Boardwalk Empire

  • Évaluation: 8,50
  • Année d'émission: 2010
  • Genres: Crime, Drama
  • Pays: United States
  • Durée: 57 minutes

Chronicles the life and times of Nucky Thompson, the undisputed ruler of Atlantic City, who was equal parts politician and gangster.

  • 1. Boardwalk Empire
    January 1920. On the eve of Prohibition, Atlantic City's Treasurer, Nucky Thompson, condemns alcohol at a Women's Temperance League meeting, where he is noticed by Margaret Schroeder, a pretty, pregnant housewife who comes to him for help in getting her abusive husband Hans a job. Later that evening, the duplicitous Nucky privately tells his ward bosses about the opportunity to make huge profits selling bootleg liquor. At a countdown-to-midnight blast at Babette's Supper Club, he assures Jimmy Darmody, a recently returned WWI vet, that his appointment as “Man Friday” …
  • 2. The Ivory Tower
    Investigating a crime which he feels has been pinned on a scapegoat, straight-arrow Agent Nelson Van Alden pays a visit to Nucky and leaves convinced that the Treasurer is “as corrupt as the day is long.” Nucky quickly does damage control, enlisting his brother, Sheriff Elias Thompson, to close ranks with their underlings. Nucky discusses the upcoming election with his aging mentor, Commodore Louis Kaestner, with whom he debates the women's vote issue. Later, before heading out for a night on the town, Nucky rebukes an irate Arnold Rothstein over the phone, then meets…
  • 3. Broadway Limited
    Jimmy's future is clouded by an unlikely witness to the woods massacre; Margaret takes a new job; Chalky's team pays a big price for his success.
  • 4. Anastasia
    Jimmy forges new relationships in Chicago; Nucky fetes a U.S. Senator; Chalky fingers a lynching suspect; Margaret and Lucy clash.
  • 5. Nights in Ballygran
    Nucky's attempts to usher in a joyous St. Patrick's Day are undermined by Eli, Margaret and Van Alden.
  • 6. Family Limitation
    Nucky investigates a boardwalk theft; Jimmy scores points with Johnny Torrio in Chicago; Margaret stands up to Lucy.
  • 7. Home
    Nucky purges some bad childhood memories; Jimmy forges a new alliance with a fellow veteran; Luciano and Meyer Lansky cut a deal with the D'Alessio brothers.
  • 8. Hold Me in Paradise
    While visiting Chicago during the Republican National Convention, Nucky gets alarming news from Atlantic City.
  • 9. Belle Femme
    Nucky braces for war with a rival faction; Jimmy stands by his alibi; Margaret helps out Madame Jeunet.
  • 10. The Emerald City
    Nucky asks Margaret to toe the party line; Angela witnesses Jimmy's violent side; Capone faces a crossroads; Van Alden grapples with his emotions.
  • 11. Paris Green
    Nucky shakes up the status quo; Jimmy deals with some tricky family issues; Van Alden addresses Agent Sebso's “temptations.”
  • 12. A Return to Normalcy
    Nucky and Atlantic City brace for change on Election Day; Torrio brokers a deal between two nemeses, with far-reaching consequences; Jimmy ponders his future, as do Margaret, Agent Van Alden and Eli.
  • 1. 21
    Nucky is rocked by an insurrection among his inner circle; Chalky's life and livelihood are threatened by a vicious KKK attack; Margaret copes with her son's disciplinary problems; Angela vies with Gillian for Jimmy's affections at home; Van Alden shows his wife Rose around town as an anniversary present.
  • 2. Ourselves Alone
    Concerned about losing his grip on Atlantic City, Nucky deliberates a counter-move while trying to learn who in his inner circle betrayed him. As agents scour the Treasurer's office for incriminating evidence, Margaret strikes a pose from the past to help Nucky avoid further trouble in the present. In New York, Arnold Rothstein puts Jimmy on hold, but Meyer Lansky and Lucky Luciano loom as possible trading partners. Chalky is badgered in prison by Dunn Purnsley, a fellow inmate with an ax to grind; Owen Sleater, an advance man for Irish nationalist John McGarrigle, …
  • 3. A Dangerous Maid
    With the Commodore using his Coast Guard connections to put the squeeze on Atlantic City's liquor shipments, Nucky reaches out to Washington's new Attorney General, Harry Daugherty, to return a political favor. In an effort to prove his worth, Owen intervenes on a delivery intended for struggling casino operator Lolly Steinman. Two sets of dinner guests clash at Babette's; Margaret sheds her pretense with Katy and the household staff; Lucy chafes at her enforced loneliness.
