2018 Année
Évaluation: 7,60
“Big City Greens” is an animated comedy-adventure series which follows the offbeat adventures of 10-year-old Cricket Green, a mischievous and optimistic country boy who moves to the big city with his wildly out of place family – older sister Tilly, father Bill and Gramma Alice. Cricket’s natural curiosity and enthusiasm lead him and his family on epic journeys and into the hearts of his new neighbors.
2004 Année
Évaluation: 7,60
Two teens become step brothers. One is an awkward geek and the other is a popular musician.
2008 Année
Évaluation: 7,60
After the mysterious murder of his father, a son's search for answers begins a momentous fight against tyranny.
2013 Année
Évaluation: 7,60
When pregnant, 12-year-old Tui tries to kill herself in a freezing New Zealand lake, Detective Robin Griffin has plenty of questions for the girl. But when Tui suddenly disappears, Griffin finds herself knee-deep in small-town secrets.
1985 Année
Évaluation: 7,60
The quirky cases of a former model and a smart aleck detective who manage a private detective agency.
2017 Année
Évaluation: 7,60
In a world where mutated humans are treated with distrust and fear, an institute for mutants battles to achieve peaceful co-existence with humanity.
2019 Année
Évaluation: 7,60
Burned out on life, Miles undergoes a strange procedure at a strip mall spa -- and wakes to find he's been replaced by a better version of himself.
2004 Année
Évaluation: 7,60
Follows the lives and loves of a small, close-knit group of lesbians living in Los Angeles as well as the friends and family members that either support or loath them.
2015 Année
Évaluation: 7,60
A young woman abandons a choice job at a law firm and her life in New York in an attempt to find love in the unlikely locale of West Covina, California.
2017 Année
Évaluation: 7,60
Follows the crew of the not-so-functional exploratory ship in the Earth's interstellar fleet, 400 years in the future.
2015 Année
Évaluation: 7,60
Une série télé de comédie dramatique américaine qui met en scène Alex et Valerie, frère et sœur qui vit ensemble depuis le divorce de Michelle. Ils essayent de trouver leurs moitiés, ils vont aux innombrables rendez-vous et ils essayent de combiner ceci avec l'éducation de la fille adolescente de Michelle.
2015 Année
Évaluation: 7,60
Un virus inconnu élimine presque toute la population de la planète. Ceux qui ont survecu doivent vivre et se cacher sous terre. La série suit un voyageur dans le temps James Cole qui est envoyé dans le passé pour empêcher l'apparition et la diffusion de l'infection mortelle.
2013 Année
Évaluation: 7,60
Liaisons amoureuses, batailles et jeux de pouvoir inarrêtables – sont ceux-là familiers à n'importe quel gouverneur ? Mary I, La Reine Écossaise, n'est pas une exception. Cette série vous montrera l'histoire palpitante de sa vie.
2022 Année
Évaluation: 7,50
The story of Elizabeth Holmes, the enigmatic Stanford dropout who founded medical testing start-up Theranos. Lauded as a Steve Jobs…
2020 Année
Évaluation: 7,50
Teams of LEGO enthusiasts go head-to-head, with infinite possibilities and an unlimited supply of LEGO bricks. Teams of two will…