. Meanwhile, the dean stops by Troy and Abed's to recruit Troy for the dean of the school of refrigeration.
  • 16. Virtual Systems Analysis
  • 17. Basic Lupine Urology
  • 18. Course Listing Unavailable
  • 19. Curriculum Unavailable
  • 20. Digital Estate Planning
    The Study Group must help Hawthorne win a video game so that he can claim his inheritance, but somebody may be out to ensure that he loses.
  • 21. The First Chang Dynasty
    The Study Group, now known as the “Greendale Seven,” launches a plot to rescue the real dean Pelton and end Chang's reign of terror over Greendale.
  • 22. Introduction to Finality
    Jeff faces an old nemesis as Shirley and Pierce square off in Greendale court, Abed succumbs to his evil alter ego, and Troy decides to meet his destiny at air conditioning school.
  • 1. History 101
    The Study Group returns from summer break ready to tackle their fourth year of Community College. Jeff is particularly focused on graduating and is just a few credits away. When there is a mix-up with a history class registration, Dean Pelton institutes an elaborate physical competition for class space. Meanwhile, Britta helps Abed deal with the anxiety he is experiencing over the thought of the study group graduating and breaking up.
  • 2. Paranormal Parentage
    The Study Group's Halloween plans are put on hold when Pierce locks himself in the panic room of his “haunted” mansion.
  • 3. Conventions of Space and Time
    At the Inspector SpaceTime Convention, Abed finds a new “soulmate,” Jeff discovers he looks like one of the show's villains, Shirley and Pierce join a focus group, and Annie pretends to be Jeff's husband.
  • 4. Alternative History of the German Invasion
    The Study Group loses access to the study room to the German foosballers, and Chang returns to campus, claiming to be suffering from “Changnesia.”
  • 5. Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations
    While Jeff and Britta spend Thanksgiving with Jeff's newly-discovered father and brother, the rest of the Study Group tries to escape from Shirley's dysfunctional family Thanksgiving celebration.
  • 6. Advanced Documentary Filmmaking
    Abed makes a new documentary chronicling Greendale's effort to get a research grant for “Changnesia,” as well as Jeff's efforts to prove that Chang is faking his disease.
  • 7. Economics of Marine Biology
    Dean Pelton and Annie try to land a “shark” student while Jeff is assigned to keep Pierce occupied. Meanwhile, Troy and Shirley take a physical education education course, and Abed creates a fraternity to annoy the dean.
  • 8. Herstory of Dance
    While the dean sets up a Sadie Hawkins dance, Britta puts together a competing Sophie B. Hawkins dance. Meanwhile, Abed is set up with two dates to both dances by Annie and Shirley.
  • 9. Intro to Felt Surrogacy
  • 10. Intro to Knots
  • 11. Basic Human Anatomy
  • 12. Heroic Origins
  • 13. Advanced Introduction to Finality
  • 1. Repilot
    After his career as a lawyer fails, Jeff returns to Greendale to help his former partner Alan gather evidence for a lawsuit against the school. Believing that Jeff is there to save the school, the dean reunites the study group.
  • 2. Introduction to Teaching
    After the Dean Pelton offers Jeff a job as a law teacher, Jeff tries to learn the ropes of being a teacher from fellow professor Buzz Hickey and Abed takes on the daunting task of answering the question “Is Nicholas Cage good or bad?”
  • 3. Basic Intergluteal Numismatics
    The college is surrounded with panic when an unidentified person starts dropping coins down everyone's butts and Annie takes it upon herself to find out the person behind it all.
  • 4. Cooperative Polygraphy
    After Pierce's unexpected passing, a team of investigators headed by the no-nonsense Mr. Stone, arrives at Greendale to submit the study group to lie detector tests before they can be considered for distributions under the will.
  • 5. Geothermal Escapism
    As a going-away present to Troy before his around-the-world trip, Abed sets up a high-stakes game of “Hot Lava” at the college, but Britta suspects that the game is just masking his real feelings about Troy's departure.
  • 6. Analysis of Cork-Based Networking
    Annie and Hickey fight Greendale bureaucracy to install a bulletin board, Abed learns a lesson about sign language, and the others discover the challenges of planning a properly sensitive school dance.
  • 7. Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality
    Jeff helps Duncan score a date with Britta, and Abed has a Hickey encounter on his way to the movie theater.
  • 8. App Development and Condiments
    Jeff and Shirley learn a thing or two about friendship when a team of App developers come to Greendale hoping to use students to beta test their knew Social Networking app. Things soon get chaotic in the usual Greendale way.
  • 9. VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing
    Whilst cleaning the storage room Jeff, Hickey and Shirley find a pile of unused hidden textbooks and plot a way to make the best out of it. Meanwhile, Annie and Abed are trying to find a new roommate.
  • 10. Advanced Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
    Professor Hickey (Jonathan Banks) announces that he has just become a grandfather. But since he and his son (guest star David Cross) don't speak to each other, the gang stage a game of Dungeons and Dragons in an attempt to get the two to reconnect.
  • 11. G.I. Jeff
    The study group joins Greendale's faculty and administration in a 1980's-style G.I. Joe cartoon fantasy inspired by Jeff's (Joel McHale) unsettling secret.
  • 12. Basic Story
    There is no trouble to be found at Greendale this week, until they discover that Greendale is subject to a liability audit. Abed is distraught that there is no story to be found on campus this week, until the gang finds a lead to what could become their greatest adventure yet.
  • 13. Basic Sandwich
    When the group learns about Greendale's first dean, they embark on a mission to find his old computer lab; Subway enlists Chang to spy on the group as part of its plan to take over the school.
  • 1. Ladders
    Dean Pelton hires an administrative consultant to organize things at Greendale.
  • 2. Lawnmower Maintenance & Postnatal Care
    Jeff and Frankie ask an inventor for help extracting Dean Pelton from his virtual reality world.
  • 3. Basic Crisis Room Decorum
    The Greendale gang goes on the offensive when a rival college releases an attack ad.
  • 4. Queer Studies & Advanced Waxing
    Dean Pelton is asked to lie; Chang auditions for a stage adaptation of “The Karate Kid.”
  • 5. Laws of Robotics & Party Rights
    A prisoner attends Greendale via telerobot; Britta tries to get around one of Annie's rules.
  • 6. Basic Email Security
    A hacker threatens to publish emails unless a scheduled appearance by a racist comic is canceled.
  • 7. Advanced Safety Features
    An ex-boyfriend persuades Britta to join a guerilla marketing campaign.
  • 8. Intro to Recycled Cinema
    The committee, along with a movie producer named Maury, help Abed complete his unfinished film.
  • 9. Grifting 101
    When a clever clever con man, Professor DeSalvo, uses his class to cheat the study group, they enlist Jeff get revenge. The situation goes awry as Britta and Dean Pelton get involved in Jeff and Professor DeSalvo's scamming competition.
  • 10. Basic RV Repair and Palmistry
    While on a road trip to get rid of a Greendale artifact, Abed turns a situation into a feature film.
  • 11. Modern Espionage
    When a secret game of paintball occurs on campus, Frankie threatens to expel those who participate.
  • 12. Episode #6.12
    A marriage proposal in Jeff's law class exposes a connection between the future bride and groom.
  • 13. Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television
    As their sixth year at Greendale draws to a close, Abed asks everyone to imagine pitching a TV show about what they would do in season seven.
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