  • 4. What Does the Bee Do?
    At a birthday party for Mayor Bader, Nucky's attorney has a legal brainstorm that could turn the tide in Nuck's election-rigging case. Facing a local liquor surplus, Jimmy and Mickey head to Philadelphia in search of buyers, while Nucky strikes an unlikely deal to get booze into Atlantic City. Eli frets over the Commodore's ability to lead; Margaret doles out staff bonuses; Chalky is cornered at work and at home; Owen puts his munitions expertise to work; Van Alden's agents target Mickey's warehouse; Richard lets down his guard in the name of art; Gillian recalls her …
  • 5. Gimcrack and Bunkum
    After paying lip service to his enemies, Nucky introduces a surprise guest speaker at a Memorial Day dedication for war veterans. With his options dwindling, Eli questions his allegiances, but ends up digging himself a deeper hole. Nucky gets a new lawyer; Jimmy is taught a painful lesson by a Commodore crony; Richard goes hunting deep in the forest.
  • 6. The Age of Reason
    Lucy's water breaks and labor starts; guilt overpowers Van Alden while at the hospital. Nucky's racketeering case gets sent to federal court where someone uses a New Jersey senator to pull some strings. Having reached the age of reason, Margaret's son makes his first confession, and the priest wants her to set an example; Nucky warns her not to trust the sanctity of the confessional. Owen's cheekiness seems limitless. Jimmy spots Manny's lieutenant on the boardwalk with Nucky; a series of crosses, double-crosses, and confrontations follow.
  • 7. Peg of Old
    Margaret goes to Brooklyn to visit her brother, his wife, and her three younger sisters. The reception is mixed. Jimmy and his team have a sit-down to talk about Nucky; Eli wants Nucky shot. What will Jimmy decide? Al offers to make a call to Chicago. Val Alden arrives at his office to find that his desk has been taken over by a women from the DOJ investigating the now-federal charges against Nucky. Lucy takes the baby to see Nucky who makes a call to Van Alden.
  • 8. Two Boats and a Lifeguard
    Nucky's father dies, prompting Nucky's reflections on life's priorities. He asks Margaret's children to call him dad, he goes to Jimmy and the Commodore with a stunning announcement, and he tells Owen he's going to Ireland. Behind the scenes, it's unclear if this is a conversion or a new ploy: Nucky encourages Chalky to call a strike of the Black workforce in the middle of tourist season, and Eli warns Jimmy that Nucky's smarter than any of them. Angela learns more about Jimmy's work and, at the shore, meets a liberated woman from San Francisco. Van Alden hires a …
  • 9. Battle of the Century
    Nucky arrives in Belfast with a coffin; he's come to bury his father. While there, he meets with John McGarrigle to make an offer. McGarrigle balks at doing business with Nucky and may favor a deal with the Brits. At home, Emily has fallen ill. Jimmy serves up Manny Horvitz to Waxey Gordon. Chalky gives the word for Black workers to walk off their jobs. U.S. Assistant District Attorney Esther Randolph is interested in Nucky's father's funeral, and with Jimmy in the radio audience, Jack Dempsey enters the fourth round of his fight against Georges Carpentier. Is Jimmy …
  • 10. Georgia Peaches
    Offerings accepted or spurned: after club-wielding thugs fail to bring the striking Black workers back to their jobs, Jimmy asks Chalky for his demands; Jimmy sends Mickey to pay his debt to Manny with whiskey; Margaret shows her devotion to the Church in hopes that Emily will walk again. Nucky fires his lawyer and goes to New York City to hire a new one; Esther Randolph rehearses Van Alden for his testimony; Raymond places a call; and, Angela tells Jimmy a joke before inviting him to bed.
  • 11. Under God's Power She Flourishes
    A series of flashbacks dramatizes Jimmy's meeting Angela at Princeton and explains his dropping out to fight the Kaiser. Mickey hopes to inveigle Van Alden into a raid, Margaret's new-found sense of sin and God's retribution gets a rise out of Nucky, and Jimmy's mother finds new ways to be destructive.
  • 12. To the Lost
    With Nucky's trial looming, Jimmy looks to make amends. After weighing an offer from Esther Randolph, Margaret makes a decision that will change the course of her future… and Nucky's future, too.
