A Young Doctor's Notebook

  • Bewertung: 7,90
  • Jahr der Ersterscheinung: 2012
  • Genres: Драма, Комедия
  • Länder: Великобритания
  • Dauer: 23 Minuten

The dark comedy is based on the short stories of Mikhail Bulgakov and stars Hamm as a post-WWI doctor who struggles to cover up his self-doubt and lack of confidence. In a bit of a twist, he often interacts with a manifestation of his younger self played by Radcliffe.

  • 1. Episode #1.1
  • 2. Episode #1.2
  • 3. Episode #1.3
  • 4. Episode #1.4
  • 1. Episode #2.1
  • 2. Episode #2.2
  • 3. Episode #2.3
  • 4. Episode #2.4
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