  • 1. Resolution
  • 2. Spaghetti and Coffee
  • 3. Bone for Tuna
  • 4. Blue Bell Boy
  • 5. You'd Be Surprised
  • 6. Ging Gang Goolie
  • 7. Sunday Best
    Easter Sunday, 1923. Gyp joins his family for dinner, pays a visit to church, and meets with his boss. Richard, with Jimmy's son in tow, goes to Julia's house where her father is again an angry drunk. At the empty bordello, Gillian entertains her substitute for Jimmy. Nucky, Margaret, and the children accept a dinner invitation from Eli, his wife, and brood of eight. Can this go well? Is a rapprochement a possibility?
  • 8. The Pony
    In the foreground, Nucky makes a play to derail the Attorney General, and Gillian puts a revenge plot in motion. Around the edges, Margaret accompanies Owen to the countryside to look for a pony for Emily and then has a personal conversation with Dr. Mason, Nelson (with his wife's help) finds a new vocation, O'Banion takes his case against Capone to Johnny Torio, and Nucky has to sort things out with the plucky and independent Billie.
  • 9. The Milkmaid's Lot
    Nucky is reeling from a concussion, recovering in a suite at the Ritz Carleton. Nucky wants to enlist partners in a war against Joe Masseria and Gyp Rosetti, but can Nucky hold it together for a meeting with these potential allies - and how will they react? Margaret manages a birthday party for Emily as her affair with Owen takes a serious turn. Richard asks Gillian for a night off from babysitting to meet Julia at a Veterans' Hall dance. Esther Randolph oversees the arrest of George Remus.
  • 10. A Man, a Plan...
    Nucky doubles down on his war with Gyp and Joe, sending emissaries to Chicago to enlist Torrio's help and dispatching Owen to murder Joe at a Turkish bath. The bishop disbands Mason and Margaret's classes; Mason suggests they continue the classes at a store front, Margaret says good-bye. Robert faces down Julia's father and then spends a night with her under the boardwalk. Gyp gets a lesson in rogue waves, and a few cases of whiskey wash up on the Jersey shore. Nucky rejects an idea of Chalky's. Back in Chicago, Nelson's wife distills aquavit and Nelson peddles it to …
  • 11. Two Imposters
    A rough 24 hours for Nucky: Margaret and the children are gone, Eddie needs a hospital, and Eli is in Chicago hoping for reinforcements. Nucky turns to Chalky, who still wants a club on Atlantic City's strip. Gyp turns up the heat, stationing his men everywhere and offering $25,000 to anyone in Chalky's neighborhood who gives up Nucky. Will Chalky protect Nucky? And even so, is that enough firepower to face Gyp with Joe Masseria's men? Gillian snoops in Richard's room, and heroin is burning a hole in Luciano's pocket.
  • 12. Margate Sands
    A gang war erupts in Atlantic City, with Gyp and nine men of his own and 40 of Joe Masseria's against Nucky, Eli, Capone's Chicago crew, and Chalky's men. Gyp's holed up at Gillian's; Nucky at a lumber yard. It's a war of attrition, with Nucky having to keep Capone and Chalky's men from killing each other while he negotiates with Rothstein by phone. Rothstein runs his own game with Luciano, Lansky, and heroin, Margaret calls on an older couple, and Richard is out there somewhere focused on protecting Tommy.
  • 1. New York Sour
  • 2. Resignation
  • 3. Acres of Diamonds
  • 4. All In
    Nucky gets to know Arnold Rothstein over a card game, and sizes up an unexpected partner for his Tampa land deal. A newly promoted Eddie Kessler gets detoured after making a train-station delivery. When one of their collectors is incapacitated, Al and Frank Capone decide to finish his route, enlisting a reluctant Van Alden to tag along. Agent Knox fills Hoover in on the Thompson operation, vowing to exploit Nucky's weakest link. Chalky is intrigued by Daughter Maitland's presence. Dunn Purnsley goes to Harlem, and is courted by Valentin Narcisse. Willie and his …
  • 5. Erlkönig
    Nucky heads to Philadelphia to deal with the fallout from Willie's liquor fiasco. Eddie Kessler is detained by Agent Knox, who uses physical and psychological tactics to elicit information about Nucky's organization. A desperate Gillian turns to an unexpected source to score a fix, and is rebuffed in her attempt to reunite with Tommy. In Cicero, Van Alden is recruited by the Capones to pay an election-day visit to factory workers who are opposed to the Capones' candidate of choice.
  • 6. The North Star
    After a cautious reunion with Margaret in New York City, Nucky heads to Tampa to work out details of his land deal with Bill McCoy and reconnects with Sally Wheet. Richard Harrow returns to Atlantic City and makes a confession to an ailing Paul Sagorsky, who encourages him to get over the past and return to Julia and Tommy. Having lost J. Edgar Hoover's confidence, Agent Knox finds a new way to gain Eli's trust. Meyer Lansky decides to go it alone on the Tampa land deal when Lucky Luciano gets spooked by Vincenzo Petrucelli, an investor with ties to Joe Masseria in …
  • 7. William Wilson
    Eli confronts Nucky after Willie makes an unpopular decision. Margaret has a surprise encounter at her job on Wall Street. Joe Masseria orders Lucky Luciano to return to Tampa and deal with Vincenzo Petrucelli. Gillian goes cold turkey with Roy Phillips' help. Still seething over his brother's death, Al Capone tries to get Johnny Torrio to turn on rival gangster Dean O'Banion. As the relationship between Chalky and Daughter Maitland deepens, Valentin Narcisse exerts his control over Dunn Purnsley and the Northside.
  • 8. The Old Ship of Zion
    Nucky's shipment from Florida arrives with some unexpected cargo. Eli is backed into a corner Agent Knox uncovers new dirt on the Thompsons. After talking things over with Nucky, Willie reconsiders his recent life choices. Chalky throws down the gauntlet to Valentin Narcisse, upholding his leadership on the Northside.
  • 9. Marriage and Hunting
    Nucky refuses to back Chalky in his conflict with Narcisse. Julia considers her options after Gillian makes her custody case in court. In Cicero, Van Alden stands up to Al Capone and comes clean to O'Banion. Rothstein looks to trade an insurance benefit for a cash infusion.
  • 10. White Horse Pike
    Tipped off by Sally Wheet, Nucky enlists Eli and Agent Knox to check out the extra cargo in Florida shipments. Margaret ponders a deal with Rothstein to improve her family's living conditions. Capone grows suspicious of Torrio; Nucky faces a dilemma; Eli makes peace with Willie.
  • 11. Havre De Grace
    Nucky takes inventory after being warned of a skunk in his cellar. On the lam following a close call, Chalky and Daughter take refuge outside Wilmington with Oscar Boneau, his mentor from years ago. Gillian considers selling her mansion and starting a new life with Roy Phillips.
  • 12. Farewell Daddy Blues
    Eli braces for the worst as Agent Knox launches his plan to bring Nucky down. Capone and Torrio reach an agreement in Cicero. Chalky looks to settle scores. Richard steps forward to save Tommy, at Gillian's expense.
  • 0. Episode
  • 1. Golden Days for Boys and Girls
    1931: Nucky is in Cuba attempting to set up networks for shipping into the US when the Volstead Act is lifted. Charlie makes a move on Joe Masseria. Chalky is in chains, and fights for his freedom. There are glimpses of Nucky's past.
  • 2. The Good Listener
    Nucky returns to New York to seek out who tried to have him killed in Cuba and to further negotiate his alcohol networks for when repeal happens. Eli and George are running the bootlegging in Atlantic City, under the supervision of Al Capone. Charlie and Meyer play a risky game behind Maranzanos back. Gillian is residing in a woman's psychiatric facility - where she has an understanding with the head guard. We get more glimpses from Nuckys childhood and his relationship with the Commodore.
  • 3. What Jesus Said
    Nucky loses his senatorial interest in his alcohol distribution and seeks out new support. Margaret finds herself in trouble for a deal she made with Arnold Rothstein years before he died. Chalky is still on the run.
  • 4. Cuanto
    Luciano encounters Capone in Chicago. Nucky and Margaret find common ground in Atlantic City. Meanwhile, Sally conducts business in Cuba as rumors swirl of a public uprising; and in 1884, a young Nucky continues to impress the commodore.
  • 5. King of Norway
    Nucky agrees to help Margaret with the Rothstein problem. Nucky cannot leave Atlantic City due to weather, so he gets Sally to carry out his affairs in Havana. Charlie approaches Capone for support in dethroning Nucky.
  • 6. Devil You Know
  • 7. Friendless Child
    Nucky's war with Luciano draws in Willie and Eli as Nucky tries to maintain his control in Atlantic City. Meanwhile, Maranzano's tenure as boss is nearing the end; Gillian sends a letter from the hospital; and in 1897, a young Nucky quarrels with Mabel about a runaway from Trenton and does a favor for the Commodore.
  • 8. Eldorado
    Nucky aims to help Gillian escape from the asylum, Luciano and Lansky need to take out Narcise, and the younger Nucky finds more ways to get into the Commadore's good books, Capone will stand trial for tax evasion.